v,ftf jta., 4if ). . .. ' ... f v "V m 1" j i ' " r 1 v '-.''' i : " 1 '' -naa aV"a. awaiW V a aw KSft?''. : ' ' :.v ;,.tW n."c, Thursday, .November 1 8.9:; 1 .if vrt! t - ."TLF-VJv - ' ' ' '''' ' J ' RETURNING Prosperity. " Impravaaunt, In ButaM Slnoa tba he Special repprta from the most Impor tant industrial and trade centers of nine irreat .states. veut 6r j.na Alle-i 'gljanles, all concur .sutfstiaily ,in, saying' tbat there U?1(l)eefl,a decidod improrement -in business BiDCe the' tariff bill assumed its final shape, and became assured--- r;.'M 7 ! , . , ( In some, localities the drought has 'affected trade rather seriously, but the people know - that the 'democrats are, not to blame "for that, ' whatever re-tf publican stumpers . may sayi-' From' most , points, the, reports are decidedly , favorable, from others, they are only moderately so, while from some they are positively rosy. " About the -only ' case of bines is reported 'from South ,iBend, Irid. '. Even there the worst that can be said. is iba. industrial inactiv ity l anticipated after, a busy summer. xne story is toia in one sentence: While nearly all of the larger fac tories have bad biR" forces at work all And i&jOld, Friend thorest friend.' that neveir l-,jt,,,lB4r,,(Ui&!,Bed iZ)-rthat -.4Baf.; jiivt.uiyoxiixeaT at tie mention of this" . i. ..eicellent 'Liver,,'! medicine .tuu rieoril6'.' Bhoh'ld not Vie ' "rei Rii.nlt'f1? fJi' is thft King -of 'later ''Modi-'" Alle-if. of I free raw materials, with moderate , ""CONSUMERS" BENEFITED. i xw vvooi iriv Aiono ubkot an u KeS Olffepeneo pf HS,OO,O00 the benefitB.ot taking, the 'duties ' wool are as great ab' 41,8 advooatea THE" REPUBLICAN RAISE. It 1aa thm TarKT Inttad of (lis Worklnar . -. " mwiyrmgei. ', ' i (i McKlniey, "the ldjrlcal candidate of the repablican party for the presi dency, says that thore ans two ways of . - l4".';:1.finl,; 18 tetter than pills, afld f instances these, foreea are, not as rtr rva winin a I - l- '".'' in takes the place of Quimna and lnrw. CftlomeL . It acta directly on the;' -!liiver Hidneys and Jiowels nr r) 1',f'':j gives -ne' life to tho yho'e fj " : y VAepii Thi? ia-.ttie niedjcipe; y ,5' - 'wanti..;, 'Sold fey all DrngciM V ---Liqr4jHpr iB -Powder to be -fi.lv''-' .5 I lrylbr made into a tea. f Vj' - '. -L. ' J . flo wt'i to call on me jor .prices. 1 have a forcfr'oi skilled workmen who liave been with me from W to 3 years, who know how to mo good work and a heap i of It. will build by contract or by tke day ; furnish material or j you can ao it. ,, . r , f ? Come and see tt. f Will be glad to give : BAH ' ' I . .. I . - ... " ours Ac. Aug.. 25,, Tbanks fyr past unlronaee.. kcV . w.Hursoy. urauaiu, n. j. 4 Jt- PR1CC 00 CENTS Pen BOTTLE. : 181 Sf VUSAILt ItrMMtTIM f. won bale by onuooisrs. . surroLK i ; Collegiate and Military . o -5a INSTITUTE, ;.:,--i.u, "-'' '.' " ' (J ' '-"B - Ene)ib. - Scleotifio.r . Mathemat ical end Classical courses, with special Bu- ines? Heparin) nt. II ynu have a son , yon desire lb -iucfe drop a postal for -, caialogne. Afloreps i ; Pi' J. KERSODLE. A'M r JQiyia tf. , 7 - . Principal. - f -The trouble with llcKinley is -m , . ,. : 1 ' I that he doesn't realise that he Is run- f A. LeaUinO lliaaaZine rrefi. l e several years behind hU emer- ."'V' w. I ffency. N. Y. large now and the prospect is that they will be Smaller by the begiiibing- or middle of wnter.,, Jt" l-' t This is the very worst reported from any point.by qprrespondents who wers" specially cautionea to state, lacps wttn bht bias or coloring-. From some points Of great importance, tit ' Louis t for in stance,! the 'reports' are thai business bas jiqt beau better at this season for years. , Taken , all together, .the re ports show, to state itf very, moderate ly, that from Pennsylvania to Colorado and from" the Ohio river' td' Canada business hoc already ' improved,! the- volnme of trade is. ' larger, and - indus-j trial, establishments are doinir much more than they were from four tosbj months ago.' ' There was no such im provement in so-short a time after the panlo oM87S, when there was no tariff reform and. .the republicans had things all their own way.,; .Ziiire. ' -f And the cleannsr house returns con firm for the whole country the reports of correspondents' for this 'great cen tral group of states, r Outside of New York the clearings were greater in both August and September than they were in the same months last year, av eraging about sixteen per cent greater for . the two months. They were less .than in 1891 and 1802, it la true, though not so very much less than in 1801, But 'those were the boom years pre-, ceding- thj " pan'ie, when speculation ' ran hign, credits 1 were 'greatly ex panded and clearings were consequent ly large beyond precedent.. The vol ume of business as indicated by the. clearings Is already, up to the average! for some years before the 'speculative boom. . i In the above statement the New York clearings are , not considered. S There tnere is still a much smaller volumo apparently than there was a year ego. But that is due in part to a smaller .yolume of stock .transactions, and in part to the fact that the clearings of these, transactions. , are now made through " the stock exchange clearing bouse and do not appear in the regular bank clearings. There -is reason, to ' believe, that the volume of strictly mer cantile business Is increasing in New York, as it is In most other cities. There Is no room at all for doubt that the country Is once more" on the up grade and making, rapid: advance on the road; to. prosperity, i No such early and rapid recovery from patiie depression has occurred since 1867 and 1868, when the' country was nearer to free trade than- at any time a race the first decade, of, the,entnry.-t-Chicago Herald., .:' ;. . , ' ,,;: COMM ENTS. OF, THtt,r PRESS. 1 ;dJtios on manufactured goods, expect J cheqkiqg ltnportotion-one by Impos ing a full or prohibitive, tariff and the . . i nen uougni to do xouna tnata luu or prohibitive tariff Increases wages both in the special lines of protected industry and generally ' throughout the country. McKinley made a tariff and the result was lowered wages In the most fully protected lines and a tendency dowp ward In all wage-earning occupations. -How is this? 1 ' '" It' ought also to be instantaneously' apparent that wages are first increased' In the particular line where' the pro hibitive duty i is levied and subse- quently Increased froni Industry to in. tjem to be, we shall not have to wait. limg for free feoal and free' Iron Ore. e . think it well to aU attention to the actual prospective .results of the. nge in tne duties' on wool and oolen goods.: - During the - year pnd- Ipjr June 80, 1808, which is the, latest rlod for which .the full statistics. ave been completed, 'the' total value f raw ; 'wool ; imported w Into the ulted States was tl8,418,88i.n, on hich were collected duties to the amount of 88,159,458.49. The duties which . have , , been, abolished , varied from 10 cents' per pound to 88 cents per pound, and there Were no less than fourteen): different; rates applying to the various grades of, raw wool.; As a consequence of making the imported wool absolutely free to the manufac turers and relieving them.' Of the pay-i men of .over. 98,000,000 per year, the duties On' manufactured goods have been somewhat reduced, and' we pre-' sent herewith a statement prepared by Deputy Appraiser Sohoenhof, of New XOrk,' which will enable our readers to understand what . reduction may .be looked for in the cost to the neonle of the principal articles of wearing ap parel, carpets, etc., while duties aver aging 45 per can L protect the American manuf acturer against any danger from injury by reason of lower wages paid to the operatives in European coun tries: , . lf2-W. Imports of msnufacturea of wool.. $36, 993. 00 Duties ......,.. ........... XS.44S.UUO Import value, duty paid. ........... r8,441,00O iKW-ga - Censns year, domeSUaasannfaeturesi Wooi.m goods. ... umrr.ooo Woreted goods... T,ltf4ua Bosifry aud kalt gocas.,........COT,24i,a , tieduot ootton Hosiery...,,,., jt.ouo.quo 50.M1.0I10 Csrpeta. ,,.,..... 47.7VO.000 810.782,006 184,228,000 128,074.000 A FEW COLD FACTS. f Calamity Of ObpalatabhT Evidence for the' ' j J, . . ' Jlowlera .to Swallow. There Is instruction In the record. failures for the last nine months as .compared ' with I the corresponding period in prevlous.years. The whole number this year, accord; Ihg to Uradstreet'S record, was. 9,351 with actual assets to the amount of 5V,707,081 and liabilities to the amount of 6110,674,849. During the 'corresponding period ' last year the number was 11,140, .with assets of $337,873,881 and liabilities of 8327,275, 109. It appears, therefore, that while the number this year Is stilt large, the liabilities are not. much more than one-third as great as they were last year. " ' ' - ; The decrease this year is . not re markable, as the comparison is made with the period last year duatry until everybody is getting good v ""i" wages. But instead of being " in- l"? fftn, m0nth,;i stantaneously apparent that the intel ligent ' worklngman can see the swell' of increase starting froni the' particu lar point and lifting the level of the whole oountry, it is never, apparent at all, and; the worklngman must take McKinley'a word for the blessings that attend a prohibitive rate. j ' In 1893 the republican' platform'de manded duties equal to the difference in wages between -the United States and countries which might send goods here. .. -,, ... i . - , ' Democrats at onoe promised that they would not propose a tariff in this congress which would not give duties to that amount! Not that they agreed to any connection between a tariff and yWages, but that they had no desire to at once ..radically reduce duties to the extent a literal compliance with the republican platform would require. To fit a tariff to the republican platform it would be necessary to figure out the cost of each protected article. For in stance, the tariff maker must find out how much the manufacturers here and abroad pay for the labor employed j Value of domestto manufactures. Add 33)4 per oent. to eover whole sale ana retau pronu.... Cost of wool manufactures to eon- aumera Obnt of wool manufactures under senate dui on hubs aiuounia: son with the same period -of .1891, when the country was in the high tide of prosper! tv under the McKinler law. according to the republican oracles, is more Instructive. . Then the number of failures was 8,808, with 971,811,830 assets and 8188,811,510 liabilities.; The number was only 888 greater this year, while the liabilities were actually $38, 180,670 less, and the proportion of as sets to - liabilities was 8 per i eent greater. ..U ,.:-'! . This is a eold fact that the ealamity howlers will take good care to ignore. A comparison of this year with last by quarters will be not less Instructive. Following is a statement of the num. ber of failures and the amount of -lis. bilities by quarters for the two years 1894 and 1898: , ' ' ' i. ritoMBy''".-'tiuutm.' : . ISM. 1W1 4. . taut. 1st quarter., tm .m ' ' ' f49,OH?.083 1 8W.4V4.144 KU quarter. . J,D6 .17U 88.470.2nl 18I.4II0.0M td Quarter. ..,8 4.901 ' !- t8.U.H IM.4I4.88T . The comparison shows that both the nnmber of failures and the amount of liabilities were greater during the first quarter of thir year, after the panto, than they were during the first quarter of last year, before the panic. It also THEIR "NEW" LINE OF FALL GOODS. 811,807,000 0Nv Importations.. Duty. 48 per eent. ' i .tse.ora.oo9 is,a,ugu 68,008,000 Value of domestlo manu factures 8310,000,000, re duced from nn average of 100 per cent, duty to . 48 per oent. rate as a re sult of free wool t24.S2S.000 Add 33H per cent, ss prof- -A ItS ,., 878,188.000 , 82,728,000 870,811.000 World. , ,n Arrangements . Perfected ;Ly Which We. Give Sub scription to Woman's , ? n ; Work without Charge. , ,i;.iW are now prepared to make fully liberal offer to all who par -for Tns alavi'CB Glearis. publiah- a wonder- In advance Woman's WoRKVis a literary and doiceeiicnlma deerveUly one of the rroet popd ar rd. It ia pnre, enfert-lninr tne h erery deflartment. ' Its pages arter tiled with eiglrnal lileh claw readlnic matte.- and illua- sai4.us u4teM all an pit pshiined v to Mllij tncgnrataerd for good homo' liters- lure, and no Other periodical meets It o well. tend ns l.60 for. oar paper and Woman's Wkk onajsat making the tatter-free. Adrlim TDK ilAM.'NCE GLEANER, -IBS Graham, 8. C. it f PEr?B8IOPf AL CARI8, - ATTOENEF AT LAW, BRAHAy, s . 21?: C. Mar 17. '88. . -I. TJ IfERN Out!! ATTORNEY AT ZAW t . v- - a. " V ' - I frsethreame Buiaasd Federal Court wiH raKhfsIlT and premi.tly Kluoa ,llccs new earrtuied to him i a , . J '" ; W3I. P. BYXU3I, Jr . Altorheyand Omnselor at tJvw, GEEENBBOUO, JT. C. , ;f Frseilrevtalarty kv the enwrts of Ala oceeoeij. Aug. t, 94 ly Dr.JolaR.Stpckaid, Jri, long as the McKinley law, so-called. was in effect they al ways had some thing in their dinner buckets. So they did it was the bottom and was readily xouna. cnieago Times. ' - -It will be borne in mind that the big boom in Argentine wool, owing to our new tariff laws, .means a cor responding Increase in the demand for American wool, as we do not prodneo the quality of wool sent us from that country and import It chiefly for mix ture with native woo la Detroit free Press. Govf McKinley Is making anoth er blunder. The people like leaders of positiveness . and conviction. lie should be one thing of another as to the silver question. He has been on alt sides '-of IV as the popular wind seemed to blow. To go no further back than last summer, he was then mak ing speeches denouncing the president for not calling congress together soon er for the purpose of repealing the bneraan law, tne same law for repeal ing whish he Is now denouncing con gress. Louisville Courier-Journal. . Gov. McKinley need expect no sympathy from the "western laborers' whom be piteonaly represents as "robbed .of - employment'' by the dem ocratic' party. The western laborer ia Amount saved to consumers on the woolen auhodule only under aen- ate blll.v....... I141.8M.000 f If these figures are accurate, and they are the most trustworthy that can ,he obtained, here Is a proposed and possible saving of 93 for every man, woman and . child in these , United States. According tq this calculation the, account with the people' Is as fol lows: Reduction of duties on raw wool.. 88,160,458 49 Reduction of dutlea on woolen ; ; manufaomrea. ...... ............. 19.788.000 00 Total loss of revenue...... iV.i." 827,042,468 49 Beduotlon In -tirlca of a-ooda to eonsumers $141 .888 000 00 Net aavlnga to consume ra. .. 118,443440 61 . ;. Ilartfofd Times. A DEMOCRATIC ALLY. THE NOISY niOH TARIFF CUKBSTOXE FAKIRS ARB TRYING TO DO . . r BUSINESS AT THE OLD STAND.-Chlcago Uerald. , UeHJittoy -Beaad tb Ksyaote of Demo. , emtio Sucoeaa. "What we want, democrat or publicans, -is--plenty of work and wsjcts." These , wepe the words of Gov. McKinley at Indianapolis, and the little Napoleon must be credited with bating in these few words made a better democratic, speech than any other man of national repute has yet offered to the listening people of the country., 'The common verdict will be that even the eloquent ana logical ef- Western wOrklngrnen are being tt nt k,., Vw,.h .,tK k.t.. in making a ton of iron, a yarjof dress goods and a set of table china. lie would find out that ' the American manufacturer pays less than the Eng lish and . a great deal less than the Spanish or Italian, ' ' Hence, to reduce duties to 'meet the republican platform's demand would be to abolish them altogether. Ot course, the republicans did not intend to demand) free' trade, but to construe their platform according to the known faots of manufacturing production would be to liberate trade, absolutely and finally. . Both the republican platform of 1893 and the logical republican candidate shows that both failures and liabili ties for the second and third quarters this year were decidedly less than for the corresponding quarters last year. There was no panic during the first quarter of 1898, and yet the number of failure and. the amonnt of liabilities were both greater., than during either the second or the third quarter of the present year. In other words, there have been less business disasters in the same length of time since the 1st of April this year than there were dur ing the first quarter of 1898, when, ac cording to. the protection philosophers, the country was still on the mountain top of prosperity, whore it bad been preceded that 6f the Ohio governor, was 'a weaker appeal for the principles of democracy than was that embodied In the single sentence above quoted. It lis the eoncise statement of a great and impressive truth, ' : ' When the republican party found it way back to power in W0O, there was plenty of work and wages were good. There was an abundance of money in the, United States treasury; business was flourishing and general prosperi ty pervaded tb affairs of the country. But immediately afterward the Mc Kinley bill became a law and the in evltable result of it practical opera tion manifested themselves in a ret rograde movement all along the line. Business waa prostrated and the de pressing effect extended to every branch of . Industry. The content of the treasury were dissipated in extrav agance, . and - popular indignation bowed itself by restoring democracy to power in 1893. ' As the direct result of thl move ment tb iniqnltomt McKinley law were repealed, despite the power of centralized wealth to uphold them, and at one tb revival of all our ma terial interest set In, Idle factories, mills and furnace started up. Buai- tiw taoA h... tw nrf th. Amr. I placed by the McKinley act. can people or have exposed a singular , The comparison shows that the panic ignorance of facta The second suppo- ' b eri' Pnt ,u force by the be- Kiuuiuk vi viic frrvaeui, jear anu lima since the first quarter- of the year fail-' ures have not been more than ordi narily numerous or disastrous. Thl 1 another fact which the ca lamity howlers will keep out of sight as much as possible.' It Is a fact which, with many others, demon, strates that under a democratic ad. ministration and policy the country bo been recovering from the disas trous effects of the republican panic of 1893. cnieago Herald. IND.USTfflALi REVIVAL. Buslasas Booming- Since the Kadaetloa e4 ' rreteetlaa Prices. ' The marks Of it business and Indus trial revival are , on every band. ' The omen are everywhere. vThC- Idle manufactories are reopening! dealer, are preparing to take their output) thai banks are. extending ..their, .Line of discount-""''' J...,, i The freight traffic of the railroads the infallible indicator of Industry and trade shows a decided increase. Thl growth ot business is actual, not rela tive merely, as compared with the de pression produced by the strike. The increase is a normal development of activity, owing to improved commer-;, cial. conditions. It is based on re newed confidence, . a general revival' and the Incoming of better times: The weakest point in the general business , situation . is. the ; continued low price Ot wheati which has been regarded se long a the chief American staple product for. export, next to cot ton. . The wheat crop now being bar- vested I fully up to the average, and big crops are .reported from all the wheat countries. Wheat now ha to be produoed in the United State in competition with countries which em ploy cheap coolie labor in tillage. A new era of high prices for wheat ia im possible unless ' the coolie Wheat crop 8hau fail for a series of years. Bnt other agricultural . product bring ' good ' prices not extremely high, bnt prices that yield a fair profit over the cost of production, Agricul tural prosperity in this country must be maintained 'through diversified crops. . t armer cannot rely upon one staple. Stock raising, dairy farming and variety in field crops must be the noliev of the; am-icnltnral nnnulntlnn. By,, having something to sell at alf seasons at all the different market the farmer will "always get fair re turns, and he may in some years get almost rich on one of his crons which Is a failure elsewhere. The' full volume and sweep of the commercial and industrial revival have but just begun. The report from the commercial agencies and from the clearing bouses, which aret printed in the daily papers each Saturday morn ing, indicate the extent and direction of the increase from week to week. The last. report, August 28, were en couraging. Those of . September 1 how greater progress.". Bach favor-. able report stimulates trade In all di rections, causing still better report in the future. The political and partisan special calamity rumors in the republican press, relating to the effect of the new tariff on production and trade, are colored and false, - and are contra dicted by the dispatches, in adjoining column of the same papers. There 1 not going to be any cut In wages necessitated by the , tariff. If wage are reduced in any locality or branch of production it is in mere wantonness and on false pretext.. Wage were not increased when the McKinley tariff went into effect, and there is no good cause for diminishing-'wage on th expiration of the McKinley tariff.' ' With booming trade, the advance wave of which is here, with the busy wheels of industry again in motion. with the transportation lines pressed to their greatest capacity In carrying the products of the country to market, with the hoarded funds of the bank placed in the channels of trade, the gloom of the last McKinley year will vanish; the material and moral effect of the strike will disappear; the Ught Of prosperity will be reflected from every point of the horlson, and a new epoch of growth, of progress, of thrift and Increase will open on the oountry. Chicago Herald. - IS ESSEOT Trt ncALin. xon cannot BopetobewelL It iroo r BLOOD I impure, If you an tolled with BOILS, ULCERS or PIMPJLES, SORES 5.TOOT blood Is bad. A few bottles of 8. S. B. wi; vtnorong-luy cleanat the system, Rawre all 11 niKsanasauaieuBPf iaii manner m am CLEARED AWAY tue. U to thobsst btcwd retTttdyoacarfb no nsM lUssfsfi H aw. mit pouontq m vcmr.wirtc fos orderdtscascd tux) eorftaat kkj appetite, Mcajoyntemt vf Ufa Two LwctU 1 vnMgm bm nsjiw Mat. , incnv mmu xir for blood disease. IfUlM HA VIM narM. nMal. Treatise on blood and f kin distsaM mailed fit SWIFT SVEOlFiC tXiAUaaCa.Oft. ESS CLUBBNQ ANNOUfl CEMENT. " OF 1STEREST TO FARMERS AND GAft .P.,., . DEN EES. Farmers mid .Gardener, who an de sirous of joining In making tbe South; the most Drosperoa . section : of the Union, by developing tbe new gri- cultaral industries, such as garden- seed growing, flower-bulb laf-riiig. (trowing sugar. Ate, lo develop w bicb, we shall offer In premioms, for the best sugar producing beets ''growo, must read I he special article on these) and other new agricultural ' nursoita which will, commeoce with tbe Jsn- . usry number of I he Progressive South, published a t ' BichmonJ, Va. Tb price-is only '$1.00 per yeniy which yoa ean send Hirect-te the, office at Rich- -mood. Or we will club arltU it and send 60 TlTK AtAlTANCR OXfeAVXE'end the iropresnre onuk lor (1 75, cb in ad- .vaneey tor txHB papers on 1 ear, ' Addrew,-" ' Ea TkGLka Nov. 80, 3 LKAHKW. Grsbain, N. 0 MAGNETIC tlERVlHE I aiiawatml to ean Wervows Prostra Sion, Fit, Oimvi lies. Headache Neuralgia aad !r tUmm, bruariBaea Oa mt.J'p!jsa prasslon. Softening of th Brain, Inaanlrv ad t l a mlnrabla JUi. MACNKTIO NCR- vi tain VINC arraata all kMa ia attliaa Mi, i and strenata lo doui tne moaeular aad MiminMak . tonaa ap tha brain, builda up the Iwh, brtaaa raf raah lac aim, ana raworaa Saalu aaa Sainaiiaai to ana Mffafvr, A moiith'a li ml aiant ia aula jtaraaen bs nail to an? addnaa, al jw jm au s aw Sun. wit 'eo.woroor we"a wrtxren uuawatunw or mfnnd tba ann IthnlBia fi M in i . I .. Uaaadaadf py x laanta .. . Mailed on receipt of prloe by KICHAKDON FA BIS?, Wholesale A Retail Druggts, ' GreenHboro, N. V." .:- . ..i i l m ..if . " Leaksville Woolen Mills, LEAKSVILLE. N, C. ;. ;-r,-i . .... tf-S U A Are still st the old place .under the same oU m tnauemeni. and ilill uakliur iha aanui Hn EXCELLENT GOODS an well and fsrotaljlr known 'throairh this aectlon. ,. . .. ., -, , . ... . " "" t"! -i " 1 VTs ft'erk vTeol KhMveat r tmr Cawtj ale Blnakala, Vmmrr ReaUprvada, ' CaaaiSarvM, trmrnm, riaiaBcla, . mm r.raa, Jkc. aV. I... Write (or iofurmsiion and sample. Take your wool to A. B. Tat. Arent, Qra- nStn. N. C or fl. K. ftwdi 1.K.n. M i. I tber will forward It to Mill free af ebaiee. ' taklll.K If - NOTES AND COMMENTS. sition is a true.one in McKinley' case. He ia probably the most Ignorant man that ever led on an economic issue In eny country. ' He gave himself over early to commonplace generalizations and ha don no more in hi later career. If he know what he was talking about his speeches would be wretched and ghastly examples of falsehood. But he does not know. . He prates and prates and prates. H never debates a definite proposition and never yet even proposed to encounter an econ omist. ( Tbe intelligent worklngman can un horse this prater by asking bim: "You bad a chaoc td raise wage, od why did you only raise - th tariff T 8b Loula Republic nee . I revived. . . Tbe evil sprlngln; from pernicious legislation have been very largely th farmer, and If the I largely . overcome. Th condition won prospects, on the whole, than in f wage'' - are restored. They were ' 1893 It wUl rem aid for Mr. MeKtelev : brougbt about despite tb most sires- , to point them out And in addition to , nous effort of republican statesman- ancaw aaiinf wia taraicr hvw prrpau - m'yt m mvw T rx :rJ Xsv t K xiai(ii, no tr rrl ing to enjoy th cheap end "nasty" clothing and other necessities of Ufa which klcKinley afreet to despise so much. Kansas City Time. -There are tha usual shriek from th McKinley organs concerning the banquet of the London eh am ber of - where .Cbainnaa WW sou was tbe guest of honor. Tb fact that , th guest wsrned bis boets taat tb ; AaMricaa people were lowering tb j lartiT wall about our euuatrv not so ' much to let foreign trad in, a to let their ran trad oat aad ' to get 8 roe as to the market of th world, is some- tblD; that th tirely ignore. Leber nnTers. And bow long will th country per mit manufacturer 'paying high divi dend to themselves out of tariff taxes Imposed upon eonanmers to reduce their labor to the lowest starva tion point? Tbe time is close at hand when tb general government will fol low it taxes levied for tbe benefit of labor as it follows all other taxes levied upon the people and enforce the application of those tax for the pur pose for which they ar levied. In other words, if manufacturers will not pay to labor tb tariff taxes levied upon their product distinctly for the benefit of labor, it is tb plain duty of oflgrea to repeal those taxes and make the prod nets free. The people that no one andeTstand better than does Gov. McKinley him- j self. Detroit fre Press. , rmttlr. il. D4" wU1 taxes . TS1 P"10, "frB d.ifTt' : legitimately levied and applied to the ly Invite to rcUUon before H b- labor, but they wUl .ot a Z?i : muZl'lSZ!Z "n 10 trvo of such taxM oogreaa Wltoes the recent speeala- from Ubor to enrich the manafactur- S:,a hrnt - law. . It puU esrtain , lads. , It will no longer do to tell the It ' people who read tb newspaper and 1 McKinley brethren en- That s American 1 trie oa a false aad artlAcial basis.' arstputa epprloeaaadUenstlmalate to excessive and mBbalaaeed produe- fctiou, which necessarily end ia col lapse ox price aa. paau. V4ucage Herald. -McKinley professes to . ersa U Be on Mais 8. etet L N. Walarr That U the som of all wickedness aad statesmeo should be applauded b, Eng- , wealth by interfering with tbe owner- . 'Tir J LTr, SSSi .v t. - 1. v. .1. .hinnr l.kr-a fmLmh tajriBa. fraaa f. oisappear a soon as republli iuu amuu - ' r : - ' : " - UMTlaJaUnn v 1 m w M UUVU do their own thinking that tbe fear of tariff revision caused the pa ale and hard time. The tariff bas been re vised and business kas begun to las- I "prove. To deny thst the hard times te j resulted from republican legislation is cuurmi aiacuivwnen oara umes De cs a ACj.'.roie " disloyalty. Uoston Uerald. one man and giving Louis ScDuhlia. to aaothe. cH. Louisville Cowisr-Joarnal. POINT8 AND OPINIONS. McKinley 1 delivering the same old speech a man and a speech with one idea. Chicago Herald. McKinley demand full protec tion. Protection got loaded in 189a Better let it stay sober a few year. Bk Lout K public. "Elect us to congress," say tb republicans. MWs can't do any barm because tbe senate and tbe president won't let us. Bach I tb platform of th grand old party tola year. Loulavill Courier-Journal. Tbe republicans in their plat form denounce tb Ineom tax a a 'tax upon prosperity." Are we to In fer that if that party comes into power in tbe state It will levy the taxes upon adversity and look to the poorbonses, insane asylums, orphanage and th lik for th revenues? 2i. Y. World. Gov. McKinley is denouncing th democratic party for repealing the Sherman ailver law. When Grover Cleveland gave it as hi "solemn" op-, tkm that tbe Sbernsen law should be repealed Gov. McKinley gave itae hi "solemn" opinion that the president was right, . Gov- McKinley ought to keep a scrapbook if he knows how. Chicago Time. , - . , It will not be fa the least sur prising If. long before tb autumn of 1890, republican orator and republican orrans should be found eagerly pro testing that the tariff of J8M must not be disturbed, practically elaiaalag th credit of its adoption, and solemnly declaring. In the old. old fashion, that those wicked democrat are danger oua and must not be permitted to bold power. Boston Glob. raw Vronint MINN sTTiriTO. TDinc iiTS-A wwcniu,iiirujLhlnft!3 wwr a ruun t Oa I OBTAIN Boiled down, the republican cam paign war cry seem to be, no further tinkering of the tariff, excepting by ourselves. Boston Herald. . .. It seems to tbe average'man that there la much less talk of McKinley than there used to be. And there will be less and less. Indianapolis Newa McKinley has proved that pro tection breeds perfidy and dishonor. He can next submit argument on the propoaiuun mat unucruxc iraue mere I Pwta Ut,n uTroh Mima Co. reealre COUld be nOpurcbased tariff schedule. I PBlntbai4eieatiSeAaaerlraa,and f wt .I. I nss ars btowrht nioelr bafmtba ptibllewttb- bt. LonlS Republic. . I out enat to tba Itnnw. Thia w3endld 1 aanaV , It 1. a very poor kind of partisan- iLT'aSr snip wnicn aunouiea tne grievance of BnSmhgit tne garment-matter to the new tariff law. The sweat shop is a product of "protection." It ha grown and A fATF-VT f , rnra bniMKl Anfatinn IM.. . fit Whf) hftM hut wmrtw M . " axpaiimealaUie pateni aoaUMH. CniaAaniaa. tlona atrtctlr eonlkhmtlaL A Haadbawk o ta. foraattMa anwrniii Falaaia aad Sow to ok. tain them nt fiWAbjo a irmitna aliaing EaittoayaaonthlT. $lMm rear, mate thrived under McKinleyism. N. - T. World. , - , -Democrat are determined to ob tain free raw materials formanufac turers and free market for consumers. Mr. Cleveland and his party are to gether. We shall guard . against treachery and half-heartsdnea. St Louis Republic. When the price of an article goes down nnder the new tariff the repub licans groan for the poor worklngman, and when it goee op tbey groan for th poor consumer. However, sine they lost tbe ofUce th repnbliean never open their hungry mouths except to groan. Louisville Courier-Journal. Is McKinley right or ia Hrrion right? Th former say that repub lican success means a renewal of th tariff struggle, aud tb latter says it mean nothing of tbe kind. We would respectfully suggest to the leader of tb republican party, that they bold a eaoeu and settle th matter. Brook lyn Eagle- Republican ar praying that their panic will last until November, but ia vain. Trade 1 picking up, man ufacturers are turning out good and money is sy.-. Tbe democratic party in a year and a half nearly re stored tbe prosperity the republican were four year In changing to dia- Louis Republic. -The fset ia, protection tends to produce corruption, aad In order to maintain a high standard of honor la tb legislative branch of th national government and elsewhere the people will have to do away with the system by which the taxing power of the gov ernment ia exerted for the benefit of single clas. Merchant' Review. erDi tlfni hoaaaa. wits lauwt deala-iu and aeour ountranta. imim vmtm m WM ff a arr Bombae onmAina Imm- maliDaluUera'ioaamUa oa. X01 Bao4Ja. nmiw I am lb North Carolina Ageat for Or. White's New Hair Grower Treatm. f Tbe 6rttest Discovery f the Age. It will permsoemlv cure ..fallinr of the bsir, dahdrufT, scaly eruption. post ulrs, or any scalp disease. - It prevent bair loroiec wnrv restnre hair to it original color, . J, ; bring a New Growth ef Batr aar Said flea mm It w tb only liealment. that will pinduce ihefe result. TeaHmoikUta sod treatise fnrnlsbed OO application. t , - . Mr. John M. Coble, at Coble ft Thompson' 0re, I my agent t Gra ham, N. C. . t - Bespertfiilly. -B. T. LA f n LEY. Dec 14-tf. Haw Bivef. N. O fonvilLe "hoteu CUAHAM. N. a.M. t o -w...-.,--..t . WeswsWgw; FIRST whb HEW? FTTHWV. TT'KK, w civCUwflM t'nlm Uns-ra new Bam. Wt will put mw life into tha Rnial, And keep a KJJtlS J-C1-ASS table at resaooabaa . WnaatvemrM nflnlnm, mnemberthat von ran art aloe meal at the Foarlila UiM. OivrueaeaH. .. - ' An--J. MRS. A. B. 1LABWARD. .;Piia-je.