'. ;"The: Alamance :GtLsanee, ' ... t " 1 ' i ' "'' ' ' " '" ' ' ' .'i.. "1. .'. . . til . , .'i .... -' t n . '.-.. . , ' '., ' 1 : " I ,. ' ' -. i . ' .i " " VCJL. XVi GR AHl;a, :TH&RSlpvt: APRILS 1Q, 1890. no: lO. NOTHING SUCCEEDS as " ,U1 a to J. buss I J Thiv MwaWia.. Jt1ul4.il 'ait. 1. 1 1 Jll'.-.,..lC!UrK Uil 1 1 j cine, lit ua-juae it bai never failed tMianfl4- (..i.icv no DltHtC wiu lli rinr., fi'nni'Xep rorj to tbe tlmplot iknow (o tb bar Ako njsleiD . . .. 1 ' The tcieiitiii! men of to-de? clim and prore CAUSED JBY, MIOEOBES,1.:. out of the rte'in, l'hn lht Udooe yoa f cnoot livnu-johe or" mln. ' Njj mstler what the dli into, whether Iinplo'eae'"of Jdalarial FcTer or a combination of diaeaees, we cure then all at tbe same time. a we treat U diaeasea eot-ititutlooall. . Alhia. Capa, larrli, Mr ckiUa. .Ht.iaaU.di, Ki4ar ! all iu rtraa, 4, la fact, every ' - DJsclH kMira tm Ik . ja- IMS - or mmEn-riiTAL . 8c tbat oar Trade-Mark (111010 as aboVtt) nnM rat An auinh lllar " Srnd for book "lllstbrj of the Microbe TLtii : mi, KlVCfl .WJ tijr , -, . 'K B ! ill' B. HOLT A 0.. Merchaufo. i : Uranaui. M. C :i.rl i J1 7ii' f.vs.V.w ill from: -,-lt m,i ,, ,,. ., . .1 1 0,1 Vblf.; ,.).., i 1 '; ' 'H'l,.t i.-r. ' ' ' y ,- . , - 1 1 l II I I n.i n r .n-i 1 i.tMit,,.n..nr lr N'- -i 11 1 . ., 1 1 w II I l lil'l 1. I 1 I II 1 1 It II i.f.:- fVMi E II A. '- ;nn"-n:rTn nn- ;nR nn nn .fl n n.A n nnn n ionalcabds; jas. . boyd, :r.,: ? . " ATTORNEY AT LAW; WIU be at Graham ou Monday of each Week t alien to proletaional baaiuua. Sep lti - ATTORNEY AT LAW . ... ' r. pan it. aj.ej. , " Practice the Btate and Federal Court will falthfallv and promptly attend to all na aeaiatraited to bin - Dill Cr. W. WIUTSETT, V .' ;v SurneoD Dentlot, . GREENSBORO, ';-- , N.C. Will alM yinit Alamance. Cam io . tba country attended. Addrea trio at Greensboro. dec 8 tf GRAHAM, Mar IT. '8 E. C. LAIED, M. D., 7 V HAW RfVZR, W. C. ' Ftb'y 1V90. . . , : ; iJtTi M. Scott, F. H. W;hitakeb.Je, Greensboro, N. C. Grabam, N. O SCOTT .ip "WHITAKEE,- . Atlraja at l.t w, GRAHAM, - tlVlimVilvn! ftnrf nr Stvles-arisian; London and JNew York. Complete liiie of the beautiful new styles of dress goods and trim miiigsverr "fetching' Perfectly . lovely line; of white goods, Ffenchf German; British, and Swiss linens, embroideries and lac ! BS-Spriae Clothing and Hats-latest Dunlaps, YoumahVKnox, and Miller blocks. AU coming m daily, anour profit was made when tKe goods were first bought and onr prices to you cannot ; be; duplicated, else- wnere. TJTX, a . preir jn retail .iiiiKk . 9 a ADVEBTISEMEjrrS, , (liCJtnors Will be far aaperlor to any year of Ita hi, torj, a larjer amount of money havlnf been appropriated (or the etnbe!llhmnt of U.e ' anacaxlne thaa ever before. Code, hat been publibedf or (Kl yvar witboot mUilag an ana. and . ,. ,' . ,-p . ' .-. i YOU CANXOT, GE A BETTE J two dollar' worth of ma(attn than ny ' eriblrgto"Uodeyt"Taa but fiaar Kao aziaa la America, ' ' The leading attraction for 1990. ate t Beantlful Colored Fashion Flatea Infrared Fashion Plate In ' block ' and white, repro eantlBfibeprtvaiUi:; (tylea, . produced ex preaaly for (iodey : w. fc aTiaclr ! Fralwli, r BtaiaraMerr mm Kw4ltirrk , im Mew rawalar Ha), C la aw' tmr- a aiaoM ,aa) t BalM, 4 i4MralW . , , . . . .. Caakias atarala, KM., , Tbe "Beaotlfiii Home Clnb by Em 3. Obat, for young Lonaekeepera or tboae 'who eontempiau becoming ao. "A Tear n the JloaM. by Aoace-r. 8aLUbcT rstscorr (Jenny Wren), which will treat of tbe varl oaadutlee for each Btonlh. ,4 Children's Corner, for the Hitlo once. A rich array of Uteralnra b favorite- a Chore, among whoa ate Easily Lenaoi, Olivia Lowell Wtlsoa, Ada Mart Peck. State -8aow. ."anthsrof "fiemhil.' hatUU. C rasas, slLh ber hansorooa aketchaa, and otkara. , PEIVICMS to dab ralsere are among Ms apecial feaunr. and Codeys oflera the eaaat caolo aad valuable of aay ataraxina pwb Usited. Stud 15c. for aample a am ber coa taiaiaf fall club rates and prcmlnr . t . KTXRT LIST B KB OWTf DBE81CI.. who esbsvrlbea to 6odrra Lady fer-.ee .- rava wt yoa will lad ta aar as so bar an. .r oaf ow won af av rat ir j o"id in God ixari r . uta Copy W -! eaiuata tN of t.ra J''" . ; a4 I 5 ra.a r Slaaaat. wl will assuswaa iMt Mttnats . wkaa raaasvaaW Tbe psMTashow yac bow to eat et tbe rtrsnl trag vine 1 hat ta all at eaa aay ta tais veafe. For ths rest sea yoar aaatpte (inbar. lor wbWa arad lie. at oacc t,rtey-. to aeiv 1 1 M a jm' Addreas -Go- tl S 1 "r'" f'T," 1 i uusfit , Fa. Iatlabwith this rr, OCtl'TS; aod foe GLEA5IS 1 new ', i.eh hrold be arnt to tba c el tbt C-UlJGrahai. par She had laid all In a.stypor, breath,- ing with heavily Inbored breath, but as the-siin wok to ret in tlie far off esU era aky, and the red glow on tbe wall of the room faded into dense shadows, rhe awoke and called faebly J to ber aged, pa.rtur, ;who Was sitting' tnotlob;- less br the bed side ; he boot over bis dying wife,' and took wan, ftrlukled nand In hlsl YrT'T- "Is It ninht ?" she asked o'jremu. loua tone. Jookii'g at him with , eyes that saw not. - ! :! Ym he answered softly, ."it U trowing dark.": ,Xt"" "Where are the children," - abe queried ; "are they all In T" " Pnor old maa h -How coulJ. be an- swer , bet ?The ehildren", who-. bad alrpt for long years in tha !oltl '. church yard, Who bad outUved childhood and borne the bt ataud burded of tbe slay, and growihg old, bad .laid , down "the cross and gone to wear the crowir be fore tbe old father and mother bad fin iabed their sojourn. ", . . ."The children, are safe," answered tbe old man, trv'mulously; don't you think of them, Janet think "of your elf Toes the way seem dark f " "MyHruatisia Tbee; 1st ma pever be confounded.' What does it matter if tbt way ts dark ? - "Td .Than I'd rather walk with hi Tbaa walk alone by sight 7: J j j "John, Where's little Charlie T' she asked. Her mind wss again in the past. The grave dust of twenty years bad lain on Charlie's golden bair, but tbe mother bad never forgotten, him. Tbe old man patted-ber cold hands that bad labored so Lard that they were seamed and wrinkled and cal loused- with years of toil, and the wed ding ring was worn to mere thread ofgold, aod then be prssssd bks lb la lips to them aad cried. She had en couraged and etreogtbeoed him in every trial ol life. Wby what . a ' wo- maa abe had been I what t worker! what a leader la Israel I 'wlwaye with the gift of prayer or arrviee. They I rather walk wi'b God In tha dark, an walk flon in the light ; - and death-bed triumphs; ami when at midnight she beard t he bridegroom's voice, and. the old man : bending over her 'cried pitifully, -and the' young; graaddaughter kissedher.brow, there waa a solemn joy in her voice as . she spoke the name of her children; " one "by one, as if slioWw them with immor tal eyesr, aad with one gladsrnile put oh Immortality: " ' " '-'" 'They led the old man sobbing away. and when be saw her again the glad morning sun was shining, the air ' Waa jubilant with tbe song ot birds, and site lay asleep on the couch under tbe north window, where be had seen her so often lie down to rest while waiting for the Sabbath bell. But what strange li-ajuformation was .hcrel fhe wrln ktes were gohe. ' The ' t races of age in paiii i'nd wearineas were all smoothed p'utfc' the facenas growi atrftnffelv votinc and " a placid smile WMlM i' 'the patt ftp ':' " ' ' The old roan was awed by this . like- nena to the bride of his youth. He kissed the unresponsive lips and said softly:- " "You have fonnd heaven first, Janet, but you'll come for me soon J. It's our first parting la more- thaa seventy wears, but it won't be for lotir i be for ' ... - . ;- . ,T :i ... long." : .-,!. And it was not louz. The winter's snows have nat fkllen, andrhere Is an other srrave. and io-dav . would have been thierdiamond wedding.' We bad planned much of it, and I wonder, I wooder-:but no! where they are there is neither marriage oor giving la mr- riate. Selweted. ' a - - Wai ant Waasl arsas. ! - fcr H - it 1 . ? . .. ) V - Everybody admits the benefit good garden is to a faotflyl and yet vary Jew farmers pay enough attention to put ting aod kerpiog a garden In proper order. Some we know do really ap preciate tbe luxury of a. well managed gardeo, but the most of them do not, aod thry fail to bestow attention and work saffioient to to make It all ans wer the demands of a garden. Why do la raters deprive tbeeaselves of a luxury of good health and vegetable had stood at many a death -bed together. , diet fur themselves and families npon closed the eyes of loved oaes, aad thaw tb flimsy whims of ita being a small set down with (be BtbJ between) them baaineaa, and thai tbey have a time tored tbe promiaea. " j to atiead to a gardea, when the truth Kow aha waa about to arose tbe dark w pawns in i,wj w.u.. river aloae. Aad mtA ta tkaald graaddangh, left thep, 'fJLtX hear her babble of walks ia the woods, . lbe Trr. tM and teach the ef gaxheriog May flowers aad strolling boy aad (rirla I take pride ta making with Job., of petty lKehod frea ZJZSZi O0 WB will 1 about to eross tneajara " K-1' -w . . . a rood gardee rehooods ssore to tbe ad it was atraoge aad 1 htmllh Sappineaw aod prufiu f tbe maa aad the yellow-1 boos-bold tlaa bu fold the aerea aul- thst sb bad always pot ttroog, reacdau hand, of wedilog feasls to great advantage Eitbaoj, In gaxdsoiag. Veasaaereial sertlllsere. j To prevent tbe smell of cabbage per ; meating tbe bouse while boiling, place on the stove it dish couialnlng Vinegar.-"-- 1 . - '- " I If a cucumber is cut into strips and It is not a good plan to ue coarse fresh manure In the garden for two reasons : One is that it interferes oon siderablv with the Drenaratlou of the soil, and it usually contains more or the pieces put lo placea where ants are less weed-. Beth of these tteius tend found It will surely drive them away, to increase the work of securing the ja boiling meat for soup use cold soil in good tilth and giving thorough w,r to extract tbe jnices, but if the cultivation. ' There is nothing that is meat is wanted for itself alone put it in abetter fertilizer for the garden, thkri well rotted and fine stable manure thoroughly incorporated with the soil. But when .a sufficient supply of this ceo not be seoured, the next best thing to use ia commercial fertilizers. Oue advantage with these is that if they are good, they are usually readily sol uble, and consequently are available for the use ol plants in a short lime af ter they are applied. With the major ity of crops, it should be applied ou the surface and should, be thoroughly in corporated with the soil before the seed Is planted1 Th plowing or spading up should be dona aod the soil worked Into ja good tilth with the rake or boe, all ready for the seed, when tbe ferti lizer should be applied broadcast, and be worked into tbe soil with a good rake, after which the rows can be marked out and the seed sown. Broad casting is always preferable to apply ing id tbe drill, when there Is a sulll- rdeot supply to admit of tbi pitta being followed. Ex. "' boiling water. .t '21J2.2 When symptoms of croup exist ad minister at brief Intervals a teaspoon ful of tbe mixture made of equal parts sweet oil, paregoric and syrup of Ipe cac' ' ' Take a pair of shoes that have be come stiff and uncomfortable by con stant wear in the rala aod apply ooat -.lln nikklnn It'll! avail with M. o uTandln. bo; tlm. the leatn.r J First, S-co-d, Fourth, Fifth, Seventh, IZ imL J soft and pliable as when it ; th, Tenth and Eleventh district - t.t,.n rWMii tha ahatvaa of tha shoe I e,Bal' WW wBa4ve MVHi waw - v mr- - m - dealer. "' "'- referring to my gardening .book .when I may expect to hive a vegetable on my table after planting, by the result of various years, unless the weather should b exceptionally unfavorable. Any one that tries this plan, I am sure, will always follow It. You will find It useful even during the first year,' for sometimes tbe seed may take some time to come up, and if you have made a note of the time of planting you will know whether it Is necessary to re plant. Home and Farm. - ; Te Be Biassed Ttssa yM. , The people of Aiortb Carolina will have to elect this year : ' -1. A Chief Justice and an 'Asso elate Justice of Ihe Supreme Court of tbeEtste. ' ' ' ' " 2. Superior Court Judges' of .he HaasehaM Blala. 1 f v The oftener flour is sifted for sponge cake the lighter, the cake will be. " ' " Oai The time for gardening ia rapidly drawing near, and, indeed the weather for weeks past baa been so spring-like that it baa been difficult to keep ' from planting. When we seo flowers' that have never bloomed before, before the first week in March, in full bloom the ... first week id January, and Engltsil peas, where they bad fallen from the vines, , up and in bloom, it ia bard to realize that winter may be ahead of na and to remember one swallow does not make spring. Before we really begin to plant, I want to make suggestion, which 1 3. Solicitors In all tbe twelve Judi clai district. , . ; , " '" , i. Members of tbe House of Congress nine. ; ' h 8. Members of the Legislature, 6. All county officers. 1 The Legislature to be elected will have to elect a United States eeuator to suoceed Vance wboae term expiree March 4,'1891.-Ef ; 1 I have followed for years past and which Jt small piece of sulphur placed In 1 bare fou od of the greatest use, vli ; the cupboard or drawer will drive j Tbat we k)ep m gardening book, in away ants. 1 WBteB w nt0 , record of the various items relating thereto. Set down when each thing Is planted, when they eome up (make their first-appearance above The flreb of fresh fish should be firm, the gills should be a light red and tbe scales ail very. In making a mustard plaster for a patient with a delicale skin use white of egg Instead of water. ground), when they bloom, If blojfni they have to, when they come to bear ing and how bear. If you make expe riments aa to fertilizing or mode of cul ture, make entries of It, aod for refer- Hard soap lasts much longer if dried eooe ye will find this book invaluable for several weeka before uaing it. It 'for Tears, ' ' " 1 is also lees hurtful to tbe skin. I The gardeeers and aeedmen givey on (excellent general directions, but the Wash mirrors In warm suds, then lodjoq of your garden and the kiad duet with whiting from a muslin bag afaoil oi eh htdividual la a aelrthor- and polish with chamois skin. Wba egg re scarce ern starch is A good sobrtiUU, one tabteapoonful of the starch ia equal l aa egg. Broome dipped for a few minute In boiling suds ooee a week will last much longer than they otherwise would. hood even may be different, and what will suit in oee place wDl sot la an other, aod there is no better gulda tbaa e s perieoe tod i vld ual ex perieno. We all know how apt we are to forget when we planted this or that, at least ( ' A viae la (he Teams;. Yonn frlendsj ia whatever pursuit you may engage, you must not jorget that the lawful object of humaa - ef forts are but mean U higher results end aoblerenda.. Stait not forward In .life with tbe (dm 'of becoming mere seeker of p'eaanre, sportive butterflies in search of gaudy flowers. Consider sad act with reference to the true ends of existence. Tbt world Is but tbe veetibole of sa Immortal life Every act of your life touches on some chord that will vlbrale-lB eternity ; these thoughts and motives within yoa stir tbe pulses of a deathless spirit. Act sol tbeo, ss mere creatures of this life who for a little while are to walk the valleys and ths bilU, to snjoj the sua shins and breathe the' air, 'and then pass away aod be no more, but act as immortal with a aim and a purpose worthy of your high aatore. Set before you a the chief object to be aa end that ia superior to any a earth a de sirable end, a perfoot end. Labor to socomplish a work which shall survive eehnngrd and beautiful wbeo time shall hare withered tbe garlasd of youth; when lb rosea t( power and monuments of art shall have crumbled Into a-bet; aod finally, aim lo fchieve MM... kin. L. ,L ta I w wivu w uc a turte our muia- ble and penahing T"leS are buobed I Lnr. aa afas tws, ; The day will dawa when an ef u '. will hearken 1 Ia vain t' . hear a voles that baa grown dumb, -Aad moons will fade, moons pal and ' v shadows darken While sad eves watch for feet (has never corns. f " ' . One of us two must sometime, face ,e ' Utence ". ' - Alone with memories that sharp . fr pain; ' - .j . r .. And these sweet days shall shin back in tbe distance, ' Like dream of summer dawn Is - nights of rain. . One of n twe, with tortur'd heart, half broken, , Shall, read long Ireatared lettera through salt tears; Shall kiss with anguished lips each ; cherished token, That speaks ot those love-crowned ' delicious years, une pi us two snau una au iignt. au : beauty . All joy on earth a tale forever done ; Shall' know henceforth that life.only J " means duty 0, God 1 0, God I have pity on that .'. one. ' Eixa: Whbxuek Wilcox. Pattltry Naea. T I T 1 . 1. . t m &uuw .n.i l i . l mrmm wnv hi. ..... 1 j - , forever anaii nva i..Mii .. j adopted the plan. I can tell now y triumph of ImmcrUlity. C II. CUspin. The goose and 'duck canendnra. more cold than the hens, and there fore need lees care. The wild goose la ' said to exist where the temperature falls to sixty degrees below zero, while ( the duck can enduio still lower degree.. ('They are found on the cold est place of our globe. Tha dotnestio goose and duck are of courea subject to th influences of domestication, aad it is not expected that they eaa con. pare with their wild ancestors la en durance and vigor, but we know thaa they are better feathered than chick ens, and are not subject to ailment la winter resulting from cold. They ar best kept In a place that a fiords a dry floor for them at night, however, as dampness seems to accomplish thaa which cold fail to do. ; . ." ... 'j MATuro. oeJUM. .'' The best and largest gees for market are produoed by mating , two pure breeds. The rulels to ores th Toulouse gander with the Etnbdea goose. If tbe ordinary common flock ia to be improved, it Is best to use aa Embden male wltb tbem, keeping th female only. The next season, Ton louse gander should be used with thev half-breed Embdeos. Do net be tens pted lo use half bred males for breedV lug, aa it only leads to disappointment and loss. WATKB FOE ftU WOQ. Food lor tha egg ia very importaat, hot water for ths egg la mora so. Aa egg Is nearly all water, aad the baa must be amply tupptjad with u s.haa- dsooeofitor ,sbs cannot lay Give warm water and give all they, rtsJr. . COaTOr KETPIKO A BKV. Acoordlos to tie noultrv adltAv t the "Farm JouritaltM the feed aeeesar lor 100 ben for a year is ss follows 1,000 fit, clever hay chopped, 1,000 ft potatoes, 2 XX) lbs. corn meal, 1,000 oals, 100 lbs. cotton seed meal, 800 lbs. barley meal. Supposiog these smoDta to be aearly correct, 'as w prssnava ' they are, the wt.f tbe aiticle will be about 70 per cent, or 70 cents per bea. Any respectable beo ought to lay eggs enough la the course of a year to bring 1,50 or moreClnan double thr east of ber keeping. If tbi flgurihf 1 correct th poultry business ought to aay eC Ur than asoet branches ef ntraslng. Ex. - Ftm Ttvst nxmn. Wemtassj, autiana. Isilfaastlaa asst Uka m4wmj iwoa rrrrns. quickly. Tor sale by aU Peddles Beg aedoa, ssa'm, bat X am sgeat for Dr. Feeder's Spies Root . Bitters, aad I'm sore if the asemker af yoar fcasily -weuld try tbem thev weald have the flaest appetitea Lady at Poor (s-vwrsly)-Thls, sir. is a boarding bone. V-4 ' ZlAny Persons Af aroeaa dowa froas avarvork ar botu Ilrown's Irtta l .ttrs asafV thaeratasLaia rMtiB .mm "af ka.mlaBsatt.A Wb..aat -Rub yoar lamp chima-ys a.Vr rub- ng with dry salt, aod yoa wi'l t priaed at lbe new ht'M'.nsf T f r itta.

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