Madam's Microbe Killer Kxtermiijates the Microbes and drivo them oat of the system, and whet that is done yon cannot bavo an ache or pain. Mo matter 4hat the dii ase, whether a ilmplo ease of Malarial Fever or a combination of diseases, Tra cure then all at the-sime time, as we treat all diseases coLitltntlonally.' .', Alhata, Cenanmptlaa, Catarrh , BM .:.'.-.....,' efclils. Hnennaatlam. Kidney ! and Liver Ulsnaaes, ; Rentals .Trnanles, : la all lu farms, an, In fact, every f. ff- JDiscax Itaavrn to the. II anon Mrs tarns :wjumm'Mism See that our Trade-Mark (same as above) 84nfl tor book '4H!tor?1f ffl Microbe KlU- ' t Ji. B. HOLT & CO., Merchants, -,- ) ,- Graham, N. C, PROFESSIONAL CARDS.' iuiW- ATTORNEY AT LAW, ! i i?',Witt h at Graham on Monday of each week' ,1 XD. KERNODLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices In the State and Federal Ours , ;r will faithfully and promptly attena to au na ? ''"' aesoBtrusted to him , A .Vf -V . - f ' - VJJR G. W. WIHTSETT, 'GREENSBORO, - N.C. tXr:H Btnn triott: HomfttidA. . fVlllfll In :' the country attended. Address me at Greensboro. dec 8 tf JACOB A.i ZXJV ATTORNEY AT LAW, :QfUW-AM, ' ft , - J Vf V. ( ?, " May 17. '88. E. C. LAIRD, M. D., HAW RIVER, N. C. ' Feb'y 13, '90. . . . , Levi M. Scott, F. H. Whitaker,Jr, I . Greensboro, N. C. Graham, N. C. SCOTT & WHITAKEB," Altarne at law, ; GRAHAM,. - . -N. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. k ;t : ; ;ponoiiA li. a., Two and a half miles west of Greensboro, - - H. The main line of the R. Ai-i. K. B ' passes ' through the grounds and -within 10 fust of the office, ' Salem trains make regu- lar stops twice daily each way. those Inters ested In fruit and fruit "(trowing are cor - , ' dlslly inrited to Inspect this the largest anr serry In the Stste and one among the targes ,' . In the South. : -4 ft; ... Stock consist of apple, peach, pear cher ry, plum, grape, Japanese persimmon,, apri cots, nectarine, mulberry, quince, Gropcr : , Flgs, raspberry, gooseberry, currants, pie ' plant, English walnuts, pecans. Chestnut Strawberry, roses, eer greens, shade tree, ' '. &e. ' i" " ;- ' AH the new and rare yarietles as well at T (he oldfToes whloi ipy ' new .catalogue for ui show. i ,lJ;J'j i ;-: . " Give your order to my anthorisod agent or Order direct from the nursery, CotrespowV ' ieaci solicited, .'Dewsrlpjse eatalogue free , y to appUcanU., Address, - t y f . -' j. van. sxsuvst, ." tr r FOMOVA, -- prM "87. Gullf rd County, H. C; Reliable salesman wanted hi erery eouoty good Darin eommunlna will be glren- ;-; If" J .3 ff enre tniorumess, Sic Headatiha, Coastfa k pailon, Kslsrla, Lltrsr Ooplsm, take I- the asia aad eertata remstfy, ruiTiro r .JU L U L I L.l L id feS I r se w; 41 T. f4'ii PMtMtnthe bvur i. lHriiiBisT ouKtuiul, ' i "7-1 7.7-7- ..T i i !1 ! I" Despite the lieat ot midsuminer'' says the Recordwhen dullness in trade is expected, the industrial prog ress of. ttte Soutt exhibits no signs of halting. In every state there is marked activity and every line of industry shows a rapid fand healthy advance." .Our southern crops in some of which we have a monopoly, are the best pacing feeffturai'' products, and with PATIENCE, PRUDENCE and PERSEVERANCE, e have, with Col. lVfulberry Sellars, a hopeful prospect, provided we don't, with Mr. Micawber, wait too long for some thing to tnjn up" without proceeding on our own "personal curve" to turn up somethingI "Let us then be up and doing" husband your resources and place your money where it will bring the; BEST RESULTS. t ' RETill. .IlffiSK j I' : " -i GRAHAM AND BURLINGTON. Raral Nairn anal flewat ' Guard against forest fire. ' , No hogs In theliorse pasture..'. . Corn is late help it all you can . '' Choice products always sell well. How about s owing fall turnips ? ' ;' Make lazy tramps work or travel.' v . ,VDe bashful pig rnaken po'j'tir Great Britain's crops .will be short. . Look well to the watering of stock. . Work now vacation after harvest Keep the wagon axles well greased No "let up" on the Treed nuisance. Yea, mulching pays about thesedays. Tlainy day work repairing tool8,"etc. Bad beverages-aloohol and ice-wa- s . . 't ''', : " Work early and late, but rest at mld- i. Buy nothing ,yoa oa ...produoe. as eiheaply. '2' ,s t(rv ' " Don't expect all' the good qualities In one animal. v ' . . r"j Skimmed milk and buttermilk are good for horses. ' ( ., .,, . The outlook lor "the Maine sweet. corn crop is excellent. . . .-, . , : . ' . r' Clover roots are exellent . mbsoilers. They loosen the subsoil, - ; ! Study your farm and .ascertain Ite needs, qualities, capabilities, etc. , Give the pigs a chance ta lie in me iran and take a sun-bath. '; Consider your market and keep sheep for wool or mutton accordi ngly. Secretary Rusk is right when be says we can grow our own carpet wools., In Texas they consider Winchester rifle a dead sure cure for lump jaw, Aa imported scrub of any kind of atfJ imai is no better than any other ecrul?. .The nomadic herdsmaols beginning to be considered a nuisance In the vest a much as possible, and it is woven- Oregon reports that the recent rains Chicago is to b a ve a new system of stock yards, to be managed by the rail roads that carry the live stock. - . . VThe farm may not yield big profits, but is there any other calliug , so' sure to gain a man a living ? -' . 1 " The secrets of large yields always and everywhere, are jrioii soil, good seed aud thorough tillage. ! A cigarerte thrown carelessly aside Caused the burning of . 135 acres of wheatin California a lew Jay ago. ' Mr.' W, H. Gilbert, a New York dairy expert, says "t bo man who takns care of the cews makes the butter." An easy way of making a , chicken ooop is to driye a circle of s'.akes and tack strips of wire netting around it. Do not worry about your soil leach ing manure,' ' Lack of manure ruins ten farms where leaching ruins one. v Where one fruit tree is injured by ! corn and less chaff. heavy manuring or too much attention ten thousand are iujured by neglect. . Nothing'on the farm pays better than a good garden. It furnishes fresh veg etables and fruit and promotes health. 'If water stands around your fruit trees, contrive someway to drain it off, if you do not wish to lose both fruit aud tree. :i . '' :.:2" , Eaise a-supply of turnips for the -Mneke and gese." Nothing Is better or more economical for duks than cook ftr'ulpt prlthr'a little bran added. A. i Feeding flanea. ,,..xpkWa lencew. ' According to an authority On , the cares, of equines the injudicious . feed ing of a horse often produces far more baneful results than does' overwork. When a hone is constantly kept upon food as concentrated as he can bear, there is necessarily a tendency ' to in flammation and consequent lameness, but lameness is more certainly produc ed with sudden changes from bulky to concentrated food, and that on the day when his feet are to be most severely tried by concussion on a hard road. It would be safer to abuse bis dieestlve organs one day and ' his foet another than to abuse them both at the same time. Grass feeding bones can be lamed at any time, without any extra work, by simply, giving; them more Pillaring milk Taraaga aaagae. tasMMM . -. .. ' es i ' ',,, ESub, tha prioa beiog 80 ceots per bar greatly Improved all epringwff 1 prmadVBich'mean oyer $2 per pair. crops. Intending prize winners at the Fart fairs should now be making prepara tions tberelbr. " r ' . . The roads ef a neighborhood are. a strong indicatioB of tba character of Its inhabitants.' ... ; jTbvt is nothing so easy to trow fo this world aa weeds, and nothing; e!e is eo profitlecs. - - Tba otosu fpr.18v iteludes live stock in ctUes and village, which baa heretofore been omitted. ' Tbe acreage of aorghnni to Kansas, is reported at 10,700 aorta, acres hut year. Clover and oat straw fed together furnih mora nutriment, pound - for pouud than timothy bay. . against 6,300 - There la mane y in raising ducks for market U they are of a good breed. &a expert pobltry raiser, woo keeps posted as to tbe price? says that in the New-TWi market "treeu" ducks (uUuff ten, 'weekT, old.or there abonts), weighing from- fowff to five paunds,; were, first quoted on April Taeae Dricea. bewever.-do not bold long, and after May will rapidly de- cllae 'fom i8 to ZO ceoU being quoted j srajC'NFrotttfte 15th of July notil September loth prices -are- aeoerally low, but Ibey' usually Inrease from September, to November, selling a from 15 to SO een taper1 poood. These prices are for prime ducklisgs, fcpw eyer, teestly Pekins being la demand. It is useless" to attempt' to get high Y rin farcpea moo -i aeka, as tbey era not a oft3 I txcejt tve-j 'lq,w prices. Th isaportaac of a good bread is strongly shown In the eee of docks fov mark eCTW maxim', "breed from tbe best," bold good brre as well as in Here is an idea worthy of considera tion, with a view of adoption by Ameri can farmers who furnish milk to aream eries,, Recording ta a Soptch journal the method of filtering milk through sponges immediately on its being drawn from the cows has beenpracticed for some time past by most, if not all, of the dairy farmer (soma thirty or thirty-five In number) in Dumfriesshire and elsewhere who supply the Annan dale Dairy Company with milk. This new method was started by the com pany's dairy inspector, and baa proved very successful. It will be at once ap parent that filtering the milk at the farm before being put into the cans is a much better plan thao , filtering il after it arrives at tba creamery, as by removing all Impurities beforehand the milk reaches tbe coosumers in a much purer and mora wholesome condition than s Iter a longer or ' shorter transit by rail in an unflltrd or imperfectly 9 filtered sta to. ' . , . y LaMt'elerr. V ' For lata crop celery should be set out io July. ' An expert advisea that where the blanohing is to be dona by earthing up, tbe trenching plan set ting the plants in trenches is tbe best, aa saving janor, ana tne plants are more secure from droughts than they are when planted on the level surface. Everyone knows that it must have rich soil to grow in and plenty of water. About six inches apart in the row Is tba distance usually adopled ; and there are many old-time gardeners who still plant in double rows, : which they claim saves work aud gives as good plants. .V,.vrf;. 7m 1 -"Sa- M.; .r t . , -. , A Nay Palace. The Western people are becoming noted for areeting enormous structures. A year or two ago - tbey bad a "big time" in the shape of a corn palace, which attracted wide attention. And now tbey are building an Immense bay palace at Momence, 111., to advertise the prinrlpal product of the Kabkakee hay-growing region. It is being con tributed to by the Northwestern coun ties of Indiana as well as those of Iro quois, Kankakee, and Will in Illinois. The palace will be almost entirely con. structed of baled bay and straw, and it is said that its construction will be an architectural surprise. 2 It will be 120x 200 feet on tbe ground, and ornament ed by seven graceful towers, the centre over the main entrance being twenty feet square and nearly on bnndred foet high. Including tba . flag staff. Other exhibit buildings will be erected for the display of live stock, abaa! fs Ca Here is an Idea which may prove valuable tor soma of oar readers. A writer in the Iowa Homastad make sbetf oats one of tbe rations for bis cows. Cut with tbe bin.W, they have to get a little' farther advanced thaa tbey would naturally be if for bay ; but b says be has fe-1 his cows one aod a ' Dew tha VUal. Bias. The young man wa evidently hon est in bis intentions, but three years I constant courting bad failed to over- r .LI - 1 . 1 1. . NIL. nun uu Hixamrs Dnaaiuiueea, Auej were silting on chairs at a respectful distance apart. Bald tha young, man, bavins; spent fits minutes in search of aaubjecl:;'-,""'- ... "How do yon get along with your cooking T'1 ''"" '. , "Nicely, replied the miss ; I'm im proving wonderfully. I can mske a rplendid cake noa -, -uCf you," said the young man in a phrased manner ; "what kind do you bestHke?V . ' "I like one made with flour and sn-1 half bnndtM at nieht. and tame bay. bran and short la the momlnfr, Md ! gar and dtwms and raiafns and lota of motived for his butter, in CLUw. I ' ' xA beautiful frosting on top," "- Cnra ffar Oalp. A good wotnan; Jane Parsons, was anxious to beat peace with all,' and particularly wished to be on .good terms with those who lived near... But Agnes foundry was ruoh a great newa- bair, that her calls on Jane, were "nei ther few nor far between', Nor did she appear to "know tba way out when once she got in." " Jane found Agnes' conversation both unprofitable aud disagreeable, for she mad so free of other people's names. This made Jane unhappy ; so much so that she dreaded Agnes' coming. She resolved to lay the matter before her leader,, who was not long in prescribing a remedy "Jane," said he'keep your family Bi- bio on the table, and when she has been in the bouse lonir enough, ask her to read a chapter or a psalm, and pray with you." Jans followed this excellent a'dvloe. "Agues," said Jan, "you are a good scholar. I wish yon would read a chapter , o. psalm, aud pray with me ; it might do both of us good." Agnes exonaad herself on lb around that she was very busy. She would gladly do so another time whea she could stay. ' We need scarcely say that Jane, had no further cause to oom- plain of Agnea gossiping In ber bouse. Elgin, prices, for many years. As there Is so threshing, where bis oats ra'winr tbe larger animals, and should ' ar harvested he fl as if bis work . be beaded by all interested. were dona as he goes aloog. . ' responded the young mine. ' ' . "Why that's a wedding rake.", ex claimed the young man, nervously. "I meant wedding," said the young miss, shyly. . , fc. Topkka, Kan-.. July 3. 1989.I have uvon m luusrer iron uyeaeinna lur several years. I have used Microbe Killer for two months and can eat any thing I wish.' Have gained - ten pounds. My neighbor bave been us ing It with beneficial results.' Hy post- onic an areas is Topofs, Kansas. . . , , j. j, BURNOELEY. For sale by I B. Holt A Co. . . Balsa naa-a Bsims. , , This is what we bave urged for years that farmers should raise and eat mora mutton. And so we rre with Col. P. D. Curtis when be says, in bis sermonett style, that every fanner should have a flock of sheep. "Tbe Merino Is bettor adapted to tbe . rigors of our climate than any ol her - breed.' But they are not valuable ' as mutton sheep; wenust oroaa them with the mnltoa breed, and the product w!Tl lay on fat and please and pay their owners. . Again, if w make sbeep pay we must raise crops to feed them. oa. Raise turnips aad feed yonr mutton to your family, -selling aay surplus." Yes, supply your families more mutton aod fruit and lesa "hog and hominy , f yon would render them healthier happier.'."'.,;'..',, w- ; '' Q. J. Spencer, .formerly proprietor of tbe Si. Jost-ph Evening Xvm, say he has beeu greatly benefitted by tbe nee of Micro1 Killer, and la atill -using it. For sale by U B. Holt A Co. . , Driaklnji fa lfe Btar-aTieM. Men in health pewpire freely when Vigorously, at work jon warm days. Very heavy sweating ' way eometlnMii arise from weakness, a dry skin may Indicate disorder' Evaporation from tbe surface carries Off beat and keeps thebodcobL" J - - 5 A larger suppfy of drinking water is required for the warm baying and bar vest days, but much lesa than la com monly supposed. Haifa pint of water sipped slowly will astuage thirst much mora effeotaally than a quart gulped down. ' A different tomperatnr in two adjacent portfona of tba body produces congestion. f A pint of eold fluid of any kind, thrown Into tba atomacft, may result in mora or fees congestion seri ous ilines and not unfrrquent deaths arise from thia cause. If ice water is taken at any time it should always" bet aWallowed so slowly that tba' stomach can warm each i!l before- taking; a- AS to the kinds of drink, (he positive teaching of medical science and expa rience indicate that pore water is by far the best fluid for assuaging thirst and supplying tha wants of th system. Beers, alea, sweetened drinks, or aay fluid thai contains material thai must be digested, are a tax upon the stom ach and tend to disorder tba ay stem. If token at ail, ft should bw only with other food. " Pur water la absorbed at once into blood, and is carried directly to those parts of the body where it is needed.' If tba water Is bad II may Usually be corrected by the addition of a little ginger; or ginger extract ; too much of this produoea eonstipatiots, but on this account it may bo used more freely in looseness of the bowels. All alcoholic drinks ar anheakhful for on' in active "exardsst .Tbey etimoy lata Increased flbrt--ffbrt t beyond one's natural strength, al nnnatural exhaustion Inevitably follows. Just so far aa any one raises himself . above a normal condition by alcoholic atimor. Ian ts, just so far below this condition will he surely sink a few hours after, and the elevating and llepreasing wears upon and disorganizes tbe machinery' of tbe body. American Agrirnltoriet. " St. Joseph, Ho.t July 18, . 18891 have several gallons of tba Mierobw " Killer, and do not hesitate to recom mend it highly as a general blood pork' fler and tonic. "It is especially good in cases of liver, and kindeytro title, aod is the only remedy I have yet . found for nervous headache. Jos. J. Bo web, 1111 North Fourth St. For sale by L. B. Holt Co. v The bit of advice hereunder may not strike farmers favorably, and yet it seems sensible. It is to give yoasx colts oats as soon as they will eat them. By running with the dam they sooa become accustomed to everything about them, and arlTnot IHghtened so easily afterwards. "But y in the largo horse stall a smajl box at one corner should be' fixed for the colt's oat. Two parts 'of bran and one of corn meal make a good substitute for oata. Tha vecetahla 'trarAm. " vrhan rd forr is a profitable annex to tbo rural, village or. suburban homestead, aod It merits attention at this eeaeou, when its choice prod nets are both pal atable and wholesome. , However busy you may be, therefore, don't neglect me garuen at a lima when weeds grow anaoa and Insects ranldlv mnltinl sn.l maraud. Head off those devours rs by tha Dromnt nsa itl n'xwlsa rmmmAlm 8weet corn, beaitsand some other crops mav vat be nlantafi. Tniunlul cabbage. , Cauliflower and celery (if you grow inemi win soou need alien lion, aod tunrlr-S a lilllo later. Keep twnmi he uelng trflli-vs or stakes, and the Bekl crop by laying down brush! If you Have a choice variety, reserve tbe ear liest Sad finest frillt tnr mrA Catsup and tomato saoce should b made while the froi ix in lis prime. . A steel rake ' aa.) sharp boe, properly bandJed, a ill accomplish gnat results in'the garden at this season. When ee comes to know low ex pensive .war is one f-ela bound to ke s lbs peace omilthe other fellow kick too hrd. On of the hie pii. a r-.-. ti'O.OOO to been with, and evtrv i ll is fired away son a lhoi;";..? clean, coid t...:-b. : .i r '. s