. .tv?t tVG , 3 TST v'lnyntX. ri Hi 1 r-i'.-f't '"Hi' I i; r '.A -iSi 'V V 'tsr? s 1 '! ! .- !' "tU f-it-"t fc'rl: tOil.' ft V'frt'i f. '?' i .'nW. vs., . oV ;M'1CV' .t GRAHAM,, N. C; THURSDAY SEPTEMBER ' 20, 1894. NO; 1 1 ;v .BSaw. , a .. . - . 7II.TGV ,r'A T 4.1 1-;-' V -', .va ' ' at H i l, ma ' 11 . t . I I I v . -. - lit -. .. .ly',.,. ',! w'lf """" vt 'm it . .V '''" J An4 fae 1cst. firiend, ttiai neverl.i i ula 700, is Simmons Liver Begu f iatnr, (t,U Rfldrtlmt'g-wftU ypu near At th, mention of this excellent? Liver medicine, anf ' people-efeoold not -be -persuaded1 that anything else will do. ?f imKng Pr;Xiver lfej& neela better' ttRiif fWrUS take the place, of, Qmi)inqf and CalomeL ' It acts dii-ectly 6ft the '6frn?yTanrBS5ir-itnr gives deW life to th.'lio1 Bys- 1 tern. This js, , the medicine iyou want. Sole! by all'Druggist in Liquid, or in lr owder tq be taken dry or made into a tea. 4Sa the K 9tfP n rcl on w t it nper. J. H. ZBI1.IN 6 jDOuPMldVpl ta. p. Arp You Going to Build ? If y on are rohifr to bailA a tioorc. von vl do w II to call oniuw for pricet. t have a force of ikilled workmen who have beru with M from If to S years, who know how to (to good work and a heap ot It. I wilt 'mild by contract or by, the day ; furnish m aterlal or yoc can do It. ' i Come and fee ir.e. Will be clai to give yon flriire. Thank fur pat patronage. iTTourrAc., tt.W.HUrSON, i . . , ,,irltatJt.t..C ; " 'jl loronef fHICK BO CENTS PCD BOTTLC t fMfl W VlkllallE IIF1RMATIII ttlt. , ton BALE BY DRuoaiara. Speaker- risp Speaks. BmliMiU la, Atlaata-i-a.SOw ''T'.raaitirVwraaw lrrfc ! ' ', eMfrm ' Vaviawad-Madb AHai. '"'I tllktd Vwra ihaal Adreria t'lveaa- !i ;;.(. v.,!jcijiT tino.'(.i( - - at i.tti ...in Mf.wr, .,i'i " At Atlanta, O., on the nlgat of Sapt. 7th a grand D(nrtCrallo mart -'meetlDg was bfld. . ,PruD)(neht Democrat! were front from il ver tha Qtaie. ,p Oiye'a 0Vera Uduwwm crowded . and 2.000 people Were tnrfied awey." Great enthusiuia. prevailed, 1 'Amoiid'" the apeakerawtro uiiga CrUp, 8feker pf ha V. 8 Htuav oi'Eepreaentativi-a, feanlng to ondersand tba juetioii fully In all its bearlngYf always been tn'faror df the Irtetolnage'of ailver--I am Id favor ol It dovt. I believa fhe frara,of piir(frieqda who i pppoat ;lt are largely imaginary, aoa-1 ,Dfiieve in enactraeut of Men tW would aflord treat relief to the poople of tbe coud Ir., fti frstlfig, I neftl not say that lo roe personally, tbe reauK of I he voteou tha, free coinage ol all ver . Wa a grf at dLwppoinOneut. . Thi queetiou is not ;,With our great. Stroggle for ariff rcjuru uu rq inuiiifar. ( i airiy . yawni of clasa legislation had built up io . tbia emiii fry large iruata, latge- nuuopalica and large combiiiSlloni uf Capital! AI theae Interent? , .'were,' arrrtyed' aaluei ux, and iu tb4..0iiter oooteat tirvugb ."Wbeii the jFlfty-tblrI CbrigrefS taet it Which We paaaed, war earaeellyl aad in August last year it was, confront- lab ively aided by compact Repui.lir M t.t lt l.t ti l. 1 1 I .. I ! ' Aft ' 1.1. l va who aiincuiues . waiou aeentrn . ai- i vu mniymv, ran nroiwi, u mdst lneormoubtable. Trad waa par- that energy and ail 'hat; great ;li!(rl aijxed,, iDfogfaciuriiig bad - almott I llgence and capacity ooull. de - a a ceased, labor was idle, our tanking In-1 daily and bod fly done 'to defeat the stituilons were failing. and,, conldeuce, I caiuo of the people, . Uudef Ibeae cou L;Uf...J'J..i.f ... I .1 lL'.l'! V -V. .V.1 ' im nia bdu nuui oi couinivrcv, was tn- i uiuuua 'ur T"Mrv wma juw.,.,, i i tefly detroyed. In so far as this di- f ' "The House framed and . pweed a plorable condiiioa was attributable io iTarlf bill.' Thi Weut-io fhe' gfuate, legielatioii, the Bepabtiran ..party , was I Af.er.a long and Vedlbos' struggle )be rwpoMiDie. ror mora inan tniny i oeuaie pa eviij laia uu dm buiciiu- yeaw bai partmade our financial and I meut. iTbe House was not satisfied eononie, uvti, , .vdiii tne meeting pi i wit nine amennmeais ; ine om wen io (be Fifiytbird Congress,, (he Democra cy was without power. The condition wblch con fr6n ted u, while hot wholly, was very largely due tb" evil iegle I tioa. ilu 1873 tbe free coinage of xilyf r had been discontinued, and gold,, be came tbe standard of value. In 1879 conference : "j ott .wbfe'tHkn ajmonth, wttn aat;y ineeiingft, tne oonierrees failed to reAch an .agreement, f. Finally the question' was presented in ruch a fasbibo Ybaf we muft either accept' fhe Senate amendmetits or bave no . bill, thua permitting Ibe odious McKiolt-y partial coinage was resumed. In 1890 haw lo remain upon the statute bookp. this law- waa repealed, and soou tbere- aftrr coinage ol silver practically , ceaa-1 ed. These Seta of the Republican par ty resulted in so leeseiiing the volume ol money of final redemption as to de crease the' price o all eommodities, lo- crease the burden of all , debtors and impair tins confidence of the people, iu the power of the government, and of banking institutions to. redeem their outstanding obligation. A law and a practice which allows a' cit if n to pay iyisi obligations to fhe government iu Whr n wi were cobVliiced uch, was lbs true situation, we did not hesitate a moment ; we accepted the Senate amendments and so tbe till became a law. Tbe bill is Hot all we hoped lor. If ooutains provlrt m we. deplore, 'pro visions which the House, by separate 6ill, immediately repealed, and yet) taken as a whole, it g es further in tbe direction of relief to a taa-rlldeo, peo ple than any Mil tbat has been con sidered in any Congress since I he war. lt reduction of rates is greater, tbau silver, aiiriat' the' same fime peraifte i hose proposed in either, the' Morrison r SUFFOLK , , ' Collegiate and Military , . INSTITUTE, :..V..vSTJ- frFOTJBZ. V-A.. Kn1inh. Scientific. Mathematical and Classical courses, with special Bu-, ' ineas Department. :lf you bave a son yon desire to educate drop a postal for Catalogue. Address ' ' P. J. KERSODLE. A. M., Jaly lStf.-i t.it rrincipal. "' A Leading Magazine Free. ' Arravngements . Perfected . kyWhleh We Oiwe Sub , , orlptlon to'WoxiLan,s , '' Work.wltlMmt -. - , Charge. r Wa are aow prepared to make a .wonder fully liberal offer tn all who pay In adranee for Tas Ai.4ha.cb Olbakbb. - Woman's Work is a literary and dotaevtkulmagaslna detervedly one m the n-oat popd ar pnblfeh tvt. It is pnre, entertilning ane . belpfnl la 1 ' eeery eVparMarat. , lu pages arter tiled with " eternal hirh class readtna: mailer ,aod llhM- m salted to all Sees ; ll Is imbuched le wny aa area! nana iw good noaie ntera- Man. a mt outer pertoaleal meets It o well. lead a II .SO for oar saper and Woman's Wcax oae year making tha latter free. Add THKALAJsTNC OLKVNER. '-tS kl "' tirabam. It. C biua to demand ol the govern tne ut gold iu red-mtion of its obligations, is mail- ifsly. unreahoojable and u just, and iu ti.e nnure of the raur must impair con fiilence aud tend to produce panic. ' ''For thirty year' the jtcpublicans bad Iteen building up tariff walls aro'ind tbe couulry, aud in" '90 pua-d wkal tbry termed a prrfrc't prbte t've tariff law. A protective farid reatricis trade and commerce ; It l;aiils Ibe mar- set in wnicn we mutft ouy, ami ,ae- preesea the market 1st which so must sell. It ia a Ux upon a foreign pro duct which the consumer here must pay. By taa ine; bia foreign cumpetU tor you enable the domestic manufac turer to luorease the price of bis wares to the eitent of his. tax and I hi, too. iheoonsumei' m out pay, ! When you bill or in the Mills bill.: It place wool. Copper, ' tin, M lumber, ,salt, ' bindirg twine, bags and ba. ging, 'agricultural implements and many other all eles on the free IUt. Iu nearly every schedule there are ' large reductions. In the iron, sled and woolen scbSlules there are, many reductions exceeding 75 per cent.- On the baaia of the import at ion f 1892-1)3, on woolen manufictures aioue, nere is a renurtion to the con suiuer of mote tbau $103,000,000. Ou cotton, on falls, on Common velvets, aod on hundreds of other articles 'the reduciou is greater than 80 per cent The bill places a lag on sugar. A large Majority - of - Democrat in , ihe House opposed this, and a ' tbe; bill iasd the House, dgar id all ils firms is oa tne ree ist. . 'ine cane, grower defeat Reiublicaulm will .be frlump bant. Heie at home we are challenged by the People party. This organiza tion has candidates, ani It hat a plat form of pi iuclnlu. ' Of Ite candidates I shall say nothing. ;They are prrsum ad to be a good I hope they are belter i ban their pluifjrm. , vThuf pla.form contains som plank which are new an aome which are old. Tb ise which are valuable are not new, and those wlifcb are new are not valuable. " Our Popu llri friend want lo buy railroad, Ihe telegraph line and telephone. , The thousands , of millions of dollar neces sary to do to!s does not stagger them Ihe great army of office-holder oece sary to manage and operate these enter pr.e doe 1 not " embarrass tbem. Tbe Poupllrt leader deal with milion a ordinary people deal witb dollar. and a for office,' they all want them, Thi party baa about a dozen member 't Congress only, and yet tbe bill they have Introduced In Congress pro pose the appropriation or rather 'tbe printing and issuing of-two or three times as much money a there is in tbe wide, wide world.':.. . tne Democratic party enters upon it contest , with republicanism and every ojber temporary issue which may present Itself, with courage aod confidence. While yet we- have not done all we hop to do, we have done mofe in Ihe past year fo redress the wrong of the people, we have doue more fir their relief, than ever was done, by any party in the same length of time in any country under the sun, These ate bold word yet I bold my - self hI all time ready to defend them. Coming into power at a time of panic,. wben buaiuts wa at a viand still, when labor wasuuemplnyed, wben our treas ury waa emDty, with courage and fldel ity we entered upon a struggle witb the enemies of the people ; w emerged from that struggle victorious In this: "Wo have repealed tbe Mckinley law "We have greatly reduced taxation "We have made living cheaper. "We have made all money taxable "We have taxed surplus incomes. "We have ret-tored free lorn of elec tion. 'We have reduced' public expnndi- tuic, and we have declared undying hostility to all trust and monopolies, orgauized for tha oppression of the people. On tbmje foundations we 11 1 1 J a ' . . uuunour nouae ; on tnese Issues we go before the. people. For (lima wa, have fought Ihe good fight': to them we have kept the faith and of them we have n- fear." - buy foreign good a ad pay the duty it' got ao aid from the novrrnmei.J. tha : -: eaw 1 --a a . 1 . . gfi into ine ireaury,oo i eaiifo a I Sugar Trut got no aid from the aov tax wben you. buy the, domestic l,rnmnt. The bill, a it became a law. product and pay the Increased price it nlsces en ad valorem dulV of ' 46 Mr gie Info tbe pocket o( Ibe. Ameiican cent oo ugar; leave the sugar refiner Una" iheeamellme place both for manufacturer, and called "protecllou." hule more than oae balf-ahal be vi population and area. The population of t The I.lae DlnSlwB the Ba.lera - Wnlira Svotiaa. f the male. Greensboro Beeord. A great deal is b'ing laid in these day about the eastern and we-tern section of our Stale, and different people have different and often vague idea aa to where tbe dividing line real ly is. , . ' - ;. '" Dr. J. M. Hayes, in preparing a medical article involving certain tt- tiaiioal queetions, has a.ceriained tbe interesting fact that, the "half-way ins location oi in maouiaciory oe- MOer tbeMcKkiley law. and repeal .a m mm mt . . I - termtne ine asme, out tn rate or tne the bounty of 2 cent a oound. Thi. duty determine the price. Under provision will pay $10,000,000 into the .- such a tariff you must buy iu a market where competition Is destroyed, And where acaroity 1 created by law. " You mut sell at price flxed in a market where free trade end a law of supply aod demand prevail. " "Trade and commerce ' I the ex change of commodities, A protective tariff prevent a from eiobanging our Treasury snd save the $12,000,000 paid lat year as bounty. , "The bill contains a provision Impos ing a tax of 2 percent on all income Jo eseeas of $4 ,000. "I have thus outlined merely the provwiona or idi great reform in ass ure. It strikes at trust and mon- opoliev It reduce the ot of Ibe ;FIVpOAt;pAW)a m0&0'mmm0'tmm1tm'mimmitnm JAQOii;.rjONu, -. . . ATTORKEy; AT XAW, ,1 SMvw.. - ""- tj Wavaz.fja.-cr --ATTORNKYZmiTlAW-i " ssrasaj.N.o. fiattwe. I Oe Btale Sad Federal OwrU wU lahkraOvMid presabUraueaa ' all ocaw ! eatrasted te bha. v ,' " 1 WM. P. BYNUDf, Jr -Ateoi urj and Connarlor at Is-w, , ... GHXTM8B0BO, . a ' ' - I ' k "eefleee regalartr ssaaaseoaaiy.- - , i ii of Ala .t4ly ; " Pr. Jo ''IS DENTIST, ' Vuxtxr. . - BURXJNGTQr, IT. C. x ,f9-Oeed ats nftretb at 110 fee set OIBoe oa Miia 6: ve L . Walker , A Ce.1 frtero. open our market at noma and en larges our market abroad. It pro mow agriculture, It encourage man ufaeturing, aod it will add to the com fort of million of oar fallow cit'xeos "We voted upon a proposition to re peal the tax upon -the circulation of 8fa bank currency. I believe that our people would derive " more im urp'u of cotton, corn, wbeatKjneat ueovaarie of life.'. It ti aome exteot and other farm products for tbe sur plus of manufactured good abroad W freely export our product,' out tbat for which we excban it la so heavily taxed as lo make tbe. exchange no- profitable.1 Commerce cease wben gain U gme ; one eaooot buy unles be eau aell, aor can be ell nclese he can buy. Commerce and agriculture go hand and band f -when en cease the other laflcalahea. The law which des troy '.beveae make lbjither unprofit able. Taxed crude material injure and depress man nfectnriag. ' It wants ibe markets of tbe world, but trader Ibe protective tariff it baa not been able to enter tbem. A protective tariff foster aud build ap trust and asoaopolic. 1 1 create no wealth ; it acly pre Tea' its aalural aod joat dUtriboiioa. Thir ty year of such a system did much to prod see tbe eoedif iona existing whew the Ftfly-hird Coorrea met. What ha that Democrat ie Coagrew ao far duo for Ibe people V, "The Srsl matter considered was fhe flB9lel Sjueatiow. What ahauM could be done oo the silver qoeetioe T We bad ple-Ued oureelvr again! tbe makrablft 8berasaa law aad la favor of both silver aad gold aa tha standard aoory of the eouatry. By aa agree ment arrived at between democrat, w determined lo Like tbe seaae of tb House o be free and unlimited coin age of silver, at several ratiea. After full drbat a e-perat vote wae taken oa each, and oa tbe repeal of lLa por- riuutag cUae lb Sbrnsaa art. Tae result you kavw. Wbca not pro of the state by counties (ceusus 1890) aggregated 1,617,917. A line running fo Ibe east of Cut- well, Alamance, Moore, Richmond and fwo-l birds of Chatham, falling, of course, west of Person. Or a nice Harnett, Cumberland, Robeson and one third ef Chatham, give to lb eat a populaiiou of 808,672 and to the west 809,375, while in area Ihe same line give to Ihe east 13.525 956 acre and to the west 13,778.696 acre.- The acreage I u.uallv put down at 31.091. zw, nut oi mis B.s,tM8 acre I em braced in the large bodiea of water io Ibe eastern section. A Mafe larMtas.al. I one which is guarauteed to brine you satisfaciiory resuite, or in case of failure a return tf purchase nric. , On hl safe plan you can buy from our ad- t I verilted i)rngi(ista bottle of Dr. King' I New Discovery for Consumption. It mediate benefit from Ibe repeal of that law than from almost any other legie lalioo tbat Could be bad. Against n oa tn Question - were louud many Democrat, all fhe Bepublicon aad all the Populist ; a m-Jorify thus consti tuted defeated our effort and Ibe re peal bill tailed. Tbi question is not settled. . . fcWe have iepled all Fe.lersl eleo- tioa laws laws which prrmiUed lb interference of outsider with our do- eetiaffaira,aad which e used only lo detent tbe will of the people. Hence forth Georgia as well aa ever other Asia will saaeag election ia aoeor- djace with their ova law, aad ' elro- lioos will be free sad fair. ' ' . We have, passed a. law wblcb sebjeets to laxst.tion by the BUtt i- tbaa five hundred suit! ten of dollars which nder Bepablieaa la ws were exempt from la xa tioa tbu re- daeieg toaosextet the berdea of tb taxpayer. Wa have redoecd pub lic expaadituresaom forty millioa dol lar for Ibe earreat yaar. Witb tbi record who eaa a. sail u f Oar Socieiit adraarjrtlb nVpvblicaa pary though aot loeg la f bia State, la Ike enemy we Atst aseet. Wh Democracy Mflcra i guarantee! io nrinir relief in everv esse, when ured lor any affection of Throat, Lungs or Cheat, such a Con sumption, Inflammation of Lnitg, oroncnui, Astnma, wnooping UouKh. Croup, eto tc. it U pleaaant and agreeable to last . perfectly ssfe. and can always be deiendel upon. Trial hotiieaf.ee at T. A. Albr'gbt' drug t-rire. lew Tins a Wecasaga. CoeeordBUuidard. A certain girl io Cabarrnt - fouod a package of love letter writen lo her mother by ber father before they were married, ssy (be Concord Btaa- dard. Tbe daughter raw that aba oo a Id have little eport, and read I . , . . . . , , . .. . loem io ner moiner, preteaaiog IDey wet of a late date, and nbatitnting ber earn for that of ber mother, aad tbat of a Ba young . mas for that of her ft! her. '.'... Tb mother lumped no and dowa la ber ebalr. shilling bee feat and seemed terribly disgusted aod forbade ber daughter having aeytbing lo do with lb youag eii. who would write such sickening aid nonsensical staff to a Kill. Wbesi ihe young- lady beaded tha letters t ber motber lo read Ihe ba brcaaeM still thar one ro:ild ber tbe erase croauia: iu lb buck yrd. OUE WASHINGTON 'LETTER, From Our Regular Corre.pondent, ,( I i Washington, D.C., Sept, 17,1894. A cheerful let-ling prevail t..dem.o- orafio headquarters, as may be "Judged by the Jalk;; of Secretary Lawrence Gardner, who id : (VTbe' remit la Maine is bnrdly1 whut we ' expected, ooniiiderlng tbe character of the 'fight mude by the republican, Ibe amount of money spent, and Ihe speakers 'of national reputation thrown luto . the S ate. Wben compared wiib the little that was doue by tbe democrat, l stfkes me tbat the vote is ridiculously mall. , The democrat In Maine bad nothing to lose, whereas tha republi can bad everything to gain, not only in keepiag'up their majority, but in In creasing them for the effect elsewhere; But back af it ufl Is the persoual State pride of a Preaideotial boom. Person ally, I feel dejighted' wliii tbe:'Veult, as I firmly believe It ' will have the same effect on the democrats that. the democratic vote"tn that State in 1889 had; ''on-fbe ' republican.. Tbe democrat of lb Unifed States have determined to Vote a majitiiy o( the members of the lirxt' House. ' They have , not' been fain bow -chasing; with toe nope or securing any , votes .from either Maine r Vermont, tud are pot to be panic strlckeh by- ny o-callei' pneooueuai vol, snowing great per centage of so-called republican gains in republican strorig-hnlda." - , ., , ' Hon. Clifton R. Breckearidge, U.- 8. Mini?U-r (p Russia, was at the State department thi Week t-j' receive hU final inatriictioii. He expect to tall from i New York on lb 20, inst., and will stop In London a fow days as the guest of Ambassador,- Bay nard j before going to St. Pelterehurg.i " . , Tbe democratic campaign text- book I ready for delivery, and it la a "bum mer," s might have been ex peat d from tbe fact of Representative By nuro, of Indiana, having been it chief edi or. and compiler. ' ' It is not for general distribution, but I Intended to furnish ready informadon on campaign ssue to pe.tkers, editors, and politi cal wiiters. It in supplied by the Con gressional Campalin Comnfittec' Secretary Carlisle is enlly , proving thnt be is the right man in the : right placed " Here Is tha opinion tf a New York tariff lawyer whoae personal. I it -teiestsare being made to suffer by the rtcijretory' acts v "The prompt and liberal Interpretation Seorttry C.r- Ule Uplacing on tbe dUputed feature of the new tarifi U causing d 1 grief among fjew York lawyer. . You cannot appreciate Ihe importance of secretary Carlisle action ttnles you re aware that many New York law yer make large fortune out ol the al mo.f endless litigation caused by the nterpretafion of tbe McKtnley taritJ iy republican Treasury oQlclaP. , I daiilkuow whether, Mr., CarHle wa aware or ibH, nutj judging from Ibe promptnrr with which he ha decided bow Certain provisions of iho.uew law shall be construed by the eurfom t ffl cere, I should ebspeot that be waa, 'As mafter-i-f fact, be la ving tbe gov ernment thousands of dollars, evi n if e i knocking the lawyer out of bus es. And be i doing tbat with ucb easy freedom that about Ihe only thing be has left Ibrra lo light over I the quesiinn whether goods! Imported be tween Ihe lt and 23th of August ha be rnted undt-r the old or new law, II Orel being fhe dale elated In Ihe bill for tbe naw law to take effect and the laf being Ibe day upon 'which It ac tually iecame a law. , The Secretary ha ruled to decisively snd quickly on th leading tVaturee that the courts will have practically nothing to'do tin der Ihe present law." U.S. Treasurer Morgan returned '.Vashligon this week frra a six week lour on the Pacifio coast. Mr, Morgan bring good report, both po lilicil aod business. , From a busine point of view Ihe calamity wail, which Ihe republican campaign roentgen bste adopted a pai ty trade-mark, Is , indefensib'e and much lo be regretted, as if will unquea lionably have Ibe efleet of retarding Ibe growth of tbe business revival now beginning to be f-lt throughout the country ; but from a partisan political point of view, it I a mighty good thing for tb democratic party, a it will Convince the doubting voter that the men who are directing lb repub lican party prefer a continuance of the basin stagnation, for wblcb they are primarily responsible, la s revival Of business which would be properly credited lo f b dem-catic party, and ill therefore be worth thousand of vote to .tb democratic patty from Ihoee wbo ar loo patriotic lo support a party tbat I willing lo talk dua tb busine of tb country for tb pur pose of trying to get Ibe vote tf tbougblle or fgooraat people. A party that ba ao better argument to fferlogrt vote tbaa Ihe busine miafortune of lb people,'for which its own leghtlalioa - we resnoectble, will never be relumed to power ia thi country, on Ira t!i people bare much lea ens titan they ar credited witb baring. ' ' Y ' A MuiWeai'xlasVaeMr' ' J I if ltit)i . -J ;'! 'Jill t t) BetdsVlUe Weekly1. (. MWt ? 'J:; .1 Is iw ,v('l The' Popular leaders . hSrs 'lsngh their followers lo- regard, the -Govern' ment at somt (King far; Vsy( rudepOr dent,, of Ibein.sottjetliingltar hf fayor fo bestow, a sort of dady to the people, in uovernment oucnt to lend (he people money 'a( ' a 'nominal rate of inttresf, It ougbf ttf own 'the railroads and give-the people 'cheap transportation, if ought to build (ware houses and bold the farmers' products for tbem until it is to their Interest ,10 sell tbem it ought to do ibis, that and the other for tbe people. 'And so tbe Populist platform make 1 certain-' de mand upou the Government. It is paternalism pure and tlujple, . and smack of monarchy tb king's sab jects making demand upon him. , . Politicians may lead the minds of tbe people away from the lru(h and con fuse tbem as to what the ! Government I and how it I maintained, but when reduced to Ibe last analysis govern ment is simply a matter of buiioeis, of dollars and centa. The body, politic la nfrnply the people, acting together, for tnegona oi tne wnoi. wno created the governmerit ? ' The people's ageul, Who euppOrt It f; The ' peopl. If the government Wat to embark 1n the money-lending business, where would it get the money ? It would have to (ax (he people. So the people , would nave to pny tne govern meni to lend them their own money:' Such fs Popu lism." ; - '': ' .- ' A ridiculous and Crazy a PopiiHsm may njipear to senaioie people in - rta lional politics, i( I no befur in State affairs. Mors ISxe l the logical end of Populism. Turn and (wt it at you may, nothing else can be made of it. Its fundamental' Hlea 1 false, to-wit:' tbst the Government should support the people The Government can not sup port itself, but takes $,000,000 of tbe peoples' hard earnings every year. Every dollar thnt it exnendii is taken directly from the labor of the people But what duet PoptHinm propose to do for North Carolina ? ' Tbe leaders are trying to ! persuade the. peopb that peace, good order and economy' are not to their Interest, and tbat they should I ear down and rip fo pieces tbe present order of thing. What a ill the answer of the (ax payers of the Stale be lo this impudent demand P - Laying aside all sentiment, the peo ple can not afford to let, tbe fusion gang triumph. If tbeir State pride is not sufficient to werd off tbe danger, beir poverty ir. The foot i, our peo ple are too poor to take such a risk. They knowfSat government cost money, and they can not afford lo have bad government. If our 8tat was lo fall into corrupt or incompeteuf bands, th people would bnve lo foot the bilU No St has a , cheaper - government than North Carolina. The peopje ol Virginia are taxed an approximation of $6.00 per capita and the people of 0' orgia $4.00 per head,' white North Carolina's taxes ar only about $1.90 per capli. Another fact : not a dol jaibas been lost to the people through tbe dishonesty of any Democrttio of flcl 1 since Ibe paiiy was restored to powtr. Thi Is a record tbat com mends itself to the good sense of tbe people. Pjpulist speaker, with all their sophistry and demtgogy, can no obscure lie f.ict that North Carolina ha a clean, etoiiotniml government aod .bat every law-abiding man' per - ...j .... .i vi, mi' u prvvrjr srn a. id turuuguou, ihe length and breadth of tbs State Ixiyk at Kansas, Colorado, Oregon aod every 8ia e that tbe Populists control sod see bow much North Carolina ba 1 1 be thankful for. Tbe underlying idea of Populism I false snd dangerous. It is, lik anarchy sod socialism, an Importation, from monarchial Europe, where the king Is th State and tbe people aro tbe sub ject aud suppliant. Men can col gjtber grape of thorn ' nor ' flj . of thief le. Tb Democratic party ia the embodiment of ibe America idea, wblcb leaard Ibi Government as lb creature of the aovereign people, tub foot lo tbeir will, and not something to borrow money from at 2 per cent Populism being essentially wrong tbs fountain bead, it naturally follows that alrif end disorder and corruption will apring up wherever it poison out water fl), Away wiib all . urh crsxy I'm. Democracy ha borne Ihe fruit of peace, purity and ihiift. Wbo wot Id change T Not tb eooaervativ peopl of North Carolina, II w know hem. - . "; I .TV sfsfTU TO K MassBBB74f fp ; BOILS f iiJlt oitf : PIMPLES, .SORES a. ! our blood Is bad. i few bottle of 8. S. S.wluj : rtseewghlr deans tsjerfteai, iraiow(JI is4 parities ana build you up. All manner ef tsssav SbTrtsase. It Is the best blood itsy oa earnUj KXbousands who hate used K say so. 4 f - Mr blooS dlir vaimmmmi tmrnt ymmM,MAgMm SSHwWtyiww vtmfTin dm SMrti.rtcoMtwo w j(of MiSnlnr SftiU, s 4oMI ol Him, Two botllmiS Jt W-W jwlaj broucht me right out. TssmB asBsa-nj JSECPCIavIl sssMdrfortiloodditelses. . . Hf XtTimTKUl OHM GAVIN. Oartos. OtOo. gf jKTreatis oa blood snd skin diseases msJledreeJK CLUBBNQ ANNOUNCEMENT. OP G AB UTTER EST TO FARHEBS AMD Farmer and Gardeners, who are dc sirous of Joiiegafoakiiia; lha South the most prosperous section of the Union, by developing, the' new agri cultural industries. tsUch as garden- seed growing, " flower-bnlb raising. growing sugar, oo.rto develop wblcb, we shall, offer, Ju a premiums, for the best sugar producing "beets ,. grown, must read tbe special article on these aud other OeW agricultural 'pursuits which will commence 'with tbe Jan uary number oj f he" rroffi'euh'e' SofUk, published, a i Rlbh'mond.;; Vd." Tbo price is only 1,00 per j;earLWh!ch you. iejuAJUMCUOtne oince at tticii- osd, or, we ill cluhwitkil and send 1$ TirjfA,AtANot:OiiKAlgR'asd lhe roaretitre-Snth for$l W cash in i ad vance, for both papers one year. , - Nov. 30, wr.;.!7..; .Graham, N. O i MAGNETIC-NERVINE Is satrsatsod to .art Nervous Prostra tion. Mts. IMni- Haadaohas Neuralgia sad In- aomnia. Oroot ox. HM1SW1 OSSOI IO. boeoo. opion, sioohol. iilNtlfc" tions.biliislusa Da. nression, worxeninsj or xne urain, inaanity snd ml last s mlMrsbl. death. ; 1MAONBTIO NER- fltsiiu br?ra. Nr'W - r ms rn VINB srrmt oil loan. In oitbar mm, i snd rtransth to boUl tb. mnaealsr sua B m no L&o floan. b riiua lofioah mad rcston. hsojth sad B.pplnaaj to sb. A mrtnui'a '- ' ; lo-nlsia nooko-o ha i say address, (1.00 par bs; for imXWiii (II nrtinr wo (too a aWrlooan fliiafanllaa ta enro or mfUBti ibo SKWiolv Snmiisrs Ko Qnsrsaisss osMsdOairbf oorsssnta, v Mailed on receipt of price by. .,, Wholesale & RetairDrtiggUtf,' -Greeni-boro, N. C. Leaksville Woolen Mills, ' Af ! : 'LE A KSVILLE,i''N. C. '; Are still at the old plae .nudjr the same old m uiaiccment. aud still nisbliur the same Una of. . . .. EXCELLENT GOODS ; so well and faroiably section. ''v.jj.; known tbroagb this Wa tVarh-irswl Msurea ev far CBsh tale Blaahsla, f mrnfr Bedapreasla,. CaswIsBrres). Jewaa, riaaaala, ' '" i -and VarsisVdkeV .-''' :W : Write for information and samples. ' Take ranr wnnl In A, R Tola Irani (Ira. ham, N. C. or 8. K. ficoit Mehane, N. C. aud Iney will forward It to Mill free of chaise. Ln.SHlJ.B, HODLKN MILLS, ..,K .nc. i LeakoslUa. N. I! ' May 10 om 4 . ... - ,. ' Kfarll Wlss, ' W desire fo say to our dtixen lha r yean we hsve been selling Dr. lung's New Discovery for Couaooip (ion. Dr. King's Naw Life Pills, Buck- lcnAnica Salve and Ele ric Bitters, nd baye never handle I remediea thai sell as welt. OMbat have given aueh uaiversal alisfoetioa. We do not be- sitai lo guarantee tbem every time, aid ae we eland ready to refund t purebase pnee. If eal:faclorv rnil i do not follow fjeir us-. Thrsa re. media have their a: eat DoouLtr- liy purely on tbeir m.riU. SulJ ml T. Aibilg'Jt' drug store. ' COPYRIGHTS. OBTAIN 4 PATKKTV asm an nonsss opt! J . CAW I sMCJUJllC IB M I NK ok CO., who bare bs xpsnsno. n U)S patent 1 tlons strtctlr ennSdentlsl. For a nloa. writs ra m bs noartr Bhj roars' tmslnoos. CosMBanloso A USSSSSSt ( I o In- formsUoa aostoomlne l'atoms an bow to ob Hwinannnima, Also s eajtSJOSBS OX SwsYssSA. latl snd sctentlno boos, oontSoe. Pstnts toAon thronrt Muna ft Oe. rsasire SDstlsl notloolntbs HclostlSo Aoserlrns, s4 tbas we tsraaebs "Idoly bsfore tb pwblls wttb ont enat to tb. mrentor. This sdendl nopor. pjossd woeklr. oloswnirUlostrstoxl.bssbTfurtbi lsiwost rtrenlstlno of anr sotentlao work tn tke Vtf'if. 3 IX- SsmplB aMessentrras. BalMInf Bdraonv asesKbly. auoa roar, ainsta eoploo, A. esnts. Every ntimhor eootaia basus- gfnl Patfea, in ootors. ssmi nbotoanuih of new oo oa. witb plsns. onaijUnf balklert to show Utm sffiaoSgra a42353!aT. M iif Hair ! ... I tm-the North Carolina Agent for Dr. White' New Hair Grower Treatment , Tb Greatest D'tcovey of the Age. It will permanently cure falllnar of tbe hair, dandruff, scaly eruptions, poatulrw, or any scalp d'sebse. It prevent hair turuius- Krav ard re.t-.rr hair lo its original color, and bring a '". ' " -- ' New Growth ef Hair aa aay Bald Bead a It Is the only tteaUnent tbat will pinduce ilire teetilta. , Testimor.lals and treatise furnished on appliraiiou. - ,( , ,' . Mr. John M. Cble. at Coble A Thompnon' alore, ia my agent st Gra hjm,N. C. ,i .' ,' Jseepect fuity. ' ' B.T. LASH LEY. Dec 14 tf. - Haw Biver. N. C A DMIXISTB.ATOB'd NOTICE. Letter of Xdml.iletrailna hsvtno- bsaai ia- teed tit the asjdcroltsHit. apna lb estate nf Leonard kippr. dov'd. be tterebr antinea all Prss Hiacbled tctat o-tads tn make ha medittr MM:nt. ard ad .ujroona hulol ao etaha ar.trirt said -estoie tu prss sat thosw. twswbrloretUsaljlsyuf Srpu-Hioer, 181, sr this i OLk-e will be pleaded ia bar of their i t ef " - r This t'.tb dar ol A"rt. '891. 6u. J L. U. sUPPr. Adm. ,T .- ' . 1 . I

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