- JAS "j r, - v t i i r VOL.. XVII, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. C. LAIRD, M. D., JH'y 13, DO. , , . , , E BoTD, -JV. S. P.OBKBSOH, ' iGreeosboro, N. C. . Graham, N. O. Boyd &roberson, , ATTOBNEY8 AT LAW, Graham.. .-. N'C. -f- I. KEllNODLE. 1 i mmAMtrnTr J M a A Ta"w i: 1 rfVsetlees j 'Airi wnl felihifiUV sif Aromutiy ftenl td W blV tots ei.triu.teii tVfttUI II U.6:k Hit 4a6,.;. toft VjaH J. njltmmfWte exa, ii iiim i w yif m my l '" 1 I'J 11 '"irr, r - 1 Can be found a office n GrnbaW oTi Monday of each week. CuIIh iirompt- attended- anywhere in Alamance 4nttntv. - 8-)t 1, 91. It ti.- r ;nMop v . i -of The . nn bub no ira us - f' lldinir EtJtid , Sjtfm a? Bicycle fwnn (Hi ca. (tet :rfSPBlN(FBAME snaotxorafqrtablf Sicyaie ml. K Cushion, Pneuicntio and i-olll lire, fully guarantaed , the equal of any made. For further particulnr cata logue, termx, .ie call on addrefa , JOHN E. HARDER, At 't Fob. 11. BlgFlU,N.C. tiuiiuillillm -... , .. Danville Roller Covering Shops, Wm. L. SCOTT, Manager,' DANVILIF, VA.. - . Deab 8i : " ' , ; We beff Id call vonr attentior to ouKftfcf utr rfVPPT'WORipj in tuf Jif wn prices iuj.oj p beMpVM 5Ua.ftV wrV. e:Ui! ouAAJTBB . TWfAxrriqN..K everv eve. -A if Attfw bJ1 woHc Jrt otir' r n a .. done. Price lixt mail d on apolication. ThJifiiU Utrr Zitlp&b'imUiXmrtiimn political distinctions. op a elnb on oar $t per. we k plo - Oar 1'4 kaHu gold-filled csm are vanaot ed f or 90 year. Flae Ehfia or Wa.tn morcmeiit.' Stem wmd and Mi. Lady or tient' 1m. Equal to aa 6 watt b. To aet rare ageait wtien are ham none, w rell o eC tae IlnaUaf Cue WKbea far tbe elab pr ea and lead C. O. D. by expreM with prtrlleKeof examiaatioa beore pajueg for Our ageat at Dnrbaia, H. 0 . write i -"Oar fenler bara coofeeaed tbey doat kaow bow you caa larelab aoek work lor the Mjr, . Oaefnod reliahl aceat wasted fw each place, (fib for partictiara. KMrtaa Warca Co ' mjmmM Mataeat I aaw JtsK- Oct. tt-l Tr. . ,M , .hl...n. ill & ik 0"ieei or fTf M.a. TT-iTO-rec au4 n caa n-nn fiai la we Uw lata laea "S3 VH. i,'r!Vl-f'i(i',,t?,"Tf -ITSTS; r ton, eta tree. Ainr , f ' Q A f l O "-f fi Q j tTr: rac ,ai.l. I From tb Prognanlre farmer. ' AN ADDRESS. The Ureal Iadaatnml Conferral ta the -fin-rtUWd: Jk.Twm3 At. -,'f . .. luuieeef NrrthCarpliaa. - ' ' ; Having been honored ltb a commis sion from rou as nelegstia to the In duKtriitl Conference on , (he 22nd ult we deem it due you that we should render at the earliest practical moment, a truthful statement of 'the work" ac coroplished, and of our action na ,yoUr representatives In that body The lx onrkDlzatioiia embraced In i . . . - - . .' ree1i btfuoVed Mi 4Vr1B:f(Jila.1itlele8ate9. To these jrt!W a)ed Jb.tt d$legntes of aeven jPttt ertonrex$ organisations ion toe re L commendation ,of, ibe committee on commend-tiotho CredeiialtO trakin overWe,tfoosa.rd if ing in line aggregate deiegutes, aiMj re ipreseuffwftfmoat evert State- I 3 tfeW tV Committed, on l'li iv toe ltf(forti fcneIeirorW)bundrd and twenty Pherf, representing every state,: in evervtorWuteaUoii. . TJlie committee JJapprefuilhjEuUy. and twithotit. inter I tnlaxlVD fourteen hour, jnnd presented al tfieir onafirinius rendrt the follow peW-d ta rreamble ta the platform be'oyi jywe tyaa tbt platform whicb U a (inie viimiipni nnii uence lie rejiuuu . if.., . . i . i t. . i......t.ii catlou. Editor GlkaKkr. 'v-.f PLATFORM FINANCE, Firat We demand a national ctfr rncy aafe, sound, aud exible, laxued ... by tbe general government onlyj a full legal tender for all deUf, public, and private ; and that without : Ibe. use of hanking corporation a hurt, equitable and efficient mentis ol distribution rect to tbe people nta fax' not to ex ceed 2 per cent, be provided. a eel forth in tbe Sub-Treaaury plan, of the rrfflersAIIfatiCp; M"ome boltr ays. tem ; also, by. payments, in discharge of it obiigatioDs ' for public .improve- a. We demand frue and cnlimited coinage of ailyar. 'i m W b. . We deuiond that the amrHtnt. of circulating medium be speedily, in urfwed tftp)vs than 50 per cupka. s grattuaiea iiicome that iha inonev of the .flnuntry tndd b kept, as muoh as po sible in the hands of tbe people! ' and hence we demand qlr national r and State revenue shall be limited to the nei-essary expenses of the government economically and honestly adminis tered. ; ' " , i We demand that posta: savings hanks be established by tbe govern- rtientor fne'satiT i)tpos1t oft hn earn ings of the people nud o facilitateex- cbange. I .'.. tAKP. " f w i -. SecondThe lanil, including U; the natural leources of wealth, is the herf tage of all the people and nbouhi not be monopolized for speculative purposes, and alien ownership ol land should he prohibited. All land pow held by rill roads and other corporations in excess of their actual need, hnd all land now owned by aliens, should be reclaimed by the government ami held for actual eettlewily. .. i ; ,.; f tilH '''ft r4N8POKtAflON. ' t l y b)rdWlransportati30 being a raeana of oieWnge afd a public neces- sily.tbe ildvrrument should own and periife Itie'radlroadsin ibe Interest' oT tit JteUiiiaf I J:.-:-1 ' -' : '0. Thi. teiegrapb. and telephone, ik 'hf postofBc system, being a eeifpf ((joy transnilssioa ; of- news, fEpulf Dsownen aiid-operatea tyt tue gbvernmenl. io tbe Interest of tbe pee 'WblitsoirV'parUeV the above ad f4ref4 bait tutva t i men gjmaf 'tri yf I PPP Wul study one will denily see Iba- It is non-pariaan. aod Juiiber. wVI be lmprra-ed wh tbe truth of I'd premises, and Ibe ability of; tie- ea (bittee who framed ii It was -adopted with only a few dissenting votes, iad tbe platform was adopted unanimously, and rcfivwt with great applause. The Coofrreoce baviitg completed its work as a representative bod;, then adjourn ed riue t'le. , : , TBE X.s IfKKTIjro. After the adjooniieat, a mase'awet ing was called, fa wkloh a sjiwat aiany detegates took par aa diizens, la grlbrr with a number wb were not eleteftattee twslaar Cpiifsss eee, aud pro ceeded to lake etepe looking to politi-. eal action. Tbe n-snlt was a call fir. 'National Ceeveeiion.jo be held on Ibe 4th day ol July, la tbe dty of Omaha, Nebraska. Tbis action was' eotirvlv fisttnctfroea-the wk of lb..Cij j,-rfBce'(jlf bor ,A:iixtins 'to v l;Vh oaeent us as yoir represenU- II will beaeea that tbe, Confrrrtw-4 d4rlaoi. by lis action, btnd any eee of eraaniiation rrprrerolMt, aor aoy bMf- --P"rtof any particular polilM-al party. In a spirit of eowceawiaa and compromise, all tb Kte. and. dl shades of polill.wl opinion, sought only the common good br ibe whole peddle, and wit h remnrkable unanimity adopt ed a dtc1aration of opi nions wLicli, in their -Judgment,;'- will restore pesce, proipeH:y and "justice to the country. H ill aUo be observed that this de clarallwn or platform embraces essen tially tbe great principles enunciated by utiV .Order at St. lipuia in 1889,' ar Ooala iu 1890, and at Ind anapolls ,in 1891..' -The'v nudeVigned, therefore, heartily and unanimously save tbeir endorsement to these principles. ' linprewecTwith the solemn convic tion' that the enactmenWef these prln" clbles into W, an(V "tHW'1 Vuithful..ei- orceraeut, ,gf the' Ja W', . will ' bring relief to our distressed industrial peo ple, and insure to -tbe coinmou good of all Interests and rlasxea, we earnestly appeal to -all Alliancemen, and all patriots of whatever calling, to aid us id rlectins lo office only such men as will faithfully execute the litwa. : -. t t )fi ,U gru'iiiyl'ng to state that all the Southern Stoles were represented ' in the body, and eveiy delegate voted for the plttltorm. 1 - ' ' ' 5 , ' " 'Maeion Bd ri.EE,' VJ.F. Beikbon, ' " ...rJ.-T-B; Hoover, . E C. BEDDINGFIELD, W. C- Wilcox, P. H. Ma'sset, J. F. Johnson, AC. Phufoed, ' J. 0. Bbowm. , 1 The North Carolina Seed Idtw. See'lman, retail mercbunla and pur chasers of seed will j take , tioaiee that the last fjegislature passed ibe follow ing w : ' t . , " ' , , , Sectioq I. That any person or per sons doing business In tbis State, who shall sell seed or oiler for sale .any vegetable or garden seed that are not plainly marked upon each package 'or bag containing such seed, tbe year In which said aeed were grown, shull- be guilty of' a. -misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than t-n dollars-'nor more' than fifty dotlnr, or imprisoned not more than thirty days, lor each and every oflence, provided that the provisions of tbis act shall not apply to farmers sell ing seed in open bulk to dther farmers or gardeners , '',,,.' .t,. ' . Sec. 2- , That any person or persons who shall, with intention to deceive, wrong mark! or not label aa to dale rnny pncknice or bag containing gnrdeo- or vegetable seed, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,, and, upon conviction thereof bballbe flued not leas than ISO, or Imprisoned not less tban te i nor more than thirty flHys. : Sec. 3. ' That this act sliall be In loroe from and after the flrat ' day of September, 1891. ' ' . ,- . They Apprerlate the Coaatry Paper. -f' ' The New" York Sun say '.- It would do tbe hearts of country editors good to ride up town on the elevated cars im the afternoon of Friday-and Satur day on any week Ini the year. , ; On these two days a great many business men give only a hasty glance at the evenlngp.ipers anil immediately drw from a Boeijet a pHpcr that is market contrast to the city paper, so far as type and general appearance go. 1 'The iv te is invariably lareerand the displays of advertisements and bead- iOKe to newt articles commonly coars er. Tbe ink is not always spread evenly f ver-lhe- page. . -Nevertheless the business mnu opens the paper ; lo the page devuted to village news ' anil Vei)s ever line there. After that be not Infrequently read the village, ad vertisements and gives a brief look at the edi'orial. The city iuan Used lo live !n tbe .village where that paper waa. printed,, and be 1 recognizee the dames of eople there, aa old aquaiot ances and commonly eld frlend-i. Tb village paper come like a teller ' from home lo tbe city man who was once a villager. . -j : ' ' - : ,t r , isse't Care What the Rewssapen Say. llavj yod ever met maa who doesn't earr a .Uenkr what' the newspaper mar aay of bim, good, bad - or iudif lerent ? If yon have net bim, and tbe veeliog chance l have - been wbta Ibe paper has -made a little severe if deaerved---mertloo of binf. yon nerd aot be told that be is ibe Bjedfet,'-a4i) outeide of a , loa-tie asyl jra. . Hie eoutroipt for uearspeper ta expre-wed tr vrbemrnt ualetlictiona end vows of vrngrauc ibe bead of tbe editor. . mt . Puaaibly yea bare aaei bla when something pleasant baa beee said of him. Us doefn't care for aueb ikiegs, aUhe; but aotaitbelaodloc tbla in- eTiflereeee yon bare , observed, ao doabt, that he reads tbe landing pars Rraph over end prer, and aadibl wm Hera bow tbe deuce I boa aewspeper follows -naaage te cet bold of so many facts, ad how they bappeit iokoow so much aboel bins. Re Is pleased all fVes, aad gives aa 0eb outward ex- prewdiHi l1iie artisaetioa that no one would ever 'elne that be Is oee of Ibe kitd that doe't care .a eoetiaeatal blank what Ibe aetrspapen asy. ijjr Ifatperlmeata la Wiling. '.if ,, . At' the 'Ohio Experiment "Station, where a careful Moiling experiment baa been conducted by . Directdf ;!Wilsoii, these coi-elnnlots have been arrivd at : - That the average cow will eat about seventy-five pound of green feed, a day, kept in tbe stable with graiu ra tion added. ; - ;. That cows ifed on oats and peas, clo ver and corn," fed green' In tbe stable in mid-Hummer wil give mtro milk than when feeding on a good blue grasa pas Utre. ; :t'il:i:t:.;i'!-1 " That a cow fed on green feed tiu.a stable darkened and ventilated, will gain In weight more than she will' in a welt-shaded pa4lil i. , i . , ', That the cow responds pomptly to a well-balanced ration of grain while eating t eei feed as the doe on dry feed." An acre of peas cut green weighed 13.5 tons. , " ' ' An acre pea and oala cut green weisbed 24 tons. t . '. . . ' ... - .... An acre of coru cut green weighed 330 tone. , ,,".. J . ' The -econd cnt of clover ; In', a drouitht was 3.1 tons. . . ; . i .- It is not neieasary.locut green food oftener than twine a week, if It in spread to avoid heating. .- '. f '.' " f ' Agrlealtarallirewe kdI Naers The salmon canning on the PaciOoTBW California 228.311 and Ohio 90, coast is a great Industry. Nehroska's contrihuti?n to the needy of Russia is 2,000,000 bushels of corn. . - English potato growers who experi mented with the Boldeaux mixture last reason are almost unanimous hi its praise. ' ' j . The Texas Stale" Beekeepers' Con vention will he held April 6 and 7 at Greenville, Tex. A. H, Jonea, Secre tary, Gobjen, Tex. 4 x - Successful swine-breeder in Kansas aHout once a week puis a quart of coal oil and two' pounds of ..sulphur- Into each btrrel of swill. , ,v At the lute annual meeting of the National Association of Oxford Down Bree lers the sum of 11,175 waa voted In cash piixes to be given- at; tb Colum'ilnu ExpoaitUn in 1S93. . According to testimony at the Town horticultural meeting, Shatter's Colos sal, because of ft shallow root, sutlers from drouth, although it will rtand 30 degrees below zero. After respite of seven yenrs the ix tremely contagious and highly ,(1if sstrous foot-and-mouth disease has, bo corJing to" an Englisn exchange, again found a foothold on tho shore of thai, country, having - been - brouuht - by caflle. " ' The Illinois State Et position Board has set apart 140,000 as special fund for (he encouragement of. live atcck etbiliits at the fair. The fuud Is ap portioned as follows t Horses, 87 per cent. cattle, 30 per cent. ; bogs, 15 ceut. ; sheep, 12 per cent. ; poultry, 0 per cent. ' ' v Tbe Danish Investigator Jensen baa Introduced for smut the j method of shaking ibe wheat In water at a' tem pernlure of from, 127 to 133 degrees Fahrenheit for five minutes. Ameri can experimenters recommend fifteen mlnuie-t. Smut is much more common and detructivt on oala than on(wheat Tbsaame treatment is- recommended. rheephatlefrrtlllaerea Wheat, In response to a request from the Salem County (New Jnmey) Board . of Agriculture, experiment-! were planned by tbe Ci rector of the 'New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station - to test tbe relative valueVlike amouo's et phosphoric acid In the form of bone black or South Carolina rock, and wbeat was selected aa tbe crop. ' The experiments were carried out on ' four farms In Salem County and on tbe col lege farm. ' "The farms in Salem Coun t) are all underlaid by marl- bed." From six or nine lenib-acre plots were used in each experiment.. A mixture furnishing fifteen poundo of ttiiriieii and laeuty pounds of ptab per acre was applied on all the plat. J addi tion to mis, 330 pounds of boneblatk (cuntaiaiug 19 72 per Cent, available pho-pbric aeiil) 440 pounds of di-wlv ed South Carolina roe': (containing 1240 per cent, available pborpliorlo acid) were applied en all tbe plate ex cept two or three,' which received ao phosphate. .The eyielde aad fliiancial results are lahuUled for each expert ment. Tbe value of crop vo tboee plate fonilxed with pbospbvrio acid froa other b Hirblaek or South Caro lina rock were practically Identical. The' widest difference ta , value et crops, 2 43 per acre, b shown ea -the) eoUdge farm. " , ' - t i m . CompeUiioa 1 tbe greit trouble lb the way of us farmer. 'Ami there is but oee way cut;, iedoee Ibe coat of prod action by better methods, and (rowing more per acre. T. B. Terry. ' The average yield f torn for the whole of New England 1 one bushel more per acre than In tbe great ''core belf of the WaU--XW England Farmer. - . , i Mia BIfl aire Wkerrlee.-' . ' ' t ' ". : In hla ''Guiae lo Horticulture" fpi J892 J, ,T, " Jiovetf,' off Little' "Silver K; J., describes the followiug uudei the heaa of six .' big. , slrawberrlea j "Beebe, a prolific bearo of very largt uerriea inin . ripeo - in a uii-k-.ww , Jocuuda Iinproved. a repioduotlon ol he good old Jocuuda that begins t ripeu early, continuing . utiiil late't Iowa Beauty, exoepiionalty perfect in form atid color aud tlpening5 ki mid season ; LoveitV, Early, oner ;of t,li tnoet valuaMe of the ,"eiiy"variuti ; Shunter's Gem, very productive, and, gdotl sort for a main crop '; Gundy, tx, tra 0-ni, luteal ol u!l I to ripen rhd mi equalled for cauning purpoaee.''. -'' ' t ba (Jaala ladeeirr k rt ' The total pack ol curt iast year , war. 2,777.453 Case, against 1,588,000 case?, in 181)0,1,700,300 in 1889, 3,491.474' 1838, wfclph wu life farest in 'the. . hia, tory of tbe I rail p. Maine packed 013, 885 canes lust year ; Muiylaud amv yirginia together,, 481,240 ; New. York. 530,814 ; Illinois and Indiana, 471,735 lo a 213,000 1 Ohio 194,600, &. iOi. tomatoes, 3,405.305 - cases - (two ' dozen tin cases') ' were: packed last . year, against 3,163,177 the ear befu'rjp. vNe Jersey xlunds UrA in tomuto "canning. With 050,833 cases last yeas ; JUailauil comes uext With 744.010 casoj ; It dlaia packed 341,217 ; DelUnre 264," 000. American Urocer. The C'erraet Barer. The question Is often ai-ked Wry currant hunbas grow weakly. Now and then a strong, vigorous shoot' will appear, while most are )ny KVehau, in bla monthly, suys that 1u most dases tbis reeults from tbe work of the cur: rant borer. ; If u brauch be cut ocros it will be found hollow. Tbe channel is where the borer has been. Only 1 a very small black puueture on the out side of ibe stem show where tbe ' In sert laid hia egg. If one could get ua ed to noting this puncture id tbe full of the. year, and cut out such I wigs and burn them, it would help curruul, cul ture. " ". ','..'. THE WORLD'S FAI3. .i Samples of Grasses, Chains, Minerals, - ' Jkc; wanted.' " Office op state boaed of AoniBd.4 ,. tube, t , - Kalkioh, N. C, March 7th,' 1892. To Fakmehs : It ia vrv much dea'ir" ed to show at Clilcngo specimens of our Cereals, Grasses,' &o in the siraw. Every farmer who lino a fiiit field, of wheat, . oala, . rye, barley,-' millet or, any unmixed variety,' should lake a pride hi curing it nroperlv. for? exhibi tion purposes, ',' We want -only , the beat, and will need a goodly quantity. When It is remembered that thit, dis play I to go Into competition will) th; whole world the Importance of .careful handling will broom apparnnt to, all. We know that this State cannot ..sutler In a comparison of her -cereals will) any coumry, as we produce a good as can be found ; not ouly so. bo; in some instances better tban can be found any where;.";';' y: -v. ''' .,.,ss'. . t ; HOW T peepaeb exhibits of ubain ?'.;:-;:;. IK THE BTRAW7 j i- - v It Is very important that the Grains', Giasaes, Millets, Ac., Intended 'for ex- blpillonhould be properly cured and protected from the discoloration Incl den's t the ii-uni meihoils of harvest ing. In order in preserve I be WnWj ita ben in length and color,. It .sho'iln he carefully cnt near the- grolindi ty band, iu advance of. the general ' bar Vest, aml.sta lime when ;he traw"ba attained ta full k row Ih and the irrnlii juit hardening front . the milky stite- 'r-t.. . i .11 . . 1 1 a i . . I lie r-vraw nnuiiMi lie carriiMiv - lira bt several points along sheaf, to keep It straight after t baa been -dried. ' Iei l cure in tbe shade, sd" a to Insure britcht straw. Then wrap each sheaf several in strong paper and pack for shipment with tbe rapper on. 1 This trratMient applies to wheat, oats, rye, barley and rife. , 41 For Ibe Milieu and Hay' Grawea i l impoHout that they be dug to' that the roots are pn served entire. 'Vf ah out the earth from the roots, helne careful not lb injure the errata. Then Ibe grass should be placed alraleht let thin lf between several thicknes ses of ahanrption papr 'd twspa' Prrs will answer. These drVr should be. changed several times Ibe Rest few diys. in avoid moulding, fit lhi war Ibe rolor can be well iretvef Oather tbe grass Just before It A rip Tie . Iha specimens . Into sheaves of email site, rap lo teer. box and for wsrrio the undersicned as anon at dried, es It will be . necessary to ' use poison U keep off insects. ." ' th rrt,twiio iMriiArno?norj4 ACttOHfAWT KACfl trtciuzx I A. Nameofftbleet. . B C, . n. . v.. F. Arret O. Name of Producer. . . Place where flue, : i, OiaraCer of AsSI. - i Date of Plantlrf. f Quantity of Seed - Plaaled per Method nf Cultlvalioa. - DtefUrvellnc - it. , J. , ye.liee Acre. - i ' The quelon, or aa anaay itt tltesji a may be snswered,' will eevire full credit to the pendoMer. Freight or ex prexrs chsrcea will be iaid by lbs no dervlcned, to a boo all shipment should be made. 1 i ' .i - . Cannnt eon tnedertalre to fntnUb snot of thee questions f If so, write, to me at oece, and oblire. V'eey re-owtfoHv. - T. iLBarmri, - Commissioner ef Exbibita. ,-.Mi;- 1 a . ' RRKAKINfl THE , C corC It -la at Un rrlodeUti..Tla Mas .,' Interruption, aa ThlVBtory Sbovs. ' Iacoo,2on6si 'and-Elder Wlilte had liveaVon adjoinlrrg'fajm for over thirty. : yearavuauV vvtet r ft wword of , dwpue.hud . pa4td , betwoon, , them. Their wagona, plows, 'drags'.' hoee, rakenand othfer'nteD tverr nped to conimoBr'TBey had Iota tnde by tdde in tqq graveyard, and more than onoo thev" had Itianed1' borrowed thaii f orC a funeral. '4Two lMnert. . would' not. lutVa.43ie,M these two rnen did in politics, religion lind all eltw. Oije aftrnood' M f-KrHb tbe-auuary -aurober.-and many : ,',iki,i.HrfAM,1Kl thai ... . . u . deacon inelTOr to". trado;he wepa- perH,tTitU bjmv and , they reat. down under, a cherry jtrp tq talk, pretty soon aloriR ame a BtrangBt who, an-, nounced flml'heVaB'nie'aiia he aakedaTjl'didi Wh'y; bleasloui-'rneia ftepfder-'' "weTe bto' Hv1h,1-b4hat ao fu thirty yearwfr'' m4' "t ' . v't!doe8n,i"i maliefc.it night, w rdied thotmrveyW. .ii V ; fi ', - s rl gueeathat Jinp ia right; on , thi i..Tha B-urveYor. wanted a Joh, and ho kcrot talkinc and talldnz: End.' finally- - ... . .' .3 '. . .'1 rfl M l touanz, ana nsa offered to run ilie line so cheaptthat the elder aaid!' - ; 7 ;4 , t'Wo .might do it lest to hunt up tfie old AM "Welt Tm tvillin 6 pdyiny sheer,' replifSd the' deacon. 5 . f , i ; : "After the stranffer had edn "theit "deeds and dug out4he -old irtaketfas a Btartingr point he go Aqw to vw nee,'and in about half an hour he announcrxhthat the lino fence, was tour filet py.ei'pn Jto deacon. , ':'', '' - "I allua auspected it" said the dea con; "but I didn't- keer about them, four feet."' 1 't ' ' "And r'VB knowed fwover twenty year" that you waa ower fiy feet on to me," replied tho'-elder.;,"t. had the line' ran' that time you -went to Ohio, but I ' didn't wanfiodynuthf iiu"':,''-;:.?'.-; TU, warrant, m: to becopf v.uiii tha aiirvAvnr. 'Can't be)," replied the eleir; ; ' "He orter know hia .bjanesB,'' put lntheaeftcol;"-'v5'i..fV'vSt;,?'.,:i. -"Whatl ' D'ye claim thatXm four feet on toyouV; ,r4, -nit 1 3 'Vve allui tmBpected." " ?T r . WaU.,4tain't sfi, tifid m bet the form Itain'tl ,; You've" bin, hivin five teeC of my; land all this timql" tr. 'CanBe it that way." ,; V 'i?. "But i wart' nMwVci'; . " 'M Ight tts veil call me liar 1" ? , f'U unyobdf BetiaHi'Atrfi''' s "Of -course' Vott IWteeIsel Elder fll git'rlght offdur land I" "And yon Ion stay 'off .fill you git some sense I" 'i,lfi;, ; -;-v - "Son sol e got,mQre genae iamy littlo finger than you have Jn your., Whole' bodyP'-. H w,;, i "Git offr t hain't tio use for land stealers' l" " ,! ':',; ,"Nor t eiiherfc and ionT Jbu -rile me or 101 lay handspn j0u s ; 1 , -Com aad lajrlV.i 'V U .'. , J i WUU1U u yuu 4vueu L bmx nu uiu man I ' Don't you never dare td speak" to tne-again 1 rve .Just .found. .out what a snake -in" the grass you are 1 ' "Speak to youf" I'd sew you'dym fnstj, Ub.houie and' jpdyor honest 4ebtf n uT .Anditha surveyor sdujdered .his, instrument and went, off down the highway softly iiinging,. V All 15 Peace Over'There.'!'. He had acoonrplished his ihlssion Detroit FreeJEVeea, , 4 ft, The drigid of the problem XTttaring' tho ctrcla i fcf alinost lostbi the !mist pf ntViulty. hat fhertf is" st reoordof an attwptocl quadrature in Egypt 500.. years before , tho', jbtodus 'of thw Jews, i, There is also, s cUiim, accord ing 'tO"Hoaot thafcthe problem was solved by dswovery oLIIippocrates, the1 Aotvet-ician -of -Chios not the" physTcian-JOO B." C. ? Now, ' the ef . forts, of prKXratcei were devotod to wardrofavertingla" circle Into a.eres cont, because he hod fo&nd that the? area of a figure produced by drawing two perpendicular radii tn a circle is exactly equal to tbe triangle formed hvth linaof ronctioa. This is that fjunou." theorem of 4be i"ltmes 'of Hippocrates,'" and is. like glauber s salts out of the philosopher's stone, an etampie . it,t fhe 'useful result which sometimes foUow a soarcb for the' nnauainahla Ail the Worldi Hound, i i., ',(.' . - ," - i , . v'-!' .. -.c.l "'' -'An officer swahowcdV h fish bonet' It waf a large .one. and after strug gling to draw it out the officer fed back in hi chair ...turned .black in the face nwl aripenred to be in groat dangct and, indeed, waav bo. Every ono looked aghast, not knowing what to dp. " Tho doctor alone-preserved his presence of mind. From the op posite side of the table' ho saw what bad happened. .Not a motneaf must OS lOBt. - ' mm t. ' 6pring across tho. table, with. one hand' he -opened the mouth of tha Unfortunate -offi oetv with the 'other be . seized hid cue and rammed it down, his throat Away went fish booe.an4 tT- th'obsUiiction.' Tbe young qfcfpcr juni&he hia dinner, haricg prati'tx, exixriwrc-l tha aee of a cue. Duni of FingaetT , ti Wpae avQaaatlae-fae aa InrasU " UottiefT" etudavckiU of sir years, do'yru think when I-ro to heaven that if I anf i fbai' little girl and play, all thq morning-,with thetn geisUumay have'.some fun in. tts afternoou and play with the devUf -London Truth-. ... " NO. 6. A SPLENDE& PAlS THE A Tar SJeVerrlptlSrt ar a fapalar' serea eaA Heme Paper Wlthane ';. .'.-'';.' - ,'.,'::,;.:::; . ', - i' ' - Thnt popular agricultural Journal, the American Farmer,, which h beets folFered free iei f0nnctOrt a ith A year's Hubwription to The Alamance Glkanj EE,' will; herea'ffer ' be ' putdished et Springfield, and Cl'eveffln, Ohio, lit order fo increase facilities for bublica-' rteen ron-oneraniy enuireo, oesmniii); x-fcelletit. features added which will make he American Farmer a welcome vlailnr ti Auwir luimi Tf. la niatlAna! I, In its character and strictly . Pob-Iiti- eal; W will cohtinbe jbtfef jtb'i greaf paper lo our reader ahsolutely free.' Wejgtve a yeai's subwa-Iptiofl to t,rl American Farmef free to any of" ; bill' old sulwcribers Who wl.U phy one year In advance, and alee to gay- new s'uliscribera who will oay one year lu ' ltd vnnee. ''? Thii generou offer ii open 4, e.j8ample copieavap beaeen at out officei s,v ;? : ; . , In Illinois the outlook Is at present v'nCo(irdging. ' From 47 percent "bt the . vrrespndeiits ctime report that tu4 'oiis lir ar-ti-i;!! a condition. j ; In an paddltidoel 30 er cent, of the State the condition le . very faif. Jn Indiana and Michigan the' condition' is some ,ahat better than, Indiana, 'and lit Kac'vas', lmwa, 'Ohio, and Kentucky lot' so good.'' "Miwourl reports 42 per cent: aa podr, 0 fair and 28 good.- Farmers Review. ,-i . ., , - , ' aarghdaae tmr tiff BamtM. ., . ; ;-. ' ... . . ... " 1 ' v. ,.':v: V - It has been found that some of lb uonHiiccliHrlne sorghums are a0 ySeat ufdroukht resisting grasses. These sorirbuius will compurc favorably with . Corn in tbe amount end quality vf aced . 'heyjc wll). prodHce. ' Grnna6 mHlef gives a good, yield of hay Ir Eansaa where it baS beeir fested, and following t cloiR ly are tile' Hungarian, brooa1 corn f d Wonder miUe." ' uail the -.....' . . .. ' '"' CAaa'nj.ro'r, Oreen Ca.'in., Wv tt. ' I bighljr reeuuMiad faelor Kuni8'e Veres Tou la lo anybody tha baa aajffered froia tea not aa my eua did tor rear, heeeaae wo boa Use el Um etadloioa eared bim. t. MsTIOUZv -ll . , : .! ' -ViiBiifba, D. Ci MmMf , tm. J FMft fearel had teeBnge tbaj 1 eaahardlr' deseribe. I would feel at time that wee eaea .ty ilyiDA or hare vnmmnttaent4 fbet Aouiaabiae' drvaalul ae about to happen j atae tablne Paetor Koeulf ' Kerve Tonfe I hae 1M like a tMlexaxl pefSUO. It if e wonderful medlrtne. '"'. Tjobktto, Kr, llama . Met. 1 have taken 1-aetor Kueuia's louie loreid-fi-nev aa S rrare' --'-"' ' tt worked like a cbriu ou Bin, ate oi-f 1 doctor did ase ae , luux awutcine ia yeneeuoa. . , ... , t. o v fr!i.r.Avn. -A. VafnaMa timk mm UleaaaM aaui frw te any ui"mu and poor pattern eaa Uiia iMiliclua free eau Cat ' ile renedirhae beeajuienared bytHe r""ireBil uu,l iuwnia. if ron wtrne. w. mm sen f uo preuarad under We direeMaa la ua ' KOENIO MED. CO CrtlCfejO, lib brOnvslrUeAvlrBottle. sawsav tetrttmaiSW SBottlaaaarStsV ME COPIES FREE :..:Th3 Stony Soith, ' ! The arrest Sontliert Famty wekly. rhodkl beUkeale erery hnOaeb.iM. The p are It onlT 4 a year, and a present worth the amount or more Is sent for erery f arty dun lerlflion. A sample ef y will be scut tred tut as address. Wi rneatimea I ; ' .' i.. ? J. a. MtiUB M t f ; LAND SALE. . fir sathorltr of an nrdn of A'smaoee pcrfiir ("iin, I will sell at tbe "ourt hoate dowr (n Gruhim, to the beet bidder, oa w MONDAY. APBIL b, 1892 that trart rt hnd atsmt naa In he eart of Grew bam, rtt.iiifnr inelemU of H. M. Kar. W H. ni'lMter. Jee Umg end other. iaOsral a iha ifedMcy place eoataiuing . . 12$ ACRE8, WinraoV Vai H frtnrfltM phtntaihte npne which Mary Ana f ailrj receuUy lived. It lie is-rfeirt. . ' TKBMSi Cae third of the priee eash. the' -ether two third la rtprtl eiMallaieaU ai one l Ittj Veara. srearr I is bond earrylac h- ' (ereevf rom ear of sale t 8 per' cent per aa nlA. 'Tide' reserved ed stearity for ekArrod Feb- , 1891 '- ,i Mary asa Paiahtyy Notice of ': f ncorpcniL Ml as W rtai CatUia. Ataaeaaira Ce; ' dsee) Varrw iTawe-ierCeej a. Not tee I bererr glree ct tbe haeorporatbwr ML. B. RoH A Co. r that Ue aaanee of rbe laenrpiirative are L. Bake HoiC J. W. en.' eiw. Uenr f. Wl".tam-T. Hmj I. Hilltam. ma ana Kdwln it. Willtamsne;. eiw aarb r.ht mrj aa thee mar aranrlue wfiA tbea ; ebe prfncli al ptaed of t.orineM 60 oe fn 0 4 fcnae of irhav AlawiasK Conatr. Non a Carolina, and lu Cwaeral parpnwa and nuu. aocaj to ,1m that of ws.rfrwale snd rrt. Mwrtbante ibe boyti'a; andaeiUnt of j---ware, aad meiebeiKltee. rami wrviM, ,r . plr. eiarbiberT. eVtllMt-rr awt en, air-, r J nrredit-nu lor Iha eoiaiwimi Iny mod it a u . nf acta re of fertl lawra ; iti.iine durm 'n r be eorrmntlna ahail be thirty .Ter- r - 9 r lal eluck ie thlrtr-x lion-ni truirt c ed hilo Ihree bo .4 red and 't't iina cl I s i ar Tatne of Oat bundre I av ' - - J.I. HHHK C.K C, Tth. H.TJ. , , '---- 1 1 i rnri: I ILL Ti IW YOCX ha; h ac h r t fc 1 m ; r t v . r t - at VlD rare evi S r. . . . lj ft 1 ikui ta l .

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