iT. .'!. :iw.; ,.. xii t',u;mi):i j .opens ;;ri Qiunau 'ti' v".7:f.:i!!K rf'.MMi"' ' . ,aa aae va.-wl t BtM . :'iiltI vrt ;ir?.i b. ..:" ;'.,vi';i:rt',j;.,v,i';,?ii ift G RAHAM.'N. G.y ''IK u f. -'" 'xS!CA; : jw . i."a a. ... . -i r 1 I v till- 2lLBIfc MMi rii 1 rii tv ,1 JTt;,! fW.-U?ii.Wlt-..' .' ; : The-OId-Friend faijs forf.ia pinfmons tiytTiRecti-' yoa hear at the mention of thia s excellent JJ$eT fie3jcfjj, and people should' not be beisuaded tbatnvttiff,.eleeirtilldo.03 j'fcfi giveS tfW'lifa tb the wli'ofe 1 '(h-Sr" tenui TWins rtle- roedicihe' Ju f - Liqiuflr in. Ponder tpjisjtakeirt ,e i i -o : .-"i m z ii If y on re going to.bujld a liOiua-vTMV do wr1l lokall ixfiuit for "pHces l- heJ4 force of'tkilledwArkinen wba liave.iietT'Wilh. me from ront r loyeurs, wno Bnow now 10 no eood eontinctnr lij the day 1 furuioh material or jou cB drt Come ami eee i0. Willi- be glad -to. -felve you lltrirres.? Tliaokg for pnst pntrlnia!rt.r - . . Lrrauaiu.n. v. , CorretkmUeestiim raterheflAll lorooesi NO PHiet 60 CENTS PER BOTTLE,' ' BH Df VAltASlE ISF0RJIATI8R Flit, ,. FOR SALE HV DRUGOISTS. A Collegiate and Military 'rlksflTUTE, Enelicli, i 8cientifijB. ::, MftihmnMiBi ml Clufvieal courstfni wilKsjmcial But iiiraivbepiirljn?!)!,! ir.rt'U luivc a port yoo )erir ducjite drop.H jOHla), for Catalogue';' 'XflSrii . ' ' J ?P. J. "KEflSQDEJ!. A-. M."' July 13 tf, , H ' . f ,ri ;inciit. A Leading Magazine Free. Arrangements Perfected by Which We Give Sab crlption to Woman's M "WorkT withont Cnarge. Wa are now prepared to make a "wonder fully liberal offer, K itd fi(f fyl In? advanca for THa-AfcAWAaeB-iiteAWEic.1 Woman's Wokk U a literurr and dooierliiplmaeazinn t deerT(!illy oue of Uio mnatppd 'r biiblinli H. It In aura, eolartoinhnf n Mtfnl if ererr drparlment. ltijJire arter filled wlih eltirnnThK'fl etttt readin taalie- nd lllu aati n'iiuil(l taaJl mtm t jjmt'llsbcd to aatlxy. (lit la-ralpvrf f f-f Hpmo litera ture, ld naoiW errollciil meet it o well, fend ntai.SO for our piiper and Womi'l Vitus one er making the tatuu- free. Additw PEtESSlONAL CARDS. v ATTOfiS ET AT. LAW, f GRA 4i A qi.uiniHe.acij . j. r.-xc IXODIaE. ATTORNEY AT IAW aTAn.W.C.. , ( f ;l frsellcea ii Cl Stale and federal CowrU ii raltafanraad prmnptlT a Ore all etitrwfed lo i Krai. -'Ml' ' . WJIL !P. BYNU3I, Jr., t . rraettwa trralailr- h Ibe eoarta of ale Kanoeeoaaij. Aa. t, M ly Dr. Jcbi;R.Stcckardf Jr, DENTIST, BTJJLEfGTO, X. C. SrrOood aeta otirrdlr ak 41V p' ai Offiee on klaio St. vm I. . Wajltrr AC.'abtvra. .5 if? f AVo,have,a great wany iliflbrent ideas of working roadji hero if Yatei county, JNri,). 4 ISaum i town.i naa a- road commissioner; tfnd he appoints 6 d'sljict, "'an'd an Overseer for eacu sdis the appointed man. must lay his plans and-pickout hisshado"trees br tli6 ma fd sit Tinder and prk out their road tax.' and the man that can tell the best story-gets the most 1 prtiis.; 'Thatjs one way,, Then; in soma districts thcy.Kave road machines1 Then the gcts,.wo pr three;. ,teams , hitched "to 6ne and "starts ut with four or five men.fcOTKihg'!after, iotferV 'W' stones iand; sticks ,-and ' turn sods 6 voif, now and then;' and 'heft' they get through there is a.ridga. .in the conlrc5 pfftetrack.!t'(M'feortrBe'; a team can 'drive with, oiie horsa on each-side of the ridge, ' but with a single' horse, pri", wheel ' ynU. "be .'jn the ditch, and the. other on the ridbT"whi;h' has beeri '"left hy.; the road gradpr-rr-that is by the . man's lack- "t)f jiidgnlent' in ' running the' grader,. , If this isfto be , the 'only way a wheel scriper is to 1 be used they, had hqtjt'er, (st6p ' the . 'manufac ture of thorny as-' every' person rid ing oyer such ii road heeds J a hol ster under ,one side of hint to ilevel him up. ' I was, talking with an overseer inftose ottehng to rote lor me lor' a the first part of April who had just bebn; jpuing ' hi'a ,dis'tric" C in. the shape just mentioned, and when I remonstrated ' with . hirn and told him it was, too ; early to put -fresh earth in the road he said it was all right, as von could not work roads oo carl in "the spring. ' 1 1 thought at thet fin)e'jiy would be jvqrk ; thrown away. In what . condition' would the highway beaft or Fprjng rains ? As the soil was clay thero -. was no 'earth to grade- Hp 'W'ith ' when the weaf hpr became : 'seitlcdi ' ;i!ThatVi8? the way tho wor- goes' on in- tne diffyront districts; and the! 'bicycle ridor .comes -along and , wishes to mak6' war on1 the farmer, anJ I' don't blaino -nim in some respects, for a great many do not care whether the roads are worked or not. , .4 . " ; As I have bean overjeer in the past, and there are about 1-50 days' in our district and ono halTof that paid in cash," I have'! managed' the following manner iwath- good results : i ', The first tiling after- frost1-is ' out in the spring, 1 hire a,.man, with s good team and plow furrows on the sido(pf the road jrh'e're' necessa ry, and then-, after the. plowing! is donef clean .put all the" sluice-ways' and. the last fupw; thcaiwhen.the road is dry enough to scrape, we gfr over,, jt , with )the pld ; log-scraper, which w a saw blade bolted to log. ' This will smooth "oft" the ruts. Ono man with & team :caiv do it. And this is all that should be "done early, in the spring; if it gctsrough agairf, go over it again 'and keep on doing ho until it is timeilo use 'the Wheel crader,"' When? I start .with that manage to have three1 teams, 'and that -makes a power that ., will keep the; wheels iurning, ; I set the grader blade to take furrows ( that were 'plowed early ' in the spnhg, and move, the earth" nearjy to. the center of -tho road, and go twice around this way.'j Then adjust the blade to move it to the centre; then gi to the ditch again and take all jneven places down, bo that the water can run freely; when this is finished move all loose earth to the centre of tho -track; then adjust the - . - ! J ii - - 1 piaae again so as tomovc inianage, and . hare teams driven so as lo move it from high to low places. MTien thia is done I clean out hy sluice-ways where we can go with the grader. , ..: . , v Then, with a wagon, draw off all 1ntnno and not throw them back to the side, to be scraped up in the" road again next j-ear. ! Now, if gravel is wanted . on the road, have two teams for three wagons and men' enough to load as fast as the teams can draw. In this way we have built our roads, and they hare given good satisfaction, and no one gets credit for labor when sitting under. the eliade trees. Cor. Country Gen- I tlcnun. I ' Judga Connor Spsaks, PJa'.nlj,,,' Will ! Prrail the 17m f Ilia Nttmu , i hf llilapallala nm Hepnbllcaaa. ' : : ' Wilsox, N.-6fept. 3, '94. tlpx. Gko. HdwAM,4neg ni fi larboro, . (J. JIOS:Ywj.will 1 member that some weeks ago I co ierred with you in regard to the proper1 cPUMe fo me4 to"1 pursue" td avoid what nearncd was the pur pose of tho People's party to place my name on their ticket for AssO- ciaterJusticf. I then stated to you, that I had done .and. shoidd.lq wnatevcr ,l. could tpprpvent at.. What has since occurod in. Connec tion -with the matter' was" correctly stated in &tf editorial ' iti; the New3 and ObBerTer pn'!.tho 30th" ultimo, t should have submitted ' inypwr- posed acts, to you had yoi .been... at home, and .was surprised to learn that you were not aware of my re- ply 4b- Mr.Btitler. Tintil the ;31st ult.;" Yoii construed aright mjr' I6t ter to mr, juticr, , ana say you think a construction unthought. of by myself, cquid m .justified . and would probably be generally drawn, In that letter I republished 'and thought ' emphasized' my first pro test. ' It seems how thathcithertho populists 'or the fepublicans socon- struo it, and hyheir course, fprcc meyAfter. using other means, arc aware, . to uso stronger terms than -I first thought suitable toward higniy nonorable position. Jhv " strong attachment to the principles of the Democratic party and belief that its continued control of the ad ministration of the government ' is esscntiaJto tho welfare of the State and nation and ''my dcrmination that tny name sjjall noj be used fa jeopardise its success impels me to repeat that I not only will not con sent to tho uso of niy name in Op position to its nominees, bu to, jUe claro positively and without the slightjgsf , reservation jtha't f : my wisnes uu cwuuhuo w o- msru- .' gardcu and. i enpuid bp elected, would not aceppt the ofilce, qualify or serve. , I am not willing to place this action upon opposition to the. principles of anonpartisan judiciary,5 but upon the true reason that, J re gard the nominees of my. own party as in every way fit and proper per sons, and that I shall give, them my loyal support, and that I regard the , success f of thP party!. !anA ',jhj en forcement ortts principles as essen tial to th welfare ojr thcStatp jand' nation.,: f h :m I wish 1 to ' say, for"' reasons' ap parent to all, , that A : regard . Judgo Burwell in every rcsi)ect entitled to tne suppoft oi,aiigpou citizens.! jip is learned in 'the law, of marked purity, of Jifivand character and, by temperament and training frco from partisan Was, '? , ; . I most sincerely, "trust that this declaration may relieve me from further embarrassment 'and ' the necessity of further trespassing up on the kindness of , jny . friends. wish to thank you fof your loyal friendship and wise counsel in, this, to me, most disagreeable experience. It is thoroughJyconsistcrtt with an intimate association of more than twenty years and strengthens the strong out picasant sense oi ouiigav- tion which I shall ever entertain for you, , .1 am,;,,.; , :..,, Sincerely yours, i . ' ' ,S . ' ,: II, G, CPX5TOB.' , inar ri, Chalaaaa Wilaaa ar Ibe Deaaaarala ia Ik l.aal Cmihh r4reaar4 Uwr , araaiwrila Parly. . a ,.,,.,. Sneetal to tba Kews aad Obasrrer. u. . , . WaSHIKOTO", Sept. 8, "I did IMH know notll yefterday that there were so many good reasons a by the peop! boull rot.tb Demoerelic ticket tbU fall" aald Hon. Wat. L. Wit- "H!' Waat Virginia tt ma yeatf ay, Nortk America Review a lew days ago asking w to prepare an arttelw o be line of what reasons tba Democrat! had for aaktoga vooaf eoefidenee,od yeUrday I waut to work u prepare it. Think about lt,"ald he anlbasiartieally tba Democrau bars redeemed every pledge made aod performed a vast amonot of good vork. . Wo wtre elected frn . . -. Repeal the Federal eleetioa law. .''Biptl 'be 8liermaa act. ;v ' . Cm nil fi-audaUul ucBMOuerm. 2 :Rrelo'in'hi w-' '" TBpm ie'tre the ftve eliUf ''ihlnfe W were1ectrd to (Waail w fuv done evtry one of them nt t!)e ;raj;fflf,ijjii,tf Gouty.;; unji (that a -reoorlo up pron'i of?'.' salil hr, and I , told him I thoiight'aoaiid b;Jievnf 'that Ih'e" nai y largely1 riwpd ft to lilit "unceasing w.rk Jniiil in'ulily Bland 1hut the record "I , v t horonghly I iretl'!, isaid Jie, "anil wgrQ out wjth tlie i'traiiI. .Lave ieen under fur. mer'.i "a,K , ypal;p ' sail We'i neiiHy for Europe for a few weeks 'of tfiorouRh rert.'Vj Aod ihen and fhere Was I hp fire of combat in his yesI will ooma b.ick to fixht the RepubljoaoB. .. , We had as, wi ll to tell itio imth alipnt the liu()rlon hero; od there are divmiona in (he party tp clar the WMy " ;Now we roust net ready for (lie fight agnliiat ihe common i-neiny." ' ABOCT TIIR. noK. .-! . The nmi nignlfleal I'nranit In Which . ' n 1'anas man Can Unanae. ' " " It la queer commentary on thepfote of aBalis ihut while hundred of thou sands o( men aro idle and liulf ularvinn in our cil if c, the farm era of the. floun Iry are'brying for help ti 'do Ihe neos- Bry ork oil t heir farrda; ' In ' innny localities it U impossible to- get "farm help at prica I bub; would have been consi lered. large fi ve years ago, , Ii it. possible thai we are tiparing , a. time whn farming will he looked upon as a hienial" purufl which' self-rrspco'ting men will not- erigngo 1 In t ' We hope hot, for when that lime comes we "will aee the' be tuning of Ihe- end. In old times the furraer wax luoked down up On, and was, in fact, a sluv;, :tIo many coui;trii a he could not have and, was subjected to' any privations or indigni ties that the oWner of ihe land felt like afflicting hhri wih. Then, with civili zation, the lillerof the soil came t be recognized as an important ifuctor in the prosperiy of his country, and bo- gan to receive more consideration un til within the last century he hoi come to the front, chiefly because of the high place bo has Won for' himself In bur country; The ? American farmer w on his place as one who must be recog Izd as the cornem'one of prof pe rily, and from hi Biiccealhe fanners of all the civilized world,. b-ve profited; It, Is a noble calling, and it U to be hoped that the wOikfM of "our country will nevf M stf blind to tlielrown Interi'Sls as to begin , to depise farm' Work. There are places on tnousauds of farms r men to work at calling that, ia no harder than many that are found in the forges and factories of the large cities, and if every farmer who needs a hired hand coul l find one ammig' the idle niasfcea of the cii-, ' we ahnuld bear much les about sufferlug there. American Farmer, i;. .,; t wuen to vvr .v;.r'j.-.'' ..: , vonx. Inlereeaiiag Baperlmcnts (' . , iha liri ftiDiiaa. ulactea' -At the Iowa experiment 1803 plats of corn was cut S'pr. 17 and 24 and Oct. 1, 8 and 15 respectively and shocked in the field, , An adjoining plot of equal p;zj-, Itj.t slaQdiiig unlit Djc. 17, when it was harve ted. The corn from plants wa bulked .'Jeo. 17 aod brought in, at which lime cample-i were taken of the corn and fodder from each cutting and ;' atialyzed. i!'The yield . of he; diflVrent plan ranged from 23 to 61 bunhels per acre, Increas ing gradually ' to the fourth data of cuttl,'K- '... iTho largest amount of dry matter l' the stover wnsVcnred at the ''time of cutting the second plat, Sept." 24. The' greateft amount of dry matter secured in Ibe kernel waa reached all the time of cutting the third plat Oct tober 1. yTbe bighett aggregate of dry matter from an acre of both stover and kernels was 0,782 pounds, and was se cured from the second cutting'' Sept 24 and the next highest 6,615 pounds from third cutting. The above results Indi cate lb u Ibe best time fof ctlliog corn cording to theev experiments is be tween Sept. 24 and Oct. 1. The lots resulting iron) leaving corn lo the field until Deo. amounted to nearly half (he total yield in weigh besides ia de terioration lo feeding: matter. -' ' . . -r- 1 r. " The present low prices have dU couraged pro-loctioo ie that it seema j plnio that by the lime Ihe foals of Vt j and 9S are marketable Ibe supply will be much reduced. , . In England, In old limes, wben' wet ground covered with moN was being draiiipd and worked before it was thoroughly dry Ihe plow borsee were tb od with boards tea incbts square to prevent their sinking 4nto Ibe drains, which were covered with Inrf. At a recent sale ia Knglsod good driving borsee rold briskly at fSuO eac-b, good bnaters aod saddle hortee old for 11.000 each, while fine, well mat .-hed carria g horses old for tlft 'O a f 1,500 a pair. . Englaad bae plenty of horaea and oat clnridty, yet Ibere m a item aad good borsee which are bred for special purpgee. . OTJfi WASHINGTONLETTERi aflAnt. il. ill From Our Regulaf Correipondent. . V;aihinoton, I), C, 8ept , 8, 1894, " Suuator, Fa ulk nor, of Vet , Virginia chairman of the., demooralio. Congres sional campaign committee, who Is al most c-iiietautly at the committee, headquarters, Hmiles siyniBcanily every ilmei hia attention is called to i a -new version of the dlasension which Ibe i- publican newspaper correspondent profess to hove diecove 'ed in the pom mitlef. .He says that those fr whose benefil'the committee exi-ti have ' the best Of reasons for knowing tbut thre is no dirat-ntion, and "that it 'will' be beneficial rather than otherwise to the democratic parly If those correspond Cnta .cao., convince , the ... republican maoagors ihat the committee ia oof in fairy tales -are' baaed ' apmi'- a misap prehension of the dutieH of the commit tee. Wliht lie etoepiior. pfV.the cam paign Text piiok,. w hich is .prepared by the committee, and wbif h ia. not for general distribtif ion but for speakers and editors,' the committee' does" not decide What sort of dociiments 'nre lo' be sent into a Congressional 'i dihtrldt. It merely sends whet , is asked for, by tbe candidate, or. those , authofizod. to speak for him. So It Is simply, impos eible that members of the committee cbotild dispiife over what documents ball be sent ut.-J Tho committee' la filling bII tlie'ordersnent to it, and will' contluue to do so. genatot- Faulkner says tbe nformatioo, he ,,ls f receiving from all over the country is daily addjng 'bHs coiifllence that tbe democrats will relaic control of the House,' and be thinks that theg'eater (he ' Improve meulid business, how becoming' appar. cDt io-alf sectioos.thti larger (he demo cratic majority w ilkbe, as the only thing that ever made the isssue doubtful waa (he bualnessdepreFsion end the diH KsitioD of many voteri to hold the party in power responsible for tbe bard times. Kepreientative Xhn ,T. Dunn.-of New Jersey , b,as some very strongideas on political . ecorioojy, and tlbey are thoroughly,pracAieal,(,j4 the., njaqj'J speaking oi the etlrct of the republican po'icy, upon - farmers, ho; said S "If there is any class of people .under the sun who ought, to vole the democratio. ticket jt Is the farwerj. ,iuoe. .l8tiQ farm ynluei? have decreased fully 40, per cro in t!.if United States, aa.sho.wa, by the .census Ogur,s., ,,$.'hee .isn'ta ooiu-j try place lo New. Jersey io-'Jay that is wot til over J50 pur aoreftr farming purposes, I happen, te owqr the old l.'oly Homestead, on the outskirts of Elizabeihk on which, tba, celebrued Ben -Wade wu , borp It coolains eighty-four acresnnd in,1800 wag held at f 2o,0(K). lainno -- negotiuljugj to sell for fS,500.,. Land is lbs only biog iu mid country that ia npeptpoce with me increase oi p ipujatjiHi,, 4'r,oteotcd i.idiisirs have abxoi be l the Increase of value tlial, ii) tuo aliseuce of laws fa voriug a special class, would have gun to land owners. . As a legiilmate coo sequence or t hie beautiful : protection doririne, Eypllan cotton and 'Indian grain pave been brought luto compel! lion with the prod tic's otar soil, fire ingdown price of both to tbe lowe-t point everterorded." -:(. ''.- ' In order tliut the mnttjr should be dt-ait with by experts, Secretary Car. Ii-!e bat designated a number of U. CuhIouis Inspectors and officials of t'io Cuktoms UurPau'of the Treaurr dc partmepi, to apt a a vcuromb-s'on to draw up the teulations necessary for the enforcement of tbe stlgar schedule of the new wrlfr. ThUCommNslon will be under ton (niiueiTiaie dircU Aesislaiif Secretary Waailin, - fenator Jouea, of Nevada, ion' much of a popnli-f, nntwif branding blsaena forial letter announcing his abandon roeof off be republican' jpaCf and 'bis lotention to at trim me poptHists ,lo (he fuure ybat he U a firm -believer in fne free eolnege of silver f a rl e) 16 (ot, and a very shrewd,' pnliflclao. neoce tne pumiceiion 4 ol.lpuf JeUer, a . .. ,i '' s r Ills sole objscf, la tbe opinioaof your correspondent was to endeavor - lo force the silver qre'lion fo f he fronf In (he Congressional campaign,, because he (hereby hopes to Jessoa the number of democrate eleefed li(besex( House, owing fo (he known differ en ces ot Ohio loo In (he pary on f be s uljecf. I do not DsKa(e fe predict, tiiat ,npoa( (I polities! ejueetlone Senator Jroet will continue to vote with the repuhlicaos as hf bas always done. .Mark Ibe pre diction. Io oi her words, the .move is republioaD trick.. ... c , , . . , i. Secretary Carlisle wears a abroad ssoilr there days, to spite 'of tbe bard work he ia having tb do la connection with tbe sew tariff. Causa why t Tbe cash receipia of Ibe Treasury are stead ily increasing and ItUaq locgernecee ary for bios le sit op' nights toe udy out bow to meet the obligations of tbs fovenmeot. , ' ' . , ..j ' Taken in time, kidney complaint ran , tii red by tbe uae of Ayer'e 8arsa p.rl.1. a;onni.ion to rende,r effective seryloe to th'e'lri'eroocratl'd 'carjdjdatps," ' Ai a matfrrf fd';iXl"6f4 these 'til-iseuslori tVhlcb Vf wtf la Ibe Frleaa af Ibe Pmgmx . '"!,Vc" ,.:'Traal :?"', ' : ;t,tJ(!r '.'.--J-i.t tf-' :. Cbnrhitte Obrver," jj , r , ; -" fat j) t ) ( is The New, York Herald observes that "bad the Republican Senators been, all elected by ihe Sugar Trust and sen Wo Waabingtoo solely to do its bidding,, they could not have been more devot ed, loyal and servile to" that gigantic mouopoly than they have been through eul tbe. present ,; session Uothing truer , was ever sal I, and nothing could be more illuftrative of (he length, and breadth and depth and height of the effrontery of .Sen'ator Chandler, of New Ilamsphire, tban his reference, a few days ago, to the new tariff bill as "the Sugar Truct" bill. A very few Repub ilon Ssoalor. just ; enough to have supplied the places of tbe handfut,.of Democratic postaW, could hn vet-trip ped tbe monopoly of ev.-ry vestige' of the protection which It will enj$ t n-der-tbe Gorman bill. Did they do (t T Not . one of -tbem did. ;Tbe sugar schedule of tbe Gorman bill' is -bad enough but it cut beayily. Into . the profits of Ihe trust and is thus en, , on-. speaKaoie improvement upon toe mo Klule'y 'bifl. Not a single Republican Senator Could be Induced to touch I tX every mother's son of 'tbem -fought" to tbe the lasf ditoh for tho perpetuation. McKloleylsm. The free sugar,;, bill which passed, (be Democratic. Ilousa in fifteen minutes a few nights ago, could baye been passed through the Senate willi jost as much expedition if just a few Republican Senators' bad 'been equal (q tbeirduty in the premises. But no, . They stopd as a party, as a wall of fire around (be McKiuley meas ure, uot one of tbem ful'ering or wav ering. Vote for "free ' sugnt ?No. Vole for the Gorman bill, which, bad as it Is, yet reduce the" trust's protec tion t No. -They stood to a man by the McKinley. bill and the (rust.'' If they had been bought and paid for tbey could not have served., the trust more zealously. Whatever criticism any Democrat may bave to pass' upon this new sugar schedule, he may make, knowing thit he has the warrant of bis President and his pary in -both branches of Congress for il : be Is not criticising bit pary in doing so but on ly a few of Its recreant members. But It does not lie lo'fte in out b of any Re publican to file an objection to tbe pro tection gtverf by the neW' bill' to tbe Sugar Trustf seeing that ' his party ' in bolU ... brauobea of . Congress -is Ijs , obedieefj ,rervai;( , .-.and and that no( one nf Us Senators .could have been drawn by wild horses away from bis allegiance to i(. They were loyal to il upon every vole and fo the lust, and whatever of Us profit have , been trimmed off bave been taken from it under . their protests and agaiutt their, violeut opposiiioo. , . . . t ... .,, , , DANti BU II KA . , : iff aamrlallUta fa a aiaadlac (raaee i Tkat SbaaM Bt Ortrtkraira,' '' More (ban twenty years agi several shrewd speculators in Wall s'reit com bined together and cornered tbe gold, . Jay Gould bought $00,000,000 in gold. Jim Flxk bought an unknown amount. Others bought largely and gold leaped (o an eoormous premium. . - ( This was tbe memorable black Fri day, A wild paoio s. lzed Wall, Street, end tbe people were at tbe - mercy of tbe speculators until President Grant turiUd looie enough gold from ' Ihe treasury to drive down its prioe. - But for a lime a frightful collapse was im mlnent. : . i .,,.;.. r. . . ';.. i r; Soesking of lbs black Fridsy episode a banker says; ,,, .,, "II a few men of wealth could thus control tne specie or our country,, and at a lime when silver wat money at tiuly as was gold; what could ibe men pf Wall street do lo eorlob themselves by making money scarce end deaf if the gold clique of tbe present day sue ceeds In, keeping, tbe mmts of thb United Slates closed to silver ?" We cannot afford to run such risks. It Is tad enough lo suffer from lbs steady shrinkage of vsluos under the slugle gold standard, but if would, he an noapeakaid calmity if tbe apecuis tors should corner sll tbe gold lo tbe eouotrv and make every dollar of il appreciate tea times more rapidly than is Ibe case now. And yet it would be essier to do it now tban it waa when botb cold and eilver were tbe . money oi i no cvuairy. , . ;t ,!f - . Tbe people of ibe TJoi'pd States can not accept a system so full of danger, aod they will never rease tbe present agitation ottl the pledge of Ibe titl- cago platform ' is redeemed. Atlanta Cunstl tu lion. , :' .: '" ' - " i In all thai coes to pi rent hea and build up tbe system weakened ' fv diaease and paio. Ay ere' Darsaparrilla is the superior medicine. It neutral ami ibe (Mitons left lit Ihe sy Mr in after dipfhe ria and srarlet fever, and reaUrrm tbe ebilitated pattest.lo perfect health and .... ..v Aalmala most sSow speed Vowsds'vS or I bey will bring bat liKle money. It IVrtsekva tolell a man that hotse is fast. Ile won't JMiera it uuleas emon traled to bim. . irnnvoA ijiTil , -ei ' An tell-tale symptom Vutfyour llooi it not right full of impvrittet, cavMfig a thiggvsli and unsightly complexion. A wjis ifatfles ofiaj ,8 fU wilt rmovt all fpnian: amimmjssruaterdeanK the blood thorougMy, una ffite a clear and tvm'xtHtplexMnjrflttotmHbfffieit vol, and entirely narmfes. ' Chat. Hea ton. TB Laorel Street, PMIa says: . "I have had (or rears a bumor in my blood whkh made me dread to shave, ts small bmls or Kmplas would be cut, thus causing shaving; to i a great annoyance, A (ter taking- three bottles. my race an clear ana amooin as it should be appetite splendid,, aleeDViallaadter hba muau a loot race all tor tie ue atS. S.6,a. , , Treatise on blood and ilrin diseases mailed free, i 1 , SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, Atlanta, Ga. i .. aoetfaVaeie'aa: 1 CLUBBNQ ANNOUNCEMENT. t . ...... ,:zjv. A ,u or. 1XTEEEST TO F ARHEIW! AND 6AB- Z 0ENU8.'t - n ''Farmers and Gardeners, who sre de sirous of joining in making Ibe South the most prosperous' section" of tbe Union, by developing -the new agri cultural induBtries,- such. ,,as , gard.eiT. seed growing, flower-bulb saUfitc ., Those growing sugar, Ac, to develop-wbtebvan , we -shall offer lo f)remiua)s,for tbav'wT ' best sugar preducing. beets growB,,,- must read the special fcrtlolesoro these- -i and oilier 'tipvs .as;rieelleai. fsseila, price is only fl.00 per year, which you can send difeett ttbe tarTteB atcRifb- rnond, eir we wilt Clubwttb it and eeeit Vcu The Ai.amancbGleamer sod the vance, for Doth papers ona.year. t. - Addres, L,..fJfHE uueakew,. ., Nov. mt&i'sfohitfgla. I3 1 a) "-bH A Wow anil Onmnleta Treatment., oofulatlnc of . . SUPi-OSlTOKlES, Caprolea ot Ointment and two (M.fau.i A aM.a l.tll- (Wa. (MMIaa.l of erei7 natora aUkl dfVTMs It maJo as operstloa . with the knife or tnjecf toiw of carbolic aciti, whica are painful at ed aperniaoeot caiaBtioftaBB,, refftAatinft In death, umteoewaarx Why enduff this trribl d ))? - W oararte 4 boxe to ou rt any oaMs, .xoa oagf pay tost betieilU reoetred ft box, mr IS. 8eot by mil Ouarantoo lasaet) byowr agentw.i'1'' CONSTIPATION tJJAl. e irreat LIVER and STOMACH bKOULATOB and " ;rxin PIIHIFIKK- amalL mild and Dleaaant to . tak, enpeolaU adapted for children'! ue, suMoies SJoenta, . . ... .iS" ntt ,1., .'! it aUAKAHTEEBIatneaonir oy ' -"f - Mailed "on TPCptV irrfetftv? ' "'RICHA RION Jt. K A Bla?, uli'.l WbplPPnls & Retail Driiggista,, v. , 4 ' r Gre-m-boro: N. t). l ut i - '' U ' Leaksvi I le Woof en Mill XEAKSVILLE, K.,d. . . fMi.-tl ' ' -Ufi-s ,tV Are still at the old place .nn'qar the same old m tnagement, and Mill making' Uie same' line fx f excellent ;dbbt)s Jt so well and faroiably known through this section." 'i - U . I ';'. ui"l We tPark Waal aa barwbr te -Cwaw t lata niaabal,.S7aaer Ked.prrbaa,;,,,., Caaaiatrrra, Jmmm, flaaaela. ' " f - wara's, 'aVe.t'ar'e! ',fT Write for in'formatlbfi and semplci. "'if 1i.?!. unttffi "ewnlw Take your wool to A. B. Tate, Airent, 9niu ' ham, N. C. or 8. K. 8cot. Melmne, N. C. and Uicy will forward It to MIlfTree of ehaige. 14UKVlM.SW OWtKft ILLS? --iakrille. N.C. May 10 ena ?a.J,'iv.,4,.'i-H;: fa,- rfT ii. in' i i " ii 1 i I 1 i V rr' ifT i v he .11 a COPYfilGHTSki , ': OAJf 1 OBTAIN a PATBMTf For a-ti S prompt amwar and an bonant opinion, wrtta to SI I N SI Ac ( II., who havejted aaartrshr raws' ' it Uona mSSlr em'soentud. A Handbwak "of'ST"" " rormauna ncMarnlnc rataate and bs taav I m.u v.i, tinv. .UWIUIW.WU1UI ratenia ,ui uroiuia Musa vo. rawtiai srawudaotloalntherirteaclae Amrrlraa, and1 " ' thoa ara bcoaebt sarorathe BBkilawtta-fhnt pot cnt to the Inventor, Thia aDli-jKlld pp. -iamd waaalT. elanmly lHatraa, kaa hrlwtae ' lanre etrealaUoa f an aataauoe aarfc ta tba if world. S.I a rear. Sample enpine lent free. . ' aiauaina awagakDoatnrri wuum1 soptea. 2H oanta. . J&rory aambor en aa& eaarlalaJf tiful Dlatae, M eelora. and tamtoarauaa eooutna baau-, ut cornea, rltb piaaa, euabUoetwlidan to abovaaa. mJl M aw"- " iMrAMrtumiiMiMmnrHM. ' ' - - UMM A CUW Maw Iomb, aA aaoaariarfl Vt Aodraaa t ,1 at. A i? f I- e-lMn I re I ; u tnt-W .n'e t-s nfar! wt ' ii i, . va -vli tut : I ara tbe .North Carolina Agent fofa'eaat, Or. jt'Nnatrflrewer 1 i The'6Vetert It-will pertDeoenily eore , talMdjf " tbebairj dandruff. 'ScelrubliotnW-v snyaretpdiaeaaw It prevents hair turntng gray ard auwes hair to its original 'color, 'add-' ines a" ""' ',i-i a iefi It bUbe rnlrlretaitnt tbaK m Ul . pteducMheea resuU. .- f V )( , Tetier.iils aadt aseMtiaa . lraiaaeVT on spplicatsja.l .i,.wi,-;iVi.ii v,i.i i -Mr.iqbe AIu Coble-,-at? Coble, V r Thooipaon's alora, ta aay ager t at Ora-t ham, NC j' auk la aba4 a1 . ,! f i Respect roity. 1 1 ETaa-ASnLEY. :- Dec 14-tf. HaNCmN. C i..r. '.I t - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE." f . iieUert of AifmlnhnrarlrtoliaWn teen' LI sard tt tbe wiRterthrned. npna' tha afar a nfM Leonard Hippy, dec's, be bareba ajnii)e all -a: peranos IndeMed a (aid QMala tn auka Iibk( , 4 avrdiate pa.vount. ard ad . ajraens airfd mr .. . cialiua sVuln.l ald rsbte t- pnmnt lhen on or bef 1 -re the T5t ,1-it ff -Vvy tn.Vf. ' rftf V' nr lhraMWwill4eadHt4airnetr'v' Mvieea1-rv a 1at-M.Yat '--'( Tbta I: L. l. Eif PT. Ada r. w -'' Z tt n n n TV 1 wit, Tarf' yr " Il ' ! Ml Mi n.i : a! 7i m : i