i vol: xx. ; ; GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY," DECEMBER 27, 1894. NO. 47 . , . PEOPESSIONAL CAEDSw ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, N. C -May 17. '88.. ATTORNEY AT LAW , . ' 5B AH AW. !.. , Practice lu tie' State aad FVfcJentl Courts will faithfully stld promptly attend all oca lieu eutrasted to him I , WM. P. BYNUM, Jr., ' WW ttorny and Counselor at Law, : ' tJEKENSBOftO, . O. ' . . Practicea regularly' la the coarte of Ala mance county. , ., . . , . An. 8, 04 ly Dr. John R. Stockard, Jr., DENTIST, .',. BURLINGTON, N. C. 3Qod seta of teeth at $10 per Bet - Office on Main St.. over I. N. Walker ft tio.V Rote." v.,v ;h COPYRIGHTS. V mt AHTATW A PATENT T For a toromnt answer and-aa honest opinion, write to . MIJHN eVCO.,wtohaTebadneeriyBftyreareV' ' i experience tn the patent bMfnena. Commnnlc. tlona etrietly eonndential. A HaadbMk of In- ' xoraiauon eonoBrnine itmn aim nvw w ou ' ai them sent free. Aho a catalogue Of meenan teal ana eeeentlflo bootai Matt free. , Patent taken thromth Kara Co. reonre rpedal nottaeln the Heloarlflc American, an tbn an brought widely before the pnbltewttk nt eoat to ttae Inventor. Ttale aplendld paper, leaned weeUy.eleaantlylllnstratedTitobyferthe : ' lanrnat circulation of anT eotentlfle work na the world. Mitw, Sample omplea eent free. .. jsmiain naiueDuwoinofy. wiju a raw , copies, 2a oanta. Bvery number eontal ilea, 2a oanta. Krery number oontalna beau - ' yuiu pi v nnneea. a. with plana, enabling wnldera to ehow the : iatniit di . MUMN m ua mw ill uumnon Avom 00. Miw TOBK, Sell BmaT7a "o&NBSQ 1P1 GURB r X Kew ami Completa Treatment, conalatlns ot . EUPKlSlTOftLES, Oapemlee ef Otatnent ana two Boxeaof Otnluont. a. narer-fallliig Oore for Pile ot a aatare anJ dagraa. It maka an operation Wh fiietaifa r ta)cneof earboUe acid, whlah re painful and aeMom a wariuaaeBt oore, and oftea Teealttar tn death, maieceiiiinry. Why nelur : tfila larribla eliaemM? W Bruafantaa bone to our amy oaaav' Yarn only pay for benetna raoerred. H a box. 6 for C5, Bent by mall, : Onamnteaa tamed by our agenta. CONSTIPATION aae areat LIVER and BTOB AOH KiXl (JLATOH end aniSOD PUKUXEB. BmaU, mlM and plaaaunt to lain, eeiaainllr rtnnhiil firr rnllrlrmSi nrri, sDUoaei Voenta, . ' ,.;,:'.'! . . OUABAHTEEB leaned only by ; Hnilrd on rrwlp't of price hv" . . RICHARDSON & FARISS, Wholftle & Retail Drnggirts, Oreeofboro, N. O. I am the North Carolina Agent for Or. White' i New Hair Grower , Treatment ' The Greatest Discovery of the Age. . - It will permanently cure falling of the hair, dabefruff, acaly eruptions, IHMtutee, or any acalp 4twae.. It preventa hair turning gray and restore bair to Ita original color, and brings a , -t-T' '. Hw Growtk of Balr ea aay Bald Bead oa It is the only treatment that will pirxtuce thee reeulta. ,Si Testlmoniala and treatise furnished on application. " : ' Mr. John M. Coble, at Coble A Thompeon't store, la my agent at flra bam, N. C. Respectfully. B. T. LASHLEl, Deo. 14 tf. y- Haw River. N.U CUJBBNQ ANNOUNCEMENT. , OW 1NTKBE8T TO FARHEtUi ANI GAB - DEMEHS. ., Farmers and Gardeners, who are de . airous of joining in making the Boclh (he most prospcroaa section of tb Union, by deyeloping tha new agri cultaral mdwttriea. such aa garden red growicg, flower-bolt) - raising, growing auger, to develop which, w eball offer la premioma, for the best sugar producing beets grown, 'must read the a pedal articles on theea and other sew agricultural pursuita which wilt commence wftb the Jan uary number of tha Profreuive South, published a t RtchroonJ. Va. The lrioe ia only $1.00 per year, which you eaoeud direct lo the office al Rich mond, or we trill club with It and send yon Tin Axamakck GtKAHEB and the Progremiv Srmtk lor f 1 75, eaeb ia ad vance, for both paper one yrar. AHdreaa, ; . , ... : THX OLIAaTB", Nov. 20, TO . Graham, N.C A Leading Magazine Free. Arraneiamenta ' Perfected -hjXrhiohVre Gfre Sub ccrlptirm to Woman'i "Work witlio-at - Weatawmrareperealo make a waadei' faliy liberal oier to all wto paj an adraaea tnr 'Tarn LaaiA.ca eLaaaaa. Woaaa'a Woma ta a Hterwrr aad doaieatknlaaaa-aaiw. i am i id'T " aopd ar pwbtkfc, a U la pwra. eatwtahle; aae baipfaj la -rt oVwtaae-4. It. page arter irtrd whit a,raal ate caaes eaadlag aaattav aad fllee luiMa enltad So all agra it la pabttabed to .,T b rrraJ meed tor rood bare a Utara- lare, aad ao otber pariodteal bmbjU at -a wetL m MM tar oar aaoar and Weaii'a Va oa aatkinf tbe auver frw. tut i.I.lV.'Kr.-S RLFtNKR. rl! Xinttm, . C- 3 k Head of Mir LATE SPIiEESa A. Man Who Makes Ufa Eurdefi eome for a Olori. Ba-Conaldoratnly Walt t'ntll All Caeatf Are la Med Before Commencing . to Fill Up A ftemartr ble Caae. The hlit clerk in one of Long Dranch's largest hotels was dozing litfhtly at his deskat 2 o'clock on a recent morning, when .a m.an who had evidently been imbibing freely staggered tbrouirh the hall. He was Stout; srnootb-sbaven.had gray hair. and carried himself-with the aif or a rounder. He stopped at sight of (be clerk, braced himself on .his cane,, and glared fiercely at the sleeper.. For fully a minute he swayed on bis frail support, and thea .be top pled over. The crash was awful. It shook tbe Boor and made the movable ar ticles on the desk dance.' It startled the clerk so that be jumped straight up in the air, landing squarely on his feet before bis eyes were open. The night watchman rushed in from tbe piazza la alarm, and several guests who had just returned from the club bouses stopped In the door way aghust. y:. The prostrate man looked a fear fnl wreck, ne seemed completely flattened squashed, as the watch man put it. It. seemed, impossible that that inert mass oC flesh could ever move of its own volition -again. Had the man fallen from the roof the result would not have appeared worse. He remained motionless as the men gathered around him. "Heavens!" exclaimed one of the guest, "the poor fellow is dead." "No," said the clerk, with an air of great disgust, "I wish he was. Confound him, he is more .pother than all tbe rest of the hotel. V ;.. : "What's the matterf wltb him?", asked the solicitous guest. : . r "Ob, drunk, as usual:" The clerk stooped and turned the man on hie back. He was , sleeping -as innocently aa a child. Without further ceremony the clerk , caught him by the shoulders, the watchman took Ms feet, and they carried him Into the elevator. I "Dont mind about putting him to bed," said the clerk to the: watch". ; man; ''just lugbimintohis room aud leave him on the floor." Then the elevator shot up. "That fellow,'' said tho Jclerk, is J the queerest case I ever struck. He ' bas lots of money, and lives here with hi daTightcr.a very sweet and refined young woman." 1 To see him about In the day time or in the even ing you would think be was the qui etest old gentleman you ever saw, but after the daughter has retired j he slips over to one of be club ' bouses and gambles and drinks until be is full to the nozzle. Then he is" likely to do anything. ' f ; "One night last week he came in and said he felt hot. All right', said I, 'go out and cool off,'- i 1 will,! aid be, and out be staggered. Ho went out on the lawn -in front of the hotel, took oil bis coat and vest and lay down . to sleep on "the gross, The spray came in from tho ocean strong that night, and must have soaked his clothing,' but he slept, un disturbed until daylight. 'You 'may think he would have caught cold and rheumatism, but be was walking tt - around here as vice Iookingas ever , at ten o'clock, "He Is up to something new every night, snd keeps me guessing what he'll do next Fd have bim fined if be wasn't so decent in the day time and didn't manage to confine bis sprees to hours when nobody's around wbo is likely to be offended: I don't believe bis daughter, even. Imagines that be la up to any of these tricks." N. Y. Sun. The Wheel In the Army. . . The use of tbe bicycle in military operations is gradually extending all over the world. j In our own coun try, we see the militia, in some in stances, using it, and abroad the va rious governments are endeavoring to avail themselves of the advan tages of the wheel in many ways. In Holland young men skilled in tbe use of tbe bicycle are invited to join the army, and given Increased pay and the rank of a corporal. - In these caaes tbe attendance to duty in the army is reduced to the mini mum, so tbat tbe enlisted men ran pursue other occupations. Ia Por tugal, Spain and Bulgaria, there are certain advantageous terms offered to recruits of tbe character men tioned.. In Denmark recruits, are always under tuition, and in France two men from each regiment are told, off for such work. Sweden takes pains of a most elaborate character in tbe Instruction of her troops is a bicycle work; In fact ev ery aatioa Is experimenting more or leas wtth the wheel. Hardware. A Machinery Market. A good demand for machinery could be built up lo China, but It would be for tha. cheapest sorts. Tbe masses in that country are very poor, tbe fishermen oo the sea coeat beioglTsable to b?y common twins. -Hardware, - . HE OBEYED ORDERS. That Is Why Ha la Now Chief Pay master for a Big Railroad. - . Twenty years ago Peter F. Dona hue, wbo is now the chief paymaster of the Erie railroad, was the office boy of "Jim" Flak, " who then con trolled the Erie road. Though young, he was attentive and faith ful to the interests of his employer, Donahue was told by Flak one day that he must not admit anyone to his office. - .. ; v '; ; " The boy had refused admittance to a dozen applicants; when JohnJMor. - rissey, the prize' Cxbter, put In an appearance. - , - Jlorrlssey was in the habit of walking into Fisk's office-' unan nounced, - as - the men were close friends. He was proceeding to do so on this occasion, when he was, confronted by the small office boy, with: - : . .-"You cannot see Mr. Fisk flay." . " "Why, how's that?" asked Mor rissey. . ' . . "llr. Fisk is very busy to-day, sir, and cannot see anyone," was the reply. "On, 1 guess he will see mer saia Morrissey. ' 'No, he won'tl" was the -matter- of-fact rejoinder. "Do you know wbo I am, boy?" "Yes, sir; you are llr-.John Mor rissey." ., ; . m u. i'Well, t think Mr; Fisk; will see me." si ly-J. I ' J ? f" I -.Then ho moved to the door, but as quick as lightning the office boy was on his back, with his arms about his neck. Morrissey Anally shook his small opponent off, but as soon as4he con- test had been concluded the boy was again between him and the door. ; . "Ob, now, what do you want to act like that for?.'' asked Morrissey. '-'You see, sir, Mr. Fisk gave ms, orders not to let anybody in there," ' replied the boy, "and so you can't go In, and tbat ia all there is about i it."': .;... 1 Morrissey was too plucky a man . not to recognize pluck In othersj'bo, with a laugh, be turned on his heel and departed. Tho next day be met Fisk, and told of hi.9 encounter with the office boy and bow it had resulted. Fisk was immensely pleased with the lad's action, and from tbattimeon he was -a, 1 - J . . . !. ..... . rapidly promoted ; Mr. Donahue's present position was in a great measure due to his en counter with the big prize fighter, which he counts one of the luckiest incidents in his life, and often tells as an instance of the importance of a boy obeying orders. ' His Absence Wanted. An English doctor, attached to the court of a : rajah, . made himself almost r indispensable to his high ness. ' He had, fortunately, also made a friend of his. prime minister. On one occasion bis highness, be ing slightly indisposed, had taken, by - tho doctor's advice, a seidlita powder, with wblch he expressed himself delighted. Its tendency to "hnfl and fljtz rradv to blnw vour nrt9 off" Roemed to him tn "snattpr coolness;" and he seemed so much, I better after taking it that the doctor felt himself justified in joining in a hunting party. Presently a borse- iijou iiuiu vuo uaiauu, iu true wuu- dentia, emplorment 'of the grand r 1 : i . u . vitnr mllnwrl nn tn Mm M r -F . j master bids me to tell you," he said, "that ' Kin filrrfinoea ' fina hrnkpn : open your medicine, cbest and taken, first, all the white powders and then all : the blue." "Gracious goodness.' cried the doctor, "there are twenty -three of each of tbera." "My master adds," continued the messenger, t dropping his voice or the "tbat you had better make for tbe frontier without a moment's delay." The doctor put spurs to his horse and never drew rein till be was "out , of tbe jurisdiction of the court" San Francisco Argonaut He Had Done Both. , - Dovcrspike was married. , His friend Giddings contemplated matri mony. . . "I suppose, said Giddings,"that it comes a trifle bard to face a girl's fa ther and ask bim for tbe band of his daughter?" - "VTell, yes," replied Doverspike, reflectively. "It does come rather difficult but It Isn't a marker to fac ing tbe mother of girl you have ! Seen courting lor a year or so, ancr ( yon have concluded that you like t some other girl better, when you j meet the old lady accidentally some tiroe after break log witn tbe oaugn-; ter. Smith, uray & wo. s Aioaiuiy Belle Why doesn't Tommy get married? Kail iMntMnnttitMiBTvWCan't af ford It - ' Belle Well, be snd his wife could live on "bread and cheese and . kisses," couldn't they? Nell Yes. they might: but Tommy hasn't been able to find any girl wbo could provide toe necessary bread and cheese, as yet Soraer rille Jour oil. - SAW UIMSELf' DIK. An Odd Onloasro Oharaotor Hla Laat Roqueot.'- and a tVl.had to Baa nimarir aa tjo Waa Vjlng and the Hoapltml I'liysjclaa Ka snored alio Peculiar , , s 1, " "Pink Horn." ' One of the oddest clmractera tbat Chicago has known was a blitho fel low named ' Horn. They called bim "Pink" Horn.' He boasted that he rffiilfl hot "keen monev:5 he declared tiJat at bfflva borebrmaBrwedr blow" himself. It was this ioke that allured him from his trade; that of sign ' painting.1 -After lthis ho lived on : his wits. He was not known tov be dishonest, but to' the man. who lives by his wits there come but few twinges ot con science. Once be made a reputation in a new direction. "One cold day ' he took ', off a new overcont and wrapped it about the shoulders of a , thinly clad negro woman whom he " met In the street. : His companions marveled at this, knowing that he bad but little money, and in reply ' to their expressions of surprise he remarked j ; "My father was a Slav owner be- i fore the war, and an old black j mammy brought me up."j s J He always wore a flower on his . coat, and when the flower was a : wilted one his acquaintances knew that he was hungry. , He was a man of courage. Once, in a playful moodj he fought "Black Jack," tbe commander of. the bumboat, and de feated him, and this was no easy matter. His great fad was to in- TC8tira,to evervthlni?. and in this re-. 6pect e became strangely curious i toward the last. lie bad a mania for gazing into the' eyes of a dying man, and often hung about the bos pitals. He used' to say that he in tended to see himself die, . Some of his friends said that be was losing . his mind. ' , i Well, hard luck came, and he drifted away. He went south and lbn Into the far west. But he found no place to interest him. . In Dead wood be did all sorts of jobs, striving to get back to Chicago. Ho said that he had but a short while longer to live, and that it would em barrass him to die away from homo. Ho camo back and stood about the corners looking for his old friends, . but found thorn not. No one knew him.' . "','"' ": :',' ' ."Why, you must have heard of me," be said to a man. , "I am Pink Horn." "Never heard of you, sir." "Why, I waa here before the fire." "That may be, but I never heard of you."" "Didn't you hear of the sport who took off his overcoat one bliz zardy day and gave it to a black woman?" , "Oh, yes, I believe J did hear of that So, you are the man! Well, see you again. So long." No ono cared to talk to him. ne strove to Joke, but his merriment was ghastly. One night last week they took him up and carried him to tbe hos- pltal. And this is tbe story they tell, tie bau been in oea two aavs when a physician told him tbat he bad but a few hours to live. "Are you sure?" he asked. "I am certain. . If you have any arrangements to make you'd better BiaKC Wem. "My lungs are about gone, I sup pose?" "Yes, practically." "Will you do me a favor?" "Surely. What is it?" "Well, I want to see myself die." " "I don't understand you." , "I simply want to see how I look Jrbile dying. . Prop roe up and put a mlTTfir at the foot of the bed." ObTthat would be" . . -"You said you would do me a favor." "And I wilL" The doctor propped him op and a nurse brought a mirror and placed it so tbst he could gaze into It And so they left bim for a time. He said that be desired to be alone.' When I they cams back he was dead; bis I ffazs was wide and his glassy eyes 'mirrored the mirror. Wanted to see himself die! He was ao odd character. Inter Ocean. . ; The Custom of the Country. "When I was in Kentucky lait," said the man wbo had sworn off, "it waa verv drv down there and -thev ld me I'd bars to take whisky or nothing." - "And what did you sav?" Inquired who interested" in bis wsl- ftre "I said nothing," bs replied with tbe air of a martyr. ' Tbat was right; that was right, toy dear fellow." "Yes, I found out tbat It was. Tbey always give a man whisky under such cirenmstance when be says nothing." Detroit Free Press. The Letter Waa Loaded. A - Hootingtoo (Ind.) post office clerk tamped a letter the other day wblcb contained aa explosive. Tbe thing went off and nerrly killed bim. Courier JourctJ. BEEHLER'8 S0LAR0METEH, It Was Praised In Europe and Will Now Ca Used In Our Navy. Lieut.-W. II. Beehlor, United States navy, who arrived in Balti more recently from Bremen, brought with7 bim his solarometer, . which was tested in France and Germany and on the voyage besides. Lieut. Beehler and the ; officers , of the Weimar -. took one : hundred and eighty-nine observations of the sun arid stars at all hours of the day and night, .. and , tbe ship s latitude, longltude-and compassetrorj were ascertained by tbe solarometer with accuracy. TJpon arrival at Bremen Lieut. Deohler took the solarometer to Paris! where he explained it to M. Gautier; the celebrated Parisian astronomical Instrument maker, who has a contract for making the solarqmeters In France. By request Lieut Beehler also exhibited the Bolarometer to the officers or the French navy at the ministry of ma rine et colonies, in Paris. . , - 'At the German naval observatory In Hamburg the professors and astronomers evinced the greatest Interest in the instrument, and ex pressed, their approval of Its prin ciples and their admiration of its mechanical design. The solarometer now on board the Weimar will bo taken to Washing ton to serve as a standard for the tests of six solaromcters now in course of construction. The Iron work observatory domes for these instruments are being made. As soon as tbe six new solarometers are , constructed they will be put into service. One of them- has been ordered by tbe navy department, and will probably be mounted on the armored cruiser New York or the flag ship of the North Atlantlo squadron. N. Y. Advertiser. , ENCYCLOPEDIA STUDY. It la Necessary to a Broad and Liberal Education. "One needs nothing mora than an occasional hour or so during the week with a good encyclopedia to se cure a broad and liberal education, said a weil-known newspaper man. "Tbls fact struck mo forcibly Sun day afternoon." Wo have at home a very excellent edition of a well known encyclopedia, and I went to it to get some Information. Turning over the A's, I camo across Algebra, and found tbe history of the science from beginning to end; Its introduc tion into Italy, and its improvement from time to time, together with problems illustrative of its advance and powers. I came across Eugene Aram, too, and learned, for the first time, such a man lived and read all about hira. ,( Tho Alhambra caught my pye, and I fortified myself on its history," at the same time getting the concise and well-digested history of tbe Moors in Spain, as well as if I had read all of tbe volumes of the Conquest of Grenada. In this man ner I drifted here and there through a perfect store-house of interesting things, being led from one to anoth er as one would be In a musoum where tbe eye no sooner leaves one attractive object than It is invited by another equally as pleasing. Consequently, waat was intended to be a moment's search for a refer ence, became extended into a healthy and refreshing mental re past of two or three hours, and I can not tell how much better I felt for It. I tell you, there Is nothing so speciflo for tho relief of the Intellectual mo notony we call brain fag, as a journey through an encyclopedia without having an itinerary laid down at the benning." Washington Star. Idea Peddlers In Chicago. There are three men In Chicago who make a fairly good living by marketing ideas. That is their busi ness. Suppose a man opens a new restaurant. The "idea" man goes into tbe place and says: "Why not put up a sign tbat you'll give a dish of cream free to every red-headed roan? It would cause talk." ' If the restaurant man adopts tbe suggestion the "Idsa" man expects to be paid for it He writes poetry for soaps and patent medicines, and submits it to tbe proprietors. If tbey like it ho nsmes bis price. At the big retail stores be drops in and confides new and startling schemes for advertis ing. He goes to tbe theatrical man ager and says: "Here, wouldn't this be a good catch line?" Day by day hs pokes Into other people's business, and is well paid for it, because, after all, there is nothing more valuable than ideas of tho right kind. Chicago Record. Women and Knives. A boot one woman in twenty owns a pocketknife, and her selection Is somewhat different from that of her brother. She, e a rule, fancies a small knife, sometimes tiny, and she pays much attention to the handle, Some of her fancies are In tbe tur quoise, while many are In pearL She rarely carries this knife In ber pock et, andylt can also be said that (hs never receives as a present one of tt."e articles from a male a?quir.t 3ce, Jl&nJrsra. .S - 8LU0 SIX Pretty Romance of a CoIoatTO ' Printing 03106. - Bow tho Kew Compoeltor from So. til Carolina Waa the Uaaatimi SlQaT BU for a Wira-Jinra Sign ; of a Wedding. Slug Six was the prettiest girl. In tbb composing-room; and that Is a large saying, for all the lady typos were charming creatures. --LBuAS!ugSixasnotjncrelypret-ty; she waa exquisite and more tbao that. All . the boya were in love wltb her. They avowed It open ly. ; That is, all the boys except Slug Thirty-seven. If be was in . love with ber he never boasted about it Perhaps he was too shy. Or perhaps he was inspired by one of those queer passions which Slug Nine teen called a really-truly love, and hence found it too deep for utter ance. Or perhaps, egain, there was some black-eyed beauty down ; In Dixie to whose remembered charms he remained faithful. ' V ; ,; ' For Slug Thirty-seven came from "South Cahlina." He was a tall, seri ous, sunburnt youth and very green about the city ways. At first be was quite in despair at the complications of a large prin ting office. "OTou see, I came from a country printin' office,". be confessed to Slug Six. "I nevah saw copy cut in 'takes' this way befo'e." "I am sure the foreman Is very kind," she said. " "Yes, ma'am, the fo'eman is kind ness itself. But it's the galloy boy I'm afraid of." Slug Six smiled. ' "He Is an autocratic young gentle man, Isn't be?" she said. But you're a good compositor. Better than most of us, in fact. You will get along all right in a few days. And If thero's ever anything In which I can help you I hope you will not hesitate to call upon me." : :: " , "Thank you, ma'am; you ah very kind. I'll bo stiab to do it." There were surprises in store for her, however, . "You know," , sold Thirty-seven, laying his stick on tho case o.nemorn ing and turning toward her, "you know I haven't been to a theatah since I came heab." "Haven't you, really? Well, you ought to go." ! "Yes, ma'am; that's what I think, but I nevah did like to goanywhab alone."' " ,; Slug Six had no comment to make. "I thought," ho continued, "that perhaps you would go with me some evenin'?" - "Oh; I don't know; I I " "Of co'so I bad no right to expect you to go," he said gently, "and If you would rather not " , "It Isn't that," she replied, realis ing that be was entitled to perfect frankness, "indeed, I should like very much to go; but you see I haven't known you very long, and my parents are not acquainted with you at all." "Yes, ma'am, that's so," be said, and wcut back to his work. Slug Six saw that he was hurt and hurt bad. She felt highly un comfortable about it He was certainly a gentleman. And she bad wanted to go to "Charley's Aunt" so long. , ' Later In theday she came and stood timidly bcsldpbim. "Mr. Woodruff" it was the first time anybody in the office, excepting the cashier, bad ever spoken his name; It sounded sweetly strange from her Hps "Mr. Woodruff, I have been thinking that perhaps If you care to, you might come some evening say to-morrow evening and get acquainted with my father. Then we can ask mamma about the theater, you know." ' That was three months ago. AndSlug Twenty-three, who is bachelor old enough to be called "uncle" by all the typesetters and Is, therefore, excellent authority on matters matrimonial, now says be soon expects to be invited to the wedding. He gives the following reasons for his belief: . Slug Thirty-seven has quit chew ing tobacco. He puts twelve dollars 'in tbe savings bank every Saturday night He studies tha "for rent" advertisements with great solici tude and Is Interested to an unusual degree in tbe price of provisions. Slug Six bas a new light la hr beautiful eyes. Last Sunday she might bare been seen closely scrut inizing a four-room flat near Lincoln park. And there bas been a dress maker at her bouse sewing busily for two whole weeks. Chicago News. ' He Had God Luck. "Whur ye bin?" asked one rural sportsman. "Fisbin'." replied another. "Get a bite?-' ' . "Yep." "tteica anytumr - i -Yep." . . - - j "What jeketch!T . . . - . . ! "nctch the mosquito that gittni tb bUe." Washinr-tca Star. Annual' "Statement'.' In itccoMitnes with the irnnlrementeof ke tlon 718 of tbe Code-, I, J. II. Veltoo, clerk of the board of ccmmlralonera for Alnmnnca county, do hereby certify that the following l a true atntemt-nt lor the year ending Nov. SO. isat, ortl.e Amount , item and nature of all compeuFAllon audited by tbe board to the membrra thereof, eTrally, tbe liomber Of da-n the board una Id era-Jon and tbe dis tance traveled by roth member I ,-' v . To B. LONG, Fori dare agpo. rom'r, ' (KoJ ' BWhitleaa ice mils, . - i6a , fcktra arrTlre aa ru'm'n nokid for , ... yeur ending Nov, bO ImH, 1000 Extra xervUt-K tin ch'ln'n bonrd for ' yenrendliig, Ior,M. 1MM, 10 4 dAa com, on tax roaUaamt 1 day '. . , com. on jan, f Total, k ToNVJl. STAFFORD, Forl7dayanaCo. Com'r, ' 120 in Ilea 6o a mile, ' ..-' Total, ' IK) 00 To C.C.TOWM8END, For ID dnya aaXo. Com'r, 1 day toying on"rid to Burlington, 1 day on tax roud. 6i uillea is oc a mile, al, EBB, to8 For 20 day aa Co. Com f, ' MOO 610 in ilea fltet mile. - , iISM . 1 dny com. on c. a. c.'t re port fl, ' 2 (10 1 day com. tiling wltb Iroaanrer, , 2 00 1 day com. on tax mnria and 1 day on building committee, ' 00 Total, . 7S TO C. H. RON Ex. V For 18 daye aa Co. Com'r, l8 ZtSmileatf fica mile, ' ' 11 M 1 day nacom, nettling with treaa- un?r, -t 200 2 day a com. on tax toads and 1 day coin, on Jail, ;'' 600 Total, ' . " Sue SO Tbe Board waa lo aeeelon 20 days for the year ending Sov. SOU), ISM. ......... - JiiLWATBOK, " Clerk of Board. Mortgagees' Sale ! tty virtue of the p wer eontntned In re, tain morlgHiiedeodnexeeutad by Chaa. L. Knn vllle, one on tint or Dec , 1HM0, end regiatered In book 12. piuie, 4 7, 4 arid 420. one on Dec, a, 1HI. and rvirutere . In Uak 17, pngps-,aW, SUT i d 20S, ami Due on A ng. AO. 188H. and rtwIclMv rd In bonk 17, pngea VSt, a and 4M, and all r gi'iedlUieomerortheKeKiatrrOf Deeda ot Alara mcpotmnty. the nnderaigned mortgu teen will aell for cnh at the court boaee aour In Unthani, at 12 M. on ' MONDAT, JANT 7, 1B0S, the tnirt of land dearnbrd In aald nortenirea. The tract nf land con Ulna ,m acre, and la ' altuale In K,imt. loHnslilp. Alnmitnce oomily.arljolnlnsr the tnlwlnot Brlce Ki.nvllla eiiilnlhera. It l uti axrollej.t tnkacm and grnlll furui and very (lMlr.ll Teniia-aal , i r:on'iK kkhnoix e. l.KVI H. Mii'Al-I.KY. iSO. l K OX, and oth ijc6, 18M-td. other, v Mortgngeea, HOME r LK 1 uLLj. -FOH COTTON, CORN AND v , -Oenoval Crops. tJed and endnraed by leading laf ' mere in North Carolina and the Fo'ith. -lor tbe pHHt nvei tv yenra. Read the fa llowing ceit G'-it'-M, aii'1 !aenil for pamphit'i giving riireciions fcr mixing, ttaiimottiiiK & . . M AKt.vn.t.a, J. C., Bept 20, "A Heaara. Bnykln. t.'armer A to. U-ntirmcn : The rhemlcnl I bonclit of rod for making "Home Fertilizer" eonilnne tt clve aattafuction I only oar It under rnttnh. Von know I tnnat think it eraxl, or I aliobld not have md It ao long, lhla mnkni la or IT yearn trial I have been nalngll.and Kama be made me able to pay far it In tanh, not oa eroptnnet Vuura tnily. . ', Tuoa. 8. EVahb. rnraAW.H cOctK ltfcS. Meaara. Boykln. trmer Co. It glrea ua nlvaaure toiy we hare been oa lux yoi.r "Uoine Kerllllxrr" for more than fifteen year conllnunnaly, and tapnH toron. Unite to do . Of couraa we kre entirely sat lafled tbat It nova na In naa It. r.earevUully, J. W. McKav, K. M. JdcKAtr. nitiiirn o.ia JelAllilLUtVll.a BALTIMORE, MD. , . .. . : f , . ,N - ?sj tea iH Crcji p -" tSWla SUFFOLK Collegiate and Military INSTITUTE, - f3tr prroiiK, va EnrUxh, fVieniiSe. Maihrti'ttal e.id Claaniral rouraea, with special B(la" inea leiartmni. Ifreu have a aon . von deaire lo etiiieale drop a roetal for Catalogue. AHreaa . ' P. J. KERSODLE. A. M Juty 13 tf. . riiocil. Are You Going to Build ? If ye are gntut to batld a toner, rnaj f do wvH tn rail oa me for niirea. t bav. a ' force ot akll'i workine h i.are '-n wtih ' ae mxa t to S e ir. w-.a kro '4- -n ea gimd wnrk and a het.t ol li 1 wt" "4 ay enmrartort-. i!t- dav t lima !l ..f yo. mi do If . Cow -r a v.'ii) I ffji. . pilf'-. "-V-. f ir .j.'.-. '. . "t. l'(rirc,. . ,vt. IV. F'.'i'S-iy," t . ia.N. All?. t - - - M I X T R A TO ; v-j i ry: I. a p;V.lV a 1fTl1 -r r.; ermniy. ha.-. a..M.i. -( . , aateot Ma-r F. i;-ir.-'. .:. 1 ,' -i j . lOt'. a,i I-,..-:. -,r(, c - ."-:'. M.n!;ifMvn:' -n ... , rMM fn, . . - K.r r.'...-.- -J ' fee,?.