VOL.. XVII, I , , 'Til - ; ' tM:-Bauffh& XTAWCiV.rtrkci T iNeW fellOeSl J Ladies, low , cut shoes-and many .unseasonable Tobacco barn flues and; sheist-iroii ! Wdhayeax this section. - Gomewe will not keep you Waiting ahdwill not charge you war - MILLINERY IWe" are making' a birun and , - eome 5 PEOFEPPION A L O AE D3. i " A LI . . AO! .,J s- . A.1?T0UNEY At tAW. v J ' " Greentboro. IT. C. , WjlUid at Graani oii Monday of each wseh Rttend to professional brilne6.; 8e 181 i (f raiatco ia the Btnto and Federal Conr iil fitltbfnUyand promtiy attend to all bitss (eMiitruHted to him - v' ,-. '. JA. GOB A.' LONti, ATTORNEY AT tA.W, 'Way lT.'RS.' " " - ' ' " :' ffb'y 13, '90 .;;;'-; ','':.,-; w;e.1fitch;m:i; ' " GRAHAM,1 N. 'C. , i . ' v Offer hU protcwlipal ervlee to the poo of Graham andTlclnty. ;riC?allB prompt attended, "fv1 i-'.ts:,A '" lf-fil ' .. jm. . r iina Cmll sad Trade-Mart, obtained, and aU Pat ent IrulnoM eoodntfcd tor Moatumrt fKv S.t.fWir- "How to Obuin Pientt,"Ith BoflcScllenu In oar State. COOBty.ol town, eoat tie. Addieev ; . , C.A.GrJOV&CO. Orw. fTirr Omct, nrnamwarew. e..tf. .SAMPLE COPIES FREE ! Cor tWtf 6oother family weekly, e . -l ! mi hoiwebolu. The pri The price b on 1. kt y atv, and a recol worm ium .uk-uu or mora l bb 'r ever, jrpi "- A eunple eotiy will be Mot free to any addrew Write oa , - ft ,2A i CO., . - AilanU.a. Trt GfcwB and Sbbot ioinh will oe fnmUhcd for W.7 year to UkmS . both paper, t, . ? i -' ..-.,." 5 iWalyVU ,' '-.',' -t FEEHLESS DTK S3 'for BLACK STCCJiXb. , Soli by ironist. Ala i I Itl,.tr.r. p. ..I., Tnfc Vr'.tll T ftln Pcuktfia 1W A1 DMIMSTBATOR'8 KOTICE., .,!., nn.iifl.4 u udmlnlrtrsUw on In Aim i-M elif.-f rio II. WbileiWd miiiw i.bor .t L'lTi-n " H prTi"""1 bavin? r!aim r:rit ti - xiaii. u 'rrcM 'Im-iu n or hrfore the . ( J i t. t.$ . r lb; to '.. wVi f5 r'tai . . ..I i.r- u.r, S. Ii. V 'j . : . "" " c j' nn .. .-: ... Kii'i i'f ' Sons' Ground Bone for We have. a rady; received - over -50 cases ..V. , absolutely solid and our prices X. 'THERMOMETERS ANDTOBACCO;XNIVES, brine the children, we . ' - ' ; ASSUMING OFFICE ' IN DCMINQ. ' f BceeKtiioftlm Conneotd wltli Changing Fostmantaiw In Nw Mexleo.- Stranger, this hfere is a true story." ' It happened hi Doming, New Meiy loo, at tho thriving town that lies at the junction of (he Southern Pacific and tho Atchison, Topeka and Santa F nPoltics, had - beou red bot'fof months them. Tho opposition, beaded by Bill Carnis,a leader wjtb -a pull, wanted; to oust the postmaster. The postmaster is the boss Of the town in New Mexicoi The Oarnis party made things hunr tn their campaign, "and, with the aid of two newspapers that C&rais ran, ' they succeedea in their' fight ,- The Ficuors called a conference in, the highest aft gallery that the town boasted. ' Tlie great question wad whowould take the postinastership. Tho defeated man .traveled with a bad gang, who were toad; clear through about the defeat, and who had shoot' ing irons galore and weren't particu lar about the wav they let them off. y "I guess you'd better take it,'Car 018," said the "bboya ' " ' r-;"WhaL tsusrj- ' "y i: ? "Yes. b'hevins, there : ain't no one else as can properly represent-us."' " i "But I've got my newspapers to edit." : "Let'em run theirselves, and step 1st And whoop the postofBo up." ' " j V Carnis saw there was nonse declin ing the honor,' and so ho said-in a ie- Sairinji tone that he'd see about it e had a band of friend himself who weren't used to standing monkey bus iness with meekness. ' They were' the gamblers of Denting." They had taken a shine to'Caruis ever since - he had aid that the sheritf of the adjoining county was a horse thief in uisgnise and proved '.it, despite the sheriffs threat to blow his head off if he didnt retract the impolite insinuation. ' fie told the 'gain biers that he was going to interview me ptrjimuHier. 1110 an nouncement tickled ' tho gamblers, The leading gambler said lie would go around and see that there wasn't any monkey business.- " 4 ' t The defeated postmaster was sitting in a bank, the office of which be nsod as . the postal headquarters,": Carnis Started in right off: i ' ''.,' "I've been appointed DOStmaster." "Ileard aomcthing about that story, A I don't believe iu" - ' but 'Tm going to take the odea. Per fiaps that will prove it. , "You can t taveiL that's tJl " The head rambler of the town broke Into the interview at this juncture.' ' Say, well give you just .twelve hours to step out of oflice. , "Ah. you doo't say x" '"See' Jicro. I tlou t want any non rase. We're peaceful, but don't get oar mod up." ' . . "Suppose I give up.- Carnis, where are yotr going to take the posloGcei Dickmson , . . ' ' Dickinson's was the rival bank at the other end of the townr It was a r sweeping move. . In Iteming, wher ever the po&touice was located was oi necessity tlie busicess et-ottr of tlie town. Its removal would mean grvat injury to- the eligible real rotate clus tered about tlie old postoDico bcaif quarters. The , defeated postmafter's brows cootractd with consternation. "Tliat's a tlafnnable notion.'' -; "Jut so. i Well call to-morrow and get the letters. Good day," The. defeated postmaster's friends had been very busy during the iiiu-r vie mt girin? vnt to their ciiarrin. V.'lu n Caniiij gt out-ih; he saw a r:i; 'V' '!,;SlMl , ik'"! tVT""' .:...,,. ;,,..- . .,.,.'':... n. ..,; ; j , f i"lAt !,; ,f; 'a. . . ' . ; i . " - ' ."' ' ' iM-,t)j; if.,.,, v. ' jff0m.M !'-,( 1 u t l"j ' GRAHAM, ;N,o;VTHURSl3AY;.; r i ln-ii'n'v'- tiii.i,-';,, V In ., ,f ii, tii"-- '' ' i -r ii. i'i 'wheat and Other. -iur orices tell lhe " tale' are eoingto have a big . store, witn matin cans titxi to trie tail of tho old coat u round -the flgure. It was an effigy of Carnis. labeled "The Now Postmuster." t ' ..The boss ganiblo boiled over with rage when ho caught sight of it rile called a greaser over to him:' ' "Want to make a dollar, Charleyr es,".'-;.---'-.:.'' i- , "Go and tear that thinu down."" " j " Tho boss gambler gave tlie greaser a stiver collar, anu went dock to nis lair aeri. tlie etiigy was still tncre three hours later when he strollea bock; Charltiy waaibere; too. 'Vr,; f " . "What do you mean, by taking my dollar and not earning it?" tho boss roared. ;' ' --- .T "Theysaid they'd kill me' if I touch ed ii". :; r. :f '..' W" ' ', r'f f . Tho boss gambler pulled a big shoot ing iron and took up liis place iu the roadway directly.dppbslte the effigy.' , !' "Chai ley, you ' go ovor there, r, be saul, i" "ana toil tiioBe, sneaics uiat u they move Til blow the uuylighU out of tlie ilrst man that stirs,' j . . ' . "Yea, sir' said the grouser, meekly. "Then-you come out ' and rip that down." -":,. fi: (.: . J ; , ; H , "Yes. sir." ,'.. ' i"j, ..V ',: ,,W ' The gang saw the boss gambler la the roadway, with his. shooting iron drawn, and received the message with the deference due an official jedict Then ; they: stood, close- together and witli creatfallen. faces watched the de spised greaser shin up a ladder and tear the eUlgy do w n. '- - i. ? ,:; f -: "Qeutlenien, 1 am of few words,? the boas gambler shouted iu through the grocery door, at the cowed eacg, "The next - man who - attempts to' bang that thtn'g up dies with hi boots on. Don't anybody forget it" - That settled the great political battle id JJeming. , xvext day uoruia set up I the potphie'e in Dickinson's bank, auu ttjstayed there until Postmnster Car nis came east-'-New'Yorfc Sun, - fa flolMialej. -.- ' ,.. ' In Munich, tlie paradise of the Bo hemians, there is even more freedom of. action and of conversation tluui there is in Berlin. " But then a real so ciety does not exist io Munich. Every body is more or less Ikthetniau. Princes of tlie .blood vit beer houses in the sante happy-go-lucky fashion as the tradesmen. One of tlie best known of the' best Bohemian,. anil- really one of the most remarkable women in Munich is the Baroness von Pausing er. wife of Uto ex-minister of finance for Bavaria, She keeps open house for patuterav poets, kmgera, sctorH, journaihsU. . aitd almost everybody j who can U;hav decently ood dreaej reapecilily. In Baron ta Pausin linger tidbtu bouss you may bear the eociui that ore rot a 2 in Munich, r A man of woman with -a good story is a great priZ. au Franciaco Arunaut . Triwilaa Clow Tlaterm. ' .Chambers' Journal riote a terrible cirvani.itanc-0 in con nncliou with tlie Venetian rlass inuuw, ant! tust to that aiter tnauv years of work wht-n- (lie workmen ore between 40 end W) years of eg they berrn to kwo lliei sight tuly after a aliort while, are wbol! v blind. There scetns IJ bo no rtmedy for t'ai ciiforturato rtr.te of thicn, 'far many protect! re devi fcave Leen tried w ituont ucces.. . The bbudnera is caus-d by li;e c.Terssive Lrat and p.'ku by the gUruof tlx? ncref eeuslng iLiZxs icvta tl.a (Lus.far navca. ". bf.shdes andjh the entire, Jot. guarahtee there . f are much cheaper than, the sarhe qualities are usually sold ;v;ilieW OllOew i come ana see 11 we wm not imute it iu vuur mtiTt;t,vy viiyGZi' '" r ". , ' . - snoods' 1 we.wilL sell '- surpnsindy low comci and "geq'.for; yourselves';'', " ' and our styles please time from nowtill Sept." ' ' JOSh BILLINGSy , AUTOBIOGRAPHY. ' -" . , . r.-..a 4i, A trlrf Document Written to ' a OooSI Stor TWMltJwo Vwl Ago. r i -That quaint humorist. Joh 'Bill ings, penned the following loiter in Carleton's book store in this city wore than 0 score of year ago, and for warded it to his literary friontl, Mr, Bowen, of Fort Plains ' ? ,i ; 1 "Dear Charles: If yon can git rre a few kails to lcktur but your wny il will ,,be clever in you. ( rVrry that ' 1 have no pictorial Triogtepby xif my face to send you ; the fact 1 that ' 1 am so cussed humbly that I can't be took. I have son tki England for one of tlie Book Billings. ; Those publishers are worse thun resurrectionists-they steal man while living; I ought to have bad ut least $5C(T from the Jjondoil publisherSw. but never had a cent My lektur on milk has been skim mod for lyceum taste. There ain't' any thing in it that need make aii Vbmlur faint away, and I believe thero iasoine nervous truth in It , " - 'lAs reirurds the eatostrophy in ray biography thus for, I can only suite that iwas born in Massachusetts, be tween two mountains, in ' the year 1820. , At the age of IS, the first busi ness I' attacked was tlie wool-business driving sbecp. I had never been away before, and everybody seemed to know more than 1 did. 1 saved my self, but lost the flock of sheep pretty thoroughly.' At 1(5, 1 brought upon the west bank of the Mississippi, oven in tlieYn days quite attreatu. ' The paxt thirty years have beert divided, multi plied and subtracted' in and among the various scheme of A vagrant tenv petumentiSUpplanted In a strong nat .unit constituliou,' such as husbandry ia the, wilderness; where (here wa more, wild bees to hunt than oat to cut; merchandizing at the fork of mud'tunipike with u stock of broganr baoia, Lowell calico end whisky by the quartj running a high pressure steamboat on the Ohio river a lively life, where man can see human nature with the bark oil. and learn how to wear with great ; precision. ' Also peculated In West India store end potash, the two first crops of a new country: an auctioneer; and for eight year a laud hunter on Indian trails, and mode tough by tiding a bog skin addle and eating acorn fed pork and corndodgers. ' . ' ' "My life hod been a ncce tlitM for, for ! am still alive, but pecuniari ly, who ever made mouey by playing the ecccntrkh wanderer from one rude j - vocation td another but little better t a common trapper and houey knd Tttiion hunterJI hnv bad much comfort out of all this, -and would 'not take tho best farm- Li the state of New York for the sights I have-aeon.-' My literary raid has been si tort but sweet - 1 have liod m much fun out of it as cny man who ever lived, and when 1 roiled tli.it it is but liulo more thanlivo year uio I first j put comic on taper. 1 eon ccrtaiuiy j feel that if have not mcdo- much coin. 1 nave tber ninol a.-linicvim o iruoeriue that I liavo ncrrr v. nutu a in in niulica asuiiua tho truth , of virtun of t!i worl.L 1 tni?hl hnra ginned aioro wualota by stooping iu a cloister, but nouU, fcave mUxl lh . " . . --. . . 'J I iark iiuoii' hi ui(imorunzn i-, Kruuuicu&JT dBtrreu. the hica being the so'uer Loot of o midnight owl in j hunting Vt boraea, aecing to the fence that any avil which'impended upon tho U:o wUilerr;7 . 1 was never rick all 1 cronvtng back any stock that tiay liave 1 WMrtTln:ght p3 into tieT tuIlio anj duy in my L.'ot revcr saw a rr)::u ia a T? 'Jf VT, . , " 1 thus be carricl vd in flime. Tbe exp.a- tight ix4. but whet .1 wa iviiiiegto, hiraly doaralOe ahouU be kTt teridc. j ti.n. i? fu!!r canicl oat, "was nic-t cotn-lo,,-. (Lotcir vra; iia've IivcJ ' . f tf tgbored bulU 1 t.,TtbU to lw suCieient far a the hiz:i snJ tho and ccvi-r tM in -"-i .1 f i ii i 'in nil,- ' , We. Have' the. a&tincy for this fertilikrdhd'tAth'.guaLmntee'that theffe ' ; - A: FULL STOCK , the ladies will not buy. old plugs and we doVf blame. thenl j , Everybody 1 1st, and after that time - ;" - m my'hocKcta icnife or a ptstoi. Ex-, cuso this if il liiokK liknmliKm. T nnlw I mean to brag on the joy the world bai luruiaiiea me. Yours tenderly, ?' "J08M BtLUsaa" "New York, Jatt. 20, 16C7."- ' '' ,' i . New York 6un. - ' '. "n-j Tlll't flW ton'nomo." ;i 6ho,! was an intolligont," cultured, motherly looking Jady, a good church member and tcachor of n Sunday school class, hut she looked iu well simulated , amaienjent at the street car conductor when ho paused her bock fourteen ceuis in change for the quiiHei- which sliu had tondeitid; 1 r -i .J.'Ypi'tn;,. one , are and, two.. half fares,!' explained he. , ., ,:-'- "1,1 - .'Two hulfari. sho .murmured, qucstioJiiiigly., , ;i XI ,-. ! ;. ' '. ,r j "Y4 that boy's more than, B years old." , . -.,;.; . ' '';:.. ;, i ki. :- ' "I'm 7 yoara old," .volunteered ' tin youngster in question, aa If ho thought hjs testitaoay .would- straighten out matters.' . . "' ., " . ; Ilia mother blushed iterceptibly, but, woman like, she, would have tho last words ' ;,-it . ; , , - ; i "1 never paid for hurt before,'! ."Oh, vos, you have, wa,"qoutu '.,'th'e terrible infant, very anxious now to establish his claim of being a big boy. . Hi mother settled back in her seat, ber face (lie buttle ground cf umoUou, But tlie boy snokenfaiu: ,, '. ; "Quit nudgin' me." ,' f . ' Hi mother whispered something in that boy's ear.that settled hiui. Jaf falo Courier. - t,:. ' ' t ' .'-j.i. - "o0 ul Bparrow.. ( . A curious scene was witnessed in Palace yard, . Wcatmimtcr, .England. A sjiarrow was picking , up the corn which hod fallen ,rotu, the. horses' nosebags, when a mouse appeared and proceeded to dispute with tho sparrowj itm stilus mi ujo tuuiiiv,-. uiuinsuia,- j flcht ensued, which Lstcd for si some 1 miuutca, and .then the sparrow bcut a retreat .. Tho sparraw 'bed evidently been injured in tlie fussio, and for a timo wusunoLl to fly. At last the sparrow dew op, and cabman JlnL.h ed the incident by killing the oioum witn a wuip. luxciiangq. , ; , ;, - Uf mt a Baoel A ranchman life fas plsant and healthy one, attbongb varied with a good deal of bardafaip and anxiety. '. To ba occewgful tbay tmvt be atrong. able bodied men, "canaUa 'of ooduring all kind of fcirdaJiip and privation, and (brmbl also be pauent, abfewd and enter prising.''. The faro to plain and obetan tint, and wher a ranchman keeps pigs and chicken and be a vegetable garden be eon have ttvufScw-ntly varied. Many of. tbom, however, Uto on Salt pock, ennned goods and bread, and do Without milk awl batter, bat this to inexcusable, a out of a herd of cattle they con easly get a few cow for milking,. Breakfast to rraerally token at half-mat S o. tn.. and as aoon aa tbie to finished,- or otae- tinM f"rB rornnwr.oed, re or two or the nen hunt the id of saddle horae o onve tliem to corral, when each man -.. -. . 1 - . , wuoac-wtt -m iwwuw ru yiuiny r?1 h horp. aadtUV-i hun and ndea otX 1 -y" " ' 1 , ' ' " 'r ON Fit AND ' : we will put the fabbi'ts o r:i I There ore. three prbtcipai method el destroying these inseuts. 4 Where the land had been plowed fori. wheat aone hatched out, -as inverting the. soil d stroyed -tho - egtts, and- no hoppers were found in. the- fields of grdwing wheat But fcom tad Joining, nelda, especially those where wheat was grown last year and then abandoned without plowing, they came in armies, sweeping tlie fields before -them, i In traveling tnls way a line of march- is formed before which every green thing disappears. CWben" Dry Lugger left, some of the field were eaten uito several rods. The method adopted pric to the arrival of kerosene and tar wa to dig- a ditch two feet deep and two feet wide just In advance of the approaching host A few inches of straw is then placed in the bottom, and the' looasta are .driven into ft, by' walking lowly along behind them. ' Tliey cannot jump out and are burned j or, if straw u no to oe uaa, iney are n luoa oy crow ing a log through the ditoh. a The tar is caed.br piscina in ' a aliallow ahoet iron, pan two feet wide and sight lest loogj with a wide board fastened to one side, r This J drown sidewisa across the fiekL the hopper Jumping against the . board and falling into the tar, whore they jier fab.' ' But the handier, mare rapid and more eomplett method to to ne kerossa on eanvaa, against which the pest jump. Strong muslin or. eanvaa, a. yard wide and fifteen feet long. Is stretched on- a frame and carried on a sled lika arrange ment palled by a team. . The canvas slant- back, and is constantly saturated with i kerosene. - Every one .that . bop against this end. touches hi body to tu oil die instantIy..jOne barrel of kerosene will go ever about 120 acre and "ill kill 00 bushels or more. Each, farmer. ;M given one barrel of oil. and promian to oar it only for destroying inatcta -r-i'hi-neapolia Exchange, tl. ,,j j.4 r-t 14. . if-u ..l . 11 . 11 'n ,K t ,ft TmtMotm ut Aneleaa TlaMB. - , trellorabeluli to strid to ftavw beb the first to Veor a robe of pur allk. t The niperor, one of the meet unworthy and aebanehed of ralers. who tnade hi hone consul; had a aetiato of ' women; over whom hfor mother praddedV which'' pri Kribed oil the mode and fashion. The" Emperor Aurelton to aid to have refused bis wife a robe of pore silk, on 'account of it excessive crat. Indeed it was not until more than five ewituito after tbe Christian 1 era ' that aUkworma -- were bronght from the east and tntrodneew into 1 Cbnttantinoplo by ' some monks hf the time of Jnstinian.- n . ' PuqiUi was olwaya nneh admired by flic ancients, the dye commr- from the mnrex. as Is well known. Ihccolnrwa thought Oner tbe darker it wsa. Under Anpisto Ticdft and bright red became fashionable colors, as well si amrlet, an if were soon worn by anarboeould afford to do so. but Nero and Cceser afterward re erred ametbyat and purple for imperial nee exc!ively. 1 . .. -j Bright color wero disoacd in monrn ing when the Bomsne wore (Jack, or a dark gray, and matrona, - Mpeeiolly, p peaml in public in dark Indies, tuahev 4td hair and without ornament. In, tbe autumn ruapvctable la dire wlio were at all reUfnoua drraetd - theniatl ves upon a V.. VMM ... AH certain day in rot of "murrey, or kaa fa vUich t. DiaJe txpiaforT $M clothing being afterward -whole year of iccaJ.i!oi.-G NO. 29, time prices '. footon prices" ; J ' 4 i . ,f rut ' . 1 . ' - oiify iTawvwhf Pir-M'i i'eale fat . fr... ' .Adv'aalea-j -' , f It I with pleasure we nfiouDce that' wt have made arraogenieot with that popular; illustrated; monthly fongazlnej thJof pBOitibad.'T at -cjey'eTand 6h;to':ira T it ' addreaa., of :, ;:Bey;, Tof u.h- uh- -icriber id hV,AlIpt;BiifErit' ' who wilt pay VP H arrearage on . sub seription iod one year, in,, advsnoe t, rem dale nil to Key new ifbaoriber -w b wtn pay oft year in advance). It - is i grrid ofpoFtulilty Co 6tAu1tf a flrat- i , . , ' not hio f UaTget a ttrge"lfpages lllu. irated jou'rua tj of 'national circulation .' . wblcj? ranks ang 'the jeadlng agrJ cultural papers t, highest .purpose . (the eloyavlon ud nDObliog ff &gfUt culture t brought lb higher and broodV eredueaUon of maa and women en-'' gaged In ita ptnwffltat The uBwrip on pries' of the'swrieoa Farmer i I.Otf a year, XhtA otbe GvshMKK $1.60"' a year. :'p By paying ; the f lJJO tt icily" in sdvaDco you can baVe the '''A merleaii -'Farmer fwi'if e- Want It.' Frouf . any one number Idfeas can 1 be obtained, that will be'wort jhrloeTth Bobscrfpf lou price to yutf , or. members, of .your hooae. 'l(a''-M-i .W' .': Do not mlsnnNleraland ,4r.r.-ofTe.' . Only (beee woo pay- 140 in' advaocn from data" fhi Am'trita Farmtf ffiit r'f'A ; ,." ' 't v - We reserve the right' to erhndraw Ihlsorferiiany ifoieeoiyoft wantto- talte advanUge of It, do oSt put off do' , ing so too Jong, . f, v , ; ' W belief a 9ur( (simer reader will be greatly brArfited by taking dvn lageof Ibiaoffer. It it by-loag odda tbe best proOoMtioo-we hate ever been ablelootrJr.aBd we hope li wilt b the meai of largely ,'increalng ouf aubsqripUqnlistas ihat wilt ' partially o(&et the extra cost Incur in giving itawiijr.' .,. - .-... i 8emple eoplea can be aeen at It '3 Caaaaaiplios) tbrtli An'nH phrw-lan.. n-tirrd from fraHi.TB haihlfr bai lurt-d ia bU hanoa by an I t liH)ia mUwioiiar.r tbe foriuula of a - ; Teeciahle niutiy lor tbe, f-efy ai.i i--r- uil n .aimfnoii. it,,. , Ci(arrb.Abin ai ail llm ! ' 7 Atfirlbma. aioa fiu-a and ' J ckiw" hr NerM lv iImt aal ait rri,ui ,,. ptainu. - alier - Ut:vuwH. 1 w..r.!- ! curaiire fuiwc-rs bi 1ih.iim..'1. it t h ' fciltt bis Uiftj tw r.mke ii WiMiwit u bi. tt-rinc t'la. At'u.ato4 br iwnir. f a d -ire u re.Te kaiuun f . frt-f i at-lKl trr! fl rhar-e. to aii who "y , t r.rne in Ormwn, .'rm-h 1 f t nui di-fnion. ..r i-'rjri' - .pri 1... It 111 j.l l.r ad.tn.-.ii au.i ... u .- i- Uta prH-r. . v. -v tuie !-.ak cu a pole over a itoo ry j

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