1- r ... VOL; XlVi; GRAHAM, N.C., THURSDAY; OCTOBER. 16; 1890. , KG. 37. NOTHING SUCCEEDS' . ,LJXtis0J3CESS. " Tbe lrcon Fsdani's Mierobe Killer is tiie matt wondoih.il meill- vine. Id bo--une It lia . Dover failed In an; Jm arm..., na tnaltKr U'lmt tbe disease, from -Lep-1 rosy to the simplest dis- easi known to jUm bu- ' man system . - - ' The tcicntlfle men ol to-day claim, and prove tbut er cry diwuea la ' &ATJSED BY MICROBES , , Radam'sJIicroTje Killer , 'Exterminates tbe,Mlcrobe and drives them i cut of tbe system, and when lhat Js dono )ou f - cannot have an ache-or aln. r, tio- matter ' . ''What the dig ao, whether a simple ease of Malarial Fevor or combination of diseases, ' we enre thet i all at the sme time,, as wo Jtrnat all diseases contitutlonally. .-.-.,. I IF tyi. qkalhma, Consumption, nlnrrh, chili, talieamatlmtt Kidney . and I, Iyer ulaesin. Kaaialo , Troubles, in all I la forms, and, In fact., eyerr - Disease kaewa to (he Human ys- " "tr.m. . 'MARS . OF FRAMED . IUITAT10KS1 See that our Trftdo-Maik (same as above) . appears on wach Jng. ' . ,' 8iid fur book "History of the Microbe Klll er," .Riven away by . ' I L. B. HOLT & CO., MerclKrnts, ' Graham, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. , J AS. B. BOYD, ; ATTORNEY AT LAW Greensboro, N.X. Willi at f)rrham oilMonday of caeh wm k te attend'to professional business. Sep 11 i'JVD. KEBNOlIK. - ATTORNEY, AT LAW ' : jnA(in. Practices in the State and Federal Coura "will falihfullvand promptly attend to rfd no aessutrusted to him ; ; . 7DR. G. W. WHITSETT, SurgcoaDeniist,, 'GREENSBORO, - N. C. . Will al visit Alamance. Call iu ' the country attended, AdrtreVs- mo at : "Greensboro.-' ' dec 8 tf . : jacoU tsOivc, ATTORNEY" AT LAW, GRAHAM, E. C. LAI11I), M. D., HAW RIVJER. N. C. Feb'y 13, '90. . ' :,. Xevi M. Scott, F.' H. Whitakkb.Jii. Greensboro, N. O. Graham, N. O. SCOTT & 'WHITAKEB, Attornr at liair, GRAIIA3I, : - ? - N. 0. ADVERTISEMENTS. Sfc i L i. r i Two and a hR miles west Of Greensboro. N.'C. The main line of tbe)l,. l. B. B passe through the grounds jmd within 10 feet of the office, Salem tralnsjnako regu lar stops twice dally each wajT Those '. ested In frdlt and fruit- grdwlnjf re'cfll'i" dlally Inrlted W inspect this tfc largest nur serrt in the Btste aud one ainoos the larges n lh South. . v 8uwW consists ef apple, peach, pear cher ry, plum, srrape, apanese persimmon, aprv cots, nectarine, mulberry, q,nlnee, Gropcr Figs. rasplerry, Rcoseberry,, currants, pie plant, Enulish walnuts, pocaos. Chestnut Sirawberr, roses, evei greens, snade trecf. e. ' , ... , ' . All the new and rare rarietles a , well theoldryoee wllieh my new catakwae for 1885 will ehow. , 4 " -." V GWe your order to my authorised aircnt or order dlrret from U'e nnrscrj. ,Coirim iracr soHHtod, IVwrlpdVe 61ta1beoes fT to applicants. Address -j , . . , , , J. TAN. LIXDIET, . , . ' , '" POMONA,4, no ". T i t r' 1 1 . r- , l r WH'TO rf. nu.il iiubvuii.j, ... v. KelUhle anlesatan &at;d In every county I 1 will i'Ii.ii a rii no THE PAS3 WAS SAVED. it ."!: ,- (as iwe predicted it would) and advances prices of everything vith wool in it, also silks, hardware and other things too numerous to mention; Anticipating this, we blight heavily berore the ndyance, and now off fef you a -- ' ; , " J 000 Mm of Dress Goods, Trimmimgs, Clotihng Underwear, Hats, Shoes, Carpets, Furniture, Trunks Hardware, all of which we Bought big stock of guns before they advanced. Groceries at wholesale. 8 car loads salt. Car load nails. Car load best plows and castings. WE ONLY ASK YOU TO GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING. r GO. GRAHAM; AND BURLINGTON. L ; To oore Blliomest, Sick Beadacbe, ConstU pation, KaUU, IJrer Complunt, tax tb. Mnt and certain remedy, t ri:mr3 aiLj AOS ! ""ail. (40 HCtl Dn to th b4U?). Tlr Akt 1HI. Mint COITWUJ. err. . -m ALL SORTS, ' - .. .. ; - There were two duels in Frnnd 8un (iUy growing out of the Bonlauger af fair. .... Parncll'ri hoaltb will not permit Mm to make u pernooal vidit to tliuvoutitry. : Thcro are 10,465 women commercial, traveler, iu the Uuited Stale.. Boston bow controls unci owns 1,120 ucre. of land for park purpose.. The first King'j gneoth from the throne iu said to have beeu by HeBry I iti 1107. The nearo population, now about 8.- 000,000, iucrea.se! a the rate ef 6w0 . a aai'- .. .. ... -. r There are thirty-nine theosophical eocielivsiu vh United States. . EiL'hteeu waif, from New York have Tevetrtly rbimd boiae iu Iowa. It is stated that over 3,500 Chicago moo do buidiieoS , under their wive' names, ,; r;,.:. - , A disease reaemblirig Asia'ic cholera i. prevailing at Carruliton, Ohio. ,- Extensive codfish bant, have recent- been located iu Alaska Water.. " " ' , . ' Detroit doctors ar auarrelincr over' their ability to kill diphtheria germs. There are not less than 100,000 16 Cftndle-power electric lamps cow io use ou lru-AHaiiu .Warners. i . ' ' -' Tlieailway tunnel under the St. Clait river is said to be Ibe greatest n-' gineericg work of ;the' kiad in this country. Butter wrapped In parchment paper i. .aid t be greatly improved in tiavor. This ia especially trne iu warm wealher. , There tire 1,800 blind people in Glas gow, most or wnom save rwi tucir sight iu dult life. it U Mid that peaches are actually going te wasto iu Morrintown county, Kau - " " Goldsmilh'. "Vicar of Wakefifld" was sold for a IriUe to save him from the grip f tfce4aw. Fielding He. in the burying cround of tbe EnglUb factory at Lisbon, with out a stouu to tu.rK the .pot. Milton wld hi. copyright of "Para dise Ijost" for $72, at three paymeoW, aodl. then died iu olwcuniy. Tim. past, Jiow transient ; time pres ent, bow eveoescent ; time to come, with Boauy how uutertaiu. E liication i the cultivation of a just and legitimise familiarity betwixt tbe miod aaUU.Uiiigs. uacon. Ths thinz which a man should do iu one time cauoot be done iu another time. F. llarioa Ciawford. Gold can buy pretty nearly aoythicc in thi. eoantrv excx-Dt mat WDlcn man wanU most, Vit : -birpiuess. He who triei fo wive the prohlera of h'utown existence will fiod that it take. just little longer than a lifetime. ' I Gen. lw Wallace, author of Ben ' Ilur. wnlss a ueat sod small . hand ; which U m clejr and legible u. cvf er plate. . An Englixh inventor offer, a system j by winch coal ga, Compressed to one-1 about an,d utilized as au ilfutuinant : ber 13th to Itoirers & dlemonr nf , be eeu that the iowor w Alliiost Inex citv.toconslructatunnel 'narallnl to ! 1'Hll.tible. If tbi plant, soon, to be The iriiiixniion i Niagara Falls, require but one-Qfth of one per cent, of A contract was awafd.,1 i.RDiein.. ? vomme. tf roounc ngnres 11 win wbeu desired. It Is beautifd to gather nbo.it the I Niu a Riv fo ,h Cataroct Con- eoMtruoUd, prove, to be a success- naul 11 fi iiikiiHfl Knf t lis. M ia nllifhf fit 0 t ... J . 1 n. 1. 1 run phi ie. firt-Hiilp. Imf, tliH tire oilirht to Kn tr.a...Kn.. ....J nnt l . il.u fitrtictioti Oorjtxinv. The rnnKirlHrn- tempers of those who live there. . - I Hon Involved i. not announced. A not the power no running to ... ".. -..,.. ... t,...,,- I hnd in i.h nf tnn nno h. waste, reacliing a figure almost beyond executed bv the Arm. Work will be , v-"!"-"" , . . 1 power can be utilized by additional commenced immediately, and wnst be , 1 ' In 1880 tho l',urJbo f uiiia, uubtiim Mm. Journal, , t hiiui.l VP. nf f Iim Arlvati.niro nf alr.i.k " " r " " tr ins)orl( ion. The horse car. there carry 100,090,000 people every year. The A-nerican Wild Flower Club in tends tn roiitte a completo exhibition of native American flora at the World's Fair in 1892. Applications for admission to tho Harvard Annex are greater than usual, and Ihe prospect is that the number of students will be larger than ever be fore. '- " ' finished in January, 1892. Niagara Oliver Hydraulic Power Sever Company was incorporated by a special act of tho Stato Legislature. At vari ous time, the .charter was amended, and the name finally changed to that of "Tbe Niagara Full Power Compa ny." In July, 18S0, this company j I awarded the . Otaract Construction A young lady who had been engnged Company the contrtiet to construct at Niotht Fall, which will develop 1 13, 000 horso power. Since lhat time the and there is no rcosou to believe it and as tenclier in t'ie rftata Normal Huliool at Bridgeport, Conn., was discharged the (In y at.er tier arrival because she was "too comely. Ninth district in the ' town of Efct Windsor. It is made Tin of three rnall girls, three .mall boys and a teaoher. Canon Siddon, the crrnteit livine preuclierof Ihe Euglish Church, who ia still Under tho royal ban because he once ventured to adilrees Q'leeii Victo ria as "Madam, contemplating a lecturing lour jn America. , , , 1 . Kx-PmUat flare Mara tha McKia Irr TarlirBlll i taalhllall.. New York Star. Ex-Prcsideut Rutherford B. Hayes was at the Fifth Avenue Hotel yester day, having come to New York to take part in the proceedings of tbe an nual meeting of the trustees of the Pea- body fund. The passage of the Mo- The smallest district school In Con- contractor has beon preparing plans and spociUBalioiis for. the work. The V " 11 ilow ij 1.-7 v 1 v s rr,w iia wa f . lid at. A neoticut is said to be . located i.i the "no-contract Just awarded Is the nrs. decided move which proves to the pub lic that Ibe .preliminaries are nearly finished, and lhat it is certain that the work, are to bo belli. At tbe present time tbe contractor hat a commission in Enropo studying plans of plant of j a similar nature, with a view of ascer taining tbe most practical method of constructing the Niagara plant. Up to A trttp CssnrMli.s Wa.blaglea. Statcsvllle Land murk, A few nights ago a number of North Carolina Republicans who had been to Washington "whooping her up" on the collectorBlifp, wtre at the Bulli. more & Pototnao dupot 'to take tbo tra'n for Ihe south, when they espied Senulor Inalls, of K 11ms, strolling around. Tlioy walked up to hlia had oneoftbein Introduced himself and . ; said ho wanted to present his friends, a party of North Carolina Republicans. They wero each Introduced. When Colloc'or , Eaves was presented, the wiry Knnsan adjusted his classes In that uervou way of his,' jerked hi. bead, looked Ihe collector over, and .aid. "Ah I yes! heard of you before !" Then he asked about North Carolina politics if we bad a hot campaign down here. Not very, bo wan (old. "Why, Vance i down there making speeches. (Strong man In the Senate. Ut nluna for anv nnrlion of the nlunt. '. Very strong mau ou the slump, isn't ect-jiing iiiv lunnei, imvo nut uecu adopted. Consequently the manner of Very." said Capt. II. C. Cowles. "He never met hi. match but once in river is not ka vn. Tbero will, how ever, be a cinal either with or without a aerie of traotvers surface coluluits, which will conduct the water to pea stork, and iheiiceupon turbine wbR Kinley bill has attracted the attention ; The tunnel, which i. to be merely a of the ex-President as well us (bat of , tail race, will receive the water from connecting Ihe tunne! with the upper f ' ... lu, f. ii, . &i.o J 1 ' ' via m uviu M . . w . every thinking man in tbe couniryi "I caunol find words to express my regret at the passane of tho measure," said Mr. Hayes to a reporter of tbe Star. "It is minous lo ail our best interest., and it will do an infinite amount of barm." . "What do you think of te letters written against it by Jlr. Biaiue?' "I second every word Mr. Blaine wrote in Ihe matter. I cauoot uuder Kand how public ineo can be so blind to the interest, of the country at large as to pas. such a bill. It is anrihilal- tbe turbines conducting it below the fail..' The details upon which thi. tunnel i. to be constructed are at hand. It Is to .tart at at a point below the falls tinder the suspension bridge, ex tending through tbe rock to the upper river to a poitt 0,700 feet from it. month, where a head of 120 feet will be ohtait-ed. It will be 2SJ Icet high, 13 feet wide, w ith a semicircular top of 0 feet radius, and straight Hides. Tbe fall will be 3d feet to the mile. Tbe company owos 2i3 an res of land along tbe river .uilalde for xuill tiles, see iiim re-elected hi lo see any other Democrat up here in bis place, would n't you!" They said yes. "But,", said Muj. Rjllinn, the new collector, "the Farm ers' Alliance bavo him scared, Heu alor." "Yes, yes," said Mr. Ingalls, and be adjusted his eye glumes nervously and jerked UU head again. "Scare any body ;scared me." ing to the Republican pally. It is the ; 73 acres under water adjacent to said mol terrible blow that lias been struck ' land, and 1,100 acres lying back from at the party during Um existence. I j (he river alout midway between can only say that I hope ich a policy j ftalle and Niagara Falls. It lias been a ij" die out, surely acd soon; but 1 1 estimated that the flow of water over ran not sbul my eye. to the evil that j Ihe falls amount, (o 12,785,455 cuMc wiil be done before j-uch protection as loct a minute. To develop 119,010 t ibis finds a grave," j horse power w'.tb 120 feet fall would! GLVEiox, Texas, March 10, 1883. A. Beli rend, Agent for William Ka dam's Microbe Killer: Dear Sir I have been suffering for year, with a complication of diease which orginated trout a diseased Ifver. I had drw ntery, bloody flax and In terna! t mora. I coinu!tl some of the eminent nhvstcians In Ihe eilv and usrd Ibeir medicines for a long time ! cheater Union without getting any relief. I was Anally given up lo die, when a friend , advisd me to try tbe Microbe Killer.' As the lat report I gave it a trial, and ilia relief it give mo was wonderful. When I commenced lo take the Mi crobe Killer I only weictied eighty six pounds ; my present weight is ono hundred and forty-six pounds, and I am restored to my usual good health. JoUS W. DCBKICE, Sworn to and subscribed before me tbi. lenth day of March, A.I)., 1SS8, : Tea If ears SIlV tJaltare. V. The Women's t?ilk CulUw Arsooia- " tloii'oftbe UiiilctrrotwirAebtelTrn. incorporated in May, 18S0, and which has its headquarters In Philadelphia, ba. Issued It. tcuth annual report. The result of the ten years of work by. tbi. association, while not of a striking na ture, when the size of Ibe couu'try and the Immensctioneuinpiion of raw. silk are considered, are, ' neverthelessi in many -respect encouraging, iiome thing has certalcly beeu accomplished toward a belter understaodintof the principle, of silk culture, and some ad vance ha. beeu made toward the in trodnctlon of tae art of ' rearing the worms and reeling coccoin -The lan gible results of tbe efforl.of these Phil adelphiii lodle. in tho interest of silk culture may be briefly summarized as follow.; - ' ' ' " ; The association has bought, raised and reeled 12,000 pound of cocooou. ; it ha. had made "uine 2,000 yards of .ilk dress goods ; baa sold some 1,600 pounds Of reeled or raw silk ( ba made some forty United States flag, and doz en, of .ilk handkerchiefs, fringes, rib boo, brocade velvet., trimnjjrigs, sew ing silk, etc. It presented seventeen flags to the CentTal and South Ameri: can countries through their delegates to the Pan American Congress, and it presented to Mrs. J. A. Garfield "the first silr flfres made from silk raised in this country." It has also mado ex hibit, of work, reels and reelers at many of the more prominent of the agricultural fair, held in Ibe different a ictkm. of tbe couotry, t The associa tion In urging that silk culture should not be relM upon as a distinct and separate industry, but should be mado auxiliary lo other occupations connect ed with farm life," and through the me dium of its publications is undoubtedly doing much toward tbe eventual pop ularization of an industry which ought, sometime, lo yield the farmers of Amer ica a Urge aggregate income. - The as soclathrti during the last year seot out J1.C58 mulberry trees, wbicb were pre sents din twenty eight slates. Man- Ezperleaee of a Brooklyn Party in 6atcii-'J lag a Jfnj Street Ferryboat. , j - "I never went to the Jay street ferryl except once," wid a Brooklyn, 'mart, "but on that occasion I had an experi-t enoe that I shall long remember. There) was a lady from Chicago Visiting at myi house, and she bad planned to go home! on a certain day by a certain train. This fact is she had a pass, and nnless abqj got that particular train the pass wooll expire before she could make use. of tt.i My wile and I were going over to seal her oil I tried my best to get then started early, bat they were confident; tlia there was plenty of time, -and it was Impossible .to hurry tbero. Aft length, however,- We. got' ande way, ; with Just time enough to reach tLia train If we had gwd luok. ,. i47 vVo took a car to the Broadway ferry and crossed over to 'Grand street, f am not sure that we might not havet tnnAa hotter tlma if we had irone over the bridge and down Chambers street.! However, at Grand street wo took the little one horse car that tuns across town through Canal street and down Washington street within one block of the ferry we wanted to reach. I never saw & car go so slowly in all my Ufa; and the worst of it was that i was UO- familiar with the region through whlca wo were going and with the rdute, aoA I couldn't tell how far we wee from, our destination. , : ; - "At length we came to a full stop,, and looking oat I saw a big track: blocking our way. There was no drivef on it and no apparent reason Why it might not be .turned out of the way with very little trouble. Bat, to my dismay and disgust, the driver of oof car calmly tied up his linos and perched himself on the dashboard of the ear,. Just as If It was no matter to Iiinv whether he and we stayed there halz an hour or not And there was that pass expiring moment' by moment Inch by inch, as I might say. I was growing desperately nervous. 8q I rushed out on the platforut, pressed a) half dollar In the hand of the driver and said: ; , 'Now I want you to get jne to" Jay street by such and such a time. It is very important. I must be there with out fail. Can you do Hf , 'Indeed, and that I can,' was his answer, and before the words were oqd of my month he was off the ear and turning tbe big truck oat of the way.- Then you ought to have seen bow he spun along. Ha fairly whipped that horse Into a run, and we tor. down the street in fine shape. It most bare been; ' a new experience, for the horse. , Well; the upshot of it was that we got to Jay street Just as they were hauling in the pianKs ana closing tae gates. ; 1 snout ed to them to, hold on, as two ladie were coming, for I had ran on ahead and my companions hod not yet erv tered the ferry house. - The dock hands were good enough to wait for ft fraction of a minute and the ladles Just bad time to step aboard as the signal to start was given. I didnt even hare a chance to bid oar friend good-by, ex cept to shout it to her as the boat be gan to move oat of the slip. But that pass was saved! . The next time I take friend to Jay street I shall allow aa extra half hour leeway, especially if w go by the street car that runs dowri Washing ion street. "Now York Tribune. , Of the ZG iron furnace how under construction In the United States, 25 are in tbe South, 0 being in Virginia, 7 in Alabams, 3 each in Kentucky and Tennessee, 2 io Maryland and 1 In Georgia. , . .... Life is earnest. IJfe U labor. Life it. Xtitv TJf la r.nl 1 .1 1 1. two Johx A. CAFI.E, Notary Public, ' I Life brings its ills, bills, doctor's pills'. .aiveion guilty, xexa. j very good. But wttbout love, life la For salo by L. B. Holt A Cot ' juH dcsd.--Tluckeray: Tbe Ways of Mia Tin Cumso Isn't an accident hi New - York a terrible thing t Bonks Is it worse than an accident anywhere else I Cnmso -Of course it is. I saw a mad. got his shin scraped yesterday, and while he stopped to rub it a crowd , gathered. Then a policomaii rushed tap with his club and three men weae taken to the hospital hi ad ambulance Munsey. Weekly. iim sThoold Hare FU at Bnu. . . There was once a Sir James Weir Ilogg, who made a fortune in India: and whose wife, boldirig a distinguished position In London fashionable circles; gave splendid parties. It is said that young blood, meeting one of the Misses) Hogg at a ball, and not knowing her name, asked her if .he was going td the party at, tbe "Piggery. " Her re ply was: "Ob, yes; I au one of the Utter." San Francisco Argonaut. . Oetttne s Good Lobster. , Thosb who do the marketing and have to buy lobsters are often bothered to pick out a good one. Here is ft good role to follow: If yoa examine a lobster that was alive when thrown into the boiler you will find that the' tail is curled up to the body, while one that was dead has the 'tail extended. In buying lobsters this ia good thing to bear in mind. New York Journal. tmw9 la Fraaaeb . 1 I One of the greatest Frenchmen since the first .Napoleon, Leon Gambetta, . Was, like Lord Beaconsfield, of Italian Jewish descent Fould, one of U19 ablest modem French ministers of finance, was a Jew; and the Botha, childs and other Jewish bankers and merchants stand high rbcially ia Paris. -"-Yonth's Companion. Uet ea Two Fires. Bobby Why didn't you pretend yod were so sick that yoa couldn't go td school? ...... . Little Johnnie! 'Caase ma would have given me medicine. Epoch. j ..I .i y . Kictaaastna; Caafideacas. Clanv I have such a horror of grow ing old. ' Maud (sweetly) -I should t'aink y I would have got over it by tHU tiine;-"--Drake's Magazin. -

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