'he Alamance Gleaner VOL. XVI. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1890. NO. 14. NOTHING SUCCEED ; LIKE SUCCESS ' The reason 'Fadan's Microbe 'Killer Is- the igott wonderfnl medi cine, ii because it) bai nerer (ailed, iu any in stance, do matter? what lue a urate, irnni up rosy to tbe simplest dit eaii knowd to tbe ho- I man srslem The scientist! men of to-day claim and prore fn IE fl TTFTTn mm IIP tbut every disease CAUSED BY,1H0B0BES, New Goods. Latest Styles, Lowest Prices. Full Line Imported and Domestic CflDDEIBSS .CDS AMID) TTIEnMMIM(KS.AJ Frftn p,h sftwps nn A si de-band novelties, all shades. Robe dress pat- i1-3 V i '1.. 1 J XT lfAUAn jPta terns -ftmhroirterefi ana comoinauons. xxeiinettas, iYxuimii, ut,u. French, British, German and Swiss white goods, linens, embroider ies and laces. - . ; : Dip, . Hosiery ui Merar.--M Furnishing Ms. SS.!1!: 138, Wortfo of Shoes Alone. (DompHete ILnnc Mien's anti USoytf QJRotmntg. "Glassware, "Crockery, "Hardware, We can save vow money bofn on qwaimy ana. pMceo, r ' Radam's Microbe Killer exterminates the Microbe and d rivet (hem at of tbe ayitein, and when that is done yon cannot hare an ache or l ain. ' Mo matter what th die isse, whether a slmplo ; ease of 3lalarial Fever or a combination of diseases, we cat then all at the same time, aa we treat all disease! coLstitntlonally. Aelbasa, Ceanaaaptlea, Catarrh, Hri " chltls. BheaaaatUaa, KMr l.lrcr ubnm, Eeaaale. Treaties, la all Ita feraaa, aad, .la fact. every PIhsm ka.wa ta ska ssaaaaa) ayi appears on acb jug. Brno tor dook -am ar," given away by nd for book "History of tbe Microbe Kill- v k TAr m ir 1 i Graham, N. C. 1 - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. , J AS. E." BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Greentioro. JV. C WW ba at Graham on Monday of each week ta attend to professional business. sep 101 J. I. KEBNODLE. A TTORNEY AT LAW ' ea at a h am. rt.o. Practlcas in the State and Federal Onrs will f aiihfullv and promptly attend to all ba sessa treated to him . DR. G. W. WHITSETT, Surgeon Dentist, GREKNSB0R0. - - - N. C. Will alsa viait Alamance. Call In iba country Attended. Address me At i Oreensboru. ' - dec 8 tf TT TTh TPTTtMi JJ LJ J7r-. I : . HUME ffl Rffl llCHffl. ... ". ..J,J,a,.aaa.asaaa JACOB A. LONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mat 17. '88. N. C, B. C. LAIRD, M. D., ' haw rivein. c. Ttb's 18, '90. Ln M. Soott, F. H. WhitaKM.J, . . Greensboro, N. C. Grabam, N.C. SCOTT & T7E0TAKEE, : llleranialliaw, GRAHAM, - . - N. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. fT-1- -gvisiCL 1880 WiU be far superior to any year of IU his tory. larger amonnt of money baviay been mimnrl.trd for the embellishment of lae naacasine than ever before. Coder has been 9uUisbedi or 60 years without mtsttog aa Is sue, and . ; YOU CANNOT GET A BETTER aM.r worth of maiaalna than kr anh- aeriblDrto"Uodey.rTaa Best Familt MiO- . w In America. The leading attractions for 1899 "aie i Beaalifol Colored Fashion Flatee i Kagraved Faabion Plates la Mark and white, repr. wanting tbe preraUltg styles, arodaeea ex- rewly tar uooay. ATlaalv Bzarwaedl syr tl.plsasa, AH AwbreiSMT ixl Sfardtawara W Iim, New mm rl flaeia, f-tawa tmr tha llaaaa mm Wral Sa mmUm, Vrtmrmfa. . Caahias ataralata. At Ms. Tha "Beantiful Home" Club by f araiA I. Gbat, for yoong toneekeepere or taosa who coatemplaM beeontng to. "A Tear ia the Hoaae. by AoausTA bausbubt Pbbsoott i f JfSBT wren, wnien wiu wa mm wmn iwi aatie for caek aaontk. A ChUdraa'a Caraar. for the little onea. A vUm mrrmt at literature bt favorita A tbara, aiaoag wboes aie Emily Uaaoz, Olirkt Ivorell H llsoa, Ada jtane rtca, susw oavw. aatajrof "Uemiai." beila C. Gissaa, arilk her bobmtobs skctcbes, and otnera. PEIMICmTS to dob raisers are among its apeeial featarea, and Coder's offers tha asoat eaoios aad valuable of aay macs sine pub-; Hsbed. aead lae. for sample nambar U elub rales aaa yresninnsa XTXST LaDT EKB OWS DKISShUKKK. vha cahaeribee ta (Soder Lady knac ewenea which yon WiU lad ia ear aasmbar aauues yoa to yoar owa aeieetkoa of any eat paper p'tera illaatrated la Oadeya Lady's Voo. oar 1-Se. eaaipia Capy WIU I mm (aa Saaaala. wfcMk will bmmtfmrm mm jmmw mm a.es teiieai The pattern shows yoc bow to eat oat ib raratrat yaa want. 1 hat Is all wt eaa say ia Uttiwc For tha ret sea yoor sample a.mtiar. for wblrb scad 1S. at uaec to?t kt only rJ o a rm Admrmm -OODAl-a LAOT KOdf rbliadalphia. Pa. In d") with trita VTer. GODEY8 and t e CLEAKEA-Prioa t2.iO. abich ahrnl J ba Br-nt to tbs ollca of tbe) airal rTatas aad ivawa. . LeAT. no farm gates ajar. Poor tool wait, time money, n Complete crops corn And clover. This isn't tbe year to sow foul seed. Bad plan- to borrow or lend tools. "Haato makes waste)" on tb. farm. See to the fruit garden and orchard. Read and observe, think and work. Undf rdraining is a good investment. Fight stock vermin and plant in sects. . -. Plant carefully to gather Abundant ly- v;;.;;w . .. Fix flower beds for ye feminine folks. : Make a note of amount of seeds sown. Swing impure seed brings evil weeds. Profitablw clean and thorough cul ture. " Manure tramped down by live stock does not fire-fang. Be careful not to ovorfeed If you WAnteggs regularly. Bran and buttermilk make a good ration for laying hens. Russia loans money to her farmer at a low rate of interest. Never drive milcb cows or fattening stock faster than a walk. The man who treats his soil well will be treated well by his soil. Arbor dsy is eoniing but plant trees any time when practicable. No odo can economize for tbe far mer as well as the farmer himself. Who ever bad an over supply of first class dairy products. Peas, beans, anJ cow peas hare about the same ehemicalmposiUoa, A soil well ptepfcred to reed, tbe crop needs little after cultivation. .. All kiods of dried' fruits aad onus gas are selling at unusually blgh price. Wbea asparagus is pleated in rows, they should be four or Ave feet apart. Oats aad peas grow a together are called "bam swadwiclses" for stock. Ja sandy soils that leack badly, apply the manure directly to tbe crop. U is aa aprofltable biiwd ataa who objects to working between meals. Tb. UasaachusetU senate baa prs vrntad tfcs pasaaf of lb oltoaaarger- Ue bill. More tha a a million tons af ice have been IvTsUd la Yermost tbe past Is there any fun in tilling two acres to get the profits of one 1 There is no profit in It. Barley bay is a feature to Califor nia. Prof. Henry who baa inspected it thinks well of it. - Never prune a tree unless there is a Kood reason why the branch or limb should be token off. Be sure to raise such crops as tbe market demands. There is no profit in a lot oi unsalable stuff. - Owing to tbe sacrifice of breeding stock some ere expecting better prices for beef in the near future. In buying poultry for breeding get those of good quality.' It does not pay to lis poor fowls as breeders. Tbe.Canadiao government baa voted to expend $30,000 in purchasing seed wheat lor the northwestern farmers. After yoo have brushed tbe odder clean, milk tbe eow as fast as yoa can, aad milk her clean to the last drop. Tbe best plan is to set a good stake by every tree ia setting out, and then tie firmly to prevent the wind from shaking. m , With ice costing t&M per toa, there will be ne creamer! built in New York State this season. Another ef fect will be tbe limiting and checking of the milk shipments to a degree that will keep tbe New York market sup- supply short and stiffen prices. A Uetrl'e Talae. A good hotil draws custom. A sinsle Juicy beebteak, served with clrnly dispatch and In a pure, fra graut atmosphere, Is worth often ons hundred thousand dollars to a land company. 8ncb a trifling investment pays heavy returns. Tbe man who lies down on a soft couoh has much brighter dreams about lands tbaa if be was lying on a puncheon floor. It is these little delicacies and attentions that are making our miniug towns what they are. The public spirit of that man of genius, Charles O. Eddy, is building upon the wast places everywhere In tbe southwest and you can . almost hear the magic nam of Eddy in the mountain streams and lu tbe engine's steam. He is a most eoergetio man of affairs unostentatious, but practical and effective. He ba an able corps of lieutenant Among whom is Mr. Bev 111, In charge of the transportation de partment, and they are ably and ef ficiently supporting him. Riohmond State. ' a&asfesaW tVA CBAw0rs The two special fertilizers for clover are lime and potash. When the land ie occupied by wheat nee potash liber ally, and the young clover must com sate with the wheat (a securing a sup ply. Tbe first growth of tb. clover after it is seeded I the most important, for aa early start and rapid growth places It more securely beyond the ia- Jury of drought later ia tbe season. Tbe food ssost . suitable for young "lover should be that which is soluble, so as to enable tbe young pleats to lev avsdlataly pse it. Lime, ' therefore, should be applied fa a form that Is sol able, keace pUster answers the pur pose. Wood ashes provide potoab ready for tbe raia to 'dissolve it. If, them, aa application of 100 poands of piaster aad 600 poands wood ashes be spplied o. aa acre, tb. mixture will greatly aid the young clover, as well i as assist the growing wheat to push raptJly forwaid. . ' . ' Beees sTav atewk. . Now that tb plaotlog season is her this Is a pertinent subject for discussion, end we give the views asd experience of Prof. Roberts, of Cornell University, who thinks it pays to grow roots to feed stock. Hs rays It needs a rich, mellow soil, well cultivated, so as to make a proper seed bed. Last year ne grew a crop of about three quarters oi an acre of beets. Making liberal al lowaoce for erpeaditores of all kiods, be finds tb. cost to bare beea 970M for l,lfl bushes of beets, or a coat of ,nd tut modeled with ahaut Mtsa eanta a buahal. He Bra-' ... . . . . About seven cents a btiabeJ. H. pre pare bis land In tbe Fall so as to only require harrowing ia tbe Spring, or does it ia tbe Spriog as soon as tb ground eaa be worked. He pots ia tbe seed by tbe middle of April cause, If put ia at a later time, tbe ground ia liabl to be so dry as to great ly delay germinatioa. Last year the season was vary wet, and so favorable to tbe growth of weeds I net It made a great deal of kAad-weedlog necessary. Ia favorable seasons be has produced rsa for four oaU a basnet. Although friendly to silsgs. Prof. Robrrts thinks it pays to raise roofs. It certainly en able tba farmer to give a's Block a greater variety of very relistuble food. - The Lee Aialaa. Harper's Weekly, in an article oa the eauestrian statu, of Oen. R. E. Lee, which is to be unveiled in Rich' mond, Ya., on the 20th of May, says "The horse which Lee bestrides in Morale's statu has all four feet on tb ground, but Is in the act of walking slowly. A fore foot is planted In ad vanoe, and the hind foot on tbe s.tm aid is about to follow suit, but has not yet entirely quitted the ground. ' The head is bent a little to one aide, and the tail just swings clear of the flanks. The General's dress is simple to severity, characteristic found among tbe com' menders on both sides, who commonly avoided tbe trappings and pomp of war. He is girt with a sash and wear tbs ssrord of a commander of cavalry No epaulettes appear, but tbe coat aleeve bears on the forearm an orna ment In broad braid. He holds bis bat in the right hand hanging by bis side and tbe reins in tbe left. Tb feet are tipped into tb stirrups, and are not perfectly oo a line, tb right foot being lightly in advance. Calmness and de termination are shown in tbe bearded face. He seems to be reviewing bis troops, and we may seppose that tha moment chosen is that In which he ex amined tbe Army of Northern Virgin ia before pressing onward to eta fate at Gettysburg. There is great repose In this statue, but of dullness or heavi ness not a trace. The horse is not alive, yet ba the minimum of liveli ness. Tbe figure is posed . easily and naturally, without that grip of tbs knees which horsemen talk about, but do act employ wbea moving slowly, aad there Is a good space between foot and foot. Tbe riding boots; rash, coat as, umm BardJac a BJsde, ar e ( rrm that wa if, wr': ' lit., m raows i ix kirrraj. Tt1s .iwfrt t utana Umimnm, LaTSjCB like beblllmenta or .very day wear, an J tb. horse's main and uil, aad tbs hair oa tbe bead and beard of tbe rider are broadly and vigorously turned. .siesta far sjreahfaat. A Cbicagoan tells the following good story About tbe late Emory Storm: uMr.8torrs,,said some one to this brilliant orator not loo before bis death, "what was tbe most, difficult speech yoo ever bad to make In your iur Mr. Storrs unshed heartily. "One I made for my eight's lodging aad meals," US said. o long ago I was traveling through tbe country la south" era III loots and stopped for the nigbt at a farm bouse on tbe road. In tb morning after hreakfast I asked for ry bill for enterUinmect, and the old far mer said ; "Mister, you've been very good com' pany, and I won't charge yoa much, but would yoa mind tolling as who ye be?" "My name ia Storrs," I sld-"Em- ory Storrs." "Mister, arr yoa Emory Storrs T Well, all my life my ' wife and I bar. wanted to hear Emory Btorr make a speech. 'And now if you'll just get upon that kitchen table there and make a short speech about anything tou like, for as and the children,' it shan't cost yoa a cent for board and sleeping." "And did I do It t Most assuredly. I gav away tbe best part of all tbe or atory I was going to let off in a big law-suit two dsys ahead. But I didn't stand on the kitchen table wbll I did lt."-N.Y.Sun. . . : Mamma (to her little boy). "Now, Bennie. if you 'II be good and go to sleep, mamma 'II xlve you one of Dr, Ayer's nice sugar-coaled Cathartic Pills, next time you neea medicine." .Bea nie, smiling sweetly, dropped off to sleep at one A dead raaidaw. To ladles and gentlemen who desire to make money rapidly we offer a spicu le did opportunity, wo nave a large number of agents ma; eight dollars per dsy selling plot ores great demand everywhere. If yon ar alisdy an agent, no matter wnat yoa are selling you should carry our pic tures. You will be sunx-ised to see bow rsDidlr they sIL Outfit consists or four aiuereot styles or pictures. three of Mr. Davis and on. of Henry W.Grady, sice 1 lilt In. and sell for fifty cents escb. We bay. the finest steel engraving which Mrs. Davis says is ia jxn likeness sne nas seen or ner late lamented biubiod, six 14x18 la ches price t$M. Outfits complete con sist iA all the above mentioned pic tures worth 95.00 but will be sent to those wbo mean business for X This includes the fine steel engraving with frame tad glass. W also have outfits for 1.00 but It will pay yon to bare the it. nils Is a greet opportunity to make money and you should o.der enee or write for panioulars. We pay agents 04 per eeot eommis- doo and allow thsm to collect before returning our money em regular orders tor pictures. P. 8. Picture of either Jefferson Davis or Henry W. Grady slbum aire Scents, bo I sent to aav address lor name of 2 scents and silver dime or postage sUmps. .All que Uoo cheer fully answered. DivuMrMoaiAL Co 007 Maoi Stuxt. Dallas, Texas. RbeumsUsm la caused br an acid the blood ; therefore, exterral treat ment affords no permanent relief. To eliminate tbepotaoo aad make a thor ough core of tbe discs, nothing else ia o efficient aa aysr's fUrnaparilla. Give it a trial. Price L WorU t3 a bjoule. Weraake Ola Ikes.. When on my dsy of life the night ia falling, And in tbe winds from unseen spaces blown. I bear the voices out of darkness 'call ing My feet to paths unknown, Thou who hist made my home of Ufa so pleasant, - Leave not it tenant when ita walla deoayj O Love Divine, O Helper over pre. . eat Be Thou my strength aad stay 1 - Be near when all else is from me drift- Ing - - hade and shine, v And kindly faces to my own uplifting ..The )ov. which answers mine. - I have but Thee, my Father 1 Let Thy Spirit Be with me then to comfort and up bold ; No gate of pearl, no branch of palm of merit, Nor street of shining gold. Suffioa it if my good and ill nnradav oned, And both forgiven through Thy abounding grace I find my bauds familiar beckoned Unto my fitting place. Some bumble door among Thy many ; mansions, Some sheltering shade where sin aa J striving cease, And flows forever through Heaven's green expansions Theriver of Toy pesce. There, from the music round about me stealing, I fala would learn the new fend holy SOtlBTi And find at last beneath Thy trees of nesting, Tbe life for which I long. . , J.O. Wamaou I let Weakly Weatnjoe.tiras) liaajd m be IV. V. sTaparlaaaal euatlaasussl Slate WaaJkwr aarrlea, lav taa Weak Badlaa; WrMay, i April lk, ) Tb Uninterrupted mildness f tb. winter months t)hhU section develop ed fruit and vegetables to an unusual degree, and enabled farmers to aceom pllsh good work in prepertion for the wming season by patting land in first class condition for planting. At th. end of tho winter everything looked green and lb buds of fruit trees war in an advanced slate, promising ant abundant crop. During MAi-cb, how ever, tbs temperature fell rapidly to th. normal or slightly below and th. heavy frosts damaged fruit especially. and wheat, oats, eta, to some extent, Favorable weather during April great. ly Improved wheat and oats, aad prob ably tbs da mag to fruit, excepting peaches and plums, may not 'be so great as was anticipated. On the? whole, on th. commencement of th. -Isso. of tb. Crop Bulletin ft may bar aid that tbe prospects for tb. coming eaaon are Tory fair. Tbs reports of correspondents for Umv week mdlng Friday, April 25th, ar' generally favorable, though the temper' ator. during tb. early part of tb. week waa below the averare. and fWxta . curred on tb. mornings of the tf Uv and 30th, killing Under TegetahlrV melon vines, nipping young corn aad. Injuring tobacco plants. Most eorNaw poodenU remark, however, that the' injury Is not nearly so great as was ap prebeaded. The latter part of the week waa warmer. Tb. rain-fall hast been deficient and the sunshine about tho average with favorable effect oa all crops. Planting com is probably nearly completed, aad the planting of oottoa is progressing rapidly, some early plantings are largo enough for boeinr.- It la generally reported that tobacco' plant are being Injurled by the fliesv Garden ar doing well. Eastern District, Ia this dlvtrict the rain-fall aad temperature have been below tbe average. Sunshine wa about tb usual amount. Reana damage by frost to vegetables, aad la tbe south-eastera portion melons' wUI have to be replanted ia place. CoU ton plenties; commenced this week. Central District. A deficiency af temperature and rain-fall with plenty of sunshine h reported la this dtHcty with generally favorable eTet. Cool weather is said to have in lured tohan. eo plAnts, but tbe flies have dooe tnorw damage than the weather. V teat and oats doing well. PUcticv. co',ui is well sdvaoeed ia this sec. inn r t eoru seams to be mskirf a g4 t r t. Tbe lirht sbowe at tbe end cf I week: have benti,:! J: - -. . out a iinie nam. Wester Ditt An - perature prevail la th ea-an b.'Vj ail t" .t ; and t n'd . a th -i ' i, , - P It I! 5 , gardes. I'. s t