NO. 1.. .u . I r, IMA 'I . The Safest AXtl I mM powerful lteratlTe :T . A) or's SnrnaparllU. t Vouiir nil.. Old r nlik buiiMitit ly tta He. For m . (lie mrnptlv dl-' i. iuca pwiillar fi - "?3t f elilMren notlilnir T?" " V j. ftUo If o"-(ri-ctlre ilvor makcgl it ntt to ailiuin r c r S-H lfv Illlln ho ' K ...1 Inrm u-rt.fll. ii. i k . aiul tliroat Irom wiiii-h ' h tuifTBtad tarribly. ;. Vmta nhvU:iau 1.1... hut )i Krw conlioimijj wrM uuJr thoir care , anu stwjwui upci lKl he would rile. " I hail lirartl of lite rrinarkable cur ffei-ted by Ayr a frpriH, dml J kW to have my 1r uv it. Slicirlly aflur h lHn tor talirt,, tliin iiiMli. tiu., the , ultera com. nind-henlinB, and, after itrttiB aeVeral Wtth- h w ulinOy cured. . He la new an hralilir rim) atrt.njr aany itoy ; .f kU api."- WJHIaiu JfcV VW'fc'MJ' J nMiiiiini, Va. . .'. Iu Mar laat, my jfoiinfat: child, '" , lourtern moll"" oiii, imi lKican to liave aorea mlmr ifi It head ami IhhIt.' We ap . .HnHarbMia aimpla renmiira. wilbout'. :. Tii -rA inrmajtMr in nuiiiiier . . -and diai-hnrciNl roplonaly. - A plij-nldan : M mllit, hlit Ilia acre continued to 'i vilti.iy uiitii Sas ajew DMuitlia tliey.. ; Jkoariy rovcrwl tl-.o clilld'a head and lxxly,' VA fcwi liegau the nae of Ayer'a Bar- aapnritU.'-! la low daya a marked J ; change. l'" hltr wa manifear. Ilia . H aortM awuiuinl a more livalthy oiidliion, , , 'ditM-lmrip-a. were pradnaHy' dlnihv j lhl,;,an.l ttnally -Twined' altoBether.; Ik Hrllnr. ItK nkin hi frenhcr. ? aaai ia ai'lw'Ue Iwttor thnn we have ob-x y vrriiir Uiv iiwnii !." trank M. Grlflin,, . iong I'olnt, lesns. "TIia formula of Arcr'a Faraapartlla fiFCM.IIini' MM v..i.'..ri , Birr ;uum iiiv i ,"V. v the .inwlival- world.? J). H. W ilo,j Dr. J. C. ; rrlMl; Aer t Co., ljwell, Matt; tlx bettl,aS.' Vorth J a baule. XDTT'S CntAi"""TtAl iy i.AVar i.ti llwil SCROFULAS DnONCHITIV COUCH3 " Wasting Slsauei CUCE3 Vonderfu! Flesh Producer, fe Ma5y" liaTe"gaineJ n ponnl W day b its use. ' Bcott'8 Eiaulsion is notftecret remotlr. It conthins tfie stimulat- in Tropertie of tUo . Hypophos- j panes auu .y- "n"" t.;V ftilr th t)otoncT of' both lifrc air iacroaaeoV It ifl.tised bTlaioiti.s all ovorjth forli. j ; ; : fltoW b'j oil Druggie ; COTT A DO' N C, Cherhlsta. M.Yt S3000r'Hr Jtiny INirniarrmi ax-ral at aaiwrr MB Iraq inn wnn, aura wMtt r JltV"40"'"'" wsi laainanoBii;, r In earn TKrw TImmith! Dllara ft isMttaurvmsiy. 1 atwln ihwlrttwu hlUUjhrtV9tkrawAwiltMtmfmnlb Kltw alMlkarrfMirwwlH M Urll yewMI rm fbat aH4tWt, arae-d. I rlalra Vol ajirrl(er fpan rrtt sMainri f rrMtiy. I ?4 MMM ra Mlaj mirmetulat rMVsL. raliyajfaal rtu-aiy i iatiIvJI-al a. tare Tl OM . Kill) MrttcfilKi. A4.1rM t af, ' JS. C. AsLLKX. AM AMffiWttH JUL PK0FElWlbKAttABD3. TAS.S5.BOYD,, x ATTORNEY AT LAW, . ";: Greennboro, Jf. C. Vm t Orrham an Moaday of each wrk t attend to professional Dnamuw. iw "i fraetteaaia the atata and rederal Cow in faUhfillrand prmapUy attead M all ha acMntrasted to hlia - y ",i ; JACOB A. XL.01V0, ATTOENEY AT , Mtfv 1788. '- E. C. LAIED, I!.' D., 1XAX7 niVTOelT. .O Ftb'y 1D0. - XmM.FooTT, r.H.WnrrAKr0, . flrrfinshoro, Tf. C' ' Graham, N. C . - BCOTT & WJHTAPB,,- etttaeaara aw tw, ' CRAHA3T, -. : X. C DE.lLn.II0BEw7, JrTi- O U - c CO - 1XEUNGT0S. N. C . . . O.'Ve over G. Vf. ifs.U it & ttV f J Will be at III lw-rrr al lf. 1 -I lei- 1 ,s every lira SloaJsy 1 JUL-A u r I : : i ' 1 . - Jrf BnerrewasiaH BBaWuV CO-, attrr f AtO, Si. t . " STCPPINfi STONES. " I md rt on tm wow m mi&m, f . j - 4 l - ..r. K.I. lirnT.nrtfS nil flllt t- V 4 ' - - Thd darter I""", M4eeiTel;lRt t, , Kill.1 ihftint with all nehrtft J'J -4 Kwh rt JJthowtlit, enck wtnafia aalM' . - Oeklni'.lt lined UtuitralB.iiw a i!s. . IVoavicli aeajrrtwl That he who ha k fji-fef tToi '" Ami beam It rtoWy t'mm ta IhedVky " . It '.. WilenMielieiethustaala .. ftttafea'al udeeha oaftto.weer.;.-; J . i 1 U ! f "acfceTawf trbdVot firfko,- .V kkaathe arlea wWe -T t""a tlieweM!l,tUofajrof iclMI'ftK-, : T lOihaiAjiilvinfWni t!arte) ycUpqea, .., " AVHI eeeVaatM-as oeaeon gleaam i t, U ;' To BaWeua ihiwigh eoue future ajteff?,-;. i jt' tatWe tbeltWeaamei fcfeC s , . thollherta.wtth o4tiiours s .fclr f ' ; May be beiratpta etepptawnnM. iak.;'.,I-U T-? BiKigsoUhutoriniirtMowoiia, ! Among the toavamonc b BraoC TT - :';v ';lle In the matea(f Ut awilrf-. Who rtaea every tlroo be folia, ,. : ; tot, treadtoi m tBeen-tng pon,-.;; dt i ' AH meaner things, the bono aVelr, MouaU elojrlr upward, high apt! blgneF, , ; . J To reach the summit hetebt at luet , si S,S i; , rim y Our foiled attomptt are aet In Tata?' . ' i It aoroe def nit or care should make r -1 V riser, hotter for It sake, - - tike flower freshened with the rain., , i V, .n. A. Ilaveoer to New Orleans Ploayuaa, ffAfCHANGEB IDENTITY,: . 1 hni not a brave jnao, bat on, one " -a.i f, ; fllirtV - '''l oocaslon r I acted. like one. and saved trout drowning a folio w, creaturo, '. I liad reuinirKHl late on the pier that afternoon chatting with adino . f rlenda," and when at length we urned to go ,we toond otirsolves almost alone, ; l'i Midway toward the ;ahore( ;rilght nbiso catuied .me to look bafcky when-1. aw! atuiin eincrgofrom ' thasbaddwof the IpaviUOO and rapidly ran aWftg tli pUsr. ' '., . ' r: : ' - 1 -' '- Vhen (.hei xeaohed; , the extremity he heoitatcxl for a moment - But there eoold be- no doubt aa to his Intention: He was about to throw himself into the ATithout an instant's delay . flew to ward hhu,8houtin5 to the others to foiiow.r : uv'it s,-xz ii My action apparently retnovod all reluctancp to the flnat step, for,' Just as I leame within few "yards oC tiifu. he suddenly leaped Into the waters below, j 0 Hastily clipping down the cross bars of the pier; I retched the level of ", the IfVOateiy, I iounq.cioBe jw my to atxacti uoois boldly. f am a falr: Bwlinmeri" imdu"tod no difficulty In.reaclilng the' would-be sui cide. ; As I clutched him by the 'collar lie made, lying 'possivefy tn the position of one floating. ' There was scarcely a ripple upon the prater, and accordingly he was able to do this wtthout difficulty.. ; ; ; Holding iiiiu tuns wrtb one nana i pulled ou ttuf rdp withthe othef jjufitll re lloatexi alongside th pier, on on of tlie bare of wliicb I uccceded In seat1 Ing myself, sustaining the stranger's head between my ktieeH,j;f;'; -, After a short interval a boat, which bad been "te'uDcliedrpproacbdd " took us on board, amid tiif, ringing cheers of. the crowds . which now thronged the shore. - , ; . -, . 'Oriiliindinir my : drst step was to look 'to tlie condition of the'iuari whose life I had saved.' He was not unootmcious. K..f JtMil nnil Innnruihla of An. I swering the questions put to hint : Who he was and where lie lived were enig mas apparently beyond his powers of solution.;. ' ,. Of oure he could not be left on tho beach In Ids present state. ; But what to dp with hluil In the difficulty generous impulse moved me. v , "Bring hhu to my rooms,''; 1 saw. ""1 will see that he has everythijig needful for his comfort.'' ' - . Once there the stranger's recovery was singularly rapid. I furnished hitu with a suit of my own clothes, which, if lacking something in length, amply atoned for the deficieney by tlteir sur Dlus breadth. . By the time ha was coa- 1 turned dinner was ready, and at my In vitation It placed Iiliuwell opposite me. I do not wish to appear hypercritical, but troth compels DM to say that lq all my life 1 never saw a man eat so much or so voracioualr As he did that even ing. I When; we bad finished Tput bint into an easy chair, and taking another myself offered Wm one of my choicest cigars, lie wade no pretense of re fusal and proceeded to awoke ft with the air of a connoisseur.. - A 1 i I was curious to discover what Lis tnotivee were for the extreme steps he had taken, bat as he did not himself allude to tlie subject I felt It wonJJ'be indiscreet in me to do so. Oar eoorer otkxt waa therefore of lighter tntport- Toward 10 o'clock 1 rang and or dered the servant to bring op the whisky. 4n It-production f mixed end offered Lima stiff glass of grog, which be received with manifest leliah. rYon wM need It," I said, "before yoo face the night air." - ' "Thank yoo," be repUed, "HI take it as a preventive; but, to tali the truth, if there's a spare bed about I'd rather sot face the night air Just yet" , ; ' There waa an easy aawuranee in bis tone which surprised toe.' BtUl -I thought after taking the trouble to save a saan'e life it tuigbt look noy graeioas to refuse bim anights hospi tality. "Well. I suppose w can manageyoa aslwke down some where if yoo're not everparti8ularr" I repHod. I Tluinks." be answered more buia- ..nv, l,t won aarad an 1 yoa kof: A V.TU you consider me too eorjonalf t oak' w'ljaT 7ii.fil'PB-') ti dOIwitll.itri (,,i''K in! t!M' .,H I docked at tiio teinn in doubt n ti tolu.tltni'hii krha' in' mtiieat. t (But lib "My dmr r. necr lolt Jobs mciin 'c! toi wl!a"now.. , IJo i ft jrift lVc1ttinj?nitcrul tUough you (tiny tWuk hs 1 grow tired 'of .mine andvthrov ft. wtLfi ?- po Homo roneony wlticb n yot W not tjrholiy Obvlooa t ! Jbti to pl6iiln that, whtcli I discarded. so 1 asfc what aw' j-du golrig to dd Vjm.j-"v .i f.., a. kh r fLtidl with 1 'i,."Come,"i I said, laughing in a forooJ ,wny,- '.'a Joke) can bo carried too far.";! '."I pvo.yon iny'word.'heatsiiwered ,!rfi Wfbct soriouHhcss, "riiad hnd ; rib tntcnttoin to treat the ftiatter w ft J(!ce. ; fWliy should IH,.,; , Zv" i it A cold,- perspiration' broke out over oMVAiVVhy should bo fndqedJ', Clearly. m iminod everything byn transforence f his Identity to mo. JBut . wa. ..I, be cause in. a weak luouient I had gone to Itis njjstiitfthooi to be burdened ttirough life with tho caroof hlnif - ' ', Youi know 1 foniarked, '"l neednt bavo pulled yout "xmt unless' i. hud likcd.1! i'siji3i::l:!i'iHt'i ; "Esnctly my argument," he returned. "A man doesn't risk his" life to gain a thing unless htliaSsortirTobJoct in view regardlnjf It'f l presuiiieyoo had in ' "Orcat heavens i? eriei.'havo you no Jsenset of buinonityf V C!an,'t,5:you imagine that I. saved your, life to glye It baek to you r ti-wt'tsU, rBut I didnt want It ibacfc, h6 replied- coolly." "Itwas to be, tld of 1t that 1 walM otf ,tbo pforl $f r I stared in blank amwienient Wliat wa to mmtkr, t&faZjfow was! perf cetly T Just, . bul. & &m wt strous that I should boforoed into such jt gitnatlon. 8udden1y;a' braiiant, ldea struck m&i'yi ''m' :f'mH ' 'Well,,' i sald;5! yout'' life' iK-ldrigs" . . . :,i . 1 , . :j: -. -;As It does," lie intrrnpted. I w do with ftr what I please i ,. ins race reii- , : ' . M II .. jt.uJol 'Je,"tf I " repBed, ; that's1 !ult sVrSo tha If,! wish ( can tossoa hto the watef tvgain and yqo wil.liayeno right to eoiiipla.n;"'j ; ,i,i?V5 r . w "You have stated , tbo ease with the utmost clearness and precision," he any kwnrmt. . : . ' " ? "'" f ' The foilow's'tocss 'sfasKered nie,' hazards L must rli mysoW joI his pres ence. wlt bat for tho nlglit-toorder 1. tL. ....M..A..i,Ulii ' Rnnl v W tlillllV 1MVIIWMVI IUivm;. - '.l I should find some way out of the diffi culty. .'-.'--5''-; - - r1'.' i "You had "better go to"bed." I said shortly.- vv,M- ;-U-,;-k '..Cs.r:e ' ; ri "Ayoaj pleaaetair,- he answered; .'"but did qnderstaiid that yod wished e'to flnisli;:thb bottler pi ft ? ;t i'Tnie ft with you nnd'beange4' t. Tlton. violently , ringing , the bell,-1 bado the servant show the gentleman to his room, and with a senso of relief saw hhu depart, the botflo under his arm. "Ucit morning I rose late, feelmg on refreshed and Irritable. Nor was my mental condition rendered more equa ble on finding my self Imposed guest al -md seateti at ill- .. oue '."Goou iriornbig, sir,; lie said; a f en , . fared. Vml nirtrnlnir." I renlled. Sttlkllv. thinking that It homicide was Justlflable it was so now. We began breakfast together, and again the stranger tuado manifest Ids powers of absorption. Nothing came amiss to him -cgt booon, flh all disappeared down hla capacious tliroat I noticed that ho still wore My Clothes, Land when we had finished I snid: ; "IJOO t ,yo wmajf my oe air, you had botter resume your own' things" "Just as yon please." he answered,' and at once roso and left the room. . -When he returned I nerved myself lor another attack. r - fl think It well," I remarked, "that we should understand each other once for alL Jjet ne, tell rou 'that I am re solved not to submit longer to' your presenc In my bouse. - U yoo refuse to leave It, I shall call in the poiioa and eonipel yoo to do so." - " T. ' He replied ta.a matter of fact votcet ' "You will f4 eoorsw do what you 'think' proper? but It Is right I should point out to you that even did the f tolice possess tliemselves of me, the re sponsibility ' wonM only be -fMnoved from yonr shoulders for ft brief' period. I should consider it my duty- to refura to you as soon as I was freo." I ground my teeth in despair. Was there, then, no way of ridding myself of this monster - - As the days passed be became mora and more of a fLxtore. In rain I tried all means to be quit of him. I sent bi on errands and locked the door behind bis back, but be only retarned to take up a position on the boat steps until be was readmitted, I went to Jmdon for three daya, to find on my tetuni t?'tt after eonsumtng everything- fn the boose, be bad betaken hinawlf to bed. whence be' refused to be dislodged. I imgdjt do with bim as I would etarve Lim, swear at bim, beat biiu he never eomplained. The oof y mwwfatiwnee 1 ever beard hhu make was on one oseav aWv-when be remarked that he tbeisght a man ought to have greater regard for bis own property. ' One evening 1 bad dined late and was too restless eitSer to remain in the room or to go to bed, ft waeaa ex quisite nlghtr On tlie eofa lay the tarpid form of my incubus, sound aaUx-o. The . opportunity waa not to be lost I aagerly acised my bat and auietly MippItW tiowhsteire, jet myself out. m rrcsouf ' 1 found myooltort His sumtuit of the clilt gitr.!ng down npoa the water, whMi rippled up to the very basQ of the roclw.' ' " ' -.; " .' ' ' If 1 wure yoii I wouldn't starrd. so nenrtho edjo." said a vole behuid me. , , , , . 1 turned,' -At tiy eido stood my .tor. mentor. ,.,ri r tifOIisorablobcinii."l crtelyoalve rushed upon your own- futef I have bat to speak the word to compel you to leap ovor tlidt felUT and freo myself froin Jfou tirwetptewir. : ,,V - jje past a glance towsW the edge, epro-Ion rouutinefi unclgod. 'Yes." ho returnetl, "you lve statr ed tio case quite accuately.,-! s ..'Then,". said I, exasperated beyond endurance, 'youi' Wood b6 upon your own head. Jumr) ovetr,,,h'H.f had advanced almost, to tlie brink when I sclxcd him by tho nrtrv, -rt, "For heaven's soke C I said. '!take rare! tl will Imvo ho Hum's ijeath upon ' niy conscience.'; :i(i- V ni'' n He said nothing, but placidly with drew to a nion secure position., I was furious 'with him :fcnd" with' tnyselt Wliy nad I been so' weak 'tis to. Inter fere 1 1 strode rapklly across tUo cliff. not 1 heeding whoro , I, went- i I , knew. that he was toliowing, tor I pouiu ,uear tho regular boat of his step behind ma At- this moment a cloud swept ..across the moon, planning tho world Into com parative . darkness. But 1 did j not pause.' ; Onward I hurried,;s looking neither tci right nor left,' wheu suddenly t hoard Win call to ni;';'; (i."Tttke cnro!".: , . ; - r ,v ,i The 4 warning came ! too 1 late, tlf foot slipped and 1 felt myself falling forward. Tlio thought (lashed into uiy mind that 1 whs trointt over the cliff. I struck "out ' blindly and found myself onmnlin ' with; somothlnff. 5 It, was a slight shrub whrohovorhuni the abyss, Jugt of. sufficient strength to sustain niy weight for few minutes. . But as the tnoori attain sliono out I could see that -my support; (was rapidly yielding at the rootai-" .' . -x lve mo your hand," 1 vrled, "or I am tronol" , : . " . . '. 4 With ft presence of mind which did him credit, ho knelt down and, burying bis hands in tlio long grass, took a flnu h61d ; of lt Then ho cautiously ad vanced one foe within reach' of my ; grnsp. This I clutched, and witli in agony of thankfulness drew myself oil to the w:;:'!fy,?!M y" The escape had'oooled me and I h6ld out luy tiw"fc , -4tH . n , ; '.!"! hear vour nordon.' 4" I t( have' snoken harshly to you at tones. . ri-o w m ou have rendered , mo a service lor whleh I shall never cease to be grate ful." : ' ' t ' " "Yes.'4 he answered, fn his stolid manncr.'rou'vel reason to be so.. .1 ratlior think I saved your life .Tho words were scarcely ottered be fore ho taw and recognized, too, ttint l; owi- their full Importance.': The faintest ..Indications of . a smile played kbotft his-libs as I -sold, 'fSo wears ouita."5 ; i-f'--''" Vf? H i "Hardly," lie repjled, looking serious again.' ,r,.'At ' proJbnt 'each .stands pos- sessed of the other's ufe. . .., t "hot us exchango tlien." , : This time ho really did smile. , t.j Bsodesty,", he ycuinrked, will acflmelvaUow tuo tOTate aa exiiitenee I 7 " r1nIrmlflcflnt as uiv own on an eqnai- . - -r. - . itv with vour""'!:. .-'. f-?T.. : (IWonld five pounds turn the scaler I aaked.;; ' ; 't';.-. viisn ' "You estimate your own worth, at far too low n value," -he replied.:" , "Tlien wo will say ten. Is It ft bar- , He bowed Ids bead to saeent-- I took out my purse and extracted there from the required numw of so erelens. ' ThV-so lie received' without 'f word, and after tronsfcrring them to bis nockct saluted me witu graco. "I resume .my identity," hi ; sold. "not "without a feeling of regret thank you for the care yon have taken of It, and with that ho turned away.' , Norf rom tliat hour have I set eyes upon bim again. --Belgrovia; , , , .'!t.''.''Tlie Prlatara jtr. ' Twenty years is but a short interval ln-the dirooologyof an art that Is more than four hundred years okl, bat a good deal ha been done for the hoprove- ment of printing between the. years 1870 and 180. Cylinder presses have supplanted hand and platen presses in nrintins wood cuts and Urge editions of fine books. -' Dry paper - has taken tlie Dlace of damn paper. In many largo printing bouses the appliances for dampening have been abolished, or set aside to be used only for rough and hand mado papers. ' Smooth surface papers of moderate price have been introduced that take a (harper impression end show clearer grays and more vigorous blacks than can be bad from impressions on the luxurious India -and Japan, papers. Easy working' and (3 amble black inks are as ouuison now as they were scarce twenty years agi Electrotype plates are made of smooth surface, and are curved with unbanned lines to fit. tlie cylinder of rotary printing snacblnes on which they produce piesseoik that fully meets the most .exacting require ment. ' ,-. , i -i.j ; ; -. Last, but not least, the final pressing of the printed work, which makes a olid and shapely tnagadne, done more quickly and more ahoroughly by pressing in the fold than was ever done when the work was press d in herts. Theodore J De Vlnne in Century. ' " Dr. Hall . ie asaoousaidnD; travel to Spain by bis lecture on BpeJn. He says one can Bve comfortably In a Seville tor 83 a week . '"'.V? Tha Prwau wf rrnlt VewUer. ... t. Tlie pro18 luauotiy the Italian fruit venders with tho" push ba'rts which we Ue hi the strepts ord grout enough t1 nwkd fortniif Wer the bimiiiuss only carried on .cxtcnslrcly enough., Upon Invostignrion 1 found Umt tJ is paid for ' barrel vi a oppkM . This contains about fifty which are marked Uvo cents each,- sevchty-Qw to ciglity ul two f OVo tsents, one hundred at a cent and about another hundred for half a cent The return tlicrofero Is 5,h an oxperi dituro of 83., As stock Is renowod once in two days; if . tlio hum have luck no makes BO tier cent a day on his invest ment of capltak - On tl otlicr luuid ho is subject "to many petty tliefts, and hU life Is one continual moving on to avoid Nhe-police. y-il"! ''?.-" jXThe approach or one or tne Diue coated guardians of , the peace along rark rqwat (lift uour m.tue, aitcnioon when tho wddlcrs most do, congregate inthat tliorouglifuro is tho signal for a general scurry, and reminds one of notlllnff SO' mUCU US mo liurrj ui un barnyord wlien, the liawk -circles over-; head. " To' return to the'proflts, how ever, widlo the percontago Is high tlio.' 1- -I . .. rA' man Is littlo enough when It Is reuiom- berod that - tlw majority of them sup port families. ...Yet they save money, and In time get one of the street cor. ner fruit stands, which in tliolr Uanas are said to . bo perfect mints. New York Telegram.. , V; ; ' rl1. I.,.,;.,, 1 , ,.(... ' Portable Eleetrte Fire Alarm. , r j.. . An Important addition; to the'num-, her iof electric' devices' designed ' for eoinmnnlcatlnjr with inOro or .less dis tant points in cojks of flro is a most handy arntnfrciiKint of bell, Oierttfostat and battery, whlcB has tho advantage of belna nortabl'J. sothatlt can Toauiijr be moved frpm ono aportinont to; tho other.: An ordinary dry battery, fur nishes tho necessary current i 8uck n battery, besidrtf teqnlring no attention and lastinar a long trnicti;6bvlatos; all danger of lertkago or spilling 6f liquid ( but any; other; form ol . Dottery, wiu serve" the nunxio, , When tlie temper ature reaches i certain point a 'vibrat inn bell is sounded, and the alarm con tinues as long" a the , tempera turo re main high enough to keep the circuit cloeed.-'"'l r '' - t . RiiMi'n. ilnvlttA will be nrmreclated in cases where it is, deslmblo to provide means for civluir a, local . j fire alarm In buildings which are not wired and con nected to the. engine stations or ure department of a city, as when a build ing b need temporarily for -storage or like rmrrmses. or In buildings' ontslde of tlie- fire denartnient's limits It will also be useful in the manufacture of Uiany articles involving the application of . heat, as,- for , instance,' to, drying rooms, where a regnlar temperature mast be luainhilped. New York Coin luerclal Advertiser. i f -. '? " " . j MIsaadeaalend.f. yt.A Tlie story, goes that a man wrote to tlie editor of a. horticultural journal aakimr'what plants would be suitable additions to dried grosses for winter Of1- nanienta. The editor replied..; f ' ; ' "Acroclfnlwn Boeeufii, .' A-, onium. CJouipiireoa globosa .and 0.. globpea eaniea.'Li nfc C -v-'5 .v.-',' i t When the man read this be fairly boiled over Willi rage, and Immediately sent a note ordering 1 bis: paper to be discontinued.' 'lie averred that an edit or who swore in that way, Just because be was asked a simple question, shook! haw no support from. bim. . , This rominds us of an. English trav clor whose Bonscience wouldiot allow hhn to swear, but who found that at the bote! In France where lie was stay ing tlie waiters were so, accustomed to hoar Englishmen 'use strong language that they eonsitlored bim a milksop, and neglected . WiA accordingly. He therefore -lilt "unon this ' expedient to secure a proper amount of attention: Whenever lie gave aa orucr ue roneu out tn sonorous . tone . the , words "Nortiiumberland, Cumberland, Dur- r ham." ; The effect was marvelous. - He was henceforth waited Upon with the greatest alacrity and assiduity. Ex- change.' ji '.': - '- j Why he TMda'S Uka tba Ptaee. ' $ The little Bryant children go to bed si 0 o'clock, and when Marjory visited thetri her Aunt if ary thought tliat aft playing all day she must be tired, and bad better go to bod at 9 also, aitbongft Marjory is ft years old and stays op un til half -past 7 when aha is at borne. , atarjory bad been told to mind Aunt Mary, and too one supposed tliat this early going to bed was a trial to her until ope day she wm overheard philos ophizing to herself. ..... ? She stood alone on the piazza and looked at thesunsct, the hills, the woods, tbo broad "lawn, iho barn and the or chard, with a small sigh of satisfaction. Then she said, "Well, there's most al ways soutethlog, and the matter with this place It going to bed." Youth's Cewpanloa.''-' ; ' V -; ' a swasaaaawsswa awsaasssswB-sBaiBB- ' . --- Ha tea'tl .. ' A Jersey City man applied the epithet of loafer to a stranger who bad Insulted bim. He wee knocked down, the stranger wM.arrested, and in court be proved that ha wo a first elam'Uiree eard monte sharp and not a loafer. Be careful what you say to strange men:-' Detroit Free Pmss. '."' .':,'. Iwktalin UKk. ' Ifnt. De 0 loom I beat' thoi Cousin Jack has been Jilted again, f ' Mr. De Gloom So-he Isstfll abache lort Lucky dogO. Vbat girl wattf Mrs. De Q. Mia Million, dangiitet of the banker, . . ., n , Mr. De O -Poof, fellow! Good l"' , ...'.'. - ThwOonerSlABsercVly.'' ' ' ; M in the 8,'natf At 1 2:- u'cl ck the . vilii'vis i"l the e In u b-(ly prix'i e lf l l the Hi.ii'f a In n lh vole lukru yreli nlMy lorJJ rr A'lmtor' as aiiniuiiuel.-rinl Hon. Z. B. Vaiice- wn riV Ured duly h oti d fur.Oie leria of six years from Msn-li 41, 1801, 1 ' . illlla inirirtiueco i j r enmrgo uie tirutiliciitin ol Iim: Ice (if I he peach : to ii:orMimte Cnlwns' Bniik at Win fou; rrs.orihHiiks to la. J. L. M Cut- ry fi.r extfllent undress' delivered by. him VVcdiicsilay. Jan. SIf, and a" re- ouest that lie fiiruiah Seiiale nilli copr ul aame, adoplvd.'' ..IV :; ' Bills prnwrd j To amend chsner or town of ReliUville, sed ; to nuthoi he jliilu Treiicurer lo pay pi-r diem and, mileage lo wit iietwes whiialieiidcd mil road and oihtr corpomiion invesilKa- ituiis : lo teculate pny of Itirore : 10 comi-el ' H-nmiiHl ' rcpreseiiiaiiveji to i.Wi ul al ii' a nf liimlati.ina. - . 1 1--- - In the Hotiw: The hour of 12 noo Jiavlng arrived, the rienaie entereii me Houce, and in joint assembly, Lieut. Uuv. Holt prt siding, msdr format an- nounermmtor ine eiicimn or a u. Senator on yeeiertloy. Jofut s ssiou nC jourtied. Bill? Inl ruducctl .' In regard 10 sera cotton ; 10 prevent ueaung in futures ; to establixli a ilepartaieut of l'hntmncy stthc University., - Bills upt To - amend tliaHer" of Aslievilte, passed ; to "deOiie 1 when regisiratlaii f voters shall coaar, mak inir, (he hour noon of the. Saturday he- fore election, ias d ; to prohibit emtr gratloii agents from plying Ibeir voca tions without first procuring n licrnw tux ol f 1.0(H) fur the ftiite, amrnned to m i''e tax rl000 for each country, and psaaed. - ' ' ' . ' '' Thnr(lny, 32nd, In the Senile: Bills Ukeu tip 1 To rsisblifli! inornsl and IhriuMlrinl tk-hool fur white- girl;, ua-sd i-tn ' ineor!raie Carolliia Im- lruveiiient Co., of Morganton. iiassed : to incorporate ueorfreiown a, utiar- lolte KnilrOHd Lo jmrHert 2nd- reailinr. Mr. Brl amy In l.rhall of Sir. W. v. Clifton, who so king i rveit-as Princl- D11I Uuorkteiier, preawiiteii 10 ine 'Hen- nte a handsomely tinned- navel, made firm timlM-r taken from the old Ldbby Prison of Hichmond. Vo. . l.f. Oov. Holt accepted In behalf-of the 8enato the gavl,and said hs would hot make any ih?oc1i, but only wished he" wan tr siding In th Senate of the Unitid States where he could lire - the Hovel in calling some of the Sen a to rr there to order every time' Ibcy 1 aree 10 Set a WOro, t.vm.tx-'.r.'S' In the House j Bills taken up ilos mend charter of WadesUoro, jiassed : to change "Western Iiiesne Aaylum'' lo Stale-Hospital." It also provide for receiving Inebriate lathe Institution sud gives the board power. 0 -mas tr- illoanoes lor governmeut ofthe.luMilu- lion, sna 10 suppres nuisnnce 011 tnr Brofiiids, Limits numher of inebriates that may be reeeiveil st ore Hm to 12 orenoii si x. iiamvq 1 to coueoii.iaie li e Winston Street Hallway -Company with the Electric Omimny of Winalou, passed : 10 eomnel btitcbers to keep re- ttii" rat Ion (to amend Chuptir 818, Laws 1881 pnseil. . -..,,:..4.,- 'Friday, Jan." -J?3rrf, . ie lb Sena Bills lutrodiiced : To remove In com- pi tei t . superliilehUenls ' of ..public sobouls ( to provide . for diifancbiniug oersons who Imv voles at election : to amend see. 2 ol Code; lo aslaiion to the Uuiver'iiy, providing that the an- pence of Iruaiee from . rrguiar meet- I igs 11 r four suncessiv years, sues aiieence aha 11 work a vucnncy , of hi place as trustee, vacancy to be filled ss iirnvidril for hi rase of other KocaDcfes. Bills up for passage ; To rslaliliib a aoiDiai and induairial school, for while kliK iwsaed 3rd reading ; to en able to -11 01 Washington to Ismie f 10, 000 lu bonds lo induce. biiililiiigHif rail road from Kobhiusvi'Is to thai place, passed 2nd reading ; H. B .ln relation 10 workinK convict on public road passed 8rd r ading ; in relation to chattel murtguue on uouaeiioid suu kiicucw fin nit ure, provides for privy exatolnt tlnu and a il of married man ioiuiiiicin morf gage, passed 3rd reading ; to amend sec. JoWOf lNie, stiDstiiuilua a seo. in regard to renting lauds of ward by guordlans, passed. - -- - lu the House f PelUloo for Increare of appropriation to Uul vsraity f re aolii'ion inctrtieting oar Senators and requesting Representatives to vote and ua ail euons auainai ine wore bill : com. os public pruning reported sod recouimr tided that no change be mud In lbs rououer of awarding and the price pjid. - - - " B'lli luiroduced: To repeal act in regard lo rlaim and d livery of puhiir prjerly ; 10 cbsuge ibe law ol evi dence ; to incort -orate Eastern- Caro lina Ficatorial Aesocialion 1 to limit ime wb a county bonds shall . be is sued f. r railway purpose Ie require rallwsr 10 pay rxprnee of eoroarr sitd other fxpeiMMM, where inquests are held on persons killed by ratlwajy. Bills passed : To prevent spi ead of bog cboltira. by rrquirias: sick aaimaU to iw penned and not near any aireaoi, and after death to be carefully buried deep in the .ground ; lo incorporate S. W. bkiiibei Co , f Wilmingion, giv'ng right lo ova 1000 scies of land, operate ship yard and ssscaloe shop j to . ex tend charter of Silver Valley Mining Co . of Unvidson county, thirty yesra. . hvulul hns regarding Force bitl sdoptnl, BVpoblicaos voting , solidly againrt I heat. . ' - ... " ' rJatorUy, Jan. 25th, In the Senate : Ptlitiea from cilixrns of Trinity Col lege, opposing any smesdmeiiU of lb eolteM cbarur - . . Bill tnirodnord : To make Gen. Bobrrl. E. Lea 'a Wrihday, Jan. 19tb, a legal holiday r lo incorporate a .Sol diers' Home. , Bill pasaederd' reading f la retard Jo earrying concealed weapons, fixing the floe ; to mju'.re advertisement of eelrirs ol public lands ? Ie amend aet relatlv to dower by lloalng brir to Ie petliloo to aaafgn' doaer to a a triow wbra rh fail to do so aithia Ibree mouth ; to pro v io a hers a re ' danl' post ofii-a 1 k-flnwti, antic ef sauitrton Af be snailed bim direct iosttad ol being publbdied lo m new-' nper lo enlarge jurisdiction of magia imlra y lu luvomoraie C1tt-n' ,Bauk, of WiuntoB, ( a it h 'power le charge e ly Ike traal rata ol hi I ere.) COXTISUH) t.t 8EOOXU PACK ' if f 1 - ;.LLc:a:i'Nbr:Lc;D : DISEASES.. Hie Best Househ" old lledic!ses Once or ivrlce atach year the ysv tenm seeds purcrlar Of the lnsmirl ties which closr Uia blood, iront . efaildbood to oia e, no reaaeu ineets all caae wltn the.saaus talnty of grood results M . . - BOTANIC PL00D BAIJl. - r r, .uw-u..hM. . w.hh rjinr. Afk wrheaj. '' ".B. B. has done me nw fooi spdsfor IrW aMnsy than sny thxr blood fwriiier levtr as-d. P. A. Shepherd,. Norfolk, Vs.. Angwa as, iJ , wfttes) "Ideptod OBB.B. B.fiwthopreservsuoa , t ofnr bath. I her. Mk to aiy nusdy aow asady two rears, and la alltluatisMlunwBot kwi ban a doctor." " - 5 ";v jr Writs for miwtiwlea -Boost or weaaaaa,-: BLOOD BALM. OO, AUuls, a. Seairess. 1 1 ' POMONA N. C, Two nd a half tnittiS west of Grectiib'oVo, ' , N. C., The main line of the .. Or ft. K . pnase throairh tne.grouiuif ; sna wituin iv - foct of the office, 9slcm trafon roske' refa- . lar lop' twice dally each way. Those InUr- , estcd 1 f rait and frnit growing are eJfc ' UUIIy Invited loljipoot;thU the larnest aar- , sorry in the Ut aud ono smoog tba large . .- IntliaSontU. -' : Slock eonslsw of apple," peach, pear clier-' , ry, pty'h, ifmpo, Japanese persimmon, 1 aprt- cota, . noetarina, mullierrsi ' quince, Grower rigi,; rstpbatry, . goosaboxry, currants, pi ; planti Eiutllsh walnuts, fpecao', .ClfMtqM. Strawberry,-roses, evcigreena, shade orwa!,,. , All the1 new and rare varieties -a, win s'l the old one which fay new e&Iogu fo I8S frill trow, 1 ',''. (Itve ynnr order to my snthorlecd a?effl d ordori dlrrct from li anrscry. : Cmreo , dear loliclted, . Iivseripitve catalogue frW - to VpOIIcudU. .. , ' Addresr,. . a. Tan.u.ii'i.nii , PillllliiifiB sprSS TiT. f ..flnVf rd County. f. C. , : ; Rcnabln SblcsTian waiitod in every eonaly " yd uarinv cum uilolon will b K Iven. . Xo sot Bffloasness, Sick Heaaacn, oesso nellnn. Malaria. Hear Complaint, tak to sale ana cmuuii ibi ' e tlse ibe aw All. ftis (tomtleBrVsmtothe . bettlo). Tnar ah tub most ooHvaauunv .- tone mXA Assi -Frleo af eltsier alaa. WH w . KISSKlGsil rlllIU msu k. a. M.1U4 Ur.vw ih. .M11T1I A0Jhw"n sassss.,'tT.ti aav .' H0R8K AND CATTLE POWDE no Hnasa wm ills of Oaae. nor ar una rsv VSS. ft rnntx'S Powners srs s4 Ml 0nw. - . , 'A I'orrtmwtllmrs sail srrvai HoXiwtJnU '(jiu-s Kowilrn will antrcnt m ia rowuu . femu VrtwAm will litrrtm tti enaittim d silla , ami srssw twentr aar asm, snd aissa uw sansrSnar taj swell, rmftzu PAsMets wm Mrsor nrsrsnt shsfl Pls to wlitch Honrs sn I sltl srs saHecL : , . ronra's roimu wiu. airs Ssnsrsona. . "014 arsrrwasra. ..'. : . ' ; vatib a. rotrrs, rraritr. .!,, , sariswoaa. t ., ...1 1 ... - m OiTsata, an Tiada-Marks awadesd, saat ad ra- mm Usui snnnairrin me aieeaaaTa r..- moots from Washlnttoa. ... . . . Ssod nodst, dsswinr riMto, wna jwv tloo. W adrlsa. If palenisble or not, Sws T harfs. Oat ass sot cws HU psisat to sssars A, NBMir-. "Bow to OMsta raasats.' issMof sruasf aU'Dis is your Iowa, seat fas. Audrsas, o;A.Grjovcco. - Ore. Farsar Omet, WaaHiaevea. . (V i J woodwoiK toY-r an Ati. i J ..sll 2 UNlCNS.iUAKX "l"a plljw rrciT.Bn.s. T.fcCuis ip. rrr-" v.j? ! oAtLAS-itx NEW Now Books every week. daialogue, 00 pages, freo;' not"sold ty Dealers r prkct too W; ,t)uy of tho,Iub-'' lisher; Jokjt B.-AldeSv SOS Poarl Si., Now YorI m L: ?! " j: Pr3 -1