WW J- 7 II- MJ : - (' lift , 'YH. -. K,r i i,uf, .,., J(- i, i i ' I i'it Iwur, n. y ' JSJaii.' T.'f .r',rf"ft . .".! " ' ' ' '; f. :- - -' . . . ; .1 . 1 1 1 1 W H "' '" ... . . . - .m;- .. :. . - - a a ai.. aw -as . ' j..-',. ... fr,,-; .: ,-,. ; . . '"" r? K , - 1 1 L . --T-.-.v- . aaa&ai f-' . om i .1 i ., ... .V- i t , .,. r,, u I In these times of.miney strinericy, when the sfieYlif or assigned U.iriakihtf the last play for many of ite best and bravest that everador tl filstdryCASH.TALKS I ThatTive; hardlstuff pleads' simple buVremOssJdidfwW whero -the whifd tJagis throwrFtblhd breeze ; ir the great rnetrdb(is;'wheH"the:qU$r.and crafty rpeitvIue into bullion at fifty -cents on lessj.on rthd, dollar, .tha.C:3 Where the terms are1 cash' with a tap bfYthe hammer and1; hundreds ,'f;vthousands, are sold or bought in less tlnld than Is the regular meTdhaht AVhileis afreefightep. free thinner and free trader, we do not welcome panics and commercial disasters, yet we: do recognize 'th fi?W3Mn Wbich we hang cdmpetftioft bn the, wall as our standing and laughing advertisement." i We have" changed the'character of commerclar, Vdlry arid paralyzed Joreyer those " pnmitivVrri'ethodsWat fixed credit br barter ; that age is gone, and over, its 'bleached bones, science, has ifewetit and left the touch of gen ids While ine monstrosities of favo.'friendship, fifty percent, and pay as you please,; ar'e simply the;bea the;portaj3 - poverty and the almsHhousdrrr.Li4:: OUr buyer Has been North. harvesting the crop N Others'. Goods that unfortunate manufacturers auction roorh to get the : Evervbodv that wants feent under market The handsomest housesl aridke flts aroUne linesoffurniture,carpets,rugs, hardware, belf-we do not ask any further than to examine our stock xind decide PROFESSIONAL CARD3 , , j v v. i ttouNEY AT t.AW.1 . Will b t 0rlion Monday nf eob,w4tt - i ftUUi tQprofWonal bueinesIl'lSep ,101 .. IiMnUf nd promptly tten4 o,U bd , , ATTOENEY AT LAWi -' ...Hh JiA-M i'V.J r'l.' ttffeni'iU prrtt,a1on4 serrlcet ta the PA t rff llVn- a vicinity..-, 1;CIU ptowiitij -IUM4a'. 'S '-nA - " " ' Cii be "found at office- frf iOrshsm . .' Monday of each :. Call" iiropU ly attended anywhere In Alamance county. - - s cpi 1, 91. it.' in . 4 Iit-HrH obttiiMxl, sad 111 P. V aai kwuim ccrdacted for tootTC Fit. Jwtlrr.gl.Uirt O.S. I..TTKT OlT'C ,1. ittit Orriet ih. Ubm um ui cue ' ma . . nr. MKItt IB 1 mw limn t itniivik ' V . ... - 1 1,, tb. d'tad, ie.tiuhl or o.r. OwlM-do.dapMl.e-4. . i namtr. Ho to Obala ymM.nwiA am. oe vtutlKi-t. r Stsw, CooaW, (4 , VWB,MB.bMk AAuaM, C.A.QOV7&CO., 1 Ci. TftrttrT ome. Wmioto, o. O. SA!!P1EWFREE! ; .TbSroy Scat!:,.; Cor rrr-H 8ooUer Famit-f Woek'.T. fc.ll i . .-t, -u v -4' '. '' 1 . 1 mr, ai'd a t-ivmu.i. tr.wUi tin t mxji " uukiv e u 1 v m 1 or n-ore ta-K-nt Im-cvcrr jrij fuhMit. tkw. ; former as poea lie, showing their en- uai'lt co'T "ill be -MSiil In . luu) (dUreM r jojTnent of his skill is tuuet u uio is Wri-eatseesW ........ j, tat.h'o fashion. . . . . 1. 1L -tAInJ-0i-fcf ik,, than erne traveler in lie east TuCiifRi i4 Pa.mv toum -in iica has not.-d amonj Lis imprcssiobs vi friuw.ilJH- t.AA J'-r w Ui-Mw lolwta - , . Hf IMr. n TT .(IWIUnL I WW I r W w .n.- With, 60days'dating,and 60:days and4 rriorithtime with his-assets ih ready cash--we bdught the real arid riot fictitious bargains should ccWto Holt & Co. V "Big "J I UK1 l..i 5 T ANIMAL1 LOVEftS OP' MySlO. 1, f 1 Mi fit- wA r i Blsnhnttt. ,Hari j riot alono in bU appreciation iff the charms of music, .AniniaU which.cotno under its inflqonco often tho thoir liking for it, though among them, as among torus ot ci-eauon, i these are eideiUly some to Whom the sweetest strains give' no - pleasurable serisatiohs. " A visit- to a circus is at teiosti-ure to show th-tt the noblest of all the inferior animals Is not insen sible to th power of music "and ii f ble to discriminatei between its' Tari' ties. Horses there may be Seen trotting attd galloping,' advancing and retir ing in accordance with the strains ol Uie-brchestraj- and even dancing ' tc tuno It is no uncommon thing to Come across a horse which will strike up a kottledrum with its fore feet. ;keepirig in perfoct time witbj Oie m 1 . i arm,' says brl:.vi'liorse bf k oWo .which, even at its conu. would desist , eating , and listen - attentively, .(With, privkcd.and movirtg 'ear and steady eyes, the instant lie beard the .'note low G sounded, and. Would con tinue so' to listen as long as jt was su twined, and auother was. similarly af fectcd by a particularly Jjih note. The recognition of the sound of s bugle , by.. trooper, and the excite meut occasioned ,in the hunter when , tho.pack gives tongue are familiar in stances of the power of horses todis Criminate oetween dijferent SOubds. -Tbey -Bever mistake onesouud for an-'. ther.". v 1,. t - . ,.y: -, a In the latter part of the 8eVeutcentli eenturv Lord Holland, whd was notcc ior his ecoentricitics, use4 to1 give hii jtorso a wcokly concert froni a coveroc" f iiMvry erected in their stable for that urpose. lie contended that listening 1 1 w .""rr. Z Z y I -coau and temiicrs; and his view of U VV1H.IIVMU VUWW VI '"F'V'O'A I hmUcr- is borne out by a witness ot one of these strango concerts,' who re cords that the animals "see mod to be greatly delighted thereat -v ' ' ; 1 Numerous experiments bare shown It to bo a fact that elephants ore great lovers of music. It seems to have been pretty well : established that simple melodies afford these intelligent beaste far more gratification than elaborate harmonies. - Naturalists, from Buffos downward, have noted the elephant! partiality for melodious sounds, ane the matter was thoroughly tested once : at tlio Jardia des ri antes at Paris j Several prominent musicians interest cd themsclrcs In tlie experiment on. IMMI llinl IftMllhM M a,nl III I in IlL I tcrest of , the huge pachyderms, ! KreiitzernucceeUed in apparently gnin-' Ing tlieirwarm) approUiUon) fur totne ' iuiple tunes whica h played opot. ; the violin, but-when he went te j gifo his audience variations (bey were el no pains to conceal tho tick f in-1 terest that they felt in tho perform juice. A11 elaborate piece of music, 4a wiiicli several iiuArtimeut took part, y wesjurt av badly received; but when. Duvcruoy betran to play upon the horn it.tts eviiknt tliat their sen bilities were tUoruf;hly s roused, aud ... i ... -' v-i ot the tinest bargains ev,er pn?a,ucea on inis cominenx-BiernnB viue uitti.vwio, iy,H uug arid j thern dbb'ers'cbuld rioll sl 'thrdugK the regular channels to get money to meet pressing, obligations, piacea regular eyeropeners that will nftake purchasers look happy and sweet arid set tHejr jaWs, Spying.; . , ( - sliobs ia complete. Space will not I I I hi 'cir uur in a- ionir and tedious marches Uie con ductors of caravans, often. co;nfort . tnese patient creatures by playing ' tc (them, aud4 tho souud . of , muaic - hui 'such a good influence upon f.hem tliat, , however wearv tliev may ho of thoh ueavy loaos, uiey siep pui , wu re- ncwea vigor,., seeming . iiueniiiy freshed by the melody, It has been noticed that while lions appear to en joy '. the high notes of a pianofort, they aro greatly disturbed by the low OSes.; A-..lioii will lie geii tly waving itstuH to and fro' c long a? the por former "koecs . his. hands anions' the treble notes, giving every indication of pleasure at the sounds emitted (from the . instrunient, - but' directly , a .base chord is sounded its attitude bhangef anmrtctr-Av '" It snrinp-s uu froinX'thi I repose - whicb'it has h.minUjio umig uio Piyugoi uio uiuncr uuM inuui' Uio Higher notes, (anot slv snil, ' (Uf)Hliir about its' lail Turiousl, iit-l y cge,'&res utterno1t Jhd dcepiesi ypiis. ii is supnoseu. mav uiu u-n notes sound to thu animal like the'roai of some rival ,with whom it Wishes U '. Tha Arabs have a poetic savintr tie the song of the shepherd faltcus' the stiot-p more tban the richest pasture. 0 the plains, and no doubt; the proved - has a fou ndittion in fact. " lu the cM shepherds mav often be observed 1ntr . lug and piping to the .tlocks unfa mc-ir cnargq wun ayiow 10 BiBRifyf them con tented and docile. l The Rev. j. O. WoouV whose death'tias 'left sc wideMiran in the ranks of ebsfrversol the 'anitiial world, tells -cf sf-lnnik which delighted in mnsie-and showed a great denl br dtsenniliiatwirregwru bag it..' Clicery t-ines,' such us' those to which ' qtwdrillesr and polkas .are dancco, -were vtins little aiiimai s is voritcs. ' Anything of a aofcraft ot fnournrui temlifncy it plainly dtslikea deleslalion for the nationat antneni i. v. . UHntluiUMrl struck . amI WAnll .....W A Alil MfaH wHh the an welcome sntirnl thai the pei forniar.ee. beinar silenced "bv mirth i not pity. "London Illustrated News. ., . t. ; , tod AbtnMtkMb , . --"Master Smart," cried the teaeoer, '"1 want you to put your mind on your lson," "1 would eladly -do so.v re plied the boy, for it was- he, "but at reseos 1 am auseni ntinveo.. - iiie her stood by bis side Koment, and then brought (he ' ruler down 00 tlie place where the lade brain's ought to bo with a resounding wbsck. "You nieaa' aaid the great instructor. Iwl.al - W.. ... Mni .in IkiWAwl " And without coming ta e rote the committee ros, and shortly after lb a houM m1-uj-imL BunicltS iu Utook Jyo agkk - r; - , . . j .- ; ; ' v . ,v-, ; " ' - - A WITCH INft TIME, - .'.-.- . A Isms oh'm Lara tw tfca p-wmss .. .. aeth Bnati ' , Kor. t is the festival of Ail-Saint. or All-Ilallows, aaid trhave beea in stiluted br Potie Ponifuce IV in C07 The feost was cUbraled in the 1'an- theoc at ri nd was firmly estaU lisbed by Pope Ueory about 63U. ' Ilsllow Even, or ilallowe'Mi. is the ight of Oct SL The idea of making the festiritics of the day pai-Uke ol superstition and rommn-e originated with the Scotch, aud Young America. .tlint nart of the world tha Eurnrisa T felt on wimcssin? the checriinreu1 L which music has unon. camels. thomerlts of our LAoii x Aiik. r- 1 ; MB Mtn nu), f6viBWor,'mirtono'itcti 'crarL 'chdrhifc ahd ' mysteries ,gohei Ily, evidently intends to perpeluata the'flrtr," " ' " . 'i HallowVeri is like Christmas, inas much,' an it is very Informal and uni versally tJbservcd. !AH the little Peter kins, Whose mother docs not entertain for them; and who probably never re ceive any invitations except logo ovef to ibe Johnsons' -yard to play, or to oomo xnit and "do" 'the Oleary boy, caif afford'tose'f np'k wash tub In the coal shed or back kitchen and invito all their friends in the block to join them in bobbing for apples. And thJn tlin voiincr neonl el .... A certain choirmaster In the city can tell of a rehearsal when uauowe en came on Saturday, whou out of a choir nuHiberirigi flfty-three but ,two wore present, liiuiw-u auij meurgnu yiujor. . As, to the, games, to be played at a Hallowe'en party, iliey are as numer ous aa.ithertr are ancient.. The charmed Bumberserenr rules the evening, and in counting apple soeosor too aemeis on chosen-eersof corn the girl finding the highest multiple of seven is de clared the leader; Tor the evening. Id apple seeds, two are aaid to signify so early wedding, three, a legacy; four,' indicate great wealth; firo, a voyage across theses; sis, fame as a pubfio speakerrseven; the gift most desired by the finder. w'--' . -. "Chesnuuare named and placed on the fire. "'If1 the nuts roast quietly it fortells-long and true 'friendship. If they fly about snappishly a quarrel is prophesitd.' 'If oneor mora bursts loss of money is ' to ' be expected. Those and that keep moving are unstable, tuch as fly olf the shove) will remalu tnirie anotuer ytar. . -Fare an apple carefully so- as not to break the stnp of peel,' then throw the paring over 'your right shoulder. As it fall! upon the floor behind yon it will form the initial - of theone yoa are to marry.1 - Another 'way is to mix water with meal until a thick dough is formed. ' Then write the names of three or four persons whom you like of the 'opposite sex on slips of paper, and folding the papers, place thorn in side of ball of the meal dough about the size of a pigeon's egg. Then drop these dough balls alt together in a bowl of water and await results. In e short (ime one of these balls will burst open, and the paper containing the name of your future husband or wife will float to the top of the water. It is well to leave one of the papers blank, and if you bare not met your future spouse this paper will come out - - All dreams upon that night are aaid to be forecastings of what will really happen." So to young people tlie eve is one of interest, and any youth of maiden anxious to peer intt. the misty future should not hesitate to try the various cnartns. , -If a maiden stands before a mirror in m dark room at mJdnizht and eats ! an apple. It is said tiiat site win see the face of the one she loves looking over her shoulder. , . '- ' The walking down stairs backward at miduizht with a liirhtod candle in the hand aud the midnight visiting of j cemetery is not likely to become, likely to become . very popular with our younir poople. ( Tbcaccouiplislviiigof the latter brings i the sure fululiuieol of your heart a : desire. . . J It is bard to say bow Ions these ens-, toms hsve been 111 vogue, but they are ' repeated year after year, and it is ' sirauge sometimes u rctlecl that these same sport, with apples were practiced by the J'ouiij' people over wuom Jhe bad debts, shop-worri - - - Racket"" We Underwear, houses as Stroiiss Bros.', Benjamin & Caesars ruled Having jwooaDiy origi nated in ' the festivals in honor of the goddess Pomona. Buffalo Express, . .'- ' t 4 i taft la a HotsL ' ' "It is surprising how many articles are forgotten aud left in the hotel said mine host "Every year or two we soil a lot Amongthe Inst disposed of In this way were 81)0 nightshirts, BO Sairs of boots and shoes, over 100 !a ies' wraps, any amount of children's clothing, ajid articles of wearing ap- Carel of almost any kind. Besides lese we have canes, umbrellas, bird cages, bustles, coats, false hair, and in one case a set of false teeth, jewel ry, and so many other things that they cannot be enumerated. Unless of great value theyara seldom called ftx.1--Montreal Star. ' ' Bad Farad Qui -MM Baflur ' 1 i" John, dcnr.n said hla fond wife, "1 wish you would stop at tho store oa your way in town, and send ino up I peck of quinces for preserves." ! "All right," said Johh. Just as he was going out of the door she called! . -"And, John, dear, I wish you would stop at the drug store, too, and send mo up apackagoof court plaster. I shall have to pare those quinces my self, and there isn't a bit of court plas ter in 'the haus." Somervillo Jour nal,' ' y ' ! : ;? Waata of Slsaa Veihr. ' ' ' It b estimated that (here are 8,000,. COO of people who walk about Loo don's streets daily, and in so doing wear away a top of leatlier particles from their boots and shoes. . This would, in a year, form a leather strip one inch wide and long enough to ex tend from London to New York. This amount of disintegrated sole leather, at ten cents per pound (what it costs consumers) would amount to $500,000. New York Telegram. - Patorfam&ias who attempts to look after business in town and at the same time enjoy the sweets of country life, has a hard time of it . "My husband, says the niatorfamilias, "keeps a man ta the city, id whom, within twenty four hours after be rets here, a telo- gram goes. 'JJored. Uemlforme.' TH6 TELAUTOGRAPH. rWIMllir mt nrla On' Wriilas ;-. -- aaKta ay riaotHctty. A pleasnnt faced, elderly gentleman, fall beard, neatly cropped, and, like bis hair, plentifully sprinkled wit white, was sitting in tlie lobby of the New Denison recently. ' "Wlio's lhatr inquired the report er. He was told the gentleman was Professor Uisha O ray, of Chicago, the famous eloctrician. "I have just perfected an Inven tion," said Professor Gray to tlie re- 1 porter, later on. for the transmitting ! of the. handwritinga fao-siuiils ol tue handwntirg. "How is this aceomplishedf " "Oner sits down and write on a sheet of paper.-using a pen or a pen cil, and whatever is done at this end. every motion that is made on the I per or oS it is faithfully reproduced bv a nen upon paper at the other end of the wire at the same time, just as fast or as slow as it is -riven at thu end, and neither raster nor slower, " Wiiat tuune have yoa riven the tnstramentP- . Tbe telautograph, and it can be worked over any lenirth of wire." . goods, etc.? ...- v-. . ....h., will show; you Iadies'cloaks and misses wraps fifty per-. , gent s furnishingsat a slaughtort wr -.t . , , ,t permit more than calling - , , ... j.f h " When you say pen and penfilwha. uu lira uinuiii .. . JY. . j-il " "1 rnean a 'pon" carrying lnkVfcndl that too writing or urawing is upon ordinary ." paper. 1 1 use fluid ink, but any ink will, dd ,ihat wiU flow readily. One can write with a pencil or a stylographie pen ' if he chooses. " The Invention is now practically completed, and 1 an mat ing a lot of instruments, r A company has been formed as a parent organ i ra tion, and local companies will follow, The instruments will be rented not told, and the terms will be similar to those given by the telephone people. But il u entirely dissimilar to the tele phone, for it writes aud does not talk. by it one can transmit a check,' note or tii-art in tne handwriting 01 ina in dividual. Its acouracy is unquestkro able. In thai rcsncct It differ froaa the (clephono, which is' good, enough for desultoiy conversation, Wirt Is taot sutueient to use ln buyrng.'or selling." 5fou are writing sliorthwuU'thedv'of course, could j be -transmitted: by, the) telautograph. v In newspaper worlf one could not only transmit a descrip tion of any treat event a celebration like that pf the soldiers' monument held bore, or a great disaster on rail or water, but a sketcn couia pe iron mitUd at the same time to illustrate the article."-" v- .. "Whatiis the sise of tha instru mentt"; v.-.- -v;"- t -.! t.u-t -.? t "The top ' twenty by twenty-foir biches.. It may be kept on or beside a desk, or, like the telephone, be hunaj upon (be wall, where it takes up little apace. - it la secret tn us communica tions, both as to those It gives and those it ' receives. One does not need io 'hello' and no one can steal the) message from - the wire. Then ' the message will come whether one la at hand to receive it or not - One can have a lock and key, and, no one can see the communication : which' has cotne in bis absence. The instrument may be found good for the distribu tion of press reports la all the new papers of the land simultaneously; Tut there' are a thousand things td which it may beapplicable that neither you nor 1 may think of at the mo menL , Its chief, value, I apprehend. Will be In mercantile business, where pie telephone fails by reason of its in-, fcccuracy. If a tnnu gives an order by telephone, the man receiving it Ipay deny having done so, but nere ks writing is proof positive, and can not bo denied." ; " "How about induction I ; When aer eral wires run in proximity , to each other what is the effectr" "As to induction, it is wholly un like the telephone. There is no more trouble from proximity to wires than is encountered inordinary telegraphy, and as to expense, it will not cost the user any more ,toan tne telepbone oosU him." Omaha Bee. . . - ; Thomas Went worth Clgginson baa an eventful history. Hon of a mer chant, be graduated at Harvard, stud led theology and was pastor or first Congregational church at Newbury- rt, IXass., and was obliged to tear on account of his auti-slavery preachings; be was then an unsuccess ful candidate for congress 00 the Free Boil ticket Reluming to the pulpit be was pester of a free church at YVor- I sorter, iLass., from IS.? to 1S3. when rm left the ministry and devoted him aaii axeluarcly to iilersrj puiwiu. . .1... . Co,', aiuV jplher leading- Pmesc fw your- hjiu f WW Ii -I '1 FREE I i.'S )t i f! f , 19 rt 'g: Oalr teTpae wfca Far - m Tataav Is ,i o.i; w if . iAf i t. ' . rllV wfthpteasure we aunomtcft (bat wehve made arrangements with that popdlarjllltis'trated, monthly magaalne, the w!rfri.. farmer . p-Mbhed , at CleUlaqd,' lPhIok f l ...tovti-,,; It mailed direct,, . FIESL.''' to .: ;lhe address:: els el .' tho - sub scribers-to the - AuMAjrcsf Oueaxkb. whd 'will pay' ap all arrearages on ' sub-' scriptieu's and'rons year In advasoe frttrfale itfd toany Be subJtiber .wfii wift piy one year tu advancel1 1 Is a-rad 9jrtaitv to obtain a flmt cifiM funj Journal h;eeft' t :' costs .jrosj nothing to get,, a , Urge. 16-page Jllua iriitedjotirasl.pf natlaoal eiroulatlot .wblwU raoksaawaig the leading sgr cyltural papersw;-Its. blghaat purpoae a the elevatwOn and ennobling of Agrl colnlre tbronglt the higher and brJad ereVlttcatiltio of men' and 'weea ' a gaged iw lU ' liursttllf," ?bsr 'subacrlp. 6d fAc Sf the AwXerUtui U . 1','pO'a' Vrsri'tW of(b(0tUKKa tL50 a year;; ;y" payWg the; SIJB9. stilctly lb sdtapce ou can have he .siertcaa JRirsi jree, 4 )t. jro - want H. Front ay ue fiu'inbef Ideas ean be obtained thsVwijl.be worth tbrloe the eubsorip, loo price, to yon or, members of. i r bouse :- T" V. Do not mlsnoderstand tr.ta efl Obly th-e Who pay IliiO in advapoa Irom .'daf fpi' lto Jmerie J Farmer free. .-,. .',;;.,; ',--.. . ,i We raaerve.tbe jlght . to 'wit bd raw ihis' offer at any time, so if yon vast ta take Swl vsntVji-e of it, do sot put off do iag'.sottoo bingt , 5;: ,i .1 f , ;.. ,-( --. We Usiw-re ear fcrmer readers will ' be greatly bmrflted by taking advaa tage pf this offer. ;,It is" by lour' odd (ba best jwpposiUen we have rye r bees, abltf t offer, asd we hope it wlU be the mrafw o largely ' lacraaalng our MbecriptifM list, Mlhst will rtial'.y eflset the extra cost e Incur in Riving Maway. "-:; ' '; Baiaiilt copies can be's-rcn at this onl . - ' ' ' ;" il vptlaa Carrd. ' A Old MiyalatiM, lrrtirrj from r-rrr harns had 1 laced la hla aauda aa f-"i India DiB-aoaar lira fornnla 4 a mnp-a aid ir ycj;etaJil reaiwiT for I he pd j iniimi e-r-!-.f v--eiii'ii. cronttiin. Caiarrk AWhiaa aad ail llir al ' d Lur Alretlnita, akua fMMlUT and rautcal to: o lur Nwv.iaa Ucnhiy aad ail Servum om. (Imii.U, afu fc.TiH(( twird kta a-ididcrf nl cur.nre pnn:r ta iiiuoi. jf r-, bt fall l fc tutj lo ae It kaowa a h Irriau 1. km. Atnnauil bv i! ofK. t I agMm u ivHva buui.a u .-1 1 . I .11 Kixl Irra ol cbai'S. f a4 aim ccura U, 111 n-!l-. t Grrari., Trerch or X ' -h. w'.i-, f mi 4iir-ctn ir I'riinrin-; mi -r. km br mall by .Jjra&Mii j aua mi f '""