THE GLEANER. iBStfKD RVEOY TPtTRSDAY. GRAHA.M, N.C.Nuv. 15, 18! 4. TBIIM OV SL'tStiCKIfTlOH year Six tnouUm Three rooutb Tht Elitif I no; repoii'ili!o tUwi expremed by curreron fii'itf. .$1.50 75 ..: . .50 ffor tlx SrSl.lST(iithh rnimt be pu'.d Mriclty in d Vance, t wl Bates ov advkhtisino : One ire (one Ihcn) one time t.0 inr TH Imerflin and fifty cente for each subse- (nnnt publication. JtU trr morn pnre end longer tiinr fur trifled 0:i apt'lentlen. ' tacnl notice chafed ten cenU ft Hue for eatb Inwrtion, J. D. KEUNOPLE, Editor ott Good times and good prices for cvervtliincr will comciiovv I les it not true ? Were not lots good tilings pronii-teil juattwsoon nsJ the Dtnocrat3 shoul 1 ho tlofoutod .' The Domonnita have heen almost completely ro'.:tl. Fact. Now, come on, ye feoo.l times. The Republicans will soon be fully in the saddle and ns to how long they will stay will deperd on How they demean themselves". Tho upheavel was ho great last Week that we have not sufficiently collected ourselves to figure much over '.heV'su't ;but, suffice it to say, the Democratic party u the bottom dog now and our sympathies are with that bottom dog. Two years hence we hope to sec the Democrats on top again. The Lenoir Topic fjuotes : 'Whom the Lord lovelh ho chaj teneth," and, without irreverence, assumes that the Democratic pnrty enjoys Divine favor of a high degree on acoouut of its recent severe chas tisement. Not a few will take is mte with the Topic as to the source from which the chastisement came. Scanning the election news from this State and that, occasionally we tee where a lone Democrat was elected. In Michigan, for instance, there was a solitary Democrat elect ed to the State Legislature. In this county a jono Democrat was elected, and he constable of Boon Station township. We have seed loll. There is something radically wrong with our system when a lot of New York bankers can put their heads together and say there must be an issue of U.; S. Bonds. It has been found necessary again, in order to rcjlenish the depleted treasury, to make another i atie of bonds and the Secretary of the Treasury has advertised for bids on 850,000,000. Republican legisla tion has brought the country to its present condition, and the Demo crats are blamed for'it. And is not the present bond it-sue forced upon the country by Republican money crats for political purposes ? post mat-tor te local democrat! have hat olnce (he war, ft was perfectly tint ur d tliut Home of liMilHinoeralif frleodn should ent'rlHln tWhope of fiiiHteetl ing xome of thq numer-nis republican employe of ' he pout irffleo after thu democratic pimtmafter takes holil, and jiiHi iint'.irul tbut ha fboubl look for nnni wit h (ileuiure lo appoint. nz theirt. It ni:iy bo lniiim I then how ill -y f!t when infortrieil tlit a iiau' nrdi r, fi tr eil through the rpul!ii!.ia adjunct known rts l fie civil service coinmiitsioti, 'iruirerl the pa'roiinfte of fie po-t'iias-t.T lo tho appointment of about 10 men. RV ff iV OF COJIIDI.lJ IttX. Au Adiuini.lrnflon rVeorlr Altrar l.o. '.are., the Fir.! Year Atltt III Aarrnl. Our Washington Lottor. Judce Jeme F. Graves' died at his homo at Mt. Airy on Friday last. tU was first elected Superior court Judco in 1870. He was an honor to his State find the station lie occupied. Oov. Utrr has ap pointed W. N. Mebane. Eso., of Rockingham county, defeated can didate to succeed him, to fill out the unexpired term. We can but sincerely regret the defeat of the Democratic nominees the county, legislative, congres sional, jndicial and State. They were good, true and competent men. Those who had been in office ami were nominees for re-election had proved themselves excellent officials. Wo hope their successors will so conduct themselves and the affairs of the various offices to which they have been declared elected that the peojilo will Buffer no harm. The Republicans now claim tho Populists, by whose help tho Dem ocrats were defeated, as their very own, and they say tho said Topu lista ara as good Republicans as they want Some Populists, formerly Democrats, say not so. Well, but the Republicans claim the victory as their own and it is said the Populist pirty is a back number and will not lift its head again. In truth tho lionds of friendship seem very strong between tho Republicans and Populists now. Hut wo shall sec. " Tho Democracy of tho State and county vera badly routed on Cth; but tho rank and file is not made of the stuff that is completely demor aliiod by dofeat The principles are immortal and tho organization as old as the Republic, and the pres ent defeat is only temporary. Two years will bo spent in getting to gether and drilling for the next bat' tie of ballots and when the conflict is over, the present victors will be surprised that their tenure of office and power was so flocting and ephemeral. that our next Legislature will be jnade np of 12 Democrats, 16 Re publicans and 21 Populists in tho Senate; and 41 Democrats, 22 Re publicans end 47 Populists in the Ilouae. ' These Republicans and Populists can divide out the offices over which the Legislature has con trol according to their sweet wilL. Erer since there" was a reasona ble certainty as to how the State had gone, Butler, Mott, Harris and other fusion jlepuhlico-Populist magnates bars been in close con clare, making out th official tdale. From Our Regular Correspondent. Washington, D. C Novemher 9t'i Primiileut Cli:v liiinl is q'liwly ht to lux olm-.iitl duties l i t a though t litre had never be n meli tbiii ns an election. He Imxu'l said word on the subject t.l any o:io who hud authority to inuk" it public, but it 'S ctrtiiin that hn liu boon doing a lot of tUinkioK, and those uble to tend be tween the lin'H will banble to form prptty cood idea of I bo trend of hi ttinulitH when, in a few uetk, lii-t an niml megsiinoti CongresiMbail bemidi public. Wliilo be has said notiiing publiulv, bis clone; t persfinal. fiimuli have li ft I ho impi fsii'iu w ith tiiow nit!) whom they Lhvh tilked t'nut the Preidcut does not consider bimsulf in any By rtspoiiHible for the unexpect ed democratic defeat. VVUile few democrats cf any promi nence cure t) be pir.4onnlly q'.ioicd on ihe vul'jHit ot I he tlei tions, every one wit'i'whora your eorrepondeiit line eoino id contact agrecx that the grci.t' i-t Hinule cuo of democratic troiililcs hH been the lack of baiuiony within the party, which wit' made bo puii.fil ly apoHrenl dui i ik the Jvt s-s-Idii of Conre. Tho reriilt of t lie vleition is m r-)!y an applieation of the picverb "Unite) we ntuiid, divided we fall," and t ie Ueajn tnut be t ko t heuit and profitod by if t!ie puity cHliuhitcs t go li t) the carupni(,'i of '90 wit'i a reasonable cliance tn win. ''A boue divided nainst ile'f tnll't full." e:;utor Fuullcuir, Chuii man of the D.'ioocrittb ConKfOSsio'iuI Campiib"i Comnilltee, rises from t!ie wtcnk to nay a f. iv worfl", which are both ei-1-1 matory and wise. He fays' : "The history of polities will show llu.t every landslide is the result ofdiniinti faction, discontent aud want of coiifldence of tbe member of tho mi j irity puity, whoso ac'ion produces i be resjlt tbut surprises and mtmiphe tbe people not by volii'K the opposing ticket,, btu simply by reiimining awny from the polls. Th result of tins election when ascertained will, I qui sure, veri fy this concluniou. We bave at many voter in tbe country as we bud in '92, wbo believe lo I lie principles of tho dcuioernto pm ty, but the recent 1 us- 4ii6s paralytic, financial stringency, econnmio, Icgirl itlim tne liennt of which have not been di veloptd party difaentiortB, crnnliiHiiona nnl rt eiuui- nations remt'd in nueh epaibv aa tJ cause the stay et home vote to produce the Rurpiiriug rrmlt. Thai is my bou et Judgmeat. If we bepe for niecopg lu '1)0 WJ should mnlnlaiu with fi-arlees ess and d termirvntion th kit t'ide we assumed In '02; ,ltt ptronul and paitv bick;ringa of the tins', bury tlieii dend and units in an earnest effort to harmonize tbosn difTtrruces wl.icb have so Ptrlouhl) afTecled our orgnn;x.tin." The return from tbe elections were ul:iu euo'jgb to d.'inoorat lu Wah ingtoe, but there was another tlilu eouoeoteit fierewiih even more gnlllng to democrat. Tbut was, tbut some of fie loudest cheers from tbe crowds wlib-b aurrounded t'jj newspiper bul li t ua with litl tbe i sr r irsH of a Pre.-'-idenlial tl.-ct nn, vhtn the pens was favorable ti the leublieauc, ctiuie ftnj tbe tnout'is ol repuMicans wbi bold oflie under, the democratic ad minirtrat'on. The Meods ol Reed, IIarrion and McKinley are very .much tvlarmi'd t the promloiD'of M'ir'on a a resi dential ntiifildiite. Tliry know tbi Tjm run la I en ded h-o be nominal ed Mrt-n f r K T.-rnor of N-w York lo push him for the Prridei tul uoini nati jo of bis party, if he euctveded in grtt!ng bim elrclel govereor, and tb-y knew that Mori on 'a barrel will be on Up at tS next lepvbliran tsUonal cotter t ion, and Ibty fear it. Tbe Was huift'ia teinotrt', wbo all belong to the cerel-ij-di family, think Ibey are playing In hard luck la deeri, thU wee. They toI np aude, the clrttijo r turos wl.h all the rt d c;am with which IV y liar In the pat receivrd a long rtrina of ntial cli feai,efoit themes Ivea with the re flftloa "we'll I ck Vm oett iiaie,n bat they bsTe beard eoaai thinf aiac that bas caused ntt a few of tVro t nte language Dtat aproprtate for an addrese to a Sunday tfchool etas. A Um day ago a taan bra In Washing too, aad who haa brea a slriopcal ail hU life, u apHilMtJ Hta-t r, the term ofjt'ia repub'ieun incooibs-at hir lug et piled. Ahsr wil I b fl"t Charleston News and Courier. Demoerais wto are disposed t- rrt:re into a cave of doom lo tiurte their feel iiiK Hi'' avoid fie hais'i sounds of Re publican jubilation jurt now will find much f Mutlio tbi-ir troulilod minds in it review of te poliiicul revo'iitmna to Coogrtiis during tlie pa-t twenty two years, or exituding as far buck as tile middle ol tho recourtrurt on (M, which whs thoutihtfuily printed by the l'hiladelphiai two days btfrie tbe re cent tlectlul'. Aei'.'iriiiiig to tho record, as the lime uliowti, riiice I872, when tho ltepiildi cuus were fiieuert-fiil by un iiniiicnne uiajoi ii v , f ic pofiular liruncb of C m (i st tleeied u!t r rt iint onnl ndmiuis I rat un bad been iiiiuiunilrtl has in variably licen opposed to I he admioif trfon, wiib fi- single excejit orj of that eb-e'ed in 18S0, in Ifio 'mi'ldln of Clt-ye .iindV torm, wbn ih Uemocrais lost only 14 ol the previous major, ty and snll lii ld the"Hmi.- hy 17 piuial iiy urd 13 inajoiity. Giuat'd etcoud term, to which he was tli-cleil nlnio.-t w itiioul contert, was followed by an ailverso iinuse in i4, wnen tae u,-ai-ocrxts tkctid u majoitty of 62, rgiii.M. a Kepubbcao tj.'rily ot 111 in the pnci'dii'g house. Hayes' nduiinisi ru tiou was control ted by a IJciiiocri.t c majority of 23 eleutd io 1878. tit kl's ntliuiuisiia.ion was opposed hy a bdiiiocrulie niajdity of 78 fleeted in liiJ, ibmiuh I he KKpuUliitatis h id a pl'jiitlity ol 72tn 1880. Iu 1HS8 Harri son was cleultu with a Kpuhiic:iu Cligrefs, ai d twoyturs lnt'T theurtai et politioul rtvolniioii in our hi toy airayid a Drfinuiirut c Congress with 147 I'g .liiht linn. J In- present Omiiriess rhos-n in 18SJ2, has 111 Democratic piu rnlily and majority id 80. Conuuert lnfr on this thu Times said : According to l lie Iolmc of evenlalhc next Congress umy he Kpi ub'ieaD, us every president Hinee lSili, wllh the single i xeeptii'ii of Cleveland durin his tiirt term, has bad hii adverse pop- ubir bitiuuli of OoujirjsH to deal willi ciiiriiiit tin- last years of his administra tion, hut these icvoli.tions have not in dicated un) f nnif hh t tbe result ot the following presidential election. The Democratic Houxe elected in 1874 was f.d'owed by h H.-.piihlii'un Pris dent ill lilti ; fie D.-iiiociutio lioiiKO tlect.'d in IS Ji was followed hy a Iteii'iblioan 1'ie-ideill in 1888. The twotxee tions time riilo durina t'-vi niy four years lliive beeu the ol c i'jn ol a Do.uoiir.uio '.e-nleiit in lst4 f j!j'.viiiii tbe Ivm;-' r ti j Ilotife ot ios,aiid Ine tbetion f a D.-niDcriit o "President iu IS92 fd lowing the J Vim crane House of 18U0. I Hero is iioliilu2, therelore, in tlu T po- liti.'al complexion of !bu Coi riims elected in the middle of a pn sidcet al term to indicate what may be the j'ldii tnei.t of t!io iiutiun at tbe p.tsidoiil al election two yours tht-reaffer. We give Ibis ladle, and ihe f. ti. because at this time they will ho inieresiii g to all who are curt Inly Hlud)iug the present politicul it miion." Tbe '"next Congress," it appears now, will he Itcpuld can by a maim itv, tbe iigures of w hich cannct yet be preeentcil, but will be very narrow when compared w ith that of the pres ent body, II will be of no use lo the Hepulilicnu pa ty, and will serve f re lieve Democratic party of tbe responsi bility of I be legislut on id I be next Con gress. It will not bacy for th Ke publicans to make much, if any, pol t icttl capital out uf fe s t'lation for the next presidential coniert, and mean w hile, the refoi uie'1 luritf . will reiuuin reformed, aud will exliib t its good work evpry day and every hou to the credit cf t ie party that gave it. to the country. The Kepiihlican House will bave, too, to try lo seti-fv tbe diHerent aiid oppoHtng demands of All psities and sections 03 the silver queslion and the sound financial question wifiout bciiiR able to give elicit to uuy meas ure it may devise. A Genuing Waterloo. Drmerrats Take Their ITIcdlciae l.iUa .Tim ISeanlnrlal Trickcrf 03 3 KvpHblitBH ClPrtnlH-S Kepusx l,:in Mruata Marnrtl, -lerriisait and Wklliirr I- tr Vuutc The future Hoi II;clr. TIROI.tU'SSVHPllllT. Tbe Krpabllcaa Popallsls ia Charga Oalr Temperarr. Itlcbmond Dispatch. - " Our Demoerutio friend la North Curollna (.etin t have been ciul't tiHpoing. Years ago ire in ViiKlnia bad the same experience, and we paid dearly lor it.Jint our people bave been fauly wl'le awake evfiy -nee,, t-n it will be here titer w'fi North Carob Dial's. 1 be KU" Wioans end PupiilM bave raptured the old N'tli Mstc, but liny rau'l bold it IiTIiji. In good nm. Itio Demociht'O line will reform, and wbea the final is iiiven ti rUsb forward and expi-l the Bepublicnn paity, ev-n tM M rib CmmoHiia ti.iyonrW clear ed Let' noika uf intruding blue coal. Tbe Democrat ol Xonh Carolina J hve our sympathy iu their ihstress. We know bow they f-et; we have Buf fered aa they are, n iw, but ibey wi l eme-g from their trial triumphant aud ttronier than frer. And it will be a looa time before they will again be per-iM.ied that the aegro iafcoii of pol tic," and that bis' Vt tn is not In be fi-arrd, especially 'w beo the whites divide. . . No Mailrrl Xo matter who elected, . There aint no aye lo igb While we kio our tile clear ' To good bid poo-un pi Then paaa'yer 1 it, Mem Kaney. Aa' rome in ai-t-r Iu! It' tbe griddle ao' ibe fiddle, vJLa the Lord love me aa yoo! Ailatitt CjustUt on. Women are said o poe two inches) t iller 'baa f iey did 30 jeais ago, eaya aa cxtLaigr. Hpeclal Cor. of Tho tileonen Wasiumton, JVov. J2 b. The De mocrats oiifil.t to learn soim thinu from tho Wtilelloo of la.-t XniHiluy, Six uionlbs before Cleveland Was uoxiuat- ed there wero faction iu tho puny tho leaders were (let Tunned lo tnwuit his policy iu case bo should be nouiinu ted in sjinc of lleni. lie was luiiuiiiit le.d nud elided. Oil Malch .the 6 ll. Ihefie Deinuoiaiscoiniiii need opcir.tions their game culuiiuato J iu tbe desperate fiht waged her" lor months b';leeii a utmociaiic tlouto antl a Lieiu ocret'o Presideut on cue side with a few bull- headed BfiuilorH actuated solely by motives of Hell-iiif rer, on ot!n r side. 1 liul'd bas existed iu the United Slates Senate counpiraey, jar w bst amuunta to a conspiracy) aikiut the President and bid policy every tnuce Cievelan.l "was nominated. Tbe reckless eitiav agiiice of tho rieuate ia ai.oiber calls, ol the Waterloo. Tbe exclusive airs of some of the swell heads wbo qot in the Senate by uucrtipulou un thuds, men who never saw 5.0l)0 before in their lives, men ti wliom Mutt ciu,'t am) lolty piti iotisin ur and inu.-tevor remain, KluMoiuu mystertes, added to t ie disn'ist of tne people. Tlie. Hcpub licuis are more guilty I bun the Demo crat iu lliis ivspecv, and if the popo erais should g.'t into poer, Iliel ive they would bs worse still. Tne remedy is wiib ibe people. Hon. Henry &'t. Tucker of Vu. introduced a ritoiniivii t amend tha Con.-til uiion nnd eltit Seraors by popular vote, which pusst tl tie last II .use nnd which has been ep.iruVrd by therL- gi-da ures ol a num- ocr ol i-tiies. iet tbe people demand thai lins proposed amendment tj I tie Couliiiitiou be adopted, and fio Hena fors will no longer tiure lo spend linn-, ilrnds of lliousand of dollars iu toilet In tunes and medicine clicMs for them selves and their mis rees ! No more so. is nfSfuutors will keep two houses hero at tbe Govei'tneut uxpeme No more kin of Senators will be pensioned oo tiie Uoverment, soma of whom be long tot be opposite party aud ewe thoir preferment eolely to the fact that they tire i tinted to Senii'or to aud So. No more big elevators will run t tne U. S.CapiioI for Ibe "exclusive use of Senators und Ibeir fumilies" while, tbe people who put them there ere forced to ciod int'J a smaller one. I bave i-een nil this in tile fair while marble building tliut the people built on Capi tol Mill. Tim Seiia'o c lined the delay in pass ing the Tarifl Lill. The Voice of tear less Z bulun li.tyaid Vance was raised in protest, It n 1 1 1 was i-lfencetl in tieain t!i conspiracy which fought .o thwart the will of the people as i k.m oy tlie Da not ratic Houso o! lt-'pt'eseiiliilives, uud (jirovcr Cleve land. The Coniiressiomil Kecord" con tain proofs of this assertion.: Vance never pr tuidud any ufjection for CleVidalid. He f-iiiwrely antl courage outly fmigbt bi'u from ht rl t fitiir-h. When I saw Urover Cleveland sitt't K Hi liic. b'-ad if ViilK'fc's Coffin in fie Senate Cbatuber N. C. Congret'snian be-ide me said : "Clevtldiid iji nearer In Vance Ihtiu he bas bee i since Male!) 4t i." I replied : "It would li.ive been belter lor botb nud our Stile if they bud known each other mure intimate ly," l!ut Viin w Knew tiie meiining ot the tidal wave which elected a Demo cratic Holt e, .and President and if a htiiidltii uf tricterH in tne t e itlte had nut lieliherutely tried lo ;t.mi f.ut cuirei.t, the resn-t of ibo election November 6, 1894, would bave been dillerei t. Now I t us t ike our defeat liko meu. In two i years there will he another election. Iu ibe interim ibere is much woik to be done South of the Mason ami Dix on's line, which bus notiiing to do wiib prd.t cs. From the motiniuiiis to the sees tore our sections team with mar velous resmiiCes. Mines , of gold, mountains of mica, qtitriies of marble uud brow iii-t me, acre of primeval for cfIh, vdit ttrtua of laud so leriile that Ovtry cereal can be produced ou it, tin ait tbe judicious rruinag- mint aud cultivation of fie yeomen of tbe Soutb. Ltt lbi experience" teach the people n le-eou and it will in t be iu ruin that for tbe nest two yea a Grover Clev -Uud, a Democrat c President bas to co: t.-nd with ti itepubiic-au House of 255 members and 0 itcpunlican Seuaie w if.i a safe innj- rity pnided over by Vice-Presitli-nt Adjji 13. Stevenson. Tbe picture is not a pleasinK one but tta ix s enve is pti.iiaiily due to the tlnplic ty, t:ie arrountte of tlie exfrav agliiine ol a hai riiul of Senut irs wlloie individual etlOshiie- and dupbcitv u,ro t ) tliejf pat-ioti.-Ti and honesty as zero is t infinity. Mr. iiayard who is beie says be is not f iiipr-sed et the re lull. He ottritntt's it to tne delay I.i p.'-sin i e 1'ariU' Bill w b c!i delay was duo to tbe St natoiinl lomfotdery al.ove relet Ted to in I bis column. Vice Prea ldent Adlai E Kti'Vensoo uives the same rrasuti lor it So doe W. M. C Whitney, but Ibis able Now Yeraer says Ibe psity can pr0t by t -is expe rience nitil witi iu lo9d. I bedeve ibis i' true, bin our peoplo must profit by the lr-on and refuse to go back into lite old order of 'lungs. At his date 1 ran rcaicely r- alii- the fait that Xoifi Cardiua bas broken tle Imikltone of ibe solid J-ou:b. Let ttiere Im- un una- vailiiift regie's ho ever. I beard Ihbi. week tba' North C rolina Gnsncial stuiding was above par In New Yrk and oiber gie t Commercial eei t -rs. 'the new census slut her buuudl-ss r4ourera. Tolliisi-heo ea l.r good reputaiiou. A typical politician never yt l.e'prd hi r. Tbe wotk of ber yto oiatur add I to ber trut natura' wealth are tbe ateret nf her present fu ture well I eiug. A.Futri:at Ir1 letute won't i-p the spindl-a of m h men a Ibe lloll'a d Ft !., nor si leiie fie mnuufsruries ol Chariult--, tbe Q'H-en Oty of Ibo Piedmont ec- sn ; i.-r shut up tbe inbaroo ft-tii wf fi DukeV, I b Cart'a. or l he llanrs'; nor dimiuUb ibe eoenurrce of tbe sra ra-l cine. IK feat is l-ad riicmif h, ltt biavr mra will make hr b-t of il aod Irarn from it bow to win in 1M'6. W-th Tom Rrt-d aa Speaker ol the zl n ir and a soi ley crew ia tL I-puM:co-Ku-ionl-t tjast', theV will he eiia long-i t'iN abmd for the C, (). P. The uiteat of Hoc, John b. Heoderson is la my honest ei inmn. f ie w rs4 t'lint; that ha bappeaed to Ibe t:Vt- v( Narth Caioliea. IINU bonett, ahH, ltnlutrkHi, In) a, aad one tt br- ll lawyeis oa ruber aide ol the Ko;ovd. Hfgliest of all In Leavening Power. Latest V. S. Got Rerjort ...W tiSA lea rim . -ear r-.a r: w. w fffiOm 'ABSQWWVlT: PffiZB The X uivioi.xj run poii.a. Ticlars Aasrnibla at (Srrraabar ia Conference. - SpeclaJ to tb Charlotte Observer.- Gkeknbuoro, Nov. 10.- To dny tbe Pop. nid Hep.i'iiefs met et the Bet) bow House iu this place, butler ai riv ed Iiy the morning train from Huleig . He walked ieto the Ben ho-w urip in band id ti e smile of a Ioiik term United St it- Senator on his eounlen nuee. He was met ut Ibe entrance to the Republican tribunal by Hio Priest Hoiton and Congressman Set'le. fbe ennferenee was secret ttd all thaf can be learned is that Butler demanded the lion's shure, anil tout ends thrt the Republicans must be content w ith the crumbs that will tall from the Pnpult table. He ia willing that a "bunk" shall drop into Dr Moll's mouth in tbe shape of Ihe short senatorial term. The long term he bas boll led up to take by himself in pleasant doses just before meals. Populists "must bave the speakership of the House, railroad commissioner tied ebairmao of thu im- poit'ii t commi t ie in both '-Jlou-ies. If Buyer's yoto in ,th United States SeM.ite is necessary t orcaniaa tiiat body for Ihe Republicans Bnt er will go with them on conditions (nut Otbo Wilson get Ocu. Cox's place as Set ra lary of the Senate. This ia what bas leaked out here f day. There is imuJi figuring going on, Bed Republicans are crowding in here from many coin ties t J see nh-t is to, be done. Representative t f Oliver Dock-C-y and JU''g R-ussell bave ,been to Kaleigh and nere in their inteiest. They are cnmbininir against Mof, and it looks very much lis though Ccl Hoyd illici t run aw ay with the bone, ilolton is now ru open candidate nud will have Si ttle's tuppo-t. Tne "(ireensboro Ring," which seems f in clude the Republican leaders here ex cept Keogb and Boyd, favors Holton. This is a new eeheuie ti control Fed eral p iironag'e two years hence. Jtutg W. P. Bynum arrived here yesterday. from Mi kes. He is said to bave the stunt irial bee. In response to a question about the fusion success ami the senatorial out look Co!. Keogb mid the rsult of the elec iou iu I his S'af-is a great surprise, tboutib it not to be. Eighty per cent, of tuo vote is in the country. The Populists have done all their work there, una wiib greatellect. Democra cy half it' citadel I here, anil it haa been fakeu possession of by the advocates of free pi! ver, free ti'ide ant) propiiit'r sl ip of railroad aud telegraph wires by the national government. North Carolina has been placed in the Popu list column, and must, puffer gently in ber material and industrial int 'rests in nonseq'tenee. Capitil sbu'.s inv -tt-ruci.t where Popiiii'm reigns. Nebras ka, Kansas, and Colorado have rel ura cil to the Republican column,, sadd-r ar.d wicr. A 1 1 the lenalorship : Of cottrte iitPl.'r Will et. ibo loug term. He bus won it. He will make tlie ablest Seninoi tht tpa-ty bas yet Rent to Washington. All must concede l but he. bus dominated the Republican? aud w Slipped the Democrat iu Noith Car olina. . Dr. Mott will undoubtedly get tbe short term, Why shouldn't he ? I believe in inan'y, straight fubiing iu politics. When a msu wins he ia to-t-tletl lo Ihe fruiis of victory. It is peanut polit cs to try to beat bim out of it. Mott always favored fusiou wit i anytll'rjg to beat the Democrats. I have always been a Republican, and in polil es I want"d nothing else. Mott favored Liheralisra ; he favnr-d fusion. If the l'. nillisis uud the Republican? fust- in the Legislature on Senali r to be called Republican, Dr. Mott is enti tled to it by right ot Adoption of his method, alfr its iulroducliou by Geo ; Mahone in Virginia. NtttTII VABOMNt ItlllW. ' .The Noith Cur. Jijja B-ptbt Ft t Oiinveiitiou will imet in Charlotte on T.eo. 0-b. . Tbe tf. C: Conference of the M. E. Church, South, will meet lu Durham, Dec. 6th. The N. C. Industrial Association (colored) ia holding its lfitb tin nun I Fair at Raleigh this week. Sampson Jordan fell In Grant crink, Rowan county, in a drunken condition and wan drowned Sunday. , " The tfUilfbrd-Biitlle Ground Corm. pany has just completed a paviliou 60 90 ft. I tint w ill seat 2,000 person. Tiinity College and A. & M. College, of Raleigh, learn- played foot ball at jurnain butuiuay, tbe former winning 6 loO. Our (hurch Record, organ of tbe Methodist Ptou-staut church of Noith Carolina, bus just came with its first issue. Rev. J. F. McCullocb is tbe ed itor. Tbe Uni'versityTioys beat the Rich mond College boy at a game of foot ball at Greensboro lust Saturday by a score of 28 to 0. Vice-President Stevenson, wife and dauuhier are io Asbeville. Tlie daughter, who is nick, and wife have been l here several weeks. Lew is O. Lougee, treasurer of Wake com ty, died in ItuMuh last Saturday morning from congestion of the lungs. He had coctmcted a severe cold w hile canvassit g the county for re-eleeiiou. Lee S. Overman. E9q., t,f Solishury, has been eleit-d president of foe North Carolina railroad t succed the lute W. F. KernCitny, who died sudden, ly two weeks ago while nt church iu bis hotui to i ri lioldsboro. Cd. Vi dil "S. LM-k, Republican, at onetime U. 8. District Attorney for Ihe West-rn District of N. C. aud now inembeT-eleci to the Lcuislatttre from -ftunenmbe, announces himself a catidi- tlata lor Speaker of the next House. Lust Saturday, near Trading Ford. ! . Rowan county, B"b Eller ym hand- ting a loBtlert pistvil. Ouo chamber was loaded and hen be laid it dow n on ihe bureau the nbeli exploded and tbe bail hit his brother Churlfo near by, killing bim n boost iustautly. Bob is crazed by grief. ,Ou Saturday before Wt. a oiith about 13 y i of age, , wbit, living near Cory, named Miijnor, viaitd out hui tl"g and went into a turnip patch. Ilia dog t-taretl tip a, and ha I jumped upon a rtump to see which v. a- It went. Au doing o tbe atock of It. . .i - ...,i .ii.,,.i..... I III giinairuca pwuii -w - I ged. 'I tie loud look t fleet io bU ooel n n.i killed him. i, " It la learned from Ibe Chnrlottn A'nt'4 that chiKgea bave been prelerrwl egaiost a young Meiliod'.st miuistsr, lia med Y ti borough, of tint city. ; He w a engnned lu ft vomig lady of- hie cougre at on and enitaged himself t Miioibe'r member and acted in bad la th. Tiiere is mitcb feeling aguinat bim in tha community acd in hh con gregation. , Hack, Vaale4 The li.wn of Grabam will pay fifty cents (.50) a ctib'C yard for rock le- nvereo in (iranam. mayor rmoiiwiu Indicbte place at wtltch lo tiuload." Ag. -tf. """ ' OATJIS&CO.,! BUKLIKIiTON, N. C. DRUGS OF ALL KINDSV FERFCMERY. TOILET AND ' ' - LAUNDRY SOAPS, STATIONERY AND , SCHOOL SUPPLIES, PIPE?, CIGARS, " TOBACCO, SNUFF, ROYSTER'S FINE CANDY. PRICES LOW. OATBS&CO., BURLINGTON, W. C. NOTrnro HKTl'KB Foil A rn 11 In orfler that we may tbor nngbly tntns tilted onrnew PRESENT I CUT THIS OUT ! SWEEPERETTE The Sun give? tbe following us the internal revenue d Tenons far Dm hum during October: The stamps for to bacco, ejgarettes, cigars ami snnH', amountt-d $63,129.63. The exptnt amntinted to J10.812 00, making a lot hi business of $70,942.63. A good show ing for Durham. Tbi S.-ilirbuiy TItraltl ry : Joe plius Daniels tilt-graph the Raleiuh News and Observer thai, it is rmnoied in Washington that llon.-John S. Hen derson will con te-t,. the tleetinn i f Shufoid, und has employed Hon Keir Octive (t couttFel. We haven't neen Mr. Heiiiloson nnd don't know wheth er there is any'groutid for tbe- rumor or not. ! DR. SHADE'S DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION. Just Given to the Public. Write nt mice for particulars of th nearapa per InvestlKatinn going on al tbla Mine in WnsbiiigMin. Doctors a"" ot -er C'tlien Cured. Wrbnl-pliysietansand medical Jour nal say abont"The On alest Discovery of Ibe Century." (symptom blanh, etc. Address Dr. SHADE. 1232 14th Street.'VVushing ton, D. C. , t)cHl-nrn. XECUTOR'S NOTICE. , Letters cf ndmiiibtretlon h'tvrner.bfen l snel 1 tl'C tmdersigneil, upon the estste of T(.ifh !cic.., fie ntitlfles nil pir-oiia-in-itta to rslil estste to wuko Im.uertlnie mjui-..t, nnd nil fcrsons hnldlnu; cluima nt.iii-.-l sr.itt eslflle. to pre-ni't Hhiti. on or bn-: fore the 1st day of ov. If9, or this totice will In; plesrisii In bur of fti.iir recovery. Tin and day of Oct., '891. ' Oct. IS-etSi JS. C. tiABRRTT. ExV. sFUKKITuRE (Opposite Hotel Currolina.) For the next 30 days we will sell a in ntit w)im ?n JIU UillV UUJJ-llUUill IT UWl. Wi SWEEPERETIE W'tlih is a tttaitlinjc irvenitioa ia Carpet x 8weo;e a. "WE MAKE. YOU THE FOLLOWING OFFER : " It yea vl i Mod us Ibis t on (sin wilh a Postal Vn tj Or dor for 3 00 we will aend ton seen ely picked br Ex a new ana rle irani bwacpereue. tsrranjrd tverr M or NfUAtT BErCNDEU. bevel glass, size 20x24, for $12.50. ; For parties out of city selected,-packed and delivered in depot free. ROY ALL & BORDEN, Sept. 13 Sra. DURHAM, N. C. Ask tbe publUbers of that rdlabiliir. paper about oar Ti in lb Sslca Sali. CAUTIO? PtrM write yonr aame sod ddn-m iiHInlj ao as to avoM BiwtakM. UE tLKR i Svt.4 for oor primed malfr. Wtwill make ilaaot j-rrt for ya to baodle lliti ekvant liae of S'CperrUea. The SweeperetteCo., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. , NO. inn. Jewelry Matched Repaired. and SVJlful -otk nd low ynces previil i cor rryw Jepartnient. We bjve a compttte OoJk ot dovks and waUno, axluJu-j tha Qtkk-Ulnsiinx Wfiterbarj,$4 toJJS- J. 5TEWAUT, J-, Builiegtoo, C. If. GEFAT REDUCTION HI FEES ! ' - HARD TIME PRICES 4 " - ' ' -OUT OF .WHICH- .... , "V ..- YOU OAFI HAKE HOMEY ! Meliville Chief 2353, Uncas7I50. Record 23 1 H, Esperanza 1 1,122, Escu rial 13.140. - ' $40. $25. $25. $25. No Better Bred . Horses on Earth at any Pric FASIIIOX BREEDING STUD, - ' Graham, X. C, JUNIUS II. HARDEN, Marjafter.