! at. . HE AL AMANCE Gleanek, VOL. XVI. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1890. ;NO. .17.. NOTHING SUCCEEDS to.? ,1 M t sT t ill l-,ix VI .J -a. f . Thai iJuin . Had.', Microbe Killer ii tbe moat Wonderful, madl- clnF. il b'MU it ha pnsTar failed iu- any. in , liu, no matter what the diaeaee. from LcP roa to tbe lmp)et dl aaf known- to tbe hu man ylei, "i. :- Th Kientlte bmi i to-da claim and proT . loiniba erery dlae to . CAUSED BT MldEOBES I "Svi t;-:, J: ."TT-laiifi fie--: ' iitermlnatea th Micro ben and drives them, tout of the iyrtttu, and whan that to don you vannot haw an Ache, or., pain. ,f fto matter vhat the dhnaie. whther a simple ease : of MalariaTFoTeKortk combination of dUaa we cure then all at the suae time, aa we treat all dlteaae coutltutloually. ekitia. Bkeanaatiaaa, Kidaey ' aad I.lrer aaleeawes, Keaaale TraH - la all ita f.rai, an, la fact, every Dlaeaae kaewa the Haaaaa -Sea tfiat oar Trade-Mark (earne a abore) appear on eacn inr. Send for book Ubi sr." riven awar bv ' Ii. B. HOLT & CO.. Merchants. P: , v.; Graham, N. C atory of the Microbe Kill J PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAS.E. BOYD,- i" " - . .. ATTORNEY AT LAW, , Qreenttoro. 2f. C. Will be at Graham on Monday of each week attead toproieaaionai bnatnea. sp ii J. r. KERNODLE. ATTORNEY JiT LAWL eiiritn. i.t. Practice in the Btate and Federal Court will f ahbfnllT and promptly attend to all ha . teaantruated to him . DR. g. wy WJIITSETT, Surgeon Dentist, GREBNSBORO, - - - N.O. Will alia vii( Alamance. Calli Id th country attended. Address me at Greensboro. - , dec 8 tf L . Bo ; MOLT . &' C0o9 , ... t j ... , .. . , . . J . : . ; : ' - ' -' ; i ' " ! .1 H" J-'cT-'- i',,,, .. ; . i i. " ' ' ' '' JACOB A. LONG-, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRAHAM, ; - - iV. C, Mar 17. '88. E.' 0. LAIRD, M. D.y HAW RIVEIl, N. c. Feb'y 18, '90. - Xevi M. Scott, F. H. Whitakkk,Jb, Greensboro, N. C. Graham, N.C SCOTT & WHITAKEB, ... llMmj) at Law, 3RAHAM, . .. - N. C ADVERTISEMENTS. ODEYS 4 0 V yi LADY'S -BOOK- Will ba far appellor to aay year of lta ba ton, a larrer amonnt of money barlar been appropriated for the embeUUhmeat of tbe xaaraclne than arer before. Coder baa been pabliabedf or SO year without nlailng aa la. ua,aadai - ,v YOU CANNot GET A BETTER twit dollar' worth of magaalne than by tuh erlblrf to"Oodey,"Tn Bui tkunr Uka Azrua in America, The leading attraction for 1893 aie t Beautiful Colored Faahion Plate : KnrraTed faablon Plate la black and white, repre eatlnf (he preraUict; tylea, produced M praMly for Oodey iMlf llaeaad Vrvallaalaeoa, Ar Bdrr aad Navalowor . Iim, Maw rfad Pevalar ft mat, . riH for IM M mmnm Worn Waai tm alalia, CUrae4 Cewkias afeola, ((. The MBeantif ul Home" Crab fey bra a J. QmAT. for young tomekeeper or tbow who oa template oeooraiof ao. -a w tm um Hooae, by Aoecrr Silubobt Pnaaoorr Jenny Wren), which will treat of tbe ari oaa dutle for each Doalh. A ChUdrea Career, for the lUtle ooa. ' A rich array of llteratnra b) favorite aa taors, among whom ate Smily lenaox, Oltrla Lorell WUaoo, Ada Maria Peek, Kiel Snow. "O," aulhar of HJemlnl. belUC Oraeea, With bar hamorooa ketciiea, and othata. PBKMICM8 to dub raUera era a moot it apeeial feataraa, aad Oodey "a oner the atoat ekeica and alaabia o aay mare lino pa llaked. dead lae. for aaaple a am bar toa taiuiag (ail dab rile and premium. - ITCRT LADT EIS OWB DEXSBMAXKK wto aabaerlbe U Oodya Lady Utod ka m aaanaa arblefa oa will dod la aaeh Bmbar eataiee you to your wa aeteoloa of aay rut paper paiterw luaavaiea n vwowj . &aj book.. I oar l&c- iMnpi Cefy wiU eoolaia a of theaa cjafoaa, 4 I mtm far aaaiaaav urateai win Bwattawaaaoj ymr .rlyU i ivea. I roc bow t faraarat yea wt. Thai ta al we can aay la taiatpaea. For the raat aa your aaaipla nmbar. forwkleh trad 1 6c at oacr. Oaory- la oaly M a year Addrea "GOOKX LA bT-fl VC it," FailadeJpMa, ra. IaClubwith tild Vlr GODFTS .'7 it-KAKta Trie t: Tl which a qirnnaan. t 111 , ; v . yvJJ . Q ob He Med HI' 'fi-i We can sell you cheaper than you can buy else where and we save you money, and at the same time by giving us your patronage you enable us to buy and sell more, and we make our profits by buying closely in large quantities and by discounts given on large orders. Z1' ,r... We totallii g in Slock fmd ai tbe I0WESI FRIGES. ' '- ' ; : . ... Tm Gaed Ta Be I.a(. '' The following id too good to be tost : 'Brudderin, my 'perieD0 l. dat It ain't de profession of 'ligirao, but do 'caaional practice ob it makes a man ceptable np yonder. When ye gifts to de golden gate, and Peter looks yer right in de eye, and yer shown him yer long creed, and says, pompous like, dat yer 'longed for a big church de 'postle 11 shake his head an' say, dat aint null ter git yer through. But if yer takes yer bills under yer arm yer grocer bills, an' yer rent bills an Doctor bills an' he looks 'em all over an' finds 'em all receipted, he'll say, yer titles clear and unlock der gate an' let yer pitch yer voice for de angles song. But taint no use tertrabble along dat Dar- row path 'less yer can carry, folded up n yer creed a good reomendatlon from ver creditors. Hebben ain't no place 'for a man who has to dodge 'round a corner for fear 61 meetin' some one who'll ask for dat little bill dat neber was paid. . , . In early childhood the germs of fra ternal affection may be carefully nour febed as to bear a rich barvett of fruit through all tbe aucceedicg years of life. Love it not wholly a mailer oi instinct or accident, aa some may im agine; its presence is often due to cul tivation, its abenoe to neglect. Ex. Northern readers. We do not wish to see cotton-deed Cake largely used as a manure. J It is nutritious food of a high order, and should be used as food first, and aftewards as "manure'. When fed to sheep It is not only an excellent food, but ninety-five per cent, of tbe nitro gen, and still more of the pbosphorio acid and potash,' is returned to tbe soil in the droppings of the sheep. . There must be maay place in the Southern Mates where impoverished and run down land could be very profitably ran? ovated by pasturing with sheep. If tbe sheep are allowed one pound of cotton-seed cake each per day, tt is astonishing bow they will clean up tbe land and destroy weeds, branches, eUvj' and tbe droppings of the sheep will so apart from the unsentimental world, two and two. But as a general thing they aro ready enough to rush back Into the crowd when the billing and cooing season is over. Petrarch would have grown tired of Laura, and she of him, had they been condemned to a' lifn-long tete-a-tete in the wilderness, and 8ppho would have jumped Into tbe sea to escape ennui, bad she been compelled to matrimonial solitude with the man for lack of , whose love she msde "a damp body" of herself. It bas been well said that the vital painoible grows weak when Isolated. The man who cares for nobody, and for whom nobody cares, has nothing to live for that will pay for the trouble of i keening soul and bod v tocether. . Yon enrich tbe land that nutritions grasses j must have a heap of embers to make a soon cover the soil.' De not go into glowing fire. Scatter them apart, and fancy breeds at first. Buy native they become dim and cold. So, to have sheep In some of the large markets, j a brisk, vigorous life, you must have a Feed liberally, especially of cotton-sead group of lives, to keep each other cake, and tbe Increase of mutton and warm, as it were, to afford to .). wool will far more than pay for tbe cake, and you Ret tbe land cleaned np and enriched and well stocked with grass for nothing. American Agriculturist. Trees fry the Baad-Sia. This question Is very properly being Tea Hack Sioaey War Maaaraa. No let an authority than Major Al- vord, ot the Maryland Experiment Sta tion, avers that too much money is paid out by tbe farmers of tbe country for manures. Special fertiliser, are needed for special crops. Barn-yard manure alooe can hardly be expected to Keep op to tenuity oi toe sou , less It fa seed to excess. A proper system of rotation will red ace tbe amount required. Tbe surface ef the soil should be kept covered with some kind of a crop as asoch as possible. In. one ton of average fertiliser la found 224 fee. of plant food. Tbe ton will fill twelve sacks, when all tbe nsosasary materials for 224 Sk. of plant Joed could hm put loto one-third of the spaee. Tbe other two-tamu or tne aterial are made np of coal ashes; road dirt, or other useless aed coaUeas staff. High-grade goods are feaerally the best. ... ' ' ' 1' Cain a S ul Cake a aha aaatk. "-, - -, - . - ' i " The fact that nitrogen In tbe Booth a her parch seed in coUev-eeedeake at seven esnts per pound, while throughout the North it b rated in other fertilisers at aloteen eeote per discussed duriog the tree-planting son, and ought to Induce action In tbe right direction la many localities. In alluding to the matter a Western paper pertinently observe that trees proper ly set aloog the highways are an orna ment, and add beauty to the country and value of farm. They abould not be so thick as to prsvent mod drying ; but set a few rods apart they will not, in any way, be objectionable on this accounVAod their shade will be appre ciated by the summer traveler. Trees, evergreen, set far enough away from a dwelling not to darken tbe light, will temper tbe winds and cause less fuel to bo required for heating. Norway spruce, common spruce, pines or hem locks will aDord this protection. These evergreens give a cheer to Winter', and they make homes for the songsters In Spriirg and Summer. - Isetaled liiale. If en who isolate) themselves from so ciety, and have no near or deer family ties, are tbe most aoomfortable of hu man being. Byron says, "Happiness was born twio," bat tbe phrase, though pretty and poetie, does not go far enough. We are gregarioos, aad not intended to march through life la sn gie or In doable file. In peiriog time, j t , duriog tbe Wroeyatooti, todividav J ale of opposite sexes may find it very other mutual encouragement, confi dence and support. If you wish to live tbe life of a man, and not that of a fungus, be social, be brotherly, be char itable, be sympathetic, and labor earn estly for tbe good of your kind. Ex. Cat af Braa ftaroa. According to an equine authority, the mare will r generally receive tbe horse between the seventh aad twelfth day after foaling, and It Is important to attend to that, as she does not remain In seatoo long when fuck ling, and la more safe to conceive at that time than at aay other time. While suckling the mare should do no bard work, and ifshe to taken off her pasture at all she should be well fed at very short inter vals, and the foal fed with bar and allowed to suck very often. The mare has oo large, retentive udder, like the cow ; no capacious stomach to hold a day's supply of food oo power at any time to go long without food safrly, so that when tbe haw to sat and digest for two, all her wants should be very lib erally and very freqaeotly supplied. It is la every way bettor to leave her for tbe first few months la good pas ture to attend to" their own requir meota. Tbe foal can be weaned at four month old, but It will tell against lu growth and iz, so that unlet it Is a peoythatyoa want to keep small it is better not weaaed am til tlx months old. ' ' Here Clover Feedlag. An eminent agriculturist onoe suid that "tbe cheapest manure for tbe far mer to buy Is clover seed," There undoubtedly much truth In tbe remark The more clover seed If sown on farm the more fertile it will become. Clover gathers from the subsoil aod tbe air large quantities of tbe most costly fertilizer, nitrogen, which then becomes valuable for the farmer's use. Re can feed the clover to his farm stock, ob tain a valuable return, and have tbe remaining fertilising elements In bis manure heap ready for application to tbe soil. After two crops of clover have been cut, the roots, which are tbemselvee equal to quit a good dress ing of manure for the soil, can be turn ed under, enabling the fanner to get good crop. Frequent re-seeding with clover improves tbe soil and Increases the return -obtained by the farmer, ' a - uover nas long oeen regarded as a moat valuable crop for renovating tbe soil, either by turning under or using to feed the stock and returning the manors to the land. It Is believed that our grain efarmera do not derive so large a share of the benefit from clover- growing as they might if they would make more free and extensive use of this cheapest of fertilizers clover seed, r Savages expect to imbibe bravery by anoaiog ine ojmmj oitneir nravest one-1 mies.. A more euligbtened method of vitalizing tbe blood le by taking Ayer's 8arMparilla. It brace np tbe nerves and give strength end fortitude to en dure the trials ef life. sTaaalea ajaeee. Front aodVy't Lady's Book. Torero and maaola are the new colors that are now most suggsstlve of Span Lab ptcturaoqasneaa. Eastern tissues, as rare and costly as they are beautiful, have become the popular fabric for in-door toilettes. A grotesque hit of jewelry lea (rin sing monkey seated upon a jeweled bough. It M onfy tbe form divin that o bowe to wear the coraare frost (bat is cot oa the b'aa, and entirely without VTarie Antoinette panief promise a revival of draperies ia tbe near future. Fassemenf enes, as well aa lace and bands af velvet ribbon, ar arranged la horizontal lines. pound, is wortby the aUeaiioa of oor yltssaa t, aot to aay daligatfal, to walk 1 f a aail. la Slight derangemeots of tbe stomach ..J L -A . k. taking only one of Ayer's Pills. Through net baring lbs Pill at bnd,j 1'? dedmoattUUc.l.yblti.andn, aa lusty" etc. M being aaowa ewpeeiai favor, The Cordon, a tartan in which is Poogee and surah are used for petti coat and night robe, as these fabrics laundry quite as well as lawn, cambric, or muslin. : . The newest Jackets are furnished with a movable asst. that la easily held in place at th arm-hole by the but' tons. .. . ,,i ; h Butterfly wall-pockets ar ma 1 of cloth "mosaic" work,' the' body' and wings being formed of bright-hued pieces, and th line and holes worked with odds and ends of filoselle. "' Alpacas will remain In vogue, for their utility Is now fully realized. Vel vet and paasemenUirie may be lined a trimmings, but simplicity should cnar acterize their make-up. The most de sirable colors are eleetnd blue, mode. 1 A I . a a ' gouien orowo, silver gi ay ana Diacx. , ( A natty traveling oap Is made ol two contrasting tone of the same shade. Tbe triple cape ar pinked aod surmounted by short, double- breasted jacket , fronts, with wide revere. Tbe newest gingham suits are trim med with rows of braid ; five, seven, or nine rows, aa one may fancy, Frills of lace and ribbons make a lees stiff trim- mlna, and equally ssrvioeabla. aa the days of laundry log wash goods bas A 9 aad rewltlem. To ladies aod gentlemen who desire to make money rapid ly we offer a splen aid opportunity, w Have a larere number of agents making from four to eight dollars per dat selling Met urea ot Jefferson Davis for which there is a great demand everywhere. If you are sufrsay an agent, no matter what you are selling you sJoold carry our pic tures. You will be surprised to sec bow rapidly tbey sell. Outfit consists of four different styles of pictures. three of Mr. Davis and en of Henry . uraay, size usit in. and sell lor fifty cents escb. We have the finest steel engraving which Mrs. Davis says is we pert likeness sne nas seen of ber late lamented husband. aixe14il8 In chee price $3.50 Out file complete con sist or all the abovo mentioned pie tores worth lo.OO but will be aeot to tboae wbo mean business for . This includes the flne steel engraving with frame aod glass. We alao have outfits for 1.00 but it wiU pay yon to bay the best, rbisfs great opportunity to make money and you should order at onre or write tor particalars.- We pay agents 60 per cent com mis son and allow them to collect before returning oor money cne regular orders tor r picture, P8. Plcl Pictures of either Jeffarauo Davis or Henry W. Orady tlbnm size t esnts, but seot to ant address for name of 2 agents and silver dime or ontse stamps. All Question cheer fully aoewereJ. DavA M em OlIAt Co 907 if AtM Etbjmt. Dallas. Tiaaa. 7 ro.nt aioonv Wamtpaa, Malaria, ladaaana aod mow mo irmm tvktj. or aaie ay ail iialaaj b "'i' fWaal Be I V, Yoti who Imagine you are so wks . . ' Will please stand np hi a rc,, And I'll give you a little exereie. , Tolearahow.Biuch,yofkriow. .. No ddubt you'll all be vertr gki " ' ; t Oiif Presidehts td ftame ' Or to tell the number we bate hadj' Or tbe 8tates from which they camo. " . ' "; And next please anvwer wJthollt falcy- - Fovthtowan wrl'4 J. How many States have wa JLo-tUy. . From Main to Oregon 1 And this is so simple It Mat fithut , And even make you laugh How many letters do you use Iu writing your autograph-1 ' Twould almost seem beyond If one of you should say ' ' You do not know bow many teeth v. : , You still retain to-dat -i,-U-iZ'-i Yourenoff dismissed, but er- you fco, ' Heres little memory gem for yon, .) '.'It souietlmea bappansw donotknotr Aa muohaa we uunk wa ao" , . ; ,...,... ,j j Chicago Heraldt auaawaaaaiaawaaBSaaa '. ' ' & . ' ' ; Tiaaely Bsttaad Plani primeepd coHt feariy "" '' It pays to look after the bees-. , 'J ' Make notes of sll experiments. Prohibit evil weedi l wa thataJ, ' Be sure to have)' good send bed. A cool Haybiit 'push I the work: ." Crude petroleumreafea Wood ' A little shade is good for ; currants, -Use good seed then cuiUvattye'', Don't 1st th weeds get day ahe . 4 Qlve good eultute to get good c. KeSpdirt, etc., oUtofthe wool-f , Guard against forest , fires tow-a Are tou, regular, in aaltips )iy slockt ....... -s . Good fertilizers , tot (bhlonwood ashes. ,,, , How about smallitBlti for market' Cleanliness Is proatabld ln butte j making. "" ' " ''., See that the water flows freely 4a all youf drain plpeai; " - f k,-77.". ' Nogoodtblngrbwii well auieea it has a good seed- bed '"i c . - Different kinds of beaos planted to gether bybridize'tbemselvee. - If yott want to develop th odor ot theyioletgroWit In the shades .. It U just as herolo'to ovefcoifle ob taclesonUisfsnnskabFhetejrse. Whatanimaf is there en th farm! that returns more profit "than the pig f - Fiae0t sdrrioof ieV, to g for cabbages and most Other plantai , Keep the stlrfaee bt f h ton netlo w and loose, and U" w'tll' scf is, i mulch, Butter ba Tecwntly tbeert ' tbipped - bcklinfOfhetotinlryfrdniew'Yorli City,. . -,.. .4 j !,) ;.. t-i . . Tbe better tb ised' the - teUet lb- mahure ' tBe' befteV tte manor lb bMier tbe crop. " 1','.." It is easier to begin 'eatly aodi Itsef the weeds down than to begta late Ut : exterminate there, Better irtilrljF ehWologV.'tiafl' wast time lit gruwUUog about thadep' redatlons of htMtMi v;- a t!i JJo not lit your Worfc get finetl of you. !Plait so as to bate every lieetf -of Work done In Seasori, ttt.:..jttt-x Profit dtpendsmoFeoq. coat lhaa erhj - market price. See that your prod a eta - do not cost too much ' ? Weeds afe sown ;oef fh irhj, '; through raw manure and not- taroogfj . ' that which 14 well rotted."' vvv : ' ' aisr t4 Teal gsedeV ; "l-". n f .. ..4. a? .... ' I'd farmers who have neither ttet' beds nor green-bouses, the follrrwtri; to reooinmended aa an. easy method to. test seeds, and one that can b tried ' ia any wared room : ' Tak a diafi, or a umber of tbem, according to the tarl ty of seeds yon wish to lest, and puf cy,r it a tarrow thin, beards like s shingle." Acroed thrs board place a" sheet of biotthig jmperj so' that the ' ends will touch las bvttsm of th dish. Fill tbe dish with water, and avw th - seeds on the bp'ot )b paper. ( Keejf Ibis In A Warm fooM, and. await the sproniiog of ibe seeds. r.Tbe bfoUet will become saturated, and a remain; and lbs ttperlnretiter tboeld ee t&l the supply of water Joes not becoBJe. sxhausted. If the seed te frebh ft Wil) V sprout if okj , it will mould Large' tterlsv like peas, eore, eiet, should lltv aa addiUonal paper put over them. Id Cars fa Shadb' ' ' j- "Waa , An rEiiTB eootetnpxtLTf , tl?nk' that ra seanena when earn ie poor it Is1 safer td use seed tw7 nd even three" years old', l-raxided" i has' t . .a care- " fully kept aad was dried bsfor freezing at first. Corn retains its vital! y many ' years,' and for Iwa or tbree seosoQS, at leat, i net at til injured for seeJ. Tbe past winter was wet a.:; 1 warm, bud poorlitlona foe drying oot el tr. m ao a to fit tt for fisrttin?. Uules the" ferd i thotxMtr'tily dHe-4 tota rre but a faeMe f isnt.

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