GRAHAM; N. C., THURSDAY, JUliY 19, ,71394: NO; 24. VOL. XX V J. Thb Old Friend And the test friend, that never fitils you, 5a Simmoiia Liver Hegu ' latOT, (the Eed Z)-t hat's T.bnt you near at the' mention :tf, thia excellent Liver, meiiicine, nnd jpeople-fthoulii not ,be persuaded that unythin elso w'tjl tlo. It is "the King of Liver Medi ciuea ; is better than pllf, and takes the) place of Qtuuino nnd Calomel. It acta xlirectly on the liver, Kidneys and BotvoU and jivea new life to , tha whole nye tom. Thi in the medicine 3011 want, a .SoM bv nil Drupp:its it Tiiauid. or in fowdcr to be taken drv or made into a tea.. . ' ' aKTKRT PArKAGia f ' I Mm thj 7! tmiTyti UjL'JMLiiPP PEWTSSSIONAL CARPS. JACOl 1 Aim LOfVCJ , ATTORNEY AT LAW. CRArAV,',,, - J . - 'n-c , Ma 17.'88 ' 'I.- 'V " - , '. -' , J. JL. K 13 ltNOl) LE. ATTORNEY AT LAW - J. tNt ll, l.V ' ' ' I'raetice iw An State siul Ifodnra- Our will faithfully and promptly attead .: U. t entrusted to liluv. it Dr. JoliiE.Stockard Jr., O -DENTIST, . BUBLIXGTOS, N. C. . IQMtfiKM) set of teeth at $10 per f Offioeou Malu St. over I: N. Walklr Are Yea Going to Build? If ynm are ffoiuif to ImfW a l ouw vtar vB d w II i-all oh wo tor ithcA I hare . fnreeul aMiti-d workmen wbu.t are. iden with - ui IrumW P8 jewrnj know liow to iu . KMid work and "a heap ol It. I will rtld by contiacl r by the da wiiteiliil or ran fc it. -" toiae itnd m li. - Will t elail to give you Srnres.. Think for pat pal roiiaire. .. - Iwnto, W. W. IIUl8)f , :,.!. . Ontnain, H. C. . Aug.. r.'f- v r Qrmlitniiiitstfot jje t . I ' (I - f 'it.; " t ui.'-. e CcIi:w'ilo ar.d Military; INSTITUTE, ' r." Mh FcTentific, Mathemslkal end O UH-DTbl courses, with Sieeial Bus iness I . partmm-t. If yon bsve a soti yom i-ire to liieate drop a postal for Cata".-gie. Ad-teees " r. . KTsisoDLE. a. " - July .13 tf. , . . .. . Principal.; Frc3. as Arrsr raeiitj Perfected LI 7 XTLizZx T7e C ire C aV VT- . , V' frr-parril In make a wmUar- fll'T Ithcral ofirr 10 kl) wKn pay U dTanre tf Taa ii.4irf ( i.tiii. ttdiiii oa U a H rr- r do:nMc naiftiMi tferreti'j or j ue m r- pflfalar pnWl S. It t fl"-- tnwn mm knS hfiAnl la r i ,rtnt. lr ." (Hnl rita rr"nJfc '-k r rwnl.m mo-Hrr and ill w r rmt n...(-d to ail ' ; It m pvU,t'.t4 to T 1 c riM w4 1- T' -4 k.-me titer-tn-r ! i ., r tpni w4 II o e1. ' ' . " 1 i t w -r 4 . V, .. 1.-H-n.u.1 j ino H'iit enU.olv ri kasi or mu roRV. - r Kerah Ooenaf Grime la Charlotte Demo. ..;.ent. . ' ; ,i, i , - -i , Empitva may : rise end full, cities fl-itiriiih and decay, but human - nature remain the itm througbuut cTry L v iaa univrul law, and the powrr of liea'tty ba not declined iace ihaday that Ood found it a Dot unod for man to ho alone, and formed Eve ua tliihax tq the fuir elation. , Tl acvne if lili-'it Hist romance was in the Kardru of E lun wheie the rose blmwomed, the ni;hliiiiutefl Mnff and (tie firnt woman louned oytr the bault of the Exph.-alen to each glimpse of her womlerlul aee in the, mirroring a) TeeM and to braid her r-iduinx tresaea t the delight of an aduiir mg Adam. t From the narralivo in jeue-d we mm naiurally to the author of the Pentateuch. : Where can (he history be found of a lifu more rotnarkable, mor i. romantic thau that of, Moses? Piaael as a hi itda babe in a basket upon the Nile, his frail cradle Is rock ed by the niotiou of the mighty stream. . -. ,.j .. . Tji-JauRter of - Pharoah comes sfowit to thVrTver to hht'ie. . It is ear- f1'y lb' the morning : the .wonderful status of the Ooil Meiniion has nit yet .unded the muaio note with which he greets the rising run.,. As the Eyjv 1U11 princess reaches the water, she sees the basket, ber curiosity is arous ed, she seiids her maid to fifch it ; au'. ih sight of the Innoitfot bube tmch e the heart of the woman : she en treats htr (atner to s.iare the child, and adopts him as her own son. j A youth, Moses is scut to the tem ples and "colleges,): where among a ni'ghty priesthood, ho I instructed iu a'lthe learning of (be Eypiiaos, One an fancy the Jewish ltd listening to lectures IJ the l .fty halls of schsolsor temtile. dretmiiia under the shadow of palm tree in some court Ja-d, or stroll Inic down the long avenues of Sphinxes noiideriiia- the future deliverance of his people. Could those si upend uou monuinent which testify t Egyjjfs departed j lory but speak, hat tale they might untold I Could the ureal Sphinx find a voice what romances it mtiriit lln oarl." what I:id dramas' of r" iat as-" f Omld the tongues of the xhriveled mummies, alio have rested fo li'iiit under a . a,-ll ', of . silence, b,1 lonsei e I 'lr an ; hour, what stories liter inisht tell f life nud lore f lje.ivlig the romance of : anoirot Eyit we fl int pist Memphis and fh-bendown the. streaia tt. Alexin dria. . IJera ws find, "dmk eyi d sorceress of the Kile,'' -ubduing by the Ma er of beauty the legloiis ol Rum-. hitiro lui icilli-. Here the nroud Anthony surrenders to a - wo man and madly throws the woill Luuving Alexandria and Africa ' b hind, the muse of luMory beckons us next to the coast 0' Indie, r - In the shade of tropical trees and wrea-hlng vines, we Bad tuinous Pa g idas and relics of art .which prove to ' us that we have reached the home of a people whose civilisation was as ad vanced, and probably eveo owe an cient than (hat of Egypt. Entering the broad Dslta of the Ganges, our anil move slowly up the sacred river of tba Hindoos, until a vision of rare ar chitectural bexuty dawns upon the sight. It Is I be famous Tj Blahal, a monument which perpetuates the re raarcsef aocieDt India. This mauso leum, a stalely pile of most exquisite marble was erected by oae of the early Princeat of the laad la nemory of bis young and beautiful wife. . - .' Dut the wealth of ancient India Sred Alexander the Great with an ambition for iu conquest ; its treasure, its works of art Ml late the hseds of a vic torious nstfoo, and bow a. few traces remain cf its firmer splendor. Lt as follow the Macedonian Oeneral Home to "The Ides ef Greece, where burning 6anpbo loved and Mag." With ibe muse 01 History still for oar guide, we passinti the streets ef Alben, weetinb tae aeropoli, we stand la Ibe shadow ef the Parthenon,, aod seating ourselves Bp e a brokeq clumo fall te dreaming. -Presently the disUnt musieofabarp is wafted to asopoa a breese. We Jistea uleatly aa. tie chords grew richer and streager ucUl we reeocnbvt Ibe seags of Homer as they echo "Divs the corridors of Tioie The bliad bard is singing ef the heroes of Greece, and. of their God like feats ef valor a tbsy watered the plain of Ilium with their blood for the sake of the beaatiful Halei. la ray thmio measures be huds the . wise Dye, the dutiful Tetamebus, ' the gsbtle aad e Mistaat feoelope. Tbea themoaleof bis barp Is drosraad by the scream of aa eagle, aad we tare ocr eyes toward H. was : . 1 See tin iHM wf of ail dereeeja yw, thfw Boom brQvaaa4 armher appears, rub Boddtrtf airtM,rokea roiple prrmd; TberTT lskiaov vmIisi Uks tbeJr aad." But from ibeir saidst, ready te rite before a mind, is rnmsace esougH to fill many varied sikJ iaterestiog aasnu acripis. I'S ruins, church', art gallsr !, snueums, trs1i!ious, aod imc'v 1 iii, j' it vii l4 th mist fjuiju A fue Antn. everv epjida l& ih -1 1 - - - t h " early history- presents a romanee In i'Btdfand gives scope aod materia!: . lor Imaginative pictures of by-gine days, that present almost sublime possibil it'es of t he grandeur an t . magnlBcence of power and,, gratification of human . .... s (it amo tion. y see a people u weiiing in a ltnd blessed with the utmost mun ificence of an omnipotent Creator, with every known luxury and environment to enhance, tbei; happiness,', living amidst the very poetry or peace, eu gaged In the arts, pastimes and studies ihut charact irlze a peaceful nation and a tieriod of quh t nnd frendon. . Then, as with the shifting of asceoe, on the raising of a curtain, we see the same happy people engaged la ths fiercest and bloodiest struaale that is record ed In the annals of warfare ; the glory of Spain, the proudest of her nobles, the bravest of her youths, engaged In a life acd death - struggle with a re lentlcsa and determined foe, t be Moor i h horde. A strnn'ge fe has- Invaded (ho land that has known peace, plenty, freedom and oleasure, until her ' sons have hebouie effeminate and her ma fcrial glory lias given place tj love of pleasure and romance, Franca has given to the world a Joan d'Arc, whose tragic death ends a book whose chapters form a marvel ous history of , inspired courage, and blind dariug, secoud to taw if any ro mantic episodes. , , . , ' : England, ; too, has furnisbsd ber shire In historical romance.. Kichard. 1 lends an iuteresting and novel-like story In the history of England. His daring adventures oausid his cnptlvity ami tlieexniUiigdlivery by h'S miuis irl I I ir.rii'1 'InaDiresthrillinS emotions iu all historical readers. The short end excitina pulilio life of Deautirui Mary Stuart and her haughty cousin Elizabeth, has formed the ground' work of some of the most: lutt ree'.lng of ro mantio truths ' , After viewiug the romance of history from the Bible down te England, we now tarn with much delight to our be loved 1 America, the capture of Peru and Mexico, with the respectlce heroes, are well kiown incidents. ; k : iThe story of Juhn Smith, and of the beautiful Indian mejdeu, Pocahontas, Who saved his life, is one of Ametlca s .earliest romsccs.' 1 ' . ' : ' i.These few factSj selected from the tiniiHrmln nrhniM even mora romantic' strvs to illustrate how the poetry of lusts int sr woven 1 otu even its iuua prosul j chapters, a aaiaklaa Tree. Tlic Clinton Demoomt, While waliing for the train at t'te Aihevllta depot a lew days ago. this writer-met uj with a citizsa of ex treme Western North Caiollna. He liveil up near the Tennessee line, among the smoky mountain wb cb per mit lit le travel ie a heeled, vehicles and offer an inviting ' field ; for Jhe moonshiner. :; Iu spcaViog.tif hodn sblnr r, oar new acquaintance told this torv i ' R-venue officer b -gtu to el a lifle too thick and Iroublesome up there. . A real bright and original uopnsblter dug ft cave la the moun tain ride just under a hollow tree and set up his still there, Itttiug the smoke as up the hollow and out arooog the hraechesand f.liageof the tree. Peo ple saw what was known as tbe 'smok ing tree and marveled. It came fo be the greatest natural curiosity to be seen in thst region, and tbe people eume from far aod near to see It. But some who frequently visited the smoking tree came away !U eoudittons tnat 'rous- A n lomm ananlidnn tt tltna ra mivi. w. . r ' Their general walk aud conversation li to a invsstiizatinn of tie tree by revenue offloers, and as a .result the atill was discovered, aad the soft snap of a maa of 'genius and a fam-His nat ural cutivMity suddenly passed away. "' OMraatced Car fee f.a flrler. Waanthnrtxs our advettised druc- glrt to sell you 1. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs an I Ol Is, .on ikU mmlitinn. II eon en afflict ed With La Grippe and will use till remedy aceoraiog to airectioos, jmoj t r-i irt.l i:H iinwinM na Lasie- At rou mr return the bottle and tave year eaouey rtfunded. We make Ibis offer, beeaase of the wondeiful success of Dr. mag's A iisi overv lor wo sumptioo during last sessoo's epidemia u.u hunl nf i.d Maa in wbieh it ialU ad. Try it. TiUI bottle free at T. A. Albriiht's drug stole. Large sise CAe andi. ,. ; ,: , J. ICeeMr STaataae Crea IUta. Ths reportoef eotreapondenunf the Vtrt It Wnlhtr I mp BallaUa, laaued b IM V. C Hiata WMtber Mrrlrw, for Um aodliif aowullr fceooJile wee ha S-ad. The lemperatara baa baen 1bll.'0T normal, villi Uirea eool Btis inwnri ih atw panaTtha-rk. bat dar haeabaaa oitH-imUr warm.. Taaamaa 1 aaaattiae baa bea batow Ua norsaal. Ta rain-(U has hern rry atoondant aod la ! aeatla abowera wllhoat hail or Wlad. Tha raloa haw bam ck! anlr a cM-UMeoaateoonUea. Crop rrJort la tns rtrht eood lKm to ba bao.llM! bf ratna. and UrgrwUaadpraamtowodlUoe la raulr- 0atea WrteC-Seeorts Wlh birt vatKja ara er towmtti. IMMUr af rain baataiiB.bntBOtoomo. T tofJ. aigbiaoi lha ar wrrm ruwr ibeaorrepoaaMtaa aay sowm H In b or raaraT ly)n by aora aearir eroo b4 fcur a"r J"4- Ai"1'"" wbat pWTi.iif rpw,y. aotoS arim oaa bn cuL b"l brd u aart 00 acaiit U S wJnrr. ftrmrn ba va hrrn bay anwiBf writ wua food al. FutuM Va wni. Tppti oaeraeuTOnid be w trm;UumM ba Impwi ra,ly. durrns put iva aati LiiMTiiie. Aoauo eouoir, inir KiUxa riorUo to mar rlo, and i.d.1 1 a -1. Vanoa f.uni r. too Ullie. p.,Hir.1: t'ni, I lnro-p; hlnWM H C m . T - .. m -r. . !t. i .' : A OUHra, )..(! : Ui .rr. f t ; i..,.'..r . s" : t s . , 0.1 ; o . u.'hi 'J. (tenets Praaa JlaJ. Iifna'i Blarf. H. a Wall In Rockingham Rocket. . ; We have had recently, Mr, ,E liter the, rare pleasure of looking imo ;an old diary entitled , "Kouah CNWes of, Bouuh Adventures by a Volunteer in the Confi derate Service," Id which the writer aivea an aiiOouht of, .a; personal lAceting and conversation with ben eral R E. Lee, at sn - early ; sisge of our lute war,' which le remarkable for a clear statement as to how ' Lee, at thai period, regarded .the, war , upon the South, and more remaakable atill lor tbe prophetic keu with ; which the writer viewed the great' commander b fore the fact ef bis greatness bad fully developed. j( , - " We may premise by rt if 'ng that ths author of 1 his diary" li a cltlzeu, of our county, well knowu for bis unyielding seuse of patriotism and a hero himself Lpf two wars, 'that of Mexico and cf Southern independence.' HeU living in the upper end t f this ' couuty,' and no man among our , citizens enjoys more fully, on account of varied ser ticca rendered his county aud State In the putt, the confidence aod respect of the people at large, than MJr Sand ers M. Ingram.; .Long may be live yet, though already putsie 1 by the weight of years, to recount to the younger goners tion; as he so delights to da, bis thrilling experiences Iu me sanguinary days through which la early and later manhood; be passed. Mij. Ingram know Lee In the war with Mixioo aud was, therefore prepared to formu late opinions about him which after wards were literally , y rifled In his lifeund military course. But to hi own report, as furnished by him In the diary referred to and ;whioh,1 by ; the way; fell Into our hands: by accl'lQnt, the Major not being a ware of the use we now purpose to make of it. . Its importance, ad tbrowiag on light ad ditional to what is alreatly Incorporat ed into history, 1 is our only, apology for the lib: rty taken. We quote from Ibe diary:; March 4 h,1 1802--MsJ. Oeu. l,ee passed through Weldon : to day.. I had t he pleasure of a short ae qiiuintance with the General.1 He Is i.a able and nob! looking man ; bat a martial, military appearance ' and is undoubtedly the ablest military : man in the Southern Confederacy, But it Is unfortunately true of this g'eat maa that his work has not been duly ap preciatel. Oihers have reaped the laurels that ; are due io him..; He ought to be appointed commandt f la chief of the Southern' furies. ; Had if not been for Oeo Lee, - Gen. Scott might not have the reputation tbrt he has ot being the ablest oommander In the world. Gen, Lee is one of those ;reat spirits whose virtues and sell possessiou shine biigbteit In the dark- est hour, and who deserves to be called to tbe command pf the Southern forces at this time. Ha remarked that M we fought well in ; Mexico and . covered ourselves with glory, but no a we have something to do if we perpetuate our liberties. We must figbt to tbe last aud never give up (he contest.? Hs remarked that "Tennessee coulrf. If be did ber duly; sustain herself;' If she did not, she wss bound to be over Irju.". Said bo, Vibe wsrlo wblcb we sre engager, is in true, is an imnaiurai one ; lather Is arrayed against son' and brother against brother In the deadly field of strife, but with us Jt If not a mal'er of choice ; we are eompelledT to . . . .. . . submit to tyranny or take tip arms. We have an Herculean task before pi, It Is true, but we have counted the cost aod hate determined (4 be free, as ear fathe rs bsve been before Us and, as we trust, our children sfter -us. We declare, before Almighty God, tbst we w:II defend, each other end the liberties of the South to lb Matt momeat of life, sad that we will drive back tbe barbarian bordes frees ths North, or. perish in fbe attempt. Oar liberties are In danger on every band. Tbe North has betrayed our dearest rights ; they have robbed us f eur dearest rights as freemaa, ths rights of representation ; hsvs formed a purely Northern party, aod have usurped It In their own bands, aod Ihey bare ridden rough shod over oar liberties as a free people.; Ws are equally asJustlfitaWy io our eonrse as eur fstbers were In tbe Beyolution. Betas; asked ' what be thought ef the Bomb's prospect for success over the overwhelming tores sgalast ns,' the General condoned : "Let there k no sack word ss fail. Look at what oar forefathers did la the Bevofatloa. TUey not esly bad the Britieh te contend -llh tr3t the Tories, horse thieves sad robbers. At that time every spot of the world was overran with oppression. Liberty bad been booted from tbe world; our fa thers renal ved lbs fugitive ; tbey fought lor their rights, aad an asylum wss prepared for Ibe baasaa family. Tbey achieved tbslr Independence, aad left ua the beet regulated govern asent la the world. . Bat for the lt forty years there Lave keeu men both North and Bon lb, who have Wo determiasd Ud-troy the gorefntnent.- ITiere Live U eu Uicj t ll 5:'oulU w bj 1 ;r been banded together lor tbe purpose of destroying the government ; at the ssme lime there have been men at tbe North, who stood ready, torch in hand,. to set on fire the temple of liberty Itself. They havej by forming strong Northern party jfiiially accomplished their object, and the country thrown It; to one of the most bloody and des perate civil wnrs that the world hss ever seen," j When It' was suggested tbnt we (the .3. uthurn poople)were now compelled to fight or- be subiu aated by Lincoln and his Noithern hordes "that is so" ssys lha General, "and we must'now as ,a j people jay aside all party prejudice snd all. rally arouud the standard of our country. Let victory or death be our 'motto." Such au emphatic deloration was tbe cliiuat and conclusion of . the conver sation wih Gen. Lee, and the narra tor states that , he bale tbe general adieu, expressing the hope that "we will 'live to - see 1 our effoi ti erowaed with success." v. ' Some Northern writer has said, Mr, E litor, that Gen, Los was wsollutf in the sense of coevictioa w to. tbe right sod justuets of our cause In the late war ; but we submit that this per sonal interview, and conversation, aa related by MJ. Ingramr shows how groundless Is the' ehargei rfk'S Now, Mr. Editor, we turn te 1 the Mtijor's diary of date. March IS'h, 1862 .'. It ; will i be remembered ,. that Maj. Gen. Lee bad been called from tbei defense at Charleston, 8. C, to ths Confederate Capital. Very soon there after, be was npiwinted to Ibe chief command, but Ihe battle of Seven Pines bad oot yet been fought. This battle, in which Geo. Jjs. E. Johnston Was wounded, occurred ou 8lt of May 5 Gen, G. W. 8ml. h was placed in tern porary command lb the field, but was soon relieved by Geo. Lee taking com mand of the Army of Noithern Virgin ia In T.ersou We quote from the diary of March l6tb,.1862 : VWe were glad to hear this morning - that General OobsrtE.Lfe, of Vlrgtda,.bst been appolnlsd commandet-ln-chlet of the Southern force. ; He Is second only Io Gen, Scott in bis best days. . As an en gineer he has no, superior f' .aad ln every respect we think, he is the best selection tbat could have been made Gen", Le Is a man of great modesty of ol rbaracter, buV extraordinary energy, caution, courage and sell, possession. He is undoubtedly one of tbe greatest men of tbe sge. He boa left Cnarles t in in such a condition as to be consid ered almost Impregnable. Tbe whole military career ct this officer, the sig nal moderation snd self-bal iocs of his character, and the purely disinterested tit i anil flignlty of his life should en sure to Gen. Lee tbe entire confidence or tbe army' aud the people of the Sontb., That, ibe commandeHochi-! of tbe whole army is now placed in tbe hands of a military lesder Is of Itself e subject of profound' congratulation. The. Federal Government, from tbe br ginning, bad but one military bead and be, of course, an edu cited sillier We rejoice tbat tbe South Is about U adopt the rente common sense course, aod to have at tbe bead of all bar mil itary operations one man, and be a man trained la csmp and sornstomed from bis youth up io tbe science and prscttce of wsr. , 'j J' 'k: ;'.:', 80 much, Mr. Editor, dd Indicative of the truly prophetic sense tbat mark ed M11J. Ingram's knowledge of tbe great Iee. We regard bis disry throughout as highly interesting, aud a valuable contribution to tbe history of tbe war. . ' ; - ' ; a L4ki. i - . Good looks are more tbsa skin deePi depeodiUg Upon healthy condition of ill tbe vital organs. II tbe Jilver. be Inactive you have a Bilious Ijook, If your stomach be disorneren yon nave a Dyspeptic boon ana 11 yur Kianeys be aflscted you bare a Pinched Liolr. Secure good bealih aud you will bave goad looks.- Electric Bi iters Is the areaf Alterative sod. Tonic acts direct Iv on these vital organ. . uures run- Dies. Blotches. Boils, aad tlvea a good complexion. Sold at T. A. Albright's drug store, 69c. per bottle. - : a Card the ritlaesM if Hmrth Vavals. t aaCeaaaralaf BlladChlldraa. la view of the snhipletlon of the MonrMBtoa Inrtllut-on lorttiaaducaUonartb taf, and Uiet r removal from Ui loatliaUon the laar. Dutnb and blind at Ka4t. Ura kuiar IoaUtaUon Is betlee prepared UieU arar ba tora loaoataln and edooals tba bliad. Oar e partly la loeraaaed, oar nre a tar manual and oar anetliod amelli rated : all of wbloh enable um to do moiasfflctenl work Uiait w baa bimnKW dtma. w ar anxloaa thai ry bllodehlld In Uxhlata raeaiTe an ado. eaaan, we wia uaoin in our power lor ui be Irrmema 10 1 aniortanaia eiM, m etia blaUxmla avail iMniatlm of Uti rhe.B laaliiullon la wblcb lb btat aa mairiMt- aaaaajf oOers to luatroot that ctaa at K lUdf sen. With arte to this sad, wa eamortlr ao- aeal tothe ptiliantiimpla poop I of oar eon- rooawnaiui to ata mm iu wiia oomb wdk, wa wlah to ba oat la lowrb. with aaarr Blind ah lid wUtiln oar border. Wa datlr tba aaroe (mofflrw, townahip, enanty and near t railroad aiaiioa of cry etilid of lot elaaa In Norta Carrmn. Alao U aaia a to aa Mrtwmmiun Kk ehllo. W lib aoch daia. wa will emrwaoad wlia Lbepamolaaod (uanltaaaattbnMrmuitaw, and n Mils way Bel uiw m pwca m awaitna, Wm bus tt aood r'P of tn SHala who knewta- a bund h.-.t or children In .toatr vtdnHy arnd aeaeard with tba Infor naitoa miA f u Dinnim U our be eftorl ft fH Uirmt eti!4rpo. la arbaol, tf you wilt ea a o u .t tutr MTOt flraaa Srward lea dnta at onrw and ery fwlly o-.Ha, tit y. Hwt;..i tr Uim v.rri (f 1 ru'ffrnf UiB Jon.i Lani'.ma l;iliiuna U to i-raj, 1-uniU I 1" 4 ' . . N. C l a: ,''), " " Slenh CsrellaU sTMralB- rs Wilmington Messenger., c.., ,. Commissioner Bobinson Is right In bis reply so tbe North Caroliost Ad vocate as to good farming Jn. North Carolina good as tbe bett, whet her io Pennsylvania or elsewhere. Eat-Gov- . ernor.Holt makes forty-six bukbsls of wheat to tbe acre on .eighty acres of lanl. This State sent to .ths , V'vona exposition io 1892, wheat tbat weighed seventy-tbree: pounds to , tbe bushel. Captain Bailey Williamson, of Wake, made 12,681 pounds per acre of mixed clover aud grasses. Que truck; -farm produced In ' one year over, 81,000. Eastern Carolina alone sold over 000,000 of trucking lu 1892. In (Cores of counties the best results, can be lound from farming. 1 If gathered tbsy would be highly creditable to : North Carolina, and would place it with the, foremost. , . ; - - -i : We have often stated ' that . Dr. Robert Patlersoo,' of Halifax, ease made 100 bushels of corn to ths cere, npon some fifteen or tfwesty acres. Ws also mentioned that ' Mr. Blcken, of Eitgodmbe, produced twenty-one bales of cotton on a one-borseV farm and that Dr. Turner Battle averaged a bale ef cotton per acre npon tbre) hun dred acres. We bave often told ef the tobacco prices In Granvlfle ecaoty In othc year. : We know but little of the farming there. We will repeat here some facts known to this writer. We knew a farmer to offer te the late Mr. J. C. Cooper bis farm for HOO. He failed to sell, and bis crop of tubae 00 alone for' the same year fcrought bim (1,400, and was sold In Oxford. He also raised bis pork, made bie corn, wheat, oafs and root crops. He waa assisted r-y a nrgro boy, about ftiorteen years olaVfV v- ; v-h ; ' Another ease was tbat of Mitchell Currln. His three sens, aged retneo tlvely, sixteen, foprteen as d twelve (tbe last an invali 1), made a crop of tobacco that was old to Colonal" John Wilkinson, of Milton, for $3,300, after paying all expenses. ' Another farmer, case ri-ported to the Oxlord loroh- ligbt, made 11.700 of tobacco himself on his little farm in on yaarf -witboat any assisUnoe. - In 4870 there were more than ten farmers la araavllla who averaged over $1,200, He sold nineteen tierces 1a Blvbmond, Va averaging over $1 pe pound Io fbe leaf. 5 Hie lowest price was S7 per hundred and bis hignest - wae tl34 We refer to Denu's Tilley, nose a 1 1 man and a good. mad as well it a first -ra'e farmer. - - - aractleal Blats F eedlag Wwwla, Amrloaa AgrlealtarbaV. Proper feeding la ibe most Irxportant subject eouoected wUh poultry keep ing, and to a lack of knowledge ef It many failures msy be attributed. To feed ' for good results one nust, of coarse, coosller the cbaraotsHetics of the breed hs keepJii Draharasa, Cn Chios, and other AslsUe breeds,' easily become over-fat, and ie a states of obe sity will produce few eggs, gndl ibeee ofteo anfeitile,vTbe medisjsn-elsed breeds are less liabie to this trouble, and the Leghorns and other active breeds are almost '.free from It, 4 qnsrt of solid feed Id a dozen average fowls If Considered about proper feed. , feed but little eon to A.4t m. as tbey will sorely become teraaat with a liberal supply of K . - y- i . ; After tbe mslurleg ol thai garden track, and after It bss been gathered, is a good time In 'tarn that garden; fetch into a ma for fowls. Tbe) fowls wilt destroy la numerable Wanna and insects injurious to . vegetation, es pecially If ihe ground be first plowed to bring all the iasecia to vi ;w. : Tbea i he birds will d light la the rsjooalse of vegetables left on tbe- ground mad la tbe corners ot tbe gardea. A wgardee patch" should bsve good chicken proof fee ca te exclude lbs fowls when their prefence would be infurious end to cobfine thorn to Ihe run after the above plan, at last for a lime. - Whea the fowls have full Tonga of the fans, and can pick op grsea food at will, It is not aeoadeary 10 sMltivate greea food for toem except is the shape of root crops or silsge for wlaiter ae, bat when tbe flick Is nreesinrtly aos fiaed, It le desirable to raise variety of green food in tbe gardea. . ' Trader young grean ,eata, rys, let1 tuee and clover, wbieh atay ba eultivat ad in old earner and spots Id the gar den, will msks capital food and i crease Ibe supply ef egs froui tie son fined flock very much, besides) adding to tbe bealtb, and adding glow to tbe pluaisge. If this be sapplr mentad with n good supply of animal ' food la tbe abapa of greea cut bona er meet scrap, a flack ef hsoa, even ia twndasx meat, will be f aad tbe most girofi table ol Ibe form stark, coailariiig tbe asooey. ' Turulpr ar 'a ?lep eOp, aad an abuudsnt supply of, them should ba stored la. tbe fall. Foal will eattbsm, top sod all, ia lb win ter, shea tbe mors tesJee gtes food is goDe, A small piece of jjoim! ground ill prot.lioa a ureal crwp vf iLtut l iiiwiili0H';je, ' Year ; V V V V ,1 gr mJ lVu .a ' , Is the most Important part cf - . your organism. Three-fourths of ' the cojnplaints to which the sys- ( , tem is subject are due to imrmri- -ties in the blood. You can, tere- , , fore, realize bow vital it is to I Keep It Pure For wh'rh unmmu' pot! !r can equal f 'IteLectuiu.yre-f ' more" all iinpuii.ies, .v , cleanses : the . blood" thoronrl'ly V and builds up the general heauh. f Oat faiaiba a BiaaS mi w dtaafai anilii v - 0 V 5 tttDaica; ; ' - .V. FOR SALE ! VsinaUs CottcaIIiU ! By virtue of the aoWer ronutned la a mortgage deed executed by U'sham Oatnn Mill loathe nndcrlgnud ntortaewes, dated May 87in, ISKt, and reifbtered in the office of ibe Eegieterof Deed of Altnanee Conn ty M book No. IV paife 7J,M4 and 574. wewillaell at jmblie ancUna at Ihe Court flouse door lu Graham to the hlghost bidder on ,.;-,j;-,.; ... ', ' -' ., ... .? 8ATUBDAY. BEPTEMBEtt 1," 1894, . . . . . . .1. . . - at ! (I Clflcft at. ail Ufa ww ww. property dewrlred la said dotd, o-wit 1 Twa beresofland adjoiaing the buid f 8idney Cottoa Mill andAtber, on whirb areiituated atwo-alorymill haildlns; 40x70, dry boiae J0x3a t h too. teoriufil koi ana ofBee.- Ibe luacliHery consists of hi aiag'e bs Lowell loom, S aniller jraaMs, drcsaer wtih team ealendes, cloth folder, beamer. statne; rat aihl flxtarea. amine anS boiler, ahania. pullies. betting and ofllee famiiare aad ; alt dher prupertr eonrayed la ad dead. Tho Btarhlnery all new and ia good order.. Lo cated near R A D. B. , ;, Term-Hall aaeh, balanee ia mix moaths with approved security, talcrest front dty of sale at 8 per rent, per annaia. TUe icaerred aalil purebase money paid. V f CHA&. A SfTJTT, . , ' " W. J. bTOt'KlRD. , , ' JOHIC W. HASOS, " -....!. 8XTT, , ,j . V. T. AI.BRIOIIT, J. X. BX3UUOS, Oraham. W. f, alortgseees. - . aoa7,l8W. - - aGCETiG t:Env;::E wc ert"'a-i tma, ', briixi Smiraiaia aad oasnid- tata .WW in IWB.NW aua. aate m. infe aad - la bm e-. tnaa.aHr taaa Siiry. a atsa, Saannl i. a BEFC.2"- rTCR raaaWwt- naeiaailwai of ttia I mat mt laat a aiMrabl datta. . a-aor - TIn) V VlMI ai'iaaaall baa ia atthar m- -J .ruMk ta bntb Ifaa Hill aad tnaaa U btata. bail, aa Oa Swia. ariaaa r. I r . 1. 1 ihia. aad uMmm beaha aad I a u e3w7AsBia'a Maa Ueu.a a bi mmU ta any adanaa. SIju r-a an 4 bar at. V na rtmiM'arawtwim a Written CaiiiilM aaiaarrafaadHnainawr Utfaaiatalna. waanaawaf baaadaalikf aoraaaaia. ;. Mailed on receipt of price by ' - BICHABION dc FAB1S3, r. ' Wholesale A Ketail IrrnggUt, , Croeaeboro, N. C. e ....... 1 ... .. Leaksville 7co!cn .'.ills. LEAKSVILLE, K. C Are sUtl at the ni l plaeeaadsr the same all at tusarmeBl. and siW atakluK lha aasss- tiae EXCELLENT GOODS 0 well and fa rot ably kaowa duoagh this Wa Waeh Wasd'a tam aw saw raaiSl i 111 Blaatcata, Wmmt . Oalaim, Jawwa, rlawa - :i had Varwa, da-r.-'.r ,, Write tor laforwuuioa aod sample. ' . TaVe ynar waiol to A. Hi Tte, Ageat, Jra not, H. C. orT. K. cxt, Metnc, N. c. aust they Will forward It to Mill Irre of ehaire. La.BVSViaiK V4tXLEJI MIUS., , Say W em " " . . . - ' . i VI f N sV i lNtls.V Usui fftawaa w r vra MnPH'e tfJ U pmtnt bv- s. .--t,BM.,ajd ikansj anrvrtif mnti -in. -4. A eV(Msa of jSai IMt Waal sjntvwriuasl I te a ft- I eat wdn-. . VshtB tsJSal oawrrt fvwV )laOtf m ae M afaaTaaaaana- IfBaB and mti -- - ? . , IHfWt Vaaent t.r..t. OK Wae flavanctcal Mf is tit ro elf at esww at, w4 V m tvrte kfvutat - Umi rU'e - ut eVwl -MBMflw -arsVtlt. V 111 :rmi M f w ri stxir !, fJsafejsar, o-re sjaang ijaam. ri -xaajatLitaa, or ur o--m;rsa m tasl Iinlltil- aVtvttaaBV tsMSMArw. rssV a-asbot-- puxi pi!, m ex sVosaeaaaa, it's fhuansl iMaswt aVa-CM SblSa awl , pi- rrmi r bui t rrmrs of m-T kakLal alaria aVSaal t)nU Ol 'Uti o A V- IraNi itnay dk.tvJiaB a aAat awsaw nsas4aa) eea M a lam ba Korth Carolina Ageat for Dr. White's Hew Hair Grower Treatment Ths Greatest D;score7 of the Afe. - ft will permanently cure la! ,,r; of the hair, daarirotT, scsly erupt iooa, poet u lea, or aBy sealp diaeaae. Itpreveals hair turning r-y r 1 reatorea hair to its original cuiur, aad brings a - SW Grewtk a Hah aa say Bald Head aa Earth. ' It is the ooly liestment tbst wi'l pionuce i net-a i est; mm. -.1.. .V l. Teatinior.tais and -treatise luroibLe 1 on spplication. Jlr. John M. Colle, at lol e Tbocnpaon' Btorc, Is tuy "eot at C. i- bam, . V. - . XTe'r.eifi.'-- i;. t t. - Dc ii -tf. r - - - ar- a r -t .... a. A Head of Hair ! w