i i i YOL. X GRAHAM, 1G4,THU 2, 1890. ( I b I I LET t V- i ne C SM V 1 Iio ' rta'onBadatr's . Microbe Killer is tlie most wnndurful roeill ' cine, la because It has never fulled In nay In stance, no waiter What e (Ijb', IroM Up 'i v to die simplest dis- 1 t ui known to Ui h- f tiii'i system, i ... y - The mniitifls men of f to-day claim and prove J - tint etery dtseaso Is .'caused ht iaocrs3, " . . E fcn's ! !i:rclT Ilillcr ' 1 ' Krtcrmlimtcs the Microbes and drives tbcia . ent of the system, and when that la done yon "'" cannot have an ache or r.alm' to- matter ' what tlie di'tiase, whetjior a slmplo ease of ' Malarial Foyer or combination ol diseases. . 'we care then all at Uie svne lime, m. :wo, i. treat all disease coutitiltlooally. . , . - J f r uu - '.-'ill ,J vj L ' - A M.l. f'i I . ' Alabama increased 400.0113 iu tie I.. ' deciule and Texas t-3,!!. j. ' Of 6.0C7 books cuLlI. lied last s In England the moist it t' l vi .. i works of fiction. ; . , The Petit Journul tf r 'j ' ' j a daily eitcuk'.lon of 1,1. 3,1. J c . i. Thorawi Eailcyf AUrSul " ' : : t a new volume of bis poems, tj tt j - I l:..";ed In .l!e c'-'v.Tn. . ' JasSbaaa, l'aaptUa, ratafra, Hr. l.lrrr a Lease, ITeaiala Traablw . la all It Urmt, aa, la fact.; erer - IH y!' K .' faaiaM r. J w Y kat . Va4 8ee tliat onr Trade-Mark (same as Sabove) 8nd for book "History of the Microbe IU f : f r C rchantn. ( ; iBDI, N. C jm ja i ""TO vARD3. " i T-rT-!-r J rn r " ' ,' Wifl be at Graham on ,'ir attend V profession, . , .ill v of each week .. Sep 16 - , 1 1 RlH4MiK.(l, Practiced in the Btate and Kcderal l;our :i faithfully and promptly attend tq ail nn Mntnuted to him j , t ' ' if ' wi: i teci ;d. w. wwtsett, r . . Sufgeon Dentiit, Will tilua visit Alamance. C1U l fne country attended;" 'Ad.li-eMtmt"! T Xre-nsbr; " it r$ 8 tljf JACOB A. LONO, 'ATTOKWEy AT LAW, GRAHAM. - . - ,;KCi V Mavl7.'8. , E. 0. LAIRD, II. jD., Feb'yl3,'90. iv ,- .i Levi M. Scott, F: H. Wbita:e,3k; Greensboro, N. C.' rnbanij N.O. ' ' . SCOTT & T7ETTAIEE,' -: GRA1IA1I, - . ADVERTISEMENTS.' U V ;.4t,..::J;!!!!!ui:KJisj ;'-pooiiA:iT.(i ''JLaJir.ti. Ab.'wi-?i iCVB paaaea through the groandi and within IS - eet of the office, Balem tralnt make iwi ' larauvi dUy ih way. I Those I J estedht frait ad fruit (rowing art m dlally lnrlted to inspect thla the Uresi tar- aerry la the State and one amoog the Ur jea InthaSonth.' ' '- ' V,'l . ' '. tvLi cooelsii of lpje, peach, peaTi eR ' ry, plum, crape, Japaoeae persimmon," api- .1. ' f oote,: tseciarlnei iullerry,i f linco, Orooer ' Figs, raspberry, ' Kvioseberryeorrarila,- . plant, English walnata, pecans, Cljesiout ' - Strawberry, rosea, evergreens, ahada ree. All Ihe w and rare rarletlea a well , tlie oM i uea wbieh iny acw .Ulojrne for f ' " ' show. ; i f , ' : ( a your order t nry 'z"d i"!uf or f & "ect fr' 1 vm re' ;jti. dcuc xincited, reeriiii.WeeutioKaee Jree to appHcanta. Addres, ' ' 1 J. VAH. LnrDLET, ' 4 aprI TT. Gn!lf-rd County, C.C" h ' hie wiinid li crcrf c.''. i tr '. - J be firen V 7e n x: a pr.opODitipii thai you vrpiild -baclt uo in it X7&,x70iu . , -i.i' . v rJ-. Vj" ' ' " ' - ' ' 1" ' " '). . . , . . , Statlfltca show tbst Hie co?n cr ' l ' ' - ' - y . ', l ,t , . -i , ' ' . , i Ihia var tit tha treat est iw I ro ' ii t Eneland will take its cenntn on C.3 5(h of April, 1C11, aud will do It In o day .with 4J.'JiJj eniimera'ora. ?YjWk AYE backed lisV.please call now to: see if we have lived un to iW agreement. l Eyery inhabitant of Alamance CJounty is . t I 1 if. r l-iiltxj. w tw 'i f , . . ! -i w t ' , ' ' ' I; ' "'''.. ' f i in tne success oi tnio newdeparture. iJome and Sii.Ji. u - ! -ttflll . W" ., ,.,) ,. j .,,. , , j, , . . r . 'f...;--.r;.:;v ' !'"' t .'..-.'. .in ,. , 1 '..V -w j,. . . ' . J : I i .-,1 s-t, j. i"nu ,, 1 ' .... ' . : ... ... . ... ' ... '-!, 1 1 ' I . ' , ' v ' v . . . . i ... , ! -II, J t . ff . .. ' j', -i, ,.f j. -A ,rt . t.-A-'f.t s i . tTI yJ-;rJ. fc-l I Mi mi. ! I I I . ' t ' i . . ( :v' I .a iwi,;i. .,. 1 I,', .. .... ,il j. H it..l i M ii ii . . . ,t !n '( i' - litl li J I V n V - . "rl 'I 1., II Ail I t - v mm ; m , n x I XJX AJ A1U A XAAmJ XIXJ M . If .! . i . a -:GBAHAM-AWD ft r in BtELINGTOlSi i i .SK. "t . - i--ji , , -Alwaja aave tha boat for.amd. Miss no farmer8r'club tneeflntra.-. , t c Hurry jiihe corn and poUtoes. " flow, about dry fuel for .Winter ? i Make a good seed-bed for wheat"? ' t Cannluflfruita, etc., new in order Have fou"Bclecte96od aeed cornf Frottlcoming push lh Fall work.' jpool oight8-Twarra weather waning. Drill In auperphoKphate with .wheat. "'JfaH ploaghing" saves work In Springy , Put, plenty of good fuel duder cover. ' Large arrivafaof poultry in .Chicago, j " Rave you wwo BOmerrje for pasture t j iwavy rains nave nurt. many , large , tu k fDo not borrow poney . unless) you fefraL cah mako if; bring you -' a larger , per cent.Ttbaa yo'u'p'ay. " j . K, f. . v." :t. v ..-.....u.v,. ... Select breeding stock first for , health aod vigor ; second for early 'maturity and aaay iatteauig. , s , u ir growing colts, corn la too fatten tng ; oats ara best to secure a .. develop ment of booe and tnusolt. , i Permanent Improvement i pnly he- cared by great care Iu the selection of th,bieding animals. jt; j English i atcam'eiw are 'bringing intp New York thowanda of packages of Spanish and Egyptian onions.' ' It b by saving everything that can inifahAigfatlfovtotA-1 nillized as feed, that the keeping of Provide good reailiug for loog even- Ing8ij'. .'iv,-! w-.i r t, . v. 7Figbt weed and. Insecta till frost thai mot atctck is possible, In sowing grass seed It is qnita an item to gat Iba . seed .- distributed aa evenly as powible. Try good drill. - Bad creamery bolter in just aa offea Better prices'coralnj ; for farm', pro- lve ai bad dairy' butter. 'The, name ductsut ira Fine fifopt .jpTariberrfes " la r 'is- Keep the barrow goinir la the field i . . .aok aacluta- -C i u c i n , ... sy aa you may tbii.k.a ' " ' fi ' - Jfr - a - j jAo .:,! v 1 1 !s J pn Jj, arm will dot 'Introduce Tpes t'jc-.- f .1 , . . . i i cBolling water d"r'rcyg t' e germs of 'inraiHii V.ui it confulua.' f' i.. - - - i-- 4 . ! Tytrelgnf, ducks v ,: l-y more ecja (lurintte jtartfian hcng.M j I Wan-e the .fee.lin ; ; coops for ' the young poultry every e w day. . j 1 1 gumuier t.'.Ioaiiig, ii used toy ba ' r lACiiiw?, id a-fooiUb tbiesr. - : n T-r ra is scarcely any danger of giv- jtoOB.-.-'l Viriefycff J.' ' 1 AI n-ar!y as p offir i .' jWow a line rBef eattU-aad bogs are leas in inn- i:.. t ou';;- best. . . i f "c your , tools ani keep tlsai iJ a g xmI e'diiilllon.' ' b trn.i'n c.-ra ' Dont ii e planted "-.' thia year, cf Lfpinj- your ar!or-l.ke. aces bu'k ofbanllin. i m'jioKt any ith corn, ! doea not jui part cleanlineu or flavor, 'Nobotjyylias' any' moral " right---dr legal right either, for tbat " matter to tel diseased milk or tainted cream. ' i Da not be io a hurry about selling the apples this Fall. Apples will; not be lower than they 'are 'when you harvest them. ' " Now.lf.lhe time to look after the milk flow by supplementary feeds. See tbat the water la the pasture Is all right also. '' ' -. .' '., i " , 'v i riooeet buttea men in Connecticut and MasMohosetts will continue their light against the oleo combine again thiaFalU- -.f ? , ., Feel hraa to tba cots ta bulll up the wasting bono aud supply phosp bate for the milk1. No f jod la better for their purposes, , . , ' rr tbnn , calves or j ; v . r ::3l if bej" tho two years, and wt.b tbo short grain crops beef and pork" must com mand fair prices, ' I ITalue the sweet-corn crop Is good, am) if frofts hoU oj the pack 'of can ned corn wi'.i be larje. The oar are nnu-;a!!y filed out. ' - The Dearer the enm is rot at the r, 1 1 t'' belief quality of feed It wi)i mske an 1 the more stock can be kept in j" portion to the acreage. If yor eora is immature, it is better ti lit it a '.'a 1 ' re 'Uttin j it into tie sIIj ; if ia prr per eonl.'Lko to cut 1' ,' ' ...I. jj t) k're it te-U i s :cm. I i .... The Aawrleaw Naaiaa. r ..... . A curious outgrowth 0 the' rivalries of Americas cities U the practice that obtains so generally of offering bonuses au4 pecuniary inducemehta tomanu? facturers to W their plant. ! After a fire-that burned down A part of a sew- log machine ftctory thelother day the owners received so many proposals Irom aspiring' cities tbat' wanted to take them in, thai they were obliged to publish s notice to the effect that .only a small part of Their wofks had been burned, and that they wero not opeh to prorfosals for adoption." Any factory or established busim as employ! og la bor can -have, its choice, nowadays, from a lobglisi of cities, new and old any one of which will give it a alio for a factory,' pay the expenses of moving, and perhaps contribute substantially toward the construction of a now buil ding. People whd own land or wbo are engaged in business In cities, real izes that It pays tbetn to bavo tbo cit ies grow and they are willing to hire desirable inhabitant to come to' tbem They roly Upon' getting their money back In the (ooreiised value of land, or the geueral lacranao Id bnsineas. Tbe result lai that the mtgralory die. poeltlon already so pronounced' in there ' days Is Intenaiflad, and ' It has become a familiar thing not merely for Individuals . to move, but for-great aggregation of work idgmon to shift tbo scene of : tbelr activities from one city to another sometimes,! hounani of miles away. ... Time was wben where the avenge man found himself living, there bo con tinued to live, nnlese circumatancea of exorptlonal urgeocy Impelled; him to change bia residence. It n diflerent now. Tran-portatlon baa become 00 cheap, and travel so ea-y.thit tbo 'ties of locality ait very lightly on tbo aver- ago American, and the fact that yon find bim aeUIed this year In New York or Pennsylvania, affords you a very uncertain basis for expecting to Cod bim next year ia ihe same place. Wbeo you bear of him again, If bo hasn't moved to Texas,' Tacotna or Fouth California, or Maine, or Xorth Dakota, you ft el that he most have bad some exceptionally good reaeoi 1 for tj ing at home. Men used towsg their beads end croak about the Inability of roll ing atones to g.t her mosa. Wo lave Changed all tbat. II.ia U at a 'v. counlao.l there U a premium vvn roi,."7. ; '-,ner. - .- . ' A Vaaar Prableaa. "' ' ' It was a warm, sleepy afternoon and tbo scholars In Miss Plummer's school looked nd nctqd as if they wished four o'clock would coma quickly. ;'1 , The class In meptat arithmetic were taxily droning through tbelr lessons, when Deacon Day popped hU cherry face In at the door, All tho children Iqvf dhim, and were glad' when' he came to VMC the ecbooi: ' v? -f Perhaps be. saw they needed; some thing to wake them up, 00 when tbo class was through with tbe 'lesson he gave (hem this problem : .t "If eighteen cows wore going through a narrow ;ote where only one oould pasa at a time, which cow could look back and . say t , 'There are eleven. nnfrtf Af hnrna liikhlnil msfi . . .. .. . tbis year Ik the greateBt evr ro . t t t that tbe farmers are K ia t . s any time for twenty-Cve ye recent very trustworthy ealcttlf 'o-.a of the popuiution of the Ciiineae L. 1 pire by IluoKian authorities reckon ii at 862,000,000. ' Lit is estimated that tha amount cf gold iu the world ia about C13 cq'.'j yards, and it would fit in a room t n. ty-four feet each way, if la a cube,-, . ..y ... '., . The sale of 20,000 acres of val.' ' I Alnhama irfnoml H reports I t have been r.'ttJe to 1, ., . a canitt.:' t wbo have other large interests ia A.' 1- 1 bama. . ' :. .. ' .' , .. Mies Catharine woods, at. "T 1, I MeUerott, tiioemaker, has wrii.;,"i new etorv witn the striking uue, "i . Mark of the Beast." . Matthew ' Arnold said : "Criti. I i la a disinterested endeavor to h . i and propagate tLe best t'jat ia koowu and thought in tbe world." ' Theartof veneerioir was known t the Egyptians more than three thoa- Isand. vear a!?o. Tha acu'.Dtures cf Thebes aro said to illustrate tbe pro cess. ! - ". . ' ' : i.v. ic. - A dellnn'ient subscriber nreaenf -1 a Georgia editor with a bet we; ' i r twenty prunJ, -and the e ..Lor pu... thanked ti doner- for "ao characl.i- Great Bevitiws. recert issue fi Csmelot Saries. 'constat rf no !I .' famous books by Ecott. Larni. i t 1 and others, selected from t.e numbers of the great En Theodora Tilton is descriLfc 11? t lady who recently saw bim in Far 3 as having "crown stout, and 1 '9 1 hair waa puiiid behind Lis ti There is beginning to be Observed In the south a custom which- has' long prevailed in tho west, namely, the lavlnar down of new rail wava aa . nlo-1 white noon rather than a tho attendant of re.u. .u,. developments A number of new rail- . Quests at St. Louis hotels l '?t:." - road. hav. been rooently, oonstructed no ? , in secviona 01 , country wuicti uaruty 1 aoout it, anu tney Uave no ws.ters tt semed to .bo sufficiently rich in, 5 re-1 nP, '., v, : ; souroes to lurulsb enough material for I A Kanms doctor recently renorte 1 to Ms medical society a - caxa of lea I freight to jneet , running , expenses, and yot tho result baa been agreeably patieut', habit.of putting tbe eud t uiHappomnog. rne soutnern railroad, I me leau peocu ta his mouth. 't!i.i'i..".I;i-l,"Li"' ' ': !' ' . , . -. . iowia weamru, aas oarne properr,i ."Beed'a ru ea to 'ernAillla '., ity In Its train; and baa proved ' to be I un' have worked so well 1 hat the t ,-t- nrofltibla where theri Wi' Annstaa. V.n m n?w whether r not - -r - ..,",! '.T. I tllll IWUiKin Of l!nnnra, tui'l an I I.. able reason to expect tbe oppoalteT ' time for the next one to beslu." Puck. Am k. Mlt. . II.. XT-J1.. I . ab iiiv m rcukiuu VI IUI itunnvrD I 1 1 'Pmiii!...!. 1.1 .1 and western people Is further attract- fused naturalixntion puperato an Ant ed to tho Varied advantage of the trian wbo ad lived e'hLt years In thia Tbo claaa.thplightbusny for pin-1 souw, wnicu means a ateaay . increase i was a republic or a monarchy, .i..n,..Mi..T..TiiftiiliiiiJ I In tha volume of Immlirr&tlnn aa waif I . '.' U1V KIIVH M, V.I A Vl,u m jwmw. "Which one. Tommy V naked . tb o this dlrectloo, the railways already 1 " y fP cd eats. There rrj In operation in tbo uthern states fiSft"!"4. .l6"4? 5 nouf'1 ! c r t. u.Misit luicreat. a deacon,. 1 t-r.- c l'frt t l- :t - -Tho SOTMtb."- ;. wJ ,; "UW. - .' '- f ti'l-tf., ' ' i rv -...- ...-' ;. ... . J j Another miaule of study, then.Celia BrdwH put op ber hand. ' : , .., i'Wbat do you think, Cea tMAf ;r4 "I think it might b tbo eighth, for when the cow turned ber bead to look back. ber owu'borns would, bo behind her, wouldn't they Tf , i - , . B . ,, ; MKo, It Isn't the eighth," tbo deacon said. , . About the same time little Johnny rTartsborn, on tbo front seat, began to sttfeker. ' " " " ."What are you labgbiog at, Johonyf" asked Mia Plommer. - fCow-caDt-dlk V giggled Joho y. . - - .--.v . . . Deaeon Day tanghed, too, then. "Johnny has answered it," bo aald. "None of tho cows could do It, of course." ' M Tbe tbe scholars all . laughed and woke op for tbo rest of tho-day, and Deacon Day bowed himself out.. " . . SWalaara trail war MHeasw 'The Increase In tb tnlVs ;e of new, railways constructed ia Iba southern state to the coarse of tho lt ten years, Is one of the very beat iofica- tioasef tue progreas which ibis section hjj tnade la that period of time. The reater portion cf (Lit ra'.lroad iHtilJ- irg la taken place in the latter part cf this rerlof, wl.I- wo;.I f sra to i'Hti'y tbe aniicpation lbt tie coo- itrjr.Ir.!! t'.at will ? on during the next drca-la '.'' l I '1 ncrr- eedcntei io (be LiUory cl t' s. ; U 1" t'- - l.ic'r v.nj tf t . ! "v I-i r -' t i i t in the volume of immigration as well aaof Investments which will flow In lis dlrectloo, t operation in will become more profitable, and aa Immense Impetus will ho given to tbo construction of new line. The sootb- ern states "will, in 'a comparatively short time, hi aa closely lutersected with railroads' as tbe northern and Western stales are to-day, and when that general condition Is reached, Jhe prosperity of tho aoulb will bavo been placed oh basts which will defy, the shock of InWiuItoUs national laws and the force of sectional nuImoslUea, Ex change. : '. , ABIIg IIrM Oaras. . v . ' It Is chrotilcled tbat the largest borve look after c dops atiJ c-i kuuied to como next ia order. lie InSn-c of Jew frraruri ci ocount-of the unL ieoulr " ; : t of tbo Ri!tin rvernmi-rit it V u opesa 1 1 Je ,-.,h c '' ' i 1 t i- l-yed tutitso I. t; : 3 f these people Wul sutk re 3 iu Au. r-Ica. The'cltv of CLK ""9 la to secure the bene.,. from -..' i cf city funds in the banks. The i ten I ha for years been above ( ,j n- DUally, and i lb CilV tremtnrpr l elalnd and appropriated the sum 11 perquisites. The number of fnnhionahla a n. , . at Newport who constant' y ir'ir i 1 poblio v.itb d"-; cf one kiud or t .- farm In the world I situated 13 miles other, probably Urgrr tl an ever 1 - iore,aajrae rrrferty f vea rie t from Cbeyenne, W.' TV It comprises 120,000 eci.s of hnd. Over tbl boroesroam. Tl.ey are kept In boun.Ii by 100 mile of wl.-e fence and require the constant attention of C5 men. It ia not eay even for t.iete Cimilior with borse raiding 00 a lnre scale to con ceive of this frantic farm, bit it ie great enousrh lo be worthy of our broad country. That West, by the way, is spread In. Itaelf la ti t way of slock raUlng aa well a terr u!:ure. n. zt 1 f r t" I 1 Ijako, Texas, 1'y IS, li:,3. To Win. IU.Iam, lTicn.1 Ciller, Aca tln.Ter. IWr k.r I believe yonr JTirole Killer a c rtain cire f.-r rl eunn'l- m. I'ntoa vtirijol vud 19 j a f :c t part f rev time wiib re1 ben taking yoor remedy, t i s UWirT to faHons have t'- ' t trout - J wild it ainoe fc' t . borI t a pall ) then, an ' 1 1 if 1' it enUn-!y t - '.. y we r In v rl i f..r tl.rt J... f la... el t cure r: i-v nev Coob.J.'raLJe Cuu3iaLt au J rv ihe lower r ' i rf the f' at Jiothestfr, :i, Y., are u tuuu-ciod t-l e,.-cl rieity i...n au meters are i 1 b f rnif.tjei to run eu s- idiior f.ior. te ... 1 1 e uteen do.!r a ye r f r c norso-power. vit .fui . wno i,.. I r 4 yM-hf.. re.t..r, f ' L i C 1. I r 1 of ; Lis pen iit: It ooua."y f . r i I er . I ' . T . I r v U 1 to t t I ..t t I . t1 0 work. 1 t 1

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