HE AL. AMANOB iEAMER. . VOL,. XVI. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY; AUGUST "2 171 890rr JND. 29. NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS, : ' The reaon Bad an1 Microbe Killer Is the moat wonderful roedi- cine, Is became it In never failed Iil any In stance, no maiter what the disease, from Leo- rosy to the simplest dis ease known to tua hn- man system . TUo scientific men of to-dav claim and prove I thht every disease Is CAUSED BY MICROBES, ." ' -..AND'.,. ' If 0 Z-i Items of ITowa. La Grippe, on its round as ' globs clrcler, has reached China, The potato disease baa attacked the) crop in south and wet Ireland. President Carnot Is said to be the) most tastefully dressed public man in France. - ,, . ' At the Tern I Works In Italy there is a hammer that weighs fifty tons. Is was cast in 1873, and la said to nave There has been a bie advance in the Drice of Leather and Shoes. Anticipating this, we had placed large taken ninety dais to cjw, A1.J0K. Al,An it, . - .- j tl . :. It is reported that Jay viuwd iui buvcb wmitj uie price was aown ana DougiiL 03200 SOLID GASES OF NEW HOE Hadam's Microbe Killer 0f every quality. We could sell them right back to the manufacturers bought from at a big profit or they JSxtermlnates tti Microbe and drives them ij . . 1 . J . v a t 1 . i i . t 1 1 1 1 1 Hi. A wuuiu pay u iiauusomeiy 10 oe released irom tne coniraci, dut; we propose 10 give you me ueueut uium guuu investments and careful buvirie and can sell vou $10,000 worth of shoes alone at a great saving for you and'yet .Ha. . 1 SI 1 it 1 t it At . .. f .A ll -H Xl A. J!.AA1 rvo.lu. e a iair Prn wnue you get rne snoes ior less man me manuiaciurers win sen vueiu iv juu uuwi, nis is one example or now we buy. , , f&iterminates out of the system, and when that Is done yon cannot bavo an ache or.paln. Ho matter what the dis saee. whether a slmplo ease of Malarial Fever or a combination of diseases, we cure then all fct the same 'time, as we treat all diseases eoiatitutionally. jaalataa.CeB.wsaptiea, Catarrh, fctraa : ehiti..v KaeaniatLm, Kldaey mm Liver uImshs. Eensale Traable., la nil Its faraw, aad, In Imm kaewa ! the Ha , ' Sea.. Wc Watch and Study the Markets,"! fact, every I Arid ran TtrrWA wViaf wo -Hnaf tnU ah tLnt- U ITTL u TTV1 TTT1 4. - v.. TT ! if f r tha aAvarttam rvf rtnr MiefrvmArfl. frvr I ... I-- - - " - ,uu man it t- iuuii W IlrJIl "ujj W Ilcra " "uji vw llcLu w UUJ allv- nuw ' u " -"v i vine, one neirro woman are we not your buyers We represent vou in the markets of the world from which we set daily reports and make bur profit by buying m large quanti- years old, goes tad carries her children, Jar Gould had purchased Ibe magnificent castle of Chapultepec, Mexico, at $5,000,000 and will make it it is winter borne. The Duke of Hamilton received $3, 000,000 for the Hamilton palace colleo' tion recently sold. - On this amount the srovernment made him pay i90, 000 revenue, ' The total contributions to the Johns town, Fenn sufferers were $2,915, 846.30. The total expenditores wero 2,845,140.83. The commission has on hand $67,205.47. , The Kreatest marvel In telegraphy U sid to be the syncronooa multiplex. an instrument by means of which six messages can be .transmitted upon one wire either all from one station or 1n opposite directions, The Savannah News says : Kezroec of all ages are going to school at Means seventy'flvs ties at the right time and for large discounts, and we divide the profits with you. You can see that we are headquarters for ShoeS as as Bats, Hard- SSJSSff-J mm jf mmm ihationsi See that onr Trade-Mark (same as above) i appears on each jug. Send for book "History of the Microbe Kill er, given away oy 1 Jj. B. HOLT & CO.. Merchants, ; -. i Graham, N. C. PEOFESSIONAL CAKD8. JAS. E.BOYD, - ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' Greensboro. 2f. C. Will be at Graham oa Monday of each week ts attend to prolesslonai business. 3ep it J. r. KEBNODLE. I ATTORNEY AT LAW ' nmnin nr.d. ' ' Practices in the State and Federal CouFs will falthfollr and promptly attend to all no sessntrtuted to him . DR. O. W. WIIITSETT, Burgeon Dentist, GREENSBORO, - ; - - N. 0. Will alse visit Alamance. Calls in thecouutry attended. Address me at Greensboro. dec 8 tf , ware, &a, Every line Complete - Prices Cannot Duplicated. 1. 10 U 1 vsm m retail mam, OKA HAM AND BUBLINGTON. alt B very Day. jacob a. Lorsri, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRAHAM, - - - N. 0, May 1788. E. 0. LAIRD, M. D., HAW RIVER, N. C. Feb'y 18, '90. Levi M. Boott, F. H, Whitikeb,3b, V Greensboro, N. G. ' Graham, N. C. " SOOTT & WHITAKEB, Atftara.j. at Law, . GRAHAM, - - - N. 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. Pomona. Hill Nursories P0U0NA N. c, Two and a half miles west of Greensboro, V. O. The main line of the R. A. J). B. R passes through the grounds and within 10 " feet of the office, Salem trains make regu lar stops twice dally each way. Those Inter ested la fruit and fruit growing are cor-, dially Invited to Inspect this the largest anr serry in the State and one among the Urges laths Sonth. Stock cotulsu of apple, peach, pear cher ry, plum, grape, Japanese persimmon, sprl eots, aectarTne, mulberry, qulnee, G roper Figs, raspberry, gtXMeberry, currants, pie plant, KngHsh walnuts, pecans. Chestnut Strawberry, roses, everereens. shade trees. Ac. All the sew and rare varieties as well ss the old oaes which my new catalogue for 1888 will show. Give your order to my authorised agent or order direct from the aursery. Coirespon. docf solicited, DeseripdTe catalogues free to applicants. address, - i. YAM. LINDLKT, POMONA, ajirSS "gf. Guilford County, N. C Reliable salesmaa wanted In every county good verlnc eommiskioa will be glrea- D airy cattle should have access to salt every day, and salt should be add ed to their stable feed. A series of ex periments has convinced me that when cows are denied salt for a period of even one week they will yield from 14 to 17 per cen less milk, and that of na inferior quality. . 8uch milk will sour twenty four hours quicker than milk drawn from the same or similar cows receiving salt, all other conditions and treatment being equal. Comfortable quarters are indispensible to the health and well being of cows. Stables daring w inter should have a temperature con stantly within the range of 40 to 55 de grees Fah. , In summer time a shade should be provided in the pasture fields or adjacent thereto to protect against the bristle making influence of July and August suns. Id all the managemrot of cows such conditions should be pro vided and such care given' as will In sure excellent healthy aud apparent contentment. When practiceable milking should be done by the same personwiih regularity as to time. He only that hath clean bands should be allowed to milk a cow. I say "he" be because I think the men of the farm should do all the milkingat least du ring the wiuter months. I have exer cised the right of changing my mind on that subject since I left the farm. It is more difficult to milk with" wet bauds than with dry. It is certainly more cleanly, and leaves the milk in a much more desirable condition for ta ble' use or manufacture. Sclent iflo American. " -idjL: . To sure Bnbmsnaat, Slok Headache, CoasO. . POo. Ulrta, Lirar OoasplauUa, take f- tha eat and eertala ram, nuxiiii Cattaa Stalk, far Slack Faad. It Is not generally known that dry cotton stalks when ground will make a good, rich food for stock, approximate ly equal to the hay from mixed raeadpw grasses. During the winter several dry cotton stalks were pulled from the field at the N. C. Experiment Station at Raleigh. The stalks were dry, and still bad the burrs, and some few leaves adhering. A few roots were pulled op wftb the stalks. The whole was ground together, and, on analysis 12.77 per cent, of moisture, 7.75 of ash, 2.27 of other extract, - 7.13 of albuminoids, 42.35 of nitrogen free extract, 27.55 of crude fibre. The nutritive ratio by analysis (not by digestibility) was 1 to 10.8. This is approximately the same as the hay from mixed meadow grasses, which gives a digestible ratio of 1 to 12.2. No opportunity has been given to test the digestibility of cotton stalks by actual trial with stock. Should it prove of good digestibility, and the cost of pulling the old stalks and grind' ing them be not too great, cotton stalks may yet become useful adjuncts in cat tle feeding. The weight of the old stalks per acre from the rich cotton lands of the lUast is not inconsiderable. H. B. Battle. Haw Ike Aascrieaa Peapla ' Tkelr Debts. Tkiaalag fflaasa Why Dlaj t One of the. great and moat frequent mistakes made by gardeners is to delay the thinning ont of plants too long. In stead of leaving this work.niiUl the plants have made a second or third pair of leaves, the thinning oat should be done as soon as the plants are nice ly op, and before the. true ro4s of the plants are formed. If done early the plants that are removed will not dis turb the regaining ones, as the first root is perfectly smooth, while, if- left until it is si snass. of fibrous roots it will distnrb all the adjoining plant, so that growth is checked, and, la many instances to such a degree that tbe plant never recovers its fall vigor. This is particularly true with root crops ; and "fingerfxT carrots and pars- Dips caa bet attributed to - Ibis more i than aor other cause. American Asr- .t4 fc- I . . I ricuuunsi. - - - . Waa'aer CaraTIa w a Flaws. It Is probable that every August thousands of farmers resolve that the nexi spring they will pat ont a field of fodder corn, yet break the resolution when "pring comes. It la tbe rare ex ception thai July and August do cot shorten tbe pastures. Some seasons the pastures ara almost burnt np ; il there has been no provision made for other feed at this seison the animals most lose flesh, and tbe cows must fall off in their milk, or else grains and purchased foods must be ed liberally. Fodder corn Is cheaper than loss of flesh or grain. Allowing tbe animal to lose flesh Is very wasteful. ' It will require twice as much food to 'regain the flesh as to retain it Every year the testimony becomes stronger that fodder-corn should not be sown broad cast. It may be planted in hills, but the largest crops, except on very foal land, can be raised by planting fn drills. Fodder-corn sbonld be planted in rows at least three feet apart and as well culllvsted as field corn. Ameri can AgrlcallnrMt, Connnerical Advertiser: They say thai Baby McKee cries whenever any body tells biiq thai be looks like bis grandfather. ' A statement of the debt extinguish ment of our country since the war never ceases to be impressive. It re flects not only the growth, but the patriotism and prosperity of our peo ple as no other statistical exhibit does. The mere fact Is startling that twenty five years ago, less than a generation, the public debt was $2,756,000,000, en tailing an annual interest charge of $151,000,000, and it Is now only $921,- 000,000, and the Interest charge is but $29,600,000. The face of the debt has decreased to one-third its maximum size, while tbe interest charge has decreased to one- fifth Its highest amount, ownig to re funding at tbe constantly declining rats of interest. ' In the past ten years a targe propor tion of tbe debt has been extinguished. At the time of tbe 1880 census the public debt was $1,919,000,000, and the interest charge was $79,600,000, to that in a decade the debt has been reduced $998,000,000, or say, $1,000,000,000. It will thus be rfcen that if the coun try remains prosperous and continues to be well governed it will bo entirely possible to extinguish the "entire re maining public debt in tbe next ten years, so that the people of the United 8tates could, if they chose, enter upon the twentieth century with m net sur plus in the Treasury. Il baa been tbe bistorio fiscal policy of oar country to pay ofl its debt ; wo presume it will continue to be. . The present census will show 65,000,- 000 people in the United States, in all probability, and this will figure a debt at tbe present time of only fourteen dollars per inhabitant, which Is small, while the interest charge of $29,417,- 603 entails a tax of less than fifty cents per year per Inhabitant. Our readers will sea from this bow slight a harden the National debt Is in comparison with the real taxation of the people, which Is local taxation, ranging all the wsy from $9 to $19 per 11,000. The problems which confront this generation of Americans are not those of poverty, certainly. Boston Daily Advertiser. I niavv CMkM'i Aaalvenarr. - There was one public . man whose career upon the stage of life was com paratively short, but that man made a name and a record that will always sbine conspicuously In the pages tf the early history of the United States. Davy Crocket was a typical Ameri can, and bis fame is partly due to the fact that be embodied all the homely virtues of our early history. The 9tb of this month Is the anniversary of bis birth, and it is intended to celebrate the occasion by a meet lug of governors of several states at Lawrenoeburg, Tenn., where Crocket lived, and where he was made magistrate, county judge, colonel, member of Legislature, and a representative In Congress. It will be a great occasion for tbe usual quiet town of Lawrenoeburg, and It is said that the people out there are anxious for tbe governor of Virginia to take part in tbe exercises. The name and tbe fame of Davy Crocket Is as warmly cherished in Virginia as It is in Tennessee, and this is putting it very strong when it is known that Crocket was the Idol of tbe Tennesseeans in the years gone by. Many men oP greater Intellectual power bare lived and died since the siege at San Antonio, where Crocket and his brave band lost tbeir lives after a gallaot defence ; bnt none bare made a greater name in history. Tbe hero of the Alamo has left a motto which is good advice to every man in publio or in prlyato life. Ills name will long live in the memory of bis countrymen ; and bis motto. "Be sure yon are right, then go ahead," will yet become a golden text. Man booster Leader. Their say Dreaat. BaalM. Six years ago Benjamin Lightman, a poor young man from Virginia, was graduated from Brown University with just $19 In his pocket. , lie bad sup ported himself in college by cleaning tbe city lamps and keeping a boarding house In Providence, R. L ' During bis university course he ' became engaged to Miss Delia L. Carpenter, They parted until Llgbtmaa could earn enough money to support a wife. He went to Kansas City with bis $19, en tered a lawyer's office, saved his earn' ings, Invested in real estate and sue oeeded. He has sent enough money to Miss Carpenter to enable her to obtain an education. Lfgbtman has now re turned to Proyidenoe to claim bis bride, who refused to name the wedding day till she had become 'accomplished.' He is reported to be worth $1,000,000. Tbeir wedding will occur at the old Baptist meeting house, and President Andrews, of Brown University, it is said will officiate. Mr. Lightman bas built a fine house in Kansas City to which he will take bis bride. rata, aa a Vara.. I It Is said Ibat brains will show tbeir quality on tbe farm as well as any where else. Some one bas said tbat brains are lbs best fertilizers. Edmund Burke is reported as having said tb'at it took more intelligence and foresight ! Wiwova, Miss., Jan. 10, 1890. Mr. Wallace O'Leary : Dear Sir I wish to say tbat I have been a great sufferer from bsy fever for twt nty-four years. I have tried many remedies witbont affect and found no relief until I beard of your wonderful remedy, tbe Microbe Killer, of which I never beard until last sum mer, and I immediately commenced to take it. I have taken four jugs. I got through the fall and winter without stopping work, instead of that fearful siege of suffering that bas followed me so many years, and I would like to re commend this to all sufferers, feeling it my doty in gratitude to Mr. Wo, Padam as tbe discover of this wonder fnl remedy. I was also suffering vf a severe attack of acta rheumatism when I began to as tbe Micro ber Kill er. Now all symp'oms of bay frver and rheumatism have disappeared, bul I intend to keep it by me so as to keep ssyseu wen. I remain vur trolv. to be a good farmer tnaa for any otner j Uiss tMUA occupation. ' ThaAsaaelasad stall ways. ins Associated railways or tne Virginias and Carolina is a com bination of tbo Atlantic Coast Lin, tbe Piedmont Air Line and tbe Seaboard Air Line. As Is well known The Englirb are the tallest race among men, their average height be ing five feet ten inches. Tbe Norwe gians are almost tbeir equals. The smallest of all European nations are the Italians and Spaniards, who aver- I age only fiye feet five inches. It is estimated thai the mrular m bo ranee companies'of the United States will disburse during 1890 the sum of $83,000,000 in death endowments and dividend-claims. It is an averaco of $1,600 for every minute in tbo day. Twentv vearsaeo tbe onhlie debt of the United States was $2,756,000,000. entailing an annual interest charge of $151,000,000, and now it is only $921.- 000,000, and the interest charge is bul Ex-President Cleveland bas tour- chased tbe large Tudor estate at Tudor Haven, on Bozcard'a Bay. lie should endeavor to bave tbe name of the bar changed before 1892. A President nailiu g from .Buzzard's Jtsay will aot sound well. ' -' - W. 8. Williams, of Cherokee county. Alabama, is raid fo be tbe father of twenty-eight children, the eldest of whom to forty-nine years old and tbe youngest six. Mr. Williams ts in His 70th year, and is still bold and wig. orous. Mrs. Morrilla M. Sicker, who bas practiced law before the-courts of the District of Columbia since 1882, bas been admitted to tbe bar of tbe State of New Hampshire. It is said that her services are always gratuitous and for tbo cause of tbe needy. . The Quickest regular train Is run br the Great Northern Railway in Eng land from Granthan to Lancaster. It runs 60 miles at tbe rate of 64 miles per hour. ; Tbe fastest regular train in" this country is run on the Baltimore and Ohio between Washington and Baltimore, 40 miles, at the rate of 60 miles per hour. Dr. Gatling, the Inventor of the Cat ling gun, resides at Hartford, Con necticut, and, though comparatively an old man, is still industrious, spending the greater part of hi time in bis long work-shop, which is filled with tools and models. The Doctor is a na tive of this State. He is wealthy and livea in a handsome bouse located on Charter Oak HilL At s meeting of the Anelo-Jewish Association in London, Baron Hirsch opposed the emigration of Russian and other Jews to Palestine. He said America was the modern land of prom ise, and be waa prepared to support any well defined scheme for aHing Jewish emigrants to settle in the United States or any other part of America. Bon manure, as ground bone or su perphosphate, will be a useful addition on most soils, or to such as are bene fitted with bone. But it must sot be forgotten tbat a clean, mellow culti vated soil is specially Important for young orchards Instead of a bard, grassy, weedy surface of clods and Hard crust, and tbat for an old orchard these roads have been workinsr uudera general agreement between themselve irAC y essential. country uenueaan. for a number of years psst. Tb term of this contract or agree ment expired thia week. .This was generally known in commercial circle, and there has been seme talk to the effect tbat tbe contract would not b renewed after It expiration. But renewal was effected yester day. , A special to tbe Chronicle from New York received yesterday ssys : At a meeting held in New York to day the contract existing between tb Atlantic Coast Line, tbe Piedmont Air Lin and tb Seaboard Air J Joe Sys tems waa renewed easily and witbont friction, and tb Associated railways of tb Virginias and Carolines ax estab-lisbed-for another term of years. There was also a meeting ber of representatives of the Southern Rail way and Steamship Association at which tb coo tract exiting between the companies was renewed snd signed. ' ' Tbese ar two of tbe strongest and most important transfer associations of ill tbe Southern cooutry, and tbey Maxchaca, Tex., Jan. 23, 1890. Radam's Microbe Killer Co- Austin, Tex. : After spending large sums of money - for tbe treatment of my daughter, who bad suOered intensely for five years with catarrh of tbe bead and throat, without an v benefit whatever.' I waa induced to try your great discovery, tb Microbe Killer, and I tnithlollr state that it bas eotirely cured ber, sfter nsing only one-balf of tb jug nought from you a few week ago. Your remedy la indeed "greatest dis covery of the age," curing as if by magic. I cheerfully recommend is to suffering humanity and advUe all to use .it. xours truly. J. 8. Wiurrva For sale by L.B. Holt A Co. 'If. j have affected marvelous improvement BTaftK. J aol development in the last few years. For sal by L. B. Holt A Co. Raleigh Otrmtide. Dallas News : In large families it bss been found that tbe olive branch of peace ia not equal to tbe well-matured hickory yearling. Albany Times: A school girl in Germany, only eleveo years old, is six feet tall. She probably attends the high school. He: "I can't imagine what's become of my razor. Have you seen it, my dearr" She: "It is ia the ki'cheo, Harold, and 111 go right now and fetcU it myself. Bridget was so csrelrsa as to loe- the canopener lat Diht, and I why, whatever is the maitar, dear est?" American Grocer.