I i li VOL.. XVI. LIKEStJCC1" . ;. GRAHAM. NC, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER IS. 1890. NO 30. 1 ,A ' TIio rcaon Budnir's , Microbe Killer i tilt) jiiot wonderful medi cine, ia bciiUM It lias never failed tu any in stunou, no matter what (be disease, from Lef rosy to the simplest disi easi knowo to the hu man system. -: . 'J he" sciuiitifto men of to-iliiy clulin And prove I is J tliut cyory dlscasa 1 V CAUSED BY HICEOBES, " ' (;-.-.; itiwAND ,.-. u ,.f. -.'. . :-:Kxtonninatc8 the Microbes and drives tbein ' ont of the Systemi-and when that is aou.eyon " -eVnnpl have. an ache ftrJafn. matter 'What tla dig awe. whether slniplo ease of Malarial Fevsr'or i combination of diseases, vre core taeuail at the - svna hline, ! we '?'-'treat'lIdtaeawoL!tituUoiiaUywn..-v-Tr.1;' 1 "i', : " '2- '' ' .,...1-. , , i jtalBata, ConiMptioo, rofnrrfc, ttran 'T'!-cbllUi Ttliaaasatliiav JKMaey: ' i M.f , Traablea,' r-:fA''4.:-i1 all iu farina, and, Ik fct.; every SJiaenaekaown M the llamas jr- 4 I V , t f SSi . f It mm -y c i;,,.,;; Pi( , : .-.. i ; n: v. v.-l. fell M It f t Li. 1 . it'ujjiCTS rort iiioiGin, thought, a; - It . a .:M , f.'-i 'gee that our Trade-Mark' (afeW' aa -nhove) ;'; appeare on each jiier ;': - j,," , " ,.( ' v g.nd for book '-Hwtoryof the MIcrobe.KUl- - . er," L'lwn aviiy by . T Tl imi.T CCi TVTAi-nhnnta: U, Be ijrduht- to a rote in the Senate and passed. This prospect causes crreat activity and liiclier prices in At!ie jcjuuui grcauy increase .luu-xAitxirir. ana, consequent iy, tne I'ltiCE.1 ; Of every tiling withpolinit'T iind'!. nWjftnaOho :.U.""--r'S.? xreasury nas reiievea tne money stringency causea oy tne large exports pi gom to pay iortiie neavy importa tions of foreign ffoods sent here in anticipation of 'this tariff) bv buvinii up bond tHoiiirh at a'biff nremiiiiYi tin the bond-holders) and fffA nnA trio trnlumft rf KiiairiAa3''icaiitri?rif' lofrrni' hmnnT4inna':':iv::',WArnntimnnr'j'1l''4liia'' -Y?;.n . 1 study of all the points bearing: on the market and Have Bought Heavily Before the ADVAYCE and our puuus ume buuu vveie buiu rigut uaeji,. ?iutj luijJurtexB uuu mauuiauiurerBjust on aavanceQ' prices - WOUlu f ATTORN JSY-A'1' A.AW .. I . ' will f;n 3r(iham.ou;Mffiday of eacii wee te attund tu professional bubiuces. Sep 161 -or. li i fractfoex in th Btate and Federal Cour W'Rl faithfully and promptly attend W all (iu . ssKantrnated to him ' "?"" ..".'.,!''1t.-:J " ' . "ltfilf alaa"ii4ie' AlflHMIMeJI' CktlU in the eouutrv attended. A1lress me at v Qfewisbpro, "... , , ; " 'dec8 tf 3TA.COB .-.A..; LONJi - : ATTORNEY AT LAW, y ; 1 : ?MT.43r, " .':f:MavlT.'88.t-"-i-'; - c, -LE. '-: G. LAIRD, . 'M'i ;t., Feb'y 13, '90. ..-,.;V., v' J ' Ijrvi M. Scott. -F. H.'WhitaKebk,' Qreensboro, NC. , Graham, N..C. "-- SCOTT & WHITAKER, ' . '.'"..GRAHAM,"-" - '-' - C 7'VAi)VERTISEMENTR,U's . : POIIOIiA n. u., Two and a hlf miles west of Greensboro, ,. "passes tnrdiij;!! thwitroiihda Smd wiliiii 10 feet of the office, Saleu trains make regu lar stops twice-daily wejiojr. Those inter cstedin fruit and" fruit 'growing are con dlally invited to Inspect this the largest nor- - tn tlia Sonth. . ? r " fltoek consisu of apple,, peach, pear cher ry, plum, crape, Jauaoeseperslminon, aprt j . cols, nectarine mulberryt quince, . Grovcr ' lip, , raspberry, . (ttoseberr J,i jpijrraats, pk plant, Ensrlish walnnts, pecans, Cheatno Strawberry, roses, evei greens, shade sreo, ttc?" .. . ! . , All the new and rare varieties a well as the old ones, which my ecw catalogue ftr V 1""S Will fh. . . ' )f 4 v Cive yonr order to uiy and.oHzcd azent or ore t d'-rct from tl.e niir4ry. ' Cmreitpoe . . duiic ,.iiciUad, Dctiit-lpiive cataJojjics free , to applicants. .. ' Address, ' ' . ' - ' .. . " J. YAM. LTSDLET, ; - POV0NA, arr2S 7. Gn!lf ird Coonty, tf. C. , 1 KeiluMe siilesman wantad in every eonbty good pvine eiiiRiWioii will be cirea. ,1C J v j iui6u w ,VVV ,VU ouuco iMuuc,, oy uiui-u XM.ua wic txuo uuuc ( Ull rtUU ,UU ,UU V W IlflS IUt I U.UL VIl TO mnHtl. prlii."tW W UW, Vfl IIT ..J J ' .. .Arv. j. .t.lt..' rr.. J n , . .V" mut be gterhaX that ' V V"s-' tutei uur puiuuaece-unu Fu evefj'. nuiiicr hm, ovruvim nuiuu bwuk ui Ary VtOWllUjr,nai8, onoes, O-arawarC, lirOCerieS I our Heart, lutauiluer a., occ, tbatjWuI fill bur Two Douible bt'ore with floor Space or 24, 600 feet i,!.We are cromi to use bur barc:airis aed I6w wholesale prices as an aAvGrtifwnumt'l " Discretion and gootr , , niju-iiit; 11 uruve-wmi wav. tviiMva wivfin son n fiiaran es nciore. , va 1 ann fiT.im nn ewrv'npn!UTriATir. . --. i .,;.;,ir.--. . . , . ... i - i yr. fr:b H'Ci m'!i'-:W'Vy:k&';-.MU-H'J ji;'ih-J tr'" wti i.Zi h ,t,-: ii t ': .The woman v, rt i . - l " - ,i , . , c i s m - ... ? i - -. , b ix t . ; - s x , . ' . r j 'Wi.!-.'!'.'- 'ia,-.' ill. 'J iih : tfr, , I"' 'tt!i;--.;.- PI'S- .ViiCUV.' '' v. v;"1it , .1 1 , ,j....Biro,lee a'-jNyw-a. 1 ''Breed obly'lbeahhy arilinaW.' ' j: Aim to Win a prize at the fair.'"'' i. ... Jrlarvestfail. crony, at maturity,' ' : v " Are yon. attending to drsfnage? :i Ailupt your farming, to your soiU"- .-. Come boys-now for the coons! ' f 5, j.Work; ja ureal panacea for worrjr.r ' ; Farmers'' clubs should now nroiVev - Oiv u-iiiilfnll nhnlH l,n the norfcer. Select seed-corn before froatcomea. J, An eminent horticultural i authority nya upDlesvill be. ncuroer ami dearer this year than for many a season., U "? The Canadian governments haa . In vited the farmers of Britain to sftnd out delegateu'to prepare; agricultural- fe porta.'1 '' '".'- . . y ':- .. . " The Iowa dairy commissioner, claims that the Stiite wiil turn .out at Uat fifteen ner Rent, mora butter this , veur iveep ngnnnK tne ougs anu uriens. "ftlinrr Itt3t. ''',' - -.- ; (; t P Bct'weeB 6opoo and Zo.ooo acres : of school lantw bitve been dispose! of tn Biudv-the new machines at the ' fair. MinnmntA ihlovaarat five dollars ber .."Down" sheep are coming tC the lon,nfiH,nri i,avij w -....- . J,.: , ..Get ready . fora;;ibe, advent' Of Jack j xhe Jersey eow feachtsher ,prime frost. y ' ,'. ; at abont the nixth year, and with good i repare grouna wen lur w iuiw ) treatmeat holds Her own ifor t wo t or Wheat.,, .1: . ' -y" ' -i i fhree yenrif more, r, , V Jf-.-, . .. ... , : ' Tjong eveuingS .coming iread and r Keep y.jnr eve on all .rural adver sludy. v, .' tfeemeiiis hi the WUness. aod also ,Thc frost Will aoou le M?n the pump-, aV offers of its "get there" kin. . , - I nnutiKiia lVIii miriAr . . . . Have you done alt yoa can for your fowls' comfvrt ? " ' ' Tlie market ia seldom overstocked with tbo best.. ' . - a-' -" ;, Always plan to save labor and tbere- ifiy. reduce co6i. Some interesting fuels reefcntly oc- curred Id the American Cultivator re- .isy tryiuK to oo too mucn, many lar- t . .... .. , - d.,. . .. t merto too lMl. 'p. - - 0 tue curing or, porK. a.-, say : Cut the bur and cackle Ijeforeturoj i. For every 100, pounds of pork inain.the sheep. ! take eiCbt pounds of fair, 'five founds ' respoudenf says that there Is no A light and effective movable fenoe ' h ! , , , " - . of opportunties for improving lb a d.-sidenrlnra. , k . . of sugnr,-four ounces of saltpelre and pearHDCe 0f 0ar country homes. pound of saltpetre, four ounces of sal prunella and four- ounces of juniper f berries arp brulseS and Well Jfiixexl to gether .and .boiled In . .aU' quarts . of water, Tbe brine is. then , cooled and skimmed.' The hams are taken from the caltjtnd. ore wiped ..dry,, pnd the cold pickle n poured over them anJ well 'j-'ubbed into the meat. There should be enough biine to cover . the mea,'.i'T&e hams are torned'every sec- ond-'y fv ihree weeks after which they are, taken out, wiped dry, and a n.ixl lire of pepper, rait and bran is thoroughly tubbed into the' meat, They nro'!hen smoked' a little every day for three months, or 1 even more, until (iinpietcly drj'i when' they will keep ?ouptl ianq Improve in flavor fojt .yenrs.' ,. ,' ;, i -.;';' Hams shrink inraokfng nbitiit ten,! per cent, in veiuht. whilst utckled , or falted polk gains about ten per cent., say (be enters. ,'",;...; r:'", ' ."'." .".. IsrveMeate Ike Vmrm. (A f.,g as well as a borso can be made tt'teel its oala." '. ' iBjead r ordina to you aim for. Iiiiina ii, a or fursnle. V i i ' ! i iKeepin ; 1 1 ; weeds out,' ia' better itaan pajimgiiif j out. V " - u Repair are bo tuordefj and wul liulH Winter enffl.-i one Ounce of red pepper, and make a pickle etrorig enough to float an egg, and. ppur it on'Jho, pork 'when oId. Tha bams should , bo at the botnui, shoulders nest, and the sides on top. This, wilT pickle It "well if left in ' it -fray nut alt macl.in a done with for j t,,. .fr whnjit ahaubl ha lifted. ttiaaenaoa under oov.-r,."- -A.. irf.u..'(u ..iw, t Asarule. it ts best, t Market year 1 '''-f 1 " v crop aa soon us ia ready. . Ttru upon the flesh 'aide '.Irghtl JJirly quarters for auimuls are a i eoveard with red. Dernier., liana no grace and a il in menace. ( I ... . , - crow lae ai iiie . on - ousn-iormeu i . 1 7 - . tree oronr.no well triuiroej up. . ." Wait until the frut-t kills the dies be (or painting your 'buildings, .4 ' Have all tbe oan lotiuer you can. It works la -well witli the tioer. ... Canada no aliips mure cheese dur ing the Bummer suoolh tliaa New York.- - - - ,'-: ,, . The Fall is - the seeding time for w eeds. Destroy them before tbo seed full. . ' ' Manage to let no fertilizing Material go to waste, Il indirectly brings cash. . JJou ti pasture your meadows too clorely. Leave a little something for a mulch., , . ... .. ;.' ' Let your poultry ba-ve Jut as much range as potsible duriug this' ume of ear. - It is either s coll or a hot dy when nothing useful can be dona on ft farm. You may fjree animal in 10 eating poor food, but uuturo will tako revenge on you for it - . . ; - A half-blood for tne iliorr or the sbamhlcs is ofuo practically as good aa rull-bluud. . The avers ce crop ot oj(s in the United testes forjha pan tea years us been 5 'Si. 000,000. lierlm for Wiuier use sbonfil beMre- fully dried in the shade and kepi in a rool. dry rlace. Jli int-n iter IIihIaU k'nids of crops rfjiiren r and Hjnh:ue to develop tSipm. I; J i'l crowd tbem. ' " Ker p joiir slock in g'K4 inarketaUle crn hu m. X.i'-n you are ready to sell whi n tt.e ro-irtt is ri-bt. A l.iJy at Lrnloti Harlwr, 3Iich., bus 1","0 n.Jiworms in her hoti.-e, buciljf t ai'tk Siiii.DiOI CoCion. aa that tho smoke can freely circulate and reach every part af each piece. 2. Salt down the - por't for about two weeks, take up and. re-aalt, with one teaspooofal Of saltpetre to each Lam and three pounds of brown sugar to each huodred pounds ; pack , down for two weeks more; lakeop and wash bams in warn water and put them iu clean sacks of coarse, white cloth, bit b have hero steeped in solution id vmoke for about Of lime; hag three welts, and they can then be Jeft hangirg the entile soaaoo, -Ho insects will inolet tbem if thaa prepared. g .Afterihe barns are perfectly eoldv the animal belt b&og rniirt ly outof theui, put iliem down uisalt fir,- few nays, nner tiicn u:tatiA-tf: r-t jll Midy water, iluta t a follow-fit 4U s-uuiciedt t cl .v pounds of sv.1', three fcl, ri!n, four pouti'l-s oi b and mi f.'oos of nier. ia the pu.kl? for a month smoke as ia No. 1. Tht C.mous "Westphalia cored a follows : They are firt well rui.txd with dry sail sn J left to drain for twenty four jours. lur quart of slll.tLiee jKun.!jofbrovia s ',,'Jr, cu the I ' I er Ihem: 1 ounce, oi Yot tvwn aii 'ir ! In' net 'V .."a hJ Rang and I tjC lams are "'.In tho Rural Annual for 1890, a cor respondent says that there is no lack o ap pearance or oar country homes. ' Much bus been douennd there la one fact of great prom (no. When one farmer gets a lawn mower,, or removes his front feuce.or puts up A new one, or removes stones and rubbihh and plow up the roadsides and plants potatoes or" beans and ultimately seeds them down ' with granaand kevpa It out twice a year Willi mowing machine, ocwhen he lias nice gravel walks or roada about the house nod barns, or when he seta out cveryreeu for Screens, and plants fruit and ornnuien tul trees, anil has a few choice flowers on the lawn or lir the (furdeu, hh neighbors are quick to fol low hie example, and very soon the whole oeigborhood for miles around puta on a new aspect ; and if any of the farms are offered for sale (hey And pur chasers af - much - higher' rates than equally good I ad on leas - improved road. And this la not at!.' The in fluence of each ' refined surrounding imprcA'es the taste and character of the peopUaod ia favorable tn industry, so briety, enterprise and eyery god word' and work. .. LouravrLLE, Kt . March 12th. 1800. Eadum's Jlicrobe Killer Co., Nashyille, Tcun.y ' ' Genllemei A member of my family has beeniiMiclrHl with asthma for severfyear, the attack recurri ig tiino to time as ts mtml wtlli ibis te. In Voy or June of last year, lSDf thes g attacks beetle almost con tinuoufc, hardly a day or night, passed without tiT.'nnj tronj (he di'tresaing attacks until I became al irmed on ac count of the loni of sleep and the aover- ji y of Hie diae, fearing a general dVliu of the health. I ciuKiilted PvVral emlueat physician in ' New and in i hi city, but with no c'ihI r-nlts frnm Ibtrr prescrip- ion. About the fiot vf rV-;temler conirnpnod 0'rg f br Microti Kil and aince that time lias never hnd return nf the p:trosy ms, and her eeneml hea'th has been eorre-pocdine-ly imf-rore-i. I can crx-trfally recin men i the Microoe Kiiler to all atb maiic suJTcrers. J. O. LtTnuiP:, : 421 ffi-t Jljiu tit. Fr tale ly K D. lW;iU - i Way V airmera Ought Kec, 'Bwee . The flints that Dees are ndllett dlstri butorfs is sufficient rea8oa,'why a I'lace should be made lor them on every farm. , If kept for no . other purpose than the; benefit they do., growing crops aud fruit brarlng trees and plant, by spreading the pollen among tbe blooms, these industrious Workers would! bo a valuable .(Tjunt.''TMl mony is abundant and oouclsivo as to the desiaable effects of beea Opon grass vines, , fruit 4 treesj and' , ii uit bearing plants generally. . Indeed,- one promt nentapiiiristgoesso far as to Inslsr i.bat a fevy hlyea of beos ' judiclousiv placed will revive a fruit farm from a noh-paying to a brofltable Investment, fiiolu crops lull ua and wide , awake farmers kuow from their own ohsorva tioo, and greatly assisted by tho honey bee's manipulations Indeed their Iu- fluenoe Is required for the perfect ((oral fertilization of some of (he cereal crops and the meadow grasses. . Wkero the farmer ia loo busy to give bts personal UlteuUou to tbe production of honey, it ie. suggested that ha purchase a few hives and turn these over to the ' care of bis wife and a'ugbtersj, They, will find tho pin money aoerning upon jlhe sal of the honey a convenient' and pltasant return tot tbe labor aod time spent among I be 1 bees. The outdoor occupation, too, will prove a wollcome and healthful , change tVom . indoor drudgery, which they can then afford t j hire doue. l?e w York VfotliJl Bcsiaai of Iliac Ttf WML ' Here Is a reason for'ming (he roller. It baa been found thai a rolled soli, ben the tcinpemlure of the air is aevcDty-flve degrees, ia eighty-four de grees at the depth of one and a half inches, during the warmest part of tbe day, while , the temperatnre of tbe same soil unrolled is only eighty de grees. Three inches balow the surface the rolled soil ia five degrees warmer than ibe unrolled. After cooling ever night the rolled soil U 0110 degre th warmer. New York Wi tr.cfs. A cow may be well . fed fof fifteen cents a da, anil i some cues for twelve ceiila. Winter feeding will crM considerably inorr, comilinz the markft value ( the feed fifteen rxiimds cfhay and six runi'ids of meal ias liftl m a co-.v i-.i oiilk houll be fi- l.srd 1 hi may be wort h .ffenty-one een'. For winter dairying eo!y the l4 c) s slimil.l b keiit add butter of the be-d q ie:y only made, othrr wip the food for ibe eoas wtll not be pukl for. Jicw Yoik Tribuue, V BTS, f Japan nas twonty-nine , cotton spin ning atillaV ..' . v-: -, Brooklyn, baa a Japanese ' Union prbitr.Vi' .' In tho TJuit'Sil States over 8, 000 ,000. I Rpeecli ia cxtornal thought internal speech;' . . I will utter what I believe to-day if it should contradict all I said yesterday. The one wlip will bo found in trir.l ca pable of great acts of love id ever.t'ia one who is always1 doing coiwi.l-.hta email ones. ' It is often more necessary to conco;4 contempt than resentment, the furnici1 being never forgiven, but the latter be ing sometimes forgot, - A certain amount Of Opposition is a glrat help to a tnary ; Kites riae against pnd not with the wind. Even a head v4-W 3tk'r jli;iji poiio. "Ko iu,.i ever brked his passage anywliere in a dead calm. . . x . The fOolisll ancf wickcd'practice of pro fane cursing and swearing is a. vice ad mean and low' that every person of sensd and character detests and despises it. . Industry is essentially social No mnri can iniprove either himself or Eis neigh tor Without 'neighborly help; and to bettor tho world is to set tho world td Work together '' r- : ! -; ( . : . "We Iiat3 some persons becaiiso we dd rot fcnow' tlicm; and we will not know tlioni , because we hate " tlienu Thosd friendnliips that succeed to such arer- for those oualiUes could not only gain our prejudices. 'nature ha?w al- npon.as tha distin female converaa-' rhose price fa abovo in the charactor wiie' man more en den ring than that she opencth her mouth w-i!lwfa'forrrand in ber toozne is thd law of kindness, v w, Children mai be spoiled in numerous" ways-j-by never contradicting or correct-' ing them, by always indulging or giving way to them, by excessive praise, by in-; judicioui'Comparisons, and last, but not least, by setting thVm a bad example; An only child, .whether son or daughter; is always in danger of being spoiled, and t ie mischief U soon done. JIany men and women who turn out thoroughly solfl-ih, were moanfc by nature to be genW crous, warm hearted, and self denying. Thoa-anils go down and disappear for . want of the powgv of physical endnr ancef AUite aa man thousands for Lick of steadily improving brain capacity; but perns pa most of all are smitten, crushed; and routed because' of their poverty of clear and standfast moral pnrpow. Ihd real strengt'i of man is his liealtb. men-' til. and physical, and, wiihout this, nd start, however good, no advantages of the way. however trreat. no stroke of luck, however wonderful, can save him from defeat; like, all other creature, his means of defense must, be commen surate, with every poasiblo occasion, or final Victory can never crown his brow; BUSINESS ANU iKDl'STKIAtV A $300.000.cotton mill is talked of att Florenco, Ala. , Russians nsa American sleighs lined! with buffalo robes. A Chicago -working girls club teaches' dressmaking, millinery, cooking, eta In Brooklyn it, is agaiwt the law td l 5 .A 1 , , . ciiargo over i-ou a loau lor moving a half ml.e. Chicago terra cotta workers and thd stone masona have worked 8 hours since' A Philadelphia father recently paid $3,-' 500 for a doll's house for his Utile 4 year' old daughter.: ' Nine sewer pipe works near - Toronto; Ohio, have boon purchased by an English syndicate. ' Prominent men and leadinarelerrrvmrri In New York are aiding tlie demand for seats for the girls in staresv The future )f tbo cattle industry hi Texas has not looked so .bright as it dec at present for several years. Ono of Chicago's leading general stores now works &50 cash girls only 8 hour and baa tbem at school 8 hours. A biz contracting firm in Pittbtirgr ia , . ry It Is ald that less than thlrjy person ,,1 of Italian, u frir owu ono-iMirn, xuo.'MHj aorea. 01 iue t i.j , v.:r?rW";. . : a. l rhiladebWa in. ronnlation k soconJ The Panacea feprlnjs property '"near I only to ?ew York, but under tlie recce Littleton, warren 00unt7, nas Dscu scuon 01 ucr license oourx sno uas only 000 of' envelopes are ' uianufitctured yearly, y " 7" x'- Aa auction sale of boffins recently toon piuoe at uartom, lortda. - . ... - .'if - -,' M . 1 . jt, . Socialism Is said to be making great progress among., tbo jjondon .. j Arado Unions. London se!ls" arv-cradtrnllv eoing bacic to close cut, ugut trowsers. Cof. L.'v K Polk wUl dellevcr the uoiiuul address 'at the Murfreesbord fair,, ,.':'...' 'Rev. ThOmn Dixon, Jr.. has accent ed an In vital toil to dellever tho ' annual address at the coining Weldoo fair, V, J. Rogers was oomlnared for Con gress by ilia Pemcorata of the Second UMtrkit at 1 us ton week before Uit. It is estimated th at th oyster bust- uess in Elizabeth City, alone, will pay out $3oo per day iu wage and .JJlher expenses. ,,. . !s.. . Dolt) to a syndicate for t5ooo. Bishop Kenr ntlnfunoed oUcially that hv first aeiwion of the Western North Carolina Conference will meat in Concord November 20tb. - " Wbitacapa demolished six buildings occupied by oisrepntuWe women, al linilns, Uantotl county, one niaht re otot ly. 1 1 be inmate were , male to' leave tne county.. ,, ,., .. ...... , V - V ' . - ..... r JCIizibclh City Carolinian: It "is luted on good authority Unit this is lining to be a bod year for oy'.er not because they have deliberately don anything to merit a malign fute, but' oeciuite . tley ara uncommonly fat, wcu &avorcu anu anuudant. The Democratic Convention of the Twentieth Htuiaiorial District urmlu- J , y I. . n aieu h Uk iwtaseti, ai UUrham, ana k. p. witrneii. 01 t'uswell. for the State Senate. The noujlueca were In structed lor V oce. , Binf.d inrea .' They are havinir a gotwl deal of irMible os account of the boys hi tba Oxfovl Orphan Asylum running away.- They are greatly worked up and dirttreed Imhwiiso of the retirement of Dr. Ji. F. Dixon, the superintendent. - - . . ' A jidut canvass has been arranged Sri ween JI.kis, A. II. A. Williams and J. M. Broner. 1 be pwkinf will be ta Monday. Bept, 2yih, at Wilun, Granvill cminty, an I end at W slant Cove oa r'aturday, November 1st. Wm. Radsm' Sticrr be fliller Co., Dear Hir I chef rf"J!y add ni'ne to your now nuroerons leaiimonia's of Ibe icr-be Killer, havine n-ied .imt f.,r ndicsllon and a severe lhnat lroi-,ll. After iit-inz five Ci!!on I Ctd ir-v.df colirely curcn. Your truly. 1 B. F. AltEETOX. Far sate by L.B. Holt & Co. 1,173 saloons, while New York has 9,85 licensed bora. '-. ; . ; - . The first negro land company of tho South, tnd probably of the world, has been organized by leading colored men of Atlanta. The company begins with IOC shares of stock, representing $ 10,0001 .From careful estimates received from! farmers themselves in every county in Kansas Uks cost of raising a bralnd of wheat iu an average crop 13 bushels tof the acre is believed to be1 40 cents. The New York Bureau of Labor Sta tistics estimates that the organization of labor in that State in the past five year has increased the wee k ly ws gos per cf pi u 81. The increased wacea thus ewt.-d, us 18J9 aro estimated at 3,3 2,237.77,. Mrs. Sarah Williams of Coioma, ''Ich. gives tills sample of home industry! Thtf other morning she, made a barrel of wap, didjher family wash in fr, chnrni li pounds of butter, put on her other dn-s, and read tho morning paper all Uf .ro 10 o'clock. -And sl t;u't a very L; woman eitlior. Kerer in ibi his'ory has the f - te cf Texas been so prosperous as now. Tha Crops forthi.iyear have been tl.e f -t ever Vdowd; but ''-c;rvaU-tttadva!i-i l,a ! 1 u in tlie owit.t-vii..p. Omitvaiivc - place its valm-at $:si,o ''."'. r ; . ',- UOO OlxlVO any Cmp f ptTi. t . ;,ri. Tlie total agriciilinral pr'niiH-t '.! t ? year exceed tV'). ()),(- . Tst Sailor Hat on a Uurr r . t-i sailor hat is a 'r,.'i f ' .. i ', io'i'-.-'l, it b;ia ever f 1 t , ; ' Over's you rut f.t'.r f.t it L- r cinatin. MJUr.er t: -1 it a nil of velvet and a f ' 1 . '. for n-lii'f; a r-. ii thrust t!r..;i-h it, r r a with a K'.l-ien t v I : -." ' . yac! t --x ar t . r. ! v -, a W hi'.O C-rr;- tr t : ; I L'ica t"

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