u f f ? iSf ; Wit" . r ,( , J ' '' it- 1. , 1 4 i IrJ- M- ii .'1 1'Mi II l!" H.I "i' 1 i.u . CM U ,l, V) . ,-). ,I-l M trf .imfi ( i-j. ; 1 ; 1 f ' I' 1 A - ft r an j "-''V ! r 't i ' J? " fo'xir? x3P cttTr,r;;r;r ,4 1 '"grahamK, c; Thursday; . apr il 24 .;i s&o.t xv; x; i.u;; v t11 11 ' , -rV"'""" """'"' S"1?'1"" " "" """ '"- ' tvi-ti, '; 17 ' ?! "' 'M-""""f.' ,J) 9ts;. .' . : " ' . , " ' i r f . ..,, J 1 A ' - '.' Jl litlllllllU UUVVbkVU 4 iLlEI SUCCESS u r irjtj mB, !aj rtiaas i4 tl , - fe., j 41 . Uicivba Killer Uths .moat wondorful,, medl pine' U hn'BVKe 1t "ill! ncrer failed hi Hojln- -stnm;, no mwnar oi 'tlK-diwOM,) trim -iB- TOjr lo tins implefii- I jam jteoi. . .'J'bo dtientlBc men; of .'.'io-day .claim and vrtT .;.! j-iSD "?'!'. ! Tito's li&ro'te Killer --KitmiilliaWa tha UieroUes anA drive tljem cannot haro an cbe or l ain. No matter vhat tliedii taee, whether a ilmplo eaae' of Malarial Feyw or a combination of dUeacea, jii-ettH tbeti all at the me time, a r . ' . ti tn.1l . . t & 1 -A.'" ft ".' ,i!,re,t BaanaJ);- t-r - . 7 v " r i f j - 1 . a -..TTTT v.ns. a., fc. t:;. - V-4.-l ,..-- U , , Utfi 1 .I,,,? nti ... .t jkjj ait f ii - y.i-t 'ti Im.Ut , out ( -j. 1.':. ioWotv'il . A vi . n !J I tit M 'HJ,1'?( ltd tut !J; ('ti'f . ! ,t:f rv,),, .f,,i-v. B,,,v, , , , . ) tft.ljl 1 j TJ ..f H t-, f , ft 1 ff aha llovelK E . i9 .. 1 at . i'i '! "5 3!" ! . .. , t.u: 'ti i -( IT .- . Hi! W sw "tg flw? ""-ieam.''"- 5, tTV- ""TTrivv xfi or mwra.OTOHS! jfrt that ofir Irftde-Mark im ju ,J) aaiupcara oil tmcu jug. . 'j : 58i-i)d ftr book "History of the Microbe Ktll- .ui t,v vta , J .JMIOItT'1 CO.; Merchants, 'PROFESSIONAL CARDS.- j JAS. E. BOYD, - - , Greensboro, JT. 7. Will be at Graham on Monday of each week ta attend to professional baelntoa. (Sep 16 y- ATTORNEY At LAW ; t'raotlcen iu thn btate and Federal Cor wl'J fatihfnllvfend promptly attend to all tin . (cwntroated to nint ,. , . Bltfc'tfMdMimaiiMaiter&tWwdrth 10c. White Indm lmeli 36 in:'3de:'a)n&V0r.Vold before for less than 8 to 10c. WHite plaidfmiiils at: Swiss Hamburg to20c, worth 10 t6:20c. ;Blato 1.25, worth 50 to 1.75. Satm and all sUHEefittt edge ribbon 33 per cent less than regular price. liace Guriains , 50 per cent under value. Other things -"according ' ,1 !H.v- in prarti . B.aVHM.', '. " - "" ' -'"'Clippings, ' Col. Rufu Ami, f Granville county, in faid to bo gaining astonlthlng atrenglh m a candidal for th Cod graaaionaJ oomloatiou-oa lb republl can ticket. He will try to lead all ttt enemies of Browerand defeat blaBoac ,;. i . lQetlonJu( ye rafher , thlnlc that be will not get there this time. 2111 ( Adtertiatr ' " , ' , It was tbe party.'a disregard of t3 Independent , in f Bocklogbam twt) ; vearf ago which caused tb dofat ff Col.,Morehead. A like fate awalU t nominee tbia year If tb earn tactic are.uaed bjr the regular organization. The Leader Is sure that the Independ ent would not dictate the nomination. but tney want to see a man nominated for Congress for whom tbey can Tote without sacrificing their honor. That man is "Cof.' David Settle. Madison . Leader, ' " Unreported' that not over one-half of toe publio school teachers in North Carolina take and read a newspaper or news' papers. 'v. Witbtbis statement be fore us, we are of the opiulon that Frof.EP. VosesIa his recent strict ures on our school teecbinej was about right No man baa any business teach ing school who does not read newspa pen, 'because his education is only half complete. Lexington LKepatck. ,.,JaV DR. G. W WIUTSETT, - Burgeon Dentist, ,. Will alas vUit Alamance. Calln In the country attended. Address me at reeusboro. A fc . .., , , j, , dec 8 tf . t JACOB A- LONU H o . ' attorney at law? - ;. f GRAHAM, - May 17.8d." N. , LAIRD, M.D .. UAXT RIVER, N. C. Feb'y 13, '90. .,. . , i... X.KVI M. Scott. F. H. Whitakeb.Jb, v . Greensboro, N. C. Graham, N.C. -r". 600TT? & wHITAKEE; t '' 1 AMreyi t f.awj'-'''- GRAHAM, i i -, C, ADVERTISEMENTS. (mi mw9 LADY'S -BOOK- Will be far auberlor to anr vear of lia h la- tor , a larger amount of money harin; been appropriated for the' eaibeEUaliraent of the mairaiine than ever before iioder baa been pnblubedf or 60 yvara without mUtbjg an s ' anil t . . . i v . ' t .. il . tTT n a Tk7iu.'w f ?JH a i, Etpnrf?o IVU llAllJKHUIll AlUillfiU two aollara' worth of raaastne than by ah arlblrt;to"Uodey,"TaB bur-f amilt Ma- '' Aims la America, ... . - , : The leading attraction, for IWI kie I Beantlf ill -Colored Faauioa Platea; Karaved raobloo riatea to mc u woua, repre ' ntlneibepreTailltj atylca, produced ex- p rawly for Oody- , . . -. , ,. . i r ' . . . .. -i ...... , ST I Mir SnraUMl . BfraiUiea. Sri StaakriSrr aaa Wral wrk D0. . !. .taw aaa Iapalar Hwi, ! far ifca a Caa Waaf ia BaiM, Olabratadi ' j Caahiaai ataralpto. Kia. The 'Befotifal Home" Clab by tnitk- J. Gut, far yoane, fconaekeepen or tbowt who coaletnpbMe beaomin; aot , 'A Tear la the Hon mi. by Aoi:sta Sauibobt Pbisoott 11 anr Wrenl. which will treat of the arl osa duties for ea -ta month. A Children'a Corner, for tht 11 '.te one. . A rich array of Uteratnre b) favorite so tbora imoiif whom aie Emily Lenno, Olivia Lovell WIImu. Ada Jiarle Peek, Kltle Snow. "O," anthwof "tietninl." brllfl C. Oreesa, wits her huBtoroua ketebea.' sad ntbera. PBKMICVa to elnb raurs are amoof Ua aneeial featur-a, and Godey'a offera tba raotce and valoabte of any neraaine pe llnbrd. Send IVr. for (ample Bomber con taining full elob ratca and premlnraa JTIRT LADT riXB OWX DRK38VAXKR ' arbo wihwibee to Oivl,, Lady . foorti wbWh yna will San Is est mnmber aauue yna to voerwa aeier'too of aay nit per j. um iliaauau-d la Goder'a ljtdya book. 1 on r IV. ( n,; 'e copy wiil eoniaia aaa of tbexa ' evnpoua. n S4 UrMU far Ummrptm. vrSfah wilt aallawaS aw Tir aafcawrtartea wkta rvwelrca. The patUm how, yoc bow to e at oat tba rtnviil jaw vent. That U ail wt eaa aay ia tai, ,pace. For toe rot aee your aaoiple ,tmb. for wbU?h rn& 15c at oaer. t-un.w-f ia on r H f-0 a rear Aaareaa -CjODEI'S LAOTfJ KfXtK," PiaiaolU. Pa. Ta (lab w ith tbis rpet OODEVH f the CLEAra Frice f 2), whkb ; 1 l;e y t to (e c.l.ce f t .. , whkb' ot the S t $ I Tk 1 .rTi , ' ,'-yi in ,k j' '..i,. .1 - f . .,,!. KT 1 ... i , . i . Vl.'.t ?V 1 - Tl V '-'1 4A i ' "" " ""' : fW-Xlll ffl liCTill, IBM : TABKIKOTOJf PbAIKII P.O. . . - -- Ijbkrtt CorjjtTr, Tax. Mr. Radam I have used Wir Sav. dam's Microbe Killer, and many ut my neignoors nave-nserj it witn to woiiderrul result in many eases, For sale by L. B. Holt & Co. t for Tfca Bfaaayiaaa itaiw . y , The wife who has suffered so long i.w 'l 1 y.. . - ' riAr nrann Is there no place on thefaoe of the, 'Knael.doWii by her pallet and kiss the eartn n . - r t r,. death frost ,. r ) . if Where charily dwellotb, where vlrtune Frora tbe lips of the angel your poverty 'hasbirth? ; I lOKt-r v ,,., V;i a!,,.,, .V , Where bpsoniB in kindness and mercy ; i'ben turn, in your agony, upward te .will heave, ,. . , .. , ' - J. i.,God, ... - , r ... r And the poor and th . wretcnea snauA Xud Wean, whiles It, smites yoq, 4be aalr and receive? Is there no place on earth .where : a ...knock from the poor Will brio a kind angel , , to open the door ?.-,- - , Ah 1 search the wide world- wherever you can, ' '"' ' I '' v' . !, There is no open door for the" money -i less man. s " . i , ) . , - f . ' j, I. .. - Go, look in the ball, Where tbe chan- . delier'8 lignt Drives off with its splendor tbe dark- neu of night,' "' : Where, tbe rich, panging velet in sbad- Sweeps gracefully dpwn with its trim- - miDgfol goio, - -And mirror of silver take up and In long ligbtetf Vistas tbe wlldering Go there In patches, and find If, you can ',. 1 ' A wslcoming smile for ,tbe . moneyless oilman.' '.ii U JJ i y i Go in "your ' churches of' the cloud- reaching spire ' ''.!? Which give back to the sua bis same look ol fire. , . . Where the arches and columns are U rorieott",wUhio,r o (T And the avails seen M pure as si -oul without slo i. . ' ' Go down tbe long sisle, , see th rich and tbe treat . , . . In tbe pomp and the pride of their " worldly estate, ".- - Walk down in your patcbe, and find if 9aa can. i i v - : . - - Who opens a pew for tbe moneyless chastening rod : And you'll, ind at.Lli end of your life's little spaiv - . Tbf' a welcome above fof.tbe money . Iaiss man. , (, t. . Bltwaaa Vara.-! $,i . ' Broom corn grows readily wherever Indian Corn growg. '.v At present prices, il production should bo profilftble. tbe seven Stales producing the largest ; Aaawa te "tba Sfawtyleae Maa." There are places all over this earth,' Where charity dwelletb, where virtue hns birth ; . Where bosoms in kindness and, mercy . will heave,. ' f - And the poor and the wretched shall .i ask'aod reoeivew ... : There are places on earth' where ; a knock from the poor , t Will bring a kind angel , to, open the door. ii ' : Go, search the world over wherever you can. ' . . . . , . There is no suph a thing as a friendless man. , , . Tba angels' of mercy have ooroeto re rare Xh . dvinir. Who in saduess and grief are often left lyiuff, t Dl rbe blessings of life for the sick and ffarth vareliaa Tasea. i t eaajaiwS sw mm- -afli 4 TJi "iNoit Eogland Furmer" gfre theezpeiieueeofa well-khowa orch ard let of West -Mllbury, , Mass., trpoa orchards and their ears, as follows v - Mr. Walters bat several larga orob arda oa Ws farm, and say that ha b lieyef be baa sold mora good apple from his trees, according to- the tiaaa hey bay, been in bearing, than aay map In hisounly, and be aever pnt a plow Into tb ground, since th tree have beau large enough to .bear. HI tree r trimmed but very little, aael tip llmbf bead,, dotrn, and . It . nnder Jhelr load of fruit, so they are support ed at, boil. ends. , No limb ar ewer amount are, in tholr order: Illinois. The rich are not cruel . and oold and . nnkind, But tbe angels of mercy in mansions we Bod. " " If we drive out the asp from under tbe Kansas, Missouri, New York, NebraJ AndTe7ibV'good 'will" of angel, be mi uraonua lowa. xi is piantea m sunir, -drllW orl rich land, the richer the bet-j And crun on tn en T , that curses ier. and three and one-half feV apart., And'theraes of heaven enthrone in When it is first un it is "saraned" t that ' its place. Is. the dirt Is scraned awav from each We. my ? th world over wherever side of tb drill,-' exterminating the : Findlrg millions are belplngihe "mon weeds. ..It is then oultivated with the ssme tools and manner as ordinary corn. t It conjps np tjuite . feebly and grows slowly at first, but when a few Inches hfgb ft takes A start and ! grows very; rapwy;"n;0fashl' out and tbe seed has parsed the blossom, it Is "broken" ; that Is, tbe stalks ? ar bent over Just below tbe first' Joint., If tbis were not done, tbe "brush" would ! be beot'down on all sides by tbe weight I eyless man. Go, look to the Judge, in dark-flowing gown, " ' 1 With th scale wherein law ' weighetb "-'equity down, v . - Where he frowns on tbe weak and smile on tbe strong. th Bible Go in our churches of the cloud-reach- ing- spire, ! . Wbicb gives back to to tbe sun bis 1 earns look of Ore, 1 i Where the faithful .are praying and " laboring, too, ' , And doing for others as tbey would have them do. .- , "- Tbey are cheering sad spirit of thou- " sanns to-day, i .-,-.., And giving free gift to drive sorrow. awayj - jTbe following is a copy of the t Stale Auditor1 report for the ' year, '.ending Nov. 80th. 1889, for which we are W Forsaken by such as go all through jebted to the 'Newt and Obterver ; 4 K this land. ' . . ' ,...' ' Crying, "there are no friends,' for tbe j na general taxes 01 mo piata wars "monevless mao." .467.784.60 1 of which land paid 1210,-. If such would cease trembling and stir- m town loU paid $03,694 20, mer- ring un sin re. ' .. . I . '. ' I ".. " 0 - . . . , nhantl MM SJU AH 7 VI IHH m r 11 IT A nut. AIT ll AllAM lu-.- . conia do wonasrs in Diets-1"" r i - a- t,--T - ..w.w iwm w iwh aaaer. license 1 14,119.84. " Bank f 2,490. nor does th fruit blow of! nearly aa Railroads paid on property 128,010 J I freely us when tb growtb.li forced by and on franchises $3,483.42. .. Without trimming into the upper part of tha pariiouninxing tne entire amount oi taxes received were $829,920.90. This, however, does not Include the fertil. '. a Izers' tax of $37,600. Other receipt were dividend fxpm (t.N "C $165,012. Penitentiary earnings $147,- 454.81.'"'''' ' '"' '' 1 hey too. ing this life Then go to tbe Judgment of all , man- kind. . And tbe judge of j-lgbteouaness there you'll find. ( . As be comes in celestial glory, And bear him say, "Ye did it to Ujme plan ar him say, "Ye did It to me ; come, ye blessed. It is In my in" ' ';-", ,'" To bless you for bleating fbe 'money less man.' " . f'. Then tbe countless throng ' whose deed era told. ' A-itontsbed will enter tbe gates of (old. tree, riowing, he says, snconrage exceselye growth for a year or tiro. and necessitates subsequent trimming to removatb express but under bi system no tnor growth Is 1 mad than Is fieccsayor fcarrylng-and perfect ing tbe fruits He top-dress tba land A aa'd 'aalUaw.' and worthless. When "broken.'! the brush bangs ttralgbt and so ripens: It is sometimes "tabled" ; . that , is, tbe stalks of adjoining rows are broken in opposite directions and low enough so that the beads lap over aDd lie one upon another. When tbe seed is near- j ly ripe, but before tbe brush tas tarn- And punisbe right while he Justine 1 ed down, it Is "cut." In doing this, wrong; Where Juror tbeir lip on tave lata. To render a verdict they hav already made : Go there in tba court-Toom, and find if yon esc w -. v Any law for tbe ease of the moaeylas of tbe seed and thus become" wooked j ! friends of Jestia io every land. ana niey are ma menas oi tn won- Go, look is tbe bank where Mammon has sold His hundreds and thousands of silver . . i ..ij . Where, sale from tbe bands of the starving and poor, Lies pile opon pile ot tbe glittering ore; Walk up to tbe counter eh, there you mar stay. Till your limbs bsv grown old and your hair lurnea gray. And yos't) find at tb bask trot oo or tbeelaa S h money to lend to tbe asopeyuaes msn. Then fo to your tore! ; no rarea has tbe stalks are cut ao Incb or so above the first joist, and tbe head sndsta1k era slipped cut of the sheath. It is then drawn np lams or sbeds which are fitted up w".!i st Holds from bot tom to top. v Ou lLes ihs corn is spread to "cure." "f hen properly dried, it Is 11 f flog led upon swiftly ra ;t.jJer( laving long, slim r leeth, wbkh strip oS 'tbe seeds and leave the bruah ready to sort and bale for market. The- threshing, sorting and packing Can be don at any time during winter. 3. The seed is capital for hens, and if well cleaned, is very nearly a good as osts for any stock ; for cattle, bogs and horses it is best when ground. eyle courts wbers justice is is thr-' vol Many Persons Atv broV-n dowa mm ernrm-k or hotawDotd Brown's Iron Ii Iters ret"-" tH ""i a- (t;f-t-i, rmar rtc- Go to-tbe. .sought. Where business lor adjudication . brought, There you find tb endorsers on every . , band, ',. . - Who are giving their aid to lb "mon . eylets maa ;" , , , . 4 And oft and again tbe man .'who is bailed , ', I a moneyless man who mfcht have been Jailed. Seek in (he merciless courts wherever you can, Even there are th friends of tb I-,. "moneyless loon." Go, look in tbe banks, where many fall. And go to the' president, cashier and 4 u r : - Tbey are truthful as ws ar ; tbelr aiatemenl believe ; And know tbat no aiotlv tbey bav to drcei ve. As tbey fall of tbe poor who or daily raiaed np And lifted to comfort front poverty's cop : Tbey mincle their smiles with the faces they scan. When the rich msn is lielpisg tb fnlAiiMtM. man It Tbe total amount received by the I nnder the trees and as far as the limbs Treasurer waa $07C,8K7.77 Th die- tbade thVgrouad, ope every tart bursemeota were' tl.012J)28.43. Tha years, and aewap e.nta tha wramm hna school taxes which are payable' to , the lows it To grow up1 and fall do wa and To ladies and-gentlemen who derlre I cxmnly trwtsurws were $679,944.(4 ; I coy er tbe man keeplor tha to make money rapidly we offer a splenr I while the county taxes ware $945,917.18. soil cool andsaoist at all times. Ho did opportunity We hay a large J Tbe entire taxes paid by aba people jc1llfyteft,, hi J orchard solely for' numbdV of agent mnklng from four to for Slate, county and school mere thus I fruiLand obtains frntt in ahniui.. eight dollar per day sening pictures $2,250,000. If city and towa taxes and of the floestqasllty.' Mr. Walter of Jefrerson Davis for which there bV a amoiifif to'$2fio"000 moW,lb coat of has so excellenbsc) for spplee, but no greet demand everywhere. If yoo are sbpportiog goyernmeot I a North Caro better than that-of soroaot hi e!"h- alrt-ady an agent, no matter wba you Una h about two mil1ionan4 a ' half, bors, whose orchards ar beginning to are.selling you s'joulil carry our plo-1 S nt tb rata of $1.60 per capita. I decay under the ordinary ' method of lures.'; Tou will b surprised to seo Thr wer 148,627; whlt polbf 'Antf Ltreatmeiit. wbll ik in growing mora a . a a ha .a. . . I lift Ktl - t, J 1 1 ' a "' I . . W , W , - oow rapmiy (Dey Mu - umai consist wwreo poiu iia iur isxatkn f valiMibls d prodootirs itst v&v aiA, ... .-a I -rt I . I m a . - . . . I m 9 or tour different style or pictures, t a no vaiuauoa oi iaaa ia 100,000,000 f tore ot Mr. uavi ana on or ' iienrv i ot town property,- 931 jkw.ow ; of per- Fat tha d.linaia ami .l -n i-, W. ursdy, six Hi it In. and sell for isooai property,, WJ&jxoflW ; and ot I worn (no vital current to impoverish- fifty cents each. W hy th finest (railroad property, $11,718100, makleg r?M "XS'T i i fcir,'Priu steel eograviog which Mrs. Davis say I total of $223,673, 000., Th ahoy fig- wasted tisfuee, and ia parts tot be svo. ia iae pen itseness sue nos seen ot ner i aunw aa increase., wo lea It sub-1 KU atirprwina; eiBnwcity and Vigor, t f . I -A 1 1 A 11.11 t- lAlanllal ..I .!.- 1 ' I mo lauiQuicu iiu.innur iv iiaiu ir i ".".i iuuihii, u, wjm KQOW cbes price $3.60. Outflls complete con. I to be ih case, tbat except la the sMofall tb abovo mentioned plo 1 sections where tbe erop failures bavej lures worth $5.00 but will be seat to been f dr,, tick'.Tlie' SfsU'l la a tbose who mean business for $2. This I beUer eooditJoa than it was some years Mr. A, W. Cols,, of .Cedar Grove inciuaes tne nne steel engraving witsioacs, ana evunty "property U morel "hip, called to see u Tuesdsy Frice $1. ,Wrth$5aboiUa,. ar BYawab la Crawa. frame asd glass. We also have outfits for LOO but it will pay you to bay tb make money and you should order at " " "7 l one or writ for particulars. , -J-R"' 'crooo juiier. I v.M'..at.MMf t aommi h one Jug and must say tbat Aioo and allow them to aollect before C"frh, "d dP', of ussy returning our money on regular orders "" ' Jaiot disappear. IMaI. ann.i't. 1. 1 l . for pictures. I -,,.. wuioa was so Oeii- P. 8. Plc(ures of eUber Jeffcrso t,.UjH,b,0rrod,e: kMaeya Dsvls or Henry W. Grady album size 8 rents, but acot to, aoy address for TT . . a says n nos ooeo reeling erows with corn soaked lo strychnine.' He saw on crow pick op ,'eibteen r- ' ; of ear; andtbea y about on Lua.ed end sixty ysrdi and fill deaj. r , to Ibis time ba bad killed about twenty erosrt. Corn soaked in strychnine, Mr. Cole ssysT'j sure dektk to c-oss. Uilieboro Obmer. . ; names of 2 sgrats and silver dim" or pootage tt am pa. All questions cheer fully snswered Davis Memorial Co, 907 Mam Etskkt. Dallas, Tsxas. aiso DOtnered m a great deal, knt they do not new. I believe. Microbe Kallerlo be fbe greatest medicine in .oa worm, rou Buy dm my teati-j oy ana welcome, IX it wUl do any yours truly If. E. EitxaoaT. For ssle by L. B, Holt A Co. ' For nearly hf a e. ;.' Cherry Peroral 1 . .r. popular cout l ren-o'r J ; Tbe eonttanry !.-.nr Ihis reroeily prove it t i J bet specitio h r : -, c diaraers of tie t'..' i a i , Radaxs aitCROBB Kitxra is as ; longer en expoHment. It hat been I ' tborouzt.lv tttvi for two year ai d Tbeo go to Jon hovel 1 the srpeY sre h never f..i:-t in soy cae. Tvt as ie j fiwre; j L. B. lc'l t: f,V. V a r-, jk.-a.tv; ufc, -tkTl (Lad