T F1 H AM ANCB GrLEAMEE TED' 6 VOL.: XVI. .GRAHAM N. C.THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1890. NOTHING SUCCEEDS . UKE SUCCESS. ' The rearon Undent's Microbe Killer Is the most wonderful medi cine, Is because H has never failed in any In stance, no matter what tne anoase, irnra up rosy tu the simplest di. eas known to Uia Un man system. ' The scientific men of to-dav claim and prove thkt every disease ia . CAUSED BTmOBOBEB, Aim- - Eadam'sMicrote Killer Exterminates Ihe Microbes and drives them ut of thesystein, and when Ibat is done yon cannot bavo an ache or jaln. Wo matter rkat Ui itUiase. whether a slmplo ease of Malarial Fever or combination of diseases. wt cnthetJ all at the sime time, as treat all diseases coLStitutionally. " .iLnii, 'cansaiuntlea, Catarrh, straw. ebtlU, Hheamatiaai, " Kidae Mver VlMSHt, Keaaal Treble, I. .11 II. ftraii, and, " wry BiiesMSMval the Hauiaa By BEWAES OP tT-AUDULEKI See that our Trade-Mark (same as above) appears on each Jug. - . ' : Ijeud for book "HUtory of. the Microbe Kill ' er," given away -by -, . V"r. w TTOT.T A CO.. Merchant". , : Graham. N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J AS. E. BOYD, v ATTORNEY AT LAW, Greensboro, iv". C. Will bo at Grnham on Monday of each week to attend to professional busings, aep 161 J. jy. KEItlVODLIi!. " A TTORNEY AT LAW Practice iu the Btate and Federal Cours arlll faiihfnllv and promptly attend to all bu aessutrnsted to him - : : r ,,! DR. G. W. WHITSETT, Burgeon Dentist, .; , ... . , GREENSBORO, - - - N. C. Will also visit Alamance. CnlN in the country attended. Address me at Greensboro. " v "; , ; dec 8 tf THE TRYST. Iiper Fives Follow WW Tiny Mas m the army of the dawning The Up of dark aad light; . , - Thay kiss again In the gloaming; The beautiful Day aad Night. The kioc m his star girt saMe, The queea In her glorious pride, Stand twice in the sweepia; ctrcle A moment stde by side. . h "Wtog dawn to ere ttll X Una. The ACTUAL Effect of the '"Bill Now Presented for Consideration: JCMcKinley has succeeded well inTeliininating "Cheap Goods" (as he said) from the market.- O fleet wuured hours, ride htahr" , RJpeed 0 dawn UU ( kiss her Through black of the midnicht Skyl 'dptn fast, O world, tbroogh the ssoaa, .' " With ever this word to say. The Pay tossed) Night at thedatwaloct 'At twilight Night kissed Say." ' And seams to apeak to say spirit . . "The lips that onoe have pieietd jkt the trrtxing piaos of the nornlnff nuui men agam in us l 4 4 A I I OCeartof mytrrstof thenocBiug: ' , Adroop In the heat of noon, Ber ap, for the Night will be khwinc - The Day sn the twilight aooa, . , Tet,'llps of the darkness, whitherf Tet, lips of the daylight, wbencef O Death, bold your answer far kmgtagt O Life, Is there reeompeneef - - Charles Washington Cccma in Harper's Banal ARE YOU A DOOR BANGER! Doa't Say "Xo" Too OsJoUy, bat. fast Thlak Over Taov Siasw "Are yoa,ft door bangerr' : This question, addressed to every " person with whom we came in contact A comprehensive comparison of the prices of goods one year ago with those of To-D ay shows that tha ad vance in cost corresponds almost exactly with the increase in duties. And vet thev sav that, th a Tariff ?nod not Affect Prices. High prices are a natural and inevitable effect of increased Duties. Now we hnno-ht very heavily before the Bill passed because we knew therewas money to be saved for vou and for us. and if wJ had waited we should be compelled to. pay about 1-3 more for goods.- We have $7,500 worth of Clothing Oft wou probably be met by an indignant every variety bought in solid cases because we knew the same goods would be advanced 331-3ner cftnt. OvAr- vmu7pJtJt coats from 81.25 ud. Boots and Shoes. Drv Goods and Notions. Hardware and Cmrkvrxr . - -M. i v ' - r ; - - j w uvtu mjj ua UU T C4V I UD. vv iiOLJflSALJfi jriucjis. ''';.v.,'--:i y'rWe announce the engagement of Mrs. Kate Fix Thompson, the popular and fashionable milliner of Bur. ungron, wno wnrnave cnarge oi our -millinery ijefartments at Dotn stores. Mer well established rpnntn. tiwjj. vugcuiui vYAtu vu.jL iuctuuuD ui uuiug uuoiucoo tt in aoouic juu Ul tllU pel HUH Ul illlS Uepartmeilt. WE CANNOT. NOW SAY MORE THAN COME AND SEErg 1L 0 '.I OLT CO. GRAHAM AND BURLINGTON. JACOB;A. LONG-, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRAHAM, : V. C, May 17. '88. -; E. c. laird, m. d., HAW RIVER, W. C. Feb'y 13, '90. i ' " JjEyi M. Scott, F. .: Greensboro, N. C. H. Whitakeb,Je, Graham, N.C. SCOTT & WHITAKEE, AlMrilll si Law, , GRAHAM, - - - N. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. Pomona Hill Nurerigs , POMONA IT. C, Two and a hif miles west of Greensboro. . N. 0. The maiu line of the B. A. i). E. B passes through the grounds and within 10 feet of the office, Salem trains make regu lar stops 4wice daily each way. Those Inter ested In fruit and f rait growing are coi dlally Invited to Inspect this the largest nur serry In the State and one among the large IntUoSonth. - 8tock consists of apple, peach, pear cber ry, plum, crape, Japanese persimmon, apri cots, nectarine, mulberry, quince, Grocer Figs, raspberry, gooseberry, currants, pie plant, English walnnts, pecan. Chestnut 81 raw berry, roses, ..evergreens, shade trees, Ac. ' ' All the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones, wbieb my new catalogue for 188S will show, . . Give your order to my authorised acent or order direct Jrora the nnrsery. Cotrrpon dence solicited. Descriptive catalogues free to applicants. Address, ' . 1. YAK, LINDLET, . : POJtONA, mpr28 8T. ' Gnilf.-wd Connty, H. C. . Reliable salesman wanted In every county ood Davlna- eommisrion will be gives) - ( - its-: ; To eora BDioosaeaa, Sick HnxUrhe, Coasa rarm, Halarla, Lrrer Coarplatata, tak tLo sale and eertata rtaxxSy, wizxmra n" n. nnmnnn AEistorio Eelic. New York Sun. l' In the Museum at Stevens' Institute, be swerved from his path, the man who ia doggedly persistent in what he believes to he right, the man who IbinltH not of self, but of Ms ,nnntnr Hobokeri, there U a historic relic that , 8ud iu Deeds, I would name' Grover is a genuine curiosity. " It is a small. ' Cleveland. Comina into the hiahest position in the land without' previous experience, he won ihe affection of his party and commanded the respect and admiration of his onnonenta. I find n.were iniermy ' mygelfi,, one of the proudest positions to demonstrate mat ; 0f ifo in beio , vermi Pleda .1 ; lataatJL.aaa' Ceaepaaf. Winston Sentinely. engine of unsightly prop.irtions and is kept encased iu glass. It wasinvanted by Col Joho Stevens, and is a reminder f the days when old Colonel Stevens and Robert Fulton gaged in trying ioj; permitted to pre- steam could be applied to the propai- S0Ht ,0 yo QVover Cleveland as the siaii of boats. It was a hot race Us) tviicitl American. " i - - tween thes two giaols aa to which would be I be first on the river with his steamboat. ' Robert Fulton started a ferryboat line between Jersey City and this city. It consisted of one boat. Stevens fol- 7 lowed with a boat from Hoboken in 1811, but was forced to withdraw, as it interfered with Fulton's fpeciaj . priv ilege. Thereupon the Colonel being driven from the river, ran his boat to New Brunswick, and afterward to Philadelphia. The engine of this boat Is the relic that is now treasured at Stevens' In stitute. ' It is a nigh pressure condens ing engine, water tubular boiler and twin screw. It drove the Colonel's boat at the rateof eighroilos an hour, which was considered, perfectly mar velous. ' One feature of the mactine is that several of its joints are made of mal leable iron, which was rnisly used in those days. Attention is particularly called to the fact by tbe admirers of Stevens that it is a propeller engine, and that this method of propulsion, af terhaving been laid aide fr more thkn half a century, ba revived, arid now has almost entirely superceded the side-w heeler in ocean navigation. The old engine is a great curiosity to mechanics. It ba traveled about con siderably, and everywhere has been critically examined. It was on exhibition in 1851 t the World's Fair, and again in 1876 it was painted up and taken to tbe Centennial where it was awarded a place of honor in Machinery Hall. Mr. Cleveland not daring to vote in eloquence against . great Cbauocey, merely arose and said ; . ."If what has been said of me is true, I occupy a prouder position than I ever dreamed of occupying." Slates ' 1 k k-Jat at a. " SrtHtl the) ?!. . k.'tr.u.4 a.. ThTyalea At a dinner given fo General Roger A Pryor at tbe As tor House a few evenings ago, Mr. Chauncry Depew, who made the first speech, sat next to Mr. Cleveland. Mr. Be pew rpoke as follows ; j "If I am to name the typical Amer iscn, tbe man who loves and believes In his country beyoud everything eke, the man who, determining once In what direction hid duty lead, cannot pillows. The Pepalallaa' mf ihe Vailed Mf Ihe Last Veoaae. WAsniNOTON, Oct. 81. The census office to-day announced tbe population of the United States as shown by tbe first count of persons and families, ex clusive of white persons In Indian Ter ritory, Indians on reservations and iu Alaska, to be 72,480,540. These figures may be slightly changed by later and more exact compilations, but such changes will not be materia'. In 1880 the population was 50,155,788. The Increase of the population in the 10 years intervening, was 12,344,797, and the per cent age of tbe Increase was 24.5. In 1870 the population was slat ed as 88,559,371. According . to these figures tbe absolute Increase in tbe de cade between 1880 and 1890, was 11, 607, 412, and the per eenUge of in crease was 80.08. The population of Virginia is placed at 1,648,911, an increase of 136,366 dur ing the past ten years ; that of Sorth Carolina, 1617,340, an increase since 1880 of 217,590. The Vires Aaaerieaa Carpet I The receut celebration of tbo 20t This is tbe name of a new company .anniversary of its incorportlon by tbe organized in Winston last week. Its towa o( Braintree, Mass., ha brought president is E. H. Stewart, of Roanoke, 1 out claim for that town, or rather, Vs., andthe Treasurer Is Mr; -OW. , lhat portion of it which was set off in Maslen, of Winston. The capital stock j 1703i and which Is uow known as is $200,000 ith privilege of increasing i 4uiucy, as being th3 first place at $1,000,000. Its purpose is to buy, sell j which a carpet was woven In this coun and develop lands In thfs section of the i try. country.. It owns much valuable The facts Iu rcla'ion to the matter. mineral and timber landlong the line j M I"''' y tbe grundaughter of Susan oi me Koenoke & Southern lis i l road na iw, aiierwara jirs. liurnll, are and its operations will be mainly be-! Iht this lady, who was born in tbe tweeu Winston and Roanoke. . Several of tbe stockholders and di rectors live In this city and tbe com pany's enterprises may add much to the growth and properity of Winston-Salem. Paper Pille we. Paper pillows, says tbe Philadelphia iVM, are very cool, and much superior to feather pillows says Ihe IToufwife. Tbe newspapers 'pte print ins: appeal) for them for hospital. Newspaper is not nice to use, as there is a diMgr able odor from printer's ink ; but brown and white paper, and letters and en velopes are tbe best. Tear the purer Into .very small pieces, not bigger than your finger nail, and then pat them into pillow sack of drilling or light ticking. The reout way le to fear or cut the paper into strip about half an inch wide, and then cot thrm sgain. The l.eae SJIar. Texas Trade Journal. A great many people want to know bow large Texas is in area. They look In quite a number of alleged slati- s:lcal abstracts and sever find the same figures in two of them. The of ficial figures of Texas area are 252.696 square miios-equa! to about 8.9 per Cent, of tbe entire area of the United States and Territories. Teias is six times larger than new town In 1893, wove before l er marriage, the date of which Is unfurl unately not given, a carpet on the looms of Jonathan Marsh, who had a mill near ber home. Tbe carpet, we are told, was woven iu strips and then put together. Peo pie came from far and near to see It, and Mr. Josiah Qui. icy, who was the ! Mayor of Boston, induced ber to place It on exhibition at the first county f ir ever held In Cedham. She did so, and wag awarded a prize of $15.- Tbe car pet was la constant wear until some time in isoj, wnen it was taken cars of as a relic . . This correspondent tells us further Ibat after her marriage Mrs. Burrill made for her first child an embroider- New York, seven d chrlstenlog slip and cap, which was Obio, and 100.000 I remarkable piece of fine work that It times as Jare square miles larger than all the East-1 M borrowed by a great many parents era and Middle Rates, Including Del- i to d or tb,ir Jnfaots, among aware aod Maryland. "UOiSparjd with the countries of Europe she has 84,000 square miles more than the Austrian empire, 62,000 more than tbe German empire, and neirl" 70,000 square miles more than Franeje. Too Caraalral Aaalyaia f Has. An eofoent physician and surgeon of London has lately analyzed a man for tbe benefit of his class in chemistry, Tbe body operated upon weighed 154 pounds. The lecturer exhibited upon tbe platform 23.1 pounds of carbon, 2.2 pounds of lime, 23.3 ounces of phow pbate, aod about one ouooe each of sodium, 1-sMi, po'aseium, marneaiurn, and silicon. Beside this solid real, dunm. Dr. Lancaster, th analyst, eetiniMied thai, there were 6595 euhfo feet oxygen, .weighing 15.4 pounds; and fifty-two cuMe feet ofprtrogea, in t e man's body. All of these element eomMned ia the following: One hun dred and twenty-tR pound of w'r 16.5 pound of gela ine, 1.32 pound of fcl. 8 8 pound of fibtin and albumen. The oner the pieces tbe lighter the and 7.7 pound of pboohat ot lime and other jnineraJs. Democrat. wbcm were the late Dr.". and Mrs. Storrs, of Bralntrm, and the present Dr. Storrs, of Brooklyn, N. christened in this robe. Boston tivator. was Cul- ' Nashville, Tesx., March 25, 1890. Radam's Microbe Killer Co., Nashville, Tenn. . Gentlemen In reply to yours, In- 3ulring of my health at the present ate, will say : I am well, having had but one speli of illness since my last test imoeUI of 1889; that was bilious fever lat Augnt. I bad quit taking Misrobe Killer for about five months, having had, no need for It. I broke np my fever and started to work the first of September and have not lost a day from illnea of any kind. I now feel aslbougblwas eolirely cured, but through fear of another at Lark I con tinued i be u of it through ibis dis agreeable weai ber. My. Inns are surely in good condition a I play firM b. flat cornet in Baxter's Firm Teon. Regimental Bund, and feel no bad ef fectfrom it. Anyone however it re quire power Irora the lungs lo ue this instrument. I cheerfully rrcommeod It to all of a week Ono-rtition like myself. I have used Dlieen Juga and have ex perlened nothing but the bet of re suits, and can safely ray it ia not injori on to tbe system, tut ou tbe other band gives lone ami vigor. Very truly. W. C. lUWaUXS. For sale by U B, Holt & C. Tbe Blrlb Kale efFraaee, The decrease in the birth rate of France, with its effect on tbe future population of that country, hat long been a subject of debate among its public men. Statistics have shown that this decrease baa been going . on for years. It now turns out tbnt Eng land and Wales are Iu a similar condi tion. Tbe returns of the Registrar General for England aod Wales show that tbe excess of births ever deaths has beon steadily declining for several years. In 1889 the excess was 8n7, 224, wbilo, accorJing to the results tf the last two cenr.us years, tho Increase should bare been 89,423. The birth rite was also remarkable low, being 25 per thousand below the average of tbe previous decade, while the marriage rate has not corresponded to tbe in creased prosperity of the country. These statistics, with tbe large emigra tion, show, In the opinion of the New York News, that In time there will oease to be an increase in the population of Great Brit Ian, providing the rate of de crease in birth continues. But Eng land has more population now than she can well support and this may be Nature's way of adjusliog herelf to man's requirements. Literally a Werl.Pieter, Mr. Diamond, of No. 63 East Sixty- ninth street, has made a remarkable portrait of Thomas. W. Palmer, direo- tor of the Chicago World's Fair. The picture is made with a pen, and the features are produced In wHttsn words giving a history of tho organization of tbe fair up to tbe present date. There is not a single line In tbe entire pic ture8; even In the most delicate shad- ng, which is not part of a written let ter. Tbe picture would take about the space of an ordinary columo cut tbe Press. Although there are enough words ia the picture to fill newspaper column, so skillfully Is the work done that every word mar be read with the naked eye. Mr. Dia mond is a bookkeeper in a downtown bouse, and amuses himself in bis leisure moments in making these pic tures. New York Press. Chablottx, N. C, March 25, 1890. Radam's Microbe Killer Co., Nashville, Tenn. : Oentlemen-RepiyiBg to yoan of the Al. ninety ..In regard to sale, etc.. Of K;robe ijlirf we ctn uotuly say that we have never sold any medicine that gave better satisfac U.iotbe ciutomers than Radam's Mrcrobe Kdier. Yours truly, R H. Jordan A Co. FOTtmlabyLRHoltACo. The art of door banging b one that apparently comes by divine right to every human, being, and that art is more carefully developed than many other natural gifts that would, with proper cultivation, enable the happy possessor to make qulta as much noise in the world and with leas incoavenieoce and annoyance to others. ' Most booses are peculiarly adapted for the display of tbe door bamgert ceaseless activity, a fact which tbe mad who set the fashion for portieres had doubtless in coruddr&tion when be first made np bis mind to introduce innovation. To him Indeed we should be very grateful, for the fewer doors there are the less likelihood of and opt portunity for such Wagnerian discord. The man or woman who would not take your life, even under the greatest provocation, does not hesitate to In porn your hearing, and the worst of this sort of thing is that we meet with it generally at the hands of those whd are nearest and dearest. The relative who is np first in the iBoming-awell, that's the one who has the best slibw at the door, and the arms of Morpheus 'most exert double; horse power pressure If they would guide your slumbers successfully through that reverberating bang. It is tame that in sickness an effort is asnaflr made to subdue this peculiar instinet, or to repress this native talent i but 1mm hold, when tbe sofferer arvadoseent, -the pent np energy once more displays itself In the direction from which It momentarily lapsed, and tbe muaio of the present once more offers odds tot any that the great German masters ead originate. People who are evolutionists' can doubtless trace the early development of his historio disposition to bang. They will point to fur off ages when ' man in bis natural state used to doss his Jaws with a far echoing snap ttporj the human flesh ho devoured; to a lit tie later period, when in a more en lightened state, he swung heavy prison doors upon his captives ; to even a later age, when, his first musical ntUmt beginning to blossom, he heralded to his victims' their approaahing death through the enlivening strains of the) tom-tom; ' ' " .. -' ' Now In this age of seeming oultiva tion the foregoing, methods of pro claiming oar immediate personality are; happily forbidden, but there is no law, written or unwritten, against thai eviL Which is apparently inherent and IrracuV caL But perhaps ihat Utopia, toward which present writers declare we are progressing, win be a land innocent oi ' other than tent like accommodations for family life, whore, consequently, the restlessness which has hitherto found vent in door banging may spend itself In pursuits which will be bene ffcial, not annoying, to the bumad race, Milwaukee Wisconsin. Taova-lita Afterward. Tommy T one year resolved thai he would keep the Fourth of July for three successive days, and his chum, Rodney, agreed to help him. A leaf from Tommy's diary will explain, with sufficient clearness, why they abandoned the idea: "July 5: Sat up so late last night that I didn't wake till 9. Mamma let me . steep. Said, when I asked her why, that she wished next year Td go to sleep July 8 and not waks till today. I wonder why Meant to go orer to Rod ney's, but my face Is all tied up whero the powder went Into ary cheek, and my two fingers smart so I eant use 'em. Very hard to write with my left hand. ' "Afternoon: Rodney's mother has come over to see what mamma puts on for bruises. She says Rodner'a black and blue where the gun kicked hlrr I fracas we shall put off our celebrating. Fourth of July is a good deal of fun, but most of the fun comes beforehand.' Youth's Companion. ' Tbe principal picture gallerios of Europe, and consequently of the world, are ranked according to the number of pictures which they contain: 1, Ver sailles; 2, Dresden; 3, Madrid; 4, Louvre; 5, London; 6, Et Peterwbuiv; 7, Berlin; 8, Vienna; 9, Munich; 1 tlorence; 11, Naples; 12, Venice; 10, Antwero; It, Tufia.

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