If -V . B ALAMANCE r"t.,; ' leaner;-- I T o- V V I GRAHAM, N. C, ' THURSDAY,:;' MAY. ! 1M890, NO. 13. NOTHI NG r SUCCE MA'? vyi The ;j-eon . kmwi fc Microbe" Killar M vuie nntl wftndorfor-medl- 1 vine; la be-anse It bu never failed tu any to sum. oo matter; what , iiha .dia.aM. from Lep rosy lo tue simplest on- eas? jtnown w iuo uu man system." ' " 8 ' 'Y "' ' ' The scientifla Ol.U -ot to-day claim and prove U Hhut every disease la .. . df ,-. ' -- r; CAUSED BI- MICROBES, Eiterin1&tes th Microbes and d rivet toe a ' out of tW ayiUm, Vnfr wban that b done yos cannot have saiicos I 'ar matter -hat UwidWiBae. whatbar a, simplo eaie of we care then ell at tue aame nme, aa treat all dUaaaea coLititutlonally. ' p, i.li 1 I 1 w Li " - ' i . I ' n ff , . , pvl . .. ; 1 iy.iviiituiiiii hi 'o THE HOR8B WA8 WALLOPED. Bo JTs Vatfl B Bad-Ba4 BU TU1 ef ,ak a? w Aliaia. Caa.aaaptlaa, :larrfc, Sfwm cblOa, KtMaetaaa BMMT , l,bi, tt iaeaaea, Eaaale Traabl la all in iaaai aia. .m- a. : tka- Ilaaiaa r DiOTaiM fi'4a aafjl 8t thafwor T(1eMark (m? a above) dforbbbk "filitory of the Microbe Kill. ar," given away bjr : . . JQFOf ACAKDS. : JASkE.BOyi,Vit . ; . ; T A'TttJRNEY AT1 LAW, Oreentboro. Jf. C Will be at 0 rabam oo Mosday of each week U atteaa to proiessionai bd.iuch. io.p vi JKERNODLE Dia,ii.. rttM in the htata and Federal Our alii falihfttllrand nromutly attend w all no ituutrasted to hint- DK. G.--W'-WHrtSETTr Burgeon DenUat,Vl';7,'v:' j' OREBNSBORO, 1 - " N. a Will ala vieit Alamance. Calla in xihe country attended. AddreRa me at Greensboro,' ., " dec 8 tf JACOB .A.. LOIVC, rACTQBpyATfIAW,? : GRAHAM, . May 17, '88. E. C. LAIED, M. J)., HA.W, JUVlt; N. 3. , . XiETi M. Scott, F.H.:WHiTAKiR,Ja. Oreenaboro, N. 01 Grabam, N.C ' SCOTTfe' WHITAKEB, Attara.je at La w, GRAHAM, - - N. 0. 9 .y OBEVS mm LADY'S -BOOK- 'Wllfba'far aaperlor to any year of IU Wa ton.'a limr amonntof money hTlaf been amiroDriatrd for tbe enbeHUhmeat of Ibe nagaxlne than ever befoje. 'Coder haa-beea pnblMbedf or 0 yeara without mttiluf aa la- "d ...,'. . YOU JAWK)T GET A BETTER two dollara' worth of mataxlne than by anh. ecilritta"odey,Taa bi.T fiaitf Mao aiita B merca, M j- 1a-leadfaataaticae) for, K9? aia i Beautiful Colored Faauloa Plate : EngraTed rwhloa Platea In kUck and while, repre aaatinc 'be preTalJitJC atylea, prodaeed ex raaly.far Uodey, . , , ... ... Tlalr aarwaeJ rratl.lt r . K.araia.rr aad Kl-ral.w-rtt aa. . aiaaa. -Haw 4 Pawwlsr Maile, '' rlaaas Tar aa H.aM fmm . Waaf aa BTall4. 'r4arala4 , . . Vavbia ataealpaa. ", , 1 ha "Beauttf uI'Home" C!nb by Bma . 3bit. (or jounj t.oneekeepere or tboen who coo template becoming to. A Tear m tbe flimaeby Aqlii.Ti Silubcbt Paaacon Jany,Wren), hich will treat of tbe varl oat dulie tori-h month. A CbUdrea'a Carner., for lhet'e ooea. " ' A rich array of llteratnre bs faonU'aa. tbora. amonK a bom aie Emily jermax, Oli.la V'!! WHmi. Ada Marte Peek, Klaia Snow. "O." auth jr of 'iemlal. " belle dlraaaa, with her bwDorona aketabea, aad ncbara. PRCMIUVS to elnb nirm ara amoaa; ha pecial f eatame, and eodaya ofier. tbe moat rhalre and nlaabla of any aaacaciae pub fideuca aa can be imagiuad. Rome tareatinK facta lo legard to lard man a facta re ware obtained by tbe examina- f lion of w'.tneaaea before a coDgreaaioaal 1 oommiltee aome tinae ago. According to the teetimony of a wltneaa woo bad worked in- a large eatabliebment la Boeton, two grade of lard were made ; on grade being mad of bog leaf tat, th other being composed of all the refuae of tbe -IauKhter boua.v.Th proportion of each kind to the- other I may be imagined from the atatenteot that in tbe aaubliahmeot referred to, there waa only one leaf lard tank in a total of twenty -five. The article made in tbe other tweoty-aereu tank la com peeed of bog beada, feet, entraila, etc. The wltoaaa testified Ibat ba bad aeen crippled bog and bogs suffocated in transportation on th cara, killed and put into lb lard tank. And lb pro duct mad fntafucb material is. called par lard.' . . . ' . i Tbe point Is tbia article i not to tarn people's stomachs againat factory made lardbot to call atUutioo to tbe soblime cbeck of tbe maker thereof who ar seeking to have congeaa pass law placing cotton seed lard Wider the baa. In a cos test between par Urd, eo called, and cotton seed -lard, oa their respective merits, the aJraot- ... t. .11 . L - : 1 I . 1 T. ih.Rt,.... aio,, . I a a vu ia aM wi ii sbenld be sent to the See 'of the clean, wholafcom and cutritioaa, so fitur:tOra,.am. J prpgounced by th bigbeat saedical ttitard.' arad lie. fur aasaubj a am bar U'niDg fall eteb ratea and prcmlnma. , ' XTEBTLAO'ThEBOWX DKESS1,4SR. t y , , . ,." who tabanibei to tiodey'a Lady kicx. '.- eaapoa which roa will lad to earb eoabar watiiiai yoa to roar own aeleeiioa of sny rat (trjerwer iiiqauatrd la Gadef't Jjadya i, jk. oci ) c i-aifle Copy- will.eonbaia Aeo( Cte' Cjupooa. a, . V 9m4 I mn far 1aavl. walafc will .nhaaiitaaf m Taar aabavrtMta) - .. ,.- , -,- ""Ire-. , . Tea pttrra thowi foe bow tocnt oat Ibe rarmrnt yen aat. 1 bat U ail wt eaa aay la ta apace. For lha mt aee yoar aaaiple aambar. for which erod 15e. at oecf. aoey" I only r x a year Adareaa "G00g AOT'fl WKtr,'1 j . , f PLi-adelphU. Fa. Ia Uuowitb this paper. GODEVS New Good; Latest Styles; Lowest Prices. Elill Line Imported and Domestic J V -nl- - -l':;;r':ry French serges and side-band novelties, all shades. Kobe dress pat- lerns emoroiaerea ana comoinanons, ; Jtienrittas; monairs, occ. French, British, German and Swiss white goods, linens, embroider- les and laces. i ft i.l .! V. i lit i ,! t..i i : iiiiii ) ( 5!. r v u'l -i i..-.., ; NotidnSai-Hosier 8,0flJ): Portia of Slioes Alone. v;; ;74C!oitiplcte ILiine Men?s ancililffiby (Dlothinff. :? ',.'iJ-';.-;i',!V':.,;..';i..1 '' 'A .,ti; a'a ;tJ 1(1 ti'n i'. I ' 1 f ' ', I V . I ,r, . , 1 " ... : '', ...,s-,".'' "" '..ij v' '.. .' We can :i sare. rou money both in mnaliiv anci npieos. . tj .W UJ T; !Tf;' ta- ' lwP FT i I" ; ; i ' t j. Written for the Glbanbr. ' , . riBaWILIi, i ' BY TA lYNTON. Dearest must w say farewell, ' Though so soon I know we psrt t Sounding like a funeral knell i It is riugiog in my -heart. ' M vuviuknm aaanRiaa w..i.o ii- , . . . rraaraai asaee. , , nlckiy between til roWSSud thor- hnflv nnAfla to ha tnltf tkL ifiA 'nitna-f ' ' " ' -f:u.'J i. ' 'v ' , i!- iiw t : ' li-1 . ... .. ; .. . . . . i : . - . - . l it i not mih a n,ti in 1 hn vuMmy mix6u Wlta tne soil, their ma. larov oflberannerieata not flt to. b. xo u,n ... more cieany "emon- - - a chanioal ffeot wa. e.i.r th... .h. stiated than tbe fact that th farmer . . 7 --fr- - ; " a lew points will made tbe matter wi any 01 toe leruiizers used as an article ot food.' Moreover, the use of animal faU for cooking pur- ! foeda all, and without hiin all else is poses is a poor expedient wbioli haa vain.' Peoplii can manage to get along ' been Resorted to because it baa been very well without costly equipagi I tmraakaalklaa .a rtklafn fAnaaaakl .11- 1 l aVMlllf 11 m f I llefa. atrlil AASfltf ainnaMl' j. . , luijrvawwiw iw vwfatiu fOOMIUig V1I9. IU vvati . imwiiaww aww wirvij aa'xaaa O, how bitter ia jrje ; sufficient quantitiaa. With, tbe intro-" but food they must have, and this the . I t we know lis urawiun a go , ... ..." ..... . I L.t n '. auction ot tne prouuot or cotton seea. I unera oi iue aou must nrovioe. ana A sedate old horse, yet cheerful withal and eeeiHngly posaensed of a' kindly and philoaopluo spirit, mean-) dered up Washington street in the citja, of Brooklyn yesterday, and halted st th acute angle whore it runs into Ful-j ton street , . , , : ' "' . ' tie was attached to the tmslneea) end of a dump cart, this horse. Bested on the driver's . throne of said dump can was a man oi ucn Mnignani . countenance- that -yonwould bavo worn him first brother to tbe bora. .i ij ' . - j , v r . . on aao eviuence oi vision, ue, ma, was cheerful and philosophic, and th. very spirit of sedaieness sat upon him. Be was not a man to joke or to bo joked with. 'Life wore to him a aen ous aspect Any one could see that at glance. v vfceV f- ? ' It would be raah to say that the man drove the horse. He didn't The bond between them was facloeer than rep resented by cord or leather and there were both in the aged harness. Tbe lines lay on the home's back, and the latter took bis way sedately, as a horse wb knows he is doing contract work for the city might be expected to do. If compunctious of conscience amota his equine breast no sign thereof ap peared in his benign and tranquil eye, His master or I should say, perhaps, his friend-did not not rge lum. " At the, junction, .heretofore men tioned in these memoirs the pair paused and looked atxnrt-them. They paused long. It waa so much easier to pause than work? The' sauey wind caught np vast idoada of dustth dust that the were paid to cart away; and toeaed it in the faces of the pass-' ing throng, making the good to pray and the bad to swear. ut this ruffled not the philosophy, of .manor beast The voice of the boss was not heard. ' and it was so much easier to rest than -work- the wear and tear vera so in- . finitely less.: ... . - , At length the Italian 'gentleman who peddles fruit at this .busy conflu ence of. human life, broke in on the? dual reverie. , . "Please minda stands moment foe met" he asked. - i . .. "Hoyr . . , , ' , "Minda fruit ft moment while I go awaf" pi) t-i w- ii itHt'f : .j,.-. "Why, to be sore Oi wnll, my DaT fri'nd. Take yure toime. Oi'll kape mBeyesonyureaoigistamea.- ' The Italian went off to transact hi, errand. ,,tr . ... - . Pretty soon the horse reached tran ' quilly over, picked ap a banan with his teeth and munched tt down ; with satisfaction . beaming from hie eyes. His master looked at him ad miringly, and then looked the other way. Beproof was far removed frank , his face. , . , . The horse took another and then at -third. There was neither haste nor ; trepidation in his action. He appeared . to secure the full flavor of each ba- ' nana, skin and all," before he began, We must say farewell my darling, It may be uniu we oie, ,(tlie nacewiiy. fucming ..hog;. kt baa ceased. Certainly while an article so Though we know not where we'll pure and wholesome as cotton seed oil We must bear it very bravely;- niAf It may be beyond 'the river, f Lying at the Savior's feet. If it is beyond tbe river " ' In the sunshine of Hia love, Aajtela there will wiisper lo us ; "Farewells are not said above." Iaa Lard Catlaar it. Our attention baa been called to the various substitute claiming to be genuine articles and soM as sucb. In formation as to an Important ; ono 'fol lows tb question given , "How many know what kind of lard is used lo making their daily bread T can be obtained, there is no ' sense in I using th f vile, compounds that the ' manufacturers sell under the name of pure lard.; ' f ' vi ''.!. ! : If congress should see At to require ' manufacturers of cotton seed lard to so brand thtir wares. aa to indicate the materials froia which they are made, there should be no objection to such a law ; but its , provisions ought to ba made to apply to other kinds of lard, ; mo that purchasers may know whether t bey are buying 'the oflacouring of tbe slaughter bouses or not. It would be very unjust, however, to subject tbe cotton- seed product 10 so internal vat In tha ordlnarv civil arovarninant I ih h..t Hu ..;..! 'evenougb of last year's buds U fuir. fact, many regard them as a necessary sort of evil to be tolerated as tbe pro viders of food for the r.'st of mankind, many of whom, have neither tbe skill nor energy to provide it for themselves. The manufacturer, the banker, tbe Bf - will make new bud. that will grow into I fruit canes tbe following seaaoa. We t-u - i.i .L.t . . i u i - -1 1 . i. o, uug ., .o-. y-v'- -1 greMe nude from bog beadi aoou aa oaa a caaw ot miaputceu cuu- and en- I trails to go Untaxed', toi' pose before tbe publio as tbe only genuine article. Suffolk (Vs.) Observer. The liaaalaa' tt . If tbe coming hog is to be ready for market at six mouths old, and we all get our hogs up to tbal point, it will re live us cf much car and save vast amount of food.; By adopting th plan of having tbe pig eom. the first of October we cut off the cold weather at both ends of tbe season. We are all well aware that tbe March winds cbill to death a very large percentage of young pitta, end tb cold days in . th fall must ba met by so increase f teed. It will be well for , usto think more about lb coming bog, tbst is to weigh by th lot, in arg aad small numbers, 200 pounds at six months old Tbls practice will give the' fanner aa op portunity to grow, twj litters a .year, and not bave both on tbe farm at once. Two-tblrds of this sit months should be taken up in tbe growth and develop ment of lb frame ; eight week ia ' suf ficient lenntb of time to feed for' fat, whether tb bug b young or old. Old feeder admit ibis. Pittsburg Stock toag- A dry, backing eougb keeps tb bronchial tabes in a state of coostant irriratifn. wbirb.if aotapeedily remov ed, may lead la breenhiti. No prom pfer reosly can be had than Ayert Cherry Pretnral, which Is both sn anodyne sod expectorant. niati fruit canes for tbe coming season If nothing but wood two years or more old Ik left buds will start out; just as they might from a vlgoron forest tree trimmed down to tb truuk, , There are germs of buds In all healthy old ' I wonrf thai It'tll 'Amvmlnn If i.titA ' t... merchant and tbe carrier are hedged I n. . . aluiiil. will, .n.ia I lflrlalal.wtn at nlla I - th farmer is left to get alobg ai beat . : ... ...'. be can. There. are two exceptions to this general rule and that Is when the .... . i . an aMVAi-aiir itiafc I ha win m. L... .Attil. l!.ll. .. kl. ..... .1 I.. I. ' . ..... uuvu.ua looked after with 'scrupulous particu larity. .Again those who' fere depen dent upon tne farmers oft en us any means in their power to gat tb ad vantage of them. They will make a corner and buy ' op tb cotton and breadstuff's at a ruinous low price, aad then make another corner and sell tbs cotton fabric and tbe corn and wheat at aa advsnoe that make tbent fabu loua fortunes. 8ucb dealings are nei tber fair nor Just, if there be any class of mu deserving a fair remuner ative price fyr the results of tbalr labor It is the farmer. , There ia just on way out of tbe difficulties which environ the tillers ofjhe. soil, and that is to get out of debt and atay out The men who cultivate tbs" soil should be, above all others, the moat Independent citizens id any country, and they eaa be if the' will only make the farm self-sustaining. nnon anntha- clear, and the exercise of good common triw- Hntroauure mad fine and I In this wsy a dozen were "comforta sense Is better far than specific dlreo- '.-ttered freely closely . to the rows b.ljf diP0?ed of, and the oat cavity in, : tlonsTruit is always born, on th ecllent results. A mixture ef IKZEFZaZri? XSS new growth from bud springing out of "he nd plaster gay. about tb same I shock seemed to seize the owner. lie " last ear's wood. , j resulU as wood ashes alone, while piss- w DlLb'tt la9l!lfn8f ? 4 . a i- Li.L ' L.- Lc. .lAn. nJJ - A jar.-. ... nr. - "'--F-waaw.aa. dv u iruuiug caxe musk p tsaen 19 .-)..v..viiiilraB, i nenanin , erueity, cumng him the advantage waagaiuod by tbe applies-1 wrale as a thafe of the wurruld, aa ' tion of lime.' ' ...... , . Among varieties' tested, tbe Burbauk gave lbs largest yield uuder ordinary culture.' Tb aarly Ohio, on account of its earliueas, provided tbe most prof itable market potato. . v , , Experiments of ths Missouri Agri cultural College Grouodi to' determine Ibe effect of cutting seed several day prior to planting, upon the vitality of tb potatoes, resulted as follows :. Of tea varieties, cut April 1, and planted April 15, ou 618.64 square rods of lai d, but leaves and canes , th. iollowina; 6f PtT cent, ef seed failed ; of seventy season, out bore good "crops of ' fruit j n v" varieties, out tbe same day plant- omadhaun, and I dont know -what; other titles. The horse started on a run up the street not a very wild. or the warand the owner- climbed into the dump cart from be-: hind and made a tremendoaashow of a. tussle with him. It did not last A moment later they were coin? down. ' Myrtle avenue at a pious w alky and if there was not a twinkle in four sedate but cheerful eyes, then' may I never aee twinkle again.--" As for the -poor-Italian, ho. got back in time to sa ve il is stand, and surely that is enough, to make an v Italian irrateftiL Whai, do they want any way the earth New York Herald.. trletlr XaaUah aavd Va ianliH, -"0 tbsreafter. . This is not the usual mis take of beginners. ' Tbey see the swell ing buds 00 last year's canes. From tbe-e tbey expect their fruit, and tbey naturally think tbe ' more buds they leave tbe better fbelr fiult crop. 80 tbe viae grows into tangled masa, abd too touch fruit being set, little if any of it ripens. Amaricao Cultivator. Kansas Citt. Mo. I have been af. noted with kidney trouble for ever a year, .1 -eommeaced i using Jticrobe Killer at your suesestion. Ibav not finiahed my second jug aud . am com pletely cured.. Yours resneotfullr. . Clark A VVeloh, Ous. 1). Wklch, , rrln tar. . 1213 Walnut St For sale by JU B. Holt & Co. . , raaale Stxpa.la.aaia o d on 714.01 sqoar rods of land, Z per cent of seed, failed. New , York World. ' . ltw Orleans, Feb. 27, 28S8. This Is to certify tbst sfter taking one Jug of Microbe Killer I was permr nently cured of a severe attack of brun ch I tie and pulmonary inflammation, and illness baying restated all method of medical treatment. I cheerfully reoorameod Wn.. Kadaiu's Microbe Killer as being mors tbsn is claimed for it . - " '' -- Henst V. MiELtr, 77 Camp St. , For sal by h, B. Holt A Co. ' Tb latest development of size in po tatoes gained la xperlment in eutUog and proceed upon tb syrtem ?pey as kttb; Ohio 'Agricultural tod u." Thar are manv who f""" tbls. bat their numbers should be n. -eo was eat 10 one aoorxwo eyes, aaa creased a thousand fold.-N. C. Farm- wo,r' io' r1'r7 cu Viour ana nv r. eyes to tbe place) waa planted fifteen to eighteen inches between to. hills. Tber. was 00 sppredsbledfferen. Ia the size of tbe potatoes wber small potatoes, whole, were uaed for 'seed, Tbe New York Times says that lime seerna to be a prevenliv of potato rot in 'be cellar 1 Baraa nntaiAaa thitaw. rouiog and were picked out of heap wi wnj vt uiiy vuaaeia were put Into a corner sod well dusted with air slacked lime., ,Tbey stopped rotting at once, and the decayed parte ar now dried op. Tber. is. no disagreeable smell about 1 beta. d. Price tl. Worth 5 a bottle. Tbe value of m remedy sbool I be eati mated by Its curative .properties. According, to this -standard," Ayer'e Saraaparilla is tbe beet and moat eco nomical blood medicine in tbe market, land where large potatoes, whole, were oecauaa toe moat pure and eoncentrat-1 OMMf n. ha. ri.U ... . 1 Worth 15 a bottle. ' I ' 0 where tbe ball or a whole potato was A Pennsylvania farmer who expert-1 employed a seed, menred with mineral fertilisers for po-1 Tbe teat of fertilizers as a top dress- taioes last year Bod tb following tor-1 log resulted as fallows : . Good bard mute to aire tbe best returns : Kauai 1 wood eabw cave an iocreaae ever the parts of nitrate of soda, disaolvedbooe. natural yield ot the fand, such as to Booth Carolina rock and sulpbste Dotaab. One-half ton per acre w aaed.enstins 815. Tbe product waa 400 bushel per acrf of ibe Wbtte i-i pbaat variety, make tbelr aae, at tbe rate of aeventy. five busbela per acre at 25 cents per boabel profitable. Coal sabe bad a i marked beneficial effect f?read ' . Raceamexto, Cau, April 27, 1889. L. L. GotfDAED A Co UeoUemeo Mr SOB. foaarlaaa aaj old, was cured with leas tbaa one eel- t at S a a. a . . . . 100 01 nsoko i ji icrobe Killer, after being aivea OD bv Dhvaieianaaa Inmir. sine, wild enlargement of the heart My wife wan also cored of a severe broncbiartronble, after a (allure on tb part of physicians to relieve bar. I consider it tar superior to all koown remedies. K. K. Kieefateice. For sals by L. B. Holt A Co. The slang of the streets and. ther tables, and of th. would be witty and comio young men of th. nniversitie and great' publio schools, is another piedisposang cause-of the Lncreavdng; vulgarity of vernacular English. Brevity may be the soul of wit, but there is neither soul nor wit in snchV fashionable brevities aa "vet", for vet erinary surgeon, "exams" for exam inations, "pub" for publio house; "comp" for compositor. Saturday "pops" for Saturday popular concerts, the ''Zoo" for the Zoological gardens, perks" for perquisites, "thoe" fo thousands, "ctt" for citizen, "ed" for advertisement "biz" for buaineaav and such Americanisms as "be goes out nights and works mornings.'' - NinetAKiith HntiiFT .... ir Esaaatac the Baaao ta Onlaa. isji. 1 A lady who is not especially worried; about fire, but who knows from long experience that it mayjje necessary to cau w doctor any nirui, always, makes a point of putiine her houela order before retiring, bhe says if it is needful to run into the kitchen and build a fire in the night she does not want anybody to run the risk of at broken neck over a rocking chair in the middle of the Cook. With the same forethought the kitchen ire is al ways left all ready to be lighted and matches ar kept in a piece easy to find. Croup medicine and. all other- simple remedies for the iHs small chil dren are heir to are also kept where, they can be procured instantly. Lew iaton Journal. - , . .- , Eaadina a tonic that 1 .p. anHiiT iai- ROWI I IHUI hlTTFRS. Tt la ,mdi la laaa, rnrm M um. lnmfas ttua. aud iui ii iaa AJ oaaiC iwf u. drVMunroe, who has afut many winters among the Florida teminoJea. in hia areola in -benhner, docribw the immense turban wLk-b is U.s 11 veraal maaculiue head dr?s aud i tinruiahing badge of that U-ibe. 1 , turban ia composed of fold Uvin il I of small aha wis or gnrly colored h&u i kerchiefs, in Which rW ia the predar: i nant color, wound round aud roun i until the structure prv'.vu t'n i twelve inchs from t'. L !, I; . . i not cover tiie tn cf t! 1 . !. SJ't to be ait t. r ; v a s, flume of, tl? vt ' ' . , :