l- i .... r 1 , TF7 'A. -IcT-i1 I&JLJ i 1 y'L-MiUJlLbo4,.,.- NO. 23. .VOL. XX. GRAHAM, N.C:,, THURSDAY, J UL. Y ,26, ; 1 894. k - - - ( I i 1 1 1 I, , it ; 3 L; The Old Friend - And the best friend, that never fails you, is Simmons Liver Eegu-. - lator, (the, Red Z) that's what .: yon near at the mention A this i ssxcellent Liver medicine, and people should not be persuaded ; that anything elso will do. v, i 13 "the King of Liver Medi cines; ia better than pillfl, and take the place of. Quinine and , Calomel. It acta directly on the Xiver, Kidneys and Bowds and . gives new life to the whole- pvs v - 'tctB.;: This is tho mcdicino you -want. Soil by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder tote taken iry or made into a tea, ' SV-KVWR.Y PACKA1S-C Baa tha) 71 Stamp In ted un v.appar . 1.H.ZBIMH CO.. PliiWHpMa. f " PEOfrESSIONAL CARD8. . JACOli A. LONG, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, CRAITAiT, ... NC . May 17, '88. J- T. Ivli:iMVOXJL.K. - ATTORNEY 4T LAW . sr. . Tretictu Slate aud Feders Cnar WB1 faitlifnllT and promptly attend - .. lw -. entrusted to Mm. . :, . t . . .. , - , j " t .jonn.K.btocEara, jr., ?. DENTIST. , "BURLINGTOX, N. C. 'i Wr-OuoH sets of teeth al 10 Mr set - Office on Main St; over I. N. Walker ' ACo.VHore. f Are Ycu Going to Build ? If ynn are polmr t finfM a lioure. von v II in rWtnrai i Hie tor rle. -1 h furre ul ckint-d wmku.wi Im l.ave tfn wltli w lrao toS iear, who know how to n -.d and a heap ul It. I will tuna or ntia or Uy lUe &s t fnrt.lrb luatortal ur m run do ll. , ' ome aad tee iirfi. Will lie clad to give ' you BrniTf. laankf or pMrt iwironamr. I our 'Ac, W . W. II U T8 Ml, , . OraUain, N. C Iprooesiu icocy w riec ao cents h mc. r I W VtUMLt INtxiTIl FttL 4MtM row slc by pauaaiiTi. SUFFOLK CcIIcgiate and Military INSTITUTE, .J " ' ' I : KnvtMi, - fSdenllfle. Hatbemalkal "; and Claaaieal rourea, with aptcial Bui-- iarpn Department. If you bave a aon v, yrxa Hevire to rtioal drop a postal for -, Catalog." AMrea - P.J.KERXODLE. A.1L, Jply UtL f rrincipal. A Lc-dlrj Llzazins Free. Arrr rment Perfected crljtlxra'to TZojuau's W are anv mi mii d a a-ak a Mrr ral ar to all wh pay la adraita fw'Ti luaiKI flLKikta. . Wtntaa'a. W o I. a RtrrT aad 4o-rxic aMcasiM aVwrrdly onaal'th rrwt papatar pnblWa ' r4. It W para. etKart-.lalnc knd helpfnl la crerr aVpartamc ll.pacaam SHcd with ral birh eta, raadiac muter aad 11) d. r.ttoa raiwd Ia all .ft i h I paMtohnd Ui ktWy thm frr-ml an . tmd bona Uiera- t ftd 9 1 .fO Uir oar p.pr and H'oiiit'i W aa Mkbig- Um kuier eatt y A Pastel Portrait.. The pirtiira wn charmlnir. There waa DodacyitiK that. Prank Harwooil totxl at the winilow o( the print atore and alared lu at U as h had done every day for the past wt ek, The el ocution of the woik was not faultless. Some crudltf- 8 marred it, hut the eu seinbla was bwllchlojf. The face that of a girl in the first Iresh- bloom of maidenhood looked back at you over one tnlrtily draped wbito shoulder. The liquid eyes were laughter lit ; t lie st ighl ly parted scarlet Ud had a shy droop ; there was a lit-, lie, icuud dimple in her chin ; 4be balr that melted into - the soft gown aud dusty background was a. wind blown tangle of redili.b gold. . Uarwood had often determined to entr and make an attempt to discover the identity of tho original of the pic ture, but bin courage had alwsys faili-d bim. , To-day he forceii bimelf to the aocomplUhroeiil ol bis desire. ' He entered the store, shutting out the whirling snoafiakes behind bins. "I that picture-tbe pas' el portrait in tho window for talaf" be, enquir ed. "No, sir," he was told. "Can you tell me the name ol the original f' " - i , VI do not know it, air. The portrait was Irft here as a sample to solicit or der." - "Von ere sure it. is a portrait not merely an idesl head ?" 'The artist sail so" - ' Give me bis name and address, please !" But when the rixing young lawyer had the slip in his pocket-book, and was out aguin io the white Winter world, he began to f el uncomfortably conscious that In this particular In stanoe he was not acting with the di retion on which be ordinarily prided himself." . ' - T : He was a trill i troubled, too, by the recollection of a ceriain eooversatlon held with his aunt the previous even ing. She was 'he di-ari old lady iu the world, and the mod gorgeius. 6he had brxught young Harwool up, given him the best procurable education and three years of European travel. But on one point, ibequtMtion of his prob able marriage, she was Inclined to be tlli-latnrial. . ' '"So you refuse to met-t Miss Fuli.s wortb, Frank ?' the had aaked. "As a tuiioi yes", he replied oxi Uvfly. He aaa rather tired ol having but aunt as ure hbn that ha never would ni-i t ant'tiier gtri so rnauiirul, amiable, accomplivhrd altogether daairable as Miaa Faina worth. " - Fn.ok," she aked, hastily as a tarlllug tosa.bilny occurred to ber, "ia there any oue eU TV He hesiuted. She repeated the quotton. He recalled the fuoe iu lh priut abow window. He answered truthfully. . Yea," be said. "Wh( U her name, Frank ?" 'I do not know.". She looked at bim sharply.. ''Where does she live f " - MI do not know that, either." "Frank," she said. In a low voice, Ho laughed out boyishly, .. Ko. Aunt Mary : I doat drink. But I am airald I am aoossusicaliy lu krve." . He laughed again sow as be reeoK letted the wondering dismay: ou bi annt'a face. A Daaeer by : turne.1 to look at bim- He bad reached a' row of high, flat-faced, dreary, red be ck bouses. Ia one of these the art 1st must live.' ' He touad the anmber; ,rang the' bell. A sorly woeasn with a smudge of soot on bar cheeek opened I be door, "Mr. Vincent Brand V asked Har- wood. -.' , 'Third floor back," she returned, shortly, ".' . 8bo dlspieared. leaving Mm to Dad bis wav P as beat be could. The stairs were steep, dirty aad us carpeted. A written eaid was stalled oa the door of lbs room of "a third floor back." . : - ' v; VlXCOtT BtAKD, , PaHel Fortrails Harwood knocked.' A voice bade him eater. He went ia. The room was bare, dreary. Some sketches were tacked oa the wall'. An eeael and a chair stood ia the apartment. A handful of fir la a tiny saeet-iroa i ova made I be eoH of the place more otierabte. .-Ur. Bread, I beliire f " The eerwpaai, aa iavalid with death wrillea ) a is hollow eyes, oa bis blaa veined band, bowed aaeC -I eante," eaM Harwood, declining ibesolitaty ehalr which waa proflered him, "about taa pictaro eshiMiodT ia Mereer's window. It is not for sale f "So. sir." : t ' ' :.' ' "Not at a large flgnre?" - The artiat did aot at coca answer. Ut waalll and very poor. "X. I at aay pio ," bo said. " Yvu cvul 1 bvt si-ks me a s e-py No, sir. The truth of tbe mailer Is simply this i The lady who consented to ail to me for that picture, did so out of bt-r own sweet charity. 6ba Is so beautiful, and ; manes such a Una study, I fancied ber face would , bring me orders, where on leu lor ly, even admiral lo as a likeness, would fail, I need not enumerate to you the reasons why it would be dishonorable for me lo abuse her kinducss." "I tonderstand your reasons, Mr, Brand, j and reaped . them. Msy I give you an order for a life s'sed pastol from this pbotogrsph t" , He bad fi rtunately remembered having In his pocket the picture of a oephoM' that morning received Tbe commission would help tbe poor artist ou1. ' . . . A ' A Tight tap came lo the door. "May I come in, Vinci.t ?" called a sweet voice, ' 4 ' The door opened. Frank Harwood turned to look into the face that hsd haunted bim waking and sleeping but a thousand times fairer than the color ed crayons had reproduced it. . tine half drew bsck at night of in stranger, but Brand called to ber. "Come in, Claire I" And Iben, with yowhiul candor: "This gentlemen, was just asking about your portrait." . She bowed slightly. She was In rich furs and deep, glowing velvet. The elegance of her attire puszled Frank Harwood. "I hope tbe picture ia bringing you orders, Vincent." . . "1 U, indeed," be answere d bright ly. ,..' "Well, It!" late." I trust go. I just ran to see bow you were getting on." ! , He smothered a fit of coughing. 'The basket of delioacli 8 came Ibis morning. Thank you so much. .You have tbe csrriagbr" ' "No, I am on foot." "I shall see you home then," The artist said, looking troubled. "This is not the best neighborhood iu the world, and it is growing dark." ' The firce cough shook him again. , '.'You rhall do noibiisg of the kind she saM peremptorily. Harwood went . forward hat In baud. - 5 "Will you do mo the honor to per mit me io be your ecort T" He asked, "I am a lawyer residing in the city. I am aorty I have not a card. ' My name ia Frank Harwooil. ghe hsd been listening with a some what haughty air. Bite eiailed now ai bsudden fileiidliues. "I bII be glad if you will come witb me," she a mi ly said. On th -Ir wav she told bim about Brand, whom she bad kuowa from childhood in Eneidnd. V -llv U dying." ''It Is hard to help him; he Is so proud." . . ' The bouse before which she paused wssa magnificent one. ' - Harwood mustered up courage to ask if he might call. . "No," she said gently, and then M if ie;wming : "I shall be at Brand's ata dioon Friday." " ; She ran op the steps. Needlrs to say Harwood was In the painter's room esrly Frlisy afternoon The number ef orders be gave quite overwhelmed the artist. , ' . She came at Isat, her face like a rose over her dark furs. Tbey mef, not qnlte by chance. many limes, and till Frank did ut4 learn ber name. He called ber Mias Osire. Oa evening a ben ba was leaving the studio with ber be told ber tbe etory of bow be bad fiist happened to come there. "I fell ia love with a pastel pov trait," he said. ' I aut to-day in love wftb the original. But I know ro lit tle of you that it sewns like being in Hre witb a spirit -Are yoa galog to punish mypreaamptioa, or reward my daring. 8be laxiicated ber cartiage that stood at the ettib. " V- "Get hr she said smiling." ! ebanee lo be driving your way." The vehicle stopped at bis Boat's door. He remembered there waa to be a small dinner party theie that evening. - 8be alighted aad weal op ne steps witb bim. ' . "Do yoa kaow my aaal V ka be- Jtkt Iben bis sunt came towara tbem. - : ' , . "CUTre, my dear P She aried. "Fraak, where did you most Jtias Fainswortb V' "Fsiaawortb," be replied blankly. You," bereoroacbed Clarre "knew eall tbe lime P. ' -Do rem think I would have let yow rea me borne that eight M I aiid atV she aaked errbly. I "What ls tbe worM are yots eau- drea tatkirg about V Frank's east qoertioced. ' ' Bot lh.rowas tbst to the lovely eree raiseil U bia wbleh told aim as nicbt pleod aala aad aot ia Vain. Saturday Nigbk Aver' PanparilU ta aa -,' i ttrm afcd ltvT stMrthciat. for lbs beats-1 I Uui ci.atVKi.aivi . irftiTkw. vii.aoiv. Oetrramlba Caaaplala Falgllaarat or : . rraaaiaea aad aorf riedgaa.,:; : - I' . r ' WABttlKOTOH, July 19-Tbe follow ing Is President Clewland's letter ti Representative Wilson upon the tariff situation, . which Mr. WiNon ad as a part of bis remarks in the House this afternoon: " . - r , ; Executivk Massiok,- WAfiiwuiOM, tk C, July 2, 189. , PKBBjNAL , , . ,. Uok. Wm. L. Wilbow : ' ' , - My DearSIr i" The certainty tbst a conference will be ordered between (be two bouses of Concress for the purpose ol adjiinting differences on the .subject of t:iritf legislation, makes It almost 1 veriaiu tuan fun him pgnui vvmiiivu v f t do bard service in the causa cf tariff reform. My public life has beeo so cVisely related to the sulj-et, I have so longed for Its accomplmbmeut, aud I bavesoof.eo piomised its realisuilon to my fcllow'cotti t'ymen, as a result of their lrnt and eonfl leiice Id the Demoorallc parly, that I hope no ex cuse is necessary for my earne t appeal to you tbut in this crisis you s'reuuous ly insist upon psriy honeiy snd good faith and a tturdy adherence Id Dem ocratic principles. I believe these ab solutely necessary conditions to the continuation of Deinocra'io existence. I cannot get rid of tbe fie ing tbst (his conference will present tbe best If not the only hope of true Democracy. In dications point to Its action as the re liance of those who desire the gcmlne fruition il Democratic effort, the fjl filtment of Democratic pledges and the redemption of Democrat io pledg to the people. To reconcile diOerenees iu the details comprised within the fix ed and well-defined lines of principle will not be the sole task of the confer ence, but a It seemsto me, it members will ul so have in charge the question whether Democratic principles them selves are to be saved or abandone I. There is no excuse for mistaking or miss pprshend ing (ne feeling and the temper of the rank and file of the De mocracy. Thy are downcsst uoder tbe assertion tnst their party falls in ability to manage the government, and they are apprebaru-ive thst efforts to bring about tariff reform msy fail ; but tbey are much more apprehensive and downcsst in their fear that Democratic principles may be surrendered. , In the clrcumstncccs lh-y cannot do otherwise ban look witb confidence to -ou and Ibo.-e who with you have' pa triotically and sincerely championed the cause of tariff reform within Dem ocratic licee and gulde l by Democratic principles! This confidence is vsstly augmented by tho action under your leadership of the House of )tepnan tatlves upon the bill Bow pending, Every true Democrat aud every sin cere tariff reformer knows tbst this "hill In lis present form as it will be submitted to conference falls far short of the eoiidatnmatioo for which we have oog (abort d j for Which we bare suflertd defeat without diciursge. ment ; which, In Its anticipation, gave us a rallying cry in our day of triumph and which lulls promUeqf accomplish' ment is so interw oven with Democratic pledges and Democrat io success that our abaudonmeat of tbe eause or tbe prlndnlea upon which It rests means party perfidity and parly dishonor. Oar topio w4l- be submitted to the confervaee which embodies Democratic prioeiples so dire ly that It cannot be aom promised. We hsve In our plat form and io every wsy possible declsr ed la favor of tbe free importation of raw materials. : We have agaia and again promised tbst this should be so- eorded to our people tod our maoufac larers aa soon ss the Democratic party was itfvesled witb tbe power to deter mine the tariff policy of tbe country The party bow baa that power. : We areaseeitaiatoday aa we hiv aver been of tbe great bent fit that would accrue to Iheeowatry from tbe isaug uratioa of ibis policy, and nothing bsi occurred to release as of our obligslioa to secure, thi advantage to our people. It must be said that ao tariff measure caa accord with DemocraUs principles and promises, or bear a genuine Dem ocratic badge, thai does aot provide for free raw materials. Ia tbe tlmum- stsBcesit msy well excite our wonder I hat Democrats are willing to depart from this, tbe most Democratic of all tariff principles, a ad that the inconsist ent absurdity of such a proposed de parture should be emphasised by the suggestion that tbe wool of be farmer be pot oa tbe free list and tbe protec tion of tariff texaiioe be placed around taeirowore aad coal of corporations aad espitalista. How caa we face tbe Dannie after Indulging . ia such oolrs- geoos discrlaitoaiMos aad violations of principle t It le-qnlte apparent Ibat this question at free raw saaterisls dos not admit o' aojaatmeat oa any middla grenad, sines their suljeetioa t any rate of tariff taxation, great or small, is alike violetfoa of Deatooialic princi ples anT Democratic good aitb. ' t I bopo that you will not consider it uorf,o f I aay something ia relailoa llosaoibrv ru'j-ct which caa hardly fail to be troublesome to tbt conference. I refer to tbe adjustment of t trill tax ation on sugar. Uadsr our psrff plat form and In accordance with our de clared party purposes, sugar Is a b git linste and bg cat article ef reveaue taxation. Unfortunately, however, In ctdents have ' aceomoanled certain stages of the legislation which Will be submitted to the conference, that have aroused, in connection with this sub jeot, a usturst Democratic auimoity to the methods and manipulations ol trusts and combinations. I confess to sharing in this feeling f and yet It seems p me we ought if possible to sufficiently free ourselves from preju diee to enable us coolly to we'gb the consideration which - is formulating tariff legtflatlon ought to aulde our treatment of sugar as taxable article. While no tenderness should be enter tained for trusts and while I am de oidly opposvd to granting them, uuder the guise of tiriff taxation, any oppor tunity to further their; peculiar meth- 0 Is, I suggest that we ought not to be driven away from the. Democratic 1 r'nciple and policy which lend to the taxation of sugar, by the fear, quite likely exsjtgeraied, that in .carrying out this principle and policy we may Indirectly and I .ordiustely encourage a combination of sugar refining inter ests. .1 know that In present condi tions this Is a delicate subject and I ap preciate the depth and strength ol fo feeling which its treatment has aroue rd.' I do not believe that we should do evil that goad may come but ll seems tbst wo should not lorget that our aim U the completion of tVe tariff bill, and that In taxing sugar for prop er purposes and wilbiu reasonable bounds, whatever may be said of our sction, we are iu no danger of running counter to ' Democratic principles. Witb all there Is at stake there must be In tbe treatment of this article some ground" upon whiuh w ar willing to taod, where conciliation msy I a al lowed to solve the problem, without demanding the'eniire surrender of fix el and conscientious conviction. I ought not to prolong this letter.' If what I bsve written ia unwelcome,' I bng you to believe In my good inten lb ns. Ia the concluslou of the confer ence touching the' numerous it ms wbicb will be considered, fb people are aotafiald tbst their Interests will be neglected. They know that the general results ss for as these are con cerned will be ta place borne usees se ries aad comforts easier within their reach and to Instt-w belt jr and surer compensation to those who loll. ' We sll koow that a tariff covering all tbe varied interests and conditions of a country as vest as ours must of a ne cesslty be Isrgely the result of an bon orable compromise, ' I expect very f-w of us can ssy whsn our measure Is per fected tbst all lis featurss are entirely aa we would prefer. You koow bow much I depreciated tbe corporation Into the proposed bill of I he Income tax icoture, in luaiior. ui iumi iuu, however, which do not violate a fixed and ne gnlsed Democratic doctrine, we are willing to defer lo thejuilgmenl of a msjoilty of our Democratic breth ren, I tbltk there Is a general agree ment that ibis Is party du(y. This Is more palpably apparent when we re allaa f hat the business of our country timidly stands and watches for the re sult of our efforts to perlecf tariff leg' islaf ioa, tbst a quick aud certain re I ura to prosperity wsife upon a wise adjn-fmeal and that a eonfi ling peo pi sat ill trut la our bands their pros perity and well being. Tbe Democra cy of f be land pleads m-wl aarne(ly for f be rp.-edy comphfiia of the tsriff legislation which tbeir reo-eseufafives have undeittkea ; but tbey demand aot lees esrnesly that no stresa of be ceswify sbsll tempt tHose they trust ta Ibe absedooment ot Democratic prin ciples. . " V (8!gnsd) GorCl.KVBXJtXD. A taad WfUrr. ' Mr. Frank Huffman, a younc men of Burlington, Ohio, sbttee Ibat be bad b wa under the earb of two prominent pbyeielsns, and u ed their treatment not l be waa aot able lo get arouod. They pronounced bis case to ba Con sumntioa and Incurable, ne was per saadrd to Irv Dr. Kinz's New Dis- er very for Consumption, Cougbs and Cwloa sod al tnat lime waa not am io walk a crone tbe street without reeling. He fboad. before be bad use I half ol a dollar bottle, that ba was much better ; he coo tinned lo ue it and Is In-day aa- joying cood health. Ifyoa have any Throat, Long or Cheat Trouble try It. we guarantee MUlto. j?iai rto tla free at T. A. Albright V d.og store"; Tho Wavnesville Courier saye tbst Ur. Riobmood Peraoa "ia going to ae- cwm-bahoae good. thing for Demo eracv. II will eanaa tea DemecratM rbaeot la Ibe People's party la come hex aoma where tbey neloos;. Ids ttiag baa started already sod cant be stepped." Tbe value of a rood name waa well exemplified 'be oi ber 4 sr. wben a maa ak-d oao t-f ar drurln f--r a bottle of rUraSpartlla. "Whoef toqtlred Ihoeierk. "Whoso f why, Ayer's. of wars. Ye don't sopp-ve I'm s" to i ua any rUts witb ll.ousb, do yc T" Skoda aad) MbeaTea ; v They that sow, Utoih tears may tall, Ofrorroworof pain, . " ' Bhaltrmp witb Joyous I. ngbwr, ( ' i Wben Uum-oer somes again. . , . , ., fratlmaCXHV,re. , ' "All thing come to bim who waits" if he works bard enough while wait Ing. . , Drink and destruction both begin wiib the same letter, and the bur is the forerunner ol the other. ( -Don't Imagine you can cheat all neighbor Ioa hone-trade, without giv ing a lesson to your boy that be ' will never lorget. t .., t - It Isn't good policy '-fir - yon to punlsl a chill for doing anything it lesrned of you. Bitter hire oome able bodied man to deal witb you. ' ' Some men treat dumb brutes as if tbey had souls ; others treat tbem ss If thi-y hsd no wuls tbetuselves,,' It hi only a difference io men. , J " '' We cannot all be singers to cheer tbe world, but each one Can do his beet, and by constant striving finally accomplish tbe beet, and that is perfection.! , - : . Your neighbors .know you pretly well. What they will say after you are dead- will not count; be, careful about a bat tbe can ssy while you are living. , , .( r V There sre worxe things tbsn to be railed a crank. Gslliloe, Columbus', McCormick and Morse were ail called cricks In their day. Now' they are immortals. , y , . . . . . Tbe man who honors his l ibor, dig nifies it, no msfter how toilsome it may i e j tbe man who does not honor it, dost not have lubot to perform for a very long time,' Tbe man who ssys firming don't psy, alwsys has time to prove it in a loud tine of voice. The man w bo knows It does psy, Is usually too buay to say much abou' it. "Economy is the road . to wealth ,' out there is a good ' old hook which ssys ; There is that scstterelti, yet increaseth ; and there Is that withold th more than Is meet, but it tendetb to poverty. ,' ' v Brains are Just ns necessary as brawn on th farm. - Ten hours of well plan ned work Is worth more thsu slit- eu hours without plan. Sir In tbe shsde snd plso so that you snn make eery step count, ' ... , The "calamity bowler" is of no pos sible use to the country. ;, He meets trouble a grest deal mora than hs f wsy ; be stands bo the outer walls end snd cries "we are lost! and I want to die " he alts down In .despair ,in tbe most put llo manner, and makes a circus of himself,' And ye the iistlon survives, and God rules, and all things are lo His hsnds. Tbe Arab poverb aays : "Throe thing come not bsi-k tbe sped arrow, the spoken word, the lost opportunity.' Remember this when you are rolog to ssy an evil thing of a neighbor, snd remember Jt wben opportunity comes strolling your wsy the same oppor tunity will never oome agsin, and po sibly another one may fiud you not equal ti it, . ...... m g .4f r , , , A fSarS CearWIeSato Belle. - The New York Tribune ssys t Wal ter Aldrich, the bibliographer, of Prtv Ideooe, B. I,( has in his possession a aeat bandaoua bandkerchieft one ySi d squaret of Davis, gemotes, Beauregard, Lea, Msson, filidell, Morgan, Jackson and Johnson, printed ia Lbick, eodr e'el with wiealbe of ' cbaracterb-tie Southern lesvee, with ferns and Ibe cotton plant on W bit grounds It is said to be Ibe only extent of the twelve ordered for Ibe Confederate govern ment In England by Judah P. Bsaja mlr,s A wai rtsoued, ah aon bt wa lo Ifaio country; from the Alabama wben she sunk. ' It kobseqoently be came tbe proierty of Geo. Kirby Smith, but Mr. Aldrich now owns h, aud has it framed and glssed, aad values It al i,ouo. ; '";l-- y "ClactrtaSJItsaea. ' This remedy Is becoming ao well kaowa and so populss, aa lo need ao special mention. All who have used Electrio Bitters sing tbe same song ef praise. A purer medicine does not ex ist snd It In gusrantoed lo do all that Is claimed Eb-etrlo Bitters will cure all diseases of the Livor and Kidoeya, will . remove PlmpUe, . Boils, 8lt Rhenm and other stJVctt ns canned by impure blood. Will drive Mslaria from the aye em and prevent aa well as rare all Malarial tot era. Fi r cure Of Headacha, Consvipatioa end Iiriige lioatry Electrio BiMars Entire satla fad In guaranteed, or money et-fond-' ed. Price 60 eta. aad 11.00 per boUle at T. A. Albright's drug store. ' The CLioea are eafhing on to mod- era ideas. Tbe latest, thing ia tho .. a inHiiairt.1 nrr-e -a w in I ba eataK- liahmentofaa iwmeuae rolling mill at Haukow. The plant, which waa be- in mm air iv. coveia erYeal r acres and -a III cat cannon, makegaas, arms, tte and rort raiia I-r ranroaa. The Uit--r fot will probably stimulus railroad building In that e-mniry. Wliii iK inlfi Li atrooUI-d. at abiayhal'l, ao pn-paratioa will r-tote ikabnir; la all nlber wnv, H.ll' Uair icueaer will start a grow b. Skin : v . Eruptions - aad similar annoyances are cat!d r:jvby an impure blood, which ,J result iu a more oreaded d.sesse. Unless removed, slijrht imparities : ' Will develop into Scrofula, Lxze ma. Salt Khetun and other serious results of ! I for Mm time befl a su-jr from a asv-jrg. -t , blood traabla, lor whicn t ( ,p- 4 . f took many tamedka thl- t ' did mm no cood. I hare now t-'n four bottle ol 1 withth.motwoiii-wfiil" "s . .1 Am enjeytnc b b- n I -errs knew, have (rained Kwit, DOBBd and bit theads ta tlieT iwter t , ma as well. 1 SO feelinir quite lim a new , Oaf TraatiM aa Blood sad Stria Diataaes mailed free to any autueai. fc.Mll It FOR SALE ! ValuaHe ,CtonOT,.I By virtue of tbe power contained In a mortfrare deed executed by Urabam Cotton Mill to She imderxlxned nrtaes, dated , May 27ih, 1893, and re-jltered In the ofltt;so of ilie Kegtater of leedf Alrm mes Cihiii -ty ,n bonk No; 15, pug:. ATI, 07 1 and 574. Me will sell at public auction at Uio l.onrt flousa dour to Orauam to hs tblghwt bidder on:.- ...:,.':-.: .;-:-r. .t-..'.:'- 8ATUEDAY, SEPTEMBER t, 1804, tt? o'clock H. all tbe real snd personal ' property detcril-ed in snid deed, to-wit : Two hCRSof land adjoining Iho land of Sidney Cotton Mill and others, on which are fituated a two-lory mill building 40x711, dry botaa 80x30. 4 3 toon; tenrra-iit tioiiwa and 'aOles. Iheaisclilrery coniU of 61 vingle h Lowoll loam-, S qnlller frame., dresaur with steam calender, elolb f.itder. beamor. alatnc vat ami flxtiires. enicine and boiler, sbafunir. pnllics. belting and oUlce furnllare sad all other property ennreyed ia aiid desdw . Tbo marbtnsry all new and In good order, lo cated near R A D. R. H. - Terms Half cah, tialanc lo lis montlis with appcorod secarit). interest from dy( : .sle st 8 per rent, tier annnin. Title leaerved until purcbase money paid . ' ' " W. J. oTOt'KUf. . i i ' JOIINW. BASON. .. -r-' ' ,. J. I. 8'OTT. ' tP. ALBRIonT, ". . ' . A.-ZfAHILTOy. . .. Oralaro, K. (, , .., . Mortgagees. June 7, IBM. " ' ' 1 .' ". u 1 " 1 '' fjAGFiETic i:ervi::e Narvoua t-ro-traction. Fita, liix noaa, Huadaona, piaurataia aaS lo omnia, fimtn ia flia ot ta. faaeoo. opium, aicnhol, and la aoar a-ra presslon, oftanlnaOf ttia Brain, lna"-y ml u M I almbll ditfi. . Hi Cn , t ) I - VlMl rr I. nil lu. ii la attkai ml ttrmath ta both tha aiaKalar tana, an UM brala. ballO. a tha a, bnnx. taiiaah. aaa in. -laap, aa4 mum haalth aa4 pp" u tM aim A aailh'a tl mil anal i.ll.np-u In uil to ane aadia. ftM per Imzi f tor au all nirSMUonfer " Vyrlttaa puar-ntaa aarajwrahu UMBMMaa, Ouauiataflaaf ilwanlM Mailed on reci-ipt of price by : t . . KICHAKEKON & FARISP ; , Wbolrsale A Kelail ln-uggit . ' ' , . .' flrerui'boro, N. C Leaksville Vcoleh Mills, LEAKSVDLLE, N. C. tit Are still st the nlif plaeSa'ider the same oil m inagement, sua suit making ins saute llua of, EXCELLENT GOODS so w-.ll and farotably .known, tbrouich Jbls section. i , V i ' I - - . . - Ws.VTark fVaail aa Bharaa mr f Ca iaita SJIaabala, Paary Teatayreada, . Caaalaarm, Jaaaa, riaaacta, -. and Waeaa, oa dkay,rT.. ? tPrlte torlntornuuloa sad samples.' ;" ' Tae your woo to A. B. faff, Agent, 6rt bain, M. V. or S. K. firolt. MHanr, N. C. aad tber Will forward It to Mill free of ehatec. LBAKaVUXg HOOLKN MILU. ... , . Uakaylllo, It. C. Msy to 6ut ; ; . - - fj,'xin.'": , CAEAIS.1i."JjEt.' j W AAnvniUTO 'CA I 0HTAIW 1 PATTTf Tw ft roii ndj smtrvsir mn4 wb hoc east wmton, writ tm IflfHNeV Oa WlwO IUW tASafJ aatatT MHfjtmnf Ixpaytamosi t Ui9 pmmt ItaBaUrvewaa, CwtBtiiiint. XiormmtneUf eawivlisainial. Itatsfsaai otr inr ffongifusa mmemmutm faMmf and how is at iaviB iheMsj aMwit frsjsv Almt emUm9t mmalawa atatvl fans) sMidantfSso Imoks mt fV. ritsjsju taut era tArowm I'uvl Oft. fmmkvw frsboaak. .aosUfla to tb p-.mtknc il aKsriim( atl Uiani (are) fcrotHrtit wtrltNf betfwmUf fmrlle wit -. CXii ssrwai to Wis) HrrsentnT. 1 ftta BYtnMitt iaa pr. taM4 VSjs-lftw, dsJsajyXaTlUT iil watrr sw). lvga bf gW fcftft tAnsawt vrtmimtxm ot tuir aCHasuiic vor im tdaft WOT'4. ftj 7aWk" Om-" Sjnit layaa, - BnlN!tT4r lUasjayMrntiilw. ova. yoevr. ftncij QnrMax, - tsMteV lejry TtmB'f s)nntairjs beaan. ttrni plsu-a. ta eaOsknra, srwl bncrimptB of B-ay ftosaeejajL TaTlift pmtma a'Hira; WHtajtryi to sjiMiW lattft ItaAMt ajaaatarrwi end tawiHri ia, Aa&rmm MUatJl OO J-A.W XUwUL. ftftl BawOdVaTaar. I am the North tVrollna Agenltbr Dr. Whits'. New Hair. Grower Trtjtme -.t ' - Tbe Greatest Discover of the Age. It will perms neat ly -enie falline of tbe hair, tUiMnflT, scaly eroptious. poaiuiea, or any praii imw. It preyi-nla Kai 'lurniix rrayard restore balr to iw original coforaud brinita a ;. ' - ' - i t XeW Ciawth g.te .So aay Bald fled aa Earth. It Is Ibe ooly. Ueatmeot that -will p net ii c Iberc'.reaijlie.. . v ; , Tratimoi.i-la and" treatise furnished on application-. ' - ITr. John- M. Coble, at C..l.?e A Thompaow's flora, is ray agent sKJru baatN.a - - r- -' s . - " Ierenfiii!v. T I. ASHLEY", Dstlt-tf. Haw TJvi-r. N.C. is? A Ilead of Hair