NO. 13. VOL. XVII. . GRAHAM, N C., THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1892. PROFI3A5IOSAL CARDS.. JTA.COI1 -4.. .OlVCi-,' . ATTORNEY AT LAW, "" G RAH Ait, i -'"'.' ' N, C, . May 17. '88. - , - . , " ' .-Jas. E Barry ; W. Si Px berson, ' Greeneboro, N. C. - Graham, N. C. BOYDI& ROBERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Graham, - - N. C. J. I. KEltNODLE.' ' ATTORNEY AT LAW , K.C1, t . . Practices in the Stale and Federal Conr i, will iilifuUr and promptly attend to all be- : entrusted to lilm '. ' J. K. STOCKARD, Jr., BtJRLlNGTON, N. C., -Calls promptly attended anywhere - In Alamance county. . gppt 1, 91. A Gold Watch and $204. . That U, what every Aent receives "who g np a club on our 41 per we.kTpIaq . Our 14 karat gold-Ailed earns are wanaat ed for 20 years. ;: Fine Elgin or W.,.um movement. flte-n wind and set. Lady's iif Gent's size. : Equal to en f.'.O watch. To tee runs agents where we have none, we (ell on oftiie Homing Case Witches for the club pr ce 28 and Mini C. f). D. by express with privilege of exam uatioa before paying foi amc. ' -J . . OifT gcn at Durham, M: O ; writes ) v , ' "Cur f eweler hare- confessed they don't know how yoD can famish such work for the tony." One goo J reliable agent wanted for each place. ifiUefor partictlurs. - " EifFtBB Watch Co., "-- :'". 48 and M Uaidcn LaneNew Tork Oct. 29-1 r, shaving; Graham,' 1 - , - -N. C, I ready to lo Bret class woik. I can lie found at my eh op nt all . lime. - Special attention , given 1 to ' Indies' and children's, bair. ., Plow jsive me it call. - ' npSS,. 7 L. C. Cbateb. - ! .:; Have you gave the Danville Roller CVv- r'n t Waru a trial on your Roll-- 8? If riot, do so at once aod save vour money. Read what the, pro prietor of tbe Manchester Mills aayr. ''Manchestee, N. C.,' i Man.h 12ih, 1892. ilr. W. L. Scott. Proprietor Danville Jlolter Covering Sko. - Dear Sib : 1 have used rollers cov cred at yvur tfcno fur .the last twelve months, and take plcaur in aaying that your work has aiveu pei f. ct . i'Atction,iid I wmiIiI advise all fac tory euperimendenla to patronize you. You can uh (his 'letioionial if you :-uih. I Ee8reiriilly-'t'i -v . j f Johm F. Clark." ; era we remain.. " " - . V f. r Youra Truly, ' .-..r J Wm. L. SCOTT " . jaoUtf - J . , , Manager. - TANV1LLE; Va. ' ! ' : MOVED,! AND - ' 5 '' ! 1 Ready for Business. """--'- -5 , ' ' ' .. ; I an- a w In my nw bouse an D! St. wllh a I the mom I need and the large. t stock i-1 eondk I have ever had, such a Wagons, KuxrlfS. L'arta, Mowln llarhlnes, flarneas tiuocis tit cTerv d'Kription, Ineladtng Saddles, Ralxa, Whips, el. I -am H)rent-fr fVdmonl and Aen -V'aeons. ' All oilier make 1 willfuroUh on short notlre. AIM cTrrnhlnrin the Undertakers line sncb as MHna, Caskets. Bnrlal v.m. etc. Mr Books and the Pnrdiase Tax retnrna will show that I boneht and sold nearly double - ibsqnantltv of gons In 1891 sold In any - prertns je: WHT t B-fau I sll gwd ata.ina'. prtflt. I want to double my sale till year. A fcejrui ved aaijlhiag In mj p TOWJT8EKD, 6"1T. S. H yo Usmd-wde hi.r- mil will lumiMi u " iliiM' Price List for tasae a VICTOR ... BICYCLES. itiorfTirirg forks eke lheeiet i1ii't m;liii.e in the worll. Nine snkVfra of l-icyclea have tn Imlie trd Ar infiinfting on the patent. Xie tor ci:s'i!on lirra can't eo'e off and they out laat anyoihrr.. Vi-tor h-el re the hiihw( ' For calalo- goea and pricca arplv lo - V. I. ilot.T. Aeent, Eurl.tig'nn. pUE WASHI>OIT LETTER, From onr Roirular Correspoudenk. 1 f Washivqton, April 23, 18P2. ' ' Mr. Ilarr eon nppeara to 'have been brought to a realizing eeuBe'of hia hituatiou by the epcech ot Senator Teller, of Colorado, charging him with using hi vfficlal influence lo control the votes of the Representatives and Senators on the sfTver , question, nnit with being allied with tbe money bage of Wall street against the inUrtsla of the people, tor aince. that rpeecb was delivered he ha& stated positively-that unions eoiueihiug should occur lo bring af.u( it change in-his oiiud lie would shortly take occatioa io elate formally that be would uot be a candidate for a second term. , . ' , , 1 ; Thie deciFionwas tint, however,' al together due to . Mr. TtJlerfa speech. Tbe fact that he cannot possilily' be elected if he fa noinijiated . has been thrust' upon Mr. : Hurriaorl frem all quarters recently, and be has. at last realised that U is trua. , Pla't and Warper, Miller both agree that he can not carry New York,. Quay and Came ron admit that liia nomination would make rennsylvacla douhtful'; Indiana republicans'' say he - would have no chance of carrying "hi 'own State ; uaeu who knov have told him that it wasdoubtlul whether be could carry a single of the Pacific States", and all republicans expect to lose several of the northwestern Slates. Is ' it any wonder ttat v it h this outlook he, be me discouraged, nnd concluded to withdraw while he could do so with dignity,? , - : The adminiatiatlon having made n fizzle of ils attetrpt to negotiate . a reciprocity ' treaty with Mexico the House committee on Foreign AfJatrs, tielleviug that ''geographical location, similarity ' of insUlulioos,' and - com. rnunity of commercial interests wou'd .eem to justify every reasonable effort to promote close trado relations," has reported favorably a resolution provid ing tor an international commission, members to be appointed by each Government, to negotiate a reciprocity treaty. Tbe Ho life committee on Reform In the Civil Service haar' already begun work on the iavestignlioh-.' of . the charges of viola' ions' of tbe law .: by FedfiJil efncials in Baltimore, made by Civil Service Commissioner Roosevelt authorized by the resolution adopted by the House this week. It will study the report made by Post Office ins-pec tors (if Mrl Harrison wiil give it up) which contrad.ctl : that . made by Roosevelt and published l.wt year. Rossevclt Is uuderstond to be , pre paring nuother report that Will he sen National in Us charges of violations ol he law by Federal oflicials in Chicago, inasmuch an it will njlack the repub lean Natioiml committee for having aent an ex-Cougrosmau to Chicago to collect campaign, fuuds from office holders, ' "Tbeuetlon of whether the vbtea of those J&uiators who supporterl Mr. Kyle's amendment striking the aoida iu gold coin ol the United 6tate" out tbe Hill to amend the Arizona funding actoflS90, and Inserting-in lieu of them the words "in lawful money of the UnUed Stale, : ''commits tbem to the free coinage of silver, is no interest ing one, and it la being discussed here. If it does, Senator Hill, is a free coin age mar.-, as be voted for the - amend ment, which was adopted by a veto ol 28 to 24. Senator Pauiel, of Virginia, said whiie the amepdmeot was ; being dismissed lo the Senate : The silver question is uot going to dwo at any man's bidding or at any party's bid ding or at any party's bidding. ; There is a majority in both Houses of C-on-gress for the free coinage of silver it no aliiin er subtle influences are exercised on members." ? Borne lake the ground that this vote has no bearing whatever on the silver question, but only indi cates that the 28 Senators who voted for ibe amendment are opposed to the en actment of any law recognizing only a ingle standard of valu. Representative Apringer'a bil 1 for an international monetary coiferenc, which is considered to be A .very im portant measure, but been referred by the committee on Foreign Adair to a nib committee consisting of Represen tatives Itayuer, oi Maryland ; Hooker, of Mississippi j and Harner, of Penn sylvania. . . . . : Deficiencies in appropriations .made by the billion dollar Congress are at ill Dei rig reported to the House A letter was received from the Department of Justice this week, asking that 11,629, 5CS be appropriated on that account for it. . , No democrat having the 'welfar of bis party at heart could look with any other feeling than regret upon the aqnabble ol the democratic members of the House, this week, ever Ibe report of the Election committee in the con tested election case" of Ncyee agaiokl Rockwell. , V:rginia hrs a big delegation bere wor'ainK lorthe apprfirTia'ion fir the ioterKalional Naval Review next year. A a in v ! ion haa her a made ty i i . " ' I iTlle c' ; : t c! J-'-":.e of the charges made by - . Aswii-tunt Secretary Nelllelon against Super. n lendeut Owen, but Secretary Fostrr is nut of town and it Is - not known whether It is the uxuul while-wash or not. -v ;'"'-:' '-- '..- v. z.5' ;U ' Washington, D, C, April 27, 1892. ' Mr. Harrison did not return Irom bit visit to New Yorll feeling in a very good humor.o The egotism of the man is so great that he expeotcd to have secured pledges of support from the Nfew Yoik boKses, uud iwa failure to do so- made' his disappointment cor recponili'igly great; Tb'n fact was commented -ou Here that ou the day he was in the Metropolis the republican dailies of that city; as if by agreement, were full of talk about the probability of Blaine alter all becoming the candi date.. Mr. Harrison must have regard ed this as significant ; it wits ceriaiuly so regarded here. i. Whatever the out come', U is apparent to even the UJ091 cuttuul observer that the - Harrison boom ia'rapidly losing ground here. The Naval appropriation bill, recent ly pa.ogcd by tlie House, has been . re ported to the Si-mite with amendments largely increaoing : the appropriations for new ships. Senator ,: Danit la' ameudmeut appropriating 300,0C0 fer tbe international .pnval review ' next year was reduced to f 50,000. " . . The substitute for the House Chinese exclusion bill, which was passed by the Senate early this week, is in the hiuidd of a ebnfeience committee, and although'..-?: tbe- sentiment' -. of - the HoiiHo isstrongly in favor of n more rigid exclusion than is possible -under tho 'present laws, which the 'Senate Hubstitute extends for ten yearn .from expiration, it is regarded as - probable that tbe lluuse may accept it as the moat that can be gotten from the .Sen-? ate. " - - Tbe House Judiciary committed will report a resolution authorizing an in- -vesugalion of the' Pinkerton . detective agencies. - The resolution to be report-, ed is a substitute for Ihe'otie offered bv Representative : Watson of Georgia', several icon lbs ago,' wbirn conlaited charges Against the Pinkcrlon system. ' Representative B ytu's bill placing lumber ou the freo list, - which is a dnlplicntlon of the lumber eeoiion ? of the old Mills tariff bill, would, have been reported to the House this' week by the Ways nnd Means committee, if the republican mombers cf that com. mil tee had cot requested a postpone nient of final action until tho next meeting of the committee.' James R. Young, thedeposedjexecu (ive clerk of ibe Sanate, haiug failed lo.get the fennlo to iuveailgule. the charges of betraying ekecuiive secrets under which he was dismissed, Is now endeavoring to haye an Invealigatiou of the chargs made by the standing committee of newspaper corresposi lenta, hi charge of the press galleries of C'ongreM, tlie ground being that if the charges be true be Is not entitled o the privileges of those gnlleries, as a reputable newspaper correspondent.: ' --Soualor Hill said, ppeakiug of the appoctionm.nt of New Yjik : "The apportionment is both morally, right and constitutionally . correct. The pretense of the republicans (bat- it Is nnconstitutionnl will avail them noth ing., Tbe courts must aod will decide agalnrt them, because their claims are frivolous and nngroundi d. For seven years the ' republicans refused to luke an enumeration, to make an ftp poitunityto do so ihemselvc, and now they must'tifler the consequences of their folly." . ; ... ; '.;,;;: " Everyone regrets, and more (ban the gentleman himself, Representa tive Enloe, in m burst of temper, called Conimbwiuner Raum a liar. It was an unfortunate occurrence, viewed from any standpoint. True, Mr. Enloe con tends that Mr. Raum had id a private -conversation admitted doing the thing which be so posit' vely denied when testifying lo the House committee, but bis testimony could have been cOlciar ly contradicted and disproved without the cue of language that should never be permissible among gentlemen. Chairman Hatch of tbe House Agri cultural comroit'.ee, exrxct to get bis anti-option MIL before the. I louse as soon as tbe free binding twine' bill la dispoaed of.' lie thinks the bill will pass, but its opponents are very active and any Ibey expect to defeat it.. Senah r ehermafi was evidi-ntly act' ing under instructions when ha amend ed cVnator Teller's resolution culling upon the President for information eoiM-erntngtre International monetary conference, which rumor says has been arranged tor, with Me word "if not iacompalilile lib tbe public inter!," for Mr. Harrison in LU letter In an swer lo ihe resolution nays:- toIn my opinion, it wool. I nut !e rommtible with tbe public interest to l.iy before the Senate at this time Ihe information requested." lie promise Ihe Keuate shall bav the Information at the earliest moment aftT definite in formation csn properly be given," which probably means when it caa bet be usef to aid republican interest in tbe coming Presidential campaign. There, m ill be some interesting the talk in tbe Senate on Mr. Hirri.ou. The Methodist ct Hickory, will bni'd a I and-onie trick i lurch wLkb Cuit Clover Hay. Tho tlilc-k steins of a rank growth of clover make it hard to 'curt by the ordinary means oi ixposure lo. the nun". Long bef re: theto atems' are dried through, tho lender, lliin leaves will bs ehrivelled up and broken 'off. This necessitates miring olover by heat ing, nud with as little atirriug as pos sible, and that only when freshly cut. . The best way U to follow Ihe mower with the hay tedder ', without the least Interruption, and I lieu while only the leaves have dried, ruke the clover ajd put it in cock. It may seem dry because the leaves will rustle, . but leave it twenty-four liouft, or if need bo, thirty six cr forty-eight. Then open nnd it will be found inoUt inside. The moisture his come from Iheslems, and when Ibis hns dried off tLe buy will be cured aufQoieutly to go into tbe barn or slack. The - slight beating which hay.tbus gets not only dues not injure it, but really ' makes it more paiutiille to stock. ' "; ; ; : ' - The coarsest clover cured thus will be taken mote greedily lliun thut grown so thin and Ur.o that it cuti be cured without heutlug. . It Is sweeter and more nutritious,.!! vtvlt to more palatable, ,: than v " clover thut ' does not go through tbe heating process or that Is put in large stacks without be ing previously put thiough Ibe sweat, and thus subjected, to mure violent fvririentation that b'neken's and: ruins it, When clover turns black it is e sign that heating liu. chnuged to conl or carbon much of the more valuable nitrogenous nutriment ihutit original . ly poejBcd. Auiericaii ( u'tivator, . .SfS'; :fi: ; Cmtiua; C'lorer ffnrljr. - ; ' This year of all others In the West the farmer, ahould out. I heir clover, early..- Bo sure to cut it before, the feed is formed. There Is a' lliys'olog Ical law jn tbistUat will help tho far mer if he is wine enough to kuow it. Clover is a bleunial one of those plants that commences to dio who, 11 it baa onco produced seed.. Here Is the point : By cutting beforo the seed, forms you can cut two : crops Iu one season and still kctp the root alive. At Huft ft will Hot die because Ils purpose has been fulfilled.: This year we shall need all tho hay we can get. ' Skillful management of our clover meadows will give 114 a hire additional yield of liny aud have ibe roots right for the next season. That wise farmer the lute Uirntn Smith, once showed u av field of medium clover nino years old from wbicli he hud taken- thut yeur fully three tons per acre in ' threo cut lings... But there is another nd vantage In rnrly culling. -The liay for milk and butler purposes is woilh dottb'e that of the ordinary grade. ' Now U the lime according lo Ilotird'a Dairyman,' which gives the foregoing advice, lb make a luUlnke that will oc cupy us a ' whole year in mourning about. Cut the jtover before It seeds. Culil no crops. Get more hay per acre. Get bay worlji twice as much as tbe ordinary kind, ; Preserve your clover meadow for ti.e next year. Ouo great reason clover meadows ; kill ' out In wiuler Is 'because. : ttey become ex haustcd in summer b being allowed, to stand until tbe seed Is formed befcr j cutting.' . .-''"' .':' : .'' Paint for Roofs. - . Nothing will be lound superior to irou'jaint for durability, perfection ot protection, quality and ccbr. Culois vary from light sl ite lo ulmoH red, but ihey are quiet nnd pleasing. I( is sim ply tbe gtottnd metal sifted into water. When it js mixed with ol', It needs constant stirring, but goe on eco nomically and stays there, keeping out rain and snow alike. It rarely costs mors than 11 to 2 cents-per pound, and I hive seen it atone-half cent. -Ill should be used with the best ' linseed oil. Mixed with one-third while or red lead it forms a putty that for hard ness aud iroprtrjpu.nei' lo water has no equal. A new metal roof ahould be allowed to rust sonr.ewtst before being painted, as tbe paint will adhere better and not scale. If a metal roof be well fastened down and never much walk ed over, potty will do as well as solder fjr stopping leaks, and 1 much more quickly and cheaply applied. It must not be too (hick and hard Jo. go on easily, fiil'ng every hole and joint per fectly. Country Gentleman. - .. ... 1 1 1 1 " ' - Cost ef Urawlag Cera. A Kansas farmer ha figured oat the cost of no acre of corn as follows r To plant and cultivate an acre of - corn with tbe implements now in use is quires Jim. three q'tarlere tf a day. To mature an acre of corn now, at f 20 a day for a man and team, you hare II 81). It will cost you ft CO to put it in' a crib, so you see to mature and nrib as acse cf corn it cofl t-IJStl. Sow add lo Ibis $2.JW for invested la Uod, and yon have $5,871. Now take your crop of this je-ir, wbbh will! average forty bu'lieU, at 30 crnt a buahel, and you have $12, a net profi' ofover (0 per acre left. Tbe annual convention nf King's D.mphtr m Ul be held at Wilmington .! iv 14-2.). NOaT fl CAROLINA NEWS flipped Mad Caadenred rreca ear Kx . tkssjn, - !'.-,.:..;,'' ' ' . 1 1 1 . ! .1 y Stalesvilla now 'has on organizid creamery company. A t Gr ei.i-boro will bo held the Epis copal convention, May 20. i - :v : Tb first preen peas of the season were shipped from Newbern Monday of last week by steamer,- ; '" Work la progresfing well now on Iheateil plant al't'rcensburo ai.d with reas 'tml le weather, It will bo liuished inside of six weeks. . , , The Henderson Gold Leaf reports the organizing ol a Mock company' lor the purpose nf operating aitot her amok' iug tobacco factory iu Henderson-. - . The board of IrtHtces of the colored A. & M collegn met ul Greetndnn o last Weduesday lo accept u she, elect-- n president, uud utteud (0 geui ral busi ness. - ' The col.ired Alliance - in Hullfax county iiutnbeied .neurlv a Ihousni d metnliers not long ago, but it is report ed now that ihey are rapidly le.tving tlin otder. ' 1 .. - Lewis Henry.: White niwl Governor Sponce, colored, were ; drowned 1 . in Hyde county while attempting to O-li ahad nets In a small skiff during n. strong gnle. -. s , vi4-..t'Li The Elizabeth city " Economist i8 pleased to hear that oyster commission er Lucas !tu- changed his (pinion' and now favors allowing dredging for oys ters in deep water, :. ' .- v: 'r ' rf:::''ii Tbe building committee has' located the new hiiildings lor thelPrexliy'ernn home at Borura Sprliwn, They will be situated on ei .ber aide of the site which tbe old bull ling occupied, .... - The nnnunl ineciings of the. Grand Chap er Royal A'cli Masons, Grand Commanilery Knighls 'i'emplara- aiid Urnnil Encampment of O ld Fellows will be held ut Wiuston Salem this Goorge Honxton, the negro who was arrested at WiiiHioti a. fu days pgo for the murder of policeman Moran iu Charlotte Apiil 1, was set tree it rav ing been proved that be wus not the mau wanted. oW. Henry ShniTer, while fl.hlug"iii Mecklenburg cotin'y a day or o ngo, caiighton eel which hud 27 lish hooka in its mouth; Some of Ihe hooks had bits of string to them, showing that the lines had been broken by iho eel, The feu t tire of ihe appronching core menceiueiitof Oak Ridge Institute will be a lemiion of Hie old students. May 81. . Speeches will be delivered by va rious old student. Bishop Edward Ron'.haler, of Salem, will deliver a de dicatory address. ',,! . Dju Sherldan.'a printer at Wilofing tou, is dangerously hurt. - Ilia throat was cut almost from car lo ear.:- A druti'cen iiegro-ettempted lo murder Sheridan alter Ihe alter hud iriud to keep him fruui being tun 0V2r by n train.- - . - . - , . , - John Rohbins, tho e lored ex editer of a negro paper formerly ptibliahud at Wimlsor a:wl nt Newbern, vas anest ed J'ue'djy of Itft-tt w e e on a eipias from Craven county charged with libel. Uiscureer as an 'editor' was brief, but during (hat short lime he had been arrested twice before charged with criaiiunl libel.. When Amjtdus and Barlowe landed on R awoke Island 1684, editor Crcecy declares in Ihe Elizatielb City Eoono mist, tney struek the best place in North Carolina. ; H is, he adds, the best place for raising truck in North Carolina. The April cold snap that ruined man 7 Iruc'ter lelt ibe Crops on Rounske Inlaud unharmed, - .,;.' Mr. J. W. Wharton, Jr., tells the Greensboro Record a snake story, - He treed a huge snake, u hioli lie saw go into a hollow Iweniv feet from Ihe ground. He cut the tree and In out' ting into the hollow cut Ihe snake in three- pieces. When luld npon the ground It was over six feet long with an; enormous body, and was known n tbe cow-sucker snake.; ' , - - , "Frank Buck ner. a postmaster In Btiuconibs county, and hisou-iiu 8 r. ling, are under arrest. The pMimnaier isctarged with abstracting check from letter and hi cmsin with being Implicated In tho crime. It is said that the latter has eonfeaxed (lint be passrd six checks in Abbeville amouutlcg 10 $231, given him by Frank Biickner, lor which he received one half of the proceeds. The 'endorse ment were forgerlr. ; " . - The storm week before 13st In Bertie eouuty waa very severe. Rain fell from 10 o'clock Friday niicht In one continuous stream until af'erday break Saturday morning. Damage was done lo Ibe road and a number of. bridges were washed away.. llaflst-wee tS large s pidgeon eggs wero found next morning at runrlse. Many large trees were lorn up by Ibe rm.u. A Ixrge stable nm farm owned by J. W. Har dy uai bloan doau and a horse wbj killed. - . : . Tbe Wilmington pipe's tell of a shocking case uf depravity in that city. Juhn Thoniton; an old hiincli beck, was arrested charged with criminal art-iult opon a little white girl. The evidence was ef sucb a nature, thai Justice Bunling held the old fiend un der bond attbesom of tl.lXK) trial at lbs Slay term of the criminal court. Tlie MrsM?nf er seys, the little girl, a c-bild only 8 years old, gave a straight forward account of Ihe tnnttr and her statement waa borne out liy other testimony. It i said that (here are several other little girls m ho have keen abused IndiiferfBt waysbr this old rep robate and that Ibi-re will le eome shucking development at lb trial. Old uuo Tbomp4in made and mended sacks and bag and it U said be had several Utile girl who always came around him to get candy and noney, and it i knoan as a siiigular fact that, as dcforiDe.l as ho a, I.U little visitor were very much attached to him. The children v&ry ia eges from 3 to 13 '"H- , ... (Uvfoi red !ruja last week ) . : A new sanitarium to coct $15,000, is to he built at Aaheville. ' South port, which claims 1,200 popu lation, has no eliucmuker. : Ka3eltevilte under the new law be comes entitled to free delivery of luaT, Less guano has been sold In Halifax nnd the mljolnlng nonnties this season than In any yar since 18S0. ., ,. : ' : The German Reformed : eiasals cf North Carolina will meet nt HcdnckV Grove, 'Davidson county, 28th Inst. . Tlie North Carolina vnod of Ihe Lutheran church meets io St. Paul's cbut'cb. Rowan county, lo day, April 28. ' Congress appropriate $100,000 fur the improvement of the Cape Fear river below Wilmington and .$15,000 above Ibnt city. A dealer u ho in 1891 sold $28,fOO worth of mules and horses in the An sn section, this yenr has sold ouly $7,000 worth A destructive cyclone passed Ihrncgh portions ; of : Coiumhua - nnd Bladen counties week befoie last aud ruined much timbor, : . 1 ' TheXharlotie Observer says the new chapel at Ihe ThomtMon Orphauge has hern oimpleted. -ThU- chapel was built by money donated by a gentles man of Charlotte. ; The fife, drum nnd hugln corps of Ihe Fourth -Regiment bails this ynur from Concord. Th- corps Is compoper of seventeen musicinns will be lo fine trim for tho encampment. The - Washington Progreit think that the fruit, crop has not been mate rially damaged by, the recont cold snap,: but considerable damage has been sustained by the truckers iu this section, It U staled nuthoiltlvely that Char lotte, Winston and Wilmington . are rated each ns having only twenty-six men in business who are valued at $50,000 and over. Raleigh is rated at ten men of that amount and over. . ' The Greensboro Record learns that the pupils of ihe Keeley Institute are rehearsing for a concert, . which they Propose to give at an aHy day for benevolent purpose. ; There nra some very fine vocalists In the Institute at Ihs present time. ' Will McGeo nnd Chatles Brj-an have been arrested and lodged in jail itt Fayetteville Monday, charged with Iho rourler of John Adams, colored, of' that place. - The prisoners confess their guilt, alleging, however, that the kill ing was accidental. ': The killing wis done oil Sunday morning In South Car olina.: A colored woman is alleged lo have been nt the bottom of the (rouble. 7 'fhe trial of Hiram, : Wilson for the kil)ing of Irvin H meycutt, iu Yancey county, October 1889, was in progress at. Way nes ville last week, tbe case con. sinning nearly tho entire week. The Courier says Wilson Is an intelligent young man, 21 years old, and wus 18 alien ihe killing nocurred ; his father is an ex-sheriff of Yancey county,. wa a gallant sohlie iu tbe luto' war, aud l highly respected. ; Lieutenant Commander Cramer, ol ti e Cjarlotle naval battalion, has re ceived notp-e that the 12 pound . haw itzer, for which ho made application lo the Navy Department, would be for warded from tho navy yard at . New York and arrive in time for Ihe May 20th celebration.' He also heard from General Glenn that HotchkLe 2 pound breech loading rifle, which it was desired to procure, would ba hip ped right way, say tbe Observer. Prof. J. A. Holmes Stale geologist ' Mr. P. M. Wilson ami T. K. Bmner met at Salisbury Thursday. Dr. 11. B. B 1 tile, State chemist,, .was present. The olject was to discuss plans for making collections, decide tbe size of tbe exhibits and lo select Ihe localitlei from frbich tbe various collections 1 re to be taken. Fishes, forestry, field products, mineral, manufactories, etc., ach bid a bearing in Ihi meeting... In reply lo a question bv the Herald as what s'.tcces wus 1 elug niade in rais ing the lund (or Ihe North Carolina building, Prof. Holmes said : "We are: getting along . admirably. ; Tbe money is not raised yet, but we exp ci ta commence the Imildiug soou." lie added that Ihe building would bo an honor lo Ibe State and that North . Carolinians attending tbe fair w'ould oe Justly proud of it. s,t Rev. T. W. 8. Parker, of Ibe Pleasant Garden circuit, hear O 'eenshoro, has attempted o preach like Sim Jones, Indulging iu a very ubuslve styl, ami J. C. Neelry, one of bis flock jmned on him about it, and beat him up pre ly badly. - According to the Greensboro Patriot, an indignation meeting was held at the parsonage of Pleasant Garden, lo denounce Kecley for striking the prenebr. Nerlry ac cused the preiu-herof tbtislng bim : iu bis sermon. 1). G. Neeley, brother of the fighter, in a card, gives, sample of ibe preacher : "rihow me a dozen Christians In this church, and I will show you as many sainiaa there are squirrels and rabbits In Ihe mood and oi l fields aronud beie." "If all the members of Ibis church were to die now, tenths of tbem would go right to bell." "Yon are the worst people I ever sarr." "Any little thing can be a daddy, but there ere only a few fathers," and many expressions more shock i.ig still, - - WHO WILL BB NOMINATED " I b Qstle aw Frsejksnly'sTmtziie will be Aaawrrsd la Jmar. la lkMsaatlai ear Ureal OaVrCatlaae. - We bave arraatrd with the putdiah era for an extension of Ike arrange ment by which wear enable. I to of fee our reader, fi-ee runs a year' sub scription to that great sixteen page il lustrated monthly, the Amerimn Far wut, published at Srinfjeld and Clrve land, O. Dj not rirlay. but lake ad vantage ol thi offer while it 'is open. Remember that we give a year's sub scription lo Ihe A mrricna farmer lo all ojr suliscriber who pay a yrsrV s.iliscrip'ion in aHvnii'- besnle" puying all arr aracea, aud K) all nrw s.;Wcri I vers paying in advnce. Simple copies of Amrry-a 1'arMtr ui.iy t-e seen i t iLiSpfJce. .' An Appeal to the Ilnmane. The Xorth Carolina Society for Ihe prevention of Cruelty 10 animals ap peals lo all humane people in the S'ate lor their support anil assistance, Tbir society was organized two years aga under a legislative charter,, with au thority ."to establish and - locate branches at any place or places Within tbe boundaries cf the State." At the lime of its organization it received s ' donation of fivo hundred dollar from a non-resident of Ihe Stale, who baa recently, Unsolicited, tent another dountlou of fifty dollars, with an ex pression cf gratification at Ihe success- " f il work of ihe Society thus far. This work ha been hitherto almost wholly routined lo Aaheville and Its vicinity, hut the Society has from the beginning looked forward to the time when it could extend its work Ihrouhgout the State, according to tbe provisions of its charter. Il believes that a systematic effort In that end c ught now to be made. To make Ihe effort successful it is ah solutely necessary Ihnt evary friend ef ; the cause should lend the Society A helping hand , first, by financial anp 1 port, at leapt to Ihe extent of tbe cost of an annual membership, which : la at present only one dollar, and second, by active assistance in executing Ibe plan of extension adopted by the Board of Manufacturer, Walter S. Cushman, of Ashevi.le. "Membership' tees should also be sent to him ana will be duly acknowledged, , . -' By order ol the Board of Managers '. A, M: Ballard, Walteb 8. CtJSHitAy, President. Sec'y ami Trens'r. Ashe ville, Nt C April 18, 1892. v. ':.'.?''.( ' Ceasasapfiee Cwred, An old physician, retired from practice ; having baa (laced In hi. hand by an East , India inlMlonary the fnrmnla of a simple -vegetable roincdy for the cpeedy and per- , mauunt f-tra ul t'onminption. Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and all throat and Lung 4 Afflictions, also a positive and radical cure for Norvous Dc'llny and all Nervou Com- plaints; after bsvb g tested It wonderful curative powers la tiiuu.and of eases, has felt It his duty 10 make It known to hi uf j firing fellows. Actuated br this motive and a desire to relieve banian suflerlng. I wilt send free nf charge, to ail who desire it, thi f recipe. In Oermar., French or English, with full directlous for preparing snc using, sent 1 Ismail by addrasslug with stamp uamlns; this paper, - ,A. Norsa, ttV) Pnver' Block. Bocbeslei. At Many Penan ' Are broken dnwn from orvwork or household tares urowit'n Iron Bitters- rchnlMs the system, aids dhrettlon. removes e eess of bile, and cures malaria. Ciet tliegenulo SUPEP.IOP. . to all other ; :-- medicines for purifying the blood and restoring tho health and . strength, v Sarsapari I Ir is the standard epeciHc ' for SCTOfula, Catarrh RhenmatisiTi, and DehiUty.. CureoOthcro will euro you. est e attic mm else aaM La M ua, Plymouth Co., Ia., May, last. 1 satrsssd bom Utnpcrary sleeplessness hem tterwork fur two yean, tor which I ease: Pastor Koonte's Konr Tooie, and ean rseonmMad sanas sa the bast uwdldu tor siinllar tronbtoa. , - v. BouMuuBtrr. ."' Caaacr, Tense, Oetobsr, isse. Owing to runaway about a yes asA nr son wes IbiowB from wagon and severely h? sbuut the bead. For many days he wee estlTety bc.Ua blwsl( a-vl aavlng. aad aeedsd anlliwi watcblog. At this tfue 1 loaraed oi Pastor a.oe-n-'j". Korre Tunis aad a sees ordared a botUa, Aiterl bad glTD mm the aseoaddoaebe Ml Into a unit sleep and esaasa raaing. Tbeaart day be waa moon baUar, aad wi be had asad on tbe aunUnU of bottle he was antiraly ra StoredaidusesUu. St&D DiUi&KWiofc sfaastaa-A VaJaabta IViek aw Wottms .III. I. --- - mt fraa te tm r HP r and poor NMia eaa -o mum I I lawha Uiia waiUeuw Owe ear eu run KnoniS. ot Port W.rn, lad. ' u now mand uadu ala diracOaa br s KOENIO MEO. CO CMecc VX 8oU byrntetsateierBotae. 6ftarC5. ZAraaliisetSJLIS. Battle for . HEW IMPrOVED Standard Turbine. n V s It glyesoo eiiher a ver tical or hnr izoutal f ', more 1 f r for its ; c, yieUs a giei?i r t r. r e ti ( h : 9 1 f iff s-