" -3fffr'' Kkep If wwwgHit-gaajrJLE, .agaLih.' y'r tf. rivern, anif not l Vnn $2596.pM Ther mm a nlef up yonder- Ht the i ; Editorial If j1e0. vf ,(, ftSfJ ; t ; 1r,:irrnf8m g ' ' : : 'c3LS!-3a-----. " ' .....tlTlSiV vv-t ...V I ., """"' rnTnirdin ptoffioi ln,'.!eohVvjlWe Chicago ej(p'oiiiot.. Ha mum r ' Pear- ""- j : , , , ' ' Iff Heali w,r t. " 1 I fh'" - PTfH Hmf.rcpct.U.d ;the. flection f rM1ii,i, peLine reform I, the yen. , ;.Ht,u,eU iyKKH ,.t which , ganger .urnetf hi CoDRrWl,,al m,alSn qm.; 0 1 A " . H 'AplSll:-- fcthewby securing tho. political erol,vfl..v,rnm,.,: lhln are' not MJnnw.t,, woul.l .i-prcpr, ,l,Q0O,- .,.;. -''f.r r ': ? f ; M ! '.T 1 IT'" I ''1'K " F 1 'f if i" ifabi ofcitUn' lr--'-' wh..tti.eyfht..WHvVVeye th, 0C0 for the .ltrnctJo f 'I'M BiMde . Yu -n-A AC whnl! ir, Htil-n tglve ont of tho t w,borC5 J And me fiila vnn ij Kimmnns - ktor. ftha Ked Z) that's what you hear afjLfef feMtjn c(1ftJ excellent BiwIf'lic!l5efllTl people fihoiHdiflc.lfefpei-sfiA4i that anytking else will do. : II is the King of Liver, Modfi" cines" is' Jjettertiinn &m takes tho place of Quirf!ne and Calomel - 4tf acts difidtl bVtUe Liver. Kidneys and Bowels ar.d iMlifarto Hfte whole bv tea TM itf iliifiicypinejjj'li want. Sold bv all DrngRiets in ' Liquid.r mfofHer to ke. taken riry or Wade n ra a wa tHntf 1 M h?Jt sAmp' -tiiiit H v au:a . 1 m mx. :i Kuimif in . ih a 1 Are Yoii Going to Bui If yon re ?o1ng to boild avhpnfc. vnn wl dn wt-ll ito r.nll H8 jho ,tuB jriv. , Ho force oCgkli'fd Workmen' wh.vjuvt"n Willi me from 2 to 8 yearn, who know how to io pud u orti kdd a. heap o H.. ? f V". )y conhact orJiy ttio'dity ; -ful-Meh' toalcriaC or yni; own do It. Come and tve n.e. Will be glad to give rim fleiires. Thanks for pst iiHtronaire. lours &c, W.W. HUI8DM. OraUaiUt N. C. Aug. 85. Jil i J I 2 PRICE PCCENTS-PSB B6TTt. FOR-SALE, m VKIQIillll. Collegiate and Military Enfrlmtr, Scteatifio, MattmiriBtkal and Clunicnl veur wlib ppecial Bux Impk Department. If you have a yon desire to educate drop a postal for Catalogue. AdifrVw"1' P.J. KEBXODLE. AI M., July 18-f. f ' principal. fj 1! : by,'Wliloii We Give Sub icWptioktaWbkiian's WOTpt lllOTlt Charge. , -v ' . . , , ; Wo-are' nn prorjaripd to make W onder-. frtlW liberal offer to fall tint pij In advanee for Ta i.acb (5lakeh. Woman's VTohk to alMerarr'aiitl doaicdicalmaKaziM Sf.rllriie of tliea-oat popd ar onblkn rA. It U pare. eijtdrt?lalhjr.ne Jelpfah In Urerieparnent JtiXseaarter fllled, Willi eiiriroa) lilufi clarf reading wtle. 'iidlthi M(i n autted to all axr ; It to published to miy the prat nerd for einid homo litera ture, and no other periodical meeu U o well, tend n ftl .50 for our p per and WoHAi'a WtkJC one )er niakuiK the latter free, y Addiw . ' THK JLAM.'KC flLB VNEB. vt93 . Gr(an, jr. C. . ,F0'SSIOIf Afr CARDaj JACOlJ A. X.OIV, -J-j ATTOESTE V AT LAW, f GJtARjy, - , - i - .' . C 'i'MaVl7j'88. ! "J i'i'.ot ! ATTORNEY AT LAW ' qta, M.-eiM ' i rraetlew la Cm State and Fedenil Court win faithfully and promptly attend ' aO oca ttni eutrartcd to blot. - u YTH. P. BYNUM, Jr J.ttoT'T and OouyiBrlor at Uw, t? ffR KENS BOKO, V. C PraetfrM rraarfy ia OiBeiiri.f , the eourta of ala- Dr.:l,?..StocbLrd,Jr.; 5 DENTIST, t1r"n'JW?trM II l:'Jib'-ai: " ; i --.wmmmmi r Ki..; tox, jr. c. . o jOeod r-f lk at $ie rr aH Of&r ?Ua of er I. If. Walker -AvCavl.wre. - . 'reduced the geiTOrnwent.,:rj; 'TV$f. 1 That alpetpocratic Administration cut off from the pbnsiohroll,- those ihp ought notJti) bav "hetin thercj saveti in one 5ear on this alone, That a Democratic administration has restored 'over 2.ooo,ooo acrcp of land to1 the pyblic1 domairi, and thnt the House-passed a . bill restoring 54,ooo,ooo acres . ' ; '5"f z ' 1 ,,That a Democratic administration Ha4 reduced,, "the tariff on every iteml aiiil'thU9 reduced , the. cost of necessities to the people- ,.fcThat a Dembcratib'adminstrntioitf limposcd an in'coino Ux,,, ivhlch '. re- nuirea wealth to nav its p.-oporti)n ,Lf the burdens of ,taiatibn-VV;s? That & Democratic administration taxed all money, thus putting a'stop" - to a tavonte way 01 escaping iaxa- tion. All money is madej. equally taxable t J '.s That a Democratic administration has passed the most 'stringent anti- trust law ever put upon our siaiuie books That a Demoraticlalnunistration has made a saving of $80,000,000 m the budget of public 'expenditures- j That a Democraticidmihistration stopped the srigar'bounty, thu3 sav ing $12,000,000, a year, , That a Democratic administration coined more saver o:iMiarin one month (August) than wbre coined iii eight months prior to; the. repeal of - th-ourchasln2xIaue of the Sherman act.- That a Demortatio administration gave a, death blow to anarchy by That a Democratic adimnistraflorn has done nfauy" ft)thet thipf FMh tend trr-bring 4xMiki-eKi. nf , ccano- my nnd justice in tJie affairs of the government, free, from sectionalism and favoritism, and which will make living' cheaper, thus inuring to the benefit of. ,he. whole people. eriitie , ny. tnoirTop!e. The Democracy is indeed and in truth the party, p6 home of the people. Its doors stand wide open, welcoming ajl.who, stand for tho in terest of the masses. Its platform, its code of pririciplesVare:too broad, foirCtrlrcncliiiig, ttw umuh bvllhls'loetreitrprthBI faeaet EooVfoS'Thefiayrret?- crnne an instrument for the acsran dizem'ent of special lass' or a spec1at"Bcction. It is-n--kjftcor f oration. Htis,jiot jgi engine igr securing the political advancement of twoor morerantiteonistit-clioues by their Cdtn lining to use it machinery, or their -selfish ends.- lis mission id nbt' toseenre the offices of the State, by. fusion or by any hook or crook, Tor this set of men or for some 01 tnis set or tor some of that set, combining together in a conspiracy to. pool their Issues and to divide the spoils. On ;the contrary., the first object of the Dem ccracy, which is the people, is the setting in motion of such "a ; wise system'of lcgislatioaand of administration- of public affairs as will con fer the greatest benefits . upon the whole people at . the smallest 'cost To effectthU great object, the peo ple thrpngh their party, select men for the offices who, In their opinion, wiH1 most wisely and -judiciously carry .out their wishes.. ..The offices, in their eyes,', re - of secondary though of great importance Their programme is not scramble for office. ' Their war crylat not 'any bodv or anything" to beat this or that party," but our mart, our policy, toj carry out our beniuccnt prograiqme for the well being of society and' pf the people. Personal interests sink into insignificance when placed alongside public interest. r. -..., '. . 1 i i I ' ' I M, The formolaof Ayer'a ParaapariUa la well knoa V t?ia medical P'ofearton, and Bnlverxlly' opprored. - Tha iepo (too ortjhe fro Ksuraaceea cscelleuee ml nnldrM fy tKa -asMliciaC, and lh orM'a eapt-rei.ee fcr afl half a re-tury baa fully demote tratvaV fie vaJua. . - thia or that measure or relorm, hut waa ' ' ... 1 . . ,1, 1( a protest of (be mnraea aituiiist f xltitirg coiflliiioi)". ,, The penpla flt 'there ''' aomt-thlnji wrong they didn't' ' ki.ttv" whut Jt, 8C pne. thine they dtd rnbvt; i they hnd given the Republican paiiy a fVr ti'ialvnnd inf-ad rf hrlp- tog tiietn, trey fouuf t tiey were gt i tii'g poorer every year, P6 tfiey re-' solved to turn It. Aova and. try the Democrnt'C parly. t tt , ', ' Douh'le-ia a great many came "over ex pec iug oo much. This will prove fOt in tho .Wefty we fi'ar. If any D'etri'o' cratio apeaker proni-ed that hla "pliry? Repuhiicaa exi ravaean.ee and ' corrnp tlon In, one eeatfon , ot Congreaia, he prouiUed more "!ian he wan Warranied in doing. Here'ib the So6th w have learned patience In defeat. . V have tiiigfi;led on for thirty yenra and' do nut expect this full realization of Our hope? iu a dy. : . ' i 'f" '''' 1 With our Populist friend the case la diff re' t. . They are Impatient. They cry aloud (but there In need of refoim'. The demagogue is making lhe ruot of hia oppnituuity to iutjama their 1 pas sionx. They are rieh in Insisting that thinga are ni t what tiey ought ' to be, but they do nit atop to conpiiler where their leaders are 'carrying "them.' A The rank and file are honest and are eek ing the same end that' bit' gwd men are i-tri viug for. But erfor la eiror, and it ia an old Haying that the road to perdition is paved, with good iiti lion. The truth ia that the inaaaea of the Populifctvdo not un'dertt md Poplt- lisin. it-4 oriarin and purpose. Thla,- g certainly true In this part of the FtUe. They ate r'tnocrat4 rt heart. They wnut the burdens of laxntion reduced frotlie lowest ; limit poasihle end they want a curri nry suflioiei t id volume ; 10 do the btifiiness.ol Ihe country oc cash haxia. They were swept iatat the Populist movement by the AlliHuce pU-a of standing, by "the demands." Tbey neytr hod the leaft ideir1 'Of-'-ef -(lorsin'g the crazy' ism "t'f the" Weftorn social! K neither 'do tbey:"enitoi' them now : but -if they cortiuue 1ft that 'organization, triei' votes : will count Ibat way.' ' r v - What do the Populist 'lead r nfler for the relief of the people of North Curoiina I Do they propose '"-to cut down the pension nVt'or any of' the enoinious appropriiitioD made by tbe Repuliliiwu party-?' ; ' 1 '' t' Here are om'oT the" things ' they propqse. lo do for the- "relief of th people, being a !l t of te bill Irtro iluct'it In Cortgreaa ' by 'Populist ften atora and Representatives, which tbey wish lo hav enacted into l.w." Space I will pi t permit ua to ref r.t6 all' their me asurea. House Bil. 8186,' lutroduo ed..by tfr. ilusori, of Kansasf provtdV "J list ail pensioners lor 'service in the Federal army and navy (luring the War may redcWe lir one jmyoieut- teu tiroes the annual auouul of their ptn aiona.V t . ? r , ... - ;,. ' '', " '. . Thia would cost iherOoyerament this year $1,600,000,000, Very litdo' of 'It wnnlil Mim Rnnth !. House Bill 8436r by jrr.;; tlavls,1 6f TT- l.l' J ' ' - J 'U jvuur-ar, riTiueu i j . . "ThatJ the . moitgage , debt ot. any rooitagvr ot eol f suite, ujied aa a home or lor aupport'shall be' paftt' y the United Slates Where an aopfaine- pienl boar I node tbe eatate to lm wpn h the full amount, of the moitBK'. and the debtor "ball be allowed to redeem hh property within twenty" years ' by paying An loterwjtof 1 pr .cei.1.1 pur aiingin." a f. , ,,, 1, II If U I 1 IV WW fI4W,WVKY W f J jMa inti effect. But why top et.eal e-titef Why shouldn' the jOoveru meot step In and - relieve, ua. pi our grocery and wash billa and I be Jike A fe w hi I lions-more wool ia't be felt. 1 Tk ..1Jt.L.tl.lWVIIVIinnOliir House Bill 8637; by Mr. , Davia of Kansas, provided tor t .? ... r " Grantioaa peoaioajof from $10 to 25 per month to all soldiers or aailora t tbe Uason army and navy to - the late war, and aUo to wtrtowe ana in" nor, this lo be In addition to 1be di- hilt Mufdoos granted tieder preaeiit The Commisaloner of Peotlooa eat!- matsthat this would require ' $310,- 000,000. aonually. r? .-. s ' House Bill 6767, by Sir. Davis, of Kansas, provided for ; fc-... - ... , " "The iaiaaediate IMment or 600, 000 men, lo be fed, rl.tb-d. paid ajrd provided for, he same a the regular fmy, said army to be employed "n erorka for pulilio improvement, eaeal, rivers aed harb-wa, Irr'-gafwa work, pbli higBWye,. '1 ; . . - v; Tbe preaent army of 25.009 'men ee-t $23,700,000; tHei pop-e ' army belag twenty times larger, would eoet H74,ooooo, . . .';";" " Uoase Bill 7904. Iy Mr, Boee,' ot Mlaeeaota, firovWee for Ibe.iaaae of $1 .000,000,000 In Tegal tender totes ef kick W0,OO0,00X ie to, be ' expended, la Bee years in talMing or. purchaebtg railroad : $;60.000,000 ia iaaprev tag Pupulii-t ttitemen t haue .,broduced Mile 'in qtil rt ptt; a poroprlat I ona t car ry ... J l. . 1 ' AAA AAA AAA . I tnem li in eueet.oi .-xyssj.inj,ssi. ' 'The eulire wealth ( ti7.eopnJtry' T eftiraaledi ; at,.i $6B,OOO.OOQ,000( ,Y t tnese Populi-t In the Senate, and House' hav 'Intrrtdiioed ?measure which woiilt f.eqitfrje the, Onverriment to eollei t out f every $65 of propeity $S0'(or1t uppori !(f . t1 lrl ' A the tx-t'tl estiinet d money of the WorldT incliiiVinK pa peri" gold, silver! copper, hrp nndiro'o token, does pot exceed $10,100,000,000 it iappeara, that the amount of money culled for by 1 the bills naied Is pearly v IJve- times t the volnine of i.he .currency of the wojd, tvTheso flsuren s'apger ,t'ie imagina tion, yet they are onlyi a sample -of wnat tne roiu:in trailers wotnu no 11 they bad the "pbweK. Where' wniiM all this money come , from Out of the tiebple, of course. - The Govern metit ha nft way of raising money hut by tsxing the people. The plain, enm- mou sepse.tpeople of. North ' Carolina are atked to believe that (be . way . to he prosperous ie to las themst Ives fifty time 8 much as Heed's Congress dar ed to tix the coui.try, and which art indignant people repudii ti-rl In 1890 by a msjority unprecedented in political anudls. ! ';: '"'. .;,But tnere Is another point that we want our people p oouslder, and that Is how Pefjer.t'ie high priist ot Popu lism, would raise the revenues neces. sary to' carry out ihe crazy schemes of his pnrty.. On the 8th of July, 1894, be I'ffers 11 resolution in the. Senate,,, a section of which We qfote aa follows: "Fifth.' "That all Ireve-iuea" of the Ooverument Ohght 1 ti te raised 1 by wxes on r.'at esiitv." v ' j So away gien the tax on luxuries, Iheiocome tax; etc. and . the whole burden falls on laud. Why,?, bereciii Rockingham county, if the t ix le rail ed it little to replace' bridges washed .away or some ether ntrnvoidable ex I ensethe people feel ; it and wince but hero cornii'sMr:;,'Pefleii. 'proposing t place the whole ' binlen uhon' 'the very clase that ia clamoring the' , foiid- Jtrt Tor reller, the tillers or the soil l; f, No man, w ho Is not hlinded liv'prrj iid ice, cHo .tiui to see tiat ' ropnliam has in it the germs of trfe .and' dis aster. Wherever it' bos oitiined V, ft foothold, i-tnfe and disorder have su'f d t Kansas, Oregon aud ' other Populict States have been . brought ti. tne verj.e 1 1 ruin anri hankru) ley. ny tt, " The only safe nonces fjr our pe" j.le la.to, rtJU'l, J.oit!)ef agaimt all such evils. A good beginning has hfctomudefcad, ileus tlmt oppress -the people, ar.d tbe work will be carried oir from, the van tage ground gained.' "Lt 'ua remeoi' ber tht patienca la as' heoflsniry4s courage, a ndwe fiayeevtrj thing caih bv nr ssinfe forward.---m. . 1 . T ' Hot cah ehsililiffrmer .llow hip auch -cranks aod npractlcablea as he. WtaMeiHiiitf, t'.,'i'; 'L, .Tf ' th ' 'Uot some or our' I'opuiift iriena will say t'ht t fielr parry tn - this fst to dj)e not endorse these wild "measures. They are- rorrUfcen' No,;,jily' ('does the- ptatf irm' reaffirm Ve. Populii-t prjred'ln all'its fullness but Ut-glories in the record nis'te, ly tha'Poptill-t in Copg're. f V quote fron'i scytioa H of the pfetfotm 't ?f-- ','i- . t . ' "In Mklng coet'st' t i the,, above we 'point with pride " 'h eleat.-reo-o'rd mail- by our Tttte band of' Pro pie's psity Set store and Congressmen. Alwar at the post of duty, never ar rertoii t make quorum,' itustlfish, feailesir, iircorraptttr'e. IMtw I me Hiar t ns, t'jey have etHd by .Ab'eh jdedgeS IO a maiA,"' ' ' .'-VV v v: - , -. ,r tt"8! ineanpve again, now rouiu a heartfer endorseoient ' have 'been ' :- ..-,1 ,' , Slam IIedtaXrr. - ' , -f ' , rt .. 1 ., ' .'" r -AtlaDU Journal, - : . , !"-' A striking looking fellow he K arrd aa he walked li.ti Democratic head' quaite'ra with hie beavef cocked a little tnne aide, jiod hisemooth aha van face I top with a mWcbievoas smile, .as be bnisiies aside the tail of Hsjias ewlng er and straddled over-a chair, whlttliog oa a piece, ef -white pie, anybody might have known it we , Ham,' of Oeorgla, f?nolly poster Ham, tbe let-tar-' ef j -H, W. 3, Ham, jsditor ; Col. Hani, Ibe Democratic rtamp speaker. "Howdy fellows too all well said he, and nKn being answered in the af firmative be shored his bst "do the berk tf kl head aad'said : ' '"Me and J Jemee woke em up over yoDdrt Tbomsetoa yetrUy. We bad i reguUr camp meeting time end a political reriratamoog the elg fer. ; Maik'yoa,! aey aiggeni, aod.I ay ft ad vised ry." When I talk to tbem I ey,'Aowllook a tarr, I want to UVt ti you niTg-ta ever there awhile. ' I'm' Wo4 a g,einf to talk t; you as' colored gniW men, Uirt.I.w bi-t'guUgta talk I Jlkr. asiWeviDkai 'wenW sho, an pqw I knows I'm' gwii'.W 'git up!o,tu eat, Yiill .talks) plnln,',' Yoil don't tilk jakdeKiio'es up'heri. "I Dese efe'Vankees dulls iih mister so an so ' bt'j dey dtMi'lve ii nutKIn, fo'eoi.' You fukes kbidei ni.ui 1 lee tie' but you alius gie ui rashttus when we gits hongry.",;. ".'.' '."." ,' "Wheo I told thof Vt iry," erptihuid Col. Ham, " he. iiiutier woke up aiul shook hand witq . eacliotber;. while they laughed. ' I,,,, ." , .vT"T'f ' 0ja old,fe!low .hill out his hand aud crid out : 'You got sense,,. whit mon ; talk some mo' ilh.t'wny.' ' ' ' -''''Then. I went went at them again.' I V"ld theyM belike the prodigal, eon.. Hie 1 now I'lHi went ou irom nome ior a good time and got fed 00 shitoks and corri-cObs and whec he went back to his frtthi-r be.wus mighty nlgd ' starved to death. , ... -.j.,. , : 'M. A'. '.,','..,',' .. i .""These here Tilrd party f.'1'ow "are feeding you qn shucks and corn-cobs in the way of proinlsvs.' , When" you 'are stirve'nufcon them you'll come buck to us Dutnocrati and'get something' to at-;; .w.IivVr''i ;'i,!..'iV'.' ''Those Pppullst1? mnke me t red," oiilinuetl,, the Sopl I j'g'ster(' shifting himself in his ehair. "Tl y ' rcmlrid tne of a story I , heard. A htt'e, one1 gallus fellow away out in the ununt'y was driving s cow and a. calf do Wb the road. It was one of tliese here littli; hard, nubhio-looking cnlves. The lit tle fellow drove the cow and calf with out any t ouble until hi mi t a big old fteer in the roud. 'The three' passed the time of the day and then when the boy tried t ) drive Ihe cow on the steer drove t o. lie tried to tm Ihe tt .'er buck and finally got him away from the cow, but the ' calf ' followed him. He tried to head fh calf off, but' the oM steer. struck inti a tnt, and the feu If, with tail hi the air,' lit out afier him lii a dead lope. The boy was un able to ciitch him, ai.d as he fired a patt!ng rock at him, and lie yelled out. .'IP I.',' you'durii "little foot.' ut giUss i-At.fl trrn baa. a fiiinua U'tt4n; rrtilllii' titpe cornea '- ..K' ' ' ,.: "When I sen some of 'these- fellw runim.g around the Pt-jf , after 'the Porjiillst steer, leaving the Democratic cos', I feel .lik j'sHying, Oo it dttrrt you', I'reckon you'll learn nope sense' when milkipg titne'eome's." ' " i V4 m it. m n;aNB talk. : '' ll 4 t rlt :m en-ta .Only Itmilai naeMlel ferine Iplea bl C 0rlnarr ' raliticat D.reaey. 1 ' '"' , -''" tn-Vj, : u,t ,. , New aud Obierrer, Sept. Hfth. 'if.t 'jfrinj H.' Rand, of Rand's Mill, Wake coir ty, was in Ru'etgh yest-rday. 1Ie wu busily mesged on mivrkit .wpiiire'J selling Cotton,, making pur feVase, ' '&e.', ' but' :!"he stooped Ibxg enough t give a ' rejort-r i.fUie NeWs and Observer tils views on the' fuslort ' movement' -Mr. Ruprt is s'promlheht Wake county '.- platiter, f mnn' of high" Character,' a gentleman by biiti nnd trrlniug. He is a man who thinks fur himself and has nothing lo conceal. In Hi he-wna among iljaspw ho erabracd thu principles of the-Peoph's party and he became' at ones a bold ejp'me it of ttinre principles and. rt wid ,jp for. lliem with 'charaet r.tio;: Hrm- nes. v Remained with the rBity pi til a few we kf ago when it wa soldout by Otho Wilson and a ft w (.there 1 1 Uie Lpge Hoiris faction of llepaldicenisu). He then annoiinceil that he wnnld not support anv suchiioholy coaVtlon. ' ' '"Are-ynuet-ll enpoaeil t the ' fusion i'ck'i t ,10, tYrk e cooiityj" asked tbe - re-Krt--r'yWrdHy,' , ''T' 4'" -uppoMifl ioiir.xessir, ano i snsii dosll in my power tt detent it." ' , . r M Wbat'ar 'yftor principle reasons Mr, Bwnil, k wlthtiolrllng yoor sup pott from. ,lhi coalitiou fnoyemeet," sifkedtKe reporer. ,,'. , " ".' I decline Id support -Ik air, because I believe jUds-t'ovit every pai tide of pre-t se gained by the People's patty fb VB2s, beeneaetuitber, it ie.ao aband ootneit'pfthe prianipiei for which .such meo'ee Pptk'dle't, and whiohr prompt ed all our .people . In tne' tampaign of 92 to forsake pmat aflilia 1 m," bret away from ne'grbora aud frieod aod seek surnertly but booert'y t- establiab them, be! evlng tbeae rrftiVms to be es sential le the well being of tbe masses of Ibe peoole." . . , "I decline tt soppoit this fusion movemeet cobtleurd Mr. Rand ''be cause I caa et e& will sot eocoorage by gay vte aay such, abendunment of principle and I will . avt be aold oat ton few tmitrs of my own party ia office ' ,-. Mwni.isay further .that ihjs lasiaw movement fifmy opion hi wot only, ad abaodoeuient el principle but te ray miudit I a Jot-I disregard of erdinajy politics! deeeacy. , .- :. T '.- Nd sir. I caaeor and I will not su p Pt h?,r :t,'f ' 1 ... .X. liberal mar y iftmoo.rs5iVli!a1-7"tiai there. will be' In the next House 190 democrat ','158'repnbllcanB and KKpopn tilUt. :, As rs$tfocaM!pe his Jitftre.ttft . making allowance for (roiihtful;dn-tvUt it may be., mentioned f thnt ho only claim the election pf ulna democrat 0 ..n.I.i..ii.. ii ' riir..!.- ,i.ii' 'lhIl evtimt of the rep'ulitican campaign committee' con-edes the eleit'on of 11 democrats In thnt 8iut ; he only claims 5 in Louisiana,") while, the- republicans eoncede 0, in Honth Carolina lie cjuims 4 and the republicans concede 6, That will give a fair idea of the care exercis ed by Senut or Fa u I k ner 1.1 makiug 11 n hia figure; ' He prefers 'jimlere-tfmst Ing the demooratio strength, to ever estimating it. and baa no desire tt ) en croach upon the blu-iter. and, bragging vhlch has been such, a, marked feature nf tbe campaign ; on the ' repubfican side. "f',y i ('! Son n tor H1I! ia juvt the sort of a .man who makes rtroog friends apd bitter enemies in his own party, but the bitter eat of his enemiM w;! concede thnt he has a wonderful hold bo Ihe democrnt- lo voters of New York.'Vhich' he has demonrtrated ( tUne"Ti'nfI,tlme again. CirenuiftanceS having made it neoessa- ry that the demorratio' candidljfe; for governor of New ; York shonld be man whi could bring out the full dem- ocratc vote 01 tne Ofate, woii-n yts ai ways a majority', if logically followed that Senator Hill was that man. "For that reason' democrats In Washlsgtitb, whi thr they be his friend or his ehe- roies, wern pleased with, Senator, H.H". nomination aod are confMrut ' t'Mt he will be elected. He has" never,. been def-ated by the vot-irs of New YorV and be will not be this year, Tbeie.is muob dlsapp ntment over Sr n tor till I's uoininatiou, but' it Is Confinel tithe re pnhllcans who were not eountiog upon such a formidable atitagoot-t. A mrm besof th Cubiort was etked bow he supposed . PrBideiit Cleveland .would regard be, nomination of Senator Hit', and lie qufekiy replied rY'VVhy,Urt as all other gooM democrats 'do ; 'as - the bet that could possibly " have been maile under ' existing' clrcnmst-inces. The Presidents wishes New York, to be carried by the demerrt', and I know he believes that with 8entp;f Hill, l the head of The llrket it will be." ','Bnt wbrft about 1896 ?" queried this InquU it've friend. "Iyi tuswln the campaign ot 04," replied the member of the Cab inet ; "then we can begin . to discurs the tirobabllities atid-possibilities ot r ii .,-4 ,'f . ., .. Public Printer Benedict ba made a decided reform In ' tbe ' Government Printing Office by; abolishing piece work and nut ting- all the priit'-r on time. Notbing-srouooVfW erffatT'lih-aM-atlaas-or- hickerliig and jealously than the, piece-work system, which a portion of the nso.W'xkf djie. dr. , It made a man's pay lepeurient more upon bis luck Inr striklog. VphaW," or. the f i vor of his fireman t ban' apnti his metiisw skill as "a'pHnTSr'. I By" putting them alj upon .time work ftje pay Is eqUalltaHid U is beieyed ihist the work will he better done. ! It I ceit'tln fiat the PuMid'Prlnter'Will e enablMl to devote muchllme' t-J more Important duties -than,, he .ba( bere'lo- rdre heel compelle'l lo waste in Jisten ing to the friend of tbnse "wdrkiag on time who wiabel 'is i" gjet frehsfeVred ike pieoa' diiiartmeiit, boc aut ley could make more money tn i , -' '., " 1 ' '. ' C'i ev y..wv ' '''' wwr.-.-.jV. '. The new tirlff ahrogstrall th Ve Iprooity treaties made,' uoier' fhe e Kinley law; and the formaf otioa jir Ved 'opoe" the'r-iete departmeetb)' Bnzil of lis Jnieution trf' abrogxts ibe reciprocity treaty bt-tweeo :t hat gov ernment aud the U. & oa January? 1. 1895, Was merely "a eorapiiancei with the exptesseil terms 'f tbe ' treaty, wbloli were that either counrrjr'sfobld give Ibe othef three, nqotjia. notice, go fares Ibis country was .oeoerroed; the treaty was abrogated the day it be near twriff bee me law. '"Mri' "Met- donra,'. the Brssii aa .tintUrwhee asked w bat 'effect be thought the .abro tra'ion of the treaty weald) save pon the trade relet loos of the two codnt-ie, said t "The rats will pot be materially raised by Brazil against -bin country, atd I aio ' expecting tMe-country i make largo increase Id lending manu- facturcjl wooleq"gopd4 t f Brasil a a result of tbe .new wop lea many "act ur iog iadeerd' by free, rawj woof lp ihe 1 aew toitflaw eetaideof ibeeeijm fw Changes win oveuir by tbo lormina tieaf the reciuriiQliiT''''' 1 i Ayrr'a Cherry Pei-toroi wlvea- fHef ia roasuaai tioe, tVeu iu aftveacod J ClirpS)!- e..4J,i;t.'., "the Serpent stj'r I COHTAGIS In allita stasootUHMlely1 BLOOD POISQl. eafcyft.8.8. OiH yield to tat aaallna; poaeni WltrenHiTeaUwBolsanaadtsatlilsapUieayaiOTi -wt Wf-t ,,, jt !77. tit 14 OF INTEREST TO FARMERS AX1 GAB- -J,. DENEB9. - sirous of joining iaoiaking Ibe'Socth ; Ihe most prosperouo.ealtoo. of Ibo Union, by developing vljuv new egri- - cultural Industrie, emjjes, garden- , seedT growirg. flq(wer;bDlb raialug. growing smrarrAC- IO UeveiOp wn co, wehall offer iii premium; 'ifo -the f best i su g r pod uci n sr beeta ' grown, must read Ihe spvciai rtjnea,op hesa and other new agricultural ' pursuits which will -commence .with the Jan uary number of ihe j!oflfefrif" SontW J published a t ;-Rjfbmunil "-Y.'', Th price is only $"1.00 per yer, wbloh ydo""1'' t can send direcHjnrpnlc6; af Ririh-",T' -' ' I . ill !,.- t. - A . . -!. i mono, or wn w in nun win ii ami h-iiu eini Tnn Ai.amancr Gleaneii and Ihe '1 . foi;SslT!?rJr"T l'C I7t Hi It IVi ap -CTf ejsujB-mj-imj aaexsi --Snk r both papers nnft yar. Vance, for ootn AiWrVsaff d Nov., JO- MAGllETIG;liRVilE Horrou proatra tion. Fit, Dint- nmm a, Weadaona, . " 7suraia e In ' tomnia. Otaataa -SSnlittanitl r sxaaV,K. P must boat, brisirtMa Ow rl ll'Af'o! tMaf I nreaslon, ofteplns! Of the Brain. fm ulttKitl BiMrabls death. MAOMSTIO VIMS mmU aMIn In ) th mm Mfnuiv Ineamlty " - iwM.ninnTwi rwi in. wrr t mrmt mmmrn" r . rd Mala baaJUi and Wpin-Jf to tin' " niimth' lusliiiiail la slaia MckaM b , i nr maanmt, aijv par njxi a m eJ". -iJOonlu waain Wrtttan OuarantOaeM' enra ot rsfnnd Uw monmr. OuaalantM. OaaaaBlH , : iiMid aalr by oar Mil. ; Mailed on receipt ofprlce by f RieHA'tfDOWrArABtaiP.o .nWholesaJe'ft ltetaH pmggistt, ; i . urnriirMviu, v. - J. I teaksvifrenVb6Ielt:flill3, LEAKSVILLE, N. 0. Are stl'l at tbe nM place .nnd v the same oli ui tnagetnient, aad atilt making ineame, ae ' I'lcfeLLfeNT 6dODSl --s-.i f , l.fl .!,. a 'm n'3.. . . r . j So w-ll and faoabIy. KoOwn ihrougtr this) 1 sectjort. ;" a-i ftt n 1vm t W W-rk l MaveWot! 'fee CnaSj tal StlaaltslA, Waaey . Be4aevaaVs, CaMlatrrmh Jeaaa, ffanaela," '"- aal 'Vara, Mcmj -.'j , - Write for lnfonnatloa ayd samplo. ' - Tii e your wool to A. B. Tw ' Areat, Om-; , Hain,.N. O. or a. K. Iktuc Metanw, N. C. sod taer will forward i( to .Will rseetif etiue. " LEAKS VI IXi WOOLRN MILLS, f ACWJLaVII!0- n, v f I. -Ml- IX il ' Stay 10 iBia!i 'l' i'l f '"'I mmi '.COPYRIGHTS. nimac l.il., woo nava saa h any y it she Uciu raifltJy ernMwtlal. . A UmmAtutt In. tonDatloa eofMnnuoa Parswra aad afar to. aa. talw tbeai aaat Jnwv Alio a taiah-a of aaaansa, awl and adeotlAo books aeat IMa. ' . u PatanU takes throoak Mona a Os. taeafra Spodal Dotlaalata aVtsactSe Aaaarieaa. aad tbua ar brtraeht wldrly burnra Lka public witb- IHIUDM m tha aaliail laialnaaa Ooaraau aoa, ao to- memar, . xaia apieoaia papar. lantaat eir it, aMaamiy liioKncea, aaa ay rar iaa urld,.B3 I alauoa or any aovanune won in I a fear. Samr.la aotHa aaoa fiaa. . . Jlalktliic aMIUoov noirtbly. pM a yaar. Blaata enptM, It wna. Wraay munlMr anotalaa baas prill euiea, la eolora, and phoCnrapha of aaw SooMa, wtta alana. aoablpis WlOars fo soow iba aun oawna auu won, Donnoa aoaiwa ' . MUSM OU. Hew XotUL, sot iMuir'.y.1 u , " 1 ami - TlilAl ' I am the North; Carolina Agent for Of. -White's Nav ,Hak, Grower-Treatment ;- 'tke Greatest Discovery" of the Age. ' It will permanently euro , falling of tor blr, naiidrun, caly erujuiou. IKTsiuJes, or nny aralp l'seaae.-t - It prevents bale taminav arav arii -.reeture hair to its original 'color, and brines a' - -'.- .;,f New Growtk if Harr a aay Bald Head en if.ii -tart,-;' - ... ., If t theonlv-llteatmept.that will produce three yeuli. '-t - Testimonials ab'd treatise furnished on applioatiooi'.- -. .'i i . Mr. John, M.. Coble, at Coble Tboanpaon's atorO, Is my agent w Ora- nam, rt. u. KespeetriWiT. , , B. T. iJlSHLEf '- T '"Hw River.' N.O Dec 14 t?. rtfW -a FONVILL'E HOTEL. . "' cicntAM, N. C. . hi .i,.;,; . . ... A .'.W .1 Ui wg iS'Rli, a ai tc Um old t nlon 11 rH a aear name. We will put new Ills Iqaa tha Holrl, aoitkaetkaKltUt-iHUiS tabic aA raaaonabl rteaa, , ' ' ; - WfH-B yoaaoma to Onitiani, rsan-mb-rtltat Vim nil frt a nice weal al Uir 'ouf liia liolai. Iftva as a ralV . . v . .n . a . . . . .aa, r .) -f J r.k " " Au3-m. Ii Fraprletor. il'jfi ri 0 W- f: . -1 '1 Tii !-. 1 I r- 1 .