NO. lO. :F '"is L fan ?" (ftlFE HAS been mved Ik KoP Uo( , Ayerli Pills. TmrUre by lnd or m liable to cook tl patio r otlier rirrancemcdtnof tbitoiMliM4boweli' wlilch, If neglected, tod d mHoim sad often tfttol connequeuee. : Tit atonteura ' btnntM of correcting tlieae erUa la the ana - W Afert Cathartic ;FMIa. ;Tka p0- ', " tent allinfinaiitez would aa too go to' aea without bit chronouieref 'M wttbou' anpply of these Rlls.' TlMag(i fttDrnf knd energetic in operation.- Ajec'i Pilla ' irve bo ill effects? they are 'partly v Vegetable and agar-ebated f the safest taiedicine for eld nd Jwng, at bonie or 1 , J abroad. :;-;. fc-'--f . , For eitrht years I wba aiBicted with Constipation which at last became so ; bl that the lkxor could do no moref for ine, , Then 1 began to .take Ayers ; Pill,' and soou the bowels recovered ; their natural and regular action, so that How lautiu . . . .v.;;,;;;.:;;;? .:;;!;;' ...' , Excellent ' - r ' health." Mrs. C. . ClarkTewkabury-i V 1 roost reliable general remedies of our, time. They have been In use In my family for affeetiona roquiring a purga tive, ami liar given unvarying eatisfao-tion.-We have found them an excellent , tvmedy for colds and light fevers."'- I ' " For several years I hare relied more ' " tafton Ayer's Pilhi-t)ia 'upon anything ,. . kise in the medicine chest, to regulate - : rny bowels and those of the shipVcrew , These fills are Hot severe in their ac- k tiou, but do their Work' thoroughly. I I have used them" with good effect-for .-,, tiie cure of rheumatism,, kidney,, trou-'j hies, and dyspepsia." Capt. Mueller, -Steamship Felieia, New York City.' "I nave found Ayer's Cafhartio flllatJ to be a better fatniiy medicine lor com-.. - mon use than any other pills within my ; knowledge. They are not only very , . effective, bnt safe and pleasant to take qualities which, must,, make . thera '-- , valued by tke' public"-Jules 5uel Perfumer, Philadelphia, Pa.- ,-,. .. . : Ayer's Pills, ' - . Dr. J. C. .Ayer i Co., Lowell, Mat., ' t .. 8old by all Iealen fa Medicines. ,'' PROFESSI0NALJARDS.; JAS. . BOYD, v..-, i ? i . . ATTOBNIJy:AT LAW,1 ; ' i . ' ' " 3reenboro. K. C : Will bo at flraham on Monday of each week te attend to profefslonat business, jaep ioi , . -Vactlcesla the State and Federal Cours !iKJ wTUfattMallvand promytTj atteqd to, all bo ' aesinirusieu uf mm JACOB A. LUIV, , .-: ATTOBNEY ATt LAW,' ' GRAHAM, - ' - - - tf. May 17. '88. JE. 0. LAIRD, M... D., haw mvEn,N. .cf Feb'ylS, '80. DR. B. II. II0BB0T7, ,' 0Q lOffioa over G. W. Holt A Sot sjore. Will be at Haw Biver at DrHPUer- on't every first Monday. - . ry- SCrtOFULA ORONCHITIt COUCHl. COLDS mmm t Wonderful Fleeh Producer. I llany have gained, one pound ijarday bj its use. Scott's Emulsion ia not a secret remedy r It contains ths itimnlat- o v w of ci- 'mm ln properties or the iijpopnoa . rhites and pure Norwegian Cod 2J ' live GV the.? poteney of , both ' beinflrlarffelTincreaeed-'Itisnaed "' ,fcj,rhTsiolana all ne? the world.:- I PALATACLC At r..II.R. ", t' oUl fry U JrnggUta. - cbTTABOsVKC,thmlsta;aUT. ,rrr , eas nsinmss nonnarrnn wr mobimti rssv. e4iemetiew(rrc u.e. pTrorfee aud noainii taunt in iM Um uaa lain lemnw tram Mbinirupa. tiwd modH. drtwing or mta, wHh "J,P (W. Vi iW, If r aot, fe uu ira. Ovr IM nol doe i mu!nt U oewri arwt "Jtow Sot Piusnu." witt - r iMMofa- dirms ia juu( tijue,eykt.s ' t- mau J tilrei, , , , ! fa t o.r.: ::c .7tiC0a " I iwfc t atWt W aM ! f -m. b aaatal ad wrtta. 4 eri. 1 rtai 'V.4a)rSHVV . - Til I nar .) 4tt a fcisilafc . Ira - ssfUl k aWrVr- ' I hoai Me aas A lain at Af Katlonjd pAaL I ;Covrnor Hogg, f "itiiM, Ibwat' ettjc uamebut hi bead a very level nil the Bawe; - Lie wnnls no pa- iernalii-m In bis, not even when It J prraeuted In the ehapi of a caeh bono tv of tweceoia per, pound for; all tbe eugaprodtieed by thai Rute. What benefit would accrue to tlte rel:)f the Statea' by the adnibeion of Newfonntlhuid to the Utlon an a titate ? Thia question may of may not be per llnefit at thli tlmefbut w "woiild be pleased to have It Intelligently -"ooa iJ$i?W: -tf:2ifr& ;:.:-!i: Special to our- rcpuMicnn , friends : Suppose you allow the' democrats to de cide who shall bead their Presidential ticket uext year and devote your time to' nursing the riumeroui sore-heda' of your oa party. , , Hod. E. O.Tbelp"i ex-minister to CTriar BriRtlni' deubU the efficacy of aH bitrationae a means of settling the B-hrftig sea dispute, and thinks it will evaniuau ds eeiuru in una ui imco ways-watr. tbacomplete back down'olj r m , i' .it- thoIT. 3 Sr the prolongation of the dincunion with Great Britain until the It4s said tbat Hayti wants the Unit ed States, tp assyme a protectorate over that I'sIanVin rettfrn for a coaling sta tion at Mole.St. Mcholas. . The United States government has never gone Into the protectorate business, and woe. bn unto the administration that tries to inaugurate such a policy, It smacks. lob much of royalty" to be done at home in an American atmosphere J The Sate that isn't represented- at the World's fair iy a full and complete exhibit of it products and resources' together with' well and carefully , pre pared statements of the advantages it has to offer capital as well as labor, will deliberately throw away a chance to obtain advertising Ubats could not f4ll .if, tatelltoejjtjy, directed, to' add minions oi uoiiars to tne-vaiue oi prop erty In the BlsteJ fit vovld, simply b. impossible to Invest the people's money in a better way than In Ins: the State. thus advertis- .'-I,. The third party that la expecting to get any electoral votes from the South is doomed to disappointment. - The old tub "Galena baa been poll ed off the rocks of Gay Head in order to make work for (he republican strlJt era of New Hampshire and Massachu Uncle Sam la quite well to do, In fact wealthy, but It is not probable that be will again indulge In the extravagant luxury of a billion dollar Congres i.for some years te come. , ? " ! Look out for the counterfeit $3 silver certificates ; they carry the portrait of the late Gen, Hancock on their: bees and are printed, upon paper . so near like the genuine that Treasury experts have been deoelved. The alleged felling off in Ine., 'per centage of increase in the negro race in the South ia very easy to account ' for. The census enumerators in the , South didnt enumerate all of the negroes. "' i'.A -.! .... i.t If we are to wait until the revenues of 1 the Poktorfoe department exceed the expenditure before We can bare one cent letter postage there ii every likelihood of a very long wait, as the postal subsidy law of the last Congress wDl add vei7 largely. 'o-j the expend!- tares of that drpartment without add big pucn to. lie receipt fo sometime to come. J Tbe1 ''extravagantly Conerersloaal faneral wl have to go along with-' tbe mow fimfigtocMi ox . repoDUGn . e--e - rule. Ht-reofter an go vera meet ex penditures ro far aa they are controlled by the Houm of Bepresentatives ought to be euide yi b ey e to eooooaizlng so that some, pt th burdensome repub Ucao' tariff Uxee .may be ' fifted from ibe b6f lders.ef the peopla. v- . The man who wishes to read proav ineot democrat out of tbe party ' be cause their view do not la all ' things aree with bU, tea't making as mnch turn as be was a tbort time; ago. . This is ao Unse to talk about reading men out of tbe party ; it is oaTy y present ing a united front to tbe enemy " that we er a elect the next Ireient. IP tnvtt HACK ACI1K Or yoo t it !!'- oot, rl'T 5ort lur aaUtlni C'acBTL"a.iEr,;fc:Ji'u. rrt:ea!4T the i , ie Dignity of a State, l , When the New Orleanf, lynching 6e- corred Secretary Blaine and theState department Blioweil a desire to shift all resrmnsibilltv upon the sovereign , State of Louisiana. , The, general govern meat at once took' to the - coVer of 8tateV rights, : A, few.' days ago Gjv. Hogg, of Texas; vetoed a bill providing for, the acceptance by that State of aau,uuu irom me t general government boonty upou sugur made by tbe. con vict in bor of the 'State, In . the mes sage inviVtik- ,al1 jtown.Bome good old-fashioned State's illt.adctrJorW; sald )i? widd' be puns'l.utlng for a proua mate to accept a bounty, and declared that the United States "government should, limit, its revenue strictly to ihe needs of ther ad-1 niinlstration, and -i should - not po, in crease it revebues as to be able to lavish ' bounties 'on . favored, classes. The governor's message was a fine ss Mriion of the digo i ty of the State and was refresblnif reading Jor all men wh8:Hafdnreawd In rtbe.;rpBceipU of the deniocrat itf gospel, It js very gratifying in these days, when there is so much tendency toward paternalism. in government, ana woen ine. corrupt Idg Influence of tbe pension beneficence has become an evil that threatens tbe integrity of our governmental lueiitu- tionto find a voice rained in protest, arid recalling to tbe minds of the.' peo ple the frue princlplepori which the fathers; founded the .republic, Tbe Congress'; which, 'has Just adjourned gaveawt y in bounties ' more !; than $300,000,000 "ot the people's money. Not one cent of ihis euiff v.ra neces sary to the tidmihietration of the gov mmenUf ItK was made, up.' wholly of gratuities, , Probably one-tenth of the mount wou1( have been sulliuient to li quidate all tbe real debts of honor which tbe government with propriety might assume without reasonable objection. It was appropriated for pensions, for sugar bounty, for refurfded taxes, . for soldiers' back pay and donations of that sort ,To enable the ' government to do this the McKinley tariff was adopted, tbe benefits of . which 'only certain manufacturers and the "sisters, cousins and auote" of ex-soldiers en- joy.. It costs tbe people of the United states to ' moiniam xnis system . oi ... ' '.- . . - . , . ....... . . .. . m gratuties over three times as much ae it doce i , to v maintain V , tbe standing army Germany.' t was tlme therefore, for the governor of 1 exas to make his protest and arouse the peo ple, . Not leas oppressive than the . ex actions of Czars Is the tyranny :of Ihe "favored classes" under the role of tbe Bepublican party. One way ot ' bring ing the people to a realizing sense of tbe iniquities that flourish under a pa ternal government ia for tbe governors of 8U tee, following the, example of Got. Hogg, to let slip no opportunity to aMert the sotersignty of , the State and protest, whenever protest Is rele vant, against tbe invasion. - Gov, Hogg as done 'tbe . people of the. Whole United State a most imporfant service by bi-YetoTbe Appeal-Avaiamdie. I ' ' i J . ' ,"i ; J Out of tbe long I'st of varieties we select a few that we bave found heretofore to. stand, best In'our expe rience': These were planted on very Ijtln aud poor laud end were fertilized with but three hundred pounds per acre' of 1 m. ammeniated . superpepe- phate with large percentage of potash tbe object being sot so much to grow s large crop as tq have fair 'comparative results." Oa-log to tbe'teeVlbat tbe crop was kept for. exhibition at the 8tate Fair in October tbe table quality could not be noted since they had rprouted badly by tbat time. The yield was ' unexpectedly large wben tbe quality of the land aad the light fertilisation U considered, bt (be marketable crop of most sorts was largely red need by the large propor tion of small potato.. ,Tbis baa si ways been oar experience js planting large whole potatoes, as io this instaece. All tbe varieties were planted without cutting, sad tbe quantity of seeds ne ed per sere was 46 bosheb. While this heavy seeding doubtless Increased the total yield, we flad no reason . to suppose tbat a market grower could find any profit in planting whole large potatoes. V On (be contrary, tbe re sult seem te indicate tbat more. profl-J able resells would be attained by cat ling to about two eyes, ' -- ibe crop was not dng Detil folly ms.1 I are and Ibe tope dead, la tbe mere iter of earlioers it wonld seem prob able that tbe limit bas bets reached, as tbe newer sorts does not sbow any draocelntbts wptct. Ia, tb mai- I Ur Cf product irea- soma ef tbe 'old- old fUvorile Early Boee, seem to be losing giound. Kuroi New Yorker, fol ?, . a bllo Inter than some others in perfect ripeness,, had t ubers rea ly for market as early as any and was', very i productive.' Wo regard thia variety, HeiiderMunV Purl tan Warliof 8avo,anguard, : ubd Clark's No, 1 as at , present , the most promising sorts for the early market. From N. 0,; Agricultural Experkneut station uuiieuu. . f ' y. ', . " ' V r KariyEMfreai lathe Seat; ". Tbe following item in relation to the South , is found , in . several leading piipers under 'the head of "IutercBilog Facts 'ti?'-l "Tbe .first iooom&tiye to run . In . tbe South was built, ,; in. New York from plans furnished by a clUxan of .Charles-, too, S; C. j It ! was cajled 1 the Bwt Friend,' and was placed on 1W; Char leetoo railrMdln"," ;P Tbe date named as thatof the , Intro- d uclibn of ihe locomotive in the; South ia undoubtedly ' typographical' error apparent to thoee who know j the - real fiibts. But In the history jot., our ' pru groes.183 is a loiig time ago, sgfficonl y far to give an air of antiquity to any thing done at that time.' ' But the en terprtoe of the .Soutb even autldated by several years tnas eariy penoa named In the paragraph above quoted, and in its justincation we state tne ioi lowing facts. " - 1 " ' . , On course it may be accepted as fact that st all the traffio railroads used the steam locomotive. It is true th Baltimore and Ohio road, begun In the summer of 1828, was orginally design cd for horse power only J and was so used for some time as far as Ellicott's mills." In 1830, Ihe first . locomotive built In Baltimore by Peter Cooper was put upon Ibe road, aud the success of the substitution of steam for horse nowor satisfactorily , demonstrated. For the South Carolina railroad, ex tending from Charleston to Hamburg and built between . 1820. and 1831, locomotive engine designed by Mr. E, L. Miller, of Charleston, was built by tbe Keuibles, of New York, and was in active use between tbe points named for two years, wben It exploded. This engine 'was the; "Best i Friend" re terred to In the "paragraph.' On this oad, 1881, was first introduced on any railroad,' either in tbe United States or in Eoglaod. the arrangement of two four wheeled truck, end the long passenger cars as distinguished ' from the plan in use' elsewhere of having three concord or staee coaches . grouii- ed in a common system of trucks, but separated from each other by blgb backs or partitions, with seats facing each other and extending cross ways from one side door to the . other, tbe conductors making bis trips along Ihe train on narrow planks extending tbe sides of each coach, end grasping as be moved slang the door posts of - the coaches. ' 1 J 'Another railroad in the South csing tbe loeomotive before 1835 was the Peters borg, Va., to Blakely oa toe Koanoke river In North Caroline, midway ' be- tween the present Iowa of Weldos and tbe old borough town of Halifax. This road wai II mile long. t. Blakely.,'. baX long ceased to exist sod i baa ' passed out of memory, the necessity of its existence, ceasing M soon aa ' tbe WU Imingtoa and. Weldon and the Raleigh scd Gastoo roads were built, both begun, we belieye,!a 1835 ,--1: Another Soulbern rued using the steam locomotive before I tbe ' year, 1835, was the New Orleans and Lake Pontcbartrala, road, certainly using steam in 1834 ; for st Ibe , end of that year, one now ft " citizen of Asuevtlle passed from the lake to tie ally , upon It, the first railroad experience be ever bad. ' " 1 . - After 1835, tbe progress of raOroad oonstructlon in tbe South was com paratively rapid. '' ' ;; TatSe Cse.-'-'i It Is well known tbat tbe early varie ties of sugar eon se popular North are practically ' worthless sooth of tks Potomac, . Corn, more than say 'otbet of our cereal, seeds to be acclimated o tbe latitude, and lbs eemmoa prac tice of ons peon's in gelling seed of gardes eora from the North annually has given bad results. With a view to the establishment of a variety adapted to our soil and climate wd bave made some experiments la eroesing seyeral early varieties, and bays fair pros pect oi getting S.. straia that ! will te early, large and sweet Some yean will be seceatsry to get a variety fixed however, but Jbe step bas bees ueceaa- nlly made. From N. C Su. Ex, Butle tiu. : . ' '-, , ., t,ato Cabbaesi v; ; It is an extremely difficult mailer to grow late cabbage in (bis cliinat, so difficult, iiMlocd, Ibat s fairly good bead of winter cabbage Is rarely seen Aside from tbe heat and drought of rummer . the insect pcsls are of many sorts and numerous, Tbe Jfttt lequin beetle comes first, followed shortly by the larva of pieris rspte sod Fulria btasr sica." Kerosene emulsion Is the only remedy so far that has any eflVct ou Harlequin, and Pyrothrum powder, if fresh. , will destroy the- caterpillars. Some bave used London ' Purple, but we ran not reeoaimand this as safe on a crop like atbbage. . Late sowing and planting, it seems to 0 promise' belter results. A little experiment was maae by so Wing seed . of" Late Flat Dutch cabbage thevJaiildliv of August and planting! them out In September," The exccWvelydry'allretardedv their growth, but soma of them made : very falrhoads by CbrUtmaS.t -Had they. betn fuvnn-d with moist weather the crop would hyo been' gdbd-v Further Axnnrtiiients In this direction will be made berenfter.-:;;!-' The Collard, a tall growing cabbage that does not' make s hard head,' Is, in Lha ahsenne of winter cabbajre,' much irrowu in the South. This egetabie, wh'oii is passed over in ins pauiicgufi of Northern seedsmen with hardly a remark, is wen worm sinny . anu uu nrovement. When lM!llt down and cov ered with earth in winter It blenches very tender, and is not to be despised ass table- vegetable., There -are erl mnuv varieties of itand ' we hnne th rnaVo some selections n 1th view to improve the plant. ir . table use. It grows well every w uere oere, aud seems more exempt from , 'Infect nvBts than an v of I he headinir cab' baires.-From N. C. Ex. St. Bulletin The Farmers' Alliance Platform.'. have never read the "Declaration of Princinles" of this ereat organiz lion To many It will be pure news. Read It. -..: i.-.-. :-'-.-h: There are few persons, says the A'o tional Economtit. except such as be long to the Farmers' Alliance, that know an v th i nil about the oruaul.ivtlon M-ny think tbat it was brought Into existence by a shiftless set of fellows who called themselves farmes; ; woo weie failures In their own business, and were nothing more or less than an idle set or vngauoods nuea io tne overnow ing with hatred and prejudice for all other clstses of persons which through close, application to business had made a better success in life.'"-' - -There are many men of Intelligence, men capable Of informing tliemaelvee on any smject, who ere const autiy oie playing their Ignorance of us in the rnont glaring manner, t -( , We were surprised a few days ago to hear a eeolleman of distinction aa tbat the Alliance was a secret noliii cat organization dangerous to tbe lib erties oi ine people, xor ine rev llehtenment of all such, and for tbe benefit of those whom they would de lude, we publish below, what Is called, or may be called, the "Declaration oi Priucijdes of the Farmers' A lianee." We ask s careful reading of the same. and then conclude wnetner or ''not these nriociphs can be the sround work of soy theory or theories daneer- oue to any way to the Ameridan peo ple I" " '-:'; --j-v'(- w.)-fy- Profoundly Impressed that we.' tbe Farmers' Alliance, united by tbe atons and faithful lies of financial and borne Interests, should set forth our declare- I lion of Intentions, we therefore ., re-' solve- - 1. To labor for tbe education of the agricultural classes in ' the science , of economical government in a strictly nonpartisan spirit, ' ' . 2. To endorse tbe motto : - "In tblnKS casenlial, unity, sad ia all tbluas eoartty.". j t. ,., - .. f' 8.. To develop s better state, mental ly, morally, socially and financially. 4. To create better uuderstundlne for suetainioK cryil officers in maintain ing law and order. 0. To constantly strivs to secure en tire harmony and good will among sH mankind and brotherly love anion a ourselves. , . .. ' ;' J-;- ... ( , 6. To suppress personal, local, sec tional and nmional prejudices ; all un- ueannim nvany anuau sejusa am bi llon. ' ' ' - ' .' " -. ,' 7. Tbe brigbest jewels which it garners are the tears of widows and orphans, and its imperative commasda ate to visit the homes where lacerated beru are bleeding ; to assuage ibe sufferings of a brother or a sister, bury tbe dead ears for Ihe widows and iducale the orphans to exercise charity towards otTeoders to construe words end deeds in ibeir moat favor able ligh', granting honesty of purpose ana gooa inten uoi.s io others end to protect tbe principles of tbe Alliance unto death. Its Uws are reason and equity, iu cardinal uVjcrrines, inspire purity of thought and life, its . Inieo- lion are J eice on earla and good will toward men.' ' . . Tbe Ur idee set forth to labor for the education of the agricultural classes in tbe acieoce of economical govern ment io a strictly noa-panisaa spirit has been prosecuted with vigor. What tbe result has been, or may be, time will tell. Can'anyone donbt tho neces sity for such teachingf Were tbe great wealth producers of this Lad to be Mis In tbe matter of government to take ao pan in the political affairs of lbs nation, wben every ether class of people were organised aad constant ly procuring soeh legislation at, would loe belter vnable tbero to rob us T We could bring column after eolamu to prove tbe aecsiiy for eilucal'Oi in economical goverumeoi, and net essity toe for tbepractionof economy in tbe alfXrs of the goycrawsni, . - t'KOX 1 HE NATION'S CAPITAL. ' A tetter latennH rbrlst Week's Issaa ef Wabhikotow.P. O., April 8,91. Tbat was no f'April fool" sensation which struck this town this week wh-u Baron fava, I be Italian mihlster, whe seems to havetstudied the great Ameri can; game of draw poker to some purr iMMie during ins ten years resiot-nce i Washineiou. walked lntn M. Blaine' niivate tflice and made the bluff of hi life by',. preventing a letter fiora Ibe Italian, government recalling him as Envoy' extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to tbe United States by way of empbMsizing its dissatisfaction at , tbe failure -, of Ibis government to make reparation for tie recent lyneh iK of Italians at New Orleans, bnt it rfal Keuuine, all-wool and-a-ybtd-wlde- warrauted-not-to- tlirlnk- wnile-belua- cabled around-the-world sensation.' It has shaken tile administration k from stem o stem "Buby" M Kee to "Jim" b ums., and win prubamy cause a slump. In the price of Macaroni in the flew urirans market.,, ,' . " '.;?:"' I am afraid some one will accuse me of levity la writing thus, but I can no more take this aburd Italian blunder seriously than I can tbe annoucoed re tirement or Jobn Hherman from poli tics. It this act or th.i Italian eovern ment le seriously taken and followed to us logical conclusion it can mean but one thing -whc Had tbe same thing been .' done ' br that government at the court of anv first class Euronean power itwnubi undoubtedlyeretbia bave resulted in a decbira'ioo of war. But in this case there Will bt no" war. i We ian'1 flubt Italy because' we baven'l the shins!: and flal can't fisht ua be cause altborrgu.idie has the ships, she hasn't the money, t V " ; . ; What will we do to resent this in suit ? Nothing. -Our minister to Italy will remain , at -his post, unless tbe '.'Mafia ," which King Humbert evi dently fears more than tbe citizens of New Orleans did." shalr compel , the government of Italy to send him bis Eassports, in which ease he will return ome and Italy will not be represented at tne world's rair. An official statement of the afjHirhas been made public, which makes it l.tin that the administration is in no way re sponsible for the slap in the face It has received from tne nation or organ grinders and bogus counts, and which lakes as dignified a stand as is possible, considering that tbe absence or s navy powerful enough to cope With that . oi Italy stands In the way of w trying to a-sume too aggressive an attitude. Tbe following remarks made by Re presentative McCreary, of Kentuok) , woo was onairman or tne uouie uom mittee oc Fort Igu Affairs io tbe Fiftieth Congress, and who will probably oc- enpy the same position In the Fifty, second, represents the general senti ment la regard to the occarrence : The Italian government has acted nastily and without the dienity which ought and pwiniiy does mane dipioin alio negotiations. Ia the first instance Italy bad a rriovano , or belioved she had. la tne killing or three of tier sub- JecU in riot. .The United States promptly responded to ner demands by Instituting aa injury Into the mat tev Is perfect swed folth. While tbU ieveetiiraiiei is beisc made. Iks L'elted Nates baa bad time to take say st&6 further than to Institute tbe inquiry, tbe Italian government sud denly recalls her mlnMer sad breaks elf diplomatic relatione with tbe United ftatea. Ibis turns the tables. Tbe United Plate Is bow the party baying a grievance.' , r. The popular song "insyre sttev me" hi psrtk:ulsrly applicable to the man who disburses f 135.ono.d00 s year In tn e payment of- sessions. J ne tbev" In tbe present ease are several buudred department clerks wno neve invested sometntng nse sau.uw in s suburban real estate scheme f wbl.fe Commissioner Bnum was at the head. tbat is apparently as great s fraud as was toe , ueiriKeraior company so cleverly unearthed by Representative Cooper last year. Ti. la "snide" enter prise and Commissioner Beam's eon i.erHon therewith bas been brought to BIr. Harrison's attention, and ouos more there is a rnmor tbat Beam's re- .il.f uf k. - c h r . ..... ' . ivnniiuD wiia uo eaeu tor. r Ex-Secretary Whitney sad ex-prl- vats Secretary Dan Lament were wel come visitors to Washington this week. They are now associated in business. it is expected that Mr. Harrison end as many of his cabinet as care to go Will start on tbet much talked of trio to the Pacifle coast on the IStb, of this month. It bus been decided to make it a stag party. - Tbe Kincaui murder trial m drawing to s close. It looks like scquiltaf. Senator Faulkner' wife died at bis residence here last Tuesday evening. She was very popular. . . . - Secretary juater baa ofwnded tne Kuighte of Iqbor by retosing to make an tnveeitgatioa er certain charges they preferred against the chief of tbe Bureau of Eiaravine aad printing. They threaten to bring the matter . be fore tbe House when Congress meeto. , Vlstfef Heertja Waaalagfsa. ' The Centennial Anniversary of . tbe visit of General George , Washington to Salem will take place about , com mencement time, and big arrangeeaeata, are being made to have It oelebrated in handsome style during eoamanormmt week. "'- v. .... . .. v President Washington msdea South ern tonr In 1781 sad on h!s way South ward passed through tbe ens' ens part of North Carolina taking In Halifax, Tarboro, New Berne aad Wilmington. The following ts an extract ' dated Tuesday, May Slat, from his diary kept at tbe time : 6 About 8 o'clock, (after another half) arrived at Salem, one of ibe Moravian town. fcWlam ta a email, but aeat village ; and tike all the rest of tbe Moravian seUen5eats Is governed by an esee: lent police, having within it self all kindtef ariUaaa, Th number ef souk doej not exceed S X). Ex. f-- i i. f.LLc:n::A: 1 1 "DISEAS ; Ones or twice each rtw t" a ryn torn needs pargl it Xhm L -. ties which clo.if U Llood. 1 r eblidhood to old no rtavj meets ail eases wita tie lane ea talnty of good reenlts ae . BOTANIC BLOOT) BAT.TT. W. C. IfeCanhav. Webb Otr, Ark- w mora gooi kmkt An mr ether bkio4 BoriScr 1 m and. a. B. b. has done ate mora food and lev tmm 1 owa tne aumian 01 mt arc 10 k. P. A. SheDtura. Mortals. Va Aarat sa ttoC. writnt " I depend oa D. B. S. for the procrwuos of mf bealtb. I bar bmd k in my itmtly sew aearir two rean, aad ia all that tioM bare sot bad ta bave a doctor." rr Write for niatrd "Boo of WondonV LOOD BALK CO, aUasta. Oa. Saatfraa. . RADAfJ'S IGflODC KILLER. The OreaitoaS ISIacnva . erj law Ago. Old In Theory, but Tbe Remedy Be- , , . oeuuy discovered, .. "v,. i'"' ' -'. ' .- Vi' awaasaaaana.-'. '"'''.''"'''"- '-" -. : CUBES WITHOUT FAIL Catarrh, Consumption, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Pya. tepa!a, Cancer, ' Scrofula. Diabetes. Bright's Disease, Malarial Fever, Dip theria and cbilla. In short, all forms of Organic and ' Functional Disease. Tbe cures effected bv this medicine are In many eases - --,-. IvIIItAOI-ISS X . Sold tmty is Jngs eootalnlng one sjaTfee. rice Til rea Dollars a aaudl ln...tnw.i wben Healtu and Life can be obtained. History of ibe Microbe Kfller" free, tstild br L. B. Bolt at Co., Oraham, K. C IF you tt ant pure and Unadulterated , urugs, , .-, IF you ire la need of loe.telle SOap,- nt-r-i ,, - i,, , . r'v IF you are looking for S good fetes, complexion or sachet powder, IF yon would like to examine.( whether you'rlesirs to psrrhase.or not) first class line of cologne, mask, sad handkerchief extractsjtripplv and Jr quadruple) as Ine as can be boughs In (he U. S.r ' IP you wish reliable article of sta tionery, writing fluids, pens, pencils, writing tablets,(pen or pencil), mem orandum, note or tj s real nloe'pocket book, bill book es IF I be re Is aay paper, hook, or mag sine published in .this country ev Europe that yon would Ilk le sub scribe lor or hsvet. .. Lr,,, Fyoa want a good cheap efger er fine' all Havana smoke, er If yen wonld ratW.beve a aloe saerebmura or briar-root pipe or n genuioe arti cle of smoking or chewing tobecoo. IF you have to have' s pore whiskey for medicinal purposes, IF you are wbe aed want year pre scription prepared by a, Brglstered rbarmacist, -ii.".'' IF yon would like to hare any re- prietary or patent medicine call at tbe PEOPLST8 , DRUG STORE, and we will take pleasure in ahow ing yon ear goods end serving yea Io the best of oar ability. . Aay ar ticle usually found in s first class drag store that ym may wast and tbat we happen to be oat of st the time we will order for yow at a mo ment's notice. As ear ftrm same im plies, we are really TnEPEOrUTO DBUQ 8T0RE. OTB MOTTO IJ TO SERVE THE PEOPLE TC 7. THE SMALLEST POSSIBLE CC" PEXSATION. . ;'V ' Very RespeetfalTy, . C. K. t. BATH?, PVe'V. P. A. llrrHCXix, Beg, Pbar. HORSK AfcO CATTLE FC 1. WO rmJ fW f ' ' fit. M " rt- m r -nrrt-w w : ir w' "w " 1 k - . tjavl twf tWd'il feT su. . S &m . aar r wit.. r f ii-ni r ! tn

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