7i Ai A li ft A IVTPnEn N J J ; III ':., "-"ii-KO VOL- XVL GRAHAM, N. C.', THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1890. Si NO 18. NOTHING SUCCEED ' if '"' Tbe reason Redan's Microbe Killer b the BKMi . wooderral medi cine, is because it baa never failed iu MJ l- stauee, mwr waai lb disease, , froni rosy to tba simplest die Hii known to tba he man system . ' The scientific men of to-dav claim aas prove that every disease la Radim s Microbe Siller gxtermluatee the Microbes and drive them eat of the system, and whan that b dona yos cannot have an xche or pain. , l matter what tha'als Sase?wether' a simple cam of Malarial Fever or a combination of diseases, we core then all at the same time, . as treat all disease constitutionally, A.thesa, CeasaMpllea, Clre, Urea t,l,l. Kaeauaatluas. KMaey aad l.lver ssleeaeee, Keaeaie Treablee, la all Ha farm, aaa, la fact, aw Disease aaewa le tee Baasaa aye. seas. i . .;. ".' siiii- or nunnnar wim 8e that our Trade-Mark (tamo at above) appeari on each J nr. Srnd for book "History of the Microbe Kill' er," given away by I. B. HOLT &. CO.. Merchants. 'Graham, N; C PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAS.E.BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' Greeruhoro. K. C. Will a at Graham on Monday of each week ta attead to professional business. IBep iu J. X. KERNODLE, ir. ATTORNEY AT LAW: i fi ' 4 MAIS AS. N.0. M Practices in the State and Federal Ceiirs rl!l falvhfnllt and promptly attend V . aU bn aessntrasted to him , 15b; Gt W. WIHTSETT, , Surgeon Dentiat, : v, GREBNSBORO, - - - N.' C. Will Rise vieil Alamance. Calln In ike country ttonid. re. we at I r ften.borS. ' vvX CI. .4, deo8 if 4 Jacob .-.ATTpRNEyATLAW, GRlEl May J7. '8. N.C, E. C. LAIRD,- M. D., HAW IUVEIl, N". c Feb'ylS, '90. " , Levi Sf. Scott, F. H.'Whitakke.Jb, Greensboro, N. C. Granam, N.V. SOOTT & WHTPAKEE, -. ; Attawaaya as t.a,w, GRAHAM1,'""' - -. : a UiDVERTISEMENTa H AM r Will ba (ir superior to any year of 1U h la ter j. a larger amount of money haying- been appropriated for the enqbeillsnment of the maraztne than aver before. Coday has been oubluhedf or AO years without mlulof an is sue. and YOU CANNOT GET A JlETTEtt two dollars' worth of magaalne than by euh acriblag to.'HJodey," Taa Bur txua.x Ma azths in America, ' The leading attractions for 1899 ate i Beautiful Colored fashion Plates : Kagrared Fuliioa Plates In Mark and whit, repra. aanting the preTallltg styles, prod seed ex premly far Godey. flmr Kaaraaad rraaHaaleeaa, Ikriir mm4 Naetllawarli aiaaa. .lew aa4 Paaataa- Maasa, riaae Par ska sseaee naa i . Waal Sa . alabrasa4 . , Veeklas; ataraJaaa, KM, Tba tfBeantlfl Home" Clab by Ehha . Out, for young Lanaekaepera or thoea who contamplau becoming so. -"A Tear ia tba Hoose. by Aoocsr BaUsbobT Paaaoorr (Jenny Wren), which wiU treat of the rarl ess duties for each month. A Cbildraaw Carner. for tba Hitle one. A rich amy of Uteratura by favorite aa taora. among whom ate Emily teaaox, Ollrta Lovell Wilson, Ada Maria Peek, Klsie 8 now. "0." enih.Tr of "Gemini." Bella C. Oresas, with her humorous sketches, aad otbera. . FRIMIGM8 to club rabers are amen- its pedal features, and 0 Oder's oilers the most choice aad valuable of any maraslae pub libed. fed 1 for. sampfe annabor ,eo talalng lullTlab rates aad premiums. XTXBT LA0T"BIH OWN DBE&SMAKKB ho suhibea to Oode1 eearoa which roe will enOUea yon to your own adeefWrn of any rut paper psuen emsiraiea in- .uaaaj a ihuj w Book, keer Ue. HeaHaa Copy will eoataia aaa of these ejapons. t . .( . " . .'"- ewe lleraw er aVeajiele. wbh will seallaasJ a year sabaai lystaa i ( rs yoi farmrat yea aat. v Thas b all we caa eay la Ibis space. Pnr Uie rest sea your aampU noer. lorwrnco sena i XL asoaor. , Ga4yM b only J 0 a j Adores "GODIXS UDT1 tTHX.u , - v ., Phfladelphis P. Ia (lab wiLb this paper, GODEVS ' M)d tbe GLEAVEB Price $2.90, which abrnld be aent to office of tbe .Guun at Graham, ex's Lady baex. .m Bad bv each number I'Wli.'if'tai-kll'iwM-jOHH t'it . i-a -io.j' .7r !. .Dl. .v j : -' I l visit ..: it.l MlL.i l ! f of "i9i'bMli W . -I r, 1 I ..I I i t 1,1 ,!li.4 i , Y .. ' I v;: ' Liil,- Ab!bi- rfiili kit ! "'"'''''" "'"'' Vf" 1.7 4- (-yjM5 sl SffiES, ,'(;'t' ."5 J !' il i I'M II i,":: ' .. ' 1 ti:f 1 ;l(Hlf t.i . , f I "ej lit mm I f! j Vrr I I f... -,() i . .- , . i. ..r, ...,r:rl. t-"H 'y. " ,;,,.,j'iM:'''rfU: (i-Mii eui r' ntil '!".!. ; tit ;-.Ni. ..!! V-' i-ifiiit t.l; t ain 't i-.-j i- We can sell you cheaper than you can buy elsewhere and we save you money, and at the same time by giving us your patronage you enable us to buy and sell more, and we make our profits by buying closely in large quantities and by. discounts given on large orders. -mjBmm ' y'j -4 JLi-ada- i '' "V. '-""r $ i'v .k - fe Evervthins1. ill : Stock ad All at the " i . v. ". ..i ' ; .')'"- r- '.'...- , ... . " ' .... .. ..... . At Si. .It! i, Mil ii.. :.;;,-.. j:,. , .... Ay . . j t. s i GBlHAiMHAND BUHEINGTON, s v; i i. , is i ia i vi Real lummer noon t ready r 3 Have yoa eleaned out toe cellar T How about Bowing eoillng eropa f bou't depend upon a ainftie crop, from about tbe ariltdaed DdUer f Grow eomethfng to abow ai (be fair Clean, careful culture eompenaatee. Feed hellebore to the currant worm Teetotallers make trusty form band. Bad farm bands contaminate chit dren. ' . ' "". ,' Adarjt method to soil and condi Hons. . ,.- - Better beverage than beer butter milk. . - . , . . , Wholesome " field v drink oatmeal No danser of over-weeding the gar Ann - a . ' Keep tbe poultry garters tiry and clean. V . f . t . . I . .V. 1 m iv w laianeaa, aobUHiuaw;. -uaf ,- gradeM . i uWnMiinu No dull, rusty or sbackry tools now- a-days. . . Potatoes and onions tnnve on gooa ashes. , Worse than wear for tools rust ana Hit ' . Are ion Imnrovlnflr vour farm tnis vearf " . This ia tba season for the former to be at borne "minding bis own busine severely." ' Larsre-srowins' trees should not be planted in small yards. A well-fed sucking pig is worth twH or three luUi-eUrved runts. The laU sorinc: extends the season for tree planting, rememoer. Twk ovar last year's bean polee m.nA if eon need more tret them ready. The number ot Dorses in jnasnacuu- eUs is 63,838. New York State has 673,950 and Texas 1,350,344. i . . . . , . Tfas fruit Orchard wants no fresh and fermenting manureev Give it manure that is well decomposed. How are the roads in your neighbor hood f Are yon preparing to do some good, honest work on then this season? A rood, well-flavored", solid straw berry ia much more desirable than one that is big, hollow, insipid, and soft Tbe sulphates sad the muriates are tbe two principal forma in which pot ash is supplied -lor fertilising purposes, It is estimated: . that over 1700.000 worth of dover la-devoured annually In New IlAmpahire by the wooUghncks. Te say that an element ef riant look is available ia to simply say thai It is soloUle. AH pUct food must come to this. .... It is bad rjolicv to colli vale tbe same kind of crop on tba earns piece ef land year after year. Practice some kind ut rotation. junction wlfh tbe , aaHcutturaT Vxhtbl-iionnextSeptembi,.;-:-:'; Wash y on f feed orn and oats 'In a solujion of four ounces of blue vitriol to gallon of waters It Is claimed' that i . , i i , . , i . , Asit is me esny Dira i,aaii caKsnas i ii , - -a the worm, so it- ,i 4be former early tQ , u W,M H mu "PM!. . market U.h his produce that gwta , be beat price. n . 'cr;: Tbe farmer who grows no small fmits for bis family, will be apt to com plain a good deal about tbe "depres sion, iu agriculture." ,. Professional florists of England are. cultivating old-fashioned flowers, such as the daisy, the oolimbine, larkspur, hollyhock and Canterbury belis. About iflOQfiOO roses are sold an nually In New York city -most of them raised on rose farms near the city; Gel a water-barrel bung On "wheels, or make one, if you bve not got it al ready, and see that - all kitoban-elopa are wheeled to th ' manure-heap or receptacle -. " Cows will no longer bo allowed to run about tbe streets of New' York. Tbe Board of Health has Issued the decree, as New York Is "no longer a country village. , . ',, ' Prof! B. E. Fernow, chief of the United States Foresty Association, "I Verge Is." , ' .v'5 , Vetsraae l Taa Civil War, - As a part of the census of the ' . Tbe American Grocer rives tbe fol- ..tt T P" ? ocu,u of Ppl lowlor advice, which everv vouua man ' " lT'm during tbe month of June trill do well to remembers A successful business man says there ' PuVh vour work or viur " wori. .' wilt fcW that tbe annual revenue ftom w t M . . 1' Ttfi - a aTIl a- f . DushjflU-Tbe first is much thojJeaa-J ro 9nm Qllro WW t ver tauter, besides, being mon, profitable. In spray ioYwUttLlniofrmfrple and Paris green, nse only' two pounds of. poison t 130 or 200 gallons of water., ' Fine products from the farm and garosQ always find a seedy sale. .Only the Inferior ones . remain , to , g) ut the market. ': ' Vermont's maple 'sugar crop or )he season Just passed is estimated at nine million pounds, or thre-quarters of a jrop. -.' " heep-wasbing is not so . popular '. as it once. was. In days of yore it' used te take a good deal of whiskey to wash a flock of sheep. It is belter loose Paris green la solution on potatoes thaaato try to ap ply it dry1.-' There is tbeor ao danger of inhaling the poison. Ki j I t, v . a ; The pig Is aa important adjunct of the dairy, but it does not follow that $1,000,000,000. h-tia . , j-i . Never give P that you. cannot, farm as well as..yournsigbborJ but buckle on your armor, poet yourself thorough ly on the later developments, nd turn In and beat htm. -, ' I v J 4. The farmer of t o-day requires more fools than the farmer of a generation ago, because be employs less muscle. They are a big lteni gf expense. Take good we of them. . Tbe kangaroo is being successfully propagated in England, and there is some likelihood of bis curious animal laking its place among the most fsmiU iar domestic animals of that country. If your fruit tree is overburdened, do not prop np the limbs and make a draft oa the tree to ripen It all, but thin eut tbe fruit by removing that which is inferior. Over-prod net ion In jures the tree. Tbe experiesee of others may often be of great value to us, but our own were two,. things,; which, he learned When he was eighteen, which were ever afterwards of great use to. him. namely, "Never to lose anything, and never to forget anything." , An old lawyer sent him with an im po riant paper, with certain, instruc tions what to do with it. "But,", in quired tbe youog man, "suppose I lose it;whatshallIdotb9nt" "You must not lose it." "I don't mean to," said tbe youog man, "bat suppose I should happen tor' "But I say yon must not happen to : I shsll make no provision for such an oc currence ; you most not lose It I" This put a new train of thought Into tbe young man's mind, and be found that If be was determined to do a thing) be could doit. He made such a provis ion sgafnst every contingency that be never lost anything." He found this eqnally true in forgetting. If a ' certain ' matter " of impor tance was to be remembered, be ".wi Mas W aw Aasaslbaji t ' --Cnioago'sS?!. UucleSm;..'Novf yoaVe got the WotVlw Fair, why do'i iW aeglA "woik? oa It f "tlsgo t -"Cant ,We spent all ear'mobvey' get ' t(ng lt.w--New York Weelr. JitmWit switW. tho jsostmsa asVed me to-daj whethes . yea wonldnt tue some, other perfume -MwotleUeraf Violet doeaqt agree with Urn." Harper't Batar. A small boy. of four summers m as riding on a rockutg-horse with a 001, panioor He was seated rather naoomr fortably oa the horse's aeck. - After m refleotivo paoseH ho said t , "I thlah if ' one of as gets off, I could rid bwqJ, better.'-gan Fianaispo CaJJ, ' Lsyde Primrose,: Wfcatdoyov, think of the new osteoses T" Airs. Normmby: "Oh, she's petfoot pbaoograph I Lady de rMsarose : "I dont , nnderstand. , What do yo mean ?' Normamby t . "Well, yoo see, she speaks without thinking f TWnge,w; ...v. .:.iliy.;..!;i.. ' The Rev. Brother Judklna: Wel' Annt Sally, we's gitOn' pooty old1, yo and I is, an' her to be Unkin' 'beat leavin' dls hyar" worP." a. i, t t . . aauj (was cungs leaactotuiy to ue) t "Don' know 'boat dat, byer, doa know 'bout dat ; ran noticed dat pUa ty sight mo young folks die dan o' ones r Harper's Weekly.. r From Judge Cwalnghass, m welt, knowa AcgU-Iodlao, came the follow ing story In illustration of Indian, po. litensss: "A Judge, who was m very bad shot, had been oat for day's sport; and oa his return the man who went with hint was asked : 'Well, bo did the Judge shoot to-day r 'Oh,' he replied, the judge shoot most beauti ful 'Ti bat Hsgvea was very mercifuj to the birdint - a : -. '' ,'.'' ;i.-!i;,i, v. -.is. Mra. tonghed Bakstreet 1 , "Didn't your brother Henry second wife have a cousin whose sister-in-law lives ia WjJJe ThW Bslcstress t "I fto yJ tn... r.. Linghed reetjw V9J.J.i, 'twould he, , good, pkn , to-ftnd oat where she lives, and invite ber to spend a week. with us. Then, after the fair opens, wo can take alf the eh'ildrM and special nrovlsioa has been made h Congress for asoertalnlna: ths names o surviving soiuiers, sailors, and marines go to Chicago for? a 'good, la&s tltli. who were mustered Into tbe service of L.t t i " W id. ii. it a..... .,...1 .l . . . 1 see r" Pnck. uw vuimu uihv. uunuK spe war 01 the rebellion, and ot the widows of soiaiers, sailors, and marines who have uiea, in oonneouon with the special uouaua 01 vewrraos toe organization or vessel in wblcn they served, the term of service in each case, and present residence will be Uken by the census enumerators. In tbe case ot widows, iniormatioo, regarding the services of taeir aeoeasea Husbands Is also quired. . Tbe importance of accurate eta tnsnts ooDoeroiur the ullitarv record of each participant In tbe late war I quired la' astonish nheat.'' "It is to save veteran soldier or iailor uhZZhi to-morrow -wbeop snoosietfr wiU have enumerator is Disced in possession of j eontsronad t4 viewa of nadanse.' tne necessary iniormatiou concerning I Loudon Puaah.u t his own service. If he can not h. I i u ' home when the numerator call, he I' 1fLT.1i'!-Vili-tLLlt should leave a proper tooraodum In 1 Mntlome-.tVani different u. imhu. vi win w viur mrmocr I . , . . v lionsieui' wanted the biciaro hoar U right'; madaate wanted it on t bo left Bnf monsier insisted ' that the semkt should hang the picture ac cording to his ordess. Conesquently Joseph stack a nail In the wall on the left, but, this done, b also, wfat gad stuck another In on tbe left. "Whs Is that-sboond nail for t" his master in- be should be kept la close proximity experience ongbt to.be sUU tuore in ... . . , . .11 i . .t As IntsrastionsJ sgrlcuHorsl eon (tm is to be held la Vienna ia .cen to the dairy-hoose. No better or, cheaper isaec, destroy'. er can be found for gardeos , than , the toad.v'Eoglish gardeners often pay a shilling esch for thsm. ' . flprsy year plants freely. It keeps the leaves free from dust and the pores open, aad it also prevents the ravages of Insect enemies.' - - Prof. Wiley declares sorghna seed second ia vslne only to wheat. Floor made from it is declared superior te buckwheat for panoakes. " i The Chicago Cold Storage Exchange is to erect ia list city a building to be i used ssa great eeotral produce saarket, to cost tlTSfiOO, It pays to use good tools and to keep them in ordev. Bat do not be ia a harry to throw away a serviceable eld tool 4op!y bees use it is old. at motive. Many things about the form most be learned la a practical way, since they can be learned in no other,. Tbe vocal organs are strengthened by the nse of Ayar's Cherry Pectoral. Clergymen, lawyers, siegers, actors, and public speakers find tbis prepura tioa the most effective remedy for irri tation and wsaknses of the throat and laogs, and for all affections of the vocal organ. r pinned It down on bis mlpd, fastened if' W uhold, so that tha work of I their particular homo. "Unsaa h a F. . , e . S r eW . . s Ihsl fMIIMII IMslV Saa Ka J.les.A.I il ' ' Z - - the accuracy of tbe statements concern. '-D, said a man from Kansas, "and log his service which msy be given to 200 bushels of poUtoes to the acre." tbe census enumerator. That there v ' . may be no question as to thi points to Bl tn 'W KMM n' be covered by this memorandum, It market for your produce f" asked m msy be well to state that the special man from Connecticut. "Cartalntv Inquiries to be made oonpsrolng ret- - ? ooneciicut. -vertatoiy eransortbe wsr include tbe name, tbe tbey have," responded an envious company, and the regiment or vessel Texan, "thsy rsiso enough graaabop. In wbicu tbey served, their late rank, pers and potato ban to eat no tea tbe dates of snlislmsnt and discharge , , P tbe length of service In years, months, UmM ra a& potatoes they can, and days, and their present post-office rslse." Texas SUttaga, address. Where a soldier or sailor re- ' '. . enlisted or served In more than ooo or- They sannUrsd past ths eaody akof ganization or vessel, be should be very . .u . . VI ' careful to give tbe term of servtoe in empUBg dais Use spread : each instance, and to cow each enlist- looked nnatterable things. it there, and made It stsy. He used to say : "When man tells me that be forgot to do something, I tell blra he might as wsll hsve said 'I do not care enough about your business to taks tbe trouble to tbink about It again.' " I ence badjtn Intelligent yonnr man in my employment wbo deemed it suf ficient excuse for neglecting any Impor UnttMk tossy "Iforgotit.'7 Itoldblm that would not answer. If he was suf ficiently interested be would be care ful to remember. It was because he did not care eoough, that be forgot It. I drilled him with tbis truth. He worked for me three years, and dniing tbe last of tbe three be was utterly changed in tbis respect. He did not forget a thing. His forgetting, be fouod, wm a lazy, eareless habit of the mind, which he cured. , . "My daughter was greatly troubled with Scrofula, and. at ons time, It was feared sbe would lose hsr sight. Ayer's Sarssparilla bss completely re stored ber health, and ber eyes are as wsll as ever, with not a trace of scrof ula in ber system," U. King, Killing, ly, Conn. , Mew Tlefc Haaaediea. iU, SMga. The pigs should never be raised la a smalt, done pen, ssys Prof. Roberts, of tbe Coraall University Experiment Station. They may be started there in the ftprioc sod SaiahM ' off during ths but six weeks of tfaetr life la fortsble pens, bat tbe Banner moo the sboald be spent ia the open fields amoog the etover -and the gi aasn. gkian milk aad era era much better foods Ibes corn. : Tbe aim should to to make lbs pigs grow rapidly, but be . should not be wade bat is caiied fat ! osiil pear ths close of his Lfo, As warm weather comes oa, sheep ticks are a great nuisance, as oar fick- aiasters caa attest. The best wsy to get rid of tbea Is by dipping the sheep just after sheering In one of the prep arations sold . lot tbe purpose. A sheep breeder ssys that tbe next hi tung is to get t'enisn Insect power ; pat it ia a tin can with perforated top, orao ordinary pepper dish catch the sheep, opes tbe fleece, and spriokls lightly . Coo tin as this by opening and sprinkling every two Inches along each aide, and if tbe powder is good tie ticks will diss ppear. Tbis remedy ess be applied as soon as tioks appear, I without waiting until sheariogHlme. menf. In rivinic tbe organization oars snouui ne tsteu to Uistingujsh the srm nt lha amlM aa Infa.i.d mIm aiiillsry, tie., and if a person served oude.r an assumed name, his statement should be mads to cover both the name under which he served and tbe true name By which he is Bow known. Veterans of tbe war genersliy will recognize aod appreciate the value ol this special census to thsm, al tbey should aid the ceusus enumerators In gsuing true statements ia every, wsy possible. Without their co-peralioa correct results tan not be reached. Tbis personal sppeal is mads fo thsm, therefore, p the hope that their at ten. Uon may be especUHy di rested to the uapvnuoe of inis work ana ids cecee ssry lufornsstioa may be promptly sup plies to toe census ennmerstor when be calls some time during the month of June. K p. Pubtka, Supt. llih Census, Bat not a word she said. He drew his sash right there and then. And bought a pooad that mau did i He could refuse ber ao thing whea Her manner was so candied. . , BuIaIo Courier, Tom : "Look here, Dick, enough Joking about this. I'm la ears eat bow, aad I demAuJ,pJr, that yon ray me tbst tea yoa borrowed.' Dick i "So you're getting oa ' yoar dignity, are you t Well, jo ahead. Yoa can't get blood oat of a ternlp, yoa know.', Tom ; "I'm sot trying to I am try- lag to get money oat of a beat," Hun-4 ssy'sWsekly. Tying ae Cabana, se, The tyfor an of the leaves of eariv cabbages Is much practised by the Loo. doa market growers, and an English gardening authority says it la to be much commeaded. The oners lion la a simple one, last. In foot similar to that adopted la tbe esse of Cos lettuces. lbs soft osterles res are folded care fully aronnd the heart or centre of the plant, and the whole is bound firmly with a withe or piece - of bart. The centre being protected . from tbe weather, tbe cabbages heart sooner by two or three weeks than they other. ' wise would do, aod trey are mora eaaiiy bandied ia ralbering aod peck lag Tor market. Crapses little cab bsKen are always preferable t4 loose ones, ....... t,svTT-e. JSeedtnf awJe,err" O mow i i u . . II Is h"01 (a 1.. eu- 4bcr.