Itf EG LEANER. . It30KDKTEttTTST7XSOAt. . flRAHAM. N. C Feb. 15, IBM. Tinas or 8v MCBirnox : . . ; Una year MIX Moo:h Three laonCbs ., ........... ersabwripdon mast "be pel- strictly to . dv.oee. "refe tree. . ' The Clltor Is not Taipoatt-la tfor view express- the RATES OF AOTBKTIMNO : One square (one lack) One time t.Oi -or Srst Insertion an J art coal for each snsae- auant publication. '' , - - Kates far mora -pec and loafer tlms far ntibe- on applir-lloa. ' Loo.l notice ehargsd Ma iwti a fta for ; eaeh Inwrtlon.- J. D. ' KERNODLE, Editor. ? Tbi GtBANBB gives Its "heartiest commendation to the sentiment ex pressed by he Charlotte Obserrer in the following : , The ground upon which .Senator Vance bases his opposition to the The hut Issue of I ha High Point E lerpHie eon til ned Ihe; :" ' " Judge R, V. Win. tools spoken f aa lha nrst Congressman from tie Fifth DlotrtrtKichaut'. (There are itH is who will possibly canvass tb ail' nation, amorg I Hens John L. Kloif, W.: w. Fuller, Jaka Ling, John It. WfWater, IM .v;' vf - f, i Jtefoie.icHn the foregoing Is made to ao Alamance man, J. A. Lonjr, Eq , ami hi this connection Th Oi.EANBK desires ti say a word lu behalf of Al amance, end of Mr. fng especially I In tba Brat place Alamanca county haa never had tfaa Congressman, while deferring lo others baa at all times worked valiantly for wnonisoever tba conventions nam ad and given them wall roooded mejoritira, aud as a mt terof justice thleMUirty I enllt! ad to recognition. Ia the second place,' this count under the leadership, of Mr. Long; as chairman of the fieciillve cominitlee for the past tim e campaign baa nearly , doubled her Democratic majority. . Ia the fall of 1893 Mr. Long was elected to the Legislators by tha splendid mnjorliy of 859 over the com. bincd opposition of tba llepubliceus and the People's party, a majority equalling almost tba average mnjorjly given tba regular couoty ticket against bleb there was no combiued opposl lion, at the fame time managing tha campaign as eliairman of tha execu tive committee. , Especially do wa wlah to refer to lha em labia record 00B WASHIN3T0S confirmation of Collector Simmons amounts-to a proposition that no I made I y Mr. Long as a member of tba outsider hns a, right, after a Senator Legislature. Is iht : body , ha was a has na4o a selection for an office, I ilr-lees wcrler. As chairman of the o enter an obicction. He makes n5 1 &MM CBfl,Bal" A; besides "k ing on - . . i i i ... viuev taiTorisut coaimiuccs, no pn charge of dishonesty, incapacity or unfitness against Mr. Simmons; the charge is that he went to Washing ton and interfered to prevent the ap- pared the revenue bill, which reduced taxation five per cent, and procured I's parage.' : ; Beiideellbv fads above ' rttted. pointment of Messrs. Gudger and I grounds upon which Alamauoe claims Hale to offtco. Ijet US suppose he recognition, Mr. Long Is an able law lid.' If ho imufe his objections an aggreasive eampalgner, and tm., if W " led la pcll.lcs and aa to the he simply exercised tho right tliat belongs to tho humblest citizen. To deny this is to contend for an autoc racy such as lias never been heard M In , this country. . W frolcst against tho proposition that tho men who carry elections are to 1 dbfran - chised after they are won. The lo . 'lorcr in the Dcmocrntic cause has the right, after a victory has leen achieved, to an oxprcfswn of. his opinion alxrot who should and like ' wise as to who should not share the fruits of it. ;1wttmtil alter tho Senators have 'g:. NOETH CAROLINA SEWS. ' Xewberne Is thlpninz orsiars direot to London. " Newbtfrualiaii a naw The Charier. - dally paper- Wilmington want tba horticultural fair this ye4r. r. Leas tobacco will ba nlaoted In tbia 8iat than formerly, It la statd. Evarg. Hat Pearaon la hoMInc sariea tf mactiiigs at Davidauu Collrge, Win-t in Khlpnad 600.000 pounda' of manutitoiurca tooaooo taat wtek. . . . . . , . ..... I K. irnuru irwni isncio ceep nui moum Cumb, r'.aud couuly jail ll F 1 lay ti.fxla ilieir helw.tions.' lest hd sub- Tba Engliah avndlcale that pronoa . . -.:ie n:. -i.: ... f 10 y tb C. F. A Y. V. railroad i ing lite setuttonai prorogntivo i ana after tlicy have made thuir selections and lndiiirial : 8chol, Greeni or, Thera are now at Iho Stale Normal fci'ALtwuiiuaj war oien his mouth only to hurrah t ? .f "',iU' ' 1 a lrt uiJ halt I j limit uw uvuu - m-b I ru i.n. m.j m.. ' tin moon than such1' an Underling. Dag MWB Mu'. i.d 'M0 one of ihm! Vve hone the Democratic party' "has M luelodwl, we'ghs lss than , f mmn In th a ri. If It hsa. it Lal'tt "tmlfca .,t ...rof' Bl,r.. SiperlnUndent of tha -ni uw.w.a-"v " iWio,llla arradMl anhfiolit. ihuMmI x.v. f itself, leaving nothing behind cx- Ural pupils for going to tba DeQraO Kr.t nfl.r matnn nm " aon. oaing IB iBlirauBj. atrial prerogative W"LW? I'tL enso, which will show us whoro ing'on, on tba observance of JbTcmo- this policy would lend to t Smith is rial Way on loin of Hay, , , M . . i . I sua. v a (a n t . mrtis m ia MllldKlate lor Collector, ana met m urasavm wooirn aim lew t.. i li t . i oava as wnieaean lungman. tor inc senators nave ngiwuw oim. of 13 J03. Th- W ataof tba ; knows of n ovcrwheuning reason I eompany amouut to f 65,000. Why Btmtn snouiu not do appointca Tromas A. Millar, for mrny . 1 i I v-4 In I hs last I puaine-x maniirr oi mo itnof a V ' ... .' . iKr.gmin luirun wiKiuniii.tmi eloctioD, and Jones round It out ; ne 84 VMra. n WM nephew of Cant. b dishonest and Jones knows it ; he p. a. aw. intends to toll the places under hini Cat. John M. Reck, of Raleigh, died . r. , -V-n fc . tn nA f aiuruay in i oiia.ieipnia wnora aa ,iur uji7 - had ncaa noma moKtha rr weal meat Jones lias been appnsea oi me met : for eann r. tia wa oa years old, was i.:.. r-aa . Ia TuMtmaalar a uatlve Of eat . Virginia, and was f LI.. r.1 (faff. nlftMt ttaa tiiwm I . R 1111 WIW'M I . .l..... . , .-( t.i t.. l trl V v' .- v proinuea iuui, uu no uui i tnrongn iwrna-a onutity iMomlay t.a talla on Rmh and beats him the event "" o-cmea ia given in ut i . i . n - . - iy j . . I r. ohm. , 1 litinio lurinvu i"ur rant: tcnators will defeat bis own confir- mor.h f ch.n.1 iraiHi ita eour ( u.i:.MlliAMfiiM hi Mmftinl rlllfnll I ta tha uiiltliaia IntA nranwilla mui r. 'j .t..M.n4 th miMla arrlM I r H was funnel ahMl nnd where- .nuu uv.v " aver It d.poH down t tba earl I. t-r- i .1 . .ri . . . - - . : are uisgraceu oj wo pim-jiuuucu vi i rime oeetmcfiou waa wroug'it.'. xreca qj,j, .-',.. ; J arc IwMrd HT and bues wera emilA. ' ; ' ' I a..WaJI Lit L.MH..I.I. a. V.. But, whether or not -harm comelhtaH from, ao waa killed. A fa either by tho silence which we U H and a woman are repoit.d aa be- ' .U J 4a nnIAratarMI muat ha nib I iVI.VU " ww w - aeived after a Senator bas selected a it u ren-ried that exPreablei tfar . r... .n aAU n nmlixl amtriat rlana and Mra, S.anford. widow i t the vi w. w , r -o " 1 1 ... .T-U...I Q..-I....I - ..- dragooning vne men, w ny wi uisoi, fo. Bta ia ba married. Mr. Hr .hnwrff tha clceuons. The rtsbt nana v in aoon go to V urornia to rl a -J - i , i . . m . , .t.j .jit. :ui r I liver a aenea wi leci-iet ai eiaeiirn f petition and the right of protest rjBiw, ,- ,h ,h. marrUga l are all that is left to tho private cit- acbeduledie iaV aJaca whila ha . inare. aire ni i r ia aiiaiaiau to Ixen after he has cast his ballot, and Eunices all the manhood has gone out of him he win not tamely submit to any abridgement of these. Machine-made roods or some 'kinds are handsomer and better than be worth 1 20,000.000, 1 w-d tit cough all day aad night. Aver Cterry X'actotal rvreu me qu.t , The Bradfonl Era, Jaotaiea, Vt., 'ha la paper e-lled Cliger. 8-111, tl., ka- I k.. WUL 1. .1 ..I 1... k- those made by hand, but the peoplo it, paper at Tombio. e.' lr s i draw the line at inachino-mauo fol-1 Eijiiaph. Tha Print U pWthad I -. i v, x at. a 'w'w ih iuf iocs. A botaleida t-ecnired at Wc-etown, litila buig -eat l Unrbam, 1 urtlay iirrno Ml uf Wt work. Foa Mata had nbhed oraaalated ia robhixg tha iMUiOwinili ooafc-oikoivanr a. TJa . irervt y fUton a few daya ketwe. Drputy SberiffCanae, of Oaa Co-a ty. a la puraollof M iya and frond bimat Hlo-iwii aad aitep;d lo aire-tk-m. Maya ed and UH H- ,e4. eol. g cl-'w or-a him. May trew a kn'f- ae etrwrk at Ut-ea aho rrd hi l m. The ball took eBWt ia M-a' aek,f omlWeeB-ct of whirs itrl the ae e-eolng 0 waa xS mer.irl l y Ibaenro-er'. Jory. A liny or lo later a bhcr f Fna, .1 o It. I 1 t-J ,h w" 'r, e l and lg d In IMUboro );! he-t pf ts. t. 1-n gcl la wera found at tba I ,. . of ite i.o4b-t ol tha Maya bora, , A it arpt-rs t';t t is act cntlily Ui.liw-1 Slalea la retueaented. there- for, hylka SolUl Maidooa, Jaaaaiea Hlnger, CaUoo Pilot aad a TobtJoa Epitaph. Aa laeoma af tSSS OOO.nQO la derived from tha chicken ladotry tr tba Frc-ck. Good thing. SSaainaiaf Wllai i. ftoasach diaeaae-, anc-bj aa Indlgea lre, dyiM-ivta, etc., ara Hard lo. cure lih ord aary remeaiea, hot TyrV Dj-epepeta tUenedy aeret taiU, Vlnm aaada ear ao who have c-rayt. f ynn hare a atoaiach ircuhle it U your doty lnM'g:e am II yon A.mI r-e. Ad f"T book f partcii(ari ""Ho ! Cra l)ympaia"--fraa lo (kaa, O. Tyuer, "i-il, AtUota, tia. la from Oar RrnUr Correrpondent. WaBHIXgtow, D. C, Fb. 13, IS94. It Isgralifylag lo note that J ha rlem ocrais i Coi gn m have at laat realized lb. benefit of uicd party actlor. No man In Coiigrew bas a right to expect that every mvaaure be is called on lo sappori will I e eoilrrly in aecord lib bis perao-al idaoa. Jf rery member of Congreaa abould ado that Idea led billon of any aort would ba in powiLle. ; Lorg yeara of power In Con. grew laugul tbc republlcaua tha value of orgntsntion and ut.l'y, and the les son wil have lo ba Irarnid by any parly that hopes to accompllab Iropor Unt Icgblition. Tbc democrats in fie bousa mudea good start by paaaing lba Wil-no t .riff bill and f.llowad it up this wk by the adoptiou of the Mc- Creary Ha'atlie reaolnliou wbicb con demns the acts (.f Ex-Miulter Sttveua and t eadoia-is Prealdent Cleveland' policy; . The democrats in tbe ''Senate are not eolitlcd to gradua'a in unity, but they got together, tbia, week, and pasaed I be Houaa bill for tba repeal of tbe od Ion j Federal election Uwa, , If they would get together on every thlug and atay t 'getber it, would be greatly lo their credit and lo tbe advantage of tba democratic party. , Bfrceeotative bland' bill for lha oiitagrf tbe seigniorage U now hb- fre tba Uouan, but aa it but no order from tba comaihtee on rules behind it and the anti- liver men are -refusing lo vote to make a quorum Ibtre Is soma doubt as to whether it will be able to maintain i be Tlg&t of way ootil disposed i f. Couutlew misrepr s-ohi lions bat e been made of tha -t'itude of Prei lent Cleveland and Secretary Carliale tjwards tb'e measure. Neither of Ibrm bave publicly spoken oua word either lor or sg iiu t tba b:l', al fiough Been t try Cftrliela did po!n out one pariicuUrly olji-eiionabla' fea lurelu lha bill t Mr. vidingar the lua oi silver certill cales lu advance of the coluago of lbs elg ilorage aod Mr. Bluud sxprauvd hia wilSi'igiicra to change Ibe bill so as to make tba certlQeates issuuble on tbu Colbage of tbe silver. In deciding not to grant hrarings on ibe tariff bill tbe'Senate committee on Finance deeply offended a few gvntie- ineu who bad come to ! WarbioKton to Ira met t'.e committee and air ihilr view, but tbe demourata on I hat com mines in so voting were acting aa tbey believed from tha Information tb.y bare received Ibe eutiro country wih ed them to . act, . From north, eutit east siid west comes in. chorus 'a but aver la lo be done let it be dona quick ly ," and the denial of further beaifiiga on tha tariff means Ibe aavingt f never al netkk' tlma ia the cioeidertion of the .ill in f.A Sniutc. Wenalor Voor- heestized up tbe situation correctly whea be eald : "Promt and .sparriy aelion d pending Ipriu legUlatton ia rcqu ri-d at tbia lime by every pal riot ks and buaUeea coni'ideriitm.n This be ing a fact ackuoalrdged ly buaineaa men wbooppote as well as tho. e who lavor tba WiUon tariff b.ll, thi repub lican Sena tore will do w ell to consider ibe, matter carefully belora they at- tempt to carry out Iba ohttrMtive pro- gramma which ia ooar being prepared by theli ablest parliamentarians iu the 8enate. The capitanrta oi tha country are only waiting a definite seuleiuet t of the Uriff questioa to luveat ibeir money and inaugurate a period rl pro- erity for everybody, d- t for a com paratively ft-w foriunaln Individual', and woe ba dmo the rvpublicao party if its repreaeutni'Va lo the Senate poetjioiie that proeperi'y by factious opiKMitioo fe a meamire that tliey know tbey cannot In lha end defem. Tna sub-eommitt'e of tha Btnate commiltee on Foreign Reloilona haa eoncluded Ite Hawaiian I tveatlgailon, ao far as lha taking -f teeilmony U eonocrned. . .The ra porta t. tba nub- commit' ee all! ahtrily be submitted lo tbe full commit'ee for aetli-n tb.-reon. Althwagh tbera U soma talk, about three report a there ut oo founda tion for the belief that there will be more than twoa mij.irity report dgned by democrats, and a minority repoits'gaed by republlcaaa. - There a no lesoa to d-'Ubt which of tbeae report a will ba aliipfd,. aoiwithtaud ing pnlilcatiuos fr lha ouirary in re- uuiicaa ana anii-aumiuutrailoa pa per-. . President Cleveland ma eejy raiding tba eoat radioiory fairy aturlaa that arc daily related in tha matnpol Itaa papers ooocernieg bis alleged ao iuna to aecuta tha om ".rotation of the nnrnim tioa of Mr. P-ekham la tba Su preme CUirt. What Mr. CI veUad it really doing 1 1 that cnneetlon can I a authentically elated wiihout any via Ut'on (if eva fiilan co In ana word aotblng. Aa tba &u,.ra-iR court baa ailjourued fur a month there la no apecial aecaaioa lor iaata ia dl-pweiejM ol tna aoiniiiBUofi. . Mr. Aneel-ui J. MeLaaren, lha new Panatv from Uiaai-aippl, I not wide ly known ia Waahlngtu. but if ba U aaaMeamaa a tbe Mi-ii.piaia la ia Cagreeaaay be ia ba will nuka a fit anna aor la Senator WalihalL Like PVata" Jvha Alln, the ponlar Cuagmamaa from ihe eaiaa fu e, b eairiaJ a musket In tha 1st a-pleaa- anlne.. WASIIIfiGTOfi BUDGET. TAKES TWO JDAY3 TO GET ; A QUORUM. a timmw ill... laal-aa SalLAa. .r Ilea. Bill MlBgrlag Iba VT ins iba I'lrll aerriea Haajbaa FeaVral t: toe II aa f.a K epea le a se V U aaci Caaaaaltlea at Warh Iba TarlaT Kllli-aia.a' Nemluotlaa a Ba aieawraedl rarareHf Tfca Hk" KrlwatB b rrealdeai aad Meaalae Vaara aad! a.aaaa-; tbee ihe party, nmt n i. hie palriullo il to atop this Itiliig. 1 he Oi-ati" fi I lieliii rpMly re- ducrd n'l by Ihe firat of M y nearly all the Ri-pubi-uiia will o go;ie. Mr. PeckhniuV chance of coullrnia lion are appareiilly growing mote uu- ctkiain. 4-"- :x s Ko'Puliliu Ptli:(er'npioiutMl .yeir anil Ihrrw' tbuutl placw ara filled Kipa Tabnlea poiifj the blnod. hliKuts Tubules hare o.M to say. H' Tabulct ; for bad temper. Ha declares it to ba I ka aa v. kla 11 -i Special Correspondence of Tna Q-aaxmt. , Washington, P. C, Feb. 10, 194 After a t.vo day atrti -gl- to get a quo rum, the Houte passed tta MuCieurv Hawaiian resolu'l'tna. ' These rradu lions cimroeod Mr. Cleveland, ' cn U era ii fa., rtevene, and rppoe anuei- at Ion. Tbia Ualt right, but il Is not all fight for Congressmen to ba at t Ih ir home or at their hotels, while public bti3incs stands rt !).; No Congrers nan should be entitled to pay. when he leeway on prlvati bestnesr. The people are getting tired of paying men to work for tbemi"elea. . . ; . A new silver batt'e is now on in the JJousr. The proposition is t coin tie i ullion in the Treasury, It will huv Some Mrong pj:ollloi', but will as uiib'ss all signs fait. ,M lie oil if it parses all arid -one hundred and 'elgbi y mill'ous Jo the present circulation. ,Tb republicans and some Northern, detiocrata are malt leg a bitter figbt aguinst it, but it s hardly poenibla for Ihero to defeat it. There is little doubt about ite pasing the Sennt". , It U. known tlint aome Seimtors bave changed fieir oilnds since tho tepral of fie Sherman luw, promiuvntly anions 'hem is Mr., Out mao bo is quoted aa saying that he was mistaken in hia views as t ihe eff ret of repeal upon, tbe business of tile coatitiy. , - . , . Mr, Hatch, ( f Missouri, hnsintrodue id anotber atti-option bill.: ' This lies' bill 's very drastic, and if passed, bich is to be devoutly hoped, it will put aii end to stork and grain gunbling. The biilaoutd fill two or ibree columns of TnB Gleaner. I hope in the. future t) give some of it details.. Rome time ago Representative . By mm Introduced a bill to , restore I lie Kail way Postal Cleika who were soun jua'ly tlUmlflocd at tbe beginning of Uarrlsoii's adiiiiuistrallon. .Tl:ia : has Men favornbly reported lo the Ilottxn and will paaa. li pruvides ths't these Clerks shall bo restored aa faat as Vacant ls oc-.'ur. Il is boned tlmt thi ia the ebterliig wedge which is t t split and aoiaiihtha Civil 8rv ice Lumhug The Senate passed Ihe bill repeuliug ttie ledenii election lasrs wnn a ma- oriiy of eleve.i. All the democrats and all fie popu'iH's voted for tha bill Tbia once mora give ua free election and it is le he biped is t;ie - flit I tie pariuroif. bayonnla from. the. bailot box. , The democratic doctrine' is free elections. ," , , lie senate f iuaore -ommittee . is now bard at woik nn ' Iba larKf bill which pa. s 'd lh House, and will piol- ably report it during the next ' I o weeks. It is unt)ert o. that but Utile time w ill 1ms given tor. dieussion b-fore tba Committee, , Everybody bat a fair showing before Iba H ue Comm'l ee and it U B'-t wiaa to consume time go ng over the s.m a t-utul-. - There U no telling bow long tbe 8--ate will 1 1 rusa it, but It will hardly dire repeat iia action on the Silver bill. Tnere ill on doubt be soma chanjea niHtle y the Senate, but none ot -a radical nature. . The opponents' of the bill av been given to understand tbst hey will be deslt with fairly, but no time alii bewsjle.l. ; ' -vi - , ;r Representative Ilouck of OMo drop. ped tie id wh.le lifting a friend Tliurt- iay evening.' Ha was an able lawyer, aod a democrat of the oM echotd. " - I am una'da to leatu much about Ihe ecnilmatlon of Mr.' Slm-nons.' "The comnii: tea will reKtt bis nomination f-vrtbl. I do nt know wby, but ir some reason, Senator Vance, who ia in Florida, requested that the reori bnhvMupuutil ba could hi beard from.'' y-.":':- -,.,, v.- .- ,v This friction between Mr. Vance a.d tha President and rVnat ir lUnsom i a ve-y nnf..rtonata aOair. Mr. Vance claims that the entire patronage of Ihe Stele haa I e-a virtualiy given to Mr. Ru ssia. Tba ftWs are these c Thi U r hs'iof the Wtrrn district, tha heal cQca ia lha Plate, waa filled by M. Vance. The Dtrict Afnrney fur tha same di-tiiet was Vance's cb lie. Beeid ih-H ba has filled a nun her of sanaller plac. lla was iitnored ia the ele-iton of lha Collector for lha West, aod has bad hi t lit la show in ha ar- lee ion uf QiuUr ap iiaina tt. " It ia a notorioua f tot t tat Senator Vance ricised Mr. Cleveland In bia f-4iner admiai'tieiion, and that ba baa lima afr tme since tH. n apro aed bia di - like for Iba rrwld-nt's policy la re gard 10 odea boldra. I Oar Seaaior -aa n ae just eana for! ma plain, and I hal-evs be Is just aa hoeet ia trie ma't-f aa he baa alaays prurea biinarlf lo w in oiber niatieis I admire bia Independent pirit, hut re ught eit to oppoe each eei as 8 a i with ofleuxlvo repunlicans. Tbe Pie- ident seems to iM.-k it "It atnot matt r, but the peopl; ihluk itherwie, . t,V,;r,'..' .-. f,.'.'-..V.": : 1 be Pleat iea. rerha; s youare run down, ctin'i eal. Can't Sleej , Ciu'l think, eui't d an thing t- vur sii f-ftijn. and . yU woiitUr 't hat ails yi'. ,Ytiti sliniltl beetl Ibe war-lnp, ynu ar takii'g li t itt step .lino ' Nervous ' Proslrnlion. You need a Nerve Tonic ami in Elet irie Bitttn sou will find tin exact rem edy lor rerljiing your nrvius sys t. in t v Its niornl," lien I thy " Coudit on, iiirpriaing rult follow ibe use of this preut Xs't rve : 1'nic and . Alt -ral vo. Your appetite r-turn, good digett on is rratired, and tba Liver aud Kidneys ieuine lies 1 1 It y Bcii.n. Try a . bottle. Pric 50c. nl X. A. -Albright's drug rtora. - - ' . ' '. Darbana febaccs aiarbel. OarbnraSun,Feb.8t)i. ' ' ' . Tbe sales so fur this wiclc have. been quite nc!ive. . The bright add higher grade a have no, ; well. - One- of our Suyer te'u its tbey have been Jilgncr in prices tba u he. lias known tnetu in nany ranrs. fjuuiinoii aiun noes not tlo so well ; there is so iniscli ol it. A mnioritv of tie furwers have Wceu we'i sniisfied with our uiurket this week. Durham fans still some of bur ; old t me vim. est of afl in Leaveninrj Tower. -Latest U. S. Go v't Reci t. rzr-v . . e-i i v rv n A .Aim i - al V-l- L J a-, aa N. r tiENATOS. VANCE USB iUS, . r BIMMONS WHITE; ; Tbe Mra alar ataiea His Cleaaada aajllM la iWe. , afcaaaaa .Mr. M saaaa Sfxptalae. Dia f)aaiae-Beaa aad-tadga far Vaar-cir. ' .'.. ''':'". A l.lnle Olel'a P-xaerleaee I a A Llgbf. Mr. and Sirs. Lureo Traacolt. are keeer of tbe Gov. Ii hi house tit SanA lleni-h. Ali'-b.. aud uiu blessed wnn a duUnhler; four yeara: old. ('Last -April who was taken down nitn aies.-.lei, lol- lowod with a dreatllu I Couuh unU tim ed into a i-ovey. lKicturs at notne.nuu at Detroit, treated her, hill 1 1 vain, sue giew worse r nwlly t until el; wa a mere "nandfni of "boiiea." I hart : ehe tried Dr. King's New Diecuvery, nod niter the uie f two and a hall, wa rompletelv cured,' They eay Dr. King's New Discovery is wonh its we kIU in gold, yet you may get a trial bottle free at T, A. Albright's lr;ig store. -' ' u ' Balalag Apples FraSfaVIa Some Vircinia farmers have di-- oovereil lost ih -re is mora money and les work in npi 1 h trail in any other crop i hey ;wn 'irndue at present piteea. : The sules of thir fruit1 fioiu i.iit county, alone . renchi'il Del ween three and lour hundred thousand dol lars, while nn tuJjiiiiilug county huswid ver $100,000' worth this fall. Oua farmer shipprO one liimiirrfl nnrr. is oi fin apples t Liverpool. and rrnliz tl a u t protit t 15 21 per barrel, al'.tr pity Ir g for - irautfpoitution - and c--jiuU- lous.--JE;, - ' -..... ':.. A tJamptlaaeni. .''s Bolton. Cons, I , mn ,veiy much pi sseil Willi tin- ellit of your: &ui- u.otis'Lfvet lt''uhilor. Slid 'lniVi r ii In a goml iiany friend Ej A; Y. ur r-ltrglet sells it iu powder or 1 oiiiil. The powder to be tikeii dry or tr ade into a tea, . ' '. -." 11 ' " - ; :.''1'.. ' Wnfcia(a. . : AvrsHtGTOSFeli ?7. Tlie Pcotes- aul ctiti't'lies ot VV.ii' oil have been etiL'HEid in prennritti ns f . r the Gciivn nf Hirelings lo be lit 1 1 under I lio leiul- ei ship ami OirepMon ol lr. Llw l.lil , 1. Momlv, the we.I known evanneln", us later! by Mr. H:iiik-y, bentnr-I.Ji to day aud continuing Ibn ilgb ' t'ie m ml Ii. Allien iniere. t la lei. iu. l ie ork. mid n an y t lii.mK nra lending their ai.l. Anion r these l .Vice-l'rei'lfloiit SkCVPnaiMi. , 0 : lea. tnre uf the m o ma will be a chiiriu fll'ilr i f 1,600 I oar all completed.: Tin n ork in WsrUington wilt Mi lit M civ's Irat prv v ous to sailt-R - fir Ashkville. N. V.. Fab. 8 The Cit- tie a pru t l V.itsy a latter from Sena tor V-. ve u liich was drawn out hv i kit r fie Citizen addressed tlm Feb runty lit asking him whether' ho' pr leir U any climges agaiust Ut; tUta aiMi.s him) s-Uo iw io bia present attitude toward his confirmation,. The reuly l..u- .,1.... ... ..ill.. - ' . r Tampa Ba? Hotel, Tampa, Fla., ' -:i Fob. 6, 1894. ? ,..i;or iiA lauen: In answer to your letter of the firit, I bave tbia to say : Y-u kiitiw that lunli'ir-nsactions con ueel nua wi.fl, the executive sessioup uf the Senutr, iircluaiug what : Is said and done in eumuiltiex, my mouth Is cloaed. 1 am av libeny therefore 'only lu epeak to joti about my own altitude towards Mr. Sitnujous what bas, not been di.oe, i lc, but not as to what bus I e n done or probably i ill be done. -1 wuulloeoy, firnl thai for .myself and ou my own nuthi r.iy I liava filed no charget against Snuuioos. Aside from those w hich mny have been Iliad by others, my nitiiud s towarda hl.n is due ol opputiiion, Ur ibe reas-oo Itat as chairman, of t ie D.-ruooratio committee f Noith Carolina he came to Wash- iiigtou interfered in oppotiilioB t my rec'inineudftiii u for appoiutuieuls uuder tba- govoinroent; Knowing Hiut Mr. Itonsoui aadI had .agietl i rmaii y IehouHrecotnOwRrid alt nppoiiitmeiiie iu ibe Wett, "vhiltt Oen. Itniisom did the' shiii -iii ? the 'Emt j hud k tlwiug that I had rccomtntnOV ed 3ii.iiu.iger fur collector in my own lisninf, and lhfn Den. Bansom oppoii ej Mr. tjudger on ieronal, ground and favore I Sir. EliuS, be perverted i sun ni illicit l tue power lu trusted ' film by He ilemorrncy. Or North Carolina, by. M g'lig and securing lha npnoinlt mem of Mr. KIihs There no eUltn made for' Ayer Sari's Mrillu whioli Cinr.ol be endorel nv scores ol ttnootilal". "l)l I..C irlaiiilv proves Hint the blood is the -our- of jnot diordra an tin t Ayer'e ?araimrilla is t'l best of t iy it this month. ; ' a m ii a Sflb a .-aaa-a aaiaa-B ' A dlapatrh Irnm Vilminstn on the 6ti, soys; ,The-ldy of Mrs.' John Brock, who, wih her :, Iwe been inUsi.iir from hcuenl Wriuhlsville Hound, a fav inili-a from Ibis niiy. since Saturday last, and who, it wa suki-.i-ed, bad bt eu m-irdered by . her huv band, waa f-tind t--"lny btiricd on ihe h'ach four miles ntit'i of Wrighisville. H .ock cunitot bit found. -The coroner's ury returned a verliot lb it ; Mrs. Bruck Ciime to her tlatb by drowning al the bands of her huf band. , Hill's IIir Renewer i prononnced the best prepsrit Ion msds fir t -Ickon-ing ihe growth of tbe bair aud restoi 1 tg ibat w hich U r .y to its i rginal Ctlor. . , v ' The Abbeville (Va.) Tstra haa the following mollo nailed la lie mast be.-d : "Sueceea to a'l whn pay their Don eat dobia,land devil tike the bal ance." . Rheuinst in rack the eyftt-m H'ce a t'lombT-ew. I re'ieatu bafora Ihe power nf Hml's &rsaparilla, which j.arieihe blood. He also tiriposed my recomment 1 1 .d-, H ile for foreign appointment wbljli wa virtually secured ' aud waa biiihrr. in gradn than any givru t'ie c'ate. To'. it ho ihoiiKUt, proper to volunteer Ins interferauov. where b bud i.i- rht or i:nlhoriy to do so, be should not- ol.j it to the exercisse of uu ui.uoui t a .right. v a Benator lu tbe tt ciiou if . aj. poiutments besiewed u;;on hi m by tliu con.tittitlon. To snvr trouble to ennitymoiiH scr b.rra who are tson'tnnily nlan 'elii.g'uie in Ibfr regard wu:l wlio report blur a speaking: el Inn se fas anions and ihe Deuio- i-rulie )mii" I announce once f r all luiti I rifi.f cot only imiuons' inter feimn!i wi-lt uiy, ae n Sein t r, hill li.e in-ultiii; and ifetintlt 1 tone an tuinetl liolh by iiiin sn-l Ihem. I ehull ojipixe A!r. ini..oii' contiriiiHtion on peiso al ns : well as piitiliu uroyiii , grcuniL; connect. d wi b l.i unfliness t iiol.l ihe pohillou ior wbicb he bus lieeii sppoliitcd. . -. i t . j, My hrulih is improving." rapidly in Vila fi m climate ami I hope aoon lo bo in mr seal in the cWnate. '' ' ' Very i-spec.fally yiuis, renpiinse to a question I expressed the opinion that there was a mere general erystallzaUon of sentiment In favor of Ur, Glino for District Attorney Diou then) was . for Mr. Cadger tot Cofleetor, there being nt tbst time a nnmbor ot strong een.ldate for tbe latter position and for tbia reason," 1 express Ibe belief "that then won Id be greater dtbappantwnicDt In lbs party if Mr. Glenn failed to receive" the por tion of Dlstrlat Attorney tban there would ba If Mr. Ourtger was "not appointed eoBwtnr. Idld n t advocate the appointment of Mir. Ella ' noroppoa the appointment of Mr. Oad gerforColleator. . ;, - ' y- r In all I did and sold in this bebalf Twos act uated by. no thought or purpose of antago nism to Senator Vanoeor rovdrlsm to Senator Baasom, fori then regarded both of them aa mv!nindabQt:I was moved and Ihfluenced purely and simply by what Ctbongbt to ba my duty to tbe party In. Ibe Interest of har mony and right, , ' , jr , -- With reference, to Mr. Hale and his asptra- tloDifbra high gtade foreign; appointment. I wtUjstate genemlly and briefly, that I have never adrocated him for any position, and I have in the exercise of my right of pemonal opinion at all times denledjnls claim to prec edence over all other' Xorth Caxolhiiana In the distribution of tbe foreign patronage of tbe government. . Earing my conference with the Prvsldant (I have bad but one wllhbira since the eleo Uen) lb claims of JtrnlKBn. Bobbins and Henry were discussed, but nothing wss said about Mr. Hole. Daring my stay In Wash ington on this visit I called upon Assistant Secretary Qulnoy twice; onoS of my own act eetd and the second time ot-bis suggestion. On the occasion of my flr.t visit, made sole ly for Ihe purpose of aifrnig: the .reoognltloa of Messrs. Jemigun, Bobbin's and Henry, I was told by mm. tna t it bad' been . suggestea nnd claimed (hat Mr. Hale SiigbVto have the next best plooo In the foreign service given to North Carolina. ' From this alaim I dlsaenuxl and expressed tbe opinion that be was noten tl tied to precedence ever such gentlemen as Bobbins,, Jemlgan and Henry, and that it would be unjust, to set aside tbe men who had -bome tbe beat and burden of .he light, then Justanded In victory, for Mr. Hale. , I knew of nothing in bis political career which en ti tled him to such paramount' consideration and I believed and said if he was appointed over these gentlemen 1 1 would Create groat dissatisfaction Jn tho party. Iu taking tills position I actea from a sense of duty to the party and. withoutfeel!n$. personal to any one. This Is the eum of tbe facts of my so- called interf jrsnce with .tbeae appoint'nenhv Beaator Vance sayvmy, tone bas been defiant and insulting to him. Ho bas been mlsia over air. Monger. I ormed . 1 have neither Drivatelv nor oubUo- dat iou j ly given tortb. any utterance which can make me amenable to tills eharge..; I have no; .de sire to make an Issue with Senator Vance re garding my rijbt to express. an opinion to the President, whether 01 advocacy or opposition to Uie elalius of an .'aspirant from UilBUile for a Ksdaral. pouiUnn reqalrlag 'Benatorlnl eonffrmatlon.lliatls not tbe issue mode by the facts In this ease. But I do insist and maintain that f had a perfect right to do what I did, ana :that in doing It, I did not iu t!t, (as Iloartainly did not In intent), either ntuxp -or Invade' tbe lights of tbe : Benutora from thtsStat?. '..Yours truly, , - .- -. r.M.WMMOXU.-, vxios who have not 8" ate in lha Dr cly kept to reeks and e-ly for e-u-h and croup " ale. . UotmI, UoliiniMs, Teua Will ... . . . . . . i "?-!" VwUua r-vrap lit ,i1,.l,,Ml,,1aa!J,f-l!. Vina ju all ibe iluje. lt-s the u. el r-' . . . " . edyf.rwOUgbaderoupIevertised.l,rTU,Blu"l ,a bcn'r. l- Iasorr, iir. mm mors oar oeen ni warm Itrsoutl friend. Toe be.ntoc ruht to see that bs U cs tn. fire breeds la Only i5,000 for. ijr.ers atUadeJ Wotl-'r I .Uled. Those. Pimples rs ttH-iaU rifrnntrm that four Hood is not rvjkifuuof fnttntriiiea, tawing $cffth end enjaVu; comijcztoa. A few battle vf &. H. 8. wul remore oil f trdrn and smpurs waiter, tkantt the blond thorctckly, C""i pvie m dtar and frt-7 cnennl -xi-m. It il tKOet e act ual, en d entire'? karwilct. fam n-rfr-v n t-jrmi Ptmtt, n!V-. area - irswa hail fr nr ft S-aicV la .T Wou- tkl asj, f-a drvnd to ,. Himu bn,ac ClKir3 vuki t OLt. Ha CJJHI:! varif to bt a ieai tmajvimw. A: .i tu thna bnci-t a--.w.awa a 7 txm It ftli cLa mnd Oman h Si ' in t'-io-ki ba rs"" rw-waxi, " " ' -at i. -i l u rejuuag a fact race a9 1 tsm ki US.S-S. , Trearta Hiv-t .vk saa TOrW fraa. - .V ii I SjLk.Lt iC CO Auutta, -a. . Z, ByANCE. M!t. SIMMONS' 'lETTEEJjj; lULKian, N. V Feb. 28, 1894. To the Kdltorof the News-Obnerver-Ch rouiclo : bv natur Vance, In a letter to the Aebcvllls Citl-en, dated Kibroary fi, 1861, and published lu your imue of yesterday, declared himself opposed lo my confirmation for the alleged rut sou that as Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of this State, I went to Washington and Irderfsrred with and defeat ed toe appointment of Mr, Hale to a high grade foreign position, and of Mr. On tger for I'olteetor of Internal bevcntie, and seeared. tbe appointment In bia stead of Ur. Ellas, whom be sntngoulaed. In vlewof tblsspeclflc snd public slateineBt by the Senator of tbe groands of bis opposition tomy eondrmsUon, I am eonslmined to believe It proper for me to uiahe a statement of my connection with Ihcnppol in incuts rtftrred to by blra tbat tbOwS Interested inny Judge "whether! bave transcended my rights on tbe one band or usurped tbe prerngaUve.of tbe Senator on tbe atber. .. .:,,,.'.-.. -- Both as a citizen and aa Chairman of Ibe Democratic lixeeuUve CommlHee.i waa on account of tbelracknowledged Alness and emi nent party services, ardently In favor of tbe appotntmeut.of Mr. Glenn for Attorney of tbe western .District ana . or Messra. Jemigan, lloblilnssnd Uenry for tbe beat obtainable positions lu tbe Jbrrign an-vlce of tbe gorern mrat. Borne of Uieia gentlemen bad appeal ed to me In very urgent lerma to go to Wasb Ingtnn lu their behalf. I cheerfully yielded to tneir sotlellatlons in tills respect beeanas I thought tbey deserved tbe recognition tbey sought as a reward far honorable and faltblnl public serrlco, and I felt tbey bad tbe right to eali upon me as tbe ebalrraan of the execu tive committee of lutlc party to aariat them to that aod, to such an extent aa I might be able. 1 was apnoasd, as was also Senator Vanee, to Mr. ElMi fur District Attorney," bat I was not opposed 1 1 Mr.Oadger for Colla-tor. I bad taken no part In Ihceouteet lor tbe tat ter posltkia, and tbe appetnlasent of Mr, Cad ger would have been entirely saUsfiact-ry to me. Mr. Hole bad requested ma o end on blm tur live postUun of Consul Oeoeral toLoa doa,apoaltioa wiilcb pays about JXO per annum, I am Informed, and I bad not eots plled wlih bis request, beeanse Idld not think hlaieuUtled In absorb all tbe pa-ronace la Ibis acrvk-e which mttebtbeaeeordedtoKortai Carolina- Ihts waa tbe posllion which I oc cupied with reference to tbeae gcsUemea when I called open Mr. Cleveland and the Aa aueart rVcrvtsry of .Stete iasJab Qaiacy. I bad had no common lea tkm with Senator Itanaoea coneerDlng the appoiulment of either UedcerovIIale.and did notea know hia atUlode toward tbeas nor towards Ellas, si lts UMtbewaaoppoaedto him for District Attorney. When I want to tbe White Hoose Idld Of4 export to allude to tbe contest ever tbe eolleetorshlp. I orewt simply ta advocate Mr. Cleaaandtbeuthergentlemoa SrstaaW ed and did an with warmth and ardor. I rpofceof Mr. tJlenn's eppacent, Mr. Ellas, In sa- bljh terms ut ptaUeas I Utongbt than, snd now think blm eaUlwtd to receive. Vbea Mr. Codger aas inenilnoed, I spoke of him la aqaailyab'(b trrcisof praise. I baommaaat llied however, wefore ttt knervlew eioaed, that t!.e Prsldeot would appoint Mr. Kla eitner JHt-rlctAUor-e or Collector, and la Ai'ai t , Ga., had a 100,0 fire last,, Friday uiKhl. ..p-.-.. , . . , KT. vr." -ir -: ' , .or .. .-"f..ii i.wwr-, v a., '.-,iJui;u waa robbed uf 14 000 Is t Fr'uluy. . j 1 i It iri'ahmita draw '' when" the North mulches Einiivl Ely Quisirnnd E. Bovrr Oiubh titan s tne boutli's Pod Dimukw huh jjiuic uutv. Congressman H-uck. of .the 3rd ObioiliMlriot, ft II dead in VVashint-ui u t. rlfiny while visiting frieude. Heart diaea e caused bis death. . - - : Col. J. W. A'spaugh, a " highly esteemed citizen of Wiu.ton, made an alignment In. Palur.lay night. Hia : iUtiiiiiiea amount lm-re than (75,000 ' A dispatch Monday elated that lh; Mirgir'sippi river had neen rislt g rapid ly fur throe dy and fiat a repi tition " of the fl iods in the lower Misd-sippi of last year was expected. ; a II is reported that the ZUehmond tc lanvitl railroad' wilj buy the Al.lantii &.Danvllle railnadand have Its. dee) water terminus at Norfolk, instead of West Point. ;,"-:. ..-.'-.,-'' The aMleyPuUlhrhlhg Co., o' New York, publishers of Godey V msgizine, failed a f.w days ago. This was one if te oldv-i. magszi.iea in tha country . and wsa moved. Irom Pbiludelpbia- t New York about a year and a half tf. :... v -J:?: 1-:. . An aminent medical authority, in a recent utimber of tba Boston Burgh-al mid Medical Journal, muint-ina that coflVe i a real braio food, and bas lha power of absolutely increasing a manf twpacily f.r brain wojk. Tna writer further snya: H0pium atimulalea tha imagination ; alCohcl I i fir. 'a man np for ibe moment to flir.iw him into con ruainu and irregularity uf notion, baS Caifeine increases bis power of xvsson iog, and absolutely add to' bis breiu) work capadiy lor tha time. ; ' - That Third aa ' ; . There has been a gecd desiof plaint of late of pain and) inflamma tion" fa the third toe.: Sometimes it affects one foot, and sometimes hoth are troublesome. Upio data no on 9 seems to have diagnosed the- earn properly.' Hero is to opportunity for aome medical research that sh&U solve the problem of what many per sons call the third toe disa-je. In some instances the toe ia in flamed and sensitive to tbe touch; ia other ihero is no outward indication v of any di3ctilty, but all the same there is continual pain and tineast eess, spasm odio at times, and ar-ain tteady, asreasive and Tory irrUat- mg.ta the nerroa. The complaint with some sufferers' is that it is iro poesiblo to keep the foot still, with otb era tSat it causes a condition of general nervousness. Another pa tient says that the pain runs to tie heart, and another that it iavolvea the entire half of tho body. Bome eciectist haa said that some day we . aro to have no toes at all. Terha this is the first symptom of this coo--ition. - . - . Jlaybe erolatioi has alrea3y f"t In- If so, and the symptoms ii crease ia eeverity, it will evil .t.'Jt be a painful jrrocosa. New Lodger. . -