1. amance Gleaner, VOJL. XVI. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1890. NO. NOTHING SUCCEEDS IMS SUCCESS. a: "J , Siw. Prices . . ' . ;; " : '.; -. "' - :''.,'.-,t " ' : ' " ; ' ' t" ' '.'' FoilowJiier Sillies I Tba raamn Radam'e Microbe Killer li the most wonderful medi cine; Is because lt -baa never f alio h an? in-' stance, na maiter .what tba disease, irora lep rosy to--theUB$test jlls east anown hi iu. uu- mnn .vstem. V , thuf eyery -' CAUSED BYiMICBOBES, - Hadam's Microbe Killer Kxtcrmlnates the Microbes and drives them jout f the system, and when that to done you ..nnni human ii?he"6r lain. Ho matter i.i iha hi.ui whatlSi-a simple case of Malarial Fetor or combination ol diseases, we cure then all at the awne time, treat alj .diseases coLitittttlonally.v ; has succeeded well in eliminating "Cheap Goods" (as he said) from the market ' Pope Leo . speaks French fluent!, but kuows no English. Mr. Edwin Booth will be fifty-seven years old to-day. He was bora beat Belair, Harford county, Aid, . The beirs of John Ericsson hate) presented the inventor's models to thai Metropolitan Museum in New York Brote Harte has foresworn social pleasure for the presentt whtld finish' ing his literary engagements'. The new baby hippopotamus bont in the Central Park in New York City has a month seventeen Inches' wide. , There is a building hear Vienna that contains 1,500 rooms, and is occupied by 2,100 people. It is the largest bttild' ing in tne world. Gladstone's defense of tbs . Pents teuch; now running in a London mag- sine, is attracting great attention-- id Id; ' -: - '- the theological worl. as we It. Reaaon reaulres culture ta It resembles the fire concealed id expand the flint, which onlr shows itself when struck with she aUel, ........ Cannon Lldddn, who died recently in Eogland, once in a sermon address A comprehensive comparison of the prices of goods one year ago with those of To-D ay shows that the ad- vance in cost corresponds almost exactly with the increase in duties. And yet they sav that the Tariff dops Athmm, csaw-ptwa. N uyt x xxiu.il uiivvo aic a iJciLux ill uuu lucYitauic cixcuii ui luurtJaiatJU. JLU llISS. I O W We DOUfmT, very heavily before the Bill passed because we knew -there was money to be saved for vou and for us. and if wp ??Qufce? Vlctri M , aod ,--Mr-"f:.,:'-'Z had waited we should be compelled to nay about 1-3 more for goods. We have S7.500 worth nf vintTino nf limi I J 1 1 J " ' 1 1 1 '1 Jill ' 1 ' 1 1 1 - - - ' I ' The vfliinv mnnitatnr mAu every vanew Dougnr m soim cases Decause we Knew me same gooaswouitt pe aavanced 1-3 ner cent. I Ivor J coats from $1.25 up, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods and potions, Hardware and Crockery are sold by us now at IVRSaSZSSSS. I A Bndical in Florida by the name ojt HartUon Seed was rnnnlnv fnr thm tt S. House and was badly defeated. Ntf wunueri ms name waa ennnirh. The season's' sensatJan ai rittni.. Mich.. Is a 35-DOUnd unnnih 7mm year it had a horse which climbed up stairs each morning and kissed to chambermaid, v , IMS OF mwm MAUOHS i Wholesale Prices. .yPfu Wg aiinounce the engagement of Mrs. Kate Fix Thompson, the popular and fashionable milliner of Bur--W"?-' lingtoniwh6 ;wiU:;have charge of pur Millinery Departments at both stores. Her well established reputa L.B.HOL ftramyg tion together with oiir methods bf doing business will assure you 61 the perfection of this department. PBOFESSIONALCABDS. J AS. E. BOYD, ATTOBEX ATUA.YV, Greentbaro. N. C. TV1I1 bo at Graham on Monday of eaeb week i ' e attend 1 3 professional business, isep 101 J. D. KEBNODLE. ATTORNEY AT LA W ' 41 n All M. N.V. . Practice m the State and Federal Oours i will faiiaifuiiy and promptly aiieud to all no :. aessutrusied to mm i -r" ' j " DR. O. WWHITSETT, - - Surgeon Dentist, - . - GREENSBORO, i, r;i - N.C. Will also viiU' Alamance. ''Calls in the country attended-. -Address me at . Ore)sbpro ,y v., ...,f ,, lec,S tt. - - J ... - . -r... ' JACOB JLVLONC, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I ! i'. WE CANNOT NOW SAY MORE THAN COME AND SEE. ILo :alJ)o HOLT CO. GRAHAM AND BURLINGTON. Flr.t Principle, im BalMr Mafciaa;. Butter is finished in the: dairy, - hut "not made there? Tu -stamp of the " duiry-womnn puisttfthe gbidln mar- GRAEAM, . May 17. '88. rat Iada.trial AellTlly. The Manufacturers' ' Record of No vember 8, say : i ' . : Notwithstanding the political excite ket farm ; but the work must be .Com- meBt of the week thera hns been no Vi I 2 - i-( I X. C, mensed in the field or in the. feeding let up In the wonderful industrial ao- rlables ; ana tnis leaas aconce to ine fij j u..uft...B - cansideratipn of , feeding for butter. Pouth an agricultural to a grant manu- During the earlv. - sunny summer factunng country. 4nract, tne E. CLAIRD,yM.! D;, HAW RIVER, N. C. Feb'yl'90,,-. , (: y 1.EVI M. Scott, F. H. Whitaker.Jb, Greensboro, N. O. ; ' Graham, M.U SCOTT & yWHITAKEE, AIMrac;, .lli.-r, -GRAHAM, - 7 - - , N. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. Fomsna Ei!l Nursehes POMONA K.i C., Two and a bait miles west of Greensboro, N. 0. Tbe'malu line of tbe R. A. l. B;t R passes tlirongh tha gronnds . and within 10 feet of the office, Salem (rains make rezn 1 lar stops twice dally each way; Those Inter cstedln fruit and fruit (trow lay aceconi dlally invited to Inspest this the .largest, boo eerry in the State and one among the lar'ges ta tha Sonth. ' Slock conslsu of apple, peach, pear cher ry, plum, grape, Japanese persimmon, . aprt- cots, nectarine,' mulberry, quince, - roper Figs, raspberry, gooseberry, currants, pie plant, English--walnalc, pecane, Che. lout Htrawberry, roses, eveigreeos, shade trees, . Ace. ' .. : ,' i AH the new and rare varieties as well as the old ooea whieh soy new catalogue for 188S will show. '' Glre toot order to my authorized agent or rder direct from tbe tmraery. Coimpon- deaeranUcKcd. .rptlTeicauietues jfrjeJ w appucaaia. Address, . TAW. LntDLIT, " '" touotkk, .'tq l-raj a l. GuIIfTTd CoantT. (J. C. Keiiaiile ssles-naa wanted in ercsy county ood Mrlnc eoonnlatlno will be gtrea f-TS rO f. pauoa. auuana, Urw Ootaptearts. take aaa earuia rtwedr. zzxtz m the in r ''? it,. iv. Tx.r ia tbb tT .aiaifjr ""- "747.7 :;:;, Jrt months, when natnre is profuse of fa vors, there is little to be done beyond accepting her bounty. Th3 tehdef grasses are full of the seeded nutri tion, and they afford the constant sup ply of luoisture without i which the secretion of milk is greatly lessened. Yet, at this season, as welt as all -oth ers, pure supply or water Is abso lutely necessary "It does not meet tbe requirement if cattle- have at wet hole full of surface drainage in the pasture, or frog pond. ( While it is probable t hat the tad poles .and wrig glers sometimes found in ' city milk j have' Wii Rd"runk' by thirsty ' cows, many Infusions do extist in such pools that are hardly eliminated or rendered Entirely harmless by the wonderful milk-secretions ot the animal. The cattle should drink from spring fed b)xes -and as often" as these, auoder the hot sun; are seen1 to produce green growth oi ''floating ncum ' pail of coarse salt may be put in, and the cur rent checked until tbe fresh-water growths are killed ; the suit water' Is then drawn off, and for a long time the trough will remain pore and tbe water bright. n.lSM eras la Vecaiag. A saving may be affected in the con sumption of oats for horse by simply soaking tbem in tepid water. Prac tical, experiments which have been made show that by IbU method ; the ration for each animal may be reduced by a third. Hones' whose teeth have seen tneir best days mast i cat l be grain In its ordinary condition. Insuf ficiently, ami younger animals, often eat so greedily thai tbi greater, pro portion of it U swallowed .whole. This waste may b obviated by tbe simple method recoamented, which to far so flee tbe grain that is more com plotely masticated and digested, and coaseqneatly yields more nutriiaent. Three boars is a suffioieat length of time to snek the grmJa, provided tbe water is not loo cold. Mr. In gall most act with prompt- es if be is going to tlrir the force II through the Senate. He will have , leas than 100 days of bis Senatorial ct reer regaining to bin when Congress i week ba been marked by the -organization of many great enterprises, covering almost every. line of InduUry. At MiddlesUorough, K.v., . a ' $1,000,000 company, just organized, has leased large coal property for development, with the Intention of building 1,003 coke ovens. Six new companies with an ' aggregate capital "stock of over $500,000 have arranged to build ice fac tories in different places in the South. In North Carolina $40,000 and $175, 000 cotton mill companies and a $100, 000 lumber company have been organ-. Ized. At Winston, in that State, a , fur- j ance is to be built, and a $200,000 man ofacturing company has been incorpor ated. A ; furniture factory, sewing machine factory and agricultural im plement works, each to have a stock of $100,000,' are tfTbe built in Tennessee. Florida has organized three phosphate companies with capital stock of $100, 000, $200,000 and $600,000 respectively. Iu Georgia a $50,OOQ lumber company aud a $300,000 general manufacturing company have been organized. Vir ginia shows among other enterprises for the week a $10C$00 electflo com pany, $1,000,000 - development com pany, a $3,000,000 iron and coal devel opment ce. based on 100,000 sore of land lately purchased ; a $250,000 cement mnannfartMwintr Mmiunv a B7WV. AtYl industrial aid company and a $50,000 , increasing everywhere, and there is agricultural implement company, while J no likelihood of a decline io tbe price Talae f Oyster far aTaaa'. Speaking rough a quart of oysters contains on tbe average about the same quantity of active nutritive sub stance as a quart of milk, or a pound of very lean beef, or a pound and a half of fresh codfish, or two-thir Is of a pound of bread. But while tbe weight of actual nutriment in the different qualities of food namcdjs very nearly the same tbe quality is widely dif ferent.- That of the very lean meat or cofiah consists mostly of what are call ed in chemical language protein com poumd or "flesh formers" the sub stance which makes blood, muscle tendon, bone, brain and other nitro genous tissues. That of the bread cou tains bnt little of these, and con sists chiefly of starch, with a little fat and other compound which serve tbe body as fuel, and supply It with, heat and muscular power. The nutritive substance of oysters contains consider able of both the flesh forming and the more especially heat and force giving ingredients. Oysters come nearer ' to milk than about any other common food ; their values for supplying the body with material to boi Id up iU parts, repair its wastes and fu rnlsb it with beat and energy would be pretty nearly tbe same. -Century Magazine. . TU Cailaa Dialli. Cotton stalk bagging is a settled suc cess, save the Agricultural Journal. Not an atom of tbe plant goes to waste. Tbe lint, the seed, tbe hulls and tbe stalks are all valuable and can be turned into money. It is a wonderful plaot, and its lint already clothes the world' millions in every land and goods The Peaptehi Verdict la Mlalea, Talrtr-flia. West Virginia shows a $o00,000 coal, mining and development company, a $200,000 manufacturing company and a $25,0W electric eumpany. : These are but a few of the many enterprises reported for the, week, bu' they are enough to Indicate how great is the activity in progress. From all sections come the moot enthusiastic reports as to the development that is going on throughout the "South wbile the leading capitaliU of the' North, many of whom have here to lore Uken no part in the Southern movement, are now turning their attention and their money to Ibis, tbe finest field . In tbe world for investaent. Slf denial, Dot self gratification, brings sonl satisfaction. ' mj$e.tnb!e in ltecembcr. i EuUcribe lor the Uleaxek. of raw material. - Lous vi lib, Kr., April 15, 1890. Rndam's Microbe Killer Co., Nashville, Tenn. : Gentlemen I have been troubled for some time with an acute form of kidney disease, for the relief of which I have cooMilted several of tbe j beet physiciai-a in Ibis city, but with no ap preciable beoeflts rwtulUog from tbe faithful use of the medicines ordered. 1 bad lost tnirtv or forty pounds in weight, was naturally greatly reduced in strength and bad frequent rigors wbicb poFSibly mny have resulted from uremic poison. Several weeks ago I condnded to give the Microbe Killer a trial, and tbe result of its ue has been gratifying to me and a surprise to my friends. I bave fully regained my strength end weight, suffer but little or no pain, have no recurrence of tbe rigors, appetite good, and have tbe fullest confidence in a complete restora tion to health. I willingly recommend tbe MicroKe, Killer as a remedy vt great value. Very -Respectfully. j WM. H. MKFFS3T. For tale by L. B. Hoit fc Co. Herald, . A thousand thanks to the Beiioblt caus of tbe Fifty -first Congress. They passed tbe McKinley bill Just in time, Iflheybadhad the reckless audac ity to pass the force bill also they would probably bare been entirely wiped out in this election. : In tbe political history of tbis eoun try no party ever received a sterner rebuke at the polls. The people never before to fully vindicated their claim to practical common sense or tneir anility to pass lodgment on the policy whloh will af ford the greatest good to the greatest number. . xnirty-nme states expressed an oplniou,and their vote Is a thunderous protest against McKinley price - for the necessaries of life, against , a re stricted market for American products, and against starvation wages tor tbe laboring classes. ' " When the Fifty-first Congress oqo vened it was composed of one hundred snd sixty-one Democrat and one ton dred and sixty-nine Republicans. . Tbe majority of eight was afterward increased to twenty-four by tbe trick and device of unseating Democrat in closely contested districts. U no patent fact that a man was honestly eleoted counted for nothing. Without ceremony, or a decent regard for evidence, he was summarily ousted and bis place given to a claimant whose vote would be serviceable la a pinch. , Maaacr ( Ilea. he A OA Bargala. A school boy defined strong drink a "the stuff that cause tbe most human happiness by letting it alone." Here Patrick seems to give credit to the rum. seller by a similar backhandeJ process of reasoning. At a temperance meeting where sev eral related their experience, a humor ous Irishman was called to be tbe chief speaker. He had on a pair of new boots. Said be: "A week after I sigsed tbe pledge I met an eld friend and he says, 'them's a fine pair of boots yon bave oo.' They are, says L, and by the same token tbe saloon-keeper who gave them tome." M 'that was generous of him,' jibe. It was, says I, but I made a bargain with tint. He was to keep his drink and I was to keep my money. My mooey bought these fine boats. I got tbe best of tbe bargain and I am going' to stick to it," Tempt tunce Bat. Bcv. If a man , gets everything else wants he can't get any younger. .With no water in sight, any man will boast of bis skill in fishing. r It is some men's ambition (o be great men before they learn to be men. With most men life is mad up of go ing into debt and then struggling to get OUt...C -, . ,. . The man who keeps his word has no trouble in keeping his countenance. The genius of . a man is admitted A Jackson. Miss.. shoA-tnnlrar I t. Ing to buy a pair of shoes belonging: id a Georgia negro. The leathers are 1 No. 15, and weigh four pounds and five ounces. Ml Isabella Thnhnm a mt Bishon Thonurn. nf tha Episcopal Church, will return to India next month to resume, her missionary worktbere. - ; . How about C2ar Ssad In flirt mrl ' I House of RenresentativMi Think if it I 06 Renuhlinan. 9?A nm.M and 9 Farmers' Alliance. Won't he have a poor nhowin' tbof We derive from natnre no fWnffc lltaS may not become a virtue, no virtue that may not degenerate into a fault, Fanlts of tbe latter kind r tha ..a Difficult to cure. Goethe. Justice Field, Democrat. tT. S. preme uourt, is Aptt oldest of lUOges BS to term nf ,,ffi born in Connecticut in 1810. pointed by Lincoln in 1863. Butte He wae and ap Mrs. Jefferson Davis and har tanl.- ter will spend the winter in Mexico. It is gratifying to know that she has over 40,000 sub-criber to tbe Lire and Letters of her venerated husband. tint n.'.na - t..n I m .n .. u A , .iu .... i tT,":,7v""t Kmr rrotn w i'vu uaa wuu i , asuiDgion, is st uirt roint Comfort, no is poor. , , r i'.'J. '"K ",ter "aaitionai ground In Men seem ashamed of everything tllZT9' f natural in., their instincts. Ferbaps : ' they bave reason to be, ; I A young girl rode her horse icto Iheaverageman Ukesup eo mBAlSml! of bis time talking about his .ambition I said gocJTye and backed gracefally iosl na never naa Lima ia nunu it. .. 1- t . . I -a iu..g ae men aie createa no tbnt Thor. I. . i . . they cannot be satisfied with a cup of j kansas City, Kan., who is the father e tea and a rooking chair, some women ,J?y x ch,1ren- He has been mar. twin will be dissatisfied with them..; . How natural Jt is to bate the man who, when be bears that, you have sworn to reform, reminds you that he he bat beard you lake that tame oath beforei .-',: i. . You can usually calculate a man's wortblessneM by tbe number of wives he hat bad ; the more worthiest a man it the more often he hat been married. Atchison Globe. Stl.av. ried twice, and each wife bore six times-. Kansas City Star, . ' ' . . . . . . . Keep your view of mm and thing extensive, and depend upon tt that a mixed knowledge ia not a superficial : one, At far at It goes, the views that It gives are true. n The largest cotton planter Is J. 8. Richardson, of New Orleans, born in North Carolina. He owns over 40,009 acret of rich land and cultivates SO.OOa acres in cotton. Jerome K. Jerome, the young Eng lishman who ia now sak,rn...iL lion at a humorist and dramatist, lt about to publish a volume of stories Trying to get to heav.n o. your cupper. wife's church membership. I Dom Pedro, the ex Emperor of Bra Letting tbe devil select tbe reading "'i"? , v"?,1 Co,fP. He It de- mauer for, on, children. bn do'.nV'L' Taffi "5 Reading in tbe Sunday paper before I companled by ao attendant owing ta breakfast and praying, for spiritual bles- " fcebIa, . At Intervals In ,,nM , ... . conversation be it heard to mutter- ting tbe rest of the day. . "Brazil, oh dear Brazil P' Itta tlrS Sinning to-day and intending to re bis mind it wetkened by. hit mlsforf pent to-morrow. - taking tbe children to the prooee- Mitt North, the EnTili b.u. 4a. ..j f . . . I t J : j . . . , . . wl t w avu auu woippisg um neoause mey I u,ou- unaiienaea oy even v cry.to go to the circus. , . . . ; TZl t V i Brazil.-Cal- Calling your wife (or bnabandl -dear'' Borneo'. An-trali. an .kL?,??' n I ill a. ... I m.lrtntf m a.. M il i . . ' Y-uiw auu - oeasv - in private, a making a collection in,oil and water Being one thin Lo , ...i,k,... v?!w,awa -rwara presented .. . . I - woens, or scenery, flora and face and another behind bit back Beiog a prominent christian at home and "most anything" a hundred Bailee way. The Ram t Horn'. fauna, which she studied in tneir vari ous habitats. Lntoourro!, n. C March 23, 1890. Badamli Microbe Killer Co., n .. Bville,Tenn. : Gentlemrn We bava hnHii ,. Microbe Keller for noma iin sales nave Riven us satisfaction, and all our eu-iomert that have used it are pleaeed with it. Yours respectrbnr, Jobs Rekdt 4 Co. For sale by I B. Holt 4 Co. rfok ratai "'s flaa. Irish PoUtoes m.y be, and some time are pleated in November, the set being pot In ground deep enongh to escape the rej-ze. But there ieiittle or not h ing to be gained over planting in Feb .n'J f0,are op of early pota toesflt is best to plant the last of Feb ruary, putting sets in a tolerably deer, trench .and cover lightly, so as not to fill op tbe twnch entirely. Jieing cov ered shallow, tbe plant will come promptly, and if frost threateos, dirt cm easily be thrown on them by f tug the trench some more. 4T