NOTHING SUCCEEDS ' LIKE SUCCESS. . Ths reaion Radara's Microbe Killer is the most wonderful medi cine, is be-ase It ha nerer Jailed lii ny In "Mance, no manor -what the diiitu, from lep rosy to tlie simplest dis easi known to Ilia liu msn sjslero. The scientific men nf to-day claim and prove that every disease la - CAUSED JBY MIOBOBES fc" Af5",S "HumiinilllHi'iil I If "7 II I JO) nn o AND Radaia's Hicrote Killer Kxtermlnfttea the Microbes and drives them ont of the system, and when that is dona you unnnt have an ache or T aln." JNO matter Mm vhnther a slmDlo eaM of IT t l ' J uiu 1 'I Malarial Fever or a combination ol diseases, we core then all at the ivne time, a we treat all diseases coLftltuttonally. Javlhasa, Ceasaaiatlaa, Catarrb, chilis, Rh.aasatliiBS, KHT aad Mver sslseaMs, Eeatale Traables, . Iimil lufnM,M' la fact, every DlMixkM"! asamaa "ye- - lent. ; ; .' ., : ', jswahs .or msmm. wam Pee that our Trade-Mark (same as above) appears on each jus;. Send for book "History of the Microbe Kill a " itIvati aurnv hv - ' - ' ' L. B. HOLT & CO., Merchant, . , . Graham, N. C. PROFESSION A L C A R DS. I.B.BOTD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. " , Greensboro, JV. C. Will to at Graham jn Monday of each week te attends Professional business. Sep 161 J. D. KERNODLB. ATTORNEY AT LAW nmtiun, N.. Practice in the State and Federal Conrs will falihfullvand promptly attend to all nn DE. G. W. WHITSETT, Burgeon Dentist, GREENSBORO, - - - 1. C. ' Will also viait Alamance. Call In the country attended. Address me at flrfcanahi.rM. uec O M JACOB A.. LOIVCJ-, , -. ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRAHAM, Mavl7.'88. N. C, E. C. LAIRD, M. D., HAW RIVER, N. C. Feb'y 18, '90. Levi, M. Scott, F. H. WhitakeR.Jb, Greensboro, N. C. Graham, N.O. SCOTT & WHITAKEE, Aitaray a l.a w, GRAHAM, - - N. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. Pnrnnn!iH!l mmm VIS1VUH fcam si ni vvi POMONA N. C, Two and a half mile wet of Greensboro 1 V. 0.' The main line of the R. A. l). B. R pastes through the ground and within 10 feet of the office, Salem train make regu lar .top twice dally each way. Thoe Inter ested in fruit and fruit growing are con dlally Invited to Inspect tbi the largest nnr aerry In the State and one among the large ta tha South. "'. Stock eoiuUu of apple, peach, pear ehec ry, plum, grape, Japanese perslmolen, apri cot, nectarine, mulberry, quince, Gropcr Vl. ratnberrv. a-ooteberrv, currant, pie plant, English walnuts, pecan. Chestnut Strawberry, rose, evergreen, shade tree, Ac. . All the new and rare varieties a well as the old ones which my new catalogue for 1888 will show. Give your order to my authorised scent or order direct from tbe nursery. i,oirrpon dence solicited. Descriptive catalogue free to applicant. - Address, ' i. VAN. UNDLET. POUONA, aprM 7.- Gn'.lf tri Connty, H. C. Reliable salesman wanted in every county good caving comroUrloa will be g'.ven. to eare Bflliwita, sick Headache, Coasts patios. JUlaria, Liver Complaints, take f , the) safe and certain remedy, rznnra Ml T9 ATI, KIs (40Htfle Bn to the bewiev Thst iu tub moot ooavaauvsra. , -l r a. 11 Eons (as we predicted it would) and advances prices of everything with wool in it, slso silks, hardware and other things too numerous to mention. Anticipating this we bought heavily before the advance and now offer you a iff 000 SfBgS of Dress Goods, Trimmimgs, Clothing, Underwear, Hats, Shoes, Carpets, Furniture, Trunks, Hardware, &c, all of which we Bought big stock of guns before they advanced. Groceries at wholesale. 8 car loads salt. Car load nails. Car load best plows a castings. WE ONLY ASK YOU TO GET OUR PBIOES BEFOEE BUYING. l-aO GRAHAM. AND BURLINGTON . , Karal Naie aad News. Push Fall ploughing. Get ready for Jack Frost. Provide plenty of dry fuel. Some rural fairs yet going? How about that farm diary ? Milk fast aud vex not the cow. Have you cleaned out the well ? Make tramp j work or go hungry. How about your Farmers' Club? Prepare for the farmers' institutes. Take' good cere of the corn fodder. Florida's orange crop will be short. Good time for ditching and draining. Real rural recreation going nutting. Put stock iu good condition for Wiu- ter. . . Have no machines "lying around loose," Increase the rations of fattening animals- Rich food makes rich manure, re member. Keep the flowers ' bloomiug and booming. Protect your floral favorite, these cool nights. ' - Culttng straw fine aids in its decom position. Timothy maken the best selling hay for market. Fight weeds, briers, etc., until they cease growing., . Now is a Rood lime to make mutton as well as pork. For permaoent . pasture, timothy does not do well alone. The best egg-maker U good food. Feed the hen no other. Put implement, under cover as toon as done using tbem. The wild grasses generally do not thrive under cultivation. Eserciee your breeding animals; they will do better for it. Cows and cattle at pasture need more salt than on dry bay. A variety of farms er noil calls for a variety of farm practice. Good book a and periodicals pay Urge divideud. luveet (a them. Tbe Hampshire fisa-batcbing bouse will be located at Laconia. There will be no loas of ammonia if tbe manure heap la kept moist. It pay. abundantly to drain wet oils; it make, them surer and better, Don't allow Jack Frost to put I I bligbiiog mortgage oo any of your J crop. ; Great Briliao yearly consume $40,- C0Q.000 worth ef fruit bum Jamaica, Corn is good feed; but something more albuminous fed with It makes it better. ' . .' . The Fresno vineyards on the Pacific Const are shipping raisius to the At lantic Coast. " The man who always has strictly freh eggs to sell need uever suffer for a market. Be careful not to bruiao apples and other fruit. The brulsod spots are where dewy begins. Old pastures afford richer and more nutritious teed than new ones, and in greater variety. ' Clear out all the old rubbish where insects'can live and breed next year to destroy your fruit. Native Orawea. The native wild grasses of any region are those which have become most fully adapted to the soil and climate of that particular region. Such (trusses are, however, as a rule, much inferior to the rtandanl cultivated grawes of agriculture. It is possible, however, that with careful cultivation and selec tion many of thewo wild grasie can be improved without , maltrially decreos- ng their hardiness. Tbe North Caro lina Experiment Station has been Working on this line, and desires to en large ite grasr plantation until it bas growing every native species of graae that promises anything. Tho fetation requests farmer or other, who notice native grasses of particular vigor, or which aeem to be relUbed by stock to collect and send a few specimens to the Station at Raleigh for identification. Send at th. aaine lime all the informa tion that can be collected concerning tbe grass. Stale whether a few ounces of Ibe seed can be collected, but do not collect the seed until fully ripe, which can be determined by noticing whether the seeds are bard and dry aud eisily .11 out of tbe busk when robbed. Jerabl McCarthy, N. C. Ex periment Station. Nashtillb, 7ik., March 20, 1890. RadamV Microbe Killer Ct., Nashville, Tenn. Pear Sir I hereby certify that I was induced to try Kadatu'e Miorobe Killer for a very troublesome bou ou .niy beck. I ku tiered so m.icb that I could not sleep for several nitiia, and oue application caused an almoet inuglcal cure. I cheerfully recommebd Ibe Microbe-Killer to all petsnns a UVcted itb impure blood, as J have kuown some wonderful tuns mate by its uae. Repevt fully, JoHif A. KexnliT, Traveling Hiilexinao, Permanent addrm, Wmx, Texas. For sale by L. B. Holt it Co. . A Iliac ta Ibe Farmer. In a recent issue of the Southern Cultivator, a correspondent under the The Valac af Cailaa Heed.. The surplus cotton seed from tbe cotton crop years ago were thrown title of "How to Soften Hard Times," , a way as worthies. Afterwards they were used alone as a fertilizer on the says Tbe farmer could and should buy by coming crop,-or in the compost heap. barter almoHt entirely ; tbe little crops j To a limited extent they were then aud resources of the farm should be so fed to stock without crushing. The next and greatest advance was . in separating tbe hull and kernel and iu expressing tbe oil. Tbe oil cake when ground, known as meal, became to be used as a stock food aud as a fertilizer. Tbe bulls were first used for feel the arh being used for a strong fertilizer hut afterwards were med also for stock food. The combination of meal add bulls furnishes a complelo food, and is becoming to be extensively used for fattening purposes. 'The oil is used as a component of compound lard, for cooking, for lubricating and similar purposes, and when refined is sold as "puri" olive oil. Tbe lower grade is used for soap-making. 'A, small quan tity of lint Is removed from the seed by improved gins. Tb. following shows th. value of the product made from one ton cotton seed by the most im proved proems, giving the average selling prices : 40 gal, oil, welching KYI th , at 80c., tt'3.00 Meal, " ? " at fit ton. .3.00 Hull. "at. ton, HIM) Lint, 7 " at 4 cunts, I.CW Cot of cnetou. MX bus., at 18 eta,, 13.01) v -Excess, .10.69 'A early as 1770 the Moravians of Bethlehem, Pa., separated tb. oil from the jot ton seed. And in 1783 th. Society for tbe Encouragement of Arts and Commerce fn London, recognizing value of cottou seed oil cake as a stock feed, offered gold and silver medals for the best cake and tb. best oil ex tracted from tbe seed. Verily, thero i. nothing new under tbe sun. II. B. Battle, Experiment Station, Raleigh, diversified that there may , be some thing to sell each week, enough at least to purchase tbe little necessaries of family consumption. There are but few farmers that do not keep a few cows end farm fowls, that, if tbey are anyways cared for, will give a surplus of butter and eggs. If th ere is no aiur ket for milk it can be given to the pig" which cau be brough' Into market at paying figures. A good poultry yard well cared for will turn out eggs to sell all the time, with ail occasional broiler, and a few turkeys for Thanksgiving and for the Christmas holidays. A good garden will always produce some thing for market. A good orchard of well selected fruit will, a good portion of tbe time, produce aometbiug, either green or dried, for market. If the iaruier will provide these things his we will, aud be glad of tbe chance, -oave it in marketable shspe every time you want to go to town. In fact, I believe it would be well for tb. far mer to market at least twice a week, unless be lives too far, whether bis family needs supplies or not. He can thus gain a surplus tor . "rainy day." Every farmer ought to try to bring his farm to produce some article outside of tbe staple crops, and so instead of always going in debt, pay as be goes, he wotili have no need of complaint, or feel a depression and bard time. ilea for .asall Varan. We are convinced, says Field and Farm, that every farm, whether big or small, should have a silo, and it should be Ailed now with corn, sorghum, al falfa or other green growing fodder before the frrW conies. While, as in most other business op ei at ions, siloing ii not profitable on a Urge scale, lb. farmer toying but a cow or two, or a few olber animals, and even the poultry people, may often adopt the plan to advantage. A ailo but six feet wide, twelve or fifteen feet high, and ten, twelve, fi.leeu or Crla a flavar. Th. orcbardisU on tbe Delaware and Maryland peninsular now use this clo ver as a means for keeping up tbe fer tility of their orchards. On. large grower there, recently stated that b. considered a crop of this c'uver equal lo half a ton per acre of the beat com mercial fertilizer. The seed is iUwn in 1 August or September aud tbe clover is j plowed under w bea in bloom in early :strinz. Plowed in at this date there twenty feet long, or of any needed j u M dangcr of coring the land" ai lengtb, may be cheaply construct,. . there h when . Ur8e .u, ta pj0ed tor cutting the silage on a large scale, j the he1?,,t cf ,omlner. ihin a feeder driven bv Lorse or steam ' crop is beiae largely sown about Rnl- I power is needed. Bui on a mall scale h.,';?t h no.1, t k - Mor orchard. H U well worth the tbe ordinary hand feed-cuUer my be i trial. W. F. Jlassey, Horticulturist,' ' used . - K. C. Eiperiment Station. , Maaer la Applo. Western North Carolina is without doubt the finest apple region on the Atlantic elope, if not in the whole country. Tbe whole South ought to get its apple supply from this section and yet even the central and eastern parts of North Carolina get their sup plies of winter apples from th. North. Tbe high rates of railroad transporta tion are blamed a the cause for this, and doubtless this is one reason.' But tbe main reason is tbat the people bave not learned to handle' and ship ' apples. The following rule may be useful : 1. Gather all apples by hand Those shaken oft are not fit to ship. 2. Put only one variety In a barrel, and only good specimens. Keep the culling at home for vinegar. 8. Use only good, clean and tight barrels ; winter apples should not be shipped In slatted crate or ventilated barrels. i 4. Place the apples in the barrel by band, don't dump them lu. Round tbem up well above tb. top of th. barrel so tbat the bead must be forced in with a lever or screw press. This Is tb. essential point, for if apple, are loose in the barrel tbey will not ship iu good order. 6. Plant only few standard sorts that are well known in market. . There ere too many kinds now grown In Western North Carolina. W. F7 Iras' sey, Horticulturist, Experiment B ta li on. ( a Th. Meteorological Division of tb. Experiment Rtation in Bulletin 72a give, a list of th. destructive tornadoes occurring In North ' Carolina ' for the sixty-fir. year, from 1824 to 1890. The total number recorded is eighty four. The great est number In any one year was fifteen in 1S&L Tbe mouth of greatest frequency was April, fifteen occurring In that month. Tbe greatest number recorded in a single day of the various years w seven, occurring on February ifi h. Tbe prevailing direc tion of storm movement baa been north east. From pwrtt experience, w. may expect torna iocs and storms to occur more generally in the central portion of the tMate, in tbe month of April, and between three aud five o'clock p. m. During the paat twenty years, bo. ever, storms and tornadoes bave occurred every year aad in every month. A comforting reflection I Kors KILI, a C, March 24, 1800. Dr. J. D. Johnson, Bock Hdl, a C. : " DeurSir Tbe MmttoS. Killer bought from you has entirely relief my wife from asthma and T believe wdl even tually cure ber. Please send me an other package. Yonrs frilly, J. H. WnJKw, Priu. Ebeoetzer Academy, New York Cvooty, & C For sale by I B. Holt Co. : '- aLL .OBTsj, The University of Michigan has graduated over 10,000 students lit forty-six years. . : There are dearly i00,(Wd atihdot cbiU dren in St. Lollis, and only about one half of them are receiving an edUcationi : The Count of Paris Is said to have contributed $700,000 10 General Bou. laager's fund . A roan live, by believing sometbiogi not by debating and arguing about things. Cailylei "I think I'll set' Up In itodne-keep inz,'' remarked th. filibustering mem' ber of Congress; , , The detectives claim to have CapUir ed Rube Burrows' trunk. Itwaaprob ably nailed down In some boteli Queen Victoria's nam. is Wettiri; ail unromantfc appellation but known to history as the family name of tbe house of Saxony It is estimated in England that dn" roan in 300 get. a collrgo education) and iu America one in 200: Rev, J. a Felix, of Lynchbuf Va recently preached at Bratitly Baptist Church on "why More Women art Christians than Meu. , It cost, money to law in Wlsridbslni A poor deserted wife in Milwaukee has been placed in jail because she was tin' able to pay a $iH fee on a six cent judgmeut. ; What we call euriomty and Inquisi tivenes. in other people, seems in our selves only a laudable thirst for useful Information. In 186S it cost twenty-three cent, to transport a bushel of Wheat by .lake) and canal from Chicago to New Yorki while las; year tbe charge was oul nine cents, :; -.. Tb. millionaire German riundfact urer of "beef extract," Baron Llebig, says tbat horse flesh is more whole some than either beef or mutton. The grape crop of New Jersey will be a failure this yearj owlog td rot sod the rose bug. Tbe loss td grower will be more than 1300,000. Tbe Italian government is matins energetic eflorts to prevent emigration" from that country.. Intending etui grants ate barraased io every possible manner. , , -,. The Woman's Colletr. at Baltimore) appears to bave entered on a great ca reer of usefulness and proeneritv. It opened on Monday With 449 pupils. Secretary Blaine bas another strand' son, hi son j Emmons Blaine having become a futher last week. Tbe event took place in Chicago. -' Some one has st) sweated tbat Con' gres might save mUch of tbe strife now ' given to delivering eulogies on deeeas ed members by taking Sunday for II Honor is like a looking-glass; which wbeu onlv sullied bv an Unwholesome breath, may be wiped dean again out it once cracked it is never to be f paired. . ". ' Australian papers state that ralsld grape vineyards in that country are belog planted Upon a large scale, and that land sufficient to produce 10,000,' 000 boxes of raisins is already undef cultivation The buildings erected last tear id twenty-eight of the largmt. cities of this country Cdst $300,155,537. or $134.' 000,000 more tban th. railroad, con structed during tbe year. Mrs. Deborah Powers, at 1nMiJi burg, N. Y., who celebrated her oo. hundredth birthday last week, is as serted to be atill the active manager of the banking firm of which she is the bead D. Powers ct Sons. Conirresyroan Lewis Is th. nearest living relative of George Washington and is a striking image of those por traits of lb. Father of his Countrv. which are supposed to give the best likeness of him. Ex-Senator Tbarman'a birthday Id to be celebrated on the 13th of Novem her by a banquet, at which ex P rest' dent Cleveland and other Democrat!, notables expect to be present. ' T je successful man, as a rule, is the one who knows the triok of doing the right thine at tbe right time and the triok Is not oue which comes from in' siiiratioo, but from trained habits and thought. . The study of oookerr waslntroduoed into tbe schools of New York CUV three yeaissgo, and now about oo'a thousand girls are learning bow to boil eggs, bake bread, make coffee, broil steak and shim tbe frying-pan. When the stenographer of Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge, editor of St. Nicholas, is abaent, Mrs. Dodge siu and talks her letters igto a pbonojraph, and wbeu Ibe steuotirapber returns ber work id all waiting for her Tbe Boston Young Men's ChristlarJ Association bas inaugurated a charity which consists of providing carriages for invalids and taking tbem for drive oo pleasant days. So fat, 1,660 order, fa? carriage rides bave been issued aod 6,001 car tickets given ont. The Republicnn party hardly knows what lo do with Qnny. A man like him has bett,e uecemary to the sn ceasful application of its political meth ods, II can't afford to abandon in system of corruption, and Quay seems to be the ooly man filled to do the dirty work. It's a tard case. Jack' sou villa Times-Union, Democrct. Wheat alone in the Pakotas a-I Minnesota will amount to fr"tn . . 000,000 to 1)3,000,000 busnela. It is un derstood that tbis means tl.00 a b..-1 I tins year, f JJ.UOJ.iWJ in c,rcu!t; ,i starts the wheels of trade anil om fadure buzzing. This, too, V'mr ' account ofoHtH, flat, -tc, aJ of v: are at least fair. The iafuL-s ij ready felt on every lije.

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