FT7!- 1L Alamance Gleaner. VOL,, XVI. GRAHAM; N-'C, THURSDAY, MAY IB, 1890. NO. IB. NOTHING SUCCEEDS vLTKE SUCCESS. : . . The rMon Radar 's i Microbe Killer is the moat wonderful medi cine, la bwaoM it has never failed lu any in limed, no mailer what the dlsrase, from Lep rosy lu tbe eimplest dl eas known to tue Hu man svsteos. : Tha scientifig man of 1 to-day claim and prora tbU erery dlee.sa la . . CAUS?DrBT 10CEOBES, -' Radan'sllicr'ote Killer Kxtermlnatea the Microbes and 'drives them oat of the system, and when thai in done 70a cannot haw lb or -faln. fo -matter what the di mm. whether a alm'plo eate ' of Malarial Ferer or a combination f diseases. w. cnrethetlatlefrthe ttne time, a we treat all diseases cOLftitutlonally. ; 1 ; f-- 'm life laoto lew we Orate,! a.lfcaa,Vaawaaiptiaa, ' atarrfc. Mm- chilis, Khcaiaiiiti.nl, Kiataey mm t.Uti aHsaa.ee, Kenaale Traaklea, - la alt It. farm., mm, la fact, erary i . DIm.m kaewa ta the Damaa By. miAVIR .IPIBM'IBin) A KEW STOIEIEi AT IB1UIIQ JLHEJCrlTdDM - OUR STOGK IS ALL nco exo an an 11 C3 II U II IV MM U II I swell v II k. i Ill 1 asm "OF ntAt-MT IMIIONS 8ee that our Trade-Mark (samo ai above) appears on aaeh J. - ; , ' 8-nd for book "HUtory of the Microbe Kill er," given away oy :; f.. R. HOLT & CO.. Merchant. Zr w' ."" - Grftham, N. C. 1 wp IPrices Cannot PROFEPPIONAL CARDS. J AS. E.BOYD, , AtTOENEY AT LAW, rr, . . 1 Greensboro. 2T. C. Will b. at Ornbam on Mi.da; of each week I ta attend U professional nminesa. loop mi J. J- KEBNODLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW ' nan am. M.C .' Practice in the State and Federal Court will falihfullvnd promptly attend to aii on teuutrnated to him . DR. O. W. WUITSETT, t t Burgeon Dentiat, GREBNSBORO, . - - N. C. Will ataa visit Alamance. Call" in the country attended. Address me at Gretnsboro, ' dec8tf A be MOLT HDuplicated. mm m RfflL GRAHAM AND BURLINGTON. JACOB A.. LONG", Oreentboro PatrioL ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Tirenty-five years.ago, just after Lee ! GRAHAM, - N. C, .nrrendered and the bonny blue flajf What aa Bi. aafedrrata oajecr raaaa eneU. Dall-meltea mass 01 meibl, wnicn i4aiaara:nrwara. j proved to be the watch of the dead soldier bidden there twenty-five years ago, end during all ttiee years forgot ten. That be prizes this watch above all price, we know. He has lost all MayJ7.'88,. EC. LAIRD, M. D., HAW RIVER, IT. C. Feb'y 13, DO. Ikvi M. PcoiT,' F. H. Whitaker.Jk, Oreeoalwro, N. C. Graham, N.C. . SCOTT & "WHITAKEE, . .'.'i ' Attaraea at Law, GRAHAM, . - - "N. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. trace of those who formed.this'pnrly of desperate young soldiers and has not seen or heard of one of them since, was furled forever, a party of young Confederate officers, disheartened anrt sad, 'tis true, but unwhipped, turned their faces .Southward, after escaping from Grant's men at Appomattox, in- inino m.lra their wav to Mazimil- NeVv-r bad a Drrparion a more d Han's army in Mexico and enlist, under Zt hia banner. Tbey crossed Haw River, ' come enfeebled by disease, itge, orneg- and restinir under the trees on this side, ject, this dressing imparts reuewed 0 lifn In fhtt analn mr flint, t liaa k n I r ou. removed every insignia of their rank. g muax" 0' lu youthrulnes and 1.9 mm, LADY'S -BOOK- Here one of them sank under exhaus tion and wounds and died. Reverent ly his comrade buried .him, and two of tbem, one bis brother, and the other the Hero of this tale, hid his watch, a roll of Confederate money and a nnm- beaufy. ' Aa.al Oala. Tb4 Wisconsin ' University Experi ment Station reports, through a recent ber of trinkets, in the hollow of one of bulletin, that trials made (here for a three trees which formed a triangle at Will Im far auDurior to anr Tear of It bia ton. a utra-er amouut of mooef htrluf been appropriated for the einbe!liahmnt of the Baraxine wan ever neinre. taixier oat uoen pnblubtd.' or ) years wiihont mtitlut; an la ano. aad .- t. . -4 . . . , ; YOU CANNOT GET A BETTER two dollar worth of ma; aslne than br aerlhir)Joaixley, IBS OK4T A MILT 14J 4riai.i Aifirrlca, . - y Ihfl CHulnir aitrteticBf for 1890 ate B- niulfMl (. olored Kawiion Ptaiea ; Engraved F.-hl-w Plaua In M.ra nd abiie, repre Miittf'K he ,rei:lr.K ttylca, Vrewly fur tiod'y . produced tx Fraati.aircea. STIarl trrmtrd Praati.aircem. art ataraiJarf ait iaitw.r aia icno, rW mm laaalar Miwle, ri.a. far ia IIim Vaa Was ta BaiM. fataamiUMS aaltiaa Kmrlpta, die. The r.rHUlfut li-tnit:' CiUl., by f.M4 J. f j.at. ii r .'tins i,oiuw-k:irr or lliu.' trh rrt u.o:' iiei'iamia .. A Year in ih ( I m.r ' r t" . '. ;i'tliatf the art ..b (l.'.jw r nvtu u1.11.U1. -1 t hl.dieo Cimrr. tor I'h mti one A f wri mr ..I i.i .al rt tn frfnnu! thoi. n.i t: ' tn-tit fcmil.v l-nnoi. Miri. ti.i-l- .!'.... V MxM! I'wV. itaie (toow. 'ii,V 4'fc 'unui." ' . ire.-n kil.aurfui,c.rtir ft fit njlie-s. S'iiK I' icl Vj ratrr fciv ' I!" un-inl icl J . ...i '-xl -i "-ft ' " n"l em ie mi t tf ') , -sT-n" V '' - jJ !. J a -u.;.U iiu .it :r "o U'ihi:e ta: . mi rnw -J rotai'Jiii. KViilt, i-UY I " I Rt's."M waotnh-e'ibw 10 t.lf. Li i. . aa, ou m i,U-ti y -J -il;1lD-t in tch 1 sirjb -1 aauiieyia ytir own srk'mi of an? 4 r-l p.p-r p-.!' : 1 BMirt't ro "l4jv' Lr!.r . Bno --r '..V k.trplc yy . w:ll c-a:: eaa of Ibta ' CJepoae. f 1 I eemm tmr aaaapl. wltlrtj will waaai r-5lr. The p Urr- "-i-!. ..I. t,i. .it oat h -rnal tan . I 1 bM i ui wt Can 'a im. .pat-e. r-ifilie rot aee mr Muipl' V r. I.ir M-na t icl. -v : re-' fcoo'irl'imr i - -GUUtT-S Ut -T'S rii(Uaali.. P. Ia (. ' H with ibia fapr, GODEY nud l! LKtXE Pi ice f2.y0, alik-i shec! f ; t to the Hii-e .f . CiLEA, i at C rauam. series of years have proven the White . , tt..ir . loov 01 a rocay uiuu. Scbonen Sweedisb, Improved White Resuming their journey, the party I Huebner,f UoUHnd obU reached bere on the morning tht j to univerSJl? prodoctive well President DvU and his. party started ' itorioll!, o Kvtnl Qi Tu their way South. They resolved to L The tberefor, reoom. eeoort their fallen chief to a place of meud, ntMin , th ordw Mp fety orp-ri.b with bim. . Tbay act- e(, ,Jt ad,j,d tbat , jud , u a varieties of oats,' tbe yield of grain! Iavis unlit Dfl ww capiurvu iu uwr- gia, where, our hero was wound! and lay for weeks hovering btlween life and death. Karal N.Ira aad JV.w.. Next May muster afield I Yes, get a good grindstone. . A good hired man is a treasure. Lead, not follow, your field force. How many trees have you planted ? The Cory Is a very early sweet corn. Method and system pay on the farm. Amber Is a good variety of sorghum. Work and pluck are surer tbsn luck. . Ignore scrubs ; raise more good stock, The worst baul on tbe farm alco hol.., v .. Prepare for tbe great cereal crop, corn. Coming sheep shearing and big clipe. Poland China swine "take" in tbe West. ' . Patronize prize paying pigs and pool try. Provide good watering places for stock. ' 1 Give tbe boys and girls plots to cul tivate. . Repair tool, harness, etc., on rainy days. Give tbe boys a chance with good tools. '. , , Follow good seed with thorough culture. . . HULLO." ' " . " When you aee s man la woa, s Walk right up and aay "HnlloP , , . "Hullo" and "now d'ye aVif "-.. ' Ilow'a the world a ualn' yput" v 1 Slap the fellow on bla back; . ' i , BrtngTowbaa'dowawithawhackf , Walu right np, and doot go alow; Orm an' abaka, aad say Bidlor la be clothed In ragaf Ohl aho: j , Walk right up an' aay"Hiulor ' .3 Bags la but a cotton roll - 1 Jut toe wr&ppin' up a kxiI; . 1 And a aonl la worth a true, ' . , . Hole and beaMjr '"How d'ye dof Don't wait Cor the crowd to go; -Walk right np and aayHultor v When big vanels meat, they aay, . 'i . .. Tbey aaloot aa' aoil away. , - JeatthaaamearayonaiulnM. - . Ixxxaoin0ahlrauponaaoa( -1 ' Each onaaalUn' htt) own Jog; 1 - ., , 1 , Tot a port beyond the tog. . '. ' Vet your apeakln' trumpet bVxr ( Ult your born aa' cry "Xlullor rfiay "Hullo- and How d'ye dor ' i ' Otherfolkaoregoodaayoa. j Whea yon tears your Aooaeof (Say, . Wandorin' ip the far away. When you travel through the atrap( -Country t'other aide the range, , Then the aoulj you're cheered win know Who ye be, and aay "Hnllo!" -miadnhtolVadcer. "PARSON DAN" BROKE HiS OATH. Undrar Ilia Ireoiaataneea It la Hat IJkata to 11. Scorad AgalBat Hlaa. ' . Tlie boys all called him "Parson Dan." His real name was Daniel Iliggins. He was quite 60 years old and rather under the average height. but he was as tough as hickory and the best workman luthe whole foun dry. - Lonp before I made hia acquaintance lie had "got religion," and not beinr the sort of man .to rest satisfied with merely saving his own soul, he went to work zealously to impart relifrion ta others. Far worse preachers than. Parson Dan" earn bio- salariea In . fashionable churches. But "Parson, . Dan11 had a karri rmwil in ataal wift. and much of the seed he scattered fell on stony ground. Often he was sub jected to a deal of coarse chaffing. Ha endured it all good nataredly and never retaliated. ut this is what made me retard "Parson Dan" aa one f the finest men I had ever met. Due tiay during tbe dinner hour he was holdinsr forth on bis favorite topic Among his listeners was an appren tice named Will Preston. As ill luck would have it 'iTako" Donohue, the foreman of the department in which the Jad worked, came along that way. " Ho was a Me. vicious tempered fellow. and the terror of all the men under him. For some reason he had a CTndro against Will,, Preston, and forthwith began to abuse bim ioullv. "Parson Dan" interceded for the lad. Then 'Joke" turned hia , profanitw nmn him. .. .. , ' ' ' . "You infernal psalm singing hypo crite, I'U teach you to mind your busi- .' 1 blow Ug ve boiled meut, Hummer or Win- makes it necessary to bear the . weight a 1 iL. a l I tar, wteuever tn. iowis are sous up on tbe breat bone, mr.lnly in one spot, wnere tney cannoc procure insects, and thus it becomes bent to one side. Raw meatls too crude and does not This deformity Is caused. In manr In' resemble an Insect diet so much as stances, by roosting on tbe chine of a wnen cooxed, and it makes tbe birds barrel, or on tbe small limbs of trees r , Buu ,,unrreiora0. tt may oe mid fowls have their bones hardened given raw occasionally, Just for variety. U) that thsy will stand the pfrtssure reso yegsiume roou snouia oe allow- without bending, but ail should have ed daily the year through. When tbey wide perches. The Poult rv World. are suuaiea so mat tney can picx up grubs, that answers tha - nnrnoaa. . . ' I . . btberwlse. tender irrass or clover. ""l' Prert blood, ' , 1 wn cn III nm. atfAAt. auu ab-mm m..A short, should be given in Summer, and I function of the body. As remedy raw cabbage or boiled p.tatoet in Win-1 lor ,ne trotroies, nothing can ap ter. DonotgiveUyersallthegralntbey rtffi: 2 win sal, iwr huu w nii mem uiv 1 acu, ana enrrects all disorder of the fat for prolificnets. Those hens whose "ver or kidneys, eggs are to be set should be fed tbe least of all. If strong and vigorous chickens I trsst fcr sds. are desired. The question "Why not plant nul Roosts. There is no advantage in trees for sbade f" is a very pertinent placing percnes one aoove acotner, lone for tree-planting, at tbls. Atbor- siair lasnion, 10 me oypoienuse of Day season. It It claimed that they . a a a S - irtaogie. it to no economy of room. I grow quite as rapidly as other trees. u tney oe mns arrangsd, tne disiaocea and serve a double purpose. Tbe of the perches from each other mutt heaves of tbe hickory, walnut, beech be measured on tbe bate of the triangle, land butternut ara weal ti lina.r .. from tbe fact that the droppings fall lorg as tboM of olber deddiou. SSr-1'' twcltliiietl. ness." With that he struck, the lad 1 tbat knocked liun down. "Don't do that," pleaded 'Tarson Dan:" "it's cowardly." ' ' Jake's response was a still more sul phurpus outburst of oaths, and to show his contempt for "Parson Dan" be aimed a kick at the prostrate lad. For fi. moment "Parson DanV face was a study. It was that of a man struggling against an overwhelming , temptation. .. He turned pale, his lips were compressed, his hands clinched. Then ho stepped forward, - There was nothing suggestive of the preacher ia his manner. - . . , "Stop it!" ' ho exclaimed, sternly, "or nfinako you." " , Jake was so astonished that he could merely stare without a word. But to ccoso to bo a brute would be an acknowledgmenthe evidently thought, tiiat he was afraid. So hm turned to the boy and modo a move, aucnt ma though about to kick bim again. .. Quick , or a flash "Parson Dan" sprang at him, . and with a blow straight from the shoulder struck him . on the ooint of tbo jaw. "Jake" fell to the floor like a log. It was as clean a knock out blow as I have ever seen delivered at a prize fight Tbe men broke out with a spontaneous cheer. "Parson Dan" looked unutterably do- ' though Quite important, is not tha onlv Remember that flat culture is best contiileration to be taken Into account. . tor 0"- It ia very necessary that the straw be , It pays to take good care of jour auflltHrrll v atronar ta anahla ft in h. ' r... .v... i . 1- . ' " - 1.1 mj Hciiriwiv ta jwil rwia. Recovering bis health, he made his,,. . . . , K r-y to Europe and fought unde-varl-l-r-rT-.r r r' . Hyou want good vigorous stock of any kiod, breed to a mature sire. Start early and rest late. It Is bet ter tbau restiag early and starting late. ' ' ' i i Give your trams a change of diet. Yuu like it youra. if and so do tbry. It name is fi.llo. Paaltry. W-J.ia-...FW..,U. -, .-.. . . m..,.. . . .... us banners for several years, but ; cn( My ,(e hftrvt,d , , tiring of wr, be tun,ed bis mi.,.1 to f w wM Th scifiitifio researches and study. H ' . , ! I'Ort portiiientlv I'b-rrvra tbat perhaps returnrd Iw this cuuniry and reeeMly 1 , . . . , , , . , H' lirmn aflorda bt-ttrr facilitira made a acMiiili6c dixouvery which lias;, , "r iiTriving thr purchaser than oil a alrrauy vtiriuh.a inin and promiM-s to I . . , ." .. . ;A priwrr ulitains a phanominal cni.ll in. UK Willi lliliueiiiw wimhu. t . , . . M - ,. . . , , j yiflrl if ,mr cmmn variety of (Jus ape?tiziug. , 8ine werkii airo he had ocevaion t 1 . . . . . ,, grain, bmughi shunt y unuaually fa- . . - .LI. . I ...,.)- I. .. 1 ... I - rr,rn a....,.. .m.. , vorable Colldilioua. - r . t -t I . : ara.. I t. 0:e ! fn!" eirur.HHi in . Ilia nritn-;. - 1 1 . - cini-r-, f,,jn it mar- i.,rinMl ! Hi Kivrr, h mine, Hiirj ' . .... , . ., , a r.wlty nliitr which rfnlii air,,nee! j , . . ... fiitOllMr. Alirr ill. liking liilfiiliy f:r , . . ' T- ,'iimi l If f irf In .' iw -rt)i ruiiiutt-a be rem'!rir,r.r(?i a jr.,i-t I m Itllll-l l!!l! Mult imi I.A b. I. .A of iirrt. a ora out, vi'irii -wMier., 1 ... who stood aueuvrr l a-tiund a .l.all .w ' ' f ri, iuukr a ailr diffrrrnce . ,, mil -..i oiru, p;ii( ir.a e irate; lf r'Vrnitly anil sjilly ihp 1 1 ht. 1 rii.tn. ,.A ..I h.r .1 tnxiy of a d-ji eusif.ul. i lac-l mi , - , , , Sarin, flf i -rr 1 y f,r . b . t.ii..- r it ; u." wi b n funi-i a! j np or r' nicir , , . ', iwfliv-n f. im aeflli U- t1(; u rite, it lm to rei. He al-j ' ... . . . ; avoided, inrinlHTi-.i huu wib MiH nVad ruos-1 p.rpeDa.cuiany. Aueyanouiu oe lor treaa, so tbat 00 oi ject ion of early au enough apart to avoid soiling of plum- tumoi bam ness . caooot bo made. sge. XI tne.su do economy of specs 1 These trees for tbe most part sboot ia mis arrangement, mere Is no argu- pp Ull and straight, with strong grsce- mtui torn, roww will jump from ins I fu sterna and sturdy branches well lowest p?rch to the uext and so on to above tbe ground a pleasant sight to the highest, aud then quurrel. Tbey I lovers of good trees. Tbe chestnut Is all want Ibe bighc.t place. It Is pre-1 another pretty tree, with an exceed (arable to have ! be perches placed ou a Ingly beautiful leaf, though It does sot "What do you mean t" I asked. "Why. air. years ago I used tabs a prize fighter, and when I got convert ed I took an oath that I'd never strike a man agaiu. ana now Pre done u. What will become of met" Everybody assured him thai nn angel would record that blow to Lis discredit. New York Herald. Klaatrla Light ta Darlla. In Ecrlia tbe wires have been ear- level, also tbe platform to catch the I q ,Urish In all parte of the Country. I Tied underground from the start, and uroopinga. u may oejust mgn enougn Tbo mhoui pl,tng sbade and ore a- f" . u,"t' D"u "lenceo. to be bandy In cleaning, and the L.,., Irec.'.round' their dwellinga, SS? KYglfn percnnswuiosriiHit aoove it. AiiiDfj rUewhere rhould not overlook prches should be movable, so as such nut bearing ones as we have men faciiiute (be application of kerosance, Honed, fur. they will are long eflVd wnen necessary, to every part. 1 oe both pleature and profit to Ibelr grow reason woy lowu strive for me Dignest 1 place la tbe roost, Is because tbey poa- ses an Instinct which teaches tbem I la Vara mi MXeem. tbat tbe higher tbry get tbe safer tbey are. "So it Is fact, tbat when tbe It ia reported tbat at the last annual convention of Ohio farmers, Dr. W. W. I J-'kkiIKO to Sell. If by feeding I cut- irfl.url of corn la a rr k, iosintd in 1 o wark. you grt tbe in ere mi , lb" oirU will ba ready for markt -1 laiii-h lb- auonar, and out la the ,..-1 rrc. mte from young chick.. I u .l. . Wrawni.nd id.rii.... .,. . '. . . ,r,w"'" wu with boras." Commenting 0P0. this r-j- r mllf -uit--b' $mr pU$ym bat do I l . f t f A. . . I -.-I i ' Crsne.lnspe.kiog oa the subject tf i st iti aeu fowls will aov the blihaat . . . t I . t L. , . loorijirwecaiiie, OyCiarM mat "In ail rl.ea. Probably tha air ia aa nunl.i . .. . Mk ' ----- - . , 1 ine wona mere is not man trie owner w" ' three feet from Ibe floor, aa higher. I 11-.1 u-.j. .. . 1 wiiw iK?rtt. w du ani u. 1 1 na Fowla. when erowded In a light aprU by . wUb mv hi, BOoIer, rade'a bruth-r Tir tiad eimght a biding place fjr hi. !;rtl poiwrty. The rp t had chani. The Ull oaks fal . ...n v-re nrem n.i nnruMi them en all that was was tfcr. a en tri-d j Many IVraoiia are broken a. rem tram arerwork ar aoowaoat Brown's Iron Biltrm nmiMs the rrawm. aid. 1lrioa. mam. saasaf Uia. and eona stalana. baufat ua. a,.. wiiii itii. ara i. l r .i. mm. . . -a - a contemporary remarks that tbe fivot log neavier tiian commoa atmospnere. 1 u ... .1 ., - . 4 fel alike t vu daya in auora-aioo, ,n rl,-o- .n4 m k... . Ami. . . 7 jV . l . ,f . ... : "iks to iba floor, aod may nave a dele- w ,BOIf 0U WeaUm atockmen '" w trrtuos rnrct on fowls roosting very th.oogh lbs ws.t, or more, ana msse ; Delirious fumes are also evoly- 1 a . il l- T" J . t I a vanro aa P" twicw a 1 . ifM,lnm .nit ...,. I ''larAtl.. I 'limit'. I a iBS of tbcM Murcjaj bs twtad a black- y.-ar io advance. day sft frrd ia lbs moraiug, aligbtlt fu-m rrr1 with ground Cayrooa, and ak-Uvrain at rvening, particularly w ,,h.i , a ',. i i-m.iii. ia IK" B'". a- ' 11rt.nl, 'tg.-U-ig gii.:l, inroogb ue lawg tiucUia, lo aot tail I mat tar. Parcbas should be st least t we incbrs aida, and rest firmly la a slot m ""ociiaa. Fowls will cling to one f'gj of a wide perch, aad tbe width II ive opportunity to rest tbe weight pb the thanks." A very Barrow perch who are not fully convinced that the. practice is economical and every way advantageous wters nattle are being handled for trutober purposes. ron rnst wtiortn. WMkaaaa. aialaruu lndiMWina mmS bant mow BrTTsms. JL ' 1 ann-klT. yor mmi ay things of beauty, an artistic embelli.h- ment to the city. Unter den Iiiiden is probably the most brilliantly and . beautifully illuminated street in the world. Along each side and down tha center the are lights are set even more closely together than ordinarw lampc, ana tbe effect at night u tLat . . . ... . in area, strings 01 Willie, gleaming pearls. The posts consist of great iron standards, with tasteful ornament- . tion and cursing over at the top. Ilere the globe is suspended, inclosed in a coarse net work, so that, in ease it breaks, tbe pieces of glass may sot fall on passers. From the globe them hangs a light chain, with a ring in the end, and tnere are counterbalancing ' weights inside the post, so that the lamp Is Quickly and easily attended ta . by pulling it down with a light stick, with a Look in the end: a treat im provement, in the economy of tima and trouble, over our clumsy methods of either climbing (he post or lower. ing the light by nn uuvri ldly ami ugly crane. Cor. Mexican Financier. Tfc.tr Ballag fail .in Hartly, when a boy, wished ti trri: j a book on the nature of man : !' .. .- a work ou philosophy; and J' , , epic poem. Sineaton, tlie ei reputed to have inaoufartur windini'l when oidy 6 yc,

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