r "WTW '"A , '' '-- JLLL ' . J. Vcjuxx. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1894. NO. 2. U , - W O ' 1 7: Tho Old Friend And the test friend, -that never fails you. is Simmons Liver Becru later, (the Red Z)thctVwha. ..you hear at tho mention "of this clcellent Liver .-a medicine, . and people should hotbe persuaded tjiat Anything else will d5. ' . It is the King of Liver : Medi cines; is better than pills, and ' takes the place - of Quinine and i Calomel It acts directly on the Liver, Kidneys , and Bowels and gives new life to tho whole eys-' tcrri. . This is the medicine you! Want," Sold by all Drugyisls ;in Liquid, or in iWder ttf io taken ary or macie into a tea, Xta. the K iiaian la ltd on wi antler. 4. II. ZJfllalf fe CO., riiilaMpl.i, ft. ( ,'J PROFESSIONAL CARDS. , ATTORNEY AT, LAty,', v A TTOltNEY AT LAW- fraction iu te State. and federal Court MlthraDV stnd nrouiptlv attend c bet" eiitranted toblm.' , ; ' '! - J5r.:Jo3mE.StOflkard,Jri DENTIST, BURLINGTON., VC.' f'r-Gud sr't of teeth. nt tlO per set OIue on Main Si. ovci I. N. Walker t Co Kiore..j . , j .. t j , ..v J.hVeasv.Va IT9D r ItHBTp Haw ( Oain-i HI raaouhir Wet Palai Tka, Miarf f m Plaebr Bf : Itaala Tkm llnidml MIlM lh 14 Mara la A Wek, Bat ttaacar Waa pfilladclphla Tlmeai . , . ' t V 8uoo"1fSeiiy yr bp fore (he break in out of lb o civil war k became the duty of a certain ConufoteniAa tfom ihm Virginia dislriot It itwnnenil to the President om one r tbe poel Hon of cadet at Wen IMi.t. ; Amnne oibrr ; pplicaotn .tbe . two moct faVoralily koowd to dim were Ootilef youths named 01U Butcher nnd Tom jAckson. Tbe Ujogrosdmau Rlibitiitted each of them to a perhooal examiniHon and (old them he would cooimttqicale bia decision la wrtiliigon the followioj? dy. As may be suppos ed, the inirvtioing time waanota reet- fuf period for either of the luutf. Jckon thumped over an algebra he had picked Up Its Ihe 'Biiting room of the llttlle tavern where they' 'were topplnjc i Whatever anxiety, he ireii)ly felt was Veiled tinder an apiiearauce of ehrewd Indiffbrence. Young Butcher, hvTev f, 'a f ory nei vous and fidget ed abjut a good fleil. Tom's quiet urn niter nas to hiiq rather locompre hcneibie. - . , . r. , -1.. 'i ' I hardly be'ieve you care at all," he exclaimed; after' loiterii g about for SAMPLE COPIES FREE ! THs-Siiiiny South, H The rreat SonHiern- Vainly Weekly, ihonid txkeiitii every lioawhoid. The pi ice U onl v 'i a er. and a pretrnt worili that ainuunt or utore U cent for every f tarty uti icriptlon. , A sample copy will be eent free to aajr addrea. Write at one W . . J. It. SEALS aV CO.." i ' . i , Atlanta 0 Are" You Going to Build ? il yon are.roiiiff to bnild a bonie. ton Ttlll do it Ut call on ie for price. I have' a force of killed workmen who hare M aritti mo from if to S yeara who know liow to no food work and a benp ot it. I will uiild by contract or by tbe day 'furbUn mate rial or job can do tt. . r - . Come ad ee at. Will be glad to gire .youSirnm. Tbauki for ut paironare. loorfie., W..W. HUTSON. 1 GraUaiu, N, C. A if. 85.- : t , . i.-rii'ur Imiv- Imis waaale M fdV f"r "t r Ahhs I 're, ibweiln frx.n, ) Jf. Hatiit, Tevlealet. Oliltt. , et Jf. Haws Ted", Uliltt. uft. 4HMMawedfntrMtt1. Why urn tu ajniite ewm wr awww.iw .'ruaifd. awatflo l be work and fire) y it buwe, wbritrf i4i en, bav y rOff an raallv nrnhiir ffruev fa fl f AtUr-fc W-l1 fMhMr - atari ruaj. I an truri Is frra tran Mar work- 1 t aa -- 1 . elt ih- iktM. Htc L, era. Uiinrr nnkiten ii a aW - W.t-jaj, aU. Vn. Alto f"n in ftak, a rav 'i 1 .M4tartMt vbwvl WM. I MB WO. wl am l im .&x. I rMjMaaM4 nMNrt u ail hmwi hif. tai.lt.iiili ilhrwaly. PITiENTS ThEATED BV MAIL. CONFIDEHTIAL. Ummm. mt wMk a. mrm. a lna a? kat ala r. pnlnatiMrM, auk ika aaat . r. vmit. arnwfri mmx eiw. r i vv a5mmufA1 -'VaacrJt- "- v . -vneail cj, - v ' V.cocv . f . . , a all.i "toa, ftwBji - 4.S 1 I. J.U. several hours In e fretful way ."Well,rt teplied Tom, "what iy the iwe of worrying over what you cannot holD ? ' Time enough to frjt when the appoint meit or disiippolatineut come." "Then you dou't really bop , to win?"' 1 " ' " 5 j. r ' l t ?I haven't Whered my head about It flnce 'nw Mr. Maya ' I . dit,. my bet befura bion., f It la bU 8it flow." E.irly.the hext morning the land lord opened the dcor of tbe room occu pied by the younj; men, -: .' ' :. f. ; 'Here is a loiter for you, Gib," laid he. "I reckon you imial be in l ick." Btftcber seized aifil tofe oiit-u the fateful fDi-fit. ' Toirij who list tbe olifKbra asjiiiii. Inserted a finger be f I tu-aen llin IniVM Ih fore ,.i a'n til i book. Suddenly Gii b6n im- I r niHU war dance over lie fl nr.- . Tifti" he filed. Tv- ft : M f I'm rry for yuu, li.t 51 h Hhj. has decid ed ii my favor.".. j.v.. : : "':-, Theu be i:Mve a mild Initiation ol what nf(er(aid bfcuune fainotui'S the ",'rebel eU.'.' ; Tom, ettlt pt.ining lih liook, was he fl st M shake Btitclie 's iiund add congrafutute bim Upon his -uccfiw. Then he sat down and OuisY eH a problem be had been- attempting to ho1v when tbe iutprrup i hi came; Aifr that he p4id his saddled nn old gray tuare that was bis oie earthly piece of . property aod rode quietly home. Tbe socceedin g day be rf rum el bia duties as con-t l U ol bia dn-trict as if noibing had hapoened. To thiS posftloe he had beec electedi nntwilby tandirig' his youth, because of a gener al confidence In bis honea'y and self' reliance. , In due time Butcher wett to We: Point, "pael his examination theie aod was adn.i ted as a cadi t. Thau two mont'is er so elapaen, aurtng which Tom rode lira a'.d mare hire and there, serving notices,- posting pipers aud otberwUe attending to bis officla duile-. At night be eould usua ly he fjund poring over a few doit-earned volumes Id plodding, perehtent way Oae day when riding by tbe boue of Oid'a Ja;her oe was amazed to bhot young Butcher sluing in a dcjrcled att tude epoo tie' front porch. ''Hullo ("exclaimed Tom, reioing op "I thought you were at West Point We all beaid that yo-bad pasted in great shape." "I paased the exams well eaiogh," returned G.h, "bil I couldn't stand the after wear and tear. I tell you, Tom. its a lerrib! lif-. - Nothing but orders, drills. dress and disciplLr. Then there' the bard studying and the bul lyii g by the seolors. I swear I won't gt the roaring pf those guns out of my ears in a menib." 'Do you meae to say, Glh, ibat you bare thro wo up your appolotinaotT"" "It is a dog life, I ten yee. I would not go through with it to be made a general at tbs end." Tom's astooL-D'oeot , was great eaobgfc to partially eoneaal Ms eor. temp', for Batcher's lrreoluiion. He rod liomea-ard io deep thought. 1 leo he eMuaultad a ipy of the erar depai t- eot regulati'Mis eoeeeraing the p- poiatmeot if cadets, aad saw that lb privilege of reoommeodiNjt one reard with tbe eoagreasmaa only far a specifi e I time. Af er that it revette I 'a. tbe Secretary of War, )f ake consulted aa almnae -aod made brirf cakula tiona. Then b got ap abd walked to aod fro, but presently pauedi with aa air oi raxolulioo.. I havejut arvee daya grace," he rrfiected, "thee lb anuointmeot will o out of the band of Mr. Hats, hi ore l ban 300 ajalles l.Waliintoat and hat may deil-na t reanmoiend me fee all. But it ie aiy sy ehanoa. I've (tot to get tL ere aud I wilt get hefe." An tiowrla'e- c-j Toa and te olj tuars rei oa tie roaJ. II tUn.J it the house of the nearest Juatice of tLe peace to turn over hi oflk-i-il ps per and resign his oonstablesbip. ' At ler set tli'ig up bid accounts he had, but $2.50 left. - , - ' Tom,' said the 'sq ilre, "yon will never gT.t to Washington on 2.53." ' I'll . get there on tbe out , mare though," replied Tom, not insensible to humor; " That in, if she doesn give out too soon." ' " .'Well, in case ahe does, here are (5 to come hack on.- You've made a good constable, and I'll keep tbe office open awhile for you." ''I'd better not lake the money ssi 1 Tom, "tor yoit need not . look f r me back under four years.!': .. 1 Gib Botcher didn't stay that long Yet you better take It any ho; You'll be more'o apt to need it bad." ' : ' ,va Tom concluded to accept it as a loan Tore hundred milos upon a broken down msrrj o'er mountainous roads, 1th Creeice and river mostly to lord, and wl'h but seven days to make 'the trip was a very serious lank. There was no swift running railroad-in those days along his nigged route; and what is now a ten hour' easy run was a long aniiiresome joufuey . eveii .fur strong mnb. r L - - j borne fifty mi'ei from the capital the old mar gave completely out, ' Tom left her a ttb a farmer, sbottldared bis saddle bgs and trudged on: upou foot. By bard pushing ' be barely reached Washington a liitfs before Diiditigluo: (ha seventh day j When be pouuded at the door of Congressman Hays; bl strength wan nearly xhauted. :.'? -r ' "Well, sir ( what does this mean?" said tfiol genllmao rstber sternly, for, tbough kind-hearted enough, be . did hot relixh being roused from kis1 bed uUon cold nigbt.', -. - Wbeu the t fvsnf who had reluo- tantly adrallteJ hinf withdrew,' Tom, explained while tbe great man Shiver ed in bis'dres8ing-Bown. ..." f'Could you noti wait until morning ?" complain(dtbe Cungresemso, mildly bowt vir, ss be uofed the lad's -utter weariness. ' ' Tom mfintione l fht the last hour of be la t day wherein (he power tf rec- muieiidaiionf rested 'wittt M . Have was about to expire. 'csure enough ; you are right, my y.'I had lorgotten that. ' 8u Butcbi r , itsve it tf. did be t . Well, Tom, if Toft fid get there. I hops you ran stand UMo the rack. .Ja fact, I believe'you will. A b.iy that ean rule and tramp from Weston herein eVven days will be apt 10 go to West Point to stay-eh Tom'r - - i. . ; Tom intimaled tbat it b could pass Ih examination be would rik the other drawback-. '. ' - HI Tear the board may pinch-you hard, Tom Gib was somewbat better posted in bis studies tbnu you' Tve been readlrg up since then,1 replied Tom. "If you will only ree- om'nend me now 'LI night wbil tne'e is yet lime, l think 1 can pass. I've got to pass, sir, that is all there Is to b aaid." :' Mr. Hay-, re-entering his bedroom thought regretfully of his interrupted slumbers, theu made ready to sacrifice himself. He lold Tom to make bim self comfortable In tbe anii-ruom and prooeeded to dress' .When he return ed tbe lad was fast ash ep in theebair, Hi ssJille-bsgs lay beside bins on the flMr', his shoes and clottdng were Coare ami irsTel-sialaed. "Poor f llow," thonghtUveCongress- man pityingly. ; "He ceitaiuly . de- ervea success," Then be wok Tom up, called hack and drove with bins to tbe real dene of tbe Secretary of War. On tbe way Tom ralaied bb . resent ex perience. - H'e Indomintabte ' resIa tion made an Impressioa upon the Con sressmao. Something unusual would certainly be necessary wberewHH to raolify a great officii) I on . beiug thus unceremoniously routed out at a beatb enisn hour to attend to the drslre rf, a back country youtb. Perhaps a recital of Tom's story would be Ibelr best ex cuse for so rnde a viohtion. of tbe routlae el oQksiat etlqui f e The Secretary was reached after some difficulty. I( was nstorally in no veiy amiable frame of mind. But Tom lold bis simpl lal aoi tbeo fell into a doze while lbs Congressman tileaded bl eao-e. Tbe undeniable proof of tbe lad'' determination Boat ly overcome tbe Secretary ioteotloo of as-erti"g bis own later prerogative in favor of a protige of bis , ovo, and be a k reed It have Tom' paper made oat et eoce, ao aa larj nrfght eoss aiihia thvl-gain-aitoflhe Cingra.. ma a 'a power and recommendatioa. A subcr llnate was a-nt for aod the task aceomplikhed while I He ynoib till alius Wed. Thee Mr. Hay wcks blss m and the great cabinet official book bis bead. Yausg snso," said tie 8relary, roue maiauxl, I bough uuuaoat, aie are-jotifir4 by lb emergency, You errtaiuly ought to suceeeaV' Tom eauta t hia eees-s suflSclesiIy tv express hi Ibaoks, but oac sno went lo sleeo oa lb way bsrk lo the OiukD-KMaaf boarding bou. Mr. Hays aa iuJuLtnt, bovevcr, aad s.)on had tbe young man camfortably bestowed until moruing. Tom rose bright and a. early. He ch.mged his shirt, blacked -bis shoes, and otherwise made himself present able, .i Yet hi rusljo appearance at the breakfast labia wo amusingly notice ible, He mads a h&irty meal, bow i-ver, and though! oaly of getting on lo West Point. , - 'How are you t A far money, Tom ? acked the Congressm to, when tbey cre again alone together. Tun pulled out the remainder of hi 4even di'lmr and a half. "Thai will never see .yon through. biJ yoU expect to walk to West Point like tramp?" loin knew be was In a close place but he bad reflected upon such a eon- Ingucy before, No, sir, I did not," be replied Oi i ny men aaaeii, arier a ptuse, "not if yoU continued to be my friend." This 'astute reply complaleil bis con quest of the CongreSnf siij who laugh. eJ and paifet.Todt UpOa Ibe, shoulder. "If you should fail,, ftnjr "-toy," said he, "it will not I e for' luck ot nerve. Come'wtih me to my bankers." ; -' Aaert us Tom's inoet serious dim cutties were at ad end. He - obtained the money he ot e led, went on to' West Pofnl: pased a successful examination; fc id soon Cod lued other') that he bad o.ma to ' '. For fouf yetre he' pa. tiontjy worked bis way through the 1 tferent grades with the same persist encs which, from the first, had carried hira over obstacles that Would have daunted a less ; determinel soul. On recdviog hU lieutenaocy be rrtirned home w tb the first money he could trawj paid his Congressional benefac tor In fuH and held his memory alwaye greatest" esteem 'He ' also sought out the justice undur whom be 'bad served lis' a constable.' - ' "Squire," Said Ieut. Tom, '-here re your five dollars with interest to date." Tbe Fqtiire, clad in h imesrmn jeans, Surveyed the i ffleir A his neat fa'igU uniform and n ted tb-S shoulder straps. fhen be pocketed tbe money. "You were heartily welcome to the money, Tjiii," aaid he, "but as yon lon't seem to be1 eeding.lt now I may as well take il back. I had my doubt ben, but it has turoel out a right goml invent nedt." -. ; ..- ' ' 1 " The best yon ever made, Squire- that Is -for mo. ' Without it I might nayer have reached there in" lime." : , ' Shortly af-e' this the lieutenant wa ordered td the Wee',? wh're be asrvvd upon the f-onif r for several years and fought tbroagh-tbe Mexican war. He finally retur.ied to "Virginia and ac cepted a military pn.feorbip it t noted eduoitlonal ioelitutioo, -which be h. 1 1 until the beginning of tbe Civil war. - . When Virginia secoled be followed his unlive State, drew bis sword in be half ot the CoDfederaoyeud bacime kuown to fame under tbe name of Stonewall Jackson.'.- K BrM aTraiia, Many kinds of dried froila are quit difSult to keep through tbe year, aad the careful housewife.' usually heats then onoe or twice each year to kill ibe worms and ioeecta that often de stroy the fruit unless tbe precaution Is properly exercised. Tbe first re quisite fir preserving fruit ie thor ough evaporation of moisture, which dees not mean making tbena as dry as dust, but dry enough thirt when bard pressed with Ibe band they will not cling together IrrHbe form of a ball, r wifl not Hick together, says the Ameri can Agriculturalist. . , For small quantities a tough paper aack will answer. Either seal Ibe top or tie firmly whb n ttring, leaving tbouf one-third of tbe spsoe unoccu pied so Ihst the fruit may be sbakea about in Ibe bag sevrrxl tinee in the year. Wbao thu proteced, iltee la a cneet or eloeefy covered box la a cool, dry aod dark room. Often during sea son of abundance, a large quantity . of frail If evaporated, but at ee'liag time the prior are not satisfactory aad it ie desired to keep It uutll law following season. , To keep dried fruit cheaply? fill a eccar barrtl about tbree-quaitora full. bead up lightly aa possible, keepljg in a dark, cool roost, and, one a month doring hot weather, lay tho barrel on it aide aod roll it ever several llm-,-f standing ilea Ibe Kottom and head al ternately. Tbla will keep I be contents In good eond tion and nave "a ny boar of bard diaagrraable labor In beeping eves lo cTtpl moiwum and dsMtroy li "eif. Tbe color and fiat or are maolalneX tar btttjr I baa by throwing In I io pi s ur ptaciag In eommon grain bag, aa usually pract'e- nd. Do act use ealt barrel as they mpert a sa'ttab fljror, tad r usnaHy to poorly made to prove ttfieaciooa. Tbosnnclily cleaned ffior barrele ere far preferable, or new sp,de kaix. li may be u-d by paetlfg plain wlute paer opoa tl'e inaide of the tvee. ' :" ana JTaaea aa the Tlaae. .: i-.i? ''- ' ie,, - !; 3 ' Times are brlghtenlugii They are now bojwfully tx tier, though it's long ways, even now, to complete recovery. : The wise men who thought that the repeal of the Sherman- silver purchas ing act would give ret Uihlng pros perity Is now an acknowledged fool. Tbe man who new expect relief from tariff tinkering, will Soon Have to join io the same procession with the "gold buggery" and "rllver dlggery" crowd, and take a back seat. There in no re medy In legislation 'for the 'present stricgency. " ' !" "' " - ' There is to manufactory,' either: in wool, steel rails, cotton, or wood wares. that wouid not ha running twenly-four hours a uay, and every day In tbe year; if ibere were a demand for its product. We are overtkoclfed.'' Sur plus, surplus in everytbiog but coos moo sense. ;- England, Aostral'ta, Ger many, China; Hawaii have" not over stocked os. ' The United Slates' ha produced It owe surplus fron," flour, wools, cotton, corn, dog' fenne'l. Tariff on imported good, "high or low, won't give the much longed for prosperity; The VcKinfey law did not avert commi rical . and ' finaoda disasters, and tbe Wilson faria biU HU oot bring back oommerical and finan cial prosperity. ' i . - ' The abundant - oot pot of Iron ia Pennsylvania and Alabama has mad the furnace and the mill operative poor. -The abun fact wheat bateau of the norlb est hav made farmers el- most penny less, ' Tbe abundant eott hi crop of Ibe eoulb bee well-nia: V bank-rupted- Ibis section. The abnndant output oi woollen mill nave prove their own ruin, " j , . t Would it be wne to burn np lb surplus, or dump it into tbe sew T Or would It be wine lo tit dowa - nnd do otbiog a year or two,' and ' consume Ibe surplus ia idleaess T - Ot-aHII it bn wise for the west to eoatiaue her abaa dant wheat harvest, at forty ceala a bushel, and the noath to prod nee her eight to tea millrona of bales of eUtom each yar, and sell it for lens tbaa tbe oust of production 1 Or for tbe Ala bama fUraace to cooiiane to aaakn pig iroa and sail Hat six dollaa mai sixty cents per Ion, Ae, Ac. - There ie no w conditioa of Ibiags tbnl cannot be reached and cared by tbe vaporixiogn of eongransmsu" er tbe labored,' well-wriitea articles ei tbe arwspaperaand review. Craxaa Keraebu . ' Talk won't relieve tbe poor ' v Nobody ever flatters you for fun.' .. Policemen are little boys In bide,, , - A liar never forms new resolution. Leztae 1 cbrooie with some peo ple. "-, -'.' i ' - - A loafer always finds fault with busy people, - 1 f ' ' ; 1 New Tear resolutions are not always reform" ' - Nobody sleeps well the oigbt before Cbristma-j t v , Your prayer shouldn't smell of Aa-beuser-Boscb. t , , , . Where will Bob Ingeieolt bo ia a bondmd years. ., Tbe man wboras ao estbuclaxe t generally a loafer.'' " Cnpid'adartado not leave a' blood mark where they pierer. - ' ' Boy wbo ran oa tbe streets at nighll win no foersea op later on, A girl should never rurrf aalU i knows bow to snake btstuit. "A card of thanks' ie geoetaHy a free local, advertising ode's sorrow. Aus ska woaldatriknkio srifoj a meauer saaa Una a fcorsn turf, -i A woennn st priacfpally epewd 4 excls nations aad iaferrngaloeaa. . , SonM' tanu ftgre wfts 'erctybedy while oltcere won't; agree) wkb. any body; iiif i sAi-;i J i.tttJfA.fi- Some peeeja wul take nearly errrr- tbixg cbr, who won't lake a ta. ... HnstGaxU get bread for JIM hsv Lies lakes tbe nssmirs esst eT xasr riagr. t - . y Tna nseaner year ereaav ..surer tin bb am you ar indiaed to gpjrsgjxs ta . Joo agat 'av' '-Ji it., "ik Tba wcaoan eU' tittfo ttel&swm f bar own, baa an wot tat any iac sake pawpJe'n ckildred. Tba acne U l&ia"ra ey tiancL aesrer near kcr ctabna Isa fall ia tba sand ass a waab ayT irpanplc sroa&l talk I jrwoM kawJk mm tbey da to Tour tsee, rooi wsstU tkmk very saaa watt yosnr fiieod. A warn Cbristaaa auy ant greea grareyard, nut r" anaka lb) au low narful bkso k kats mvuvMBM aril. ' T ;t lfairying-n scan In reJawsa lssai s bk pattiac a - kea mm' tba aenc lo etaaa kisa.. It dWn & V t&c ao anxl danafis law nrkr. . Tba .Knvmifu,: Bfot, J1 ;a-rsrty l-MOaeTkintlAieearul. Obi how rrsir greedy, buey( . Oiddy, dizzy Is ibis woild Ihst we five In ! Getting money, p ading money ( Brroaiua Mnli lending tnoney. Coinir g 'bry out of sin 1 Heaping tiejsore, fkCkiflg plensurd Seekirg bobor, wit boot even Oontrief nobs ofqniet ieUara. ... For the daily f boogl t of Heaven, Or Ibe vdiee wi(Ma i - Drowning thoozLf la peatloflaoshferl Thinking nnoght of SB berenfter Ptrtirg far beyond Ike tomb, ' Wboedrmdpr.nl - To each ssorfal " Is tbn gU of final doom Ob t them bat a thing need fid ' , Tm t renek tbe gold, . Oh I ibem atbatOM lig iiti&ol i Tin fe iam tbesowl.. Loss bryoexi nil enmpctatiou. ' Loan Wyowd tvpajr. ' DaprSrar.slrMtSTzrsvaiesl Cnlariaiacigw as itnymir I Let sry Gfit i skeet. Mr tfatft Tbowr.k it last btst i33 lsnrnw ; Fee-btr bo fey nBvaW SaSWjj, . . Fall T joy - fsB ef CstsnS J W eWMaaTa-. tW9 Itfonllka biissev Gas tm r$A,t L& mm teg , Bread apans a csvpala left, liaasiacsiiiorsiaamaWrtn sTaars-- ' Satewsnyssmlil laaBt aaasarev- L ' .J! " 4Jea5najg)Bt Our greed f r gold baa ran as ia this f svenpad A fr rernl!y. Well tkanlsaWli hole. aIi'a moaey ia your pocket" the race to onta rip ethara la predi more and eheapnr goods I baa our cans pel i tors eombiaaiioBe, eliqaes ebeate, Bam, Rtscalily, aad Bapra My- This name spirit is seen in all Irsdea aad mnrta. Not aad ibea you urill see that tba cotton planter has ia convention assembled, rewired that bey would nnlp plant kaifof ton laud usually put la cot to a. wSd taea each farmer, thinking that a ill aa Ibe caatn. and that therefore emiou tU bo kkgh priced, thinks ba will doubCe bin ncre- age and I hereby grow rich. And Ikua it ge each year with lb cotton pin Mi- era. Do with lb wheat aad iroa pro duce ra, and to with all aaaaafacturtBg iulntois. . . "., How 1 wbb that tkm gtveiawoat wat not bankrupted I How sorry 1 am that Mr. Catbals ia teat at tkie lime trying to burrow sstaay at ft per Caet. iatrreat. Sosse of ua bad uonwu of borrow lo. front the gownsnaat at twepereret : i ' .:' The qnvaiioa of rigU aad wrong do ant enter into the aratiaa ai tbednr. Com-nrrclal integrity, iadividanl koa- oraod general iratarortaiaaae, kni playad ou. Ubaey sra cbsnpaad aever so bard to borrow atereaante ware never as eay-ejla ell, and aever so eboica of their toners, Capiul and labvr worn sever more datrwful of rb att-. Out pacta rn broken, greaaeala mail void, debts repudiaied,nnJdcaadu between seat and taa en no Wages be based upon honor, bat upou coital eraisaud futf.-iiere. . Wa need ator!, eoaancil polliicttl regeneration. aSepnataaca ts not nouga. Tan nntk staal begut ia tbe iadivMuaU Even aow church me saber sip ie no guarantee of lalegrity aad kosn ry. If all ike member of Ike church U thia eoenirygtt to keavea a bUou uiU have to sleep whh hi breeches under bis bead every eight. B'rth aad eduentloa are ao gnaraa lee of inlrgiiy. Sometime F. F. V. stands . rr "lUit seigea vaga bond - Tbe church la oa tbe aoe aid, and the pealMnitary en the other, ubh bnmaaMy between. Tbeeburcbdrawe bat liit-n and tbe oiteorUry noarea lees kas msssiswi rigbl ; lota of poof It escaped that jiaiiL , . . . Tba asuas wtnabn t pack a p uu dog atusnad sssssjU ba aha&rs ' oaut aff lunnaalrtmatullss aaOUtuu sm. 11, , "S awjaaa. PeefJnrbadoa) wnnat fts 4s aed sltesstd keep.t&aur IBU nakl ptenl ubudauV Eta an ba tkould fcewa) tbsur kBSa eax t ssJIn peopaVi bail fail tn. If tbs cay saauf eoaal kwk ma law sCa aad ditfaat tontru anal son that kmt bind tnj ts bed wttb has beola aat, port ape aba weuUai and pstbnoa ska woaA. . If ail Iba atfeuansi taok. ess owbt tm ha ia tka new&nafiiasry. gt tbe-, Warutaxa ttVb i ,MlIueasry gnjsnta wnoi souni b nbC t fbaa a esretl sawstty itanStf las aval Ewa. , TVw coanaivy ca, asrrea b snkl as ks a Jttstiieo.kMrtsjg cusnttry t liatf nei a coatary j)t aa fc reuuaus tot jsiS lw ltftsrfajg la rob kna pnepna far that bsaa, tt f beat bona eueyoseawaMi and a aanft Ikbrf cam sraadke tba atmsta na lacg atitVsut uarfwtit'rfev ... 'AM swells' eg ipmwe Sana tskin (it- kaayutgc egg ffassfa daewof t&akwtm&mm wtoai saw aanat nan aa labutWiaedIaauIX49iaa!caasrmasiiil aAatt3RW"ttSliBBi SimaJL Tuny law kvanj SbioJ ao ' 19? smaal! earn dsiwa 1 By kursu I r auftl fin snit Isaai ami ecser mocrai&e; sfiny kawn anewaTonadi ns DuwTs afi wiasiBnut snstaV tegaiitwysuaJHttsbfllsnaeaiilhila aaWaar.asufilluey Ban lens aoiijfcttrit aacnfUlsltasst.-. It is sfioaogO) an sr, ktat sBff tlbB aistfftodi &tru kemn osA KesvshfiJL It Ds qfufi praOafiiat iaaiwr, tfiaaa sMllAuttiinni of idsanr ssaneiaen ia KB sne ansrBntiina smuIiI dot li weak, Ocfuur aiftadm kas lawn, IfciWdl tiauoj una sinuiidt sflnrnsysai mstmieu By sua Egjlitti snrB wtune ssys3 ,naaeeyg;Aieaamaunt3Bul that sannJkE Ba- poamianna na tWaijiIln - ai HQ aeai) ny anenr. fit koua Baiaiiji cikd SB att aaa agjc , awawimt awa mttsim Skat aaoitu. tad fbAM ela saJly IbasoV egjfi, wdLnub sanrngasves away.' CtaM eggs, can Bss g m sen ted un a wan new n Hiamm kHeim esuaaVn eadiirg, nsufi- Bfladly wbdin guialluAlar fiwaa njuatbaaam casaya naw. v. mww aeedint atoete. e Jimi wbo want Vu rRn.i ixu ail'f VfH, yt U r-al to ta.a. dim ifAj,r-a. Iod Pai.ititt. Lt-uMtoem ail Lr '3 ; '..mi Americans sra said Ie have Ike poor eat leMb of any neotde la ft world. It is said tt more brais nroik a per mi baa Ibe wamn bi leeth beeome. The sameraault t silained be Urk of pioi er txiwUhait-Bi.and It I' a..) I l a arllkaearn deutiat that fifty yenia I euce.amuni t ) verv txtor l I U'efamtaBaBffm-al I nalaV, Hate amCMw is wary mnn esii gpog ilamn Bniiiez afJ! .tfisnt i naesa'sn sM aaajtlHtaw-' wb giMsaadt waJb &aiicat-8. largai uaaagjk swlaittiiasgsauaal ifti(frjan uJIatin, peaNoa; thuak. "ooni ttba kawtxl tulan eggi soooill ass plbandC lUxuadl nml ioMtmotvi a thu& kiln- air syaOai may nun. fcdkagaj a tsbn saaua axiaen ant whoa t,0Atein wiNaaKtifianu WMtufdl oil tn ttfiie banue aa(iu allium off asnn tuna- 8 on tilue eggt. Vjioj lUsioiirfp, ig w-alB gajanidi. can, b ntn tsg wuaiftosrmuofcartrfn rhd ! &teutaJiy egxa one fcnofc aaaoajl five oiuVaabin'au uMaWttg. kKiogt lanind! isa fttnaJhbxad,aC A fjtmpsnuiwak ef l&ma aerdl wafwa na moAr b aabtrno: WgPaTunnj ft uslr ou &un gaAMnaaw aust idkJtadt linisx be w bitf ihju ta ffduot anik a atXiAHA. Woti. aha uiatsa tan ntkani etta a awtftft ef tS lhir no nv. ean piaturify dtrua t.v kamatna tust cga, ikiiUUl DqHidl a kba. t!hey am q;uti oaaaceig, abuaJt kwejeeikeoeaiarVawefl uafitn- ktsamssn-- Tb ta-ttoa artiet baa drsttfttai " iute teoaveo- tA oi aTo- artX tJla j u - 1 kieewattstr-jeTraotl Pa tejwlkjna A'ttdn-Bm Tba Mtcoana a a usnni'b soarnbJ PackAnl sl ajcarte aa fefba HI kMt newwiaya m tire fjr aWomnbtaU, aanu I kioaai nat arjooyHk apeaj absnnoadL rMudt4Mjidbatibau' , l kb wbohr ssagr b taatnadi btb hia tn BuJtufc Cuocte- Ono wnt f skjDoeat tbn roa k f area b ao to aVs aaytajmsr tbwt eV erwaljsjbJb$.--liaitpbAn Ttmtn. A kUbte snaa anoked a etgaa flrosa efaa snacaioj aad M Mesreljt et ! rhiia,srtbia atecotd. A re-a- CA-Mlmstv- tho wild wave nr say iac w eeea a weaaaa wave her paxaiMi. SsgVaOoa tUnwbaetsv ' A Ctieegw ssaai uk ka-i jio tue- rsndared km web to a fbutaad moaod lareantra tkatka dida know when bo and bean w prownd tr Wasbsngtou 8tar. Ivak MaJaraa-aataa't A WniKiagto paor tettt f a aV- llahi fnl llrs. Mabprnov uka teovottx poke of aa iavalid dus,btnr a in- avlicalo. Meesacra 4 knr fataily, sbe sa!d, are ie tbe habit ef riding la IU) store oa eommawioa Octets, Anoibe lady refonvd naodsy la n bt I atab- enav.kavaR wbarh, a bright girl re- storked : 'Te'hapaaHe TrK-ra 10 Ike hack ats'is, Aothre lady refer orcaswoally to ntea rj'th avotaavt-, aad lo bee sfl-tlegt I root neurvh-gy ; Mi.l aj It 1 a.. At a a. mm. J L.J t for um " everyoao ill be tootblea at lb aga J vW-iona w bith be saw while la a t ate liieuty. I ef prsnce.' 1 asosd waan, . Vaawe- abxafil aVaa ba ausniad as aiumiiO$ astl1iusntiry bvowwoa tejdSvait by tua sksad'f aAattrp kiOMW T-unsosbjasaajaabMroc r ksogt ewaawkno,dairyajiot awaweeaioi eoaonj ev Wogev. Tb eoju lomt gea m'"x. fivweeska aanntba ia tho jewr, nnd tbn gone dry una! bee box. ii;ia; ie an jaaevAwhio uarnailL nod tba saaar ilao is eVpoeoJ ef tVe bottor. Iu Uiaiw youn: kei&ra witb .tng roix, k weoii ho w3 lo nrk. tVe ike- test yor nana sweat bs, afea-i Ir salik tbena if 1 hey any it to tak Paaik at a liuro dlrrieg tii kutw nt Ihatpor&id. Tho next Jet St w .:i in aad oa eay aaottor la keep a f brltao yield wfaiUk ! I'M- end) f ko ata snonlbv. third year ta habit t tburtmhT firl,) you fcsro a pens tt.t stiiker. . Tse row ia lrr- tv w renro'of kaiiik, aad her -o-rolor-Sa.d pro Valvar ta tn tbe i!'r d-j-eo.ha I rgly va h-rerfalVni ag f ess fc-re tuoce iit SiUi t,ivi'-. -AawrcMK A: rWwhnrvt, rtrvr.s T dint-- ti e c.. f Vo t!l 1 il-u'cs f-ti ; V ;

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