EANBR r NO. 34. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, .1804. VOL. XX. IX I I XI ft II XI' Al f -M l-rr-rr' v AY rf The Old Friend And the heat friend, that never fails yoa, is Simmons Jjiver legu lator. (the Red Z) that's -what you near at the mention of this . -excellent Liver medicine, and people should noi be persuaded that anything else will do. It is the King of Liver Medi cines; is better than pills, and lakes the place of Quinine and CalomeL It acts directly on the Liver,- Kidneys and Bowels and gives new life to the whole sys tem. This is' the medicine you want! Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. O-BTKRT P4CKA6E-H lla. fh z Sterap In red on wrapper. . J. H. ZKIL.1N & C0..1'MUdelpliU. Pa. ' ' . ' ' Are You Going to Build ? ' If yoa are eolng to bnlld homo, you wl do welt to call on me for price; 1 bave a force of ikllled workmen wlin have bno with nt from 'i to 3 years, who know how to ao good work and a ueup of it. I will )uild by contract or by the day ; furnish ra aterlal or von can do It. , Onneandtee me. Will be glad to give yoa figures. Thanks for past patronage. W-a &c, v. waursoN, Graham, N. C. Ang. 85. msMm dose tprooesi ucacv rmec so cents per bottle. SUv ft ir Tisn lariiBisiiua r.n. FOR SALE ST DBUTOl.Ti. SUFFOLK Collegiate and Military n)1lnb Sctebtifio, WathemaMtal od Jlasaical courses, yflth gpecial Bue im Departroebt. If you bave a eon you rteeire (d educate drop a postal for " Catalogue'." "AMreM - P. J, KEEKODLE. A. M July 13r-t ,i fi. ' Principal." . A Leading Magazine Free. .Arrangements Perfeeted I'byWlUehWe Give Sub " soription to Woman's Work without ; , . Cnarge. We are now prepared to make a wonder folly liberal offer to all who pay in Rd ranee fur Ta i-LLkc Glbakeb. Woaaii'a i Woax Is a literary and domeHlcnlmafrszlne . deferred ly one of the irost popd ar publish ed. It. la pure, eotcrtaiolnjr ne helpful in every drparunent. . Its pages arter filled with clrimal bUch claw readinir matter and lllus atlons suited to all ages ; It la published te eatisy the jrreat need for Rood home lltera tare, and no oiber periodical meets it ro well. endast.80 for oar paper and Womia Wcuose ear making the latter free. Addicf THS AL&Mt NO GLEANKB. 't58 Orabam, K. C. . pfiOfESSIONAL CAED8. JACOB A. LOIVti, ATTOENEr AT LAW, GRAHAM, - - S.C . Mav 17.'88. vei tcacv sjw J. . KEUNODLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW aian, it., rraetieaa la i&a State and JTedera! Onrts win falthfoUyaadprosnvWy attend all u ess entrastad to him. - - ' t ; W1L P. BYNUM, Jr Attonwyand toonVir at Zjarw, OREEKSBOBO, If . d . rraetieea rrxa laxly is the eoart of lla aBeaeooijr. w.i,MI; fr Pr. Jciii.R.Stcikaxd, Jr., DENTIST, BUBLUfGTOX, nc. IS-OoodsvUoftewtkat tlO pr art' Uffloa oa Maia 8. urn I. N. Walker A Ca.' flora. OUB W1SHINQT0N LETTER. From Our Regular Correspondent. Waskingtgm, U. 0.. 8epf. 21 1894. A quorum of the oabiuet bave been in WaabiDgfon thU wee, but not all at one time. Secretary 8mlth was on ly lo (own three daya and Secretary Tamoothaa just arrived. Secretaries Gresham and Herbert bava "been at their dealt all the week and Secrttory Carlinle baa not beeB able to get even a three-day vacation tinea Coo grew ad journed. There b considerable gossip here over the probability of Secretary Lamont being nominated for governor of New York by the democrat, al though, he Isn't saying; a word himself. There la no doubt that Secretary La mont would make a strong candidate perhaps stronger than any man who bas been .mentioned in connection with the Nomination, except ex-Secretary Whit of y, and the impression is that he will not accept because, like Whit ney, be would be acceptable to - the two factions into which the party in New York is unfortunately divided, be having managed to keep the good will of them all. Democrats here rec ognize the nomination of Mr. Morton to bave been about the strongest that the republicans could have made, and they bt-lieve r-tbat a very strong democrat will be needed to beat him, under existing circumstances. : - Senator Faulkner bas decided lhat he can be of more benefit .to the party by giving bis undivided attention to managing the Congressional campaign committee, of which be ia chairman, than by going on the srump ; conse quently be will, make no speeches, but will remain constantly at (ho commit tee headquarters. He sent President Cleveland a copy of th campaign Text Book, this week, with the compliments of the committee. Although no offioial announcement lias been made to tbat effect, and none is expected, it bas been understood far some time that Treasury officials rc gardl women a failure as high grade dorks in that department ; consequent ly there was little surprises when it was learned tbat a considerable per centage of the buodred-odd clerks dis missed thus far in the reorganization of that department, now under way In accordance with a law enacted at - the lost session .of Congreso, were Mh grade women clerks. There are more high grade women clerks that is wo men drawing more (ban $1200 a year in the Treasury (han in any o ber de part ment, and, according lo statements of thoM over them, there are numerous reasons why men are preferred to them. It is said no more women will be ap pointed to or promoted to any clerk ehip above the 1200 grade in the Treasury depar'ment. Although it is strictly a matter of business, those who bave been dismissed are raising as great a bowl as (hough (hey bad been deprived, of something in wblch they bad a proprietory Interest, and the bowl is likely, to increase In volume as soon as (hose wboare trying to get reinstated "become convinced that tbey cannot succeed. Owing largely to the dullness in po litical news, a regular "tempest in a teapot" bas been made out of the resig nation of Mr. O'Bourke, Supervising Architect of (be Treasury, at the re quest of Secretary Carlisle, by the Washington correspondents. It Is a very simple cms, without arty of the elements of a senation. 'Mr. O'Rourite failed to ran the business of his office as amootbly as Secretary Carlisle thought It ought to be run, rather from lack of adaptability than lack of ability, and bis resignation was asked for, received and accepted. Tbat' all. One of the best campaign documeota sent out by tbe Democratic Campaign Committee ia a list of the aew enter prises inaugurated aod of old ones which bave restfioed work sines,, tbe new tariff became a law. " It answers belter tban pages of argument could possible do the repnbficao charge tbat tariff reform woul J Injure Ameri can industries. . Among the prominent speil-bloders who were tbe o ecu peats of a special oar which left here Wednesday for Kalelgh N: C, were the following : Senators Ransom and Jrvis; tToveraor-elect Oatee, of Alabama ; Hon. Cbarles H. Manaur, Assistant Comptroller of lb Treasury ; Secretary Hoke Smith, President Black' aod Secretary Gard ner, of the National Association of Democratic Club, aad Chief Clerk Daniels of tbe Interior Department. Tbe magnet which drew (his aggrega tion of democratic talent to tbe capital of the tar-beel 8tate Is lha PUte eon r eat ion of Democretlo Clubs, which set there yesterday. Arer'a 8araanarilla doe what ao other blood medicine ia exirfeoce eaa do. It searches ont all (be imparUies io tbe system and expel tbeas barss- lessly tbroach tbe proper cbsnoeK This is why Ayer's bUraeparlla if ao pre-eaioeatlysfireiireaa a remedy lor beajBalksB. THE BEST-ANTI-TRUST LAW EVER PASSED, The new Tariff Act bas three ex cellent features : 1. It reduces taxation to the 'people. 2. It compels the wealth of the coun. try to pay a fair share of tbe taxa tion by the imoo9itioo of an Income tax. i. It embraces tbe best antl trust law ever enacted. :. , v The so called anti-trust l iw passed by Reed's Congress In 1890 was found to be of little or no effect, and tbe fol lowering sections were inserted In tbe Tai iff Bill, and these sections are now law! ,: . ' "Heo. 73. That every combination. conspiracy, trust, agreement or con tract Is hereby declared to be contra ry to public policy, illegal and void, when the same is made by two or more persons or coporations, either of whom is engaged in importlug any article from aoy forelgu country into the United States, and when such com-, bination, conspiracy, trust, agreement or contract is inteude I to operate in re straint of lawful tiade, or free competi tion in.lawful trade or commerce, or to increase tbe market price in any part of (be United States of any article, or articles imported or inteuded to be imported Into tbe United States, or any manufacture into which such import ed article enters or U intended to enter. Ever person whs is or shall hereafter be engaged in the importation of goods or any commodity from any foreign country in violation 'of this ssction of this act, or who shall com bine or conspire with another to violate tbe same, is guilty or a mis demeanor, and on oonviction thereof in any court of the United States, such person rhall be fined in a sum not less than $100 and not exoeeding $5,000, aud shall be further punished by Im prisonment, in the discretion of tbe Court, for a term not less than three months nor exceeding twelve months "Sec. 74. Thnt the several Circuit Courts of the United States are hereby invested with jurisdiction to prevent and res-train violations of section 73 of this act; aud It shall bo tbe duty of the several District Attorneys of the Uuit- ed Slates in their respective districts, under the directions of the Attorney ieneral, to institute proceeding' in equity to prevent and restrain sueb violations. Such proceedings may be by way of petitions setting forth the the case and pray lug tbat such viola tioos shall bs enjoined or otherwise prohibited. When I be parties com plain ed of shall bave b en duly notified of such petition the Court shall proceed, a soon as may be, (o the bearing and determination of Ihe case j and pend ing such petition aud before final de cree the court may at any time make such temporary restraining order or prohibition as shall be deemed just in tbe premise. . "Sw:. 75. Tbst whenever It shall appear to the Court before which any proceeding under the 74th section of this set may he pending tbat the ends ofjustice require tbat other parties should be brought before the Court, tbe Court may cause tbem to be sum moned, whether they reside iu tbe dis trict in which the c-urt I beld or not J and subpoenas to that end may be served in any district by (he Marshal thereof. " ' "8zo. 76. Tbat any property owned under any cootract or by ai.y com bination, or pursnaot to any con spiracy (and being tbe subjeot thereof) mentioned In section 73 of Ibis act, and being in (he course of transportation from one State' to another, or to or from a Territory, or Ibe District of Columbia, anall be forfeited lo the Uoited States, and may be seized and condemned by -like proceedings as those provided by law tor the forfeiture, seixnre aud condemnation of properly Imported into the United States con trary to law. 'fcxe. 77. That any persoo who sbaSI be injured in bis business or pro perty by aoy other person or corpora lion by reason of anything forbidden or declared to be unlawful by (bU act may ana therefor in aoy Circuit Court of tbe United States in lbs district in wblch the dr&odant resides or is found, without respect to tbe amount ia eonlroverny.and aball recover three fold tbe damages by bltn snsialoed,aad the costs of suit, iocludiog a reason able attorney's fee." It ia safe to predict, that onder this law ao trust of auy important character willwver bo farmed in tbe United States tbat will not be punished, aad tbat with severity. Lm Slips lists. Daring tbe epidemic of La Grippe last senaon Dr. King' New Dievery fur Consumption, Cuugbe and Colds, proved to be tbe bJ remedy. BepoMS from tbe taaay who used it confirm tbia autemeot. Tney were not oaly quickly relieved, but tbe disease left n bad after result. We ask yoa to give this remedy atrial and we guarantee tbat yoa will be stsfl4 w (b result s, or tbe'parcbase price will be refunded. It ba ao equal is La Grippe, or any Tnroai, Cb4 or 7nof Trouble. Trial botUea free at T. A. Albrigu' Drag stote. Large buttles 60e. and $1JW Democratic Times. Tbe ValaaaltyHewUr Illasl New Take . The calamity howler Is greatly dis couraged by the repoit coining in from every ludustry, but by none more so than those in tbe woolen and cotton and other textile industries which bave just oeen "annihilated" by the passage of i be "free trade Wilson bill." sup pose the pessimist goes to the Wool and Cotton Reporter of September 18 for for consolation aod material, what does he find r : Und --r (he column "New Mills" there are fifteen items, uns oi me mun mentioned is to have 43,000 spindles, and to be the largest opllou mill in Ibe South. . Another, for making cotton, ; wool and woratead yarns, is to occupy a building 110 by 200 feet, which struc ture alone is to cost $30,000. "The plans for the new plant," says tbe Re porter, "have been ready for some time but it Is said the construction of Ibe mill depends , upon tbe settlement of ibe tatiiT question." It is located at Philadelphia. Another cotton mill, with 25,000 spindles is to be built at Gaffoey, S. C, with a capital of $250,000. i Another cotton mill, with $400,000 capital, is proposed for Batb, S. C. Two hundred thousand dollars has al ready been subscribed. ' The other new mills are for the man ufacture of woolen, cotton, knit, ho siery and silk goods. Under the column "Enlargement aud Improvements" there are eighteen mentions. Under (be column "Start ing Up and Shulllug Dawn" twenty mill are mentioned as having started or about to start up. One of there bas been closed since April last j n- other over a year, and a third for two year;- All three are woolen mills. Ouly four are mentioned as shutting down j one to make repairs, another for two weeks, another because of a death, and the last is running on short time on account of low water. It is probable tbat tbe Reporter's weekly bulletin of new enterprises bas not contained such a clear record since the McKinley bill struck the textile Industry In 1800. . Tbe record for tbe week ending Sep tember 6th Is perhaps ihe second best in four years. Tbe Reporter mentions five new mill, one of which Is a cotton mil to cost $150,000 ; 25 enlargements and improvements, and 20 mill start ing np, one of which bas been closed nine mooths and another five years. Hawilzer Brot of Siafford Springs, have settled with their disalisfied weaver, giving fhem a 25 per cent, advance in wages. Of the five shut downs mentioned, one is ''fir tbe ususl week's vacation and two are because of low water." Tbe record is marred only by thesbut-downs of one mill be cause of "lack of ordrM," "d another because of "accumulation of stock." The increasing import of foreign wools, under Ihe free-goods schedule, also foreshadow a vastly larger demand for domeatlo wool, since the latter cao not be largely used in the Oner textile manufactures without a liberal admix ture of the former. Oreat Interest cen tres In tbe trade auction sale of wool, which begins at London to-day. New York World, September 18tb. 1200 MB GUT WOBK. A dispatch from -Birmingham, Ala., September 17th, says : "Tbe Birming ham Mill went to work this morning, after many month of idleness, giving employment to 1200 men. Tbeowoers of the mill are about to erect a tin mill, to be run iu connection with II, for tbe manufacture of tin plate. If will be the first plant of tbe kind in the South." CAKADIAJf CAPITAL COMIXG lit. The Massey manufacturing Compa ny, of Toronto, employing 2,000 mn, bas determined to remove lis factory lo tbe United 8latew, aod Is looking for a site near Niagara Palls. H. A. Maa sey tells a reporter (bat it ia tbe new Tariff bill that bas attracted blm to (bees shores. He says : Tbe Canadian Government red used (be duly on manufactured goods from 20 lo 85 per cent., bat kept tbe duty on raw materials as blgb as ever, thus en abling tbe Auerkene lo ship here ibelr manufactured products very advanta geously, Uader such conditions we could not compete with tbe market of ibe world.-- "That new Democrat io tariff will belp your eouatry immensely. By freeing raw sa ate rial it will ebeepea tbeeoslof ssaaufaotared ankles, both to tbe manufacturer and eoasomer. It will draw la your side many manaUc larieg concerns of Canada, wblob waat a wider market and an .opportoalty to manufacture goods .more profitably." New York World. - LCMBEE TKADK IHraOVIMO. A dirpatcb from Oswego, 27- Yn September 17tb, says : Tbe effect of tbe Wilson bill ia placing lumber es the five list Is being felt sere. Tea cargoes, with total of 1.700,000 bet of lumber, bave arrived wiibia tbe past thirty-six boars. Twice that amount is on Canadian wharves await ing shipment. Lumber men are ju bilant, as are also 500 longshoremen, moat of whom have done nothing all summer." :.' FALL BITEa MILLS BTAKlTNa TJP. The Kerr thread mill, the Durfee and the Seaoonuet mills resumed oper tionH Monday. . All are running uo- ler a reduoilon of a ages. The Kerr thread mill and tbe Durfee are not running all their machines, but Ibe Seaooeuel bas started up with a full force and tbe management bas promis ed to tell tbe operatives on Wednes day what will be done In regard to wages. Twenty-tbree thousand, two huudred and twenty operatives are now Idle lo tbe city, in consequence of the attempt to reduoe wages. New York World. The Harris Star (Independent), Sep tember 17, ya : "Work at (he S(eelton works Is very encouraging. Tbe mills In lower end of tbe city, the Lochlel, Paxlon and Central rolling mills, were busy all week wilb full turns at work In one-half of their departments. Tbe Lalance Orosjean plant was also busy, and the Chesapeake nail works made n full week to fill large orders. "All departments of the Pennsylva nia Steel Works, except one of tbe foundrieremploying 200 men, were at work last week. The- blast furnaces and the open bearlb departments pro duced heavily. The Bessemer mill ran aiowlv. makinit a linht tonneire of rail steel. Tbe Iron and steel foun dries were fairly busy. Ibe rail mill delayed several limes to change rolls. Street railway rails were worked on mostly. Among the contracts filled was one of the grooved rails for Ibe East Harrisburg Railway Company. The. frog, switch and signal depart ment is fairly active. The bridge de partment is lushed with work and at present has enough lo keep it going all winter. Last week both turns were at work. The machinists and roll turns made a fair week. All of tue plate and slab mills were very busy. Nos. 1 and 2 blooming, Ibe two braocbes of the merchant, tbe alab unl- vera4-and billet mills, and Ihe ham mers were very busy all week. Re ceipts of mslerlal were very tesvy and shipments were large." iBCBAKTOlf BOOVINO. The 8oranton Times, September 17, says : "The Boranton Steel works rroently!has (urned out (ho largest week's output from a single mill in tbe history of tbe world. If there hss been a oauio Sorant n la nt aware of it Scnnloo doesn't have to wait for the boom. It bas been boom'ng. right along." Weel Prima trader sTroe Wael. The wool market lust now attorns a good study : for the political wool growers of tbe Country. It will psy them to sudy facts a while, and to fur- get their theories and their calamity cries. In 1800 McKluley listened- to tbe pleas of Delano, Uarpster, acd Law rence aod granted them greatly in creased duties on wool In order to raise priors. But price never declin ed so much ao-l so raid lly a durlog the four year of McKiuleyUtn. Tbat decline has been almost steady, except tbat it was checked for a few month, after tbe election of 189, and that'll was changed into an advance duiing the last (wo mouth. Tbe decline ha been from 85 to 60 per cent. High duties on wool, then, bava not oaud blgber prices as these wool propht t predicted. This U mistake number oor. Nothing was more certain, In Ihe opinion ol some of tLe wool growers tban tbat free wool would greatly re duce prices of domestic wools and ruin tbe wool and sbeep producing indus tries. For tbe first time, siooe 1816, all wool are bow free of duty. What oow are tbe facte op to data ? All wools became free on August 23tb. We quote tbe following prices of foreign and domestic wools from tbe Americaa Wool and Cotton Reporter ; DOMESTIC. Oraoas rriesslSM. JaJy. Ans. 10. Usnt. Oseta. Pa. A W. Va. si snd abor m to satoa 0,Pa. W. Va. Bo. 1 1 to St to a Mist. Wla. IT. T. Ho.1 U to M MIoS California Ksv. sprlag frM UloU U to If Tsxm 9m 13 mo, cbotes 11 to 11 UloU Maboaoe f lo 10 M to U BooUas On SMd. eboioa U to U 11 to IS rORKXOV. Australia, combine ehoio SOtoSS 1 loZt Australia, socnMnf food toM UloU Aastrallaa. stotnlnf SBtrBt MtoSJ Capeaadkaral Blsll UtsU MooUrldao KtoZ7 UloU Eoctlsb soar MtaST ZttoSI This Is indeed a strange pheaomenoa for tbe eoosideraii a of National Wool Growers Association. Prices of foreign kayo declined about 40 per cent., while prices of domestic wools bave advanc ed about 10 per cat. daring the last Iwe months. Tbe Reporter of Aogoet 80th, says that tbe Tlef feat are of tbe Bostoa wool market has bee ""the parabsae of a million and a hair pounds of Mon tana by a manufacturer," and con eludes tbat "i( bas been, on tbe whole, a fair week for trade, acd wools in geneial bave been sold at as high , a pi ice as at any (ime daring the month, medium wools are specially firm. Tbe feelioK in general is hopeful." ; Under New York, tbe Reporter (ays, "de spite (he uncertainty surrounding the market there Is no quotable change in prices. Theie are good many rgu meote favoring a steadiness in prices of domeatlo for acme time to come." Prices of domestic wools, then, bave not tumbled with tbe adoption af free wool, as was predicted by the protec tion crochet. - This hi mistake Dum ber two. It might be supposed that after such monstrous failures issiaoo, Lawrence and Harpster would with draw Into their shells and never peep again on ttfe wool question. Tti is, however, uulikely. The real question now is, will the real growers ever again believe thve false prophet, Happy Heeslasa. ' Wo. Timmons, Postmaster of Ida vllle. Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters bai done more for me (han all other medicines oombiped, for tbat bad feel ing arising from . Kidney aod Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says : ''Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney sod Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. W.. Oaidner, hara- ware merchant, same town, says : Electrlo Bitters is just tbe thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether be Uvea or dies; be found aAnm.K nnfiA .nnitllA Anil fait luatlike he had a new lease on life. uoiy cue. a pome, at i. a. ciungm A. . . . m A A IL.tL.it. drug store. , . Besaerkable felly. The avowed object of the fusion be tween the Populists and the Republi cans Is tbe eleotloo of a delegation; to Congress made up partly ol Populist and partly of Republicans, and tbe election of two Uoited States Senators, one a Populist and one a Republican. ' Tbe Populists say that they support this fusion only because they desire a reform In tbe National administration, They say that there is nothing in com mon between tbem and the Republi cans aa to their National demands, but for the sake of getting a reformer, as they call him, In Ibe Senate tbey agree to assist in putting a Republican there with blm. Tbey pretend to think that (bl will do them seme good, and think it will aid in their great work of re form. On the contrary, even if fusion sue needs, ibis plan will have the effect of making North Carolina a nullity in the United States Senate. Instead of cast ing (wo votes for or against aoy pro position, as tbe interest ot this State may demand, on all great questions, North Carolina would cast one vote for or one vote against; for oo all Nation al questions Mr. Butler aod Mr. Prich ard, the two avowed fusion candidates for the Senate, ' occupy antagonistic positions. V If tbe lowering of tariff Is the sub ject voted upon Butler, if he sticks lo bis principles, will vote aye aod Prich- ard will vote no. If the fnoome lax la Ibe question voted upon Butter, If be holds out, will vole aye, and Prlchard will vote no. If more pensions are to be voted to Federal soldiers Butler will vote no, if be remains faiinful, and Pricbard will vote aye. When we come lo (be definite Populist demands It will be Ibe Mine way. When the bill .to buy all the railroads comes to a vote Butlsr will vote aye, and Prlchard no. Wben Peffer's bill la Iwie five bun dred million dollars ($500,000,000) ot bonds Is before Ihe Senate Butler will vote aye, and Pricbard no. Wben an amendment to the Constitution, giving women the right to vote comes up Bul let will vote aye, and Prilchsrd oo, and North Carolina would be Ibe same as if it bad no Senators there, for the-e two Senators would kill each other's vote. If Ihe people of North Carolina bad no intelligence or no political capacity this state of affairs might come (o peas. but Ihe people of North Carolina aeon men to Congress for a dellnllo pur pose, and Ibey purpose to express tbeir will la ao uncertain tone, iney ought to bave. and Ibey will bave, eit bar two Populists ia Ihe Senate, or two two Republicans In Ihe 8ensle, or two Democrats lo tbe Beaate,aaa two Democrat it will be. Tbe beet wsy to avoid scalp diseases, balr falling one, and premature bald ness, is to oso the best preventive m aa WW aaowe lor teat purpose nan s nair n Clark's Horse Review. Breeding horses ba become one of tbe gresteet Industries of Ibe country, and those Interested are anxious to learn all ibey era about ibe business, Tbe price of this excellent journal or snafrasine which U published weekly ia 12.00 a year, aud iboee who pay thai amount will receive tne Ibrtatma or holiday a ember, which of itself U worth a hall a year'sMbecriptioa, coca pliKentary. Yobr sobscriniion will be takea eltbiaeffleo and forward ej i lb- out extra expenee. Call and eel a sample copy. , Sn!srriber lo Tbb Ulbabb bo pay $2 75 ia advance will receive both pefVrv nee year aad a eosapHasemsry Holiday Number. CH at ibU tofDc. . , eomrtT -oo DiiriMJ JLftAtB "t ' 8 q pojno era peopt snuolsno eqt f er io spunnoqx "ws em sasuap t -nttiwunm pur peon ain) -oj WHVW II I Iff Jsj qmg mjrtoitJodrBi iSui ; iniuijwi iu smmi sail tp aiqiflaj pn rss pairabai sUattOT wsLLYwnaHa w. i.y. ft sons 'smqtia snot n'ssnuaauil i 'ftsTsjauri us in poaoftKoo auy Ssidpjo?!Q CLUBBNQ ANN0U1CEENT. Or INTEREST TO FARMERS AND OAK QJENEBS. . J v..mM anil (larHanera. who ara ds- : sirouB of joining in making Ibe South tbe most prosperous . section of tbe cultural industries, such as garden seed growing, flower-bulb raising. growing sugar, etc., to ueraop , ... .kail ffV iii nraminma. for tba best sugar producing beets grown,-. must read tne special amoieson me , and other new agricultural porsoUa ' which will commence with tbe Jan uary number of the Progrmlw South, ' published at Richmond, Va. Thj price Is only $1.00 per year, irblch you can Bead direct to the -office at 'Rich mond, or ws will club with il, and send you Thk Alamancb Oleakkb and the trogremre emu tor ei.o, emmu iu vance, for both jje orfa eoV , Aaarew, iiis.uimss", Nov. 80, 93 ' - Orabam, N. O . Wm, mnA AminUla TlBSllllMlll OOBSlsUDtf of 8UPPO8IT0RIES, Ospndcs of OintnMBt so vn of rrvrr natars u.1 odstm. li make mm opriKi Hnm or udhmdl M. Ut1-Illlll mm . " hi knvaa A bum an. nnae baocolanoslTaiL Uslw.fbeov Oapt byn anannwss uroau oj m agama. CONSTIPATIONS ease Uer Pansca the rraal LTVBR and 8TOHAOB Heuuu ivianq take, espsdalDr adapted fsc eaiklraii'saea. tvfioss BKOCLATOB an OtaJtaBTExa leaned only by . v Mailed on receipt of price by ' RICHARDSON ct rAtllBf, , Wholesale A Retail Druggist, Oreensbora, N. U. Leaksville Woolen Mills. LEAKSVILLE, N. C. . Are SUM at the old place jwder the same oU m wagemenv, ana suu vhwi u of EXCELLENT GOODS so well and faroiabfy known Ibroagh this section. .-,,; -. ,;4 We Work Wo I akaree or t Ostsss ial BtliiBilielB, Faawy U4mjm4m,--. Caeeieerraa, Jssas, riasla ' si first, Im t If rite (or Information and samples. ; r. TaV a your wool to A. B. fate, Agent, Cri- -ham, N. Cor 8. K. Scott. Meoane, W, V. ae4 tbey will forward It to Will free of charm, , LEAKBVILU WOOLEN MILLS. ' .. .teakaViUe, N. C May 10 ta . "- 1 azpartenos ta U oatent ssutnea. otiw moS strlotly enrnlrteerlsl, A siaedkMk e In. Ii n 11 ill ajemiiuM rami, aw ay lata then aant frea. Also a eatste(ae ed asWa toil sad sttentllla books sent pee. ' ' . stents taken tbraakjhan Oo. Meet spaotal nonosln the HrleettSe Aawie-l'-aa, and tbasara brousht wtdeb- before toe public wttka oat omS to toe kmetor. This eatewdid eprr. laeaed weekrr. elecastlr IHwstreted keebr far the , lenreet etrealastosi of asr aaeaoae work ta Ike 'iSSmJ.TlrV nvMa, tJ aBteTTrrerr ayaiber oomatta) beaa.. I am tba North Carolina Agent for Dr. White's New Hair Grower Treatment The Greatest Discovery of the Age. It will penns nen fly cure ' mill: . f of tbe balr, daudrofl", scaly ervptloua, poet a lea, or any acalp dbeaa. It prevents balr taming gray ard restores balr to its original color, and brings a . . ... - : . New 6rwtb a Bah aw aay Bald Brad aw lartb. . It is Ibe coly tieatmeot that wilt pinduce these resalln.. ;i, Testimonials and treatise furnished oo application. Mr. Jobs If. Coble, at Coble dV Tboaipaoai'e store, Ot my asset at Gra ham, X.C. -; ' Respect fully. . ' ; . E.T. LASHLEY, Dec. 14 if. . . Haw River. K. O ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICE. Letters of Adainiemtioa barins; beea la. sard In the andcrtcD-d. p"m tbe es ale of Leooard Klppy. ee'd. be fcerrby anoaea aU pareoa rodebted lotald e-tate an make he Dedlale iiaiakcat, ard ail correal koMio eJaisaa aa-ainat aekt, relale to prsread Ikes OB or brfnr tba 1st day of Bepteaaorr. I8a. or tkh aottos wiH be ptoadrd ia bar of their 1 kis ITU. day el Arrtnt. THhi. 6tv L U. BIPfT.ABe-r, srita u kiuis or mjccnoosoi an w." re ptnful nod snklcia paranaut f?", and oftaa raralUiui la death, unnnnwsssrT.,-. Why endure tarriMa dlaaaaa? we cuarantee.si Ton OOU M sos J COPYRIGHTS. Kl) SB 4c CO- who kare ked aearlr arty faara 1 Head of Hair-!