vol, xvii GRAHAMrN'..C.', THURSDAY, AUGUST ,1 3,.; 1 89.1'. NO. 27. 'IMPORT ANT CHANGE !..; , IMPORTANT rftt i rr J'!" ' il. -f .1fi V t , o p , toisi .' (Pt , ... B ft ft v On September 1st we Wish to make a change in our business, and those in our debt will1" greatly oblige, as well as make the work much lighter, by paying their accounts at, once."' In t'. order to make the change in so short a time, we will offer our entire stock of Clothing, Dry Goodst.NotionsJShpes, Hats and Millinery at REDUCED PRICES. We are not going out of ' business simply want to make a change that will make the people in this and surrounding section open their eyes I , , , . It is the privilege of all to tell you in their candid way, what they have and how cheap, but y ' - .. ...... ,: .- .. 'i - .' -. ',.; ' : . .. -.t ,..,:,.. :,,,,,'.;..,. we know the people look and judge for themselves; and that is all we want. We will take pleasure in sending samples or quoting prices, and can make it a good investment for 'those ' who have surplus, to buy for next season, should their wants be supplied, but to those in neecf T! we urge an investigation of our stock and .prices. , . We will take barter in exchange for goods, but will only allow the cash value for such barter, as our goods will be offered at much less than the regular cash market value Those, who in-, sist. upon our paying the barter prices must expect us to get our marked prices for goods, but , all know our usual prices are cheaper than goods are commonly bartered. All know we do not cjaim for our business anything we cannot prove, though it is a common thing for mer chants to advertise the "biggest stock and the lowest prices", and the usage is so general that the people have to see before believing, so we only have to say, come and judge. ' ' CZ1 :'-fcir ';f"r' '! 1""'. . ; S2 M O' iyrvtfv WJ ..;- A leaf . ft jiJ ki Ji S3 :j ' " Pi 'Mtk' ' Vuf -M'"' " Sr. : "i'.ftiV 05 : . , ,!. y ' --iJ i !. J.-t. -( IS fill t4 "1' Sl ---Mil ii-l I '1.1 IWi'M ,J ,''.t(j,'n''f i(4 K!lW ' 'nilt'l ii 1''i" T' : "..' .1. ''-, j yf, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Will bo at Graham on Monday of each oek attend to pcafosslonal bnlnee. frffcplfil J. T. KEKNOBLE. ,t .ATTORNEY AT LAW 64Hn, Practlcen in the (Hate ' and Federal Cmf faithfully aud prompt!; attend to all bnss lefnutms'ted to him "' v J-' JACOB -A.. LONW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, "' QUAE AM, V .' . X C, . Mavl7.'88. E. C. LAIRD, M. D., HAW RlVEK, IT. .O W.E. FITCH, M.D., GRAHAM, N. C. Offer bit prbteuloaal services to the peo Calls . promptly ' JnncJI-91 . e of Griham and Tldulty attended. .'- -ri m Careata, and Tnte-Markt Obtained, and all ttU ' ot Diiiinf eoedneted fsf Mooimatc rcca. " ci oiet i owoaiTc.b. . p.Ttirr Office ana w eta Mom patent in mm tuna than thoa lamot from WaaningtoB. Bend model, dnwtbg or photo., with drterlp tkm. W adriia. If patenubla or not. Ire of charge. Onr ax not do till patent Is seoared. PtHPMLr-, "Hot to Obtain Pitenu,n with anus of artnsl clienu hi yoai State, oouB or town, scot free, Ailrirn, C.A.SfJOW&CO. 4m msr orner, WaaMiaaroa, O. 6. SIMPLE COPIES FREE ! The Sunny South, . , Farm and Garden, Motes. A dry ben housa and a chuoco to ex ercise promote health. - x The fea'hers are the more Import ant item In keeping geese. ' ' If eorameal must be fed, bake it and crumble it into Bweet milk. Always crush the eggHBhelU before feeding them to the poultry. A hen pari in tiroportfon to the number of eggs she produces. - To fatten rapidly give the fowls all the corniaeal they will eat up clean. Ploughing and ' liming the poultry runs purifies the soil and promotes health. BaW Corn meal , made into dough with water is ft poor feel for young poultry, : , ' :,. The yoono; poultry will do better if placed on new ground away' from the One decided advantage with chiek- ehs batched fa an incubator is their freedom from lice, '., . , ' .., ', ' , Properly picked an average of one pouod of feathers can be secured from each goose each year. . The capacity of the houses . depends not entirely off the number - of hens. but alto upon Iheir sjjte. ' Plants growing in pots need repot ting for two reasons-they nil the pot with roots and exhaust all th avail, nble fertility. - , Cutting of tlie bottoms of the bulbs t when setting out the tuberose bulb; j will hasten the growth as Well ai the flowering. - , ' ' The honeysuckle and the trumpet vine can be -grown as shrubs by fast ening tbem in a stake four to five feel high and keeping the ends plucked of) at the end of the stakes. eyebrows were drawn together witb an expression of anxiety and appro-" hension. Mr. X, walking op and down his range of show rooms, had again come into sighL and bed paused, looking in. "We'd gr you 'one, ma'am, I am sure, in two or three) davs," she repeated. ' Now it was the customer who did not answer. She beran turnintr over the pilo of nnlrimmed bonnets, while her pale attendant hovered aboqt ber. i -. i tnrowing in propttiatorr words. Mr. The clematis family is one of the i X stood and looked in froia the Wide doorway. She could see the scowl on his face. At last the custom- fohsfte as well as the flower, is very in D.ac(, 1., the t hich sfL They die down to the top '. lj wanted, departed dissatisfied The or morel tent for evert ynrly riihscriuUon. Oltbe ground every fall. &n vegau, iremoungiy, to pui togetn- A sample copy will btt satu fre to auy addrest -: . ' er the bonnets. Tears) came to ber ' ' ......T , j . : i l i , , 1 oin nuu incu nor o m sell. CbmapfiewjCartd. i Hid she dreaded the wrath of ber maa- ti h. nwiM ter- Hs bad been in bad temper all India mi.itoi.arv the formula of a simple nappenea juw looayi Air. jl Teie'.alile remedy for the rpcedy end per-' moved away; she saw him go to the ! Aft UN86L6 60NNET. tad Story of an Every Pay Tlappenlng fa , the Lores Cities. . It was evening in Oxford street, just before the hour of lamp lighting. The skylight colors had faded and the twi light softness had not yet begun, so that the street picture was printed in unsoftened black and white. Gas waa beginning to twinkle, however, in , some of the shop windows; and up- ! stairs in the millinery show room of Mr. X a boy had just come in with a taper and had loft a bright illumina tion behind him. The lifrbt fell upon ' two figures a customer, doubtful and dissatisfied, end a young woman in black who stood before her, display ing1 bonnet after bonnet These are quite flew, ma'am ; the : ery last thing from Patris." , , . "Yes," said the customer, heaitat fngly. . ' " W ould you not try this on, ma'am t I am sure it would suit you." - "I don't like a straw bonnet for winter." "We could make you one in velvet, ma'am." , ,. , 'Velvet spoils so with the rain. Are you quite sure those are all the felts , you have, that you sltowed me f . i 'All InW. naVn. TXT ' get you one made any shape you like ' to Order." . , - j "Oh, tioj I could not order one ' without seeing it," said the lady. Then she took up one which she had looked . and flnalW it n A A.:.1A 1 SfteiTlOOn for the seoond time that it would not ' l j' )ory that happens every day: do. "It really is very extraordinary i "d 400 f?a to?e of London, that you should not have one in ?,.'Id Reakv t,h!Pa7em!nt brown," she said in tone of annoy-' lOS11 , 1u,ltrade tb ance. For a moment the girl did not - "r,,u, ",u " "u uuw " CUUB- answer; ahA rml crmvm naler anI luu I uwu wiin no girt either for c6mplajnt or excuses, and for girls of that kind the tyrants or tnis world nave no mercy., fche went up stairs to the bedroom, which she shared with two others. Il Was bare, clean, depressing; about aa fcomelike as a prison cell, Bhe looked round it, half blinded by her tears, And wrung her hands, murmuritig, "What shall I dof Where shall ! got" - The room was quite brightly lighted now by the glare of the many lumps in the street . She stood so for a min ute, then Wiped away her tears and began packing and arranging her few properties in her box. When this was Gone she must go forth into the even ing and And herself a shelter for ths night and for the morrow. To-morrow would begin again the familiar, heart breaking search ' for work, to continue who could guess how long! And who could tell what character Mr. X- would give of her? And she had 30 shillings with which to face the world. Her tears began to fall again as she locked her trunk and rose from her knees. Bhe waa glad to hide ker face with hor veil and to steal away secretly, fearing to meet any one, lest the .farewell should breai down her courage. ' - Bo she passed out into the evening and on to Oxford street, the "stony ncartea stepmotuer. .' to leave them for a few wccics, out that she had prepared a little surprise for them and that they were all to come to her house on Wednesday at 1 o'clock. They all camo, and She gave them cake and candy and lemouado extra sweet After a while tho minis ter came in and he rubbed his hands ' aud looked very smiling. And then the doorbell rang aud the young lady rushed . to ' the door and ran some one into the back parlor and pulled the portieres td so quick no one could see in. Then she put her head in and told the children to be very quiet and set very still o the surprise was all ready. Then the portieres were1 thrown back, and there stood teacher all dressed in white, and the good young man had hold of one hand and the minister stood just beyond them, and he up and married that good you nar man and teacher on the spot Then teacher ' kissed each and every scholar aud . l Oniflvod bw seas', bred Worms an1 Itu ' fects, greater creatures developing out of lesser. Beetles in the course of ages became, tortoises, earth worms became ' serpents, high flying insects became (birds, some of the turtle doves became pheasants, egrets became' cranes, and Wild cats became tigers. .The praying taantut was by degress ti-ansformed into an ape, and tome of the1 apes be came hairless, ' A hairless a do made a fire by striking crystal apon a rock, cud, with the spark struck out, ignifr iiig the dry grass. With the fire they cooked food, and by eating warm vic tuals they grew large, strong and knowing, and werochanged into mien. Adele IL I'ielde iu Popular Science JloBtla,;:v:-;.i;.-v!''.,v;.i fe-rr.ru '4 H0th-t Only U thmH) Wai fay for Year laf V . . ': (. paagwr la taw TOUm. , , , Host peopla i suppose that feathes1 beds, feather bolsters and feather oil- lows' contain feathers, and sometime home, serene of conscience, to his wife and daughters at Brixton, giving no second thought to the incident of the .Wtalovely.urpriae;nowyo XZFJZitTA feathers,, end it is proper , to believe Ciat some manufacturers make their pillows and bo brier what they profess to be. - But a, woman who has worked ia such a factory has told a medical may thrown some rice at us as we ride' away. ' rr- """! .: -.-r---yv . And she and hubby got into a eoacb and were driven o(t iu a perfect bail storm of rice. And this a "truly" toryi Washington Post . j Girl, and Tbalr Fhotosrapha, Learn to say no when asked for I . l A t V . . A Mr. X meanwhtle was going ZSffSp" SEraS '-z j rt ; ucviAijy uw w uu. luw. i m wins Cot rrett aontbern Tamlly laken la evert hooxHtold. vry btt of I he They make a rapid floaerlDg vinrs. j growth and the Weekly, should, i i.e ijrlee la on. benlitiful. y S-J a year, and a prnot wortli tb.t nmoun Write at auea to I. it XILS A CO., - AtlaoU, Gs. TasOLSwn: and Baaav fonth will be furnished for SJ.75 a year U tbusa takiur ooib panera, alylNf ' KuMstrteny In tlta Baart, - Dr. Augustus Wallor, of Philadel phia, has recently made a number of experiments showing that it is possible to detect by existing electrical instru ments the electric currents generated at each beat of the heart Two people, holding each other by the hand, and connected with a capillary electrom eter, give evidence of electric shocks through each other. The hands of a single subject dipped into two basins little word much that will protect you irom evil tongues. .Learn to unnic tnat your face is too sacred to decorate the apartment of Tom, Dick or Harry, no matter if ono of the thrco is one of the plcasantest , follows in the world. When the sun imprinted in black and white, just how sweet and how dainty fon look, it did not mean that , the picture should have incense in the shape of tobacco smoko or dubious praiso in the form of a dismission of your points rendered to it Giveaway your picture with discretion. Bemenr ber that some day will come along Prince Charming, who will have a ri"bt the right owned by the master of the heart to aak for the counterfeit presentment of yourself after he knows that he is going to have the real girl lor his own. Think how mortified you would bo if be should discover that tho givintr away of your photograph joornal that the" practice is venr iren eral of staffing quantities of dirty rub bish into so-called feather pillows, bol sters and beds. More positive evidence is found jn the fact that such articles have been eat open and found to con tain scrap of dirty black serge, ap parently porta of eotsc sleeves, 'pieces of dirty i greasy silk dreaatay old wor ted braid, soiled linen rags, and col ored calico.? and ether filthy, sub stances. Of course, such things carry deadly diseases. The safe. way ia to pay your own leathers and stuff your own pillow yourself unless you can stepend on your deate. Good House keeping. , strumnnt at every beat of tho pulse. New York Telegram. PEERLESS DYES V" si rer ulack trcocattbs. mdm la a a f'.UM ik kam Wirt Wat r mU. Coll by flrmjttea. AIM PrnleaBmmr.mts-Scalua, , fria.LMia!fy CtuK Psulca h( Dtw-s csiaa. yDMl.N ISTBATOfe'g rOTlCE. manmt eire of tnirmption. Brmthlil. cashier's desk in the next room. He Idhni .nil .11 lhn.ll .ml l-II.tr i 1 - -1 . Catarrh. Asthma and all thr.at and La.ig Jkfrartifm. aim a dosIU and radical rure ' iir ftenhMis I)e"itlur aad all "rrro.i Com - a la '!- tkat r1fT ! plainU, after bui letd tU wonderfnl curative povers la tiMnriirs of fa. hi.s felt It hU daty in make h koown to his suf trrlmr fellow.. An.ii-d bv thU motlre and a aVire to rrHre bnnjan snfff lug. I will ter.it Irr. of chance. U ail wi.o oWire it, th' r.M-li In Orrnian. Frem-li itr Enelbh. with : U dlreetiun. 1r preparing and nin. seni ' be mU by addreaaint; witb Uai aaniica; l oil. paper. " A. SoTtn, ! " K ansllded as admlntntratnr on the atate of Ncwtoa H. Wkite aer'J arnica 1- b.re by Rlfea to all porMra .uvuieViiiu. akaimt th wKlr to prrsei t "rm .hi or brf tr tba of Jo.'t, IWJnrU.l hodr- win ! i'-.d ia bar ol recovery. . H. WF' B inly at, 1MH. AeVia'r, bU Powrr.' Biock, EocbeMrr. H. I. irrmratffie. ferton AndrVoa tmoMrd wM aerrnimw mnTlfa frna i.utfutur.fttlifl fa tklVed bT 'ir" V rrrM Ini liifrr. (irimxi. went meekly. Us t ,rrtam trj.'sot-tt. came back witu a paper and a few shillings, which he threw down an grily before her. "You'll just sin that if yon please, miss." It was an account of the wages due her. She looked up at him in mute tppeal; the angry and overbearing ice was answer enough. Che put h-r , name to the paper, and a tear fell i on it "Now, you, can just pack up your thinn ana go this minute," said he, ' rou jhly. Tve no place for a young ' lady that can't seii a bonnet' She gatliered up the money and bhe was a timid jprt A as.ry mi arcaay. There was a rery sweet young lady wbo waa one, of the kind of young iadiea whom all the old ladies say are -sucn geoa ear is." btie tauent a uun day school class of assorted kids from S to li, ia a well known church, and ber own meekness and goodness so worked upon their natural depravity that they lost all desire to throw putty balls and play marbles for toeps, and call names and tease the girl. Teacher loved children and children loved teacher. And somewhere or other the teacher got acquainted with a young man, and things went on juat'like a story book a Sunday school story bnoic The young lady looked very, very happy, and waa very, very busy. She wouldn't attend all tLecharitiee bees, and had to resign the fourth vice presidency of the l)orcai Society for Miking heck tics for tbe Heathen. And one bunday atie told tier class; of water in connection with the eleo-' has been almost as general as the in- trometer. give a deflection of the in-1 Wa laera 4t Vj"sf 1 B XTa ia VaAa'a rwi mi rr Ttunk bow ho will fed if he sees youe face looking over the rnantebshclf in Dick's room Dick whom he knows to be a braggart, and a man for whom he has the utmost con tern nt Then just loam to say no. - Dent display your photographs to your men friends, and yon will not have this unpleasant task; but if you should do it, and uof have the cottrage to say the little mon txyiiablo, be wise and refer them td papa. Ladies' Uorae Journal. ; Thai Cblasss The ery af KrolatlM. The rocks are the bones of the di vine body, tbe soil is the nesli. the Probabilities of an CpJmhMw In tbe line of physics r natural phitov sophy, tliere are errors in common ao ceptation to a degree that is truly aston bbing. That as. that these is great dan ger of the world's U owing up from aa explosion of natural gas. ilow could there be an exnlcaioh whheut combus tion? Ilow could there be any combus tion Without oxygen? Bow could there bo any oxygen without air? . How oould eir at-tUo in a deep bonng when tbe r reran ro of the res la so much greater than the air iun-lff It ia well known that fmh powder can be put into a cannon that containet fire with perfect aofery, if the "thumber" docs his duty dor not let a draft of ai pnaa through tlie chamber of the gun. Tho powder cannot crpJorie wlthoot ait oxygen. Bo wafj not oral gas. . It can oot explode so long as it is not subjected to boUi rant and air. Edwin Walters m Be Louis Kepnbttc. . . It is with pleasure we announce that we have made arrangement with tbal popular, Illustrated, monthly magazine me American Fanner t pubnabed ai Cvelaodf v, 6blo, ' to' ".'bate' It mailed direct, , to ;. Ibet addresi ' jf"? any flpf( the sob scilbers to. tbe AtAMAHcq jOxtAHsU wbowlUpsy.qp allarrearagseon sub. seripiiona and,, one year-'io, advaoue from date anl ttyaey- eew "stttraetlbere who will pay ond J-aar1 Iff advance.' lr la e rrnnfJ dppdrtuulfy lb bbufa a UrsV , elm (arm journal free. 'It ebsti fori' irated Jouroaf, of national, bireelallon wbiftb raus among the lefdirfg agr1 cultural papers,,, Its .hlghaet, purpoae, if the elevation andrenuobllng of Agrt culture through bhe:blgber and broaoV eredueaUoB of btea lend women, ts gaged Irt Ita puraulls. The subaxsrip-- on pnoe or tueiimeneanT tamer ' fas $1.00 a ear, that bflhe Oleakkk ft Jtf a year. By paylngjb $it) siiictly in advsoco you can. bare the :ssartoB Farmer free, If you Want ' K From' any one number Ideas can be obtained that will be worth thrice Ibe nbscrip' tion price to you or membere of youi house . ; ; .;;.;..-'-'-'Jv;.i''.':iLiIir Do- not miautidersland Ith 1 offer.' Only those who pay fTJjO In edvanee Irom date gst, Ibe America ''Farmer 're'- . . !- ' ,i rs -j-it i t, , We rrsrrve tbe figbt c withdraw this offer at any lha,ao if you wantlcr, take aHlvaniage of rt, do not pat off do In. in tjui Iah. .,;'.'. , ' i ! v' f We believe our faroitr readers will be greatly bn-utet by taking advaat lajte of tbU oflVr. Jt is by long odd tbe brat pru poaiLioa we have ef rf been - sble to offer; aad we hope h wIN M the tneaiia of brrgely ' lliereeahsg car aHbacripti-m lw, na imrt wIN partial.y oQettbeaxtra t:oM we incur ia Kiviua; itawayv ; . " ' fjample copies can be aae-n at that office. .- .r-.,',- ;at: s . a tuiu iicr cimk . , , . . .1 . ,. ,-.v, j 1.1... i. .1 ' cycles ucveiopeu inioaaruoa ami trees. WK.f.,11,,. ...mi.i;.. . A tho body of man, unwashed for over each other, thai she would Lave Ufa ml t Conrerniag lobsters, exiieits sat thai ! young crustacean hare to be put m the Stawaifcr a vaiM fmlr, ' purfaU m ll,A iml V. . : im alsul aa aion an h.f-lml ami tH - tdc, wind; rain, clouds frost and dew I a w fd voraciooaly. They are ' Tb Brt Pal ve In I be wHr.d for eut areallcaosod by his respiratioas, puVr bom with at nan rnooSh to know that brelM er,elrrMaIireeB, , frtrf ationa and exhalations. Originally lobsters make dcliciooa food, and they M.rr, iir. cl.appwt hand, chilblains tho mountains roso to the firmamcnL I etttcS one anothrr savagely and hun burns and all ski erupiioaa, and posl. and the seas covered the mountains td ' &'T' Tljr tew da tbey awim oa the euros ptkra, or no ay rrmrrd their tops. At that time tliero waa, in ' scrf.vf. where they find the food sailed U auaraaiced to aive rfrrt iia. toe diviiMS bodv.no Ufe besidee the: to their early requirement. - Here their faction, oraaooiry rvfnnrW. lnoe 25 divine life. Then tbe waters subsided ! destruction b eiHirmoiia, In a few daya etuui a Ixix a Albriaht's Dnrjj sior Sknall herbs crew, and in the lap of ; " s wauang or erawung mem- ncrs are ueretopca ana ne smaa to tne years, breeds vcruiu so the nwuutaiua, bottom, where be mokes Ciamo IleraU. rur. i.t'b.'r.rwiA Tut Brwaa Ina Bittern. 'j lrtieiAia te-ocMnenl It. I ATI oealeir wn iv Ti m per rww.

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