;: 1 -.7 .'UK :.!;,, '7 ''I-.,- ; ., " - " ' ' " - r i " ' " U 1 111 11 . . I' . . I . -,77. .. j,....,:. i'- . 1. ..; ! i. ; 6' ij!.-- . vi'r:,, :'.."''! .'.-VOL. XX.'.. ' 1 w - . i i i mi iiiiiaai.ij. The; Old .Friend ' s A'nrth t.d-t friend; tlmt never 1 fiikyoifc'VSirattioiiH Xivcr ilgu lator, (the Red Z)lliat'3 what you hear at the mention of this " people kmlfc not - be persuaded ; that anytliuig elso will 1o. ;'- f It U the- King of LiTcr-M(;di-ciuea is better than pilfs, and tiikes die place of Quinine and f,-i Calomel.". ; It acts directly on the Liver,' Kidneys and Bowels - and " Ogives new life to tho whole. ej-s-.; w-. tem, 'Tliis is: th inediciiic yon ' " Vnnt. A Sold by all Dxncipta in Liquid, or irT Powder to & tukeu "T-drjrpiriTinde into a tea. - OPlMf. 1. H. ?E1IJH - PimESSIONiL CARDS. 6 - , ' "ATTORNEY XT LAW, ; 6&A!TAZr, r- ,n TTORNEY AT LAM - trill raulffunyand proinpur attend-'- a-, bus- "Sr. 3oin :St6ckar'd, Jri '-7i. 4 ' - tSrOuod el of Jeelh nt $10. r t. i- OHicf on.Muip St ovcrI. N. Walker Si Co.' More-' j Are You 6obgtio Build ? ;;i-t s . ' ff j-on'n reining to Un'Ul a 1oflfe; V6 vll dow' ll tiOHRi nnio for prices... I liuve irr ( n(ilW"ki" '' ,,MVC "'u Bw lriitlSttorn, wlio know Im t" , eiioii work dud Iich ot it - I will NiUd by ,-coiitfaat or liy Jliur day j ftirVfi-U ,uituiUI or rttUi It, - .! 7v ! ' -. Coma and mmi 1M ibe itlaa ,io -gljr 77- you flsufVi, Tlikuk ffU-iBrt lalroiiira.v , i Your. 4c.,,. ,v-.W, W. IlUl-Soy, CarnckiniiquUMA trhtcdui kdcMt B.UUI loroocs n efficacy in '.iiij.Ai; PRICE 80 CENTS PER BOTTtC, A " rOSl SALE V DRUGOiaTS. SUFrOLK ' Collegiate and- Military- INSTITUTE, j - J "- Rnsiish, itftolMiiiBe,-" WaUietrwitUal arxi Oasaieal pourses, with special Boe ings' Liepariatnt. If roo have son j-mt desire to silicate drop a postal for Catalogue. AiMfi-s " P. J. KEBSODLR. A. M July 13 U. is?. lViadj-al. 4 A Leading Uagazine Free. ArrangeracntJ Perfected lyTThlcIi'We Give SnD--, scziption to TVcman'i 7ork trliliout Charge. -'V" Wn are ww prraarrd U make a-nn4er-follj liberal' crr 1 o 1.M mho my- in adfaiM - fnr Taa At.iira lluitri. WtM4'a. Won te a hwrmry aud iuc tafsaxt -. f crTTTntllj vftK ut llie a-int pamlar pablaa .tA. It Wwr. euuri-uwiin aud lx-Ip(nl ifl ert-rr i-ptnmml. ia- rn(c are flHrd wlib r'-claat blck claxs readinc iti.Ucr sad Ulafc ri." ftntnd to all acr ; it ia rtaJrd to mUfJ the prrl aord ( r Imm Hmt- Mm.i'M au txher -rkxilcl mert. H m -'L t rt4 eiO tor onr fapt-r i Wol' Vaafe;rar uak'u the lauer cult -cl TiiE au:s(;e im.fa.vtr. L3av . to .. ; , ,". Dciorred from last week. WASHINGTON LETTER. ':;,'-o.,' :.'77j' .' ,.;..;;;7"-i.' Joint Kmalnli to rrriHe Nrcrnnrr KiMr-Hftrplui at tar Wklt. Mue - Uideiilinard IMrroorial ; 7 Hiri Caraat N. . Ier - unalal JfbaM Oar Jo 7,' :'' . - v...?., : Cau!te. . .--.; Special Correspondence. . 4 - r i - ' WABniN'GTON,tJailP29 A Jnlnt r&u olurtun'ttf flaUi'-HooiMn of CoORif", provldif g lor lbs necesnury Bxpentli lurs of " tM- 6ovennent- htw i been glg-Jbil by the Pr6ldent.i.-iTM".a r'Dlerefl neepfsnry brcun-te of tbe be- ginnii g of I lie Ot oul year, July 1st, anil l he flit that no nppropr.ntlou bill uua yet been pasccil lit lh Soate. . i '7 Tbe iri-weekly public reuepliona a the M'hil'd House bnye beeniUaconMiM uel. ; The reaHon of Ihfo U Hiat there are very low stiangra In theijlly 'dwr- jnu cha hi.t season who detno to see llie Chief Eitcmive. -"i - . ..'- Siuce the awfossl nation of President CitrjiQtylhpIJreBtfXanl and his fiends 3become morecaretui. : x esier- day when h wei.t out for. hii afler- noon'driVe he was followed bvtwo Ue lecfives bevily armed, in a busKjr. Thene official were dre-ai'd aa cittzeus of course but tbey kept about two. hun dred yards Cehiod ibe Pres'lileoV car riage. ) ' ; " ; f ' Reaulem mnss will bo eelebrated at 81. Ma'thewii chui'ch ouunday at the time of fhu burial services of ..thoJaeJ Tri'sideo! Curftbt In Paris,, - .A eable- jram ha been 'receivd by ArabaHBa- dor Patenotre autboriJng bim to- noti fy tbe French consuls 1 - the -different places throughout Hie Uoltad States to nrraiiira for the holIin;-oi;Services. The emt.iasy (n this iy will eeadont nnrds of Invitation ,!o the ; roeriimira ot- the diDtoinntic corps to attend ifie -ser vicef, and tho federaUofBt'ials.ofth'a 'government will be ioViled . to"6tlend by the F tate peparimaiit, whicli hatj been notified by AbusS 'tyr ruteno- tfoOf the inptniciloim be nns received. tSrdlniil Glbbons-twilV 'ofilMate. The- Setmta wan officially n it'Pel of th) 1 nrvii'r and al'oiice decidedtO aUend in a body. - , - . Jam very sorry to Pay hat Sir?. Jurviiitiiiue In be qni wk, , JB'i ban (tomciblii); lilte bcait dieaao but Dr. Julnmoii think ho can restore nt-r to health in a rliort time, if she U kept quiet and is prudent, - -v ' ; . The .prppo-itioiv fo till Incomes pais Cl ibe erfa a by seventeen imij-iriiy. The inriCTbill whicli was reported wjll pa I be iJeJiale next wee.k,by e l.ue-. dtv or ThursilaV. Then 1 'goeslwck jo tbe House where IV i devutiy o beliopedibn discussion -vi!LIe brier. ( Ke'v, Mf. Bitt-nge-, .R tir " of , the Church of-the Oood Shepherd, was in Washington-thla, week, an-UU a.ayl,he bll4(y and ill-advised order -of an North to "see some-wealthy Jriedits in the interest of bis parish. Jle received a' number of i-courtesies at -the ham's offlrti'aifB. Cox, tha ttWe accraiarV of tja-8inie and sob,- r iti-Jar f tha late- Biimop L.yman ; r ; ' w . at I heard a g tort j-me 011 josepim Daniela which no One ei joys more than Hon. Hoke Smith. Some one asked Mr. Daniels, in' Mr..8milh' nrsanP.-whr be old'not mK a eech also at Ihe recant 'Cbapel Hill Commencement, Mr Daaiela aaid : 'I find $2700 office a utfghtv nice thing these bar! times and I was afraid of making Mr. Smith j)a Ions. fiunrM 1 had snbken and had mad a better speeeh I wb unwilling to Ut( the rlsV."-Mr. Smith laughed heart ly at Mr, DanWIa' excuse. There Is much favorable comment on Ihe fact that $25,000,000 in pension also have been saved daring.. Mr, Smith's administration of Ihe Interior Departmint." Part of the credit f this I ant aura be lone to Mr. Daniels wbo is Hon. Hoke Smith's right hand man, and wbo haa as much executive ability aa any one I have ever mat. - ' ., ; Mr. Walter Fafcon, Chief f Consu lar Bureau, is quite unwell at its res!-, dence here. . . - - . - . Mr. Walter B. Henry haa givn up all hopes of neenrin a eonftlr ap poinmeDt, but I understand tbe Presi dent has promised Sanalor Ransom lo Cud a place fos'LIm In anotberdepart ment. ' , The appolntmr nt of Mr, Win. Myers Lilth of Charlotte, lo be consul at Legudgalpa, Honduras, was secured by Senftor Jarvbv Mr LiHle U lh son 0 Mr. B. T. Uuje, ofLli H-'a Mills, JLC , and basalirge lawi'y connee tie Ibrobbo'ut Ihe atale. Senator Jar ris Ir very persistent and .dptermin ed man, very loyal to his friends, sincere-, sbJe and rtTiabla. vry day here adds lo bi prealigr and roflaenc. IT'h, meech err the tiriff conlioues lo oomntlmrnted. It was Aort, but poinf- ed and strong. " ' Charlea D. Ky. appoitel Conaat General to Berliit. is Ihe literary editor anil ,1 art critie ef tha ?raw, jor Time. ne at a ko Wr r.f ih artw DtKay. He has Ieen a writer for Bisexiinessnd knowaaa literary mao. 'unlBibruitlt Ywlkdih-tativo, GRAHAMr.N. t., knew anytlii- g if htm. Tbe secret or fbe appoititmeiit U thai Mr. Delia y Hi a broiher-ln-law of .Richardson Gilder, Mr.: Harry Mitin, aiep-son of Uena- Inr Vance, win he uiasried - to- , Miss Ellie BuneHjn St. Mad dews blmruh tlih city 'uMSday ntuoon ' I y Arcb b Khop'Spaulding, a kin'fronn- of Mu, Vance.' Mrs. Chan Itusbeo and danafh- tir, anil Mrs. Judge Urnrker, . OTW. Vancf 's sister Ofoiieve for'.thrtoere- -:.' .'. - ' " ' ' 1 fbt noilrvad KtrlUe The Rcaala Chnrlotle Observer, Uli, :.-. v ' Th Loiiwville Coii Pier-Journal states the wbol iquU'y oHkbo cose 'in five lineswhen it aajs.S '."Every -rami has the rijtbt to work, or,to quit work, just as ho pit ascsj But, no fnao nas iba right; natural or acquired, to prevent another i$nn fom working if the other man want.to work." . That proposi tion wfll'wUhstand'all aigufiit. .We in this counVy-a'' free peopl r under tbe law, aud no employer lias a lawful claim, beyond the contract agreement uoon the serviced f tbe emptoye. .Jhe Utter may quit work when be chooses, for cause, rent or linaffinnry that is. his o'w'D'"atTair;Jhis inaleloable right Mauy times bo does right to do eo ; bis wages may be insufficient less than bis eer vicis ara worttt"nU less tnau ine oua iness is ibla to bear :-tbe employer anaybe unjust o unkied. Nodj of tlio ftiregofng condiiions tnay. opiaiu, and yefr the timployee may find H to biB iutrBt or his pleasure to quit the bus iness.' P( mailer what" the reosoiii bU i lcbt to do so' is part of himself as- a Tree manand all of ihe foregoing ;are self-evident propositions., This la where individual right in the premises begin and endf When a roan quits the services of a person "br ir company , be tmo :hfv,iiuht to, nrevent aim other mairtakiug the place ho hasvacated. When be follows this firat act by :thls second one, be pnases from the exer cise of an ubdoubted rigtjt to the . per npirnilnn-of a wrone. 1 Hi-rein lies the THtrt'l error of s many strikeiB an er ror, against iflilch,' even, when they. hae struck for righteous cae, tbq sobrr sense of lire country revolts. I has been committed iu the present great jrailroad; si ( ike and iis ferult niuMic-Oreaarily be toalieneaie tnousr anda of the nalurai sympnlhiaersofthe striker. , It - was a naiuial ; result, hoevr, ofihlsstiike, aa it is not of all. : The AmeVican Railway Pio' having commilied one error in takiug tup a Dgbt which did not concern it, li WHS inevitable that it snouid tuiiow up wUivolbciaiia ouovmng uuu, another so lapimy inai mo eniaor have left to themselves no ground upon" which to aland befjre , public opinion; ; Mr, Pullman and tbe woik na'u in bis shops dieajfoed about a matter of aacsA This was the bu- incss.of jiobody .oii earilbut them, but ii reKpotisilile pemon tbat trains should nit.fi.i nllowel to ruu on any railroad hauding Pullman cars until Pullman rc-pUe4 bis shops, look bia Workmen back and advanced ibcjr Wage has ilrawji the whole country Into the con test ; has In some sections paralyze J business, advanced tbe prico of, if.it waa not entirely cut off, some of the necessnrlesef lite lo the paople, 1oor and rich alike, and tuut caused (be lose Lf many dollars woh-of. ptrii-hable freight, to siiy noinug 01 me lucoove nieuce to which the public has .been subjected. Quoting the Coiuler-Jour-nal again i "It should be made as unt lawful to Interfere violently. Wtlh Ihe uVlivery of freight aur"pasengers ' the malls. The movement of mail (it au incident of commerce th move ment of freight is commerce itself." The inauguration of the strike was an err jr. It was folloajf d by tbe par' petrattoo of mcfttl wrong when Ihe the right of men, eager. 10 worK, to tike the place of those who had quit waa denied I hem. Tbe violent tt"p' ping of trains was an o flense against tbe laws 0 tha land, and thus it is seen bow one wroDg bar succeeded another, ooiH, If there was ever' a vestsge of right in tbecese, it has been obscured. Fortunate wiUiibe if Ibe'malter at issue shall be adjusted before there is shedding of much blood. t artaa Cmlam. ' r '. , " . Y 8. II. CTiff.rrd, Kew Otsile. Wl., was troubled with neuralgia ar.a rneunia lisnt. bis strtnach waa disordered, .l liver was sfftded lo an alarming de gree, aprjetile fc-fl away and he was terribly rrdsorrt in flesh and slrengts. Three boitlrs of Eltttric BtUera cured Kiarard Shepherd, ITlrrUhiirf, 111 bad a running aore eo hta leg of siIk' yearastat.diar- Vsed three hollies of Elsciric Biltera and seven boxes ol Buck Tin's Arnica Kalye.ead hht leg is sound and well. Jhnrpler,Calaw a, O.had live targe frver libltrg, docttra saiil be waa lorwrable. One tewtile Electric Biners add eae Iwx Bucklin's Amies Salve cnre.1- bim. Vocirelr. told at T. A."Albrlghta drug store. . ' " - It may seem foolish te go end llk the barn dior every tima lh eow kkksyow cr.'Kjkslbe milVpoil. but itUnotso fl'h as if mcvd be lo Ikk the eow.--- THU&SD AJ.UlIY 4 2,-, 1894., ' Tbeli' tiimaleafgarea Agrrail. t. Talher.I would like to se. youin the library on a matter of bustueas," ' Very i well, i Yiolacoute. . along. Kow, tbm.what h4i ?" v "Faiher', you'are KWare Ihflt Harry Noodclihammer has beeh paying' me his hI tentiou JofH be Jiai-t' year," , "Yi,t antli Kve lelt like .kicking him 1 '. Tlw ldea Of la Noodenhamnrer daring to iir-plre le ihe baud of a' Urof- IOIK v . W f .t, ' i-' ' ''He has n'skedime lo be hla wifo.',' ; " "The' sdnuii'irel 1 Why, I'll maul thdiBrmU'of him." ' ' ' "ApdJ I've' 'alui-wt prouiWd," sbe- placirtly oniuinnen. ta ( , ,1 "Whrrt I what 4 Mr dnugVW. mar ry a Jfoodeuhiimm'er'witb $25 a fceek Never 1 Uo to your room while I seek fbls base adven " ' , t ' ' .."Father, -1 wanl'd, lalk straight hiiHiuess.wi.b you,", she; interrupted, 'As you aie aa are, this la tbe Stale of Massachu'seits." - r--",- , 'HnVeyou reenlbe, yln,I slatlsllcs of the State for Ibe last year J'J. .... 'tv "No. of course-no'"! Tbe idea tf that Jim NoodenBhmmer akulkitg arouud oiler my" ' """Walt t 'According to thC'slaliffca this Slate hos S71.240 females more than uiBles.V-Tbira.aie 22(1,890 !jnore man iageaMe girls tban.ab find bus batids, tq eay ;notbing. of 182",321 widows who aro very anxious Ux a number 2. The ' tiuinber of young meu in this Stale oaruirg over $15 n wek and In the, market Is', oilly 22; 107, There airo camped piMhe trail.of there young v jnen rxaitly 220,000 yobng (wcmen nud 100,000 widows. Time, out of every five thildren born are girls.- peatb removes two young 1 men -- to one married man . or old bachelor." , The old man turned pal oand grasp ed a chair f-r'support. After a pause she continued. ' "From June to October over 80,000 manageable youpg women visit , your fashionable watering places and it. is estimated that 81,442 of tbem catch huabalids.'lhus' furthor reducing the chances' of a resident. Father, lake this pencil and figure out your Viola's chances of catching another man, if she h U Harry ' Noodenbamaer canter away." , . , - ., "Great ScoH I!'. ha,, gapped, fiavrlng for a moment. ' VWhy, your elmncca re inly one lo 21,875,917." ; "Just as I figured it out. wbal ball I say to him Jl-lt evening." : "ffayl siy'l why tell him" you'll have bini a;id be mighty glad of - the .i.ance nd don't let him draw a long breath before you add, that tha .cere mony can take place right after break- fust l(T-uiorrow morning and ,tbat 1 m to give you a wedding present of $500 in cash." . i: ataia Were rrleraa. .., ' "It does me g iod . to shake hands with one who wore the blue," said bf-, tin Aini1vii his hiiu'il lo a, man who had lust left the Maoiorfiil Day parade, "for I am a veteran myself a I'.Bougb' I am not amenities or tnauraou Army of th'e Republic-."' - " - ' "You ought to Join, comrade." re plied Ibe vi t' r.m, taking the proffered hand and shuking it warmly " T. "Yes, i suppoee so. You saw a great deal of service, didn't you ?" "I did, dBinrade. I was In the war lYmr rears. Was onlv 19 when I II'M enlisisd, loo. Fought In ho less tbnn M bailies and Was who Sherman on Jilj march lo tbe sea." . , J. "That waa glorious." y'Ye, it wss. You sail yeu were teteran, didn't yeu ?' ."Yes.sir fc" ' ' "Shermau's army. No," - ; " "Oraiil's? v, , No." v ' . -' "McClellan's?" . "No."" ' ,'v. "Perhsps ysn were ta tbe aavy ?" HV. .- .t v . - "You-snrely jreren'l fljbtlog on the other side Oh, 00." " " ' ' "Whaiarmv didyotnerve In ?" :m. - -Coxe." ' 1 , - pjaaaaj . Waw Trr vtu. ' . It will cot yoo nothing and surely Ao-fuu good, if you have a Cough, t'olil, tr any Iroubl with Throat, Chest or Lungs. ,Dr. King' Hew Dis covery fr Coostiplioo, Cougbs and toMs is guarsoieed lo give relbtf or monev will b Vaid back. SuuVrera fiam La Orlptla focad it just tha ibfug ard nudr i:a use had a perfect and peed recov ery. Try a sample bottltf at or Xiei.s and learn lor y 00 r self int bow good a thing It i Trial boU la Ires at T. A. Alhrigjlt'a drug Store. Large size 00c and $1. k a " ' -ai 1 - . 0 At pretest priors eoiHi binot an eco nomical feed, esperfslly so for tbe lay ing bens, as it. does not furnish tbe proper propoi Vva cthe eleutenu cou laluei in ihe egg.' '.' ' " oiproper and di fldeft rare of Ibe sVa'p witt cause grayia of lha kuir end baMweee. Eca both by ihe lis nfiUv reliable apveifc. llail'a Hair lUt-twer, ' Variety afFaaaV . A cow shoul I have as great a vari ety of food each .day as practicable j says the Farmers' Voice." She loves a Variety,' aa do all other animals, - mau Included. Her nature era vea it, and she will eat more, digest mora, and as similxte it better If she has a variety. Feed her 8 as to keep her .appetite good. 7 Don't surfeit hor. After she comes In feed her sparingly ot concen trated food fir a lW days' iscreaxing gradually fjr eight or ton days before getting up , lo fnll feed. If she Is greedy and liicliund lo eat .more than she can digest don't give It' t herJ Never'pnl before her more thitn she will'eat at once, but he 6tire and give -Oar enough. Here if where it re quires treat skill and judgment on the part of Ibe feeder, lie must ' be In timately arqninted with his row und knoir her capacity. W. H., Gilbert, of New York ooce said : "There, are thrte things to watch in feeding acow watch herwhen she eatr, watch the excrement ta see that -she digests .It, and walcti the milk pail to see tbatsho paysforit."Thfs, in a few -words, tells tbe whole Slory,' - - . ..j. :-;.'''.7. i .. ,r .7 1 ' .- n.77y;yyi-' i x Braa raphe. 4" . i 'A gorgeous shirt bosom is 110. indi cation otUhe manner of heart it con ceal?. , . vv., " tJ . .; "My mind to me a kingdom is." To Ihe average society man it Is a realm, without either ruler or subjects. ' Pounl long, go wrong. . - , "OelMng up In fhe world," Js often getting downrow God,. 77 . Piety and pluck outrun laziness and luck. - " ' , Thli Jc i high thoughts and you won't know low deeds. t 'The man who doubts men ii the man to be doubted. m" , The secret of popularity is. poreon airy. True manhool can neverbe at'.aln- ed without - the aid .01 Ihe Boo ot Man. '.' Open hearts' with closed purses sat isfy fto neighbor's hunger. ;. 1 t . Envv is a thorn ifl ' (be laurel' wreath. - . , . - - . .. . - ; ...... o.. V. v God-never opens the door to greater unefuluesa Until we are willing to - en lerlt. " ' " ' ' The chrl-fan who Is always "'on his illiznlt v" doeau't kuow the roetk and lowly Jesus, , 1 It takes more' t'mn a tail ir ami harbor ti build a temple for (be Holy Gbostj ' : Tho fe wet wit hi ri every maawoo'd shine more brightly if ha were to seek .i7.r-fc ' ,1..: ':-),-. . A Uearfe Hial fa Thee. One reason why these times1 are so bard on-tbo newspapers is tbat -tbe iiWrihe'a are , ioa negligent . about paying their dues." Each Ofia thinks lhaf a dollar, or'a dollar and a , half. J a rmll amounf and wonld not uel; much, and consequently deters 4y : .When several 'hundred, sub scribers git the same Idea,' as tbey- not uufreqiieuily do, poiticularl In limes like ibsse, the ptfblisner becomes very munh embarrasaed, from a financial point of View, and many times mus( either run heavily into dbt or suspend If be caO not afford . Ihe risk of the former bo mui-t do tbe lut et. People who believe' tbat the news paper Is cf any. benefit lo .lhe town 'should see that tbeir subscriptions aie nrmnntlv paid AVIilla the individual mounts mav be small, lu ibe aggre cste ihey amonnt lo a great deak Berkley (VaOraphfc 1 - The HsaMSr Ckeeea CatV ' tondonfjlobe. - Tbe mocsier cheese which ,wae enn'plciunns feature of the Canadian section of the Chicago exhibition- last vear tils just been cut to London. weighed 10 tons and was produced In September, -1892, under goverumen ansplces, at Perth, Ont. va07,350 pounds of milk, obUined from 12.000 cows', waa ued in making If. - nn iksted, iCe'chreitf was frroaounead to be very good. TU anra rna set Avar's" U ao Im nortant caution ir all in search of ihoronghly-reliiwSla . blood -purifier, AvarVHonaoartUa beipg the ODS on hib Ibcn cui he BO ananutr donbt.. It has stood Ihe test of uearly half a cchtuiy, anil ua long ucc.a ouu sidared Ibe otaodard. , One or two arree of well selected and well cultivated fruits will go far toward supplying Iba ordidary bocse bolJ exoeoewAJltll lend devoted to each purposes always makes an ap preciable addition lo the easb lueome, and wiH repay the labor needed to pro- cure it. ' ' v" v - Feeble aod del eate women " Had Ayer's SwrsapariiU jiu-t the uedkiue ihey need. From 250 to. 300 poonda per year Is a paying averageo the herd. But it cosUsomefhiog to gel U 1 1 Vailed iate Sep artraeat af Agrlcail- i'Z, tare-oaiee af Uaa4 Iwirr4,;.:: '::'Af!i:.' fii"' " V,.' rti'tri-n'fi'' H'i WapHtKQTOs, D. C-t June 1, 1891. To lb Editor of AlaiancbGleankb. Sib : Among the early IruiUrf)! tbe loqniry dreete.l by ; Congress H , to, ,tjie made, through the, , Department r, pr Agriculture Into the "Systems of. rood manageiueiit in , the Uultad States" and the ' Beat, methods of . road-mak- liig,!' is the weloome , koo wjfldge .. th at iu-jnaov sections Of the country , decid ed progress has already been ma le n tbe .oonstruoioa.i.of.l improved bigi-; ways, that this result baa been reach ed in moro ways thau one, and that iu whatever way it may have been reach ed it haa been found ,einlnonlly satifl-s factory, and profitable to ail coneeru- od. - , , - . , 1 , t , - , .... It Is, therefore, no longer, necessary, to discuss, tho abstract, question of iha necessity and economy ,o g9' .roads nor to attempt to devhe new ways of ohiaiulng Ibom. 'The practical experi ence ot one community Irju makingua ing, and paving for a uew'and superior road is worth more, to ptber In Use circumstances and coadltlbns than any mount of argumeot or theory. ; and tbe greatest service the Department can renlor the public io this regard la to furnish the facta in each Important case of road improvement, and, to com- nare the respective advantages and disadvantages of the methods followed, In different, portions ot the .Union. Modifications of these method! or even new methods may , be developod by further experience, but for .the present a clear knowledge' of wnnt , na? . oeen done and Is being done is (be bud thing It has been suggested by friends of tho rpad movement that such iaforina tioo can be mush more promptly aod widely disseuiluated' through the usual, methods ot Government publication reeogolzing this fact, the Dep'a'Jlincnt will avail itself of all such facilities as may be accorded hy tbe press, foi' the nurnose. and will furnish a serio of articles of the character Indicated to all papers publishing this announoe- ment and lorwaroing a copy 01 wv paper contaiujug the same to this, of- ce, ' 7 Respectfully, - oy Stone, Special Agent and Engineer fn charge of Road Inquiry. ,,,,,.' Farat aad it mr tern JVete. Keep' a dust bix withttj reach of the setting hens at all, time. , -iu, .f-; .: 7, The ol'Ictlon to scattering wood ashes over the . fljor ; of the ' poultry house is that it has a tendency lo cause sore feet. - ' , ') Fifty tons of silage, H la said, will carry ten head of cattle through; the whiter. ' Two and one-half to three acres wi'l grow Ihe corn. Tbe milk from rrtstfn'ge'-fed Cb'ws has been found to yield as much Cream and Is as sweet and good as (bat from Cows fed on sOmojer grass.": ' ' ', l" 1 ' 'fcveo If the eggs are freW 'do uof take them te a cusUmer wllb the shells dirty. It does nos help to Inspire con fiden co la their" quality," ' ' ; . The'essentla fs e( crowing good cab- b.iea are to manure blub, plow dep and cunivaie inorougniy. . is, i uno- , , ,t ... , t t J t '' pult to make lh soil loo rich for rb- , . " , w8 .'yk-i -'..' ;r:.K.,'f;' ,. and cultivate thoroughly. . It fr difu . An iocreasenVdemsnd for light , pork la noticed In the best city markets. A pig of 100 pouuds, not to Ctt, will sell as much ai two cents auove Ihequuta tions for heavy bogs .... - Try a silb for a crop of ensilage 4hts sesson. It Is fine in winter for, yoong stock and the cows. It mi longer an exprimeutr but Is extensively adopted fa ell tbe stales aaaoag Jairymen and stock-breeders. -f -; - t ' --. ;. y . . - ....':,... ... They1 Waat flaate. '. ,.;.'. I TTieBnase!! Art Publish ing Co, oH 028 Arch St., Ph.ladrtpbrs, dee-ire the names and oilrtreos of a few . people in every lowo who art interested in woksr of alt, sod 1 o secure ins-m iney.t-ner to end fre, "Cupid Guides the Bust," -a snnerhlv execu'ed water Color picture, site 10 a 13 inches, suitable for framing, six! sixteen other pictures about same six, In colors to any one eroding ihem at once Ihe names and addrnf of ten tisons (admirers of fine pictures - grther witA all two-eoni t mps to cover expense of mailing etc. The rnular price ef these pictures is $1.00, hut ihey can all be secnie l free by any person forwarding tbe names . aod stamp promptly, - - 1. -.-; . . . Koi a. Tha elil or of this papr haa already received eopea of abnva pic inrea and consider tbem really "Gems of Art."! epl2et ' Asfhorlties say to be pro tV able cows should gtfe 'at lets eight qoerts of milk per day. . : ' . . " Barklea'saralea aatSe, The Beat Sa've in Ibe world for ems broiaee, sores, alorrw, wait rbt-uat. Irvrr aorea, lettt-r, chapped bands, ctiilblains. baj-ns and all skin eruitiona,and pi trrely cures pil", or no psy requirrd it Is attarawteed to give perfect sali- fsCKro.or money rrfiunled. Trice 25 r-t cr btx. i'ur aaJc by T. A. Ai hrtihU , . - ...... St , ', -.7 .7 C0 -"rining : r ' Sores. , yJ . . ;the Serpent s f ' ': ""-"Sting U,:" Jo all Ita stages oomplately ( tiiAitn nnientl eradicated Ij 8. 8. 8. , OH DLUUU rUluuil sunata lores ami uraini yield to lu healiafc powers ItramoresUieiouoaandballusuptiiosysteniti III A .iui isiUm Mm SiitM. mmI !15 v FOR SALE ! ValttaM-: Cotton IliUt By virtno o the Mwrr eontafrea Mni 7 ortirago deed CSeeiitcd by Gmliam Cottorf M 27ili, 1803, and rlstored In the Clued ot tliu Register of OawU nt Alim uids Court.- ;: ty'.n bowk NoitV irvtcs 571f Jbtti and 674. n a will son st iniunu nuuuu v v-,. , t , Hciisi dO'or lu Graliam to ilia- blglnstt btddef , ; on , . t , 8ATURDAV, SEPTEMBER I,.ft94, 0t VBoclDck M..all Iba real .knit personal ,. iperty dcteriten in siua oeia, vo-wit r iwii livri-s ot Mud uapnumg me ihiiu yi pioiiit , Cottou Mill and others, oil wlilcb aro ItuatedJ 77 a twlory mill building 40x70, dry io is 1WIU. t roi'ir. ieniniii uin.eee u mw . . n 1. w.nM.it k.v hiMttA-M fri inirla hs Lowell loom, 8 qulllcr fitfme, iWiwr IUt .7. steam calender, cloth f.tlder.' beiftner, slrfn vat ati.I-flxlnres; engine n boiler, thalHag. aullies. belting and otlice fiirnilOrs aodall ; ntlier proporly eouvcred In 'aid d4d, Tba , 7 mnetilnory all -new ami in gooe waec '.M" csted near R t I). K. 1. . , . ,.- fcrrtis-Hall cssli, balance tn.nx iponnw . wllb aiiprmcd security Interest from a ty or altf at 8 per cent, per anumn.s ,'iltlo reswvca until pttrcuase mmtypirt, ; -7 , CliS. A. 8COTT1 ,1 W. J.TO(,KKI4 ftf JOHNT.W. BA?0, ' - ' 9; I. 8:OTT. - , ; i; V. AI.BKTOnT, , Orahsm, W ' . WOrtgageeSi -Juno 7, lS't. ' . s : . ' - ? I'l-af ? k Wrk rvmm?eta.Treftrmnt, eilstnai of BOPl'OHlTpKIlW, irfule nf Ointment antl tew Uoxneol Oiiitinent. A neer-Jflluif Cure foe PIlcS pi ererr nature n.l rtfrc. llnjRkManorwreiloo , with the liiiUe or l:iutlous oi ewbolie aelil.-whirlt . ere pnlnlul and Milium a pro.nnout mire, mod oIU . this tarriWe diaaaaa? Ytu2nJ,i?J boiiea to cura any ease. Yen only pay tct benettts meetr. (I bos. f w X. Bent by n4U Ouarantee laraea or oar sgww brJansnctsLirer Pellets MM. Wkj III m w 1 th BT(llt I.TVFB Mid 8TOM AHU 11ISBIIWI,I the eroat I.rvrit nnd 8T BIiCXIOPUKII'leH. - Hi tako, Moaotairy ailspted BIOOiPUK"IKH. -Hnwll, mild ? PhJMHJittq takXesiMMtiillr auspted iur ebUena'sBsa, etixmt , aUAJUHtESSIsreeaonljrby j f- ) , Mailed on reoetpt of ric hv -. , J,V bob-sale & Ueiaii Druggbti ' ' CTnbortt,Vi.e. J'"' Leaksvillc AVooIen . Hills 1 it 1 vtivkirtx.i.iis jr. c- 1 . ,, k ff;t Are stl'l al tminH plrfesjahdW the- same .6)4 m tnKuiCDl, aud stir, awaking Uie sam4 Baa "l' EXCELLENT GOODS""1" so Wcrf and" aroijtbjy inoWa (tmiig,1i tt&i ection. w VTm Werk Waal aa Pharr e tar 5aeiJ safa Rlaaktl. faaey Heaepse-heVs C a. dairies, Jrmm Ptaaaets, ' ,,,r, aad 4"aras, ,.j . , . i.u rhforiaforwialloaanmul. .;, i , . .. . , . f - l " .Take' your wool to Aj B,- Tole,.Airent,.yra' ham, N. C. or 8. K. Siit. Webaiie, f, aud i Iter win inrwarn it m m i ,:hib UlillUi ryi.r..i Leak.ti!ie, K. V' Maylflfoiff " ..'. j CcavEAIS.TRADE&s COPYRIGHTS. .. nseii a Ptrrvrl rare proem nrw and an bor ciinton. wrlie M I : n SV to, who bae btA aearlr af tr rears' expert" m the patent Imuiimm. Cmrnnunw Uon.MrteUreonn,untiah ' A liaedbooa ol l f. ,raiil),n eonAvnuia 1 fa anS bow to ob Sain tkMBt sent free. A lag a eat.lngMe ot QiJi. ".tenu taken throne Ir Mna a Co. IwuSMW gbeclal Buttoalo tbe trteatlSe Aaierlra v. uxi -tiios are bruarht wMulf UirmU,i pDi.icitl. oat nmt to toe rnrantnr, 1 bis Mrfendid an, bOTMS ewtklr. elnurtlr lllrtl. bfbffcrlM V tenreM drouJatioo ot anr sowitifle wort ta taa World, aja.ear. Salable arid. S J . TMT. fUMpre .i;w,eiiufiw -BnllSlre O-lluoa. BJomWT. iJMmjtmr. einete sr-pw. r,,, wito piana, enaiMine NiKMa io i,nm uie sui p pie,,, la eoton. and plu a. with piana, enaolina bu: ltourropi of av felMt fmirna and wour enntrarta. A nnr-'S HVXM i CUw kW tutut, Sal aVauatCjsT. ir If; II!- l am the Jfortb CarolInaAgent for Dr. WhUe'i Wew flair Crower Treatment ;' The Greitert D'icovery of rhe Aj; -- : It will- permanently . core "lalfing of tbe hair, dandruff, sc'sly erupUone, poslulew,or any sewlp d:Keae. .Itpreveuls hair Inrnirg . gray - ard rei4..rra hair; to ita urigiaal color, aud brings a - - : - K - Xew Grewtb af Hair ea My Raid iilad aa EsHft. Jt is the only ti raiment list wiU pirMtuee lbe retulis. TfTlimii,ils aud trealU-e' firuitheil o0 appl'eatlon.' ""' ' '- Jlr. J.ibn M. C-ible. at C- ! le X Thomr-ri't's store, it my eg nl l Uia bam, C. ' -- - . Ies: e fiil'v. ' " ;. T I. A.-HI T V. DcCH-tf. -ii :-. 'S. C.