Hi The 1 .AMiANCE H K. , GRAHAM. N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 6t 1891. NO.; 26. 'IMPORTANT .CHANGE ! , IMPORTANT.' CHANGE . !. : ' n - 1 ! t 1 , ) w .'--' R- .ru' Hv ' t ' 1 tL. a Q ' -. ' : ... On September 1st we wish to make a change in our business, and those in our debt will , greatly oblige, as well as make the work much lighter, by paying their, accounts at once.--In -order to make the change in so short a time,' we will offer our entire stock of Clothing, Dry Goods, Notfons, Shcfes, Hats and Millinery atREDUCED PRICES. We are not goingout of businesssimply want to make a change that will make the people in this and surrounding' section open their eyes I " - It is the privilege of all to tell you in their candid way, what they have and how cheap, but. we know the people look.and judge for themselves; and that is all we want. We will take pleasure in sending samples or quoting prices,, and can make it a good investment for those who have surplus, to buy for next season, should their wants be supplied, but to those in need we urge an investigation of our stock and prices.. We will take barter in exchange for goods, but will only allow the cash value for such barter, as our goods will be offered at 'much' less than the regular cash market value Those who in sist. upon our paying the barter prices must expect us to get our marked prices for goods, but all know our usual prices are cheaper than goods are commonly bartered. All know we do not claim for our business anything we cannot prove, though it is a common thing for mer chants to advertise the "biggest stock and the lowest prices", and the usage is so general that '' the people have to see before believing, so we only have to say, come and judge. ; pat s 9 : 2 w w 6 g: tsi ' 1 ft 29' ft ft IL. JIB. m&JLT & D (Graham, ci . , PROFESSIONS L CARDS. JAB.BOYD, - i Attorney at law. Oreentboro, jV. 0. Will bo t Griiham ou Monday of each week attend to professional basinets. fSep 161 J. I. KEBNODLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW flBAIUm.N.C. Practices in the State and Federal Coar will faithfully and promptly attend to all bos acfumtroRted to him JACOB A.-LiONW-, attorney at law, . graham, " - : n.c, May 17. '88. E. C. LAIRD, M. D., HAW RIVER, N. .C FeVy 13,.'90.- .;( - " W.E. FITCH, M.D., graham; n. c. Offer, hi professional services to the peo of Graham and vicinity. . Call, promptly attended. ' .: Jane 11-91 Wmi E Teasley, D. D.S. Office : - S doors Wert of J. W. Har den & Son' store. Will be at Haw River last Friday of each month and (be Saturday following;. 49Auued by J. B. Stocka&d, Jk. Notice of Incorporation ! The Bright Side of Farming. There is a way to accomplish every possible result la this life if oee baa on ly tbe putience and skill to find It out. Often, too, tbe skill is born of patient endeavor. Bear this in mind. Striking illustration of the truth of these sayings is 'shown in a Connecti cut farm at New Canaan. Tbe land consisted mostly of rocky hillsides. with bowlders imbedded all over tbe surface. These had to be dug out by hand before any crop would grow there. The large meat and ' grain in terests of the country long since went to the far west. It would be madness for a New England farmer to attempt grain farming la competition with tbe west. Yet here on these atony hill sides with no good market very con venient, with the much abused middle man even keener scented than he is in the west, two partners, brothers, baye alieady laid up a competency and are realising a fortune. . How did they do it ? They acoom plish it by thoroughly understanding what they cxa do with their land. Their father began tbe business before them by starting a nursery. , He saw that something must be done,- or ' his would be added to the long list ol abandooed New England farms. So be began slowlj and cautiously chang ing bis fanning to fruit and forest tree raising. Tbere are now 350 acre In nursery, all thriving and paying well. But it is watched and tended as care fully as if it were a man's orchid bouse, and improved methods and stocky are adopted as last as they are known to be reliable. The partners say that' their paying crops are two nursery stock and summer boarders. Tbe farm now contains 500 acre, aad it is all run In the way to promote the IntereeU of two paying crops. In order that tbere may be no waste, and that tbe most of land. ot then he cau do as tbe Connecticut men did, produce other things that am in demand. Brains will solve it,' and seeming accidents will always point the way to the thing that will be suo cessful. It will give the cue. It did this in the case of the Nevv 'Canaan paying staples. Exchange. Oar Government and Its Powers. Wotke 1 hereby girrn t the Incorporation of the ttraham Cotton MiUs Iwtore me on the 90th Af JniUk 190t fur A ttmwinA hl . TiM name, of the IncnrDoratnn am Cliirlla I ma be EOt out of every foot A. Scott J L. Scott Wm J. 8tnckard. C. P. I Km .i . A ...11 .i Albright, O. W. Albrtxbt and J. A. flamU- i "" "J cows are Kept, sesiaee mere are lor work fifteen horses and six oxen. Thirty men art employed and boarded too. Tbe pnrpoae of the corpormtlon (, to nuna innum iVMon row; noolea goods, Bier- fnnaiM ana ur and m. mib Tb capital atoek b Mtf tboaMnd dollars divided Into shares of oii handren doliara "H. . Tbe SlockholoWs are not iDdlrUnailr I'.KI. .k. it f . 1 J The principal place of bauaaaa la a Orsn baa, Alamance coanly. If. V. J. L WHITE, C. 1 C. JaoatX.m-eX.of Alamaoce CooBty. liliii Cawats. aad Trada-Marfca btaiaad. aad ad F r Hmitn rxca. ewenctn Ciwihi u.I. prfTOrrec patcai m MM daw uaa laoa aBBaat tram Waabiadaav Baac i I aatdel. Amriitf or ninta. vtOi AVtilu Wa adriaa, ? pamiabta or ao. tr of L Oar trn sot da tit pa til is iiiini. a M. . m WM m fmt " - M 4.k aaM of anaaf clirro is) yaar taiatouatf,at. sva,aaaaa, .c.A.srjov&co. 1. Oa rrrcarr Omc. Wuaiaaraa. O. C on tbe place. Nearly everything pro duced on this model farm is consumed oq tbe place exoept tbe nursery trees. Tbe soil of tbe Connecticut farm was as unpromising as could . bo, and tbe market for tbe liulo that could be raised on It was not much better. Yet here are two men who enjoy every comfort that man needs, are accumulat ing money solely through the use of their brains. Tbey studied the situa tion carefully, adapted their products to toe demand ana came out oa top. Wbat they did la Coaaeclicnt other agrfculturkto caa do a I moat anywhere else in the, Union. The fanner has had reason to complain of hard times bet ' iefr - htoT reaae mSfr,-'sboTe-'all things, that the Lord helps those who help themselves. If the crops he has always raised are a drug in the mark- From Atlanta Constitution. ? The New York World and the Rich mond Dispatch have revived a discus enrsion which briugs out some impor tant points, fumiliar to lawyers) aud statesmen, but in danger of being: for gotton by tbe average citizen. ' It is a discussion ol the centralizing tendency of the federal government. As the Dispatch puts it, our govern meat has been transformed into one of unlimited powers. Its conduct in the matter of regulating inter-Stale coin raerce foreshadows possibly tbe conns cation of all railroad property. Exer cising such power?, there is nothing that the government cannot do. Ev ery state is helpless, from tbe great commonwealth of New York to little Rhody. Wben the federal govern ment can slice oS a part of a state and erect it Into a seperate state It can do anything. Haviug . formulated and forcibly . made, the thirteenth, four teenth and fifteenth amendment! port of the constitution, in violation of that instrument, it cannot be re strained by tbe organ io law which It bos destroyed form doing anytbbg that it desires to do. The World speaks out on tbe same line. It any that two clauses of tbe fourteenth amendment threaten to be come as overshadowing as the clause authorizing the regulation of the. com meroe of the 8tates by Congress. These clauses provide that "no State shall deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of Law," and that "no state shall make or en force any law that shall deprive any pereoq within its jurisdiction of the equal protection oi tbe laws." . r- Is Friday an Unlucky Day t Lee surrendered on Friday. Mos cow was burned on Friday. Wash, ington was born oa Friday. Shake speare was born ou Friday. America was discovered on Friday. Richmond was evacuated on Friday. Tbe Ban tile was destroyed on Friday. Tbe May flower was landed on, jjrlday. Queen Victoria was married oa Friday. King Charles II was beheaded on Friday. Fort Sumpter .was bombarded on Fri day. Napoleon Bonaparte was born on Friday. Julius Cauer was assas sinated on Friday. The battle of. Ma rengo was fought on Friday. Tbe bat tle of Waterloo was fought oa Friday. Tbe battle of Bunker Hill was fought on Friday. Joan of Are watt burned at the stake on Friday. The battle of New Orleans was fought on Friday. ine declaration or independance was signed on Friday. Friday Is not an unlucky day, no more than any other dsy, although a tnan sonteuced to be banged on that day many think so. Charlotte New. V inrngsiaatwomeawantto Know. will beseeo when activity returns, for That the hands may be kept from tben tne,r enterprises will be all ready perspiring by powdering FREE I them with finely pulverized starch, perfumed with orris root or sandalwood powder, or anything else that may be prefered Tbat a change in the weather will Oaty These kthr fr i Jtdvaaeo. at Tear la) Royal Arek Masons. Caasaaiptioa Cared. Aaold pbyaidaa, retirej from practice haying bad i laced In bis hands by an Eaat Iialia mlnioaary Uia fnnnola f a simple Tejfrtahla remedy for tbe speedy and per manent ere ot Onaamptiua. Broachiiia, Catarrh. Aaibma aad all tbroat and Laos; Affection, also a poeiUve and radical rare for Nerv-m UentUif aad all Vvrwmt Com plaints, after navtnt: tooted its wonderful cnrallre powers la Urawawl of canes, baa felt it bi daty to make H know a to bla awf fcrinK fellows. Actuated bv thU motira and a dVira to retire bamaa suflerlac. I will send free of cbarre. la ad wno deaire it. Ibis I rdrtne. in German. Preach nr EalUh, with nu inxMun lur iyH mnm awD(. mm br m-til by sddreaaiaa: wUa aump aamla( thispainr. V. A. Kora. . Power.' Block, Rocheaicr. H. X. - Many lVrttons Art brokea daw a from Wfl or booatboid ISroWD's Iron Bitter . rebnnaa the rweam.atdiaW mitm. iiarnua- aatat BUa, aad cufta ms'at la (. Um MiirNKAPOUS, Mixw July 23. The general grand chapter Boyal ArcbUftsous of the United State of America began Its ' tweoty-elgh'.h triennial coo vocation here yesterday. This body I tbe largest Mosonio body In the world, baying a membership ot 141,901. It is also the oldest body iu tbe United 8tates, and will celebrate IU centennial in 1897. An address of welcome was delivered by Mayor P. B. Winston, and a ' response by the general grand high priest, D. F. Day, ofBuffaio.N.Y. The report of tbe general grand scribe showed titan . In two year the new growth of the or der was 14,042. The total member ship now is 141.901. Since 1889 $180,. 798 were collected and $! 68,095 ex pended. Tbere are 2,069 .enrolled chapter. Interesting reference was made te the growth of tbe order in Asia, Mexico and South America. The grand chapter la Chill bad Dot beeo beard from oa account of tbe civil war. Tbe general grand high priest lo bis address said tbat the grand chapter of Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Yirgiaia, which were still in dependent, would probably be brought esder tbe general eapter, a well as Canadian grand . chapter, before the centennial. - to take advantage of prosperous time. I be movement of capitalists In 1 this dlreotion are illustrated by report In w Manufacturers Record of tbe pur- AhAU In. ' immatlafj. A . -. I aT. u.- . 25.000 acrea of !,.. nn iimK-. t a " w " we announce tnat v-icw vnuw uiaaKrrcouirj wiivkn upon 1 ' . " w'" "-vi wuu umi . . fl- . t Kda AAinnlitvtnn In t a fitt m m a lt,- I New Castle. Vs.. at an advanna nf v I we nave maae arrangement wilo tnat remedv mav often be fouud in 'almr,l percent, over the price which it sold poPulftr' i"trated, monthly msgaxine. coolioa- drinks. ' . lor lost September : the decisioaof the "e Awtartean farmer, pnMlsbea - sc That the superfluous hairs my be wnfbout 70,000 acre near the Cleveland,' Ohio, r to have it mode leas plainly visible by bleaching ume P,ttoe to commenoe it active I mailed direct,' FBEE, ' t tbe tbem. . -7 development and to construct too addres ' of ' any 'of ' the ral That there is a new kind of inedl- mH ruUr0d r thia purpose the sale scribers to the Alaicawrk fli.ftiwn cine for Indigestion, which Is working o" ,ron re property near Who will pay np all arrearage on iob- wouaers. it is uea jnsteaa oi ordin- """"..nr,, i. vas purcoase oi i j,u. .,t i j v . iw, v. whm wr UW.VW f S.i.J . .. by New England cnltallat.. .h .in ,rvm Q Da mmamw utilixe iu trreat waur-rwnr hw h.,iM. wh w1 W ooe year In advance. It " " ... ' " I . ' . .....!.. a. .. i ng cvltoo mills, etc. t tbe uurcbase of " ' "HP""y nine- 600 acre of land near Baltimore ' by oUm form journal free. ' I eoU yon 1'lttsburg manufacturer, who will build manufacturing town ' the full ary table salt, and is in no , way dis agreeable to the palate. ' , Tbat a mixture of tincture of ben xlon and roaewater is an excellent re medy for tighteniug the akin when It Is inclined to form wrinkle.' That benzoin Is an excellent polish for tbe fingernails. " i organization of a f3,000,000 company That ynseliae Ukeo hslf a teaspoon- (" Birmingham, Texas, composed ful at a lime, cures a cold. I largely of English capitalists Interest- That an excellent beautifier for the I1 lD Jilddleeborougb, Ky.,' lo build complexion I a hot-water bath, follow-1 n iron-maklnj town 1 the" organize ed up by Jab of euu de cologne upon 1 1,00 of a $1,000,000 mining oompaoy to the face. ' One Toseh of Nstare. The Editor ot tbe Billville operate at Llano, the great Bessemer ore center of Texas. There are e few of tbe big thing reported for tbe week (Oa.) I that Indicate tbe tendency of capital' isu to be oa tbe lookout for good investment despite ' strlogency, Among other enterprise reported la this week's issue of the Man- ufadurerf Record I a $1,000,000 salt company in Kentucky ; cotton mill aa $89,000 eon- wcklin' iralca mmirr. Banner state tl grievance alth less elegance, perhaps, than somo, but with as much force aa any lie labor ed .with the same burden that bs fal len on many others, and seems to peak from tbe bottom of a very fall heart, he say : ' MA paper cannot live I t Charlotte, N. C. where a town council sticks Its no I tract for waterworksngieesat8ayan tioe on a china tree and tb mer-1 h ; aa $80,000 rolliog mill and cot cbsnte da their advertising on paper I ton tie company at Denlson, Texoa ; a sack. Some of them y it doe not 1 1300,000 aale of phosphate land In pay to advertise. Wby did.'t they I Florida ; an Increase of $500,000 la tbe say ao before we planted tbe Banner I capital stock of go and water works in this cussed one borne town f Here looropany at Macon, Gs. ; for enlarge- we are with $500 worth of fine priot-1 men. ; a $500,000 phosphate company ing material and not business enough J in Florida $ a 150,000 woolen mill com to furnish grub to a grasshopper, I paoy la Texas and a $100,000 lumber Guess we'd never settle at. aaotber I company In tb same Rtate: a $200,000 water tank with alot of ignorant peo-1 coal boupatiy la West Vlrjlnl a $75,- pie. Unless wr get some new ad vr-J 000 Improvement company at Florence, tiaement thia week the paper goes up 8. C, and a $30,000 company at Bel the spoul, and we shall kwv this God- Igb, N. C. ; $500,000 voted for public foreken,'meiey town end open bar improvement at Knovllle, Tenn. ; a at Drunkard's Gulch and get rich. $1,000,000 construction oompaoy in Waco (Tex.) Day. West Virginia; a $100,000 Improvement compaby In Manchester, Ve. ; on of Wise Capitalists Xaklag Hear f avaKsaeata. $500,000 iu Basic City, Ve., asd one of Tbe Beet Palve in tbe world for cute brakes, sore, ulcers, rait rheum, fever sores, tetter, cbapped bands, chilblains burns and all "kia eruptions, and ?Krl. lively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect -U in- ! ,o.., or monry reinnaeo. rnc a arejuUtiy bying their plan lor isa o.uu.boxu Albnght'd Drug wore , poot wUdolfl Tie ifanufaeturear' Record of July Z& My Shrewd financiers who recognize the (act that tbe time tw make ioveattaeat is during period of depnenion caused by moeetory alrlngeocy, and who also appreciate the facts that this country baa not stopped graving, aad that in dustrial development, Instead of being overdone, is still in it infancy, as com pared with wbat tbe future w II show, :i $10,000 la Louisville, Ky. ; $25,000 water work iu Brunswick, MJ. $25,000 cot toe seed-oil mill company in Texas; large fire-brick worke in 8outh Carolina, An. For a midsum mer week, with Europe and America puzzled over fiaanoial matter, this summary shows a really remarkable degree of activity in Southern develop ment, and indicates wbat may be ex pected this fall and winter with a re turn of oonfiJcnce to the butties world. riothiog to get ' a' large , 19-page llln- trated journal, of national circulation which rank among the leading agri cultural papers. It highest purpose' Is tbe elevation and ennobling of Agri- ' culture through the higher and broad er education of men , and women en gaged In it pursuit., Tbe saboctip- . tion price of lb Jswrfcmt Firmer ie . $1.00 a year, thai of the GLximcx $1X0 ayerijy pajrpg.thelJK) etilctly In odvsDce you can have tbe America Farmer free, ' if you ; want It. Front ' any ooe number idea can be obtained ' that will be worth thrice the ubjcrip tion price to you or member of your house., ... , .". . Do not misunderstand thie offer. , Only those who pay 11.50 In advance , from date get -the America Farmer free. . ,v ' j . ;. ; , , -.- t We reserve the right to withdraw . this offer at any time, so If yon want to ' ' take ad vanuge of It, do not pat off do- ' Ing o too long. - ' ; ' We believe our farmer readers will be greatly benefited by taking advan tage of this offer, Jt I by lone odd -. the beet proposition w have ever been , able to offer, and we hope it will ho the meaoe of largely increasing oar subscription list, as that will partial. y oflset th extra cost we incur in giving ' itaway. . . ' V.' - '' . v!" ": ' 8ampl copies caa be seen ak this : , officer . , . " Durham Sum; From fkrner living ' near II I lo way's Junction, thiseouuty, on the D. 4 N. Road, we leant that l here was severe damage done to tbe growing erop by loot 8unday V utor. HoilMooe fell inaom plaoee aa large as hen eggs. ron rns blood, W-aknem. UiW hdi. A BiUoeatx-n. taka liaiiwsiiaox BiirrRH. It rnrea aaW- It. or aale ht ait C-aalaa la

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