VOL. XVI. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 17. 18QO. NO. 24. ::0THIfiG SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. - - Tan, maim Rtulmtm'B. Mkrob Kilter la tb l na la ha.,aiiaa It haa I never failed in any in- I unco, no matter waat lb diaeeee, from Lep rosy to the simplest die eaes known to tba hs- man system. Tha aatantlSe 1MI Af to-day claim and proY that every disease Is MI EASi AUUA 1AU A CAUSED BY MIOEOBES, v AND Eadam's Microbe Killer v Krtanatnatcf tha Mlcrobea and drire them oat of the eyitem, and whan that la done yon : eannot hare an ache or palo. Ao matter what the dlaM, whether a aimple esse of auierlal fever or a combination of dlieaaea, we ears then all at the same time, at we '.treat all diseases constitutionally. "ART AILIL IS . WIEILIL." .Aethiaa. Ceanaaaattlaa, Calenhirnrea afcltts, Btheaaaatieaa, KMair mm4 I.Itcw SSlaeaeea, Bteaaale Treablee, la all lea hiai, aad, la (ad. every XHaaaee kaewa la aa Baaui Bye. - ' . teae.,". 2SWASS OF RbMffll WLWl I ' JSee that our Trade-Hark fiame a aboTe) .appear on each Jar. - . oVnd for book "HUtory of the Microbe Ktll- er, given away by i L. B. HOLT & CO., Msrcbante, - 1 - Graham, N. C. ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ' -a- a e . -; . . attorney at law. Will m at Graham om Mooday of each week I , , . . k ... j r . . ..... . . -J. I. IEXtIVOILE. . s TTORNEY A T LA W fre-tlce-ln the State 'aa'd Federal Cours laiiaiuiiy ana promptly nttentt to all on acaiatrnated to him '', DR. G. W. WniTSETT, . - Surgeon Dentist, GREBNSBORO, -, - . N. C. : Will alaa vl.lt Alamanivt Patta l" th. country attended. Address me at Greensboro1 ; ... -.: dec 8 tf TVTrtTiT-i'f Vi3f.OTirl inrv At t-rr TX-tx yrrre c4rX sUsTr. -aO sV4"-r mi Fourth" left and can guarantee to give you the most of it for the Irkrini any" a-v-n- a-v-nr-r lACttot iixuiic.y jluu are ISILIBTriBID tUHJinxEIE in a ' "rraaT! -I gyir JSJfR18 oryour golden opinion, either. Have ONE 'ID TUTAII TP 0 PffltEliWlIRCIlMIS, CO. GRAHAM AND BUELINGTON. JTalj Work ea the ar JACOB -A.. L-OIVtS-, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GBARA21, ; . ... . iV. C, mti7.'88. y E. 0. LAIBD, M. D., UAT7 RIVEIl,U. c. Teb'y 13, 90. - Xevi M. Boott, F. H. Whitakib,Jx, Greenaboro,-N. C. Graham, N.G. SCOTT & "WBHTAEEE, AUaray at LaW, GRAHAM, .' . - - N,. C. . ' - ADVERTISEMENTS. an a- a Ma a i PonoiiA It c, Two and a half mile weat of Greenaboro, . V. a 11m mala Hoe of theft., l). B. B panel throafh the tronodf and within 1 feet of laeofllce, Selem tralni make refn lar atop twice daily each way. Tboee inter 'eated in fralt and fmlt K rowing are cor dially InTited tolnapoet thU the larceat anr eerry in the State and one amoaf the largee la the Sooth. ; Btock eonalau of apple, peach, pear eber ry, plum, crape, Japaaeae persimmon, apri eote, aeetariae, mnlberry, qui nee, Graver Tire, raapeerry, irooeeberry, enrreata, pi ntaat, Sacllah walnnta, peeaaa, CheNnnt Strawberry, roeaa, ercrrreeaa, ehade (reea, , All the new and rare Tarletiea a well t the old oaaa which ay new eatalome for 1898 wtfl ahew. . Grre roar order to my aatborised areat or rder dliaet from the naraery. Cotreapeav deaer eoBeUed. OeeeripUre eaialofaee free la eppUeaala. Addreea, . . 1. TAW. USDLBT, pr W. Gailfard Coaaty, 7c Beilabte aaleamaa waated la erary eona ood natla eommiaJna will be tirea c ' .... 3 I e a I ,., t Ej4awBe, fin! f I Coatplamta, a f t f - 1 ... 1 ' - J - ' u T " -.r fc.n.a, " ' '- ci r - " y , r ' - f "" "'-"-... . . J . BTD. D. T. MOOBB. Th midsummer month ii the moet trying one of the year to American farm era. Daring its extreme heat and bauldity the farm work is most press ing aad onerons, end of course very ex haustive, though or leas so than fifty years siro as we know from experi ence for now much of ths hard labor of harinc and harvestinK. and the cul ture of so-called hoed crops Is done by tabor-saving machinery. Then we had no mowing-machines, horse hay-rakes, tedders or hay-loaders to aid in secur ing the grass-crop ; had in those slow going yet happy days the grain was out with n cradle and not . only raked and bound but loaded and burned or sucked by hand-labor, quite different from using the rapid reapers, binders. and other labor-aiding Inventions for harvesting now in vogue. In the ab sence of planters, horse-hoes and cul tivators, the corn crop then required ' good deal of muscular effort and back ache. Certainly the boys and young men of that period had Car more occa sion to quit the farm for easier avoca tions than have the yoang rural lets of to-day, for the latter can ride comfort ably, on sulky-ploughs, reapers and mowers, and easily guide other ma chines that do much of the work which formerly required muscular strength and exhaustive band manipulation. ": This Is Indeed no age of wocderful progress and improvement, and yet many soil-tillers win Hod it difficult to perform la time Ike variouo duties . in cumbent upon them at the present sea son, even with all the facilities at their command' la tha way of Improved methods and machinery. To colli vate eora and other crops la seasons. and secure grass and grata la rood condition, will require bo little plan ning and providing In advance, as well as extra physical sxr class when the time for action arrive. Bat let glance at some of the Important labors sad duties which emu for early and special attention. The Cora Crop was planted se late la some sections, oa aceouat of the backward Spring , that Its cultivation, when needed, may Interfere somewhat with baying and serve tag labors. This pressure and mixixfs e work wil aeoeaaitate rood oal eolation and lively action, but brainy and brawny farmers, who plan and posh rightly, will be likely to avoid nay ..material lass i. r damage. After it is fairly start ed Indian com tun hsrdlv be cnltivai- J looefieo or too much, and It wil J Bear i.oeraj UrlihiiBf. Jnrtching and stirring the surface soil are great aids I pose. Do not believe that you oyer in corn DrodCtjfe and neither "should I grow too old to naa 1L If man arhn i be omitted. Frequent use of the cul-lbave reached the years of maturity tivator not only kills weeds, but, In feel that they can call their parent by dry weather, is a remedy tor drough', that name, then yon, my dear girl, can aod moreover It saves the labor of easily afford to do k. And I can count hand-hoelno'. Ttvel culture is now a BOOM of fllll.rrna.n man rlrkt itn mw generally preferred to the old hilling fingers here who ' always , addressed system by good farmers. : their mother as "Mamma," befor Cora for fodder, or soilinar. mar be oomnanr or awav from It 1ml t drilled in or sown broadcast (drilling J think the more of them for doing It, I is preferable) until the middle of July. I and so does all the world. Likewise ' It will Drove a srreat helo when the I the world will think m r VAn kA ' pastures begin to dry up, and be re- J you will feel better satisfied yourself, iuun ur iub wwi auu ma.r isuib. I uju hit. ,uur mnuur uu niMMM German millet Is also a good soiling I which It should be your doty every crop, ana may oe sown later tban corn I uay yon live to give bar. Let It ever any time in July or early in August I be "Mam ma" and "Papa." no matter Care of live stock Is essential this I to what age you may live. Remember monh. Working horses should have j always one thing you can never grow good and liberal rations and the best of J too big to show to your parents all the . - . n . & m . . . ( I 1 1 , ... m . ; tnavurah rrawn wtia iroiu tu I umjo aviaoiiona 01 WOlCa tfiS most lov j flies, see that their collars fit, and give I log of hearts Is capable From the I it se a a . ' n I TT . a a .aa ' I mem aa we rest you can. nemem-1 aousenoia aionuiy. ber that neither horses and cattle, nor I sheep and pigs, can thrive la shade- " vataa. less, sun-burned pastures. 8upply Sir Uorell Hacksolze has recently plenty of pure water. .Cows often suf- written upon the effect of tobseoo fer from excessive heal la pastures smoking oa the voioe, and bis remarks where shade and water are lacking, should receive attention by those who Sheep should also have secern to water, j practise public speaking or singing. and be given salt frequently. Some I He telle as that most of the leading t a 1 . a r. I - A . . animais turner as mucn irom neat in vwra ib uanaon suner from a relaxed Summer as they do from cold In Win- condition of the upper part of the ter, and in both cases it pays to render throat, brought on, he believes, entire- It at . . .a . I L 8 a tnem as comrorteoie aa possible, i " "J amoaiug ; out actresses are rare Young pigs designed for early market I lj aflected In that way. He has no require extra care and feed bow, bat I feed the moi thing la the ease of mlli- otberS need little attention If they I (ry ofOoers sod elergymea. It is not have a clover nastara. Pooltrw aKonlil I ninsmsrv to ha a .nvr. Ira. j -a . w w wmvwh be protected from both liuis and large these symptoms, for a deiioate throat aDemiee uoe. uwu. owia. am. uu HDoma uu lumannM i.i.n ih vermin will vanish if you soppy plenty the fumes of tobacco, such as is often of whitewash to the aides sad floor of i met with la a railway carriage, k, we the poultry-bouse and kerosene to the leara, even worse than the us of the roosts. For the feathered fellows us ! dear or eioe. Tha Oriental Wmk.h pilot himself on that river. Tin. .m.,.i I " a-wwwma an wuualK Bumn . I ttsn aal T I J f . with every obstraotloa on tha 1.200 1 ti,. -i P""re ecno it. . ' 1 win ujLiiaies lurow Off tha -de with an soddent of anv kind In a- ... " Z W'V T,0B to M narf.oaAf sw ' r. .Z - own Instrument of , vv uau expremion-hs Impression is lastlne- been awakened 00 any alsbt. how. .-J u. JT ... . ag' : - " j " a1"""" a von 1 oaj snore exactly where he might be. He was chief pilot on the James M. White, when she ran from New Orleans tn at iuis sgainst a remarkably swift our "Tae Slaapaal SMtlb" "Yon have the atagnant South to di rect into the channels of industry and prosperity." - 8uch a statement Trom any source at all would be astonishiirj, but it appears In a magazine article, and the author has succeeded somehow la having It printed In the July number of lit Fo rata.. The stagnant South I WbsS manner of man la this who can git into respectable magazine columns and mess and daub with printer's ink t Has he never read anything or talked with anybody T lias hs been shut up ta a IfirnthnnaA. nr Ham ha aanamM I from the darkness and gloom of a her- I mil's rave tbal be tbould be so com pletely ignorant or events T But sur Drisinir as such iranranna la. ara flnl a 1 still greater cause for amazement io the fact that a monstrous absurdity should pass the editorial intelligence of a magazine office. - A Bouth which addal a KMIU. ..1 . quarter to the amesssd and threw wuiivia mi we nu vaiue 01 its property hetwaanlSMIaiul IfUtO 0M.I. I .k- 1 whbm. uv same period doubled its railroad mile age and banking facilities, trebled ita spindles, looms and coal prod action, T f - y. w wi, muvk added hundreds of millions to the an nuai value 01 agricultural products, is ha nil la tha naaul nf tha 1 1 I - ! anvbodv tn "dlnvrt It Intn ohannala industry and prosperity." While Tk Forum was printing this statement In Near Tark (ha Uamf. twrtnf JUeeri was getting oat io Balti more a quarterly review, showing that' 2,263 new Industries bad been organis ed thia vent 87 of Uian Irnai The South baa silenced criticism and aispeuM aoubt by the unanswerable logic of facta. . Experience has taught as to expect a certain amount of skepticism on the part of people who have prtKoaeeivod nouona and live inia. hiajma aa. roun dings and look out npoa restricted horizons. With this clam facts about theSouthmost have the clearest and most anmiatakahla rf.mAnitr.iin .i eveu then tha sJtualioa is not accepted in its fullness, and the admission of Southern pro grans and greatness, whan admiLtwl at all la a.n . I qualified and neutralized by Its and I vuiat a ue cama u MMOt, - DOWeVeT, IS I oat of the tuna! ran inrl la la tha ... tore of intellectual coma, completely enveloping the mind, instead of eoav moa strabismus affecting only the : uioumu cjrcvigua. The discomion la which the "stag nant South" la InlnwIrMuui I. .. i. .vl annexation of Canada, and it is point ed putas one of a number of condi tions which give this eountry its hands full, without adding new complica tions. Ilia sumruina thai nh a sxineas TU Forum should have ad mitted to its pages this slur upon tha South, and especially so in view of tha vigorous snorts its managers are pat ting forth to convince Southern people that Tk Forum is a good medium through which to attract the attention to opportunities for investment in thia section. Baltimore Afaaaactarsrs' - cord, . traps and goes. .Cleanliness is aa es sential requiaite to profitable poultry keeping. Taaa Tba word "Mamma" Is one of tha sweetest and dearest words ia Us Fa- gliah language, and ao girl a boo Id ever become ao eld as to forget to call ber mother by that use. But on may tell yoa It sounds babyish ia the mouth of a girl eighteen or . twenty years of age. But let ao on, dear girl, persuade yen from the as of -it It Is the first word yoa learn la baby hood U is the last yoa should forget. Yoa saav sabatitnta Lha word "molAjw " but It has not the name meaning either to yoa or to ber. It has not the same sound of sweet confidence la it. God Is, la Dr. Mackenzie's opinio, the least harmful apparatus to us, for the smoks passes through water, and 1 robbed of lis beat before it enters the system 1 aad th dgaretto. so fashion able Bow-a-daya, Is tba most danger- oaa.- Chamber's JeoraaL Cat. n altera. The character of CoL Uslbarrv 81- lets, the IrrvpresafWy hopeful character In The Gilded Age," written by Mark Twain aad Charles Dudley Warner (Warner, by the by, has never received a peony from the dramatization of the story, though Qasseas is said to havs made 173,000 by It), krdeclarad to havs beea founded oa Twain's acquaintance with Captain Isaiah Sailers, a pilot aad caused that word to be pot la the lan-'capUla 00 the Mlsalaalpr,!. "H,. fca. gusges of the world wUh a special pur- morist met him wtlle learniag to hs a iVeuy .hUaJfeaeaeaa yrsaaea. In size the Japanese woman la small flnmrhBtil ia. . beea equalled. When he command I belna f..-' V. 8 wh when any very careful fring which Is especially true of servants Is required. One BlrhL 11,. 1 JTTZ . . l. uwrMU enoeuntered a fierce tornado, which a. UtA - ,u JT cd.mrg. pleaaar. party 'ZTmSOZSl lKmrd that asme of the men sought th. wind, ar. m fair as ,n. avX.Im.Jf captaia and asked him If It ...mL.. rr.L . . V Am,rl . , " - " uw 1 wtMm "-" coiueor, asr dark eves not captain, "Seller. U at th.wh-L His j so obliquely set as aa srUst tlln t. tone of perfect confidence banished all them. 1.1-. Tit " , ..P,nU bSa VSrvonlat arul r.Kl 1 I.L Ilaimwreopaqna ' er I aaaawwa uaN Waaa ajns I mglBJI LJU 11 m llaot. a g, a a S . bast of the flcUtious Sellers, whoa 1.... ......... " PaaP, ma ISor,. , . . .. I ---tooe, not being . premexl into unhealthy shape by means ""I I (iaaf la ,,, a . wra oiTiiiixea tanas. The moss tost can be said against her is that haa llha ... ... Now, I aak wbv all worn, ho. 17 ' "1 ,Brt' the. books f I will aot aav thai th I ZiT "- Con- aredolnau l.-, f 1",, toterOc. nieda to thoaghUessness. But in I VaiaaMa imd raau. nothiag can tboughUeasnea. work mora Tha ..i n.7TT... . Oarwkol. aatares are ahaned aad dir. nu.-u - . w U - aaaww IVVBUIn- BJ1 BLI W U1K Craai ladaMiari aetlrltv UmSmA. Spedal reports to the Baltimore Manufaelurent Jteeord show that, da spile the heat of midsummer, when dullness ia trad. It expected, th. ia anstrial progrem of the South exhibits no signs of Asking. Ia every Sta'e there la marked activity, and every line of Indnstry sbows a rapid aad healthy advance. There ia no pecv lative excitement and no signs of any unhealtbv bnomina hnt aim..!. . Unl I and substantia! araarLh haaal .. I development of tb. vast resources with wuh;u ma ovuio oas oeen ao abundant- Iv blessed. A briar" mnnar. f a ft the leading enterprises reported la wa a msue 01 ine Mcuuijacturm' 4 -ord shews what has "been dona la ona waalr lanal. tk. IJ. advaacemant of this section. Ia Ala bama. Birmingham haa - ,,.VI. . , -" a aou.uw iuei gas plant, Bessemer a $20. 000 ice factory company, Tredegar 1 cotton-seed oil mill and a brick aei WkMaaraataiarBeak frill fa. molded by that we read. Letawomaa read books of aa nahealtbv eharaaar. aad she Is bound to be Influenced bv It peraoa livinr ever ercaoed uwnwaorjoisDMMot. I know a a . .float believe it could be bought for 100. Th wood of this pencil earns irom a ea-Jar tree that was Drohablv centuries old before any cedar tree bow staaaiag began to grow. It was takes woarna ah. in girlhood r-d . Wd from a maTlT.geyTa Z2?JSL1 IWBeariyoa. handed fei be- rofir. of lUanttorr, d fJM hi Ud with lo7th7en7J hTT' i'? thdr 1 had SK-tdeTatlthochta. .77 " . Bathasthelmpro, br that Tha TT . toolb' OMfMokreadwhea sb was a ri.l a.d VLuT Vl"6! "n"d' auacea j 1 quote Ber OWB words to me : fUtboogh I have lived sixty years sio. I rsad that book, and have associated oootinuanv through all thai subsequent period York Eveoiog 8un. tils eomnan Ia Inm nnl utiwi l.i . or more a da, and Cleburne county a $500,000 gold mining company. Geor gia baa $1,000,000 land Improvement ""W a Auauata, a aou.uuu toe fao tory project at evaonah, aad aa io taotoiy at Midisoa, Kentucky baa a $100,000 quarrying company at Covins ton 1 -Louisiana a $30,000 lumber mUl and a $100,000 oil mUl; Maryland a JOW construction company, $100,. wv mint au Bumpany, a oiii IXX) hominy company, and a $10,000 glass factory enterprW In North Carolina two land Improvement romDaaiM. with CSDltal stock af tlfrt rmn -CT Z?Z gbev'ebeen orji', and in Sooth Carolina a $3o!ooo M mill. Tennessee sbows a $3,000,000 oaf ZaZ? aoiDP3fr -ew coal. Iron and town eompaay, and a Bumberef miaeellMeon. eitorprises. In Tta a SfVt AAA ' . Maa. ZZrZl::" rein-ferausg eora. peny, a $250500 sugar refinery, a $100,- , wu oompresa ooBpaay, and a f 123X00 water mmrau (... 1. '--f gsnlzed, while tb. owsara o nfwi I acres of Bessemer ore property In Liana ''ZZZFi0 ed-velop! rKlotai oaoal, .ihibtia M.000,000 mining oomplay, mV' f"'"1 compaoy, , tmxO Und company, a $o00,000 minlnr com- ' Py, a $100,000 marbl, ouarryl torn. r7l.irb Vb fi3,0OO scrW of i t w.ii louaae Mala th.t . of tb. large .D-l oldest. V "g concerns in the North, will bui;i two furnace. I. Souib-w Virj "V- As a brief statement of a Tw 12. shows thst ths activity ia , h. 0r ; I "00 of big eonceras reflyiric v ' t -r eaplull.unuw.IlygrI, f .1 f l.hi -Ao sct .bat cJ " f t teed, to the wide ran,, cl H . xanttea ar1rin s loaie, er c. Mira, thU (u bEdb iow t iki. t.rtr-n. - llle f-wnl la uu, J-a. Waiaria, !vfa T lirawv'a frn. f ,, atl rt. , , rr t nI.I 1,.-: ,

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