,-rJrf'"; .-j ; . -' '' r sis' i-h :;--i -'.f41I .! nt ... -,1 I'.-ITilllS tT . , . ,, , '. n ,11. iW'jl r. I'vVl 'WW'"" .VTi'.'l-fK. 1 1 iv f" .mill .ll! if" ( t wWV?- ir; n i ; v1'-Ka '-' ' i A aTihiR Ml V i f - ar . : i. 'It ' ' ' 'I,'-' TheOld f Friend fails you, .i8'Simmon8 LivtT E-3gu-i lator, (the Red Z) that's ymt you hewf t' ihi mention of this excellent Liver; infidicine, and people should iiot be persuaded that Bflythin tjlsS will do. is the iTin of Liver Medi cine87'li' Better than pills, and takes; fie place,, of -Quinine and CalomeL It acts directly on the Li per, Kidneys' and Bowels and gives, ewjife (to ha, whole -svs-tArrC ' Thfs is the medicine you want. Gold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry bi made 'in to a tea. -EVKT PACKAGB-VO ' Hh ttie K flfmmp ln't-rl on w. upper a. H. ZKILUJ-i 4 CO.. PI.ila.Wnl ta. If ytn sre rohig;t tmHfiilii-iso'.fyon wl do w'MI to call on me for prices. 1 have a force of (-killed workmen who h&Y.e Otffu wilh we fimitytot'yearH, who know how to do good -fork ana a benp ot it.- I will 'mild by Sontrifct or I.J tlie day ; furnish fflaterial "or jou can do It. Come and fee me. . Will be glad to give -jfoxi Jinrrt. Tlianka for pBt palronai'o. ' V loura &o. , j f M. W. HlirsoSF. : . i i j i .,''.'.. !!' Grab am, N. C. Ang. 85. ........ ' L ' IIWH"W1I"I -1 -i" jmem. f ' HE MAKES 'VA IT, WITH CH AJ OES.'XHJE .'FORM'Of A"16EbV ATE- MENTTO SHOW A BALANCE. 'fi t;( ,-ii t.. ' -M ' ' ' Bankrupts the Treasury and Brings on the the ;w-t ' ''-! t- -i.-. BErONi)IBILITr FIXED. til , H PRICE 60 CENTS PER BOTTLE. . Hal f vatSAfll larBRKATIO!! rREC i Collegiate and; Military . 1 J3TT PdTL Enpl'iHli, Scientific, Mathpmal iiai and Classical couraep, with np'ecial Biu ine8 Department. If you have a eon you Aer to eiiiat dron a, poataj for Catalogue. P. J. July 13 tf. KEEKODLE. A. M., Principal. ont,r nta ow rti i Ei-PfMtlf-iit Harrifon 'i'pcently do livered a eiwech' in' Mr. WHsoii'jj dip- itict' in iilirh he siiid you .have felt the t-floi t-t.of lhe ilrprefBion ; if you -tbiuk mor of thoe effettJ and "prpfi r not to l. ad the' country through the loii(h of despondeijcy, Bbow.il ljy .de-. fetii)g VViloii.'J ;j J ,! v ;; ...!-- The count ryiwas in the ''"siough" 'of degpfHidetwy' 1 before 'Mr,' Harrison left the T7hite lloiise..', Willi sUereil it i.Wo t'l'e "tdouth'?',' Who, foundered the aliip of tlt. byj running , it ioto' the quagmire ? are pettineiil Hud"impiii-(aV; quoftious for tliiicussion iu tjhe. jireeeot canvass. ,.... ;- . : TAMPERS WITH DEBT, STATEWtNTy Thai Pregidei.t Harrinnn rt as an ' In compitant or reck lesB .' pilots, to, use very, mild terms, . .will ; clearly , appear from an examination of the. records of the Treasury Depaitraent which hU 8UhordinBt8 made. "; He must Vt mil by these recor'dn. and they" show thut he was respouBiule for the dnanciul panic It was a Harhipon panic, Jelibprf.tf ly brought' updo' the .'coUfctW " ' Every mouth t;e Treusurya iue a debi state ment, The toruat tnis (t uemeut was deliberately changed three times while he Was Preitlett'1, "fur' "hit purpose By a comparihon of the clebt Vt te io.;i.t.iHsued.Ma.rch,li W.fc9,fwitb ; the one j?KUed March. 1; 1893, it ill appear thai ine niue iteinrt nhich' are Includ- edf iri tlie aVailiibla cifTtth 'in'' the Trei' er in the ftnt?meiit of March 1, 1889, ebows-tljfit Gfefeland furfi-d over to lixrrison the t$e fabulous Mirplua of HvuniMiie lunas i inrMB nunaieu ,snn iliirty tnulicn thrie hundred and foity- eight tjoimand nine hundred and ais- en do?'ir3 end twelve cents ($330,- (H8,916.12) ikd.iition to ibi) enor mous film JherJ (3 fiearly four hun drid mill ton of (lolLiH in the Treasurv or jiarcn i,li8u, wnicn was Delif to pay gold, nlyerand currency certifi cates then out-tandirp, the ti.tal amount of cash in the Treasury, being 7.6a6c5.f;& ) i i a 1 1) n :t . When Harrixbn surrendered to Cleveland, March 4, 1893, the same Arrangements Perfected . hy Which We Give Snb scription tcWonian's) , - Work without : jtems whioltjinade. up tbs bree un drti and thjftj ialionsUilib) visb oft March lij 188 amoarftdfa ,4nly I .oU'hundrtd -and' sixty W 'tnilHons We are now prepared to make wonner fully liberal offer to ul) who pay In adranre for Taa Alihiicb Olraker. W's Won Is a (WCMrfTif U 4oe6itnlfnafraiin dceerredly oM biinc pppl ar-pliljlif.h- It lafHireT'COreiTsininK aoe neipiai in tA erert depart cisirnal bhrbelau readlna jnapa.- and .Jlhnr- nn anniM m an ara ; .', w. pni'innm , i MtUvilwirifainewMnr-eoA-ntm! litera ture, and no other periodical meet It -o well. tend n 1.150 for onr paper and Woman's Wt ar wia ai mali I n i; -tnelstterTree. Addict the alam;no OLEANKR. foar hundred and ninety tbiea thous and nine hundred and twenty dollars .and Wlty-ejghfccentji 0.681 l ne eacreu uue gold reserve is aojAintfC i ' ' r.' ,1 i iuin on bonds purchased, , St recent pii IrijcaJ itiu of coinage laws by.the Sen ate, page 813. ',', - A, FIFTY FOCB MILUON TRUST-FUND :r t . LOOTED,' " " 1 Theahip In 1890 would have run' in to the ''slough", 'if Johii Sherman bad not come to the rescue with his "make shift" allver law, which provided ihat UiGlrui-t lund fiir tl.e redemptinp ot the untional bank, notes .sIiquM', le turned jrti) the available rash io llie TrensiirvV and July ' 1, 1890, f 54,888,- 476 75 of this fund was , t-api-ferred to till available, cash. Tims . Hatrifion was enabled to continue tlie purchase of bonds .at.. a premium.- But 1he inomhly dtl.t. t-ttlements began to show a deplete Treasury, and in or der wmake'a' kt?r"Bhofngv on paper reaoit tojfgg,lllg ili'fhe slntumeuls conimenced. " Trrasurer, Nebeker,. Hariiobu's special friend from In. liana, in bin repott for' 1890, ' page 7," say t "iiice Juie, 1890, the form of the' pub lished . mijtnthly- statement of awl and liabilities hag been twice revised." Oif piige 9 hasays it waa ''recast.'' Why It Was revised" and "recast" , it plnin;M If the old form had been" con tinued it would bave shown thut there was not a dollar of available cash 'in tne Treasury.-' But this- was' not tbe last time it, was,"revised" or ;'i-ecatt," as will appear tilrllier op.,, ,; ) , . jsi-f-ren'iem narrison in nis peecn said that ''delicacy forbids roe to- say much of the lat-t admiuiftridion," but for bis 8uhordinDtPS!he"says''"tbatthefe was an attempt ti act for the best ii teresls of all the peop'e." It. was a very,feel la, "attempt.", ; '. i ,, j , JTUtiGUNO WITH FIGURES. ! ,-Vs,it ' for the beat Intureft of all the people" thnt the public del t et.ite ment should be lhree limes I'reviaed" and "reca-1" ? that $30,105,( 13.25 .de rived from, profits ' on ' coinage during the flrCiil years 18S9 t 1891' should be us'.d to buy bdiioTXt'a premium, pny--ingal hlgh' ns"$128:foWheni"a'nd at a time when the ' t reasiiry j',u , on , the v -rge of bankruptcy ? 'and wa it "for the bis interests ofull the people" hat $47,997,807.03, collected from "all I he people, dhould be paid out to the tew ftV red hondhi.ldeis as a pr eriiiilirt on their bonds ? The enormous surplus turned over by Cleveland, ihe bank' re de hpt Ot) t' Uvt fund Iransfened t.O: the availal le (Msh and the profits on Cuin .ade' furnished;! a'.'rtpli. harveft to the b(idlul lerf. The taxes 1 ivied on the pen; .le y the tariff 'U ws continued to replenish ihe depleted Treasury.' ' The protected rranuffufirers wat ted some part of the"p16fiaef under fhe Harrison ndininirtrntion. ' The.McKlnley.bill was passed In bclobeV 1890, and the rcceipts'frorn 'en'storo fel'l'frim-'f 219, 652,205 25 iii 191 "to. $177352,964.lB.iin 1892. ,1 This had it effect on Ihe. cash balance, end, with the' billio'n'doltar Pon;tr;ss created confterniilon. the jCrjiBsurjr,,., Another , juggl -wUh Mhe dbt stHterr.eat taint be? made,' 'Again reduced to dimes haughtily announced Hh.it t lit re should be no Increase -of the national di bt while he. waa.Piesi dent.," He preferred lo turn the, Treas ury over in its bankrupt condition and force Cleveland-to issue bond". LATINO FOUNDATIONS FOR A PANIC. Bofore' j he 'close of his' alininlitra- rtnfc the ruin'tpis i ffect of his "nilsera Ide maki shift1' Vilver-purohnsing law it lithe bimkrupt condit'vn f the Treasury, lo. tl).e confidence . of the world, and millions of our "ecuriiies were relurne '. The fouudatlon of the panic had, been- laid, wide and deep, and,, then the - very ;; men (General Harrison, being the roort prominent) jvbo bad In'ri them: commenced. their fCHrecrow work an I bave kept It up t Ibis day.;. This may beti'ejmAn ship hut if il Ir fhe; noiinliy should pray to be delive d from it. ' Above every soup home shoii d be erected tbe sign; 'Jllarrison Soup House." . '" ' ' 1 CAltMSLB RESTORES CONl'IDENCB. .-i-- n 'i.'f ,;' . '. rKever in til bietory of, l(ie govern ment hud a Secretary of the -Treasury snuh a task as fell t the: lit of the piesent. Secretary. . He was called to protett the credit of a government With a bankrupt Treasury." He was equal to , the tak, and confidence has beeu restored. The outward - gold rtreara has ceased, aud h ill soon 1 11 JW in instead ot out. ,'. 1. : Cleveland turned . Harrison Harrison turned over ta Cleveland, over to "Ilar-t3;JO,348,916;l2 162,493,920.78 151 n JACOB A.m LOlVjLJ ATTOENEjPAT. LAW, GRAbAiT. - . N. C II 1 l.j J. D.KEllIVODLiE. ATTORNEY AT LAW oiiiirlfll1 "1 "r Praelleea ia BtXaMwjd' til fahiifnllT and promtrUr alleud all oca im-m entrusted to blm. sjP3rV.'-'-4 A-iimary an Coonarktr' asT Iiw, GBfiaB5Bq, v'.c Prsetleea rerlartr to the coarts of Al AO, t, M ly Dr. Jcln,,R.Stcckard, Jr., BURLEfGTOX, X. KtrOaJ sa of teeth at $10 per set Offic. oa Btaio St. over L N. Walker fo.'s tHare. hundred 'million of Qoutted In , both )iii;;tf ! l snnAKntrnicrt nv m nnronv It will thumbs ' seenMllat 'rfarWo turned over to Cleveland in 1893 f t7,854,IW5 Sfleej oT7aalCdruad tbh be'vytd'toflfvelaSrll lt-9. A large part of the surplus bad vanished. In 1887 Cleveland saw that the enormous accumulation' of surplus was a menace, to business and the resu t ot tmjuat tariff titxai1Srl.-"Ho proposed to stop urjuct and oppressive tarifl tax-ni-bLf irSbnbliokrl 8eaaif lected. ajdjh suruilwutjnjtdjtlgtAw in The ship of ttite, with its rich cargo, accumulated by grinding tariff taxa tion and the 'eeonomy f Cleveland's first administration, passed to the con trol of Pilot Hsrrison and commenced its voyage.) Itsoon-enceurtered pirates, and before the cruise ended it was in the mud, quagmire, or "slougb," as Harrison Uunt it. Hi raffrest'ng to ezaep)ne tb(ng-tfook iaUie wbo at tacked the rich tressurs wbile Harri son sjat the ielui. THE BOSDHOLDKRS GRAB. First -came' ttieidbolderM tbosa fayorrtesot'ibe JiepeUican parly) Dur ing fhetfrtt seven moi thii'of K'serUou's admit, itratioo i6d do4.5(f) was exiwDd- ed iqthspurobese of soWe at a pre mium, be Wiodom's rrpoit for 1890, page 27. 1 . t- f . But this did not satisfy the bond holders, or Harria-.tr, a 4 tae raid oa tbe ' su-plut wss continued through 1890 and 1891, abea iterated colt b causo bera .was- ma more , urp hr. During threa tUcal Jr lSS9-'0-91 -tbe enoraaoua sam of $47.B9707il was paid la tbe boudbUers as prem- itnruptf.e ,,reiBt.a";or;'.7etaBl,"pr ft s-6tiM not 'slioWJt' .tfibia,. of 'available qal.'' Jbi The 1'ref ury. Tbe statement for June 1, 1691, gve the wl cash bal ance at f33,842.3i0.8(.. ' Tbis -looked like; fki:jkii;iayy 189i; , the slamenya8;'reyisedj',o i"eoast." Prior to this rtate lba iniekels, dimes, quarters and tmtf'dollart apneart d on tlis't itemet.tWs' unaviill'shle' funds'. The picrls. ap4&u(pesji(a now tro'ted out and nituierto do 4my- as avaiialile cashand'tlms Kelp swell the cash' bal $iice 1 Byfthli;' trahifeV tlis'aviijable ensn, Balance was, increavu ta voi.stta, 808,83. , This resort to -aickels, -dines, ttca ss a btHailtatinsrac;tor the Har rldoft' admliiUtnitfhnJ and'properjf' e sicites it ps the lDimg dniiuistratiou. I ';nV . WAjLAItMED....,... , . i Bui-bowoess caes weve iott be fool Led bv rsakiair available' fnnda ''out "of nidket and" ilimea;" 'Capital became alarmed and Iho g-l I stream sUr'eil across the ocean. Under Harrisn tbe excess of expdrt ot gold' over" Imports wa,tI67.889,,8', while under ;Cleve Und's firi aduiinitrsti-n the , imports largely excesdew the exports., ; In .lha roeaatlroatha McK'nley Act with-it viclotM pmvlefrm for paying cVs backs mslfe another drain on the T'reasiiry, $8,6l4,439'l4tbeir.g'lheaaiooiit, repaid importers ia 1891 and 4892. 8ee Becre tary Teeasorjr report of 1892,' psg'e 23. -;U.:J.i.' ''.'wi-i'i-.''-.'-.-AiJ " Fi-wirTif9rr-'riI"iheTcw-T)f Harrison's s.lmiiilat ration tbeTreatory wssrnsamvipaU WSfruplVJTlal!rvt etatemci.t ssuel .aiarcn rtotfj, ry Charles Foft,fcrXj)'in Tra ory, places lb net cash "ha fsace at $24,- 12887.84 ,Tbasaiaetuaii.tsbow ibst of Ibis amount $11,49739 74 wsa nkkaiedimes, ka..Hri iao ratarod with hundreds of milliios pad closed with dim-. Verily, be "bad run the ship into deep esud of a' moraaa or a quagmire ot, as ke terms jH, M.lNjgh.n rscrAREa to isacs B05DC- H kaaw, as did hi HeersUry of tk Treasury, lbs 'lha goreroraant was tial'ropTtalttr gave orders to prepare for tHa iaaae boa-t ; lb plat's were prepared, but t e waa wbo bad iaberilsd bauJrcds of millions and a as i ' Difference, '$1676,1.994.84 But this amount included the i g'JJ reserve, $100,1)00,000,. which , Harrison CO'isldeYed sacred, and Ihe agency ac count, so that Harrison'a 8eoreiary of the .Treasury, in the Inst.di btst itement he issued, puts down the net CAsh bal ance in the Treasury at $24,128 087 88, and of Ibis $11,497,829.74 were nickels, dimra, 4V.. --'' ,; " 2. Harrison began the phrchase Of bonds imme'linl sly afer bis inaugura tion, and the first seven months paid out $00 951,600. ' ' ; i 3. 1 In three years Harrison paid the (wind holders t47,997,S(j7.32 preiuluoi on blinds."".'';''' .' ;! '" .''''V' 4, ' "UevNed" Or! "recast" the debt vtatemenl three times so it would show a balanice iu'tne Xrea'iiryl ':"...', , 5. Transferred'.a tru-t fund of $5i, 388,475 75 into the available cash., ., .' 6, Had tha benefit of profit -ou coiiiT age amounting to $30,105,013 25V ,' 7, Signed the McKiuley act., , which reduced, t'1" ret-elft-i from customs iu one yen? $42.06,241 10. , ', i. , i 8, In two! yea: under the McKin ley low tha sum of $8,614,430.14 Was refunded to importers' as drawback. . 9. S The purchase of bonds;' the bil lion dollar Congress, -drawback a and general extravagance bankrupted the Treasury. : " ! ' ' - ' '' J'.'!" 10. ' This, with the mlsererable makeshift silver-purchasing la w, alarm ed capital, brought duf' secnrit:ee b6ae and rent' a gol f t-tream across ( the ocesn in Volume $157,989,803."' ' ' ..' ! 11. Preparations to. Issue .bonds made by' Harrtsou's ' Secretary ; of the Treasury. . . . , ! , - ... , 12,' Harrison Panic 'toil , fioup Houses. ' ' .... ., ... . " , ., v v -"' 'tatra fr llaadachr. As a remedy tor alt forms of Head' aebe Electrio Bi't-rs hat proved p bi (Le very best." It effect a permanent cure and .the; most dreadful ' ba-l'Ual sick headaches yield la iie influence. We urge all wbo era afllicted fa) -'pro-etira a , bit 1 and( give r.t'ils' rem. edy a fsir'.lrial. In' ere of banit-' ual nnVt'pstton Electrio Bluer' curit by aivirul the ureded loiie t-t the bowel, and, few, ca" Joojr reist ths ue of this medcine.,,3'iy .it oooe, . Ijrge 1s t lea only 60 cel.tt at T. A. Albrigbt's k . .. . . ; '. . rug otwro,,. ... .. VfJHiuE oiriiaieit, Lexington Dipateh. D. M. Fnrchts was the Republican csilidnte tor governor In 1892. Now he as "non-psiti'an" candidate for su preme ooftii J t'c. As lata as the 7ib of April, 1894, aa ass-somewhat of. a ttsrlisna, and, as such, opposed fusion with tn Populi.t. On t 'e day above aiei.toned, judge Forch- wrttea bt; er to' ma wint-ton Kepuolirati, In re sponse to a 'request from- thi editor, nt gave - eipreanioo ' .of ' bis view on t'je subject ia language thai la rwtber strong ' for one . wbo Is beat voting before the public as a ."eon- paittMMnJudiclal candidate, te order It do bis honor junta In the matter. M' o i'l nia f pun-i .aiwiirn anoar wbal be thinks of them as elites of tbe Kepub isan pa't ,, we quote a fear pes- sages Irom bis leitw; . "1 do believe th-t the eomblns lioa eae be done thieeghou ' II e 8i.e ae a to . ii-juriooaly eO'ect the Vmta. eratic party in the eouit aad- revolt of ihe election. . I fcnow this, pvltcy, el fusion was attempted io the rati two yeaia ago without teneCL' Juda-e Pool and saber KrpubHeaa aaadidates fur congress wHbdrew le tbe iMterest of Ihe Popu) t oandidU-s.' Alsa nther K fublHMn Madi.Utrs wnbdrew lo the In, rest of the Fopuia-t caadidaes for be letaiatare with tbe saoVrttand iwg taa tbe two iniea -wold mke eommoa) eaue' agaittat ' Itemocracy. And w bave the rarult i JJeannvraev rarne.1 everything. Kepuh. licanUro. as I andrtand il, la founded upvu will cat a bitted aad well dtfiiKd theories and principles which I t ollcve should control tbe polilicul. l oliost ot this rouniry. Among these, in national pnl tics, ore tq tie found t riff for reve liueand proteitioii to American Indus try, ft sound nnd stable currency, Iihi--cd on both gold and silver, and ofsutl ciei.t volume t transac t the biiainess ot the government w it brut deppressiou if prices; btitopp6sed to the tree and Il n limited coinage of silver Into dollars of an iulerlor, value. ; ;.,, In nitional tiolitic as I understand It, the Popu list party are opposed -to S" prolet-tive t'iriti', in favor, of tree eoinaiie of silver tits present depreciated) rstVs r.lor KovernhiP-36 Ownership of railroads, for. Bub-ti eHiurl and boude I waiVholise and oiher things t'.ie Uepublican poriy has never declared for. And, there being these radical differences b. tweeu the Hi-publican and Populist parties, it is not sup'prbing liut they do no rea ily un'.te id support of cttndidntes of I he oppiM-ite. party; -' and . Ma my opfulon,any man wbo relies on a. fill vo'a of tbe Populist In sutuio'tof a Be puhlicnn oru full vi't ot the 'Kepubll can party in supnort of .a, Populiist eandidste, "will fie very much dissapoln ted ij the result! , ,- ) The Ue publican paily.rannot.be transferred by assumed leaders from one parly te another, like cattle from " one field ' to niK'ther. ' , . . ':, ' ! . ;- There is' much in the foregoing tb,at: is worthy of coinmecl; but at this time the Dispatch desires lo direct h atten tion of lis readers to one thought,; viz: that Judge Furches, wltb'a fill) knowl edge of the- cont eetcg prmciplet and politics of the Kepubltoan and Populist phi ties, and with intense pa-rMsau ab horrence or Ihe latter, naa1 permitted "assu-ned leaiera"t't Iraonfer hitn fronn Ibe Republican party to the bosom, of thn ill asaorted fusion 'combination like cattle from one field lo another.'! And self respecting citizens of .North Carolinn nre asked to v te fir blm for a place on the bench of a Muoii-part'r.an judciary J" , , ... (, ,: ...... ' .-'....'. if, -i .-.J - Tbe DIscererr t avt al Ilia l ife- Mr. G. Cuil loui tte, Druggist Pea vers- ville, III,, says: ' To Dr. King's New Discovery I ewe pty life, j Was . taken with LaUrippe and tried all the Physi cians for miles about but ol no' avail and was given up and t i l I could not live.; Having Dr. King's New Drscov- ery lu my tore I sent for a bottle and began it use and from the first dose began to get bitt-r,'' and aft-r using three Ix itlt-s was up and about sgnin. its wot tit lie weight In gold. We v on't keep a store or house i wilhoiit if,," (let a free fial at T, A. Albrigitiy bfugtoVe.' ' ;' :!; .( t-i Office of 8. Cherkv,' 21Da.vtnii Street, ' : :. ; SAVANNAH, A.. f . December 16. 1891. j Mkssiis. LirpjfAN Bun., ' Havannah, 3a. : n w'l i-.j Drab Pirs Iywould like t add my teVtimoiiv 1 1 the ; alintat miraculous f- feot of P. P. P. in the case or MaiV In graham, a .woman Jiving on ray place; she had a cmttant cough, ,s re throat, debifty, etc,; anil wa' emaciated" to a degree that the was unable t get 'out it-iaided, hi ing given up by physician;: she had taken tr-a 'riiiiiOu-.,''so-called Blood Medicines, Wlihoiit the 'least i 1 f-ft, until beirg put.ytuler the t..P,,., Hhe 1'Oiiiediaie' liegan t' improve' and M bow in as good 'benttb a'"slie' ever was In her life. s. Y'ii can re r Jo me Bt any time as fo the (feels pi P. P. P. In toe lotevoin'g cSSi.'' ' i ,: .' , y.tirs Hilly - i ' .f rj 8A Ml'EJ j CllERRlf. . A MARSHAL 8AVKD LIFtt AND It AIR.' ' - MONTIOKLLO, FLA.', : ' . Jan. 2U 1890. , Fcr the Intt elebt vrkre I have been in bit. I healt't, suflering w.fi Malsrfa', KliciiniHtixm. Dyspepsia, J)rop. yri .Jut digestion was bud. and my ' hair all eanie nut, in fact I wasnesily a wreV-k. I Had tiken Kidney HHS-lilitoa-itlrdi cit.es, whitdi did me no good. )Vlin. I began taking V. P, P., about three months ing i, I Was as weak as a child. I have only taken lour bottHel (smrill sie), and to-day J am a w ell man and my Iralr phs "come again." I cuuuol rtcoujujtnd P. P. P.iien hiublv.' v v W.F,.WAKE, if 1 ' - Mar;H..l,M.n.tlcelo,Fla. ! r.U. OWENS,-Wit oeas. - -' . .i . m . .- ,t (.,s:i . Lima win Injdra (ubla Maaate. , FUn let wm know K Dm is Injartoos to ma. Bare that eooutna atabla manure or cotton area, ana la ataai aad lot tnuora lajureo of . belnit arpoaed to alia sod sir for aevrraldar an la praotlcad tw aom farmer hefura they drill tbvir in&aura." J. Ji. tt. Mdabony N. C, awbiwi vr u m hhw, imeur, ExporimtrDt Htatloo.) , . The addition of lime to stable ma anrela.not sdviiutble beoanse it wflj tend to decompose it and liberate tbe ammonias it will also bave this effect upon cotton seed. Jt would be bent no to allow the stable manure to be expo; aed before applying to the land. Ctmvr BJ.S Gtaae far Featana'ea Kaadr MoTL Pleaae Inform me what kind of rkwer la ska boat for pasture purpow In llvht aamty Unit ; .the time It ouch to be awwe t wbat olhrt ktaa of Mtaq to ww with It i sIm tarn aswiiain m each an be ined per acre." H. J. V, klu HawlcJf. C. . . . -.. - ( Anawemd by F. K. Cmerr, IlortJraUniiat. M. C Kxpajiraenl Mtallun.) , - -. - ... in it woniuaepencaomewnaton whether ' yoo wish a permanent panto re, or only a winter ana. spribc; pasture. . For par, mancnt natnre nothing ia better than., White clover t I or f pounds per acre. Bermoda-twlre) grasst or 8 bos. per aere Kentocky blue rrwa, 1 bushel per acre t Kight or. tea btuthela wf foot which bare been raked out of gardens aoay.be , rno tnroogn a former mtter ana aoarn bmedeaat and harrowed In-, .. : This mixta re ahould eire a atrong tarf and pasturacre' nearly tbe year roand ia your aectiow wbea once Weil started. The ground should be ma nured ones In a while to supply pbtat food if the panture ia to be kept rood, aosr whenever the next month La likely to be mobat and fevxamble to ta growth of gTssa and elorer. in early tall, is a, iroud time. Seed eaa he had of most of the regwlar adrertiaina) aaarlmaav Kor water paattare nothiur can rraw abend of acmriet or ertmsne eiarer. ' now. VI tc 4S ponnda of chaff or 1 J to IS poanda a.' dcanad artd nar acre. Ha I a buhd ai rra aiav baaowa with Ujaelnvartd I i vantage. . SUGAR. tif. If i - , r-r.-.J.f l-rj"..l i lias IJUe Tailljf Inreae'tl , ine, i'lice re. i .,. .... -. . 7T""..., ...L .. hS Official records of the wholesale! price oi uranuiaiea J5Ugar( in iijia delphia disprove the a8sertionf that it hits been increased by the j ariff. "'" The comparison of prces is .frym the date of the operatibn of .fhe Mc Kinley bill to ihe present iiine un der both , measures. " , ;.'; ' The wnolcBale price of Granulat ed (RefinedV sugar coniparotl for month of September during 'last "r ,',.;.-X.r!',L.".'i .Wl, BepUlnt, tJ-16ot: PpL 15tb, 4- U. "law, " S " " " 610" U3, " , '. 5 v!'r .,?,. H6,,. f' - ISSt - .e1 5 n 5 j .laVf,' Oct., ., 411-10", Oct. Stir, All quotations prior to JUbe 29th, 1892, are tlie refiner's prices. All after that date are the" refiner's card prices, and by- agreement wholesale grocers are allowed ft re bate. from to 3-1 6 of a cent, igent erally 3-16 of a cent ThW'Whcro the actual selling price is 9 cents the rebate wold make it 4 J8-16.' - 'The retail price is formed by adding' to l cent, ' according td distance from point of distributiMv.J ' '"'' MCKINLEY BILIWB.Nt TSTO OPERA ' ' TION Ot)TOBBH,: 1890. ' In1 1890 from OctbLcr to" Decem ber, inclusive, the Wwesl price 'was 6 cents, December 15; the highest, 6 ll,i& cents, Oct I5th;" ' ! In 1891 the lowest was -4 cents. Dec: '15th;' thehighest, '6f ctints, March 1st. , ' " " ' "1 i ;' " ' I-n'1892 the lowest was ' cents, Jan. 15th, Feb. nnd Mar. ; 1st;" the highpflt; 6 8-16 cents Sept. lSthand Oct. lst:, -;;i:''"'v' -i-i.i--t : " In 1893 the lowest' wns1 4j' cents, Dec.v 1st; the highest' 5 19-16 cents, JunS15tli aiVd' TuTy 1st.1 i " ' maif In 1894 the lowest frft3M'4? cents, , Jan.? fst and June ist the1 highest 5 cents, September 1st and loth (newlaw weiHTnto ope g$on u gusl 28th). Octlst," 4 11-16 cts., Oct. 9th 4$ cents. t Oflirial-figurerf'show vthe-'" whole saro prioeSof 'granulAtcd sugar' hits not , been increased saml'el how different ia the effect Mf 'ithe ttrfS laws in the revenue received by! the government andt'turnod' into- 'the treasurv; from this aourcei'i' ! Under present law :$43,000,000)' . .;,Vndor:MeICiniey lnvn 00,000,000. -IcKialey gftvo tfthe trusis':frcfi raw BUcart and- pmlibitory.' duty in faror of their prdtluclt- tf ufrned sugaiu iTho'presont law 'rivea -to Ujo XrtJfouryi a r largo: iWenXib, ' abling Congress to-retJufc ibe 'price' on ather necessaries of life' and out dow Hither profits of the-trusts over 50-per centi f v nil rl'l i aJlVIII .' , e.,.f ,,.(T Eraptions;; ,;f Wtf similar annoyances are 'caused by cn Impure blood,' which Vul result in a more dreaded disease. j.-Unles3iremo,ved,saight impurities Will develop into Scrofula, Ecze- tnaV5are leiifljaotJiersribuB -Jl!ejult8j0fitrj'jtM'l blood -traubla, for arbkb. -'; took many remedies that . did ma no good. I have , now taken four bottle of T JT.ff J with th aaoat wottdetf al raanlts goyr)! Am enjoyinr tbe beat health I 1 1 ever knew, he grained twwtr poanda and my friamfeaaV they never saw ma at weiL 1 am feeling- quite like a new , man. . JOHN S. EDELIX, CimtawiMI PttaHaf Oltea. W.iMapna.D. C. Our Treatii on Blood and Skin Dnaaai mailed fiaa to any addieas. 8W(T SPECIFIC C0.t AttarbL 6t' CLyBBNQ ANNQlifiCIMENT. OF UAK- l 1NTEKESJ ,TO FAUHflBS Ah'U ,HO'HDSss??!aOil Farmers and Gardeners, who are de sirous of Joining in making the South the most prosperous section of tbe Union,, by developing lhe,,Bew,gri cultural Industrie,, such aa, gardefi seed growirg,.- flowes-balh, , caisllag, , growing sugar4 4-antlO lgek,jjMiob, we shalL ofTtr - ii firamien for the best augtr prsdwcing'i-heeta:efisesvfi, must read the sneoial articles on tbeaa httilT orteffcWrlcairuralpu published a t Bichroond. Va. Tb price is only $1 00 per year, which you cao aetiir dirttirto, We. Vfllcee tfinh. mond, or, .we, wil club with Jt and nasal yt,u The ALaaiAMOE (rLaara aed thxt Progrtuir Stuik lor $1 7ft, eaah tt 4 vance, for both paperw one year. ' . .j Addre,V ThGuasv Nov.30,'9a,- " ? Graham, N.C MAGNETIC NERVINE. of oreaSlon. Boreninat Jiad MlMta BaMrabllvd V HI .mtii ... jmmam 11 WLtxA Mtranuth to hath thn mum. ut tn nrmiD, DatMane tna ;Bg-IWMinalKI -mllenr,! A niontb'a JnatBMna tn.DUui mall u any anamM. ai4W par mjx; 9 m vairSfi-HUardMr wa a writnn pua curaormrananamoaafw uwniatanaa, ftfuileil "on receipt of price nv-" St ' KlCHAKION'cV'FAfS?: v2 """' Wholesale Retail Dniggutv j, iOropfborovii,s.'. '.'( i, j .1,1111,1 u, i. Ii iTii.n K'p'. in. 'in It Leaksville Woolen Mills, LEAK8YILLE, N. C. nf i:wm- t i t ,!AitJi' Are still at theoM'pl ieo.'iwid a- Oie aame 'otl m utagcmeoi, and atlU niaklng ibe saun Hue of,". 1-4 -I...-'..'.'',! I t '. i"- .. ! EXCELLENT jGOODS . :;-:' so welt and (avdiably l kaowo tkroasb thW ?tuf.i ui'4 Jul .tl-tia wl IVe Ware, JTaal aarm r Cjaaa 'fafa' Blaaktla. faiwey Veilapreaas. . . taj-'.;t - .,'ttr.U J"X .tiii' w taUl ttv Tl.a raor wool fo'A. B. Tate. iAoni. draw. hhatn, If. 0. or 8. K. SeoiL Mrhano, N. ,-. aad they, will for want It toMiH leof eherife. . ' HaT:z .H n sKti ;.-? x.iTi'l '. Ta Hervoua Froatraw O tKH rite. DiaxK - nasat Hon dacha. . . Mawralta aa4 Ife. aomniau tttaatax. Hi la (ha aw of to. baeoo, ontam, aleobal, and In otbar dlrae. linn, biiiwiu am D. rno Brain, tnaanita , . eeaaj BTKk.ii a as ia aithar au, laaana wtaltt alar ana nertooawwaw. MBaa luriiaa. - tei nttwela : j.,j!w T-"- 1 '1 t' " ' ' :'.r ,n:-f: A freight ttaln:wltkM4:loaded "osrs, on the As'ieville and f'oarfanl nn roud ran away 'down b.avy' grade oo the . I . . I . . ., m l m:..'A r-nnioM uiiiiii'tniii l ilea lay moiBlnw. The epnine jumped ihe it ,ck.eud.be entire t'aio was t'dled in a hean ia a deep cut .'Tb eavreeef.1' flrrtnan.' k I lirkeuisn,and aMaa Maalieg ;a aide aerea)i:eo: , - . .. , , , f'sawaajaeaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 'it Caaalaaaara.' atairw ef aa i- .a.Vaia-aia. AVa. Ore. CAM I OBTATIt A -PATENT f raa pt anawar im an BOnaat oataioa, wrtta ta N A CO., who bava bad aearli fifty raara I -, IhU. I ! 1 1 aaalHM. I II 1 1. . 1 1 1 . NOTiiiVrt-'1 ylv-ut, ! ... 1" 1 a" epwat av f awessj at VII I t'f. '.'ct di ni an THI800T OUK SEW. Icbr-ii !-? . f-,,.- a weiarti.ii. oiiviiiy uurvv euceearuew nrrnrrri All r V r ti r. I I ft. 11 i I...5V.. rT-r Tj 1894 SWEEPERETTE TbUI w'bUU ia autlling rerelsUog In Carpet. iWEMAKE'F 'yOU THE-: nn r t rtliiftin i LH-eaelr vtcked In hill I HMPJ t'Tlx anew and eto iUbbU4l 111U- offer:: LUJll iL' ya wi'i tuia t'onpun with a roatal Mow er Order tar MM u - . . ii ww win wwHt taa aal aaiupanUe, l. rinwM twrr- Xi-owar or MOJVaY Ask the pebllahert of tfcb paper sbont Our ' 'as fnliV ..K. I : v-' Wl a til li-ssi Lrtrrs is Hi faH ' CAUTIOy rVaa wtAr ycr- aaofe eea adJraa plainly an aa to anaVl aiiatakaa- DKLFK.i Utr mr frtntt mUT, We wlil make H aa ot)ret fi' y la,, ia aiJa Ibis etreraot line wf Aw-per(uea. The Sweeperette Co.. I GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ISO. 1M1, I r.nDVDinuTC wwi a imiii a VI promr anawar aad an m i a ac t e,, wno bi auatlauifaaa star f.aawilfw nuaaaaata Fwiaata and pow ta ok. wn tiHuo pns in, aiao a laiaaitjaaia aawaaia. toaJ and actaaUne booka east Oaa. ... s 1 Pataata takan tbnmab a aim m flo. reettve Spacialiiot4alntlairteatlSoaaaeHeaB,an4 ,,, tliaa aaa browrtit avtoty baton taa paMlewtta.. ' oat enat to tba InTentor. Thta apwedtd papa; . . baaad weakly, alaaaiitlr lllaatnUKl. baa rrCartba i 1 laraaat rlronlauoa of any aotanuse wv.-k in the World. M a ra aaaiiAa.enptaaaawtlaaa, " Itnlldlnj KVIItina. monthhr. sue a rtiJ. sinata npiea. Uf ami. Rvarr lumbw aonujaa beaa tlfal ratea. kaatlan. aad paelrwrai ha of na ntMa wtta piana, anarmna Duiioara to abow the it latrat iMaurna aad aaaara eoaUaeta. aderaaa )'.: ...:ti . i . T ,,,;n'x'i?ili '-.n , 1 am, the North Carolina Ageat for f P.W1"' N?5 Half; Grower Jestment 1 r j , jThe Greatetl I Djscovera rftiia e,.;,.. It will Dermaneoily .cure lallina-.t Of the bail', 'du'i.drt'ifjr,' scaly eruplious. ', posiutes, oraay aejpreaw ..; li'.u it nreveata kajr. turuiejt: -.arsv rard.-a- restores hair to its original color, and brings a - '-"-- ... b'aw'wtowth ef Hahf am any Bald Head en T iT!!t. i- V"Jt ?"t the only tiestment that will pioditce these resulia. 1 ' ' TfwttaiaeiAia and treafiee furnished, 5 oo applicafioe. . f , , . .i Mr. John M.' Coble ' at Coble A . Thortrnaen'a atore.-U asy agent, at Gre - nan, it. v. ;--, - ; FWrCiMJ. Ii. T .I.ASHLEY. , Dee. 14-tf. ' Ha Elver. N. O It Is th j -.1. ' 'rH" '". FONVILLE! HOTEL. i . GRAHAM, N. C.'' '" v WaareaKrwriRaf wlttt NEW rtTtvi, TT7KK, are wa (In thantd I'nlnn Uaat a aean aawia. We will not aew life into tta Hoirl. and keep a MKJI-tlS8 labte at ravwaM.' pnrea. Whew yoa anme Ui Gfwhana, mawolwr that wno raa ret a ulca aaeal at Ux foaU.ie iUMi. UtveaaaeaJl. MRS. A. 8. HABWARD. A of 3 I m. Prf rvt.-, !