NO..B1. : PEOPESSIONATi CARDS. ' ujvVwyirir'i"i'i n - r " rri"ifYWivm . i ATTORNEY AT, LAW, i ! graham; ' , May 17. '88. JV. c J. L; KEHNODLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW nnsTAHAM. rT.V. practices lu tie Btate and Federal Onrts will faUhfuUrand promptly attend .. all ccs- siess entrusted to him. -;. WM. P. BTNUM, Jr., Attorney and Counselor at La-w, . ; . QBEEN8BOEO, K. V , , , : , Practice s reifularly lo the mauce county. enrta of Ala Aug. 8,Wty Dr; JolmE.Stockard, Jr., DENTIST, BTJBLIITOTOJr, TX. C. gOood sets of teeth at ; $l6 per set Office on Main.St. over I. N. Walker & Co.VBtors. v. " " . 1 . "-' - TBunciiiscsVi QM8JRADEMrK , nrArjiruro ' vur i ruun 1 Je lM I OBTAIH n imm and al PATENT t For . I an honest opinion, wi 10 have bad nearly fifty write to MUNN & CO., who have tana near rears' exoerlenoe tat the patent business. Commnnl. tlona strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation oonoerniwr Patent and bow to. Ob. tainthMBwmtfrML A lao a aataloana of meohaiw Jcal and aelentlflo booka aent flee. ' , Fatenta taken through Moon & Co. reoelre apeolalnotleelntheSelentiac American, and thus are brought widely before the public with-- , out ooet to the mventor. This splendid paper, - lamed weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific, work In the . at4 n flnmnln Aonfna aant. free. BuUiw BMIUwinjonthly, llsOByear. Single copies, tlful pi nanaa. Bwerr number contains beats ' nfcktjw- In eninra. and DhotoeraDba of new houses, latest di a. with plana, enabling bonders to show the Mima and aeoure oontracts. Address MUHH A 00. Maw YOJUC, 3 til BBOai'M" ' JAPANESE A Sew and Complete Treatment, consisting of HUPP08ITORIES, Capsules of Ointment and two Boxes of Ointment. A uerer-failing Cure for Piles of every nature an! degree. It makes an operation with the knife or injections of carbolic acid, which are painful and seldom a nem.anent cure, and often reuniting in death, unnecessary. Why endure - 1SA nuamnfa. A tsoaaa to cur any oa". You; only pay for benefits received, tl a box, 6 for S5. Sent by man. guarantees ioeaoyar agents. . , CONSTIPATION fiKiJtSratt m md T.TVUR and 8TOM AOH REOULATOE and BLOOD PUBiriBK. Small, mUd and pleasant to take, especially adapted for children's use. COUosu St oenta. 1 - eUAiAKTEES Issued only by ; v ' " Hallprl on rlpt of price Tv RIOHABIHOK & FARIS3, ' Wbolepale & Retail DruggiPt-", 1 " Greensboro, N. O. I am tbe North Carolina Agent for Dr. White's New Hair Grower Treatment - The Greatest D'tcovery of the Age. ; -It will permrnen'ly cure falling of the hair, dabrtratf, scaly eruptions postutes.or any scalp disease. ; ,f i t,, Itpreveols bair turning, gray '.and restores bair to its original color, and brings a :lt , - ' , i4 .,' ': .", TV I." . Hew Growth pf flahr' oa any Bald Bead m - Earth. .:.,"':v;;;,-. It Is the only treatment tbat will pi oduce these results. ; ' "' Tmtimonials and treatise furnished on application;1' ' ' i--:; Mr, Jobn, M. Coble, at Coble A. Thompson's plore, la my agent at Qra bam, N.C . . " , ,;, ...fs " V HXETMMH fill 1 V. ' . i iw t iatrrTt '.''I. DecU-tf. ' Hsw River. A Leading Magazine Free. Arrangements -;; Perfected y Which We QHre Snb-; ' soription to "Woman's j ' Worh tarithont,A , , -. .Charee. .. , ,.; We are ow prepared to make a wonder fullT liberal oner to all who paj in admnce for Taa AtiWASCa GLsjAim. Womas s Woaa ts a liter ry and dcatltyuna(rain ' deeerTedlT one of Uiettoet popd ar publiah SITlttipor. entertswlng ane belpral In erery dVpertment. lt pge arter fllled with elrtrnai higb cleat reading matter and Uloa-oor-atod to all aires ! It U rmhIUbM to atlsv tbe trrest need for eood homo lltsra tara, and ne other periodical roeet. it o welL feend 1.80 for oar Snper and WoaAIS Wcax one ear making toe latter free. fTfiuTALAlUNCX OLEiNKB, sjg 1 . Grabam, Jr. C. .. , 5 .. si s - : . : i W. L. DCUCLAO- S3 SHOE-Jk T aa W W aa-fW VWy w ar aajiai w saawawae-. iriiiaai a- I S.V POUCEs Sous. extra ritii? 2.L5 BwSSaBtSHori - . LA D I ta i, 3Fr roc cxraxjaiaj - Wa.tOVaiKS, , BROCKTON, MASS. BttMT ar WTffceatas . fa, bauiaa Bhaaa. fjacaaaaa. we are tbe largeat aiiafaetaawrs af adVenuca shore la t world. oa4 naraataa She ! by ataasusnr taa aaan aa4 a,rice ta. bonoea. which protect won agaiast b(h iorknaadtlwaahldlew'setvau.- Owrsheea lrol work in atria. aew aniaa and hwcaitna; Lbnil m aaaUtata, We have tbeas sold e-my- L.askeraaaka. Take no aabweaate. If as iower wuM in vaiae eivwa ui ser aaaka. Take no aabetttW fiaaJes aa awpply yoa,woaa. Soid ay UB HOT.TACOOrahata. jj. C. WHITE TiOAirtON, Uebaaa.' 1 Head of Hair Teaeaa "Will you'olear out now?" "JSol I won't!" she oricd, and she Stamped her foot Imperiously. "That gentleman defended me and I won't see him wronged. Bo there!" .'The policeman replied by rapping smartly on the walk with his club, and hardly had he ceased when another bine ooat appeared. t "Take the young woman in, Charley," said the first, laconically. "This is an outrage!" exclaimed Mr. Drane, . and then that quick, dismal philosophy recurred to him and he saw that it v was all perfectly natural. Another poke and . a warning from thd policeman showed him that it was folly to-resist. So the five marched up Broad way to the nearest station house. Mr. Drane wrathful and silent, the widow indignant and tearful, and he of the black eye sullen and vengeful. CHAPTER III . , ... - A SCOTCH VERDICT. Arrived at a police station the party marched in and halted in front of a big Mntn faS,1n,l ttr,lt f .1 1- n luknimanL counter behind which sat a benignant looking man reading a book. Drane saw that it was a volume of Shakespeare, and he felt a dim hope that-this man ' at-' least' would prove to be kind and trusting.' He did not know the New York policemen, though he was scraping acquaintance with the species faster than he really oared to. The man at tho desk continued to read until he had come to a convenient stopping place .when he took np a pen, looked at Crane ;and asked;,,, , t ,r' t "What's your name?" It flashed over poor Lawrence that all the reporters in town would write np bis adventures, that the accounts would be telegraphed to Western newspapers, and that a full measure of disgraceful notoriety would be heaped upon him. So, "Tom Jones," he replied at haatrd. an 1 incredulous sneer, but he put tho name down without a word. Then, 'Whore do you live?" he demanded. "Kansas City," faltered Lawrenoa, utterly at a loss to carry on bis . fiction, and when he was questioned as to his business be hung his head In despair. His garments would belie' bis claim to be a gentleman; for the same reason ho could not explain that he was chargod with enlisting Boston capital in the in- , terestof a new railroad, a commission that he had. undertaken more for the sake of diversion than for any need of money-making, and in a fair frenzy of ' misery he blurted out: .; i, I i . "I haven't any business!" . ' ' I "Umphl walking gent, I suppose," said the man at. the big desk. , "What wero you doing with this man and woman?" ! :The young lady at once began a pro test and explanation which was checked by the officer in charge of her, who scowled: 1 -i ' , -." "Say, yous, will you keep quiet until you're asked to say something?", . The accuser declared that Drane. bad assaulted him and tried to rob him. ; "Lock him up, "said thebenignantman- . drily; and the obedient, policeman con ducted Lawrence to a cell. As he passed throagh the doorway be ' beard the young lady sobbing bitterly. Walking down the corridor be repressed the tre-. mendous resentment that raged within him, but as soon as the key was turned -be addressed his oonduotor: " . "i wish you'd let me have a word with ' jod." 1 ' : '-"" '' 'The officer ' ' paused.' 1 Drane bad In--tended to tell bis story, hoping to eon rince his jailor,' if not of his innocence, -that at least there was a grave error in the proceedings somewhere, but his feel-; ings overpowered him. ' ' ' ' """"I'd have you understand," he ex claimed, "that you don't know whom ' you are dealing with- I could buy this . bouse fifty times ' over and not feel it! I My reputation never has been ques-l tioned, "and somebody win suffer for this. Why" , . ' "Oh, ratsr interrupted tbe jailor, and he walked away. "There la no phrase In oolite or vulgar literature that com- presses so much contempt into so small a space as that one word, "Bats!" It is unanswerable, complete, depressing.' As Lawrence listened to bis Jailor's re treating footsteps his resentment turned f to disgust.. ; r . : ' i I That lust shows," be thought, "bow , ill-fitted I am for these clothes. If I bad been brought up to wear them I should 'have known now to express myseu. adequately. Some . really . shocking language might have had an effect oa that fellow." . .... , ,l: ' Thea fo four mortal hoars Lawrence ruminated on visions of penal servi tude, balls and chains, breaking rocks. .stories of galley slaves; and bo wondered whether much Tamea btng King would be better wentilated than bis present ouarters. He took one little comfort In his gruesome reflection he eoald at least depend on sometntng to eat as long ss the Govenunent should bo his host, ' ' There was no- breakfast for him, " however, ' and - when at last be was varebed '" to ' Jefferson Sf arket eoort be was hi that stato of faintness that he 'would have walked willingly many mOes had the otBoers required it. , Without realizing - how tune bad passed, or what had happened, lie found himself one of a nondescript company ehat la by an iron railing. The audience room was crowded ith spee: tatora, and In tba eneloeure where he stood wero policemen, lawyers and re porters. .Lawrenoe shrunk as close as be sonld against the wail and gave way to nofooad aUaoowatrenjeat. - - W sli, para, an a sow tuiwj u.a . i, "you seeui to hare struck it roof i i . . . , . . i it. I w aide. ,tbls time." Drane saw a man in rags more loath some than bis own, with rum-bloated features leering rt him sympathetically. "You have the advantage of me, sir," he responded, haughtily. : ,, ' I guess not," said the other, with a dreadful smile. "That ain't to say that I knows ye, that I ever bad tbo honor of 'sociatin' with ye, but I recognize the fraternity wherever I comes across 'em, see?" . .. , , Drane shuddered. v "I'm goin' to take a vacation at the island," continued the other, cheerfully. "Got kind o' tired walkin', an' noed to rest np. Spect to go up for long?" "I don't know what they will do with me," replied Drane, "and I don't want to talk to you." , "All right, all right," said the raga muffin, "only if yon ain't used to this business you'll find 'fore long that it's useful to make friends wherever you can pick 'em up. No tellin' what a man might do for you, see?" ' Lawrence turned away, foeling In his I disgust a forlorn conviction, that the fel- ' 1 V . 1 1 I i . i. 1 1 il low was pruuuuiy ngut. At the other side of tho court where several women prisoners wore grouped he saw the young lady whose misfortune had had so much to do with bringing him there. lie started at once to go over and speak to her, and of course a policeman prevented him. He saw that she was speaking eagerly with an elderly lady who stood on the other side of tho rail. "She at loast has found a friend," thought Drane, and so Itprovdd, for in a few minutes she was called before the judge, and the elderly lady stood 'up with her at the bar. There was a brief conversation which Lawrence could not hear, and then both women stepped down and passed through . the gate into tho audience room. They were on the way out of the court, but the young lady v a moment and looked inquiringly back. Lawrence caught her eye and bowed. She returned his salutation and hurriedly whispered to her companion. The latter raised a pair of glasses, beau tifully framed and handled in ebony, to her oyes and scrutinized Drane keenly. Then she shook her bead deoldedly and passed out, .;---"' .-- "Oh, yes, go on," thought Lawrence, "he's a bad case, of course. ; Look at his clothes and his villainous face!" Tno young j., laoo wa9 th disappointment, but just as the door was closing on her she threw baok at him a smile which made the unhappy prison er's heart bound, f i "She's trying to tell me to be hope ful," he thought, ."and so I will, by Jovel" . ..... ., .. .. . , . ,:' - For a full minute after that be felt convinced that somehow , all would go well with him; but this uplifting of bis soul was transient. He soon relapsed into a dull, faint Indifference, paying no attention whatever to the trial of cases constantly golnf on before him. He did not hear the orier call out ..twise: Thomas Jones," and be did not half comprehend what was up when an offi cer seised him by the Shoulder roughly, saying: : ;'. - -a-' : "Here, come along! why don't you stand up when you're called?"' . In the little delay that thus ensued another case was crowded before the judge. Lawrence, standing at the bar, tried to listen. He caught some words about "common vagabond," and "stale beer frang," but he could not understand It alL Presently, however, the prisoner on trial turned to him and Lawrenoe recognized his recent acquaintance, the ragamuffin. ' .... "I've got ten days," he said, smiling complacently. Tbe fellow shuffled off, and Lawrenoe looked up just In time to catch the judge's eye as the formal ques tion was put: ; 1 "What is your name?" " "' "Lawrenoe Drane," ' bo responded quickly, and then he thought too late. The judge scowled at a document before bun and glanced Inquiringly at tbe po liceman. ' "That's my prisoner," said tbe latter, "be gave a different name at the station honse." ' " ' .' ' "What do yon mean," demanded the judge, "by giving one name at the sta tion and another one here?" "I I didn't want to be known, your honor," stammered Lawrence. ".No, I suppose not," snapped tbe judge; "well, what is it, Jones, or the othornaoieT" 1 "Jones is right," replied Lawrence, realizing gloomily that another hope that he bad cherished sliirbtly. that of convincing judge, bad been shattered by bis blunders. "Ton are charged," continued the judge, "with assault and attempt to rob. What do you say to it?" Of course Lawrence responded "not ruilty," and Uten tbe Judge called for a- 1 1 a T1 ewe111 MaSCSLlwi wpiauafc --r- young man was not V xiZ 1. -v'J re7rimnd ..Xlr ' man to, bringing apa case without a , witness and added: , -v.,i . . I . .... . t car if ha i should discharge this maa at once U be is ua aivapnoei di n wn.yiwii.w - bad not fated to assume a false name. That attempt make. "PT ! characu. Hold him until throe o clock. . ana see that roar witness is own. "f- . . , , .. i Tho sours dragged along, tho judge , weniioluncB. anotnrr -- B" Sao a lass -inoroaa - arain sailed to tho bar. Tbo plaisat bad not turned no, and the Jod A aaM, Irritably: oa are disehajjradwouea. eat I warn aot to do any thing of this kind -IJstlhajen'tdonaanythiBf wrong. your honor," protested Lswrenoe. "You'll get into serious trouble right here if you're not oareful,"cried the judge. '" :-. ' ; '" : '" 1 "Here, yon,' get ontt : Understand?" said a court officer, pushing Lawrence toward the gate. Lawrence did under stand, and with a feeling somewhat . rISCBABOED rBOM COUBT. akin to relief, he passed through tho audience room a tree man. fc; "When once I get well out of all this," he thought, "I'll get the Legislature to provide a fund for supplying diBoharged prisoners -with a square meal. I'd al most give my liberty for a sirloin steak with lyonnaise potatoes." What to do to get this desirable re freshment was a problem. Ho looked up and down the avenue a moment and then returned to the' court-room. He Inquired of an officer near the door about the elderly lady who bad carried off his park acquaintance. "I will at least let the young widow know that I am no convict," bethought, and he did not disguise from himself a hope that sho would help him somohow in his straits. v i. ' i The officer told , him that the lady came to court evory day, exercising her charitable disposition in assisting inno cent prisoners who wore unablo to so onre legal advice. i "But she won't do any thing for yon, ' added tho officer; "she draws the line at men.J. " '. . ,.' Nevertheless Lawrence obtained her name and address, and set off to call upon Mrs. ; Bowers far up on Madison avenue ; He amused himself on the way by trying to estimate how long his vital forces would endure miles of walking every ' day without any renewal of the tissues, and by speculating as to what stage -of starvation would be the most painful. Now and again he became dizzy and almost lost consciousness, which led him to think that perhaps he had com passed the worst part of starvation al ready. ;' ' Mrs. Bowers was at home and she re ceived Drane in a tiny room which sho evidently used as an offloo for her char itable work. "Madame," began Drano, "I am In circumstances so unusual for me, I am so faint from lack of food that I find it difficult to say what I wish to. I was in court this morning when you scoured the release of a young lady" r "Oh, yes," interrupted Mrs. Bowers. ; "You are the man who went to her aid In tho park. U'm. That was a very worthy thing to do," and she eyed blm critically through her glasses. Law rence felt so oppressed by this fresh hu miliation that he hung bis bead. Mrs. Bowers continued: "I should not have expected it of you. I have made a long study of human nature, my man, and I warn you that you can not Impose on me. So . they discharged you. H'm. If you're willing to work I will send you a card to a wood yard ": : "Madam," cried Lawrenoe, "I never have bad to work In my lifel I don't ask for work; I did not cons here to ask any assistance of you. I want to see the young lady and tell ber my story." : "Quite impossible," Interrupted Mrs. Bower, nlaoidlv. "She is young and inexperienced, and I certainly shall guard her against any vulgar imposi tion. You make a mistake in refusing work. lean read you closely enough 'to see that you will recognize your error as soon as you are convinced that I am not to bo Imposed on. There- fore I shall give you this ticket, It will secure yon lodging , and breakfast if you will saw wood. And in consideration for your defease of the voung lady you refer to- I will pay your car fare to the wood-yard. I ,seldont do this, never when I am con vinced of a man's character as I am of yours, but you are doubtless faint and weary. Therefore, here is tbe card, and here is a dime to pay your way on tbe bone cars." "Madame," said Drane, huskily, "you bare done me ; Injustice and given me pain that is worse than all the ills that bare come on me since I arrived In New York. I decline your charity, and jon may rest assured that no extremity of misery will ever make me regret my eoorsa.". With tbat be bowed haughtily and stalked from tho bouse, while Mrs. Bowers looked shocked and made an entry In her book of charitable work as to tbe evil pride that keeps some men from acknowledging tbe superiority and goodness of others. i CHAFTEB TV. A root, sJD bis novar. Drane hsd occasionally reflected upon the possibility of such a jnisfortune as hadvertoksi him. though he had " earned his imaging, to the MAuali ties of the ease hmd n hd .uppoed in a " 3 doM by,mM ln iuch I position, but when be ran over tbe list I This mind he realized that every lnrolre4 nful B1to u. kDew u,st tbPr0 wens many charitable organization which toroetimcs dUtreased, and at . other times distressed o4 at other times distressed tbo assisted; but ho could not member toe names or add: of any of them, with the single excep tion of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. It hadn't come to that yet he thought but there was no telling when it would. He hsd gone to sleep a gentleman and had waked up a trairu); an equal drop in tbe next jt tWenty-four hours miglit make him a obimpanzeo or a cow Tbe thought was not pleasant, and It ; aroused Drane to desperation. Either that or his hunger stimulated bis mem ory, for ho suddenly reoalled the fact that a gentleman with whom be had had some doalings by letter was in busi hens on Murray street He asked a policeman where that was, and the re ply fairly staggered him. It was miles away. Ho felt that be should fall dead of hunger before he oovered half the distance. lie leaned againct a lamp-post In ut ter weariness, and closed his eyes. Then-he heard a woman's voice behind him, saying: "1 hoped that yon would coma, to see Mrs. Bowers, and 1 have waited to thank you again for what you did to holnme." "When I beard your voice," .said Drane, turning to greet his acquaint ance of the morning, "I thought I must have died of starvation, and been ad mitted to paradise through a mistake In the records. You can not Imagine what friendly words are to a man in my po sition." " ' , "And have you really suffered from hung-or?" she exclaimed, whilo tbe tears catno to her eyes. "Ah, that Is horrible! Take this" and oho put a silver dollar Into his hand); "it should be multiplied a thousand-fold if I could but prove my identity, and then I should feel that I had done but little for you. There, do not say a word now. I know that you will repay me. Oh, dear me! there is Mrs. Bowers; she is coming dovn the steps; she will be here in a moment. Hurry away, but write to let mo know that you have come out of all your dif ficulties." - -i. :.- "V here shall I address you?" . "Oh, dear! I don't know; I can't think of any place at all. except that park where we met." r "That's hardly an address, you know," said Drane, trying to be blithesome, though Mrs. Bowers was bearing down upon them very fast. "1 might try tbe (reneral post-office but I don't know your name and , "And it isn't necessary tbat you should," pot In Mrs. Bowers. "Come along, my good girl. He is not a fit ac quaintance for you." She. dragged the younger woman away, and gave her no chance to roply. Lawrence, ball crazed at being tbus in terrupted, was following them when a band was laid upon, bis shoulder; and, as he turned about, tbo policeman who hod directed blm to Murray street stood before him. ; t t . "Look hero, young feller,", said he, "I saw de young woman give you some thing, an' that's enough for you, see? Don't you follow her no more." ., Drane couldn't abide tbe Idea of an other Incarceration, and be obeyed the policeman's Instructions, with wrath in his soul. ' And yet, "when he cooled down a bit, he perceived that his condi tion bod been ameliorated to the extent of one silver dollar, a consideration by no moans to be overlooked. He bad never till that moment realized the value of money. ' In the blessed thought that bo could at last buy something like 7 WELCOIIS BaXntr. ' s square meal bo forgot even tbe means by which the money bod been obtained. Food was his one great need. He looked arxut blm for a restaurant. There v as none in sight, Away to the left was tbe elevated railroad. He knew tbat it would take him down town where eat ing houses would be plenty, and be hur ried to a station. An L-train at ten miles an hour is not rapid transit to a man who has not dined for two days. Before he reached the City Hall station Drane fully realized bow badly New York needed another and a quicker system. Electricity in a moment of excitement would have been tbo proper thing to keep pace with bis impatience. However, tho Journey ended before tbo tissues of bis body had wholly wasted away: and two minutes later be was seated ' at a restaurant table and bad ordered just seventy oenta' worth of food. Nothing, from fish-balls to terrapin, had over tasted so good to him as tbat soup. - - "If I ever meet a hungry beggar again," thought he, when the food bad begun to take effect, "111 treat him to a ten-course dinner." Tbe world took on a different aspect as bo ate. Ho felt sure that every thing would come out right' His acquaint ance at Murray street would gladly help him out of his predicament and he could laugh at his strange experience. With a tight waist band and ninety-five cents In bis pocket he was a rich man again as he strolled np to tbe desk to pay his check- . Just there temptation seized upon him. Ho wanted to smoke. j It seemed as if his longing for food bad been feeble to hie nreavnt em vine? for tusione fragrant whin of to franco. ' .. JLi, . , asked. Indicating some which tbe man at tbe desk had just spread -before a cua- tower. "Fifteen cento two for a quarter," the reply, t , Drane reflected tbat a maa so poor ss ho waa could not afford to pay fifteen I jeoatsfora cigar when ho could get It lor twelve ana a bail by simply purcnaa ing two. Overcome by this unavailable arithmetic, he laid down his last quar ter, and in snothor moment ho was en joying one of tbo weeds for which N York is justly Infamous to aucb a degree as he had never enjoyed a good one in his life. But he was penniless again., Ho crossed City Hall Park with a firm step, and bis bead in the air. His woes were floating away in etiioke; bis hopes wero high. : He walked down Murray street and quickly found the number be sought The name Richard H. Billings, ln white letters on a window of the lower story, set all doubts at rest; and, indeed, the man himself sat at a desk in plain view from the sidewalk. Lawrenoe Identified bin at once from description, and he felt that be was saved. . ri Mr. Billings, however, was engoged ln earnest .conversation,, and Lawrenoe, after staring at blm a minute through the window, decided to walk around the block and give blm a chance to finish his business. Whon he had completed the circuit Mr. BUllngS was no longer in sight Tbo rolling top of the desk was closed, and whon Drane noted tbat fact bis heart stood still. Ho hurried nto tho office. "Mr. Billings has just left for the Grand Central depot," said an office boy. . "He Is going on to Boston to-night If you hurry up there you can catch him. Have you got a message for him?" "No; I wish to see him personally." ' "Go on," said the boy, "you wont to strike him for tho price of a beer." '' Drano could not wait to roprovo the youth for his Impudence. He was in too much of a hurry to get to tho depot He learned that tbe train whbh Mr. Billings was to take left at six o'clock. It was then half-past fl ve. When be bad reached the street he re flected that it would bo necessary to know where the. Grand Central depot was, before going there. - Ho had sup posed that if it was "central" it must bo near at band, and be learned with horror that it was more than three miles sway. To roach it on foot in time waa out of tbe question, and bo bod not a sent! - Ho pursed his folly in leaving Billings' door unguarded, and was inclined to be offended with Billings for going to Bos ton. -The world had turned bluo again. He could see nothing ahead of him but another night ln the street TO BR OONTINUFD. Announcement ro thi PEOPLE TO THI CAROLINAS st SOUTHEAST OS TMS Tin ChMrtattt Obmrret stakes as announcement of mors than ordinary lnirl. By pclal arrangraitnt will) lb publiihtr, or tl-sl freatssl of all rsfirence libraries, I he Bnerelopmdlt Britannic, ninth (latest) edition, we ar enabled tor a h lime lo place this King of Books wlthia easy reach of tverv reader. Till, edition Is bound In 28 Royal Octavo Volumes Ani Is Ihe anty complete anJ onaVllfed tdilloa of this grtjl work In existence revised lo Sal. Thai some sort of an Encyclopajla Is S necessity, all must acknowledge That ih (rest Bditannica Is th very best Encyclo paedia, none will deny. Only Its (real col In; for the Scrlbner Edition, Im for th Edinburgh Ediikw-has prevented lis purchss . .. heretofore. At the price none but th rich could sfford to own IL We offer for s limited time to th resden of Thi Obsirves a edition superior even to the costly Edinburgh Edition st Ihe unhesrd of Introductory rate of TEN CENTS A DAY For this small outlay you can secur rlies at Royal octavo volumes, complete and an ' abridged, revised to dst. The Brltaanlca Itself needs no endorsement. For 119 yesrs It has stood th crowning work of our English language, the oobes( work In all llleratura, the on only adaqoaf representatlv of th advanced thought and scholarship of Ih world. Il la th only Encyclopedia lo which each principal subject Is treated by an acknowledged authority upon that subert No other Encyclopedia has given Tea Thousand Dollars for a single article, nor Six Hundred Dollars s page for written matier. Tb fad thai $3 ,000,000 ' Was expended In Its preparation, reqatrlng the .-v labor of s.000 of th world's greatest scholar, sells the story of Its aaited superiority. Over aoo American authors were employed oa American subjects and American institutions The Edition We Offer To our readers comprises many features worth, ef special mention. a. A thorough equipment of new maps up fa 4a. costing Sumoo le produce. s. Th Americas Copyright Articles, re written to Sate by eminent American writers. Is ihet respects this Edition Is word for word. Bn for. line, pag for page. Identical wMh tba spcaslve EKskurgtl Edition, costing per volume. s. Out the crowning feature of this Edition Is Hs America Additions and Revisions. , prepared onder th supervision of that widely known Eacycloradtc Editor. W. H. DEPUY, D.D., LL. D.. assisted by a corps of tralaed writers, thoroughly revising the entire work to dst. . Hoi only are a" Scientific ani Historical . Subjects brought absolutely np to date, bat a - east fund of aye- infoneatieej Is added, relating; lo Ih material, social. Industrial aaj educational progress of the world, together with many thousand New Biograpkle net hi th original Edltloeraor t any or her EMyclepardia For a Short Time This elegant Reference Library will be offer rd to subscribers af Ties Cswumi Ojsmvis at remarkably low rsKroducsory prices, sad ea terms so easy as to sees, alasoat ludicrous. There are four styles of Hadlag. and alt styles have doubta-klsred. Sexlble backs, sewed pswclsely Ska aa Oxford Teacher's LYibte. a thai they are dsrabl and coavaaleanV k Is aa actual fact that this book ta asor Strongly bound thaa the Editloa which la sold for tea per veraase. Upoa appBcatlosi we wis seed ruu awatrltams eee avicea a4he various styles, aad yoa may select any style of blading you cboosa ad have as privilege af paying tee fl at th rat ef se cents s day. half the see being delivered a you at once ; ar. w wis drlfver . the entire art ef at volumes ea payment ef f va per asoath. AH charges paid by us so any taiaraad stalioa h the Uaited State. ' THE OBSERVER, Charlotte, N. C ARE YOU 1 BANKRUPTinhealth; ; constitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre-. garding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you. , For sick headache, dyspepsia. sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness andalL kindred diseases. 1 Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. HUME rCKIIulXK. .' . , T FOR COTTON, CORN AND General Crops. ' Used and endorsed by leading fsr Doers In Noith Carolina and the South for the past twenty wears. Kead tho following 'certiOdtcH, and srnd for pamphlet giving directions for mixing;, testimonial-), , MASLvii,T.,N.d,sopt,a, sa. Menu. Boykin, farmer a Co. . Ucntlemeo : The cbentlrala f bought of yoa for rriRkliiK "Home Kertlllwr" eoDllnue In give sntisfHCtlnn. I only use It onder cotton. Yoa know I must Iblnk It good, or I ahoulrl nut have naerl It an long. This makes 1 or 17 yearn that I have been lining It.nnd its use ban made me able to pay for It In cash, not oa. crop time. Yoars truly. Tho 8. Etabs. , ' Chphaw.M C., Oct, M, MBS. f.-ra.Bnykln, CarnierdtCo. ; It gives tin pleasure tn nay we hare been us ing your Hnme Fertllltrr" for more than fifteen years contlmmimly, and expert to con tinue to rio mi. Of course we are entirely aat laOed that It pay us In use it. lxcapeotrully, J. W. McKay, H. M.McKat. BOYKIS;CARKER&CO.? BALTIMORE, M D. Top Srea all Crps Witi WLt' SUFFOLK Collegiate and Military . INSTITUTE, BXT PFOLK. VA Knsliah. fictirnlifln. Mattiamaf :..t '.nil Olttiwicnl course's, w ith special Butw inrsi Department. If you have son you desire to educate drop s postal for Catalogue. A Hr ran i 1 itttij vrsfYi r a m July 13 tf. l'rinoipsl. Are You Going to Build ? If yon are Roliip; to hnlld a house, jrm vrS do will to call on me for prices. I bare a force of sktllrd work men aim have hers wit run from if to a yenrn, who know bow m u good work and a heap ot It. I will Solid h" contract or by tba day ( furi.Uh material o )ol can do It. Come and see ne. Will be glad to give yoa flptrrs. Tlfauk for pnt patronaire. Timra Aji ss ur Ufrrciiu Giauaui.n'. C. , Aug. 25. . -r flDMINI8TEATOR'3 NOTICE. I, as nnbllo admlnratmlnr nr A la maims county, have lmltilalered norm the n. Uteof Nary K. Hurdle. dee'd. and I hereby notify nil iwranna havlnc rlahnaaealnai it ' estate to present t tern to ine duly antbenu rated rm t before th antb day of Ttcmrrber inurrvwrvmnuiniviii on pteerjoa la Imrof their recovery. J.UCtTT,Jr PENNYROYAL WAFERS. A motrthtr taettfriiM fav UdUm . U rtWtOTs. 4UMl .laU tlVs) IMtua. pradoetnsj tnm, iw0Uiy mm I paOnawM . Amchamsz. Kw wrlv or paiM oa ImTOassBs, Vov fShfll bj 9ntT 4m.a9 tsvlsSmV, thi:sma III II slsasl ImT Off TOUr ll I IM IsSl oolf Umm vttk oar sritrnUrr eraat 1 lab-US M sDsH. AfOM tno box. A-ntesjat-a JtVUXA CKtHKAU iHTAJf1Cp For Mile only by SIMMON?, the Dracylrt. Grmham,N.C. de27-lr Illustrating alt that I handsome and deslnsble In high, medium and tow priced Knrnltum, i arprta, l:J hrMsterlea, Drap rieaand Wall Hape-rav You ran buy from it a a ad Tan Lageoua ly aa If you were la lite store. Y. B. MosEu fe Sons, ' ,'. Washington, D. C. . .' WINES- .. - : '. .;' (Bjr Ex prces or Freight.) 4 . Onnrrd IJ annorted qnnrts of Tn-Kalnn'e beat talirornia Ked, White aad Kweet Wlnae ahtpped loany add rem tor Si. Writ or telegraph at oner. hat we may ship hefnra ilinatmaa. lalakaue fre. 4 TO-ICALON WINE CO., ; ; 614 14th Street, . WASIIIXGTOX. D. a Doc 13 tf V aiesrra vTaaara. 1 sriil takf a Iftsr lalds rVvanlem. Alati. Sabab E. Hardkjt.

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