7T, T: 1 HE- 1m I GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY. J QNE 17, 1894. NO. 18. VOL, XX, Th6 Old Friend And the best friend," that never fails yoa; la Simmobs Liver Regu lator, (the Red Z)-that's wnat you tear at the mention, of this excellent Liver medicine, and people should not ' be persuaded that anything else will do. Jt ia the King of Liter Medi- cincB ; fa better thaa pilla, and takes the place of sQuinine and Calomel.-8 It acts directly on the Liver Kidneys and Bowels and gives new life to the whole eya--tern. This 5bt the' medicine you want.,: Sold by all Druggists in - Liquid, or in powder tojia taken , dry or hmde into a tv . ' ' ; . JWETKRT PAfKOB-CT -aSaa'tlie .5S ffunipln M mi vi upper.' PEOFESSIONAL CARPS. jac6u a. rxjjvcj, ; attorney; at law, " -May l7.'o8. ' - . J.liU Klj:Xl3f01XJi3. A TJORNEY AT LA W -- ' . iNKAU AM, N.V. : " PreMeenn.!. State and federal Oour wRI faithfully and promptlT.atepd . bus wutrasted to- him" . v ' " - ; J ' I w'. -- - ' I ., . i '2Sr. John BiStcckard;' Jr., DENTIST, BUBLjNGT,OJrt.Jf. C. g-GtMd gelp of teeth it f 10 per fi?t Office on Main St. over I. N. Walker & Co,' Store. ,'- f . "r ' Are You Going to Build ? If yon are colug to bnitd house, vo nil -do Wi ll te call on lira for price. 1 liavc a fore of skilled workmen who hare twn willi 'Vae'trom V to 8 year,4wlw know bow: to w : food work and a heap of H. I will build by contract or by the day; farrlh material or : you ean do lt.v ; ' ' . Come and ee 'me. Will be Clad to five yoa "pure. ., Thanks lor part iMilroiiaee. ' ' Toorato.,.. v W VV.HDrSOV, -' Grajam, H. C. ... Aug. 35. ....--. . iitttti4fl c8" crops, how much better to T toke such steps as wilj. insure 1U gene vCymMtups&Mi prooes vS?" PRICE 60 CENTS PER BOTTLE, (MX lAil! HfUVATtei FtlU rill tlLC BV DflUttQtBTI. SUFFOLK. : Collegiate and Military - INSTITUTE, EngtMi, ficIeoUfie,- Malhemalital and ClaMical roursm. with tpeeial Bue fiios Department. Ifvonbav a sod yoa rienire to educate prop a postal for Catalogue. Addrrw P. J. KESvNODLE. A. 14, July 18 tf. . 1'rincljal. A Leading Magazine Free. Jlrransementi Perfected lijT7hich7e Give Sub fMjriFtlontoWom.an'si 7ork without Charse. . : . Vt r ww Tm-psrrd to vske a wonder fn!!y ) rrl trr 10 kll who jmj in adrssre t'-r 1ms funnel GLrim. '! os w S liinurT snil liumwlic aiasine tftmnrwiij one l ml opn.r puMi.b-t-d. It w I'tire. enferuiiitHif nd llpfttf Hi ifrr (kpinwniL It. t Stt lo wiih cr-trinal burb cimw re.d.oc m Iti and lin li i. v .bited ui S i !rr ; ll pal'lii b& p.y tx irrtl iwd (of ts. boir inrm in'v.i m 1 no 'hr i rt(f !-t o-i ft to wflL tM.eilli.Miuf m:r f pr d f n at, i g tut latter eetUvty tBE EXPERIMENT STAXIOS AtRalolffh, U. O., Presents Some Matters. of Interest. . ' ."' CHaoCloTara Valuable Plaat-Jl Frand Kxpoaed. :. .. :VV; . : ;.-!. " - 14AV 25. 1804. The iierlmfBt Station BailettM. ,.; ,,, - The atandinff offer Is made to send the bulletins of the Station to ail in the State who raally desire to receive them. Thousands ot lanners liave already taken advantage of this olTer. Uitlcss yoa really want to be . bencfltedi by them, please do not apply for tliera. If you desire to read them, write on pos tal card to Dr. Mi. BUattle, Direutor, Kaleijfh, N. C , ' , . , Crlmion CloTer for Jlay or Meed. ; y Crimson clover (trifolium Inoarnatnnl) is known' under a.- rariety of commoB names Annual, German, Scarlet, and Italian, i This clover is easily (?rown and should come into quite greneral use; It is an annual, and consequently mnst be re-seeded for each crop - which makes it important to "gTow seed at home. . Seed may be sown from July to October, but the land should always be well prepared for it, or. if not, it should be well shaded, as under a growth of cow-pea tinas, or, -'in a corn or.: cotton crop, where the seed should be sown when the crop is laid by. Urowniu this way it may be of great service, in enriching and holding the land from rouuViinT Its irrowth is made ia the ool. wet cart of - the year; and it is ready to be made into hay at a Season when planters are'iwaitin? for cotton to vegetate for first working. ; This is often . dry time, and the hay con be quickly an d easily cured.,; -' It may of ten be best to sow thiselover with oats, rye, or barley, and cut all for bay in April or MayvAr..'A - This clover will thrive on land fin moderate conditton, bntHUe some oth: er forage plants; will pay best w.here trivm a. rich soil. The ' composition of nrimaon'clover hav shows it to boa highly nutritious food. It is "so rich that for any use it may . well be fed with some such fodder as 6traw, mcad n hav. or cotton seed bulls. : When fed for production of milk, the addition of corn, or corn and oats, will temd to add to the good qualities ot tn proauct. " The seed distributed in 1833.bytnc N. C. Kxperimont Station is part of crop of 2,687 pounds from 1 3-8 acres, rhiohkat the rate of 1950 pounds of seed in chaff per acre. we nave maae noma testa on ,.thls..whiuh if true for the whole lot of seed, would yield at tne rate oi 7S7.s jjouna, orw o- KbasheUi per . acra of -clean seed. This scea nsuiiijy sens aireiau jor wn ccu r pound, ana dealers are now pay;n -5t nor bushel for It. The lo-iir. wcll- fi'.liid heads warraut t'ris a gojd cash crop where a pood stand can be secured on lund in fair condition.; It can be grown in orchards for the improvement of th9 'soil, as in Delaware, where it has come to ba a standard crom . The ono drawback is that a special machine ututt .be used to clean the seed, A clover seed bnller is espensiro. ibut aaahi dean the seed of a wnole town hip, and perhaps a whole, county by moving around as is usual witn taresa Ing machines. " -: Thore ara several advantages in grow- In annual clover sufficient to induce its cultivation from purahased seed; but if. instead of buying seed, It can be crown at a wout and aua on more to ral planting. - : - . In maturing a crop of seed care should be exercised . to nail out. weeds and foreign plants and so - keep the seed clean. Let the elover get ripe,' but not so as to shell out too freely before ent- tintr. and nandle as little as possible. Pitch up into cocks from the swath and draw in from the eocks in tight Wagona. : If tough, the cocks may bf turned over from tue bottom a ball hour before drawing to shelter lloub en a tight floor and thresh out at the first opportunity alter tne straw has dried out enouzh to thresh welL F. E. Emery, Agriculturist, N. G. Experiment Btatloo. CtoverSeee DistxibaUd la 1893. The Experiment Station having on band last rear (in 189S) Crimson clover seed which had. been grown on the experiment farm, ottered through the press of the state to distribute to ap plicants wbo would pay transportation charges and who would make careful trial of same, enougn seed to plant i-o acre. There were 1598 persons wbo ap plied for the seed, far more tban the station eoald supply, unfortunately.' Indeed a quantity of seed had to be purchased to send as many as was sup plied. .The first names received were- seat the seed. To others full ex planation was given as well aa at what points the seed could be procured. Be plies regarding the test are now; com ing in and tend to - show that wide spread information baa been given in rstrard to this most valaable forage crop, and much interest baa been crea ted m its cultivation. WlthCrla i Clew. ' Just now the Experiment Station la receiving a lot of varied bat interesting information in rtlstion to growing this platft from the farmers to wtiom seed was distributed last year. Brief direc tions for every step in growth of the crop were sent with the seed and the call for this information contains spe cific inquiries as to the various process, a which help in studying the effect of preparation of soil in dixterect lections of tne state. That the crop baa Been found all the Station claimed for it so far by some farmers is shown in the following re; port from Vanee county: . 'niron B on still red land ia very good condition. Broken with two horse plow and harrowed with a Uayle barrow. Harrowed the seed in with same im plement October 4th, or 5th, 'ML Tbe amount of seed nsed was t pounds cleaned.' and it was pnt on 1-3 of an acre. Ko fertilizer was ued except a dressing ot tobacco steins after tbe clover came up. Tbe clover started well, and eont-noed to grow off well nntil Injured by the starch freer. It has not been grazed bet is now being fjd green on the soiling system. 1 I think it a 'splendid fr4 and will j sow sareral acre this fill if 1 can eet thsswd. TUinic it wonlt be v.rr umi in Adl-uM or tHTt-'-nta-r. 1 wml about an average stalk as it is vary an-, lfoi m nd vary thick." - The specimen was -JO inches long; tho head 3 inches. 1-3 of the piece .or 1-9 at?re like it siiould produce ed enough for 8 ur 10 acres, or euough if clean, to bring S O.iYE. Emery, Agriculturist K. C. Experiment Station. . , Another Fraud Exposed. This time it it a seed fraud. The Station Inst month reported the serious adulteration of bran with cockle, cheat and other weed seed, and the inevitable result of feeding the bran by which a clt an fluid Would "rapidly become seeded . with these obnoxious weeds, wherever the manure ' was put on th land. t r'.,:.-.'4, -'','-. . " A correspondent from Eobeson coun ty sonda n -seed package which reads as follows: .".? iAT MBBio. ' " " '. Roffommeotled by tT. ;S. Ajrrleultural D ptutmeut nt tue net oa:-Di: icr tn? souuieru SiatJji. drown and wurraaved y t'iie4usal'isa Seed Co., Juusluduo. N. O. i'rloe, ten csnta, ! .Our 1 correspondent writes. "Some time in tho early part of this spring, ail unknown man passed through this pari of tho state selling garden seed, and sold quantities -of them throughout th county; but they have proven to be spurious and of no value to those who purchased them. . Inclosed you ; will 'find one of the- papers, also one of thd ?" lants. Can you tell us. what it is? hinking or believing that it was all right none at us asked 1 he man -bill name, and", have no redress. The plant sent by him was apparently the ; European wild cabbage used often to Adulterate cabbage seed. A communi cation was at onco sent to a reputable .seed bouse in tventera North Carolina, 'and a reply was.promptly received say sing, 4,Ve hope, you can help us ran the rascals down. ,- We have beard nothing 'kfrom thom this, season, but last year we hud many complaints from tbe eas. item part of tbebtate, ana a irienasent us a seed bag. It was printed Cabbage 'Seed, grown by the Beems' Creek Seed. Garden Co. ' We investigated the mat ter nn.l i, 'fonnd tbe narties had lived f near Asheviile K.,C., but could not get thoir names to publish : tuatn. ' 'tv think tho ,lunalnska.'"onoern the same parties that swindled, the people last iyear."7 li.i Hf (; -:a f The rascals are smart., because they 'do not give thcir names, and the post offices Jfunaluska N. C.( and Heem'f Creek, - 51.,; C' are ? purely flct'tious. for ' there are not now, and never have bees post oUlces by those names, f. . r ri ' f The penitentiary is the best place fot them. All persons 'are warned not to bnv from such toarties, and In fact let travelling seedsmen alone for 'there art enongh'reliablcr'well established deal ers in the business who cannot afford 'to misrepresent knowingly anything thev sell. They count their reputation of far more value. 11. H. liattle, Drsc- ftorN. C. Experiment station. Advsneed Montbly (omatry of Metsoro ; logical Kcpcrta for North Carollua. AprJ. tS9. "I ,' The North Carolina tato ..Weather Service issues -the following advanced summary ot .the weather lor April Jb&i, as compared with the correspond' lutr mouth ol rev.on! yeara: - , Tesipkraivke. The mean tempera- ttfro for tho: month was 57.3 degrees, which fa) 0.4 deirrees below tbe normal. The highest monthly mean was 81.01 soutnern 1'ines: lowest montniv mean. 43.5 at Blowing Bock. The highest temperature was 8J on the SStii, at Wtsuinstoa; lowest. S3 on tho .7th, at Bakersville. The warmest April dur ing the past twenty-one years occurred iu !8jtt, mean 0J.8; tho coldest was in 1831. mean 53.9. ; T; ,r I'BECtFiTATiox. Averaire V for " the -montb, 1.75 inches, .which isZOU inches below : the ; normal. I he greatest amount was 8. J a at Bryson City, least amount 0. 05 at Sloan. The wettest April occurred in 1874, average 7.91 inches; the driest in 1888) average 1.74 inches.--. - ' 4 - ; Wisd. Prevailing direction south west, whleh is the normal direction for April, Average volocity. 0.8 miles per hour. Highest velocity, 44 miles per , . , . . ,r f. . i lour ii-oxu stmvaeasbi ou lvtu. at au i MiscitlXAKKOfs.-Tliunders tonus ae eurred at various placos en the 1st, 4th, 10th, 17tb, IStli. 19tb, XOth, 21st, 23rd, Z6th, 27th. 8th,59th. Lixbt haU on lth, 20th. 23rd, Frosts occurred on Snd 3rd, 6th, 7tb, 10th, 11th, Utb, 13th, 14tb ' : The- month was unusually dry. ',' - Dlitrlbitloa of ttov (Sojaf The N. C Agricultural Experiment Station at Baleigb, desiring to extend the cultivation ot Soy Beana has pro posed to distribute a quantity il seed to careful, planters desiring to test their merit. The " only condition is that each applicant send 10 cents itf postage stamps to pay cost of trans portation by mall. Enough seed will be sent to each applicant to plant 1-10 aero, x ue urst ww appiicauuos wui be nued in tne order received. The (station retrarda this aa a very valuable forage plant. It ia of upright growtnitos leet mgnanais aiegn mine capable of adding nitrogen from the sir to the soli in which it grows. It is planted in bills or drills 1-1 to 3 1-3 Xeet apart according to richness of soil, and 15 to 34 inches apart in the row. It can be planted any time from March to July, either alone or in the corn row between the corn, and 3 to 4 beana are usually planted in each bill. Soil suit able to it and the general preparation is tbe same aa lor corn, n ben planted for corn both crops can be ensilaged together, and the corn ensilage will ba much improved by the combination, or the plants when planted alone can be cnt for forage before they get too woody. Mb seed are found lo small pods and ean be saved by cutting the whole plant when leave and pod bave turned s srolden hue. They can easily be beaten ont when dry. If cat timr 1 delayed beyond this time the pods will open and some will be lost on the ground. It will not pay to pick the beans. Jt ia also a good table bean. but requires a lour tiind to cook. The beans parched slot 11 r to coffee, ha oeen aaed aa sn acceptable ooeutnte. for it, and at far less coot, it ba not tbe exact aro a of coffee, bat is re- commeaded as a che p substitute probably jast as good and in some ea ses better than tbe low grade of coffee after being adulterated with pea or beans with a value less than tbe soy bean. Tbe Station nrges a careful trial of this crop. ' . Dtraetfomi for Cooking Bay Meaju a Pea. Tha following dirretlons have been tried by Dr. J. H. Mil;, of the Baptist Orphan its at ThooiSsvUle, K. C, and recommended bv him: -mk IM T wwt-l th- tft i am f. tkai stir ta & criJ tra ..iihi na to ice r.ftc lid ttflia te-a cff. B-MI peaa na t,o bp'.Ii ivftv il tpf ,Kl bu'lr ; ia in. t ,rti.ftn. t if . ! I' - p ' f ... ',z Eii.f X- n- - u-4. i i r -a, v .. i tf t I Clilulien VUalera and It FrareuUoa. Why submit to heavy losses from this disease ? Up to April, 1834, this disease had not been on the Experunont i'urui to our knowledge.' Early in that month a hen became-.sick and dumpish- with, dark comb; all food and water refused. ' 1 1 was thought useless to treat this case, but Epsom sails were administered and this was followed with ooplons water ing put in the mouth with a spoon. The hen was placed in a warm, sunny place, isolated from usual runs, and recovered very. slowly.. v';'P''."l:-. v-sfii.?'-.- Another hen died in, few day and then another ; and' a ; cock erel, and so veral persons - who had had .experience , with, cholora, pro nounoed this disease " to be oholera. The ben aud cockerel died near' night, and next morning two other hens were dead and eight more were m different stages of the dlaease. ' .. "'. ' " Treatment was began at once, ' Two bens were killed and. burled as those previously - dead hod been. , The . six were brought out into the sunlight and given salts and water. . ' The house and yard were thoroughly disinfected with 1 pint of strong sul phurio acid to 8 gallons of water, as suggested in poultry books. The hen themselves were sprayed with . this. Their drinking 1 water was charged with carbolic acid (lteospoonful to half gallon water) and asafualida was pnt in thoir food at the rate of 1 heaping tablcsppon to tho food of 80 chickens, . Tho next morning six hens could not get pff the roost, though all; but two hod gone up as usual the night pre vious, - after- their 'treatment. '-'These -were treated as before and pnt outside the yard. Before night ail but four bens were ' walking about :' pecking grass. After three, day of isolation these - four . were returned to. the yard cured, and all bave bees in good health since: Six bens and a cockerel bwera lost before the health of the flock was restored by the treatment as given 'above. v - '-': , Had we known the disease at first, it Is doubtful if a single bird need to have been lost. Promptness to disinfect and treat the sick birds will save many losses. The doses of salts,' not before recommended to my knowledge, doubt less helped rid the birds of the cholera bacilli sooner than if it bad not been given, and so. hastened the eradication of the disease. The asafcctlda acta as a diffusible stimulant to help keep tbe 'birds warmsi'W'MvH'"if,? .s-vai- The drinking""water was for soma days kept charged with carbolic acid, and. all that la- now needed to secare -immunity from another attack is second thorough . disinfection and to continue for some time the addition of carbolic acid to the drinking waten F. E. Emery, Agriculturist, IN. C. Ex periment ytation. . ,. . rc. ...... ' . ; Qaestloas and S.pliea. v.; The Station will be glad to reealve questions on agricultural topics from any ono in North Carolina ..who may desire to ask for information. Addresi all questions to the "N. C. Agricultural fxpurlment Station, Baleigb, N. C." oplies will be written as early as poa sible by tbe member of the Station staff -most competent to do so, and, when of general interest, they will a lag appear in these columns. The Station expects in this , way to .'enlarge its . sphere of uacf ulnoss and render Imme diate assistance to practical farmers, 1 : ' ' tTaltlvatloa of Barley, j Plesne sad tne any Information you can ll regard to growing barley,; the time and mannei ofWMdhw.alc O. W. K. VUlson, N. C. . (Answered by F. E. Emery, Agriculturist, N, C. Xxnerlnwnt Station.) 1 ; Barley nourishes besC in a moist, cool climate. .Its short straw and ' stij beards are against Its introduction in Tilace where it mtgnt ne cultivated, lowever, there are beardless varieties, and they can be sown on rich land, which will force it to a maximum growth."' Sown in August, it will, if not checked by drouth, produce a good late forage, which will continue grow ing after early frost have checked other vegetation. Cat when beading ont or soon after, before beards are hard: this makes a good green food, or hay,1 but will be slow te cur if cut late ' The land should be well pre pared and rich to grow a good crop of barley, ' as this, like tlte other small grains, is a gross feeder, and must have food at band. Sow on to one and a half bushel per acre, or, where thick stand for forage is required, two bushels may not be to much. The fertilizer should be a previous crop of clover, cownea vines or other legume, or a complete chemical manure, with a rather high peroentag of nitrogen it on poor land, ror a Brain crop, winter or the earliest aossible spring sowing would seem preferable hence from De cember to February would be about the right time t give this crop a natu ral development and bave tbe grain ripen noitnslly and when 'it can be easily harvested. . . ' 4?seaDisrs far FtrMea. -I write to ask some Information (or frowtns sad packing cucumber (or pickles for tha fall snd winter market. I wonld like la know tbe beet kinds of eneonl bers to plant tor makltif picklea of am 11 stw 10 pae in Darren sua seem ana toe newt kwiu fnr makine verv email Dtuklea I oaek In flau. AIko which la beat, to plant In hills ordrllis and dlataaee of mm Also toe full prorCM ot pack las tbe euevmtwr In barrels, kece and cleae sad kind of uear to Deueea aoa any otnar mtuc nation that auj beat your enmr.iand -J. a. a. baleo. N. C. ' (Answered by W. T. Maasev. Hortl- eulturikt, . C, Experiment Station. "Cucumbers for pickling ar a-ner- ally grown - by gardener a a reond crop after so r esrly crop has bean Harvested. Tne seed are planted lata in July in well manured hula foar and one-naif to firs feat each way. and cul tivated like cantaloupe. Tbey should ba cut waen tne leogtn or one nns-er, or oven smaller for bottling pickle, Cncnmbers shoo Id always be eat, never pulled, so a to bave a portion of the etem attached. The vines should not be bandied when wet with dew. If not shipped at once, or sold to pick' line factory, they should be dropped in strong brine and kept under tha brine until ready to pickle. Long green and white spin ar the sorts commonly grown. VTe prefer tit long green or N fchol' medium greea For process bf pickling w will hav to refer yoa te the ook books. Bkatla aad liaaav "Pi state tae t'lrnmom ttwa eMtl a4 ater li.ae. Ar eiei.a reduced teniae by bars' In? W. fat. U Pruwetoa N l ' Aawerad try H. B. Battle. DUrxt. m. O. BUpertaaaat Sutloa.) Shell lima ia merely shells burned. Bock lim or stone lime is tbe erod linaeatoBe after it bas been burnt. The combination in all the crude materials tiow of beat to chatured to th oxide of lime, or eanatie limet buil ling lima is I aieotb eaairtic lima, sisrl eon tarns I refuse f sheila and emwqanUj has a I tirrmg trtiita;e W tru-t of I NORMAL eVinrD(iTUIaL VCCtOal.. Hrrmm Anaaal CaaiajeaeaiwaMf Tfca ' Pxerelera Jlaay (raatlaaat s-eepla j frraeesis .- -.';S ''- "rt Special ComipondenM . - j , -t . i. G BKBNBBoao, N. 0., May 24, '04. ' Probahly the most, brllllint coin meneeuisnt any Knrih Carolina school has ever enjoyea was thnt t.f the N-r-mal and ImlUh trial which closed fif re Inst nlgut with tda IfCltire nt Oxn, Gordon on ''Tbe Last Days t f theCkiu- f.'rterilt!y.";ir-' f ' YMterdny, Congrtsomsn Bryan, the brilliant Nebraska n, drllveicl tb ad rirsK bffor l he Bt'iilenls ol th Innti tiitlon. He 1 lnok ; an bis suliUct "Money" and be hamllid it superbly. Mr. Brysn while conarrvallve, Is an ardent lil ineUlist. shtl In a speech of K rest power be gave amide Vesaon fur 'lb fiiiih that I iu Mm". Momi of the prominent men- In tbe B'at were ai-atad nn. f ha--tilat form flnv t fa- liutroducerl the orator, and did It wll. Bryan was frcetient'y Interruptf rt by bursts of applause, and the immenye audiwiice that crowded the chartel?ws completely esptiyated by bis addnat. In the afternoon the party of (li 1lngulhd viailora were taken to l.he Guilford Bulili tJroutid, aad seemed ilelinliied wiih that hietoiic fint. Itt the evening the graduating class he'd it exertilses.; .At the f loae of tha interesting program, Mn. Bryan, who had don the institution the honor to icoampany her himhantl to the euro luenoemeut made a f'W rematka to tha gradnatiug class, All were charmed wlh her. , This ' morning BUhoo Rondthalrr preached the commencement sermon. It w eloquent, appropriate ; in fat t a sermon better filled to the occesion has not burn heard In the Pttte. President Mvlver preseiited the diplomas to th eight young worn -d oi llie gralualiug Claas. . , 4 " Rev. esa IT. Page presented th Bibles to the c!aa in a brlf, brlijl t, striking, original. srjeech." v? ' , Oeoeral Uordoa delivered a short addrca to tbe young ladies. ' - This evauiiig .wss the ocoanlon of the lecture of (Jen. Gordon on "The Laat Days of th Confederacy". : A. very large audieace heard the lecture and biwidreda were turned effior want of room In the spucitiia aasembly hall. Judara Averv Introduned t ha eneakar. paying an eloquent trlbui to bis rec ord as a warrior aud statesman. Tne lecture teems With wit, humor ant) pa thos, aad was enthusiastically receiv ed. - '-', Ons fifth most pleacifig Incidents of the cotnmrncement wss tbe freten Isiion of copies ui the Const lit lion of tbe United Sisteasnd of Korlh Caro lina to the members of th graduating class by Chief Justice Shepherd. This was regarded as peculiarly a pproprl ate as emphasizing tb'e Idea of the duty of lb pnbllo schools to prepare rhlf dreo to becoms ot,eful and law abidli g dlla.-."r-.- "-r'.-;1; 'f-:i'ff- An unusiial DUn-ber of 6t.it offlclHte aad prominent men and 'women .fr''fn sl over Noith CurtUna wire attracted by the brilliant program. - The Stat Normal and . Industrial School closes lis present session with nearly foar buudrcd rtudsot In atten dance. . , This record far ulrpaime any aver before mad In Kurt h Carolina. Jt hows n list the young women of North Carolina will do when lb Stat begins to glv them a chance similar to that given, the ynnnn; men. . ' Tb suecers of tha school bas exceeded tb hope ol ft friends and bas been Ui astonlsbmebt of tho wbo predicted Its falluif. ' - .. T John Wilbur Jkkkikb. - TAStlfr nTATISTIlia. DeatsHt'ailre Keaa.ileas ml Iba If. attaley Btltl by (be nitle, tl, : aadBawaie Stiira Tiaiee ml It at v . , eatlaa ef rariaTatllta. WasblostotTDlspatcb, May 23. r- Mr. II. II. Evans, th treasary sta lls! idan wbo bas prf rmed all similar work fur the Waya and Ians coin mine if tbe House and tb Finsuet comniittsc of th Senate f r Iba iai twenty veers, has, under In direction of lb Finaec committee, mad a oimpsrioa bctwesn lb McKinley, lb Mills and lb Wilson bill, ami th Senate bUl as amended. It i hows that th reduction from th Mt'Kiulev bill Wileoo bill was 28.35 (er rout. : th re duction from Ibe McKinley bill by lb tenet hill as emended is Si.79 per cent. Th r-dncti m wh.ub would bave mad by tha Mill bill, upon tbe earn basis sf ealculitlon, would on y bsv bi n 14.62 ner cent. Aa considerable comment has been made, charging delay In the paswig bi Ibe pitseot TarifJ bill, it U bui fair to giv tb dates when lb art era! bills, during the last fifty years, hav paSed tb Beiiat", so that a comparison ean bv inad by th people, aud a oonelti Ion rrscbed as to wb bar th work on tbe present k. It as hea a rapid a mat .upon iu proucceseorr. ice Walker UrlfffMased tb Seaat July k!. and was approved by tbe rresidrai JulySO-b, 1848 Th Morrill lartfl, Wss repoited lo lb lioua Uaroh 12, 180, paa-d the Svoste February 20, 1801, aud was approved Maicti Z, 180J. Tb TsiifriMll ol 1808 maseri Iba tten ate June SO. Tb Tariff bill 'of 1883 paaeed lb lloua Jute 27, 1883. paseed tb Seest- February 20, ujx3, and was approved March 8, 188. The McKio- rey lantrpaafrd tnr3ut tvpt mar 10, sed was approved by tb President Octi b-r J.lSiKJ. II. sea us lo be tb aonsenso of opinion by lead s 0wt both side that ibe preseet Tariff bdl will pas lb Senate about th mlddl of Jose. Com or en t baa been made npoa tb fact that tbe Finsne eotonil'iea ba offered 409 s meed meats t ibe WIIsoh bill. The sam eortrmiite offered 10 th McKinley bdl 239 mcodmenis that changed it substance, while of tbe4'i9meudmeeio0rd to tbe Wil son til'. Senator Jones, la chants of tbe Seoste bill, stale that a majority cf I bens simply changed tha Seaat amendmeuis aud restored tk rales of duty aaorgieally provided by tbe d ton bill. a Many n Arer's Sraprill as so n,l r," btcue it U ucb a Hi 1 he Madlr Ulraua Ca.e. Bavannnh News, May2Slh. ' : ; m - , The tiecieion of. the Preabyierlan Grnera) Assembly at Nacbville, Tsou , lulheSdl Meant oas may be said to bring llie church Into oloner liuch' wltD the advanced culoms ami utili ties of the period, The rtilread, tbe telegraph, the mail, hS telephone and the press ara recognised as necenslties every day In tb week, hy the great mejontv of people in both private and biisloeas life.. The isane fn tha Sadie tleans case wis whether , the church should permit it irlembers to recognize, employ arid serve the concomitants of modern life ou the first day of ibs week, or ; whether , it should take a taod on (he other haud, and pro nounce sinful even necessary work performed on 8undar. 'The outonme Is a v'otory fjr liberal lm. It save Sunday from being rele gated to tba past fifty .or a hundred years ago, In so far aa that church Is concerned, and is an eyidenoe of broad tnfndfdnass tbat must oomuiend Ittelf to laymen, as well aa to iba liberal nhurebmca. , , .v The case, In a nutshell, was this : Miss Meaos was employed In . tbe tele phone exchange at Columbia, 8.. 0. Ber dutivs required that she should do a few hours a oik on Sundays, f She WAS a tnD)ber of th 8coud Preaht lerlan church, fultLful iu hrr. rellglou duties and of Irreproachable character. Tba minister and elders of the church of which she was a member did not ihluk It compatible with her chrif tain proff tslons or with the discipline of tha cburoli that she shoulj work on 3iin(lays, . . i. They endeavored to L.duo her to stop working on that day, , but as that would have involved . the . giving up of her sttuAtioo, tbe income from which aha needed ,for her support, she declined lo heed tbrui. The nitit- ter Was brought beforo lb church sea. sloo and the yourg, woman as ex palled from meiuWsliln. Her sister and molhor-lu-law. memlie s of, tha same church, appealed to lb Charles ton Presbytery, the .body governing tbs churches of tbut denomination . In tb district la which ; Columbia 1 situated. : The Presbytery sustained tb soi ion of the church session. . The appeal was (bar) can lad to the synod of South Cat olio a. That body revers' ad tjhe aotloD of the Pr.byery and the session and ordered Miss Moa;i- nmtor ed to membership. This . V e session failut) to , do, aad . tba Charlei t)i. Preshyteiy appealed to t'ie general as sembly. The appeal, aa told In our dispatches, was not euatataed, and th assembly ordered that the judgment of of tbe synod be curried out. Miss Means' case will be lb mssns of 'belpios tbouaaodj, There ere Presbyterlaas all over tne emu try en gsged in rallrsad, newt paper, street oar aud other businese requiring, tbelr attention on Sundays. Tbe da clhios In Mis Means' cans eatalllUe lb precedent tbat a person may an gsgesrt suth beceasjiy work on that day and still be a member In good stsndlpg in th Prrtbyterlsu church, ; SlaaraaMed ('are fee I.a arlp. - We authorise our advertised drug gUt lo sell you Dr. Kii'g'a New Die envery fi r Cutisumitioii, Coughs and Col.), tiHi this comliiion. If you are afflicted with La Grippe and wilt use tbi remedy according lo directions, slvlng It a fair trial, and experience no beoefit, you may return the bottle aod -have your mousy refunded.. .'W. maka this offer, -bees us of th wonder ful euccos of Dr. King's . Ksr Dis covery during last retaoii's epidem-o. Have heard of nn case la which it tail ed. Try It. Trial buite fr.e at T. A. AlhriKht'e drug store, .Large star ouo. and $1.00. , , . Rule 15, which governed the admis sion of exhibit at tbe World's Fair was hard on soma of the menufnctur- era of so-called blood-puiiSere, but the result which prove tba widoiu. of tbe rule wsa. thai Arr's w the only Ssreafiarilla admitted. All other similar preparallona war classed as pateat meditlbe or aecret nostrums, aud tbrowa out.. . - -.' SJaoel Jehe. Good looks ar mors than skin deep, depending upon a bealthy condition of all the Vital organ. II the Jjirer be lit.icilve, you have Bilious Jook, if your stomach be diaordrred you bave a Dyppi(e Iooti and if your Kidneys be affrcttd yoo : vea Pinched Look. Secure good health aed you will bave odd looks. Elect rlo Biiters U the great alterative and Topi ot- direct Iv oa thes Vitsl nryau. Cure Pim ple, BltMOhaa, B-'ll end give a good complexion. A 1 1 at T. A. Albright's drug eWe, 00c. per bot ile. - . American Farmer and Farm .News. Frew I Te. w will send this excel- lent farm jonraal t every ubacriber wbo aft pay bi suhecrlptioa in ad vanee to 1 HK GLKAaca free of chvge. Call and leave your subecripitoo aod we will order ih )") er without trou ble er exiieiise lo you. Evrty farmer shouM,l.va a good farm pspcr. 1 M will get both fwpers ror yesr, I l.e price of ibe Farmer b reccol!y beii reduced ficm fl 00 fX rt a ymr. TH r. i l.l.A.N t K, C - a i . , X. C Your Heart's D!cc:l Is the most Important part of your organism. Three-fourths of f the complaints to which tbe sys- v . tem is subject are due to impuri- W ties in the blood. You can, there-, fore, realize bow vital it is to . ( J ' Keep'; It' Pare X " For which purpose nothing" can V : equal r" lt eaectually re- f ? . moves ''all impurities, . . cleanses the blood thoroughly J and builds up the general health, f Our TnaUe Blood .Ml Skin dUMB aullal V , . .... ft. to anir ild.M. . . . . - 8'i.FT SPECIFIC 3., Ain'J, Ca. V 9 v OS. fS. Sh-S.f-v rs. r- r V Cklbreath Poultry Farm, t C00P15B & JOHNSTON. Prop'rs, ' Breeder of 1lght Bmhrna," Buff Cochin, Barred Plymouth Rock.BlacIc . Lsngfhan,: Indian Unme, White and If liver Wyandotte, B. C. Brown Leg- ' horn, Pekin Dock and Bronze Turkey '. j fowls, Belgian Hare, and pure bred : Berkshire and Essex Swine, ; We breed Irom Am rlca'a leading strnli). ' ' . Will ba pleased to show visitors pur stock. - - . r c rIt ek'nnd Eggs for sale,. J6VWf ite for ca'alOKi;.-. 3, lSSni . KflGRETIC I!ERVIF;E',: I. enaraataed te cam ' Kervous Proetra tion. Fits, tnzl nse, Hoadoohe. . Nauralgia ! In tumnla. Oreatc. eueMa la the una of to. - w'.,.- bmcuo. opium, alcoliol, ?W .W ; n "' e.r 7fir tfi "4A J V V!o ln tirlnciMon o- tofsMilOn, toftnlnffOf th Uroln Innnnity and mtiaui rolMirptire riWh. . MAONfiTIO t ?T- VIMS sirTT-t-1I irMsssw in Mtrtnr and U Wl tddrna. II.U eMir. fo.aij utA9t wt iriv e ear. or twfund theiBOflHr. lanwd ouir by ear aiauta. fittn Ouaranrte l-i ' tve. wa. tiui. Muil'd on receipt of price by .' ; KK'H ARDON k FAUISf,"' !. . Wholesale & Kxtail Drugirtt; - Greenbiro, N. O. Lcaksville Wcolen Hills. Are ellil st th oM pise .Under the same .old in tusgement, aud tlU tuaklig the same line. of -. ... ' ; : - -. i , EXCELLENT GOODS' so well and farm ably koown through tbW ' section, - . - i tt Work Waal aa nbares sir ar Cash . Sal ltlaahala, Faary Sfeetepreada. ' Caahlaaerea. Jeaaa, flawawla, . ' - and Vara, Ske eka. . Ifrlte for InfoVtnaliou aud samples. TaS your wool to A, B, Tate, Agent, tint Ssm, N, C. org. K. 8ci.lt. Mehane, N. c. aod Iber Will forward it lo Mill free of ehtige, l LEAASVllXi WOOLEN MLLLa, , teakayUle, N. C. May tO tSia " ' ... , V, , -',, Wwainf , v V- COPYRIGHTS. CAlf I OBTAIW A PATFfTf fMr ' Ptxtiijc taSMwar w4 sUf brmatrt on n ton. vsttHsj til - W t N dk O., wlJO bT0 bntl Dwiy rt 'y rV xp4Klnns) In lht ptwit bvnvtev. OsD.:tioi . . tl'na atiictJw sjfiTifM ii toj. A kiaad Uosvsa ol in iormmMcm 0uncmiuz Pa I! mvd ixw to orw, : " - - '"uirt mi fifcr it- ' ImJ and tkcsntifo book tern. frs. PtUsynta tss-kra ifimusTti Xtnin A Vx amv VMkfjaaJ Mt1fJ to tb rt e B ti fi e A altjri , a:xt ' tbna brouahi trtuif bef ' rs wm utitt oat entt to Uj rnwe-nurr. 1 his t'rnl d pm.i-et , . lnr wesMtly, eleyjaiy liltartraf rwl. bm br fm i i Iwungettt Circa lot? ( am of sin onrtiir work tu tia Worid, ft J jmr, our" mt fr. BnlbfllTiw gWmutXJ ancrnLhlr. T-. b OIl4a, 'at 5 wMntAV Jwa7 t)Uirjttr sKmtll bwrnte feral pisstcsu, tn t-Oturft, mr.i bhrfnermji of br y kousM, wmb pTaUM. sjuaMiutj batiumra to ihuv rst)t neaSlfTIJ aWIatl wMtir entr3i, A 1ire-4i MCX CiU X SOIUC ! Bjuaaa-:aT. ' I am tb North Carolina Agent for Dr. WhHs'i Kew Hair Grower Treatme .t Th Greatest D'scove df the Ae. It will permanently core inV,rv of the hair, dai.HrorT, cly eruj liut . potuiee, or any-veaip neae. It prevents Imi-! urn in g arty an! reHtorr hair to iu original cuiur, briny. Xew Gratk ef flair mm say Bald hr, ti ttrth. It I the only lipfilmeot that v 1 pimlnee Ihepe remil'a. lesumor,i4ls 111 J.trea!i-9 fi;r on rpl'ciiiioti. Thtimpw'i s'or1. t. n -,- f ru, N. C. SUtl Jtren(n to ixnt. cue muax-iuar ana norvxyaajwvica, tchM up tno brain, boild op th lltMa. br intra rir-ih tlewn, aaa roartor health aUitt napptusMew to ti. i smjlorrrif, A mntith'a trfitmn ia plain pMikw tt Ftyosjwai I tmr tutxt S far mV, UU. Wtttj A Ileal i Hair! 1!-;'. l I

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