VOL,. XVI. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY-, SEPTEMBER ll , 1890. NO. 3 NOTIIiriG SUCCEEDS ' LIKE SUCCESS. The : roon Rad sin's Microbe Killer is the raoet wonderful roedl cloe, is because It bti never failed In any in stance, no matter what Ilia dweasA, from hep- rosy to tlie simplest dis earn xnown . to till Hu man system-. , i The scientific men of -to-day claim and prore thbt eyery disease is " -CAUSED B? HICEOBES, . ,., AND Radam's Microbe Killer ' Exterminates the Microbes and drives tbem out of the system, And when that is done yon cannot bavo an Ache or pain. tio matter what the dls iase, whether a simple ease L of. Malarial fever or a combination of diseases, we care then all at the same time, ' as we treat all diseases cowtttutlonally., . V IrikBi, Caasasaatiaa, Catarrh, ttr.a : klti. . UkiiHiliin. KMWf . aaa '" I.Wer UlMtaaM, KesaaM Traaalm, la all iu Carats, aaa every DIhih batwa M the IlasBaa "M- .teaa. Bee that onr Trade-Hark (same as above) ' appears on acn jag. Send for book "History of the Microbe Kill er." given away by - - - - :lu B. HOLT & CO.. Merchants, - Graham, N. C. 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAS. U. BOYD, ; -. ' . " ATTORNEY AT LAW," , ' '.. ... ; : Greeneboro. If. C 'Will tie at Graham on Monday of each week te attend v professional business, toepioi jr. r. rcEnivoiJLE. A-.. ATTORNEY AT LAW ' ..:. Practices in the Btate and Federal Cours . . will f alihf ull v and promptly attend to all bo ' aessntrnsted to him -; ; . DR. G. W. WIUTSETT, - Burgeon Dentist, i GREENSBORO, . - N. C. -' Wtll also visit Alamance. Coll" in the country attended. Address me at Greensboro. .. . ... ,. dec 8 tf JACOB A. LOISTC, ' , ATTORNEY AT LAW, r.y. .GRAHAM, " C, May 17. '88. . E. 0. LAIKD, . M. D., . IIAT7 RIVER, IL C. : Feb'y 13, '80. v.-. ; - Levi M. Scott,. F. H. Whitakeb,Jb, Oreensboro, N. C. - Graham, N.C. '. SCOTT & WHITAIEE, ' ' attaraeys at Liv. ' .;'' - GRAHAM, , - - - ' N. C. He t J, . .,; 't ' - Peal I Will 13001 ""fl :(. i". .i 4. J 'y"j- i ... . . BUBAL NOTES Ai 2 fti .. ', i Splendid Ecptcmber, " 1 Don't forget your local fuir. . . . .ft-. 1 xirean your coit to a mia& wa..Cj . Got ready for Jack: Frost's Tio'.tj. Loose surface soil aula as mulch. Unprofitable crops rata and micci. Almost time to start farmer's clubs Nebraska's corn crop is Very ,!4ort. , Enter upon Fall work tLoroi Lly. ;,, I xes, worry ir worse tnan nara worn. Make how lawns 'and sow feraas ' Tbe poorest-farmer tas' lie taoi :i aogs. " Be brought to a vote in the Seriate and passed. This prospect causes erreat activitv and hit?nerliHW'!fi .-thft Dry Goods since this bill will fereatly iTiw nuui xii xy. juixc mucooou vjxucci ui ouci ocuu jJUUCjS UU UU j IUV 1111 UU(4 HOW luai inO U D. Treasury has relieved the monejr stringency, (caused by the large exports of gold to pay for the heavy importa- BW,ne tions of foreign goods sent here in anticipation of this tariff) by buying up bonds (though at a big premium to e.Sy? wuuu'uuiuwb; uu putting uiuutj y m uiruuiauuu, a iuruier rise m values nas oeen eirected tne crops being good and the volume of business assuming large proportions.' We anticipated this state of affairs bv close Pure well or spring water fof the1, saves cold fingers to dig potatoes As the pastures sborten lengthen lbs rations Prenara trrtmnii " m-ll ' fn fnlp M. M- ' . WW .WA&Uf&A k w I . D ' ' . study of alUhe pomtsbear hft VfirvlnrfTA nVAr 9.000 nn nTinpa nlnnn an rniinli liaa fKo nn'iarrnnn nn1 K,,-. 5 x Cruelly to n intelligent aDlmal be-i NEW YORK to look after our purchases and pick out every winner and is sending home a stock of Dry Goods. Clothin?. Hats. Shoes. Hardwaw OmoAnM &c,&c:, that will fill pur Two Double Stores with floor Space of 24,600 feet We are eo'inff to use our barcaina and low whnWl nrinp. .n ..AnHr, , , - ... ' wrr r i , , , , . , - u o -r..v. m uuiviusvuivut ma. vi V' uuuv. nv ouj. it uavo girvuoviuc auxiu ucivivr:K vun auu oACUiuiiTj everjr Victim tliicLll. band lii)o ' ' V: .- ft-rt; .."f"",rf-;-, (. , - ..J. ..... A- a GO o - - . WHOLESALE jiND fflilt MM1i . GRAHAM AND BURLINGTON. ADVERTISEMENTS, i, , Pemon?, Hill Hursenes -.c ponouA H. C fw Jk m. t..1 mIIas Mt Af flnymihnm wy uu uniA ultimo vo vi v. w.--t N. a The mala Has of the R. . u. B. B passes through the grounds and within IS feet of the office, Balem trains make regu lar stops twice dally each way. Those Inter ested in fruit and fruit growing are cor dlally invited to inspect this the largest nur terry In the State and one among the larges inthaSonth. . .. . t Stock eooslsis of apple, peach, pear cher ry, plum, crape, Japanese persimmon, apri cots, nectarine, mulberry, quince, Groper Figs, raspberry, gooseberry, ' entrants, pie plant, Kaalish walnuts, pecans. Chestnut "Stnwbetrj, rooeeigreeo, shade trees, &c. "'' ' j ' . All the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones whleh my aew eatalofrne for 1883 will show. , Give your order to my authorized agent or ordW direct from tbe Bnrsery. -Coirespofa deocr solicited. Descriptive catalogue, free to applicants. ' Address, -' t. VAN. LINDLET, - : FOhONA, ' S).r28 "87. ' Gullfird County, , C. Keiiabl. salesman wanted In every county good carlnc eommiation will be given. ' - V. - I -is, . X Ha'v'i, CeasSt. , I r-f-r CcrrpUinta, take a-.l erta remedy, TZ': ""J V r - r t ... . h . t . ACslD. . .. ., , . Durham Globe, Sept, let. Saturday evening by - previous ap pointment I met Mr. W. i. Vickers, superintendent of publio instruction of Durham county, and ia gentleman who is a well known resident of Durham, and while In company with him and engaged in inspecting his lands lying ust outside the corporate limits of the tow o of Durham with a view to a pur chase, in going through tbe woodland we casually passed by-- place where the. rubbish from town is accustomed 'o be thrown out. We i eame ' 'Oe a place where there seemed to be a great many papers and letters scatter ed about, and as many of them bore tbe official marks of tbe United States Internal Revenue Department, curiosi ty prompted us to stop and- examine them. The more we read, the more we became Interested and finally the conclusion was reached that they were the official records of John F. Woody, deputy collector of internal revenue at Buchanan, N. 0., embracing it seems tbe counties of Granville, Person and Durham. We concluded that as some of tberiv were of a very recent date (as late as June, 1890), we would gather them up and leave them at the office of tne Globe, where Mr. Woody can, if be chooses, call and get them, or at least what remains of them after tbe rains have fallen on them and tbe bugs and vermin have bad their sweet, will with them., . Scattered, about .among these papers howeverwe found some other papers whose ownership w are not positive about, but if they . are .also a parcel aed part of Mr. Woody 's official records,' he can prove i property and take then I also. It may be that tbe 0ub$cribig witnett or the dgner. eould giro some ' information concerning them.' .84 for the purpose of advertis ing them In a way' wblch might lead to identification, I' give verbatim: : - ... ' ' Copy - ' 'This Is to certify ttai i? tarn appoint ed ts a Supervisor of the Eleventh Cen sus for Ibe th Dist.'of N. C. that the Republtcaos in each fouut in my Dit. sball have tbe control of thl palron sgs and that I wHl lend my Influence to that party. : TliLs Dea iOtb 1885. Vi!Des "(f'goed) " " W."E.Webb. ' (sfgne4) W. IL Pully. ' ? J, . ' ' (Copy.' ,. ' ) "Xonb Cro!irsrl January 1st 1890 -l -rson County Eoxboro. - Tb is is to certify tbat I am a a' sppli Cact i) enter the RpMblica psrty Tbacow hsi control of the," national I n...iil,kU'j patty I deem te be tbe friend of tbe people." If tbat party should favor me with its recognition I promise to be a worker in its interest andto lend my . entire enfluenoe to them aa a party ' iu their elections. Given under my hand and seal this January 1st, 1890. .!;;, f.!,. '"-" ;, :;V!':?T (a'goed) t. D. Long, Seal (signed) Witness W, H. Pully. ; '. ? , i We also found among those Internal Revenue papers, the following letter which I at first hesitated about 4ub lishing, but upon reflection concluded tbat urdo so would not only be no breach of propriety on my part but an imperitive duty for tbe reasons.; 1. It is a letter from a publio officer, and'relating entirely to matters which concern the public V V ,7 ',. "iU " 2. It is written on paper furnished you and my duty as a citizen T Tben give me your attention a moment.- , . . .. It is said tbat history constantly re peats itself, and ''that which is now hath been and that which is to he hath already been," . Like causes produce like effects, and "there Is nothing new under the sun." I have thought for several years tbat the "revenue ring" of North Carolina bad become about as corrupt in politics as the devil eould well make it, but my eyes have . never before bad the oppcrtuoity to see it In wiling. You can take these documents and follow them like pig tracks in tbe snow.' . Mr. Webb, a pvrchatablt Dem ocrat through ' the - back door 'of a backwoods revenue office, applies for admission into tha charmed circle of of this close political corporation and by tbe U.S. Government to members offers to lend (tbat is tell for a oonstdera- of Congress and paid for out of the publio treasury as the printing on it shows and I found It among tbe, official j chase to Bower, congressman In Wash tion, quid pro quo,) bis Influence "for a census office. Woody reports tbe our them : below records of a publio offioer. Hera is a copy of the letter : .., "House of Representatives U., S. : " ' Washington, D. C, ,U April 30th, 1890. John F. Woody, Esq., Buchanan, N. C.T Dkak Sia : In reply to your letter of the 28 Inst., I have to state tbat at request of Mr. Tuck sqsne time since, I went to tbe office of the Commissioner of lot. Revenue in relation to the ap pointment of Mr. W. H. Neal as 8. A G. and was Informed tbat the Collector bad recommended him last fall, but had not asked for a removal of any Store-keeper A Ganger, to make a va cancy to which be eould be appointed. I so informed Mr. Tuck. Now I went tbere again a day or two slnoe and was Informed tbat William R. Neal bad been appointed last Oct. on tbe recommendation of Mr. White, I do not Jcnow nor eould they inform me at tbe office whether or not -your W. R. Neal was the William R. sNeal who bad been appointed. , If be is, tbe matter is solely in Mr. White's bands to ask ior bis assignment. I am pleas ed to bear such good accounts, as yon give of matters io tbe District and l bank you for tbe interest taken In by behalf. Let me bear from yon at any time. m -Yours truly. (Signed) J. M. Bbower." Republicans ot North Carolina : May one who has heretofore received many maoifeetaUoos of your confi dence, pfier some comments oc tbe above docameote and tender you what I ooocelve to be some good advice, Ington. , Brower, being at headquart ers and on salary to assist in making laws, goes to see tbe commissioner of internal revenue, who has the ear of tbe president, who has the power to ap point the supervisor, and through these gradations Mr. Webb expected to get tbe office of census supervisor, anil A-oog want tne "favor of a recogni tion" (tbat Is, almost any office found lylngaronnd loose), and for It, Is wll- to lendrng entire enjluence" (Influ ence - - , 7 ,.. : Does any mac of even tbe most ordi nary understanding believe tbst Mr. Brower, holding bis seat , ia congress by tbe grace of this "revenue ring," having men like Woody deputy col lector In tbe paid employment of tbe government to keep him posted on tbe political affairs of bis district, and standing cboek by Jowl with hlra la close political affiliation', "thanking him" for past favors and seeking more at his bands and Inviting blm "to write of any Have," 1 himself honest in advo cating a repeal of tbe Internal revenue laws t . Are you surprised at bis vote la con gress to psss tbe Lodge election bill to put tbe election machinery into tbe hands of niea wbo treat publie offices like chattels on tbe market, to be bought and sold, and wbo would, If tbey eonld, perpetuate their power with armed soldiers at tbe polls T Webb would make an exonllest "election supervisor," put on good pay alth an army at bis back, now would n't be? And what Is more, tbs"Reve- from principle and not for pay, bow can you prevent men like Woody, Webb, Long and all such from gaining tbe ear of a Republican presideut? Tbe , answer Is easy.' Vote agalust Brower and put "Buldy " , Williams, a Democrat, wbo Is also an honest man, in his place. Break.the link In this unholy chain by wbiob corrupt revenue officers reach the ear of a Republican administration In Washington. History tells us tbat the time waa In Rome when even the highest offices were put up at auotlon and sold to the highest bidder, aod Roman guards In ducted the purchaser Into pfflce. Not many years thereafter Roman Jlberty perished. If tbe offices must be , sold, I believe a . publio auction Is rather preferable to a sneaking ".beak -door performance secret. It has at least (he appearance of more fairness In tbe sale. These men wonld djvlde up and parcel out the offices of the government among themselves Ilka William tha Conqueror did tha estates of the Saxon barons, after the battle of Hastings, among his soldiers, which resulted In tbe establishment of tha Feudal system of land tenures tbat for centuries was the most grinding and -oppressive slavery recorded in history, hardly ex cepting Jewish bondage la Egypt, and traces of it can be found In English laws to-day, after tb lapse of more than eight centuries. Mr. Brower, writing to Deputy Collector Woody, rpeaksofW. R. Neal aa your William. Yes, Woody's Bill Neal, Woody 's Webb ; my John, your Jack, Just like slave owners thirty years ago spoke of their stove. Yes, whUe elavet . now, ready to take a publio office a trust created for tbe great and noble pur poses of government, to be prostituted at tbe bidding of a petty backwoods revenue officer. Republicans, do yon like tbe picture? Is It overdrawn? A word 14 you, my colored Republi can friends : I shall never cease to re member with gratitude your votes giv en to me on several occasions la the past, aod no longer ago tban the last election fur a high and responsible po sition ; bot you have ordered by solemn resolution in a convention la Raleigh last week, composed of intelligent, ed ucated, representative men of , your own race that I mart leave tbe Repub lican party. You have resolved, If cor recti v reported, tbat your race alone is the Republican party In North Car olina and no white man, without y exception, can be trusted by you. You citizenship tban to get office and that none but your race should have tbe offices, so far as you could fill them by your votes. A few days thereafter you shook bands with tbe "Revenue Ring" and resolved by acclamation tbat the Lodge election bill should be forced on tbe people.. If tbis suits you, tben I know where you stand as a race. I joined tbe Re publican party, and cast my first voe gets viciousnes&i Always have somethins- on tnata team can ao 1. . A good farmer Is prettv likelv to have) agood garden. Connecticut peach cron Is said to htt a partial failure. r- ' v- Keep ducks and geese separate front the other poultry. . Turkev hens matnra earlier, aa at rule than gobblers. - - Don't dour water ' on nn tiw beds 5 always use a sprinkler, ; ElchtV millions tivent sm nuut ally in France to clarify wines. Tbe semf-etarvBiion of Is one of tbe farmers' absurdities. The profits of toonltrv knln Ac pend on the attention to small t2inc Saloons are not tha fittest nTnva i it, a.m . r. ; . ivi HUUID1I w ue III. As a rale, farmers cultivate thel . land too poorly and sow toe much seed , It does not oaV to keen anv animal for its beauty This world demands1 Don't have verrr ttln-'s taefri lent annt ... . ' . r t : 1 oj cracung card, ary kernels of corn. Plenty of Pure cold watF la tvt and fowls saves much suffering and sickness. - To make the' best hntfar. ! the following of a perfect system, from first to last. ; . ., . 1 horse have bis head iyoa want bun tor do bis best ' - - Grow trees for posts alofrr the hicrb W s V B SJSUU HUUn .aUllX 1USJLIS Kjinisi UI7 toetr own bolea. ' Tr-i 11 m 1 '.11 ' . . . wiiini rauroaa eommisBionenr naver ordered a ten per cent reduction in grain rates... VH-, New crop Unseed has opened at tlA& to $1.43 per bushel, with an advancing; tendency. , ,rr , Straining will nof clean dirty milk' v,raUv...w, 1 in.,... , .1,1 . tbrltInl868torooMtruot tha anion 'r,"iT. - "'"S . wwaw aw we ( on a basis allowing you all your politi cal ngnts equal to my own ana 1 am content still tbat you shall have them, but I am not willing for you to barter away with a few revenue officers, my own liberty, rights and privileges with yours. , Mark my prediction, If yon follow tbat crowd under your Lodge bill resolutions adopted ia convention In Raleigh last week, you will soon find yourselves like Mr. Woody's offi cial papers "lost ia the woods." It Is better to arrow fruit than tor I grow briers and thorns, . The latter i usually cost tha most. Pull yourself together and eoncen' trste your efforts, and do ' not try to spread over all creation. . Feed the bleh-prieed corn toil tber low-priced cattle, and that will make both corn aod cattle worth more, Attend tb fairs. Exhibit your stock, compare It with other stock and see wherein yours is inferior. . Bubach is srown In California- It I to be hoped that In in thner this will They would baker you and your lib- redu" th ot lnsect Pderi , wnenyoaatg your potatoes, dry ertie away for their own political gala with as lltti remorse of 000 science afterward as tb slave driving specu lator sold you and your ancestor and their wives and children as chatties thirty years ago, and tbey would t up your liberties as citizen lik a Dutchman eat cheese. ' Now we part company politically. Wo have come to a fork In tb road. en vo them before storing, but do not expoeer tuem to toe sun 11 you can avota Ik When threshing take good care ef the straw. Bright, clean straw is bet ter for bedding as well as for feeding. If you have nothing better, lar in a good supply of dry earth to use as aw absorbent to your stables when needed. Many diseases of tbe horse's feet are) du to wearing shoes too lon? at a time. Knock of the shoes duiidx va cation. nue Ring." claiming to be tbe RepuV f bv" hJ JroUT clloa shown that you licsn party, might put bim there, too. bv 00 higher conception of the dig- prom fted by a sense" grailtaJ to J EepuLlicans, you who are publican ! BilJ Bi poaaUulUy of American uooaoye. a nay inougnt at ttmea I Ii yoa want to make a good reputa would stop voting altogether, being I Hon as a breeder, don't ewl : poor ani- filled with disgust at results, but on re flection, seeing as I do, a political revo lution going on the like of which has never yet been seen la American his tory, I feel tbat rny vote belongs to my country more than to me Individually, aod it would be a plain violation of the duties of citizenship to abstain frem Voting. Faxlow Rkfublxcavs of the white race in North Carolina, yon who nei ther bold nor seek to hold, political offices : We are now pretty near being polit ical orphan and it Is bard to tell in the confusion where we ought to find our future political Dome. But this far at least fo-day, if no far ther, I am going to travel a new polit ical road, aod resolve to' vote for -Mr. Bunn, the Democratio candidnt for re-election to congrese from my dis trict. I want company and 1 want you white Republicans to go with me on this road. Mr. Bono, here's my band, show us the way. You have traveled It before of ten snd know it well, but don't expect us togtrtoo fut at first until we get more accustomed to it. Here's my band for tbe present, I will pet my seoi 00 it when 1 vote for youal the ba!lM-box in- November. You don't oeed a tubteribiag tritnes. o lawyers say to writing a mala. If you do, yoa by tbe tbem. wiil. be juJevS Faak- 295 FrnrcHitBir Strkrt; Baj Cisco. Novembers, 1839. ... Microbe Killer Co.; Gentlemen After suffering from catarrh for eight years, during which I tried various patent meatcines ana wa t res ted by regular physicians, even specialists, I determined to give your Microbe Killer a trial. After 10 jurv bai been taken an improvement iu my health became perceptiMe, wbieir steadily continued. Now I am taVi;r my seventh jug. I am so far remove re i as lo entertain oDce more a hc-e bit'i I bad long lost that of a cou .ete ao i radical cure. Uratetuiiy yors. Henbt I. .cio. For sale by L. B. Ilobt & CV.- Tbe Lexington Ii'i"i.'cA' JcVoiv Hill corresK)udent jive the foilowit account of a snake t h l: x Mr. A. D. Yarhron . h asys tat be witnessed fi:".'e-C one ray ! : week. Akiti tn&t. r.l su a : r met in tlie roal, and the bv "1 t' CUi, so ihey tnr"" 1 pt 1!, r : r atteoii.m to Mr. k at l.rr ... i i them f.ht, bavin? a c; . y t) ahieh would wh;;i. 'lis 1 ' cut vicr by swaiiowir ; l ; Mr. Yarbrough then d i . sukesbipr t e k'.pj. bond. eau, 'know ate 11 men by these hs. A. (j sr.., fre- 1 -i 1 ' a:i '''' --