;i i- V iiii a -.'- ,. VI ..V ': . si": iti it j xi-, Cy- if"-1. V '.-'' :' . f t ., . '' ' , j - . ! aJl I . I . Zt. 4 " ,M 1 -.. ' r ' . I T I ' f ' I H ill fj ' - . "" V 1 . " . ' ' I, I 1,' , i li ! i " VOL.: ft.l NOTHING SUCCEEDS - I U II fiTTflnnnn ..... .. . . riif .. i ..' Th rroa Bad air Mlcrt tKilUr la tba mtxtii irnndarul. mrdl eincilt. ba--ause It bai nerer failed id any' In- sunce, no matter iwbat the diaraae, froni Leo rwf to the tlmplest du eaai known -Uy tba-ho- man uatem The icientiflc men of totay claim-and prori u . -v ibU ererj dlteuM CAUSED 'BY MI0E6BES, L XzUnnlnatet the Microbes and drlvea'them .. obi of the eyiwm, and whan that U do'a yon ; eaaaot havoaa ache or pain. Jio aatter what the dUtaM, whether a liraple aaae of ' Jiakrlal Fcrer or 4 comNbatlon of dUeatel, j;we corathMi all at the aame ' time, a treat all diaeaaei coLttitoUonally. . 'V :-r-.eK t-r-,4 j i i i i i i ... i -1: Aalhaaat, CoaaaaaptUa, Catarrh. Mraa '.. cbiUa, aeaaaatiaaat KMwmj .". mm Urer tateeaa f aial -Trafcli -.v la all lie feraaa, aaii. la Out, arerr DltMM kaawa ' ha 'Haaaaa ra- team. ' w ?. - i ,v wUi I 1 liJm, DDTAM3 Sea that our Trade-Mark (aam'e aa aboTr) apnea on each Jur. ' - ) Send for book "Uintory of the Microbe K1U- r," riven away oy . - . . , ... L. 3. HOLT & CO., Merchant, PEOFESSIONALCAEDS Wi a 'V ' ATTORNEY. AT LAWj 1, v ,iO Greiborjr.C. Will at Graham o Monday of each week to attena to proieai lonai Dueineie. oep U I- ATTORNKY'-AT LAW .. a aa a MfM. a. . K ' ' ' f ractlcan ia-th 8tat and Caderal Court rUlfaUhfullTandproiaptljaUend.W all bo ' aaaantroated to him "(' v, JtU , i - a 43argeoa Deuliat,- , -, GKEBNSBORO, " C. 'WUl'lawlS!AlanO, all !rf " country aUoDded, Addresav me at Greensboro, " dee 8 tf. ", Ti.A- q , tfi, ' r, jfi r ' i tiiiii i XTTOftNEtXT ti, 1.; i ORARAU: Llii 00 -I9L U. C. lu.rir.'sa.nQcixi tr Ba-Cr LAIRD, M. -i p D., Iitn M. Soott.- F. H. Wbitakeb.Jk. OreeMborj, f. fj a fjrhip N. C. -SCOTT & "WHITAKEE, ' raaya Uv( GRAHAM, N. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. LADY'S -BOOlt WlHba fartnperlorfoanyyearof tta ha. " torr, a larrer amount of money having beea appropriated for the cmbeMlahmeat of the" Magazine, than arer before, fiodey baa beea 'pablubedC or W yean with oat alulae; aft la-, '"u.4" i....w -' YQU CANNOT GET A BETTER ; ' two dollar1, wortk of magaxloe than by ynh- acrlblcr to"Oodey,"T ba raaitr Ma . axiaa la America, ' The leading attractlcna Jor 1 800 aie t Baantlful Colored raabloa Flaiee j KagraTed " Vuhioo Platea tn buck and white, repre " . aanUng the prerallltg atylea, frodneed - praaaly far Oodey .. . ; aTlaelr Hwarate rfMlaalawa, Art Bin-roHwr mm ajllwwii ' a4aw Jar aa4 rmmmtm mmmft ! rr lM v k ,WMl f ajatu, !aaraad Tba TleantifnJ Home" Oab by lini l. ' OaT. r yoong tonaeaeepaca or Uxxa who eoetemplaM becoming ao. Hikmi' by Avaona SauaaoBT PaaaooTT 4eaay Wren), which will Uaat iaedaUe tar aaeh aoalh. A ChUdraa'a Qmr; tor Itm Uitle oMa. .r- ... - -A rich array of Uwratnra b toTorita aa - (tore, omooc whom aia ftmOy lennos, Olivia ' lxrell Wllaaaw Ada Marie Peek, Baia oow. O." aatharof ."Oemini. bell C Greene, 'Ka bar aamoroaa akrteaea, aad ntbera. ... PRIMICM8 to elnb raUera am among tta peclal featone, and Godej'a offera tba moat fchoiraaadralnableof an macaxina put 'Habed. A-ad lie. for aarnpbj . number coar taiaing fall etna rate aad ptaurlumi - . . KTZBTLAOTHKB.OVH DBKS8MA1WB. who aalwcribaa to Oodey'a Lady tc't." rowpoa which yoa will tnd la each number entitles yoa to yoar owa eeleoioa of any ewt p puam u.oatratoa ta uaaeya imj m oar l.vs. eaapla vepy win contain aWwd I f 1. far fmrin, wwM win a inw.i (Mr ' a 'i., . M ; '1 -' - r .:' . ' ' I Us U A.H I .Li.i, I 'tfU,U. U t l 1 L.I l; l i fl .z-l I. -l i ' ' at ' If . J ' ' ' aBAHAM; Na G., THURSDAY, APBIL, -17 , 1 890. l.'. II H. -J 'r,l,'. , ... -4 Mi pf ..NO. 11. if "I Tl 1 M I ' - i- 1 c t j . lit !Mf it;! lux), to VMii. t'J V !. -'M Uiarl e'l0ilj A ln toil 'J.a (fi'r) t-h1J(i ' . ' f ii 'rti nut i'atA,",- I (.ltd. lfl'7"; ,.t . -i rT td Wm i I tn r I -' 'I ! - ' . 1 1 I ' j J ft li I . A T F la I .i - I a , f a ,' . t J I a - 1 'in a a a i j a r " -. ;li.' 4;.J .1 !!!. mulls ad ;.at- j' .J.j,L owf ... t nu. - 'Si j' -. .( 1..) TAa Waraaar Waadira Ait.. . My lord ridea through his palace gate, My lady sweepi aoog in state, Ttesad'tf !nkb'1onf' on bakty ft thias. A'otf tWaealdeo 'jdu i in iuArrylEj ; T1m mlitf trel barpetb.merrilyr ' The sailor plows the fbainiog sea, The odoiaA4il"4i' fiWitood rad deer And the soldier wars wiluOuV (catj I i BulMl ti&& Mtf wit - The-iajiaer he mint feed them aU. ' hbt2 JICZ v.v:2 Ka 1 - up .- i Jaw.4.,.liJW ,B M. .., ii? , i;4 r vx..fca...4. vique at 6c : worthlOcV 'White India linen .1 iu.j i i n m( , Mtj . M. im ...... iihj..i u J ; . , 4., in 4'j,,'! . . . . - i.-ni' "... . : . .' ;.! ! ' plaid mulls Swiss HaittburgTtp 20c, worth lO to 25c: ! -Blacknet30to 1.25, worth 50 to 1.T5. Satm and allsilKPecodge' EaV&'Curlai I . .4 T 4 i V lili'iil ll 1B l! . Jl I l- .'ill .. I ri f 4 ( " t -1 t"4 " 1 T 'J. tn -4 w i J. (T.i i"' )! . ,rf fir i.f r ai J n''t'r 1 r 4 i'ltTt 4.H 'tl tf 1 "1 - tm ! ,al ) . i.i.ir.. . . .i . ' ; .r -aui iiinu'Utr v ,i .-. , ... . . , ;J ' ... , . ... , r-.- . i . , . , i. " '-" '"Vl niililiitifl IjI'j ' rl III "'"1 II lil filll :. I VI I1! 1 1.1 i 1 1 rl 1 1 1 iV ' . ' . mi; .t ..i , a IIIJKJ1.JU14 ""ill I.V - '.4v w aiwtavaatii I J IVI '. , ' ;'. ; -i .. w i'jr'tht iiiml tvU it t-i!J Patrick earr'n aala.i : j -a ia - ' : Jo ma go abn it was fasbioDable to avow skepllcal - sentimenttt. Patrick lieDry was always ready to defend lh ': Gbristiau faitb.-t; Amember of the Epis copal Chorch, According to '1ita! latest KInMr4h.i Pmbuuir Tvlrr tit) not IA1"; frequoDtly roctlved the Cammunioo. "On such occasion bin bablfwa jtd fast iWt'd he had.beeij at the ord Table; and then la-SDeod th. dar.in retire h'IXoh can.. only 4.4.- ' ,U IWe a,shorii timo without !, aad It saay relieve yoa.4 ' few' 3.l" UlCUh . . . 4 , i Ope bourj a the close of the day, he iDee(e.f said,. be wlthj graft ten- lrlrneaVI-WlVoa,':loMe !6f thefotal jidetjoe' o'rTreal and Wn5Sbefytigioo" of Christ an j4elIgioo,Hiod an" edition of maaaaa about to dta...-l. un ' He tWaTbreaaed so jjebtl for lew 1 minntea that tbooe arotuia pim .Knew Dnl In ttrivata D raver aad neditatioD. and'durio it no one Was ' suffered to . . ,'..i i' .iri...-.' ,4 ... . i... i- L !- : . i While he was Governor of Virginia, he Was so alarmed, at the spread .of,, in- fldetVaaoUmetita ansoag the young men f prtne BUii IhaiTtr prihtedV t WB JIWJ . ' .. -;i"4 J 'h.t -. . Mpeaae.aSeitloa M fDex jeayotr CbristUn Butter's "Analoer."- When be net1 a young man of skeptical tendenclea7 he would give him one of those books.: preseoua "j 7 Y T i t if secured ft an attention ffoiri the youag Yirsjluian wbicfi hontlght have paid had U been diatrioutad by a more bnmbM eolporteflV." "--" -v - Patrick Henry wroU putrSan elebo; rata answer to Paiae's Age of Raaaoa" but being Wprersed" "by fhe' repliee ' td Paine then appearing ia England, he directed bis wife, shortly before his death, to destroy tba manuscript, which she did. '- vl v ' i ... ae of taeae (ranarat yea anC That la all wt eaa aay m taia tpaca. Tot ih iwt aea yoar sample aamoar. lorwbteh and 15e. at oac. lMir" la oolv " a yw -Aoaraai -tiOUEI A LAUT bOoK," - .Fl.l!adHpbla,Pa. IntlakwUb. thU prf CODEYS and the Glae Prica $2, which shcaJJ be aent lo tba e2ce of the OLUfu at Oraham. In tbU last wilt, written by bhl own hand, bo eoaoluded thus; . "This is all the inheruncel caa Ktye to ny dear family. ,' Tbo religion; of Christ caa giye theas ooe which will aaak tbcm Heh Indeed." ; Uf On jBaef,l7WrbU 'kindred being sent for; foaod bla aKtiag la a large, eld-faahioned arm-chair. He was dy ing from n IncaraWe loteraal disease. His pbyairiaa, Dr. Cabell was a boat to ad sun later a preparation of mercury. Taking the vial In his head, tba dy iag ana said ; .1 uppoi doctor, tbia U your last resort. '., ',; V 'Z . "I am sorry W fi Qoyinor, tba me, doctor, for A few. mo meots," said Patrick Henry, drawinaf over his eyes the" Ailk( cap '"he ;,'Wore.' Holding te'vlal, be prayed atpud or bis fiMnilyf Ms country ,i And? lor his orf soul. '"Ame'd f" !sald bk. and Awallove4 thame iirfooV".i.T' u i - ' Dr. Cabell, who greatly loved tbevld patriot, bad gone but lipon'' ibe lawn, be wept bitterly: ' Mastering himself, man "Aad would yoa speak to the who cobbles yonr shoes t " i " : ....Certainly, why not,r, v . And the janitor of the building where yoa liAvo ydur office. ' 1 ;( f'Of course, ' ,; . , - , .-,! MAnd tbo boy thai runs- the eleva- "v .a . i. v.,v i,--, ' 'Certainly - uun i m i"hi ' "Is there anybody yoa know that you do not apeak .iq tZ''.i where, throwing himself ander treej f Well, yes ; I don't e speak to' the Jonses, wh.o cheated a poor widow out be returned to tbe tious Aud found his ot bar house ; or to Brown who grinds patrent-ealmy watohieg tha blood oom-j wn bis employees and glvea starva- gealing under bis (Soger nails. ' Tbo old oraloB Bzad his. erea- en , Dr.', Cabell, With whom bo-bad bald many discui-l f"f-" slons about the rlrtUnreTrldn; tion'wages or to Smith whom I know to be ia privAte) anything but tba saint I apeak to very honest man T know 'whom, to meat. Why do you ask T" Becana' wa simply brant to koow.M rUed the young jady who had( taken her friend to task for speaking to eobbler In.iactj Sbe was Mhamed to : tell blm tbaf ha was referee la tba db not Vhen be brealbed out bia spiHL Yonth'a fowpAnlon, , j , ta-rfT f.(' .. ) ' . , n i .r awa Hlifif r-rS, I : , if t4 .5 -mm i : "Who lb the-world ta that yon Are speaking U t sa4 ooo yooag lsdy to bwrcwmpaaioA of 'tba sama sex and age m they Vsikefl-down one of tbo avnnaa laeotber day.,Tj J4, f',, Tbt ataa't He 4Hba man that was tbe reply.) ,i vd . Weirald-nO -araA aake, "I og'Up't.pA t nTT dona think Its Bfeea-.- Mar t .-t r"l do," was tbo rejolader.' "I apeak t ovarybody. I know iron. r. our minister, to tbe colored maa who blacks fui stove i and Ahakea onoar awtaaAd IaMtico iha bumUer the ooe In the sodal oealo to -wboea I ' prefer kindly words, tf oi grataful "to the recogailioa I recieraia return. .Christ died for tbem mneb aa bo died for me, sad perhapa If some of, Iberi ,aaa' tbo eppertnahfao Of nry birth nod rear laatbey woold'Se'a great deaf bettor tbaa aaeu TTiet'cwbbW to quito' M n telUgeat man. I bavoleat kits kioke I. a a v. t:v ...It al.1t atU U to" replied the doctor. "Acute to-rw.t - - .... .u.i-.i ha!r !of reading, tao." - " h. ,t 4 H re-ovei:! The two girl, wero ooia, a.4 tbey atortificatiott will o. w. it already twumeaced, which I fear. eusslon 'on thl point bel4 a'dsy qr, two What will be tbo effect of this med icine, doctor f? 1 "It will give yon or' immediate relief, Inally agrel to leave tbo qnaatlon as t4vo(ntoi"g day toaavara, saeofaaniea. and tradesmea'o a yonog lawyer of wbeeaUey bad n high opiaioa.: fo tbo first time tbo Urao ware together -it wi g. y- -------- - of a. rU ..ked hi- f bedoctor-ld not tb.; n,$nC- - 4 mck 'Broadway would yon apeak sen Vna nuaii. Hoetor " said tbo caaa, "that it will g r,ief f prove ful Immediately" nick wBl to blm r ."Why, yes, certainly ; why do yon aakT - haforo.",;, !"!' .' -' It is tteprivilee of nobility,' to bo gentle and ooortoona to , all, .Kindly words hurt no one, least of all blm keif wbq "speaks them. .'.' I Z't ' t 1... . . ' I. 1 e Vaalaal Oawro. Judge William Louis Kelly,, of tbe district court, says tbo l?t, Paul Pioneer Prase, to 'acquiring a reputation lor wit on. tbo beoch, , Ayouog lawyer To tbe GeraaM-Anaericaa Bank building tolls (4a tollowiogt "ik ' ; '' , Various Jurors,' war o wWtlpg before the jodge as to tbo otarom at ovary torn ot ooorrt, to bo zeused from eer ylca.' A meek looking man eamq up la bit turn sad nskod that bo might be lot of, 4f -.V '. -', " " . "Yon cant got off without A good ex eaaa," said tba Jadga. " r-i baTf i good reASon." ,' ! ' T ' "ToamntaU U or serve,'' eaid tbe 4odgo. ... . - , ."Bt your honor, I don't believe tbe other Jurors would care to have ase 1 . " . "Why not t What to your excuse t" "Well---" (heeitatinfly) ,."wkatto'ttr;'" .; " ' "INro got tbo itch." - . . , ' .. "Mr; Clerk" ' said- Jmigm Kelly, quickly, soratcb tbo maa onu" " The cores made by Badam's Microbe KIMor are la many caaa considered al Boat a miracle. If the doctors eaa tre you ao bp, Uf It. For oalo by B. Holt dk Co. ' He Mies Jeonia, may I call for yoa ia awy ale'.nh to-morrow t She Tbeoka, but wooUot It bo alosr to wait natil the next day aad then go to too woods for wild flowers. , ... The Reward of Persereraaee. . :J At one of (he mills iq the city of Boston a boy was wanted, nod a piefo of paper was tacked on one of the posts, so that aU tbo boys could see It as tbey passed by. Tbe paper read i ,'-': '' "Boy Wanted. Call at tbe offloe to morrow morning. , . " ' At the time named there was a host of boys at tbo gate. ' All were 'admit ted j bt the oyerseer was n little per plexed as to the beet way of choosing one from so many, 'and said he : ' "Now, boys, when I only want one of yon, how cm I choose from ao manyf' " -J.."- , . . After tbiqkiog a moment, be Invited them all into tbo yard, aad driving i nail Into one of the large trees, and tak log a short stick told , them that , tbo bdys that ccnld hit the ball with the itfcg at a IiUlc dUUoce from'tU , tree vbould have tbe place." ' ' ' . - The boys all tried hard j and, " After three trlsls, eacb tailed to blt.tho pall The boys, were told to come again next morning,' nad this time, when tbo gate was openedthere was but one , boy, who, After being admitted," picked . op the itleknnd throwing It At tbo nail, bit every .time.' ',, 4 .". ' , '. 'i,' , ; "How to thtor" said tbe overseer. What have yon been doing t, . 7 And tbo boy, looking np with tears In bio eyes, said : ' ' ' ' " " ' - ' l"Y on see, air, t bare a mother and we are very poor. I nave no fatber, sir, an4 X though I would like ' to, get toe place, and so help all i' can t and, after going borne yesterday I drove a nail into the barij, and have been try- lag ever since, sod. have come down this morning to try again. ,: Tbe boy was admitted to tbe place, Many years here passsd si ace then, snd this boy to now A prtperoas and wealthy maa; and at the time of no accident at tbe mills be was the first to step forward with a gift of $500 to relieve the eufferera. His success cam by perseveraaee. " . 1 " "After a varied experience' with many so-called eatlfhrtio remedies, I am convinced that Ayers Pills give tbe moat aatisfactorv rwaulta. I rely ex- rinalvely oj these Pills for tbe cure of liver aod stomscn complaint. jodo & Bell, Abilene, Texne. "Oh.8opbyl Ibearyoo. kissed Mr. Boedo, tbe poet, ia tbo conservatory lete(gbt.,' ' ' ; "Cm-m-m r "Tell me. What was H tike f ' "Well, be has a very proeouneed lit erary taato." ' .; sTewetr aad matter salrea,' Tbe State Chronicle, speaking of tbe Justices of the peace, says, ."thsy are tbe most importaat offloefA In tbo State and ought to be well read" in tbo Jaws of the'State and men of tba loftiest In tegrity.'' ' Whereupon' the I Hickory Press nod Carolinian enquirer f; Why not suggest that magtetrAtoe' :feee be sach as will command tbo servloee of men well nod Iq tbe lawa of the Stated and men of tbe loftiest integrity V ' The principal thing the ' nufti'r to tbnt there are three or four 'limea' as many magistrates as there should be, and tbe result It that the business la so divided up Jtbst none of them can af ford to prepare themselves for the proper discharge of the duties .'ffj tbe office. . There are . hardly aa BAany J 'men of tbo loftiest Integrity" fsf tbaJ ' ' ' - '; ..I Dtato as tnere are squires, ao eyen, u the fees were double what they, are the division would still be W long that tbf office wouia noia out no aaracuoqs to men competent to All I .Tbe State needs fewer rqulrto nod ' DettoV' ones and It will never be oettorti t ,nas fewer. Statosvlllo Landmark. (. Smith bammeretb cheerily tbo sword. Priest preacbelh pure and toly word. Dame Alice worketb' broidery well,' Cleric Bicbafeaf'lovVm Tbo tap-wife sells heir foaming beer, Dan Fubef itohela in thv And couriers ruffle, strui nnd ablno. While pages briog ; tb'Qaaeon wtno But Ikll tolkicfi'wbaUro befall, . The itarmer he must food them alL Mab Builds his tasUes fair and Ugh, Whatever rjver river ramth by. Great dtles rise In every land, - Great bbutches show'tiiebuilder's baadv Great arches, nionumenta and towers, FAiralaoea and ple4sing boWers, Great work, la done, be't bore and there And well man worketh eveiywhero ; , But work or rest wbato'ro bemll, ; The farmer bo must feed them alL ri i,?e , M-frCbArleo Crodirey Lelaad. A BaOr n Vritb 3laMS Bra. - i4 "' .-t'i 'jb i i ii ri ' A t i Nswjprk perald, , , t-"Z-ot'- Everybody knowa thai Leon Gasa. betta bad onn-eyo iojurad in yrath, and when ho bad attainod a poaUioa and something more like fortune than bo bad known Ja bis Bobemisja eareer be treetod himself to a (lass eye made by onq of the artiste In thAt mantiftn On that aame day be bad been Invit ed to a dinner with Sarey, tbedrantatio critic, who faond the excuse lor bis be ing late In this addition of a novel feat ure, and begged the gneste to overlook both tbe delay and the' now ocular Ap pendage. XefV-'"" , !'' " ;; . . Gambetta wai astonished thAt bin embellishment drew fcrta ft reaaarks, iacTeottld not refrain, tbongk delighted with the xperienoe,' front abaerviag : ' "Donl yoa see tome alteration in my Hi- , ! I 4' Pat tADKLraiA, Pj H arch t,' 1S39 D. Kan i. -'- rf ' i . Dear Doctor I bad a violent attack of gravel, afterwards bad pains across email of my back, extending ; around my aides ; my stomach was 0100010194, bad taato in mr month, tongue coated, was com oel led to atop work for a few dava. I took tbo Microbe- Killer. ao cording to your ; directions, aad . was soon feeliog ail right agala,. Wo al ways keep a jug 00 nana 10 take, woes com, or for aay emerge oer . For sale by L. B. Holt A Co. aet B P. MciaiDO,(ilhB. Shoemaker.! raid Mlaa Tea Coats, : a AH kinds of onraolo and funetloeal dieaaca cured by Kaulaia's Microbe Killer. For sale by L. B. Holt A Co. . Here to jal4 to be a true story, aad it to farther said that the- Harrodskurg Democrat to responsible for It. '.to, any event it to worth poblishlng, an J aoaf serve to point a very important tintb ; "Two brothers not llviDg more .than 8 re miles from Hairosbwrg, looked so much alike that when one of Ibein Join ed the Baptist chorea, aad was about to be Immersed he found that bo bad no clothes for Tbe occasion, ao be ez prereed it, and' paid bis brother tea cents to be baptised ia bis place, which was done. Tbia story seems iucredlble! but It to nevertheless a fact, aad would never have been found out bad notoce of thebrotbera beoome angry and UftTilt away;'. .'. . Scrofula is transmitted' from rntretit to child, and thus beoomee a lami.y io- heriiance for genrraiiooa. It to, tiiere fore. lb duly of every eeroluloua per son 10 cirana bis blood by a thoroor1) aod persUtent cotrse of Ayers Sera paxUla. : ' No ; tbey all gazed on Mm la sUene. as If seeming 'In' vain :M nnderatand whit bere was In the, way of change to comment apoa. ' 'a ; --t said one 5 "beard trimmed " "a tooth ;"Nolao'!aerihive glass eye," oonfessed tbe orator.V . n.i, : 'tNonaenser ' Which ooe to It," flat' taringiy'toquIredagueotjT a w mat's the one, of eowree," said aa- ether,' pointing to tbe aobttd optic ' For n quarter of ai boor tbero wan an animated'ehonu' npoa 'the perfao tion with wbJek presen. day artowtdlA nAtniOrie Mer'went ao mr ; aa to sjsertinat If hi badttekood' eve ro- moVed In mvo? bt an equaTy exoalleot imitaUon tUe Illusion WoeJd'U oont- nleter" ini'lj T'i ieii. ' -Do'ydu medfl'toisy His not aoUce- ' able r qaerVled ' tbe' Uwyer, serenely encWnUd by the admiration'.' y ""Not lil tbo leaat,' s "K ' " '' Be as convlnoed 't'bni bo bad made a bargain. When tbe feast Was ended and tbe party broke up and wero goiag down stairs In merry ' disorder tbero happened to be n ndo Dpetalra lodger ooming up, Against whose elothee baa ket Oambettal elbow IlgbUy knocked. Slight as the shock was It sufficed to make tbia Vesuvius spout Ore and fury In Invectives, and brandising bar 1st Under ieon a none sue ecreemea : ' Go aloon with yen or I'll jot bo Uong making a dead eye c , tbe other." r. Ia a dosen. words' the ow creature) bad demol'iabed the c" jnacy af tbo twenty wiUlea mea l i Jarls. S aHBpMHaws-elnV--waawavawama Ayer'sHalr YliortoW moat excel-' lent preparation for tba b air. I speak of it from experience.. Its use pro motes the rrowtb of. new hair, and makes it toft and gtoeey.. Tbe Vljpr Is a sure core for dandruff." J. W. Bowen. Editor EmmUrwr. McArUur. Ohio. . iii, ... r . Mr. Porter, of Eoaroa, a recocataed aotbority on anch su1 !ecs in a recent address at 8rt?a, New York, among etbr tbtnrs concerning the advaata gee of good country road said. "For eorburbaa roads nothing ran be better tbaa what to kaowa aa the Macadam ryatem with firm aod well- drained foundations, six or e';;bt inches of nowd orvhe-:; tone, as near as poe sible to xxoilorva tic, one or two incites lr ,diimter. Very carefut'y preaaed dowa t a steam rv'let sod ai'.a stLla Bro l Lse f ravel a tp. 'Asa retult of elaWate x" Tenia, tnaHe to saccrraia the r'. ..-e r- ..t- sne of frktica of c' 'r t rv it Li b o t at-;: - 1 t t 1 a ; j- pouoj furct U r ..re 1 I ( c-ce ton ever an or, -- , v ', c-i hundred pou' ' . . t 'c 00 I.ara !tj, 1 on t t 1 sod 15 r 1 k ,

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