r I ! -I CM V It .' he . Alamance Gleaner VOJL. XVI. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 19; 1890. NO, 20. NOTHING SUCCEEDS M 1- i " (t. (i f ft U. t .' m :i--;',irrzV l ' 'Microbe Klllrk ! "th tmot wondrful 'medi .tine. Is hfe It.. bus, nerer failed in any in- 'ttsaciy.no coMter, whM ,we ajeae, ironi rosy to tbe ImRlest'dn eas known to1 the hu man fystesv.'vnn :c The scientific mcB oL to-dan Hairn. and. uroiai. thai eyerj ameato la ' is. AND icrobes aid d rife them JCxtermlnate the oat ot the wtei5, Jau when that is apne. ioif eannot haro P achp.oc.pain. JNo maer.-L wnat the dUiwo,'whether.a ilmplo eato .ot.41 Valarlal Fereor a cottinatlott'edtaeseejs we cae tliet all al (he ..saippinggjtj treat UjaieMf.ootUtutlowJly. -aj Jf - r -t 1. : . j. i tV ',.'.: 5.1 ; lo 1 it.ilfj J"Kil C'Wlind . Ul !' ' ,vnxff .ami) Vtil a owl! j fcoiii dr auo flaw r I.lii.'iii't o ?. JtfllSm . ilAf ! - ti Jc.i! " anlntl nmo" i j 1.9 f)m wiu'i e'wifj a ru i Ji.-t HU lit i! I1 h' m mmi Mm I Snnkr ESS? 1 ). i a .. 1 ( a, i .!) i I , , t'" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " Read.the;ytery!a two Talismanic Words -IBM XEWMriMtfLESpMOUiiii ni ,1 pn vi ti rftkii I ts t hft ti n a 1 cyrmi li total wh i r h a am n 1 1 w'nmrf ,pear onac W , ' . - tfrf... 4 i tnnaitri nn ivftpri Hi "r. ' Send for 6oolc',HBitorT'OI the MicfoWKUl rt" given Rway yr' ."fsataJ a a Mi ii . V-. ill ol tin ti;dn ttal -,o siii i 3IOmA.LC4EPSif:iir14;0.k ! TAS. E. BOYD fiuiusa ot.-saBiil . -4. . ATTORN JJY- AT iXW..,rsil I , tin fj I , "ia.-t;ijmia,.0 9 Net tTTX--r! k " - "JHTORNEY AT-ZAW ri:i faUhfulffanroWtlyTitfeili-W TI BefBtra8ted)tfth.lii 40 I J 53 'v gurgeon Den Lint, ffi r ?. . . ' ii' v: Will a Us visit Alamance. Call id the country attended. Address me at MaTiia haw nivifiRiM". c. accompusning nia oojeci, ifi Ttilimit Levi M. 6o6rr, .'Fi'Hi WmaKtR, Greensboro,N. 0? OrabaDi . C. SCOTT & "WHITAKEE, . .' "IBEHBDI aad IIL" alm I'll t? it lb ti f-.l 'HuUt ;xt-i .. ,.t . . ;i ...I ... - il. X.1 AJ. Ol; XJL JJJ.VfJL-.JML 1 T!I lOf ..,)!. chltU,; 'MliciiinMiaaa, KIM (aMiUh fffi&wm WKMZJMJU,MJL V,:fmi.VB MJJJ.V . M VTJL tllV DJL UU, UUU OV-llO ' JLVJL ' UJLJLV7 U JJ X JU JJi Ul Urr, all day long and last at night, i When a mer- : the trade and sells for the i laldiin'c down to the finest' miiiii "(! iJUt -rfil'ii !1 mess I- let: j linlw'ri'h ''siVCff Jfi-tW Till !;fi'fThnu i Jl it M1 ,ln:'.Ti. d" fll; KMilHoIi lit win-Mi iSi .I !(.'. uid Jjdu:Oly .! 8UtiJ j lul IT Tif Vii' ,1'H'UO In t !l) IlMtK I1M4I ))( I viJ: flKlf? 10 t 17(1 1J vmnui'f A ') ih ,m mm mmmww-m ..! 1 .l. . ' . ... . .... fri . ... .. .. ...... . - . 1 ' - ...,.,..,..-,-. Mi w j tni! ,ii!i i it, ,:!., n(i'i i ,,; ' . ,. . ... lllilllll-'t; .lilvJ a th-if. Mlik. --"(0 J.Ui ai i.il tjli. .: 1 ' A bor.e Tniae'd By KindnrM. Herfterr ttofrieV, -'.'of "Philadelphia, f j au agent 01 ine oocieiy 01 ine 1 reveu ti k'6f 6rueltVfo"A'niinttK was ' fav'prl ed some ima jjgp by ..boingy prefer) tea, wllha horse andrcrr1afe9p"i ith J wbioh he'lias been1 ' able 6 co vef more 4itind dischargeof bis duties. i.ver : . ! TJiern jra jpn-a 8,590? man alfnea weaver, -irHo sat every day, Xrom earli- 9t(H daWWinls' 'Jrltsnop.-'harcl .ab work ; ond aaheva pna wh) put hls .trust in Ood, to pasajtov. the time he toDerfbtM ntjiueroMB-eleVer-acts,uapdi1i . ' ,",-T- " , wpenu ",.,TUj,..,f hMiX ti.Wkem !D.tl,e moruBgi) .j t.k,!;ij.;i would sing maayahjynn. orjnuocent sone, as ne foit inclined. Anil he nail so clear affd'str&hg "'ii. voicetliae hi! -oigjjljiosteqjrd no am''.'ifa' owns a. goid piece Ireafficht asr snccBe bins bis object. The agent jece oijcouaa, .on., Shrpback0 I ' if 11 1-1 ADVERTISBMEWTBtl flSffll ffi -T7 !.,f. I 'A.Vi .1 !str6et, Germantown, and he had a st ble'bu'iiroii the iromrse91'fdr''rirfellie' exclusively. , She is,smatyapijn&iltlio.f. darkgolor, and has a very intelligent 1 loojl?,ti0i$ . mai couia do taoic;iaoe!jreceauy vas .w.',liKfi i'l i.l urihK Jit .:. POIIOHAiC., N. 0, ..lia maid ftWf tBi;R,X .-CVi paaMS" tlrrongh IhereMi; -and ' wnliif (eat of the faal' Salem traiaa-makaC lar atop-tit all eaay.,. Tb)j Inr- 1 l'frn-anfrtrit--ert)4l?.re cr dlaJlj InTited to Inspect tnu fc larieat ynr aerry In tha Steta am oha" ampa mltarrea in tha Soath." '""i j 1 tt'! I Btoek oDlta.appie;peaob,! cii jUer ry, plum; ftaje, 7aj?adei'pcrfpinTotI"'rpri eoU, necurlnei nralberry, nlne, J G roper rujrrrapbe'rryr aooiebarry, earraBM pit plaot; Kdi1IS watnirt,"'p&ab.''ptfcint T"T m . J V All the Dear and rarajtuMaaAeir a the old one which my new eatalogue (or 1888 wUl ho. " - Gire your order to toy authorized treat or deuce aoliciM, felbilptrVie4M.4ea (ret totppUcaota, 4dxerK) ., J. TAH.tT.NDI.ET. . prV ft OoUf wd Connty, li. C. KeiisWe aaleaiaaa iradted in trcrf.aoaaty good variaf eotnnilrna mill be fire. " " , , , . . . ...... . TO eta lUSkievse' Lck'llut-tiicht, Cbsf 1. parifiii,liliri.Lt CoatoUiaM. UXA r .the aaaa an4 mifiitfi w. F A W AXt. (M mtlo Bmim In limn Tan iu tm aoi oonuma tmktmt-t k Ml - , 1 11 f.l..ftXiWTIM. t. rrHtlfc I f itMI'lt),.,,., a.l.tj, i 1 a lit mniViii mna,'tt.u. at. " . ....!.. ..... I . ..L 1 BuJS itng.gT-aatly anhdyea hc!j mp-( chnntwhor.dwelt ,neaT.ihJni,:;..fiqrj he 'ueVe'f ''c3ald: 'stefep'before ' Biiditight, WJwc' tft anoujthOaghii 'kbbrt' iioney ; land jtery l eary. .in tin monting ho was awoke by 'this' noijr, yej(otnfin(Ol jjlfc nifghjfor th He reflected how on jjould put an 1 nd to this annoyonce. 'i Ha could not a u a . r ill,- n n n n ,1 VNallia' ' waa atandidE in. .her COW ' . .. . t - : - " " ' - 1 ' - ' ' 1 I wnrklnrr i. IhA riffht nf AVArtf min In . y. B,..w..B hia"ovui hon'sej wlth'wWch ndrmkn can stall, aud the stable .door wos'shnf.'T were on the outside, The agent In a iritL?piiOl f Vjft led "NeJlUDeuJ6?8 S0Vm self in thofbaftsf jour. rriage. Withw a moment's hesitation the io tellfgent beast t'urued' herself around In the" stall, apdf'walkiDg totbedoor, raised tha latch with her'rAoiAtr, and wafked pwt, ttc28 npo Jnove'hlcle, wlire she- waa harnessed,, " "NeHie" was asked'1 WHAhW sbi-wooTJ like to have a baatiDg, and she replied in he neeevoby Vfeorouafv "sH'T-.lnrf heauLgUef wMTtlienV W,ki r tlh interfere. ) lit. must : tisa,. fither means theri.' . ui: -..ii , )ie,se'pt'?pi' the orkmp,and 'i ed him at what value he estimated .his singing. .The workman" eplied that halUpU3ht,lt,waflj.certaIpJy wortl , a day' 'eias ft madethb day work The merchant. !nqaired - how- tnncb that was. ' .Tne tjfaii njAijLH anil It ifef- tuicly was not a 'lurge.itiuta .that be named. , agejjt she-'lofea j him'kaJ 'Neilfe demonstrated that she did. )f talking dp io'bar master and p'ac'.Pfcber head, on JlIs"hOnlder,', where sliO'Temalned ..... . . I . i..il.j tf tk, r. t . sons niiuutet. - i". w. - er'tblothes w an -'a ey matter "for beff aaattho wordof oommand aha ro. UeyVi one of this pocket bf bis c'oaf of one of the desired articles Turuing oeasttwasaDasytasKibpaer1 which ahaUiil with' nugrautoMO.' ..Tha sgebf then' walkM,; ajiay ;teaMn n dred yards OTTDora and called for his pet toOMBoto. bin, "tticli coauo&nd tridrs Wra sbowvi wbu4i MMted ' ibo a:linitionDallrprit.c4 gaiucr d rpf ttators." Agent Corrjer asyi' be Benr was obliged m tha waip' or lave rtconrM to rougn hitfiitac while training NIIWM ( 4bnragii tbeae trim. HeBionfiiy-anaenwro'toe animal and 'would fel very, lonely without her. Bod of Jiercy. . ,- l ' . ant? DriPfMu. .. ft rtiTKir-jri rwanmettd U. All AIcn l-w. BiAiiraaai. Gwnrfo kx trao-aark aa4 ODMOd Ifi dam I Then the merchaqt4tatl ha wonld nav him a month's wnires in. advance. 't -ttit. -r as "7 -..7-....- ' Pot for the singing, indeed, but that be should "henceforth sin)? normoro; but keep a ejfict j aiieoce ; , and be laid down the money beioa bios. r. The weaver 'thought to himself It could not possibly be easier earned ; so bo took ihemeney, 'and prbmlsed be would be as still a J a"' m6nsa in bis worksboD.; -..,,,; .. '. . t 1 Wbed be'got home with 'the money be cbfinted it oat' full of joy ; and they were all-good new ,001 us more monry Iban be bad avec npasajsed at one time in bis lite before. t n the evening, bt fore be went to sleep, be gazed t bis rcaur bearly an hour; and at night the pat it nbder his pillow, lest a ttie f boirid deal say of it. At mideiRht be sill rmdlt firWs.' bwid, nrf- tbotight what he should do wilb ik. And In the tnotfoiiiir, when he arose, i seemed to weigh dowft all bfs limbs like lead his bead was weary with lying so aoz ioosly, bis bands were heavy snd lazy, and rrfuaed their usual service. Ah, and be dared not ting ! , Time pasted away slowly sod tedi ously, to tbat be could scarcely enduie ibe day. Meanwhile he bad been thinking the matter over,' and had coma to a conclusion, for the man who stood at eight that evening in the mer- cianl's office was the weavei.'" "' ' ' , ''Sir! wUfi your permission," he said, "here you ' have your money back agafii fit Is an evil spfritf Vhtoh does not allow me to sleep quietly." 1 -. Abd befare the merchant could pay a word In reply, the weaver was air ready ontside ' he door." and 'singing wun a fiear,- full voice, . IM. . ! "A fresh and merry heart '" ... Ji.n Is worth more tban money or wealth. : Trilirum, Trallirum 1 ' 'I 3! ivjyj 4,11 Vs li'.' .I'I iMi I ! i.rf J. ), Stoaili, Toaiag naa.- . .- Oreemlioro VVo.kmaa. The Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, . In his address delivered before the Alum ni Association of Tale University a few weeks ago, mode these remarks, which were inspired byhiB observation dur ing bis fecebt tout through the Botitfi' "The net result of. bis vUit . to ,.tbe South, to my mind, la just this that the South is the bonanza of the 'future! We bave developed all tha great and sudden opportunities for wealth, or most of tbem, ' In our North-western States and on the Paciflo slope. Bat here is a vast country with the bet climate in tha world, with conditions of health 'which are absolutely ' an par alleled, with vast ' forests' untouched, with enormous veins of coal and .iron which yet bave not known anything beyond their original conditions ; with soil that, under proper culivation, with little capital con support a tremendous population , with conditions in the at mosphere for comfortable living winter and summer which exists nowhere else in the country ; and that la to be the attraction lor me young men wno go ont from the farms to seek settlements, aad not by immigration from abroad for I do not think they will ' go tbat way but by the internal Immigration from oar own country it la to become in time at prosperous as any other sec tion of too coantry and, as prosperous by a portly American development." Xhe bentato ef vacation season may be rreaUy enfiAricci, if, at toe Kama lime, the blood it twine cleansed and vital ized by the ue of Avar's 8arsape- rilla. A eood ai.petite. fresh fiitor. and booyaot splnu aueml tba oso of this wonderful medicine. Id an experiment at tha Indians sta tion, tba application of barnyard ma nure oeaxly doubltd the crop of pota toes over thai of the Held not manured, and the tubers were just as sound. and smooth. -i Boaula. :.l tireentboro Workman. . The making of good roads In the county Is a ubject 'dn vrtlch Thi Dalty noTicman nas written earnestly for a number of years, putting the ' question In every shape that It coutd think of, and tba conclusion to which we Have come Is that men ara blinder to tha advantages of good roads than' to anj ono thing afftcUog their material In terests, and. are more stingy in contrib uting to that end. Below we give in the briefest way tba reasons which a sen sible farmer has for anting good roads : . 1. I can ban! better loads, and take more at two trips," at least, than I could at three trip? oyer "..bad roads.,, Tbls would save me 33 per cent, in time, aiona.'":':'.';;."; i 2. My wagon and horses would re ceive from ten to twenty per cent, less damagejri'wear and tear; ;;.",'; 3. I could then use a piece of a day in making a trip to market, which now I often have (o.throv awsy..' . ' 'I V .With wagon and team thua bel ter preserved my loal would appear better after It reached tha market and would command a better price. ' 5. In baulitig fruits snd vegetables to market tbey would not receive tha amount of damage which now they often do, rendering them Unfit for ship ment. . . . , 0. My real estate provided I want ed to sell, would be enhanced In value to the extent of from 25 to 100 per cent., and make a piece of land salable at a good price which at present can not be sold at all. ' 7. Instead of getting so bespat tered ( with mad that when I got to town my friends wouldn't know me, and I wouldn't bave an equal chanoe in buy ing or selling, I would keep my (ace and my clothes clean, and feel tbat sort of self respect tbat red mad always takes out of a fellow.' ' ' 8. I am thoroughly convinced that such roads as wo have la tba country contribute far morn than any possible Increase of taxation lo keep tha farm er s noe on tha griadatone, and this Is all the mbeV ftel since railroads bave beeo establUbed and tba farmer bas to go the ofteoer to market,' buy. log and selling. , . . . 9. Since these things are true sod can't bo denied. I will think my neigh bors to coma by the half dozen and kick me entirely off of try own prem Alerter Lm Anandaf. (i, . B arat Netaa an4 Htwa. Xeafy and lovely June. ' Take it easy on bot days. Thin but the pears early. . A ateel rake for garden work. . Better grow berries than brambles. -' The sugar beet boom la extending; -' Almost time to prepare for haying. ' Have yen mulched th strawberries f . Keep hogs In tho-horse-pasture.- - -- Care well for the y6uDg orchards. , . Protect all Insect destroying birds. . Provide a clover pasture for tba pigs. Taking full loads to market pays tba De,,H VI ;): i--,Jrr: i'; .'.)',-1 ' Are you ready for the census enu merator? I::,,..rj!' -:." '-f. Poor, shackly tools often cause dam , age. ; --t ;'-.;: 'if .'..;.;. Guinea fowls consume grubs and In- , Sects, - i ': Potato, bags are at work in Rhode . Island. , .i. , . ;. . , ' It is aaiy to run In old rata, but it costs too much. . - l If the soil Is dry, oo ver seeds deeper than when it is moist. The crop prospects of the Dakotaa are pronounced bright. . , ; Never forget that pigs in clover en - oy themselves and grow faU - PlgS likftpeas, and peas agree with -: pigs. Grow a patch and .try 16. '.- The crop prospects of most European countries art reported good. ' Agood clover sod turned nndar fits the roll for almost any other crop. '. t Grow for borne use what is liked at borne ; grow for the market what the maiketcaljs for. j,! . . Generally tha nearer tha market tba better jtbe product wjhen it reaches tba consumer. . V.t:i- -i u .-I 'w.f f-i--" ' " " Burn the limbs trimmed from yftr fru't trees. By sodoiag you will de stroy many insect pests, 'j , , ,.'r - , Tba proper, preparation of the soil ! for tha crop Is quite as important m proper eultivatioo afdrward . i . -, Feed your fruit trees if you want tbem to feed you with good fruit' Try manuring' on aii Sid orchard. ' 1 ' . 1 Generous feeding ' of all kinds' ot stock. must be kept up if we wonld Guest (altemptlngtooarve)-. "What kind of a chicken is this, anyhow V Walter: "Dat's genufuo Plymouth T i,. - r.'.il L-.i '.a ilt.' . nv nn hnOt I -. ..:' hurl -i . . . 1 There Is very little land tbat la not benefitted by underdraining. It l specially ad vantttgoonr to all day Soil., ;m m)! CM.-.1 Tb northwestern 8tatea raise over ' 2,00(1,000 Sores of flax annually, nearly all of tha fibre Cf which is wasted. Florida 'Is said ' to' contain 200,000 Rocker, sab," Guest (throwing up both hands) : "Tbat explains it. I knew she was an old-timer j ' but 1 bod no Idea abe dated back' there.' 'Tuke'"er away. ' I draw the line ' opt Ithetbena rrom tba Mayflower."Texas Biftlngs.- Miss MayTurp iJAra you going .'to give the coniut-Uker your, real age when be comes ' rdunaiVFav?" "afl'aa Fay Dedrose "I suppose I shall bave toi I d,es f pmlta of phosphates, which Thbre Is a Jpenalty for ma kin a fulss't cdn be mthsd fof 25 cents per ton. statements', I finder, .land;" - .M; ;;t. 7 ' In kew Yo'rk citv at'thalastcensua. i am so giaa tn consul takers, are 2,223 persons were engaged in agrlcal- men i" i Miss F. O. j" "Beeaose ' they f taral vocations, and 4.474 in Fhiladel. sayuen cao k.ft ,acr;rrBuMa I pbts. 4 :.l:,i.J . I Ana Aoironuaen tm. x.j tun natcn The rate at whlcH this ear is $e!ng ery will distribute this season 1JW0 mapped ofl ;and sold in chuoksofsoper- broolc (rout, 2,000,000 lake trout and "" ' wmcminn aiarninn. Aiier i uno on n-oaL flh a I '.'ll i.l "Vui1 l-A ' t-.'i 'I .. - .,. . v. .-ug l.,l ou Tba-form of the animal an tha nn.I- to dig boles in the ground aad sell the sides. And there is enough' eolerprWe ij ing orounu loose to w on some .way of making tba perpendicular' sarfaoes deairable ' ' Inrwtraeotji. Washington XOSt. ' , . 't. i-i ) Say; pop," said Johnny, Blimklns',' "Charley Sawyer la going lo elope with sister Mary to-night, " He's got a ' fad del- bid In the bArn'vyou. don't y so. Wait till I go in rand tell ' your mother, se's she won't think Its' bur- glar, and Kick up " racket.": An', Juhnay, you can bang around outside, and boll the ladder If Cbarfey' a ants' ye to." Washington Post. v Tourist (beaded .westward).; "Are there many wolves in 'Kan tail"' Mover (beaded westward):, ,"JIeiip or 'cm, pardueri" Tourist: do yoi pronounce tba name by they are called o o-y-ote or I-ot Mover: "Wall, some calls it one an' soma tbe other, but tbem tbat ' bare ran up agin 'em much prounoea it real eeUte agent. Muntey's Weekly. ity of the meat depend mainly upon the breed, but the -growth - and devel opment roaiply upon tbe feed.-. 'Prof. Adgur of Connecticut recom mends sprinkling cabbage with brine strong enough to bear an egg as a rem eJy for tbe cabbage worm. It is also good for the cabbages- Prof. Linter eays tba potato beetle has 25 parasite , enemies. , Yet not withstanding these and all tha poison t, bow heroically it stands op and defies annihilation. ;, . The farm and live stock require car and attention 7n summer as well as In winter. Good pastures should be pro vided for animals not stabled or soiled, particularly for cows. lf they bave "How I shade, rubbing posts, pure water and which I boxes ofsalt convenient their comfort will be promoted, Working teams ara greatly taxed at this season and should be kindly treated and riven liberal ra. lions. The horses will suffer from chafing and gIls unless rigbtly bar nested. Care for tbe cows il yon wish gilt edge June bntter iu abundance. bhear the ebwep (or have It done) skit-, lully, and do up tbe fleeces so neatly aad cleanly that they will command t"p prioee. . Ticks tbat now ge from Soiling ciops should now receive at tenlioo. Last mouth we spoke of tbe sowing of oats and peaa for aotlinr as I ,horo beep to tbe lambs may be erad tben timely : bat Indian corn an.t il.i a DT n'WiB& be Utter in tobacco ... , . '.,. . I water or tume otntr strong decoction. man millet may bo fon to advent-1 Pigs destroy manv insects if -Daatured sis in June and July. Corn anwa In I la orchards. Guard Ibe chickens drilla is preferable to lioacfcanf': and i i?' ve1D,n d Prect tbem from wimsu io,wiii give 1 traps ana snooting irons. beet result. Sweet corn Is btt for soiling, but other vsrlelles are nted for I "My father, at about Ibe are of fifty. i tbe Durpojo. For a auofeaaioo. twU.. I lost all the bair from Ibe ton Of bi-i ites and into tbe deepest mud bole tbst eora msy be tow a everv lea d.r. nm h1- After one roonlh't trial of Arer's TL Ki 'JsATmTk.1 gv (ELd-r B'r- Mi,let s ra "

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