VOL. XX. GRAHAM, N, C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1894. NO. 31. The Old Friend And ho best friend; -"tint never f;iiU yoa, 'a Simmons Liver regu lator, (tie Hod Zliat's vhr.fi . you tear at the mention f this .excilknt ITJver medicine," and "fujopl dKn!4 not fcer persuaded that anytliirip; else will t'o. -It, U the Ivin'of Liver Mrdi- . ciuos: is better tlum takes the place of Qiuiinw and OalomcL It acH 5iiectfy on tlie lteri Krdm.'ys and Bowel r.i:d .gives new' life to tlio wfyolo fys tefn. ' .Tiii ia ttio motllcine yt.n' - irifutv .Soil by a!i Drngista in ; Kuid, or hi Powder to he taken "drv or-maiJe ialoWta. ' ; ' WETBRr rjCKAfiETl- 7. J jni..in(b4v)n;i."K,i PROFESSIONAL CAR I '8. .lACon a., rorvts, J 1 ATTORNEY" AT LAW", G&A HA 3r, - - " - N. C JJ !.; If Ell IVO U LiK. TTORNSV AT LAW ' - - rrPttceiti V) Sfato and Fden.1 Courts i mn 'alvfittillvand promptly attend v, n uc T ! cutrwtcd to litan . - .. : - ;- WJI. P. BYNUM, Jr- " JiXtrnticy untX Con nwoloi- at Law, qkekkhkoro, x. a j PretJceo rotnlurly tr . seance canty. . w-:. the ennrts of Ai . An. S, 94 ly Dr. Jolm.R.Stockard, Jr., jfcfcr .,' ....i . .-. K"food eta f re-tli at $10 I"1' ' Office on Main Si; vei I. N. Wulkrr & C.V Ktore. , Are Ycu Going to Build ? v If Tn are xiAuz to VuHiI 7, 1 owr-o yen V d will fall I'll ine for l-rloc. I have f owe witrkmoji hu t nve i ii villi .' bw 1mm i to 8 yearK, w lm know Imw t'i li KHid work and iwnp i it: 1 will Snild by ctaitiaet r far Clio y ; furuvlL ninteiiM or ran do it. . Cone ami u. Will be elaxl to (jlv Sn figure. I liuiita lor (iio-l ivtlronaire. y Xoun Jie-, . W. HU TSON. . j Granatu, N. C. mieeeecEifTs eh bottlc. MM M TUWI MFMMATKII nil. , voa in ( av aauGoiiri. . SUFFOLK Collegiate and Military INSTITUTE, j- , - , - EnrlUh, PciMiUdc. MatliemalUml nod Claantcal rairara, with anuria I Bua- lni Denartnenf., If rim bnvr aon yen Acnt to Uieale drop a postal for tjalalogne. Ad'irv . P. I. KEEXODLE. A. M , JolylS tf. - rrinrial. A Leading Llagazine Free. Arraaczaenti Perfected tyT71ilciX7o Giro SuV avcrlption to Woman' VTork arltLoTxt' CLarn;e. , W rm vm prrparr to Blake a faMj leral orr io all ho py b, aravrs Taa 'uci (.uiut. Uuait'i Wi h a ItwnHT aa4 oj oix a'ns;irw itiMi redly imt at II. f-ta i- '-d ar pnbiWa- I. It pure, '.crt bung hrfpftft ta ajrart aVrrta,ei. U rwrt. arur aitnl i a rftral a lib eJaaa resd.na mif tm4 Hla Hi aitiiaa m all 12 b i MUh4 ta a 'UT rrrtl IVCJ f. r r"-J tMtne liter, f ar. .xl m irfh-T irlrxjiraj Bx-ria well, r n a.0 to. wir f- f r afxl Ww4a UlliW )tn B-mlin; ut Uu-rt Item. Jf. C. Tariff Reform., n-ltievallawxbr Kaajr traaliaaa-l Oiker dvaaral TariaTBlll Wasrixoton, Aue. 31. Chair man Wilson, beforo' leaving Wash ington took occasion to express his opinion freely concerning $M effect of President Cleveland's letter to Representative Catchings upon the Congrcflsional campaign. Mn Wil son endorses every word said in that letter; also the action of the Presi dent in allowing the tariff hill to be come a la-w without his signature, and believes that the letter will be of much service in preventing the ltikcwATnmess of tariff reformer, toward democratic . , candidates. Mr. Wilson also disposed most, ef fectually of . tle : requblican argu ment that the promise of addition al tariff reform in the future, which the President made in his letter, meant another general tariff bill and its consequent upsetting of business. Concerning this far-fetched ' argu- eument he said: , "The work of tar- i!T reform will bo continued by' easy gr.iduatipns and by special reduc tions from time to time until we have accomplished our ., purpose. There will bo no other -general tar iff bill. The tariff will remain eta ble on the great majority of articles, and it will be ,' upon compartively few that the perfecting of details will be necessary in order that the. tariff reform law placed on the stat-u ute books" shall be a consistent whole This work will bo performed, how ever in such a manner as neither to disturb the . business conditions . of .the country nor to effect neither the employer nor the employed." .- Mr. Wihfon is confident of his ." re election, no matter who the repub licans run against him. Representative Warner, - of New York, who strongly believes that su gar should have been made free so as to down the sugar trust, said of the Praidcntrs letter: "The Presi dent proposes to go at the thing right this thru. He lead out in an attack against the trmSs which oo cupy the nio.it strongly intrenchUcl position in the centre of tho protec tion linov: . Who t once we c.'irry the centre of the lino and rout tho trusts the rest of the light will be easy .enough, and we will get free raw material and evervthina clso : we want without any difficulty' -As a rule all democrats i who re ally believe in tariff reform, and there are few, very few, who dmot, strongly commend President Cleve land's letter to Mr. Catching", and predict that it will do more to keep the democrat in, control : of the Homo than any one document that will be a factor in tho campaign. ; President Cleveland docs not in tend to return to Washington until October, unless something of great public importance now unforeseen shall make it necessary for him to do so. In the meantime no public business will be neglected, as he has arranged to have all matters requir ing his official attention forwarded to-Gray Gables, whore with the as sistance of private secretary Thur- ber, an executive office will be main tained. " ' ; Secretary Carlisle will not be able to take an extended, vacation this year, as there will bo many ques questions arising out of the admin istration of the new tariff law that will require his personal attcntiod and which delay in answering would seriously inconvenience many busi ness men. The condition of the Treasury is much better than it. has been at the end of any month re cently, and the probabilities are all in favor of a continued improve ment, owing to the increase in re ceipt under the new tariff. All of the other member- of the Cabinet will take vacation. Sec re- i tary Herbert went away last week, combining business with recreation by making tour of tho Atlantic coast nary yards; Secretary Lamont ft with President Cleveland, and will remain in New York several week; Secretary Gresham expects to get away in few days for a month's stay, a portion of which will be apent in Inliana and a por tion fi.ihin; Attorney General Ol- h jr n.3 t-" !'.(' -n and the !. t ) away will be spent iu and near that city; Secretary Smith who has al ready beon to tho seashore for a few days, will spend two wocka in Geor gia; Postmaster General Bissell has gone to Buffalo where he will meet Mrs. Bisscll and decide where his vacation shall bo spent, and Secre tary Morton will delay his depart ure until the middle of September, when he will go to Europe. , - Washington hasn't had a chauco to miss Congress yet. This week the Uniformed Rank Knights of Py thias, about 10,090 strong, are hold ing their annual encampment . hero, and the Southern Development Con vention, an organization engaged in booming the southland, is also in session here. f . When things get quiet the absence of Congress Jvill begin to be regretted. r CUE4PEHCLOTIIIII. The ST. X. TOwrlw Takoa a l.wek at the New 1 ariiT. - . Uuder our old time free wool policy flocks increased lu number and price or wool was maintained became there wrs a demand for wool. Foreign .wools are meded for admixture wirh our owu aool in I his country, and whej.thfir importation is dimiuinbed by. a tariff iliuy the demand for Amerfcaa woo! necensarily f li off. Uu'jer uigh pro- teollor. on wools flocks of sheep have LdimiuUhed and prices for wool have cone down. Alrepdy the price of domsiic wool has locrcaeed in thU country since the pawogeol the Senatv bill. A tuorltb - age Amrriran wool told in New York aud'Boelon for from 19ti)8iceuls a (tound, acoonling to to quality. Since Ibea thu demand baa looi eased, and the or! jet dow ranee from 22 t 34 cent. Clothes will be cheaper bi cause llie tax on import el cloth and clothing lias been redftct-d. : As wool is free, the old componnBiory duty "if abolished. Uuder the MeKinU-y law tho rate of duly on th4 . cbeuper : woolen c'oih was from J 50 to 163 per oi'nt. ami ca dm rer cloth (rum 89 to 09 per cent. Uuder the new bill It will be from 36 J to '50 pt-r cm'. The duty on knit poods waa from 82 to 160 per cut. Tbe tux on In inkeis was from 80 jo 104 per C-u!. It will ran go from So to 4l, On flaaneU the rate was from 83 to 101. It will bo from. 25 to 40 Women's drens goods paid from 87 to clonk 81 per cnul. and rrudymade oloibiiig 80 per cent. All those will pay 50 per cent. - Carpets paid frdm 61 -o tZ i" r ceo t. They will pay from SO to 42. Wo-have been confidrriiipt . woole e!oth worthy of the name. Cheap all arocl oltiths are not made here.. As the manufacturers coul.l noflniy the for ei(?o wools 'needed for making clica cloihoslhey were oIiIIko to resort to shoddy and other substitutes fr wool -Tho AousequeneoU, as statistics show that the average American woolen eloth l about half shoddy. -More ver, ibeshoely buxtuetbas grown as (he business of ruUing wool has decreaaed under the high protective system Americans who have Nwantad good and durable clothes bays been obliged to buy Imported cloth and pay tbe tax, There It nd reason why honerf, cheap woolersmay eel he made In this eun try with free wool. Daatmai Fllrtallwa. Bantpaoo Democrat. . The Populist parly Is set Ins; like Kiddy headed and. nusophlsticated maiden. It bas wandered f.nh in charge cf chaperones wbo are doi psrtlcuUr as to I be kind of company it keeps. Bepubllcaolsm smiled at it and the wayward thlog smilrd back. A clandestine frieodnbip ..sprang op between tbe two sod there have been twilight lets ht under Irystlng trees. At lie solicitation of wily It-publlcan Usm, Populism la her niualio gowo baa lately strolled late darker glades and stayed out later at alglt. At Oral sh lovad woonsblne best, tbeo starlight ram to be enough, but now when Ibick clouds bedim night's candles the eons paniouhip is scon agreeable. Way ward Mary affdvi innately laans ter gld dy bead npoa I be breast of deceptive Dan, wboaearta euciirle her slendir waUt, wboae lps loueh hers, and wbi per sof-, seductive words Into bar ear. Dan's arte never lira and Mary U so bappy that aha la sot aonacioua of (be fart that she Is being sqnt-sed to death. Da a"ls ou ly a master and be doesn't mean to snarry. Ha l having a good lima sow aad b-xiy blame him, Bol whet of I be giddy ereature is bin embrace 1 Sb ha brew eaogbt un der eirciimataaces that eomproaib-e her Sa racier and people am talking of her eoadaeU There m ill be a tale ef woe tliiee ly when Dae lela go. Thera going to be breach of prom baa after awhile, a Brecken ridge caa poliiicall neakioj. 8ee If thera Isn't. - Cai. Nat Atkinson; a proniine"nt;',rir of cluHa wilt ccostitnt tb J citircn of Alieri!lc, died suddenly 'r.tf.j;;.-rvUnfi. ' . . -KOCB AOBH" . ! 'J' : '-''t ' ; "Rockof ir,cIoft rormo, .. ' ! Ii me bide myaelf In tbe I" , -r 8an tlie Ud f, aun and low, And tbe meluncholy flow i . Of ber voice an avroet and dear, , lloaa niou tbe evening air '. . . With Uiat sweet sndaolontn prayer t "Uockofaea, Ckrtfor me, i , Let me bide myaelf In thee I" . . ; Yet she sans, as on the had, Wben her tbouslitleaa heart was glad - Snng bceauae slie fell atone. ; Pang bceauae ber s nl bad grown -' Weary with tbo tedlouaday v , ' Hon to while tbe hour sway i -. N . ''Rook ol axes, cleft for me, : M Let me bido myself In tbee V i i Where tbe trembling atarllght falls " On her manalon'tatolely walla; .... On tbe cblll and and echoing street Wbcre the Itshts and shadows meet IT.ere tbe lady's voice was beard, ' ' As tbo breath of night waasUrrcd With that munlo, floating free: ; 1 ,' ' ' "Itouk of ages, cleft ftir me." ' ' ' Wandering, h meleas, through tbe night, Vmylng'for the morning tight- --Tale and haggard, wan and weak, With the death-hue on her check, ; Went a woman one wtioae llfo, Had been wrecked In sin and strife One of vhom. In one far land ' ' Wrote tbe Mastcron the sand I Aj?a ber aoul, by Sorrow wrung, - Heard the lady aaibe' sung "... "Hock of ages, cleft for me, .. Let me bide mysel. In thee V - on tbe marble stops she knelt, , And bor wiul that Instant lelt Mercy's healing touch as thera, Quivering, moved her lips In prayer I And the God she bad forgot : . Bmlled upon ber lonely lot - Beard her as she mannered oft, , With an" accent tweet and soft : , "Hook of ages, clelMor ine, . . Let uiehide myself In thee I" ; a "a a ; LltJe knew the I&dy fair, Aa aba sang so sweetly there, That a voice bod reached a soul r Wblch lAVl lived hi sin's control I . Little knew, when she was done, , that a lost and erring one Ileant ber as she breathed that strain And returned to Ood again I . , -. , f foASK L. bTAKTOM, la Atlanta Con- sUtotlon. A l'M H WNH TO Til at I' HA V. PreaMeal JT. at, Uarr'a Call for a Caa- Vebtlaa mf Deniarraile Clake 'ska . g'wraaal Openlaa ! the Vnm- : paigaat Halrlgb Mrpieaaher HOi it. v RaleigHj N. C; Aug. 28tb, 1894. To tbe Domucralio Cluba ol North Carolina and the Young Democracy : By a unanimous vole of tbe Slate Democioilo executive committee, at a meeting held la Kalrlgh, August 87, inst., ihe execuljve commilioe of the Slate Assocint'on of Democratic Clubs was n qu strd to cull a convention of the Democraiie Clubs of the Statw lo meet iu Kaleifcb, N, C, on tbe 20iu of clrptember next, at 12 o'clrck ui. : and as the great DcmocrAtlo parly- bas named its'elaodard-besreis, and as. an- otht r great slruggle fur Democrstlo supremacy is at hand, and as there 1 yet work to be done ork Inbehalf of the complete fulfillment of those great cardinal pledg' sof tbe parly so dear to patrlotio Norib Carolinian, 'who refuse to accept tbe result of re eent legislation in Congres as the clce of ihe war"- and a it I Incum bent on, ihe young Democracy " to Ibat its share In Ibis great ' struggle is well snd faithfully performed, !, th re- fore, a president of the 8tal A s els- tion of Drmooralfc ( lubs, call yoii to miet Iu conven'ion iu our capital city of Raleigh, onThursday, Ihe 20th dsy of rVolember nest, at 12 o'clock, noon. The oIJ"ct of tbe convention sre for tbe formal orxnlor of tbe eamnaien mnit ih. aiwinir nf iha lrv nf rnm coming fry j to foster tbe organisation of Democratic club in every townshln In North Carolina to Inereata anrl facilities for promu'gatlog Democratic principles, and to actively aid Ihe re gular Dcmocratio organization. To these end we Invoke tbe co-oprtioo i-f all men, the active support of lbs Democrstlo press througboat tbe ff Ute, sod we especially invite tbe participa tion of oar Democrat io nomiuees. W also desire that Ihe county chairman and township, cbalrmen of our party's regular organization, lo every coooty, leo J us Ibelr eld In making this con tention one of great demonstration. Gentlemen of national reputation will be invited and. aie expected to lend us Ibrir presence, and Senators Hansom snd Jarvls and our members of Con gress and eomluaes for Congress will be urged to meet with o r from these we expect to hear tbe key tot of tbe fray, a tbe campaign will be formally opened oa tbatdjy. We urge the immediate reorganiza tion of all club now on ihe roll of lb asrodation, the formation of new dab every tjwo, village aud township Is the PUte, and tbe election of deljgstes te lb convantion by every dob. We rt that Ihe memberabip roll of the elubs embraee every Democrat of their reapeetive aoetloo. Our eowati alios provide Ihst each club bll be oli'l-.l to te rfclrtrale ttd a lik numher of a..--rr- snd on additional d-'" ;ate an I va'ad- itiooal alJwrnaU i if every 3 meio- Ibrrs of club la good sandiog. The certificate of preaident r etrl-itial' of ilclrealra, and aucb creJi-uiu's abouIJ act f 'rti It BUGL i ber of members' borne on the o'uh rnntn nt the time of naming delegate, Delegates and other tiluh merabt r at' tending teonvenon will l-e entitled to reduced rates of board at the hulet, nd -lo stieolal railroad rates. Full I particulars will be published later. W have the honor f being your ob- uiftt servants. ' : J. 8. Cabb, Pies. B. C. BucKwrnr, Seey. Blank forms of constitutions for the government of elubs and full tastruo- n ions fur lite orgnuization nt tiuiis can be had on application to B C Bock wlib, secretary, Raleigh, N. O. . . ' Celebralr Ilia lOOlh HlrlbSay. Winston Sentinel, Aug. 38, The; blgiroat blnhday erlebrailon Ihsfever occuired In Ibis part of tbe Ol I North Slate was uivsu on last Wed n end ay In rJurry county", in cele brating (he one hundredth anniversary iu the life of Air. Drewiy Hodge, who resides In ttat couuty, uear Haystack, on Fish river. There were more than 8.0QO people in attendance with upwurds of 285 vehicles, besides horseback riders and pedestrallans. : Tbe crowd spent . I he entire day at the borne of Mr. Hodge and bad p'c-ulo spreads ou the grounds at noon, "' " Two sermons wore presche 1 by Rev. Mr. Vass, of Carroll county, Va , and Rev. Mr, Lawson, of Barry county, Hou. A. II. Joyce, of Danbury, de- livoied an able address la , the after noon. , MrIIodge wns born In 1734 and now reside within four miles of his birth place. He has been teiue married. There were eleven children by tbe flrst marriage and seven by Jhe secoud, making eighteen . in all. Everyone lived to maturl-y. Eight ' are ' now dead. ', ' ' t ' Mr. Hodge has one hundred and eight grandchildren, one hundred and "I sis great graadcbildrtn and six great great-grandchildren lie has been, a oonsistant member ef the ' Primitive BiipfUt church riuce be was. twenty- I three years old eeventy-seveu years. He bas been blind for . thirteen years, but bis health Is very good aud his mind Is a "clear as tbe noon day san." M r. H-de Is .a man of considerable menus and own an immerse tract of bottom and tipland'on Fish river. Caa'f ScMaSe erer Agala. Toutb's Companion. ' " ''Your bnune mss pretty badly nat-d i" remarked a vWtor tt tbe1fluo-ld ilistrtot In Cincibnati, to an rid man I who was sitting ou the broken strps of a frame cottage that was twisted out (of shape. "Yes," he replied. "Thar sln't much len vtb 0,J bouse. The hlah water done a heap of mfchh-f." "But you'll toou make things over agoin, as good as new," coutiftued Ihe first speaker. . "Stronger," sld Ihe Id man In husky voice," "ibar are some ihli.gs in this world that you can't make over sgln. This was my bouse, and so it is yet ; Ibis was my home, sranger, bul if win oever be my home sv'ib and be paused, gazing sadly about blin. "Thar are ome1 things you can't make ss they was. Wbeo the high water come, my wife was in l-e t v. lib a fever, and the water come aud come and all the imt I thought it eouldu come any bigbef, hut I be fust thing koowad If a us clear in the bouse, rTbeu I bad to v. her. and what with lb-fright a od cold Vnd all, shei w" 00 o00 uaatr roo on high around than h died my old if lrn.:er. - Yea, sb djed ; died 'for Bill-Bill tra our boy come back. He was good boy lo bis moher and me, but didn't understand, bim, end- he went off; yes, went off, -fu make b's own way in tbe world. ."But bis mother said h would com back, and sh used lo pray the Lord U watch. She said b wiuld surely com back, nd sb od to km p hi room and hi things just a he left 'em. His mttber, Mraoger, always fixed that room every day all ready fur bim, aud if be bad eome back everything would bav bees a be remembered it. Tbt room to ns, bi mother and me, was wutb mor fbo all tb world J bat tbe high water come, aod I didn't get a ebauce le save a ibl . All hi litibs boyish (bingswerewathrdaway ; tbe asll Is erscaed, aod wbea b be comes lack there will be nothing te fell b'ta of home no mother, none of hi old tblngr to show him tb love of year Ibat bad waited for bint, stranger, tear ar some thing yen can't make over agin a good as aew." With a drary bak of tb bead that told ef a sorrow loo deep for leers, toe holy tor expression, f be oM man look ed agsU at bis ruined bout. But th other' ye were brimming with tears, nd be did not trust himself to spaek lor many minute. ' Bin, the homely pbraae, "Caooi-t be mad ever," eowveyed lo mled aothr sad a deeper meaning. - To ay at lb end of unai life, ''If I eold live my lime agsio, I woiti Cu tliJcrekilvy is lutao emp'y brealb. Live now, and w lieu comes the judge meiit day of final years, jou will not find your service for Ood and oiher an experience that you wish "io be madoovrfy" BiainviceTaiaNTinTusaeCTii, Caellallata OeraUalag tba Beglwa hf BalMlaa; Rallra aaal , ' . -. Alaaaraetsrlca, j . . : - ' N. T. Times, Aug. 28th. s Mr. R. H. Edmonds, editor of tbe Man ufacturer'v Record, of Baltimore, who was q New York one day last week, said in speaking ; of the 8 .nth, that mere is a very derided .tendency of capital toserk iuvestment In that see- Hon. '"Iu fact," added Mr. Edmonds, "the Invesiment of money In the South prpuilff s to become a conspicous fea turofbe tlme a fad, if it may be eo called,' Tbi remakable success of Drevel, Morgan & Co., in the re-organ izVion of Ihe Richmond Terminal Company ha greatly! strengthened the. estimation . of fiouthean railroad iuterests. "Sonfb now ba the greatest fioan clal fotces in tbe world working for Its upbuilding. Drexcl, Morgan & Co snd Sd the Vanderbllt control -; the Southern Railway and Ihe Chesapeake Jfc Ohio, nd eventually will own pro bably 8,000 or 10,000 miles of road ruuuing through some of (he flu est miu- fcrbl, agricultural . and "timber .; re gions of tbe woilJ. ; Th Goulds, C. P, Huntidgton, the Rockefellers end Mrs. Hetty Greu have many millions In- veted in Texas railroads. Mr. Henry M. Fbiglerand H. B. Plant have mil lions In Florida, snd are" coostautiy adding to their investrnents. Hamil ton ' D!ston the great Saw-maker of Philadelphia,: has some millions In Florida, and Is prepsiing fur immense colinizatlon work. Tbe Bclmonts snd Ibelr associates In America and Earope control the Louisville and Nashville. Tbe Illinois Central, with all it finan cial Influence, is devoting great atten tion to the 8out, and bas secured the location of eighteen factories, wl'h an aggregate capital of f 100,000, along its Southern branches during the lust twelve rooDllH, notttltbstsudiug ; lb Industrial depression. Tbo Philadelphia and Englirh capi talists Interested to the Norfolk & Wes tern Railroad have put Into that Hot and the eoiintiy tributary fo it over $155,000,000 since the road passed Into ibelr hands, ten years ago. - Tbe At lantic" t'osit Line aud tbe Seaboard Air. JVne represent tbe strongest fluanciul intereaU in Baltimore, as well as much Northern cspital. These glganf io fi nancial Influences are n6w tx-lng con centrated upon Southern developmenl. These road are now giving special at tention to drawing farmers South In addition lo wtat tuey are doing in fuming cspital that way. . ; y, . "Last week the stockholders of Ihe Massacbusoif Cotton Mill, of Lowell, and One of New Eoglsud's greatt cot ton coupauies, after sevrr.l month cf careful iiiyatigaiioni voted to spend 1000,000 in building a new mill in the Scutb. It Is Impossible, so in ' mana gers say, for Ibem lo bold Ibelr trade Its coarse cotton good lo Competition with Southern mill. Hmo they are going lo build a 50,000 spindle will South. : Some four or five other b:g New England mi l companie will be forced to f dlow suit alwoat Immediat ly. This action Is awakening a lively ieterert all through New England in Southern cot loo manufacturing, and her will probably be a beavy flow of Southern mill. - - "Soul hem limber land are now com ing luto active . demand. Jlen who have made fortune out out of tb In ereaa in the value of Northwestern limber laod real iz Ibat large timber tract la lb South at from 12.00 to 5.00 an acre afford an absolutely safe puicbaee, with (be aajurano oia rapid advance. Many ar simply buying as an inverfmenf, while others are buying for Immediate development. Some big foi tune will be made Southern Umber lauds doiing the next few years. The tact is, th bol South is oa th op grade. It future never looked so promising at preot. Met, money and nanufaatarers ate moving that way very rapidly." ; A Waaaev trarkar. Mr. Frank Huffman. young man of Burlington, Oiiio, iaie lbl b bad been uuUer lb oar of two prominent pnyaioiaos, ana. a i intir tratment uulil hew aa not able to ct a run on. They proi ounceJ hi cae to be Coo- sooipdon and incurable. Ha wss pee auaded t try Dr. King' New Di ouvery fw Consumption, Cough mmi Cold and at that liin aa nut aal Iu walk aero Ihe Mrert without resting; He luuod, be for b bad o-e-l half of a dollar Ux'te, that be was much better ; b euallnurd lo as ii and ta lo da v en- joylug gud heal b. It you bava any I broat, Imo or Cheat Trouble try it. Waauarautewaaliaiae'iun. Trial bot tle lraw at T. A. Albright' drug More. The Burlington Bankinz Co.. Burlington, has been organized, with . Catcs, preaider J. A. Da.- itlson, vice-presidpr , and .1. C. i tu,i.Aj, ana u w.a r-v. n r ' ne-iouFvt. Sr.!. ' I am i r A. .A 1. Skin , ., Eruptions ' ' and similar annoyances are x$ 1 by an impure, blood, which v ,1 : result In a more dreaded cLse . ' unless removed, slight imfn i - will develop into 5crofuia, : ma. Salt Rheum and other serious 1 results of I have for tome time been a tutierer from a severs blood trouble, for which I took many nniedtcs that did ma do good. I have iva now fawn four bottles of -r 1 with the Kwt wonderful nwnl'S 1 .1 Am enjoyine the best bra no I aver knew, bava mined twentr Posada and ajy fnenda say tney never saw t am seeiinr cjiute r "e a new , JOHN S. iL., Ll rriwtiwg oiwc. wf g n, y, ' Otr Treatise en Blood and SMa biseases - aaaind free to any aouieas. fit CLUBBNQ ANNOUNCEMENT. or lNTEKESTT TO FAEMERS 'AND . ,,. .y '.CEXEfiS,. .. . GAtt- ' Formers and Gtlcners, whn-ere de iroiia qf joining In making the South llie most itrosperojs .aecMon of. the Union, by developing the new cil- cultural induslriea, such as ears en- seed' ; growirg, - fljwer-bulb raWng, growing sugar, in develop which. w abail odtr-.ii premium, for the best sugar producing Wets grown, must read the special article on thesa snii other ew. agricultural, puff" It 9 which will comuienca ,iih ihe Jan uary number of ih Progrttaive South, IUUIITUru m 1.IWIIUMUW, - v w. JU price is only 11.00 per year, wbich you cau send direut lo tho DfUce al .Rii li moud. or we w ill, club with it and send yr,u Thb Alamakck Glkaneb and the Progretr Brut for ft 75,- cash in ad vance, for both pptro tear, - iif AUare, J. if iMiLKANE", , Nov. 80, '93 , ' . r - Grabam, N, Q HAGflETIC HERVKiE Mervoua froatra tion. Fits, bixzt 1 1 naT Koadaehav fcauralBia ao Irt momnifk. Cwoata ill ww w of Allium mMiha. and in atltav din ftK-.tiBilirtntdna aa .. nera. paantrtl i. prestlorl. 0oftnln of the Benin, ImrAntfry nd t iMt mlMrabl eKsUh. iVlAQMeTIO - VI MIT arrvMtaall loasM 1st -itririr san. uq rtrenstn to bcAb tb moaoulsr tud to new ap tit brain, balkl vp th fleMit. brinavs rwi 1, la. 1 1 to to aar addraaa, IliJ pmt buxi i for Su ttjtv nraar wa eita a VVrlrton Ouara it rafniid tha i iiar. (areuunlne. O eara ar caurtw Malted on receipt of price hv I , KK'UARDmJN So FAKIS3, ' WhoUfwIe A Retail DrugguH , , ; Greeiirboro, N. C. Lcaksvilb Voo!en Hills. LEAKSYILLE, N. ,: .. t f ." C." i f rir Are still st the (M place .a-idjr tha same oil m tuagcnienl, and sUU niakArg iba aasoa lui of, -.... . . . : -S'. EXCELLENT GOODS " '- ' so well and faroiably known through section. ' Ibl We VTark Wwol M Mkare ac Car Cwaat Sat Blaakaia, Faaey Btaiwaea, . ; Caaalaterea. Jeaaa, riaaaela, ' ' aa Varaa,.. SVc. ' Wrllt for iDformailon and samples."' . . TVe yonr wool to A. B, Tate, Agent, Ore ism, N. V. or 8. K. Stoit. Mebane, N. C. and tbey will forward It to Will fire of chsire. v LEAKS VILXKROOLKN MILLS, . " ' ' Lealuvlll, H. Vt May 10 Sin ,, , . , ... ;. , , ., f n n i . cAVEAISJria J . COPYRIGHTS." tlona acrtoUr ennMaoUai. ihu4Mntiik zcnwKM onearniaa' raieala ana bow to oa. tain Ibea aent fraa. Alao a eukVya ot "i laal ana totem Wa boofca aoat ffk Patonta taaca tliroacb Mdna a Co. reeaiea snaeial noUoaia tha rv-ieatiae A weriran, at4 taa an brombt wllrly beMraUia pRt-'leana-oat eoat to too tnventor. 1 tna avji'4 w-r. baaea rartly.olontlf lllnrml. liMbrfir u.i ' larcaat circolaUoa of in, aoMmuae work In Ham World. M jrw. Sampla . m woiiita Balldinf avii-UAjDonthlr. J-a r'. enolaa. -J.l OBijw. mnnunU Mmt.M i...... flfol plataa. ioom. with latest ilnatim In eokita, an4 rMmni'U o larta, aoabluar 1 latest nnmlxnm ood amra eoatnr,, An :m to prw Uim anna vuo jiw turn, t,l buuaj i I am Ibe North Carolina Agent for Or. Whit'i Hew Hair Grower Treatmsnt The Greatest 0;seove7 of the Age It will nemsoentlv ettre fa!!ira of tbe hair, dandruff, scaly erupt ion. nm,uflr-, ur Mfiy eoaip nieewae-. . It preveols hair lurnlna a-raw ari restore hair to it original color,' and brings yw Crewlk W Hair a aay Bald llra4 aa o - - urtt. Ilia the only lieatmenl' that pmdHce I bet reeulia. Teatimoi.lal aod treatise furniahed on applicalioaw Mr. John Jf. CoW. at rvhl. As Thompaon's alore, la m"j agent st Gra- Eespeot fully. Ii. T. (.AKinrv IC, 14 If. Haw Rivr. v. n Bowrdi-ra raaiea . ' . "' I Will take a few tsllr hnarfiera. Mba Kasah EL Hakw-.v. . Mwrk TV antrd. The t.wo tf tlrharn w fv feriy taenia (.-JO) a en ; c j-.l lo . Lhmm i

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