'IftAHX 898.. , v NO:, for these imitations and -ubsti-- tite-,tHfiyvjiri'po9'6tiiff At the J best j andi increase your misery.' . TakSimmoW tlver.;',R?gulator only. You wilih'know ity;tfi6;; terge jred Z on the face of every r package arid by the 'relief it gfyeS;'; when taken for Dyspepsia, iridic t gestioni'Con'ipationi Biliousness and SickHeadache. '..';,".,, '.t 'SIMMONS n ' xiver ' If REGULATOR U J, HVZEILIN & CO.; Philad'a, Pa. riiOPfiSSIONAL CARDS. .1 AGO ii V. IO IS j f - ATTOEXEV AT LAW, , ! . May r7.'8. ' ' A TTORNE Y A T LA W i' ,: '". ' rrBcticoniu iie State and Federal Onnrts will fUhf uIIt and proiiiUy ationa nil ous new entrusted to him WJtf. P. BYSUM, Jr., Attwiiey ind Caunef lor tXrfBW5, iiJi ' ' '" 5'"' i, ? F v. GREENSBORO, ST. C. ;; .; PrpMre regularly mauce cimntj. Id the ciirfs of Ala Dr. Join R. Stockard, Jr., DENTIST, BUELINQTON, C. ftTNTioil iwi wdreih at '$10. vr ft ()tflp on Maio St. over I. N.Walfter rt Oo.'o Slorw. iki of Ifi ' t am the North Carolina Agent for Dr. White' New Hair Grower. Treatment The Greatest D'scovery of the Age. ' ' It .will . uermaneuily !iire llliiiif of th Imfr,; dai.iruir, ocaly rl ions, io4tnift, or Btty-miaJp rtux-aso., It prevenlB hair i iiruintc gray' ar1 restores hair to ita original color,, and . brine '' ' ''... ... Mew Grftwth f Hair a fuiy Bald Head or Earth. - - If ir th only tieatmeut that will "jptHtice tifwe realia- . , ' .7 Titinioriial8 and treatise furnistiVd on pilMTntioti. Mr. John M. CobK t Coble A . Thninpooii'a store, ia my agent at Kra ham, N. C- " "v . . Repectru!v. w ' K T. LAPIILEi, Dec. 14tf. ' -1 Haw Rivrr. N. C , ' - V ' .. : ; -- A Leading fthnazino Free. - Arrangements Perfected JbyWldca V Give Sub- scriptioh to t7omani Work without n . . . .. f Charge. rw A:nmr'crrtHir4 to make .a -wonder- TIE IH: . fnllr llhrl otfnr to all who nav In advance f.(f 'TH At,AHkCt 0LR4KR1I. WoMlM - wons w a lllcrarr "M dooiottiaimairazinn . itputrwdlv rtuenf Uwn-ost pod ar pitblUh- i. Ik i pure. cofnrV tninc ne elpfil in A. rl m I It 4 n.frr. Artpr A tied -with rtrnariKli elaw rmdlnir Diane' rnn unit mtVi'i'e'" aire ; if m punnsnca i- tlitfTtDCd for erxd liomo lltcra- mfa. aid no nthameriodleal meet5 it -owe'l ' t awl I.SO for (far. (..per and '.Vomai'8 W a ooa.jer naktog tue latter tree. f ,TUE.jaA'NCE OI-EtNEB. ' K , fitftitrrm Mrnifltif" SJervoua Prostra tion, Fits. Oiizi (Mas, Matfsch, Olurats;ia In somnta. Gnat .1 ii iaifcs otttt ' V. J? r .. Minn V tlofM.trtn Ma6s 'prvsskHk, ofl4nfli of tfN Brslti, tnsanrtv IHS tJI km ia artW i Dnmu. MW.H1I W NIK SM wu. fa hoik li,MM.l.ru4 ..i lu .j i, . Vhm bnia. Wild, a UM Ank. bHiua nfraak viae itia ' kMlia a4 t.imi. aa ta tfc. lmr. A aoatli'. In nwil ia pi la J"'tsl n .muUi to m ..r. OIjS pmt kK4 I (ar .iXWHS ;raTawaamva, vtrrrrmn uumnrnta Uilrd on rnvlpt ot tlea W I(K HARIWON t 'PARIS, ' Wbol'sl' A K;lail Drfljfgjti, Uret si Out o, H C. .r- ... 'J'hen Drans's etomao'j aroso and rtti too ucoiaranon voi independence -je would hoar no excuses; no reproaches ol, conaoionoe. "Llf9,libcrty,ftndtljo pur - . - suit of happiness," was it?, text, and, it argued in a mannor not to bo answorod by the preoopta of mei-a, bonopty. , , ; Drano strotched forth hia rlht band, and BoeUrod o roll. 'Almost immediately thereafter'," BSi)bbody was looking', bo ppsseesed himself of thoJogof a cbiclrbri.1 'Boln 'honest by ; nature ho retiirn'ed'' the ' bona to the stranjor'a tabio'- Other pttttlotis of: tttc bird fol lQwod,' toEothor ; vfith sundry - fried po tatoes, and fmch like etnbelMahmeiiti of the feast. Then be washed down : his scruples vIj a tbo "stfafiffar's coffee, and wont back fo his room1 a better tnan. : But then camp tho raja "afraln and not oven the. snc!aininr'powor of a' stolon meal could keep hitn ffoft towp- i tation. . JJo put gn his underclothrhjf,' I and then atood.'by,' tbo balf-open door, J looking-in at tbo dotcstctl garments. ' Tboy mocked him;..tbey said: "Vou've got. to come down to, our level; you've . stolon a breakfast on our account, and I nobody knows Twhafcj'ov'll do before wo J get through witb ycu." .." ; Ho shuddored and turned away hia eyed.' It wasn't that his conseionco I troubled bito. ' No, ' indcod. Ho . hd loft bis conscience in tko pocket of bis otheTT clothes, the onjes the thieves had taken, and he wondered, .by tho wayf. whether the follow, had been ablo to mr.ko any moral use of It. llut bis shudder was caused by his disinclina tion to put on tho suit which had no conscience in its' pockots in othdr words, no dollars. , ' ' ' . So when bp turned bis head away tho ragged clothes wero responsible for it. Then thoy must also havo been roBnon- .siblo for h is noting thatxho door of No. 42 va lijiiu, and for, tho totnptation which ,can?o ,6f tbat knowlcdgo. Tho first sin recorded agftintst man led to clothing, and Drano now folttho weight of a fearful heredity. lio, too, would ein and.bo clothed. ."I Wonder if his r;armcnt3 would Dt nie outwardly as well as his breakfast UUcd mo Inwardly," ho muttered, and then laughed rockleusly. v Noh&dy ..was vatchin?. lie pushed the istranjer'a door open a littlo. Yes; they worp cxeoTlnnt fclotbos, t'j jndga by the littlo he could see through the crack of tbo door. Dicssed in that way'Drane coul'l establish Uia idontity in no time; . arid io doubt ua: the wholo affair off r.3 ' jpko. Tbus ho thought, for tho poor follqw was reully half crazed by the per plesing cxporiencos of the last few days, Ho pushed the door still further; ho -was oonqucrcd. It eecmed that ho could hoar a derisive chuckle from tho raga in ;tho, next room. Ho scarcely looked at tho clothes, but hustlod thom on, all but the coat, which bo carried into the hall because a strange fooling came over him tbat ho had seen it bn fore. Uuder an electric light he turned MASNA IX TUX PESZItT. : ' ' V A pocket of tbo garment inside out and road jbe owners name written thero. It was Lawrence Drane! U6 b'ad stolep his own clothes back again.' i '' Yes, hero was no doubt, about it The occupant of No. 43 bad been .tbO orrgiaai tramp wno uaa, aeeompnsnca .,rrr."rvr' and bad aftorward collected tha tolo- graph moner.-order at Now Haven. The pockets of the coat were fall of Drano s papirs.' lie ran them over hastily, and could not discover that any wore miss ing. - - .. , His watch and consldorablo sum of money went thoro too. He wondered at this because prudent persons leave such things at the desk, but then boroflected tbat a -thief distrusts everybody, and hates to hand over his plunder when be doesn't know who may be watching. Drane was never so eminently satis fled in hU life Tbo clotbos restored,-.?,, bis brain to its proper balance almost ats . J... I .1 . - once. Ho wondered how he could bavo boon brought to tho point of entering' another's room, and bo was eboAkedjiat tbo thought, though delighted st fee result- , . " " ' ' - ' i .lie strolled through tho ball and noticed that the thief was still sleeping. Heido bim lay the remnants of tbo lnncb. . Drano would have boon glad to stay and watch tho fellow when bo waked op, but bo bad decided to go but and find a policeman to toko tbo thief into custody. ' .Thero was bom in sight when bo stepped to tbo door. He stood there s moment holding his chin in bis band; -wbilo reflecting upon tho best coarao to punuo. Tho action reminded bim tbat he needed s shave very much, and as" tbo barber shops of tho bath were to situated that bo could koep an eye oa tbe slumbering thief,-he west in and bad tbo last evidenco of misfortune re- IK moved, and the uasuirpecUng wrctcb'pdiihied ut. a clew. the divan still clambered. " ? - VUjitm' yoa bocsi hero before f" b As Drano cmon-od from tbo bnildm-'Tera(il sternly. ' the first thing be saw was the blue coar .r.-tlraiKrs conscience wrig-rle-l en of which be was ia search. A burly r-sncd ondcr tbo temptation of nws mombcr of lh force stood oa tho cdso dacil. ' Jle wot lmmoralit certain tb4 ' ' i t - ' - :f- , .,01. the sulowolk, as If placed thcro bj ino nana, or justice. - : "How wondorful are the workings of i chanoo," thought Drano, as he took in ' at a glance the advantages of the sltua tion. 'My luck changed from the in Btai.t my eyes rested on that tiokct." , Bo decided not, to call : tho officer into the bath so long as be ehowod no signs of going away, but to wait till tho thief camo put, clothed in his rag3, to meet a fate still wrsdl '116 chtioklod with - a mea'ii satisfaction at tbo thought. Uis TAKK ICM IX." experience should have taught him to pity tho poor " fellow, but it didn't. 'Thcro can be no real sympathy botween costly apparel and tho habiliments of poverty. The brotherhood of man can never be accomplished except by put ting all tho world in ono unvarying uni form. ' "i ,: . Bo Drano stood thero waiting for hia revongo. Suddenly thoro was a hubbub at tho door. An' attendant rushed out .hurriedly and looked About.' ',. Behind him Drane could one tho thief expostu lating with tbo man at the desk. Then tho attendant's eyes fell upon Drano. ''Arrest that man," said he to tho po liceman; "bp has stolon a man's clothes in our bath!" . . ; , "Como with ime, air," said tbo ofilcor, laying his band upon Drano's shoulder. ' Tho blunderbuss .of vengoanoo bad shot both way3 again, as is tho habit of that antiquated weapon. CHAPTER VI. ,' ' ' JT VW&J1KD TliK JUDCB. wmio tho littlo party was on Its way j to tho abode of justice, Drane bad timo : to bring his mind- to ono definite and valnablo conclusion.. His misfortancs on a similar occasion had been aggra- ; vated by his own injudicious utterance a. He resolved to keep still this time, evon . if ho had to hire somebody to ga him. i It was littlo that he knew about Now York excopt as to its pavements and iti i distances.and both these he. was prepared to condemn as emphatically as would any reformer.,. Ho bad not supposed that his second arrest took place in the same judicial district in which his first came to pass. ' By reason of his rehabili tation hia nerves bad maintained a fair poise during tho sboTt Journey to tbo court, but when he saw the ornate tower of Jefferson market ahead of bim and , thon roalizod that ho was bound to ap pear before tho same justico who had lectured bim. but a day or two previous ly, thoy "foil to quivering -ominously. . Nevertheless he kept np appearances and entered tho court room with an air of dignified self-possession. ) The bulk of tho day's business had been cleared away, so ho and bis com patvion in dlrtross wore summonod at once to tho bar. . "What i this case?" demanded the i, Judge. , '' .'This tnan," responded the polico- man, jerking his thumb towards the nggeH tramp, "accuses thU gentleman clothes.- The judge glanced in surpriso from one to tbo other of tbo parties, and .ho looked sharply at Lawrenco as if tho face reminded bim of somebody. Then be ordered the complainant to stop op and a4kod.bini his namo. . , "'Lawronce Drane," was the cool reply. 7 Again tbo judge soemcd to bo trying to recall ooroetbing out of tbo dim re erswos of bis memory, but tho effort failed, and be composed himself to lis ten, to- the complainant's story. The false, pKMis told exactly wbat had bap- netf&i at tho- bsth-hauaA. nat di.ti.. thm iTtr.,a.t .a4i.,i.. .iZ. r - T-- - . r itrutbr except as trU story implied bis clalm'-to ownership ia tbe clotbos which tho real Drano had on. , "'Did you ever sf tbo prisoner be fore? .asked the judge. MI think I saw bim not rooro than three days ago," replied tbe iurpootor; "It was late in tbo afternoon and bo had a skate on. I remember bim because of nbeso rajs which bo wore at tbo time." - ' Tbe judgo tamed to Mr. Drano, who bad been lis toning intently, and began tbo examination ia tbo usual way, by asking hi name. Lawrenco was vebo-. mcntly moved to denounce bis -accuser. bat bo recalled bis determination, to control bit ton goo in thisepiaodo; tbcro fore be responded simply: Lawronce Drano." A big scowl tangled tbo judge's eye brow and puckered up bis lips. Judicial memory was again ia process of canttga ticm. - This timo tbe mental proddinf (Uilva urn II a good lib would be more efiDcacious in tho emerooncv than a cuardfan anirel but bis gcntlemanlT InaUnots rVolU4 t lying, espocially when he knew h . was in the right Mo reovor the angel was present the court-room, though Lawrenoo didn't know it, and the bad not a yet discovered him. ' Perhaps hor Influonce had something to do with In ducing bim to falter an aflirhiative to tho Judge's question. The reply stlmu latcd the judge's memory wondorfully.' : "You tried to pass yourself under two names then, didn t you?" he continued. , "May I explain, your honor" . "Did you or didn't you? Speak tip!" ; 'I did, your honor, but there were cir cumstances, thon that Justified me. I was in trouble and, hardly know what I -was about." "What possible circumstances could have justified yon In lying about-your- name?" i It instantly ooourrcd to Lawrence that hero was an opportunity to make a full explanation at his situation, but so much trouble had come to him from Buch attempts that bo renowed bis de termination to say absolutely nothing, So he rospbnded: i. - 'I decline to say." . This surprised and angorcd the judge and ho ordered the ofSoer to search Lawrence They took from bin all hia papers, his money and his watch. They considerately left him his handkorohicf. Upset by the indignity of this proceed ing, ho exclaimed: : "I will say and maintain tbat I am Lawrence Drane! I live in Kansas City and am in Now York simply on my way to Boston, whore I proposo to negotiate capital for a railroad." 1 , "Very well," said the Judgo, dryly, and turning to tho Impostor: "What havo you to say to this?" "Why!" was the reply, "that I am Lawrenoe Draue and that this follow is telling my story. Those papers and letters which you have will probably make tbo. matter clear. Doubtless ho glanced at them at tho bath and so got his points." ' .Tho judge lookod at tho papers, but thoy failed to satisfy him. He asked for witnesses, and the attendants at the bath were sworn. v' 'v "Which of thoso men?" asked the judge, "came to tho bath in good clothoa, and which ono in rags? ' "I remember," said tho witness, hes itating, "that I took a fellow in thoso rags to a room, and I think it was that one,'' pointing to Lawrenco. "When ho was in the sweating room," ho con tinued, "ho looked just about like any body olso." ''" Thero is an individuality in logs, but few men recognize it, not oven at tendants at baths who have unrestricted opportunities for observation. Tho tes timony of thoso witnesses made it prot ty clear that Lawrenco had left tho bath with hotter clothes than be wore wbon bo entered, but they could do nothing to clear up the question of idontity. Tbtn Lawrenco requested tho privi lcgo of examining tho plaintiff. This granted, ho confused tbo fellow in short order by putting a sorios of questions dosignod to bring out bis knowledge of Kansas City and his familiarity with the business mission in which ho pro tended to bo ongagd. The scale ap peared to be turning in Mr. Drano's favor. Justico was still in doubt, how over, and the court declared that it would bo necessary to got some direct evidence as to tho Idontity of each claimant to tho name of Drano. "I think, your honor," said the im- .pastor, "that the people at my hotel can satisfy you I should like to go there to get m grip and a decent tuit of clothes. If I was better dressed my story would spund moro likely." . Lawrenoo s. ailed grimly st this, for ,ho knew tot well how true it was. Things bad ranged. Tbe clothes wore on another pan's back and ho In turn was vlctimli -d by tbem. "I'll send an officer with you to tbo hotel." said -to Judge. to br coxnjruzD.J J His W.fe Was Troubled. Tbe lowyer, who bad been mar ried for only a year, sent word to bis wife that be bad been suddenly called to Milwaukee. "I will be bock to-morrow," be wrote. "Don't' worry. My stenographer goes with mo." v But she did worry. When bo reached home next evening her eyes were red from weeping, and as soon as sho saw him sho broke down a.'ain. "Oh, bow could you?" ebo sobbed. s "What's the matter?" be demand ed. "Your stenographer" the began, and again she sobbed. "What's the matter with bim?' "Him! Was it a man?" "Wby, yes; I fired that girl month ago." , ' "Oh, dearest, I never behoved it for a moment, anyway." Chicago Becord. Stood Up for -Him. Little Doy That Miss Sharp- tongue 19 awful mean. Sbe said be fore a whole lot of girls, she didn't believo you owned ao much as an overcoat. IX) Dude The ideahl What did the others say? - "They stood up for you." "Ab! Vewy wight of them." - "And so did L I told them you had one, because when you dropped your pocketbook I saw tbo pawn- ticket. V Good News. The Only Courso. Son (reading) ."Thero is a tide in the affairs cf men which, taken at the flood, leads What kind of a on to fortune, i 3. tide does tbat I of mean? J. Practi3al7rwther Tied down busiDcss. Good News. ' '. t tot - 1 y w.f. KEm An Exhibition That Mads Shopper i v fauss'with All Their Hurry.. Twenty-third'' street was crowded. with fcarly evening holiday shoppers, Most of them had bundles, mid all of Jhern showed tbat nervous . hurry tbat characterises Obristmas pur chasers. .The ono leisurely figure in the crowd was a young man in a loni frock coat, ..embellished with bunch. of carnations, the most shin ing of shoes, und a tall hat scarcely less Binning, wuo naa a oiacic span lei attached to a chain. The span iel would have liked to be leisurely. too, but he had to skip about with much agility ' to avoid bavins' his paws trodden on. In his sauntering the young man came to a little heap of packing boxes obstructing the sidewalk. He unfastened the ' dog's chain and whistled' In- a peculiar way. The spaniel ; leaped up on the highest box as if It were only a step, instead of four feet high, and sat up with one paw at salute. The hurrying 6hoppers stopped as if a brick wall had appeared in front of them, and gathered : around the box. The young man took no notice of them. Ngw, my boy, said he to the dog, "we'll have a quiet smoke. Cigarette or pipe?" .- As he spoke he drew one of each of these articles from his pocket. "The spaniel barked when tho pipe ap peared. 7 "Pipe, eh?" said his master. "You'ro very English,' chappie, aren't you? Well, I'll take the cig arette myself." He handed tho pipe to the dog, who seized it between his teeth. Then the young man filled and lighted it, lighting his own cigarette with the same match. Tbe dog held the pipe up, and apparently puffed at it. , "Like it now, don't you?" said the young man; "but you didn t. use to. How did you feel when you first smoked?" Down dropped tho pipe from the spaniel's mouth. He clasped his paws pathetically over his stomach; his cars dropped, his " bead hung down, and ho looked the picture of misery. The crowd roared with de light. "Why, what, a crowd you've gath cred, old man, said the master to his dog, In apparent astonishment. "You'll have to move on or tho police will bo after you. Now say good- by and hop down. Straightening himself up, tho per former mado a military salute first to one aide, then to the other, and with a joyful bark jumped down and joined bis muster as he sauntered on. "What are you advertising, mis ter?" called one of the crowd. , But the young man only smiled and turned up Broadway. N. Y. Sun. "DEAR OLD THACKERAY." SIdo Lights That Show H's Lovable Traits In Family Life. A characteristic story of "dear old Thackeray" is told by Mrs. Ross in her reminiscences. "Thackeray was a constant visitor," said sho, "in Queen's square, and a great favorite of mine,, though ho played mo trick on my fifth birthday which re mained a standing joke between him and the 'young revolutionist,' as he after ward3 used to call me, occause I was born on tlio2-ll.li day of Feb ruary. My birthdays wero always celebrated by a dinner, when I was allowed to dino downstairs and to invite tbo guests. Few children could boast of such an array of friends; this one included Mrs. Nor ton, Lord Lansdowne. Tom Taylor, Richard Doyle, C. J. Bayley and Thackeray, who gave me nn oyster, declaring it was like cabinet pud ding. But I turned tho tables on Llm, for I liked it so much that I in sisted, as queen' of tho day, on hav ing more. I still possess a sketch he made for the frontispiece of 'Pcn dennis' while I was sitting oa his knee. "Thackeray often dropped in to dinner, generally announcing him self beforehand in some funny way. "A nlca le of malum, raj Lucie, I prsy tbes have ready for me: Have It nnoMnf sod tender sod iuicj, for no better Beat esa thcro W was one of his missives." The Twelve Chosen. An English paper printed for young folks recently offered a prize for a list of tbe twelve greatest liv ing men of all nations. The follow-, ing is a list accordirg to tbe votes given by the competitors, and it is interesting that . there are two Americans among tbem, for. Eng lish children are not thought to be much interested in affairs over here. Tbe boys and girls evidently thought electrical invention camo next to statesmanship, for they ranked Ed ison right after Gladstone and Bis marok, and .before soldiers, actors and explorers: 1, Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone; 2, Prince von Bismarck; Thomas Alva Cctson; 4, Marqun Salisbury: 5. German emperor; C, Hnrt Irving; 7. U- M. Stanley.' , I Lord Rocbery1 !.' Vicouat WcJtc-1 ley;. J!, oho Ru".Vo; II. Cca. BoolLi 12. President Ckrelnd. ; .yVORRYA ' DIME"' MADE. Mistake' of' Jan Cents In 1,000,000 Created a Peck of Trouble. . - " Once in a great. whijoone of the thirty odd bank clerks who aye daily delegated to rentier into the Provi dence, clearing bouse the accounts of their respective banks makes an error in his "figures. " Usually the session is over in twenty minutes," but .reoenlly it required an . extra hour for the finding of a ten-eent mistake Iu $1,152,100. - As there Is a money floe,, which gathers double , compound comminuted interest, so to speak, as the minutes are pile up by tbe clock, each young gentle man of the thirty od Is on pins and needles until the fellow who Is to blame is discovered. m '.. At noon the clearing house tele phone, which is that of the Roger Williams bank, began to ring, and from that timo until tbe session was concluded bank after, bank called up to know if its emissary had gone to Canada and had left every thing but a balance against , the bauk. Officials and clerks, who go to dinner in rotation, stood with watches in hand and 6a w their cars go by and felt an increasing and ach ing void at the "belt." About 12:45 o'clock the 11,152,100 bad been squared up to a cent and 'the ten cent fellow who had shaken tha banking community to tbe pit of tbe stomach was laden with a crop of fines as thick as flies at tbe bungfaole of a molasses barrel. Providence Journal. ' ,;; The Long-Handled Dipper. Among the last letters written by Dr. Holmes was one to Charles Fol- len Adams, acknowledging the re ceipt of bis dialect poem: "Dot Long-Handled Dipper," in which the genial autocrat said: "I thank you for the fresh draft from this long-handled tin dipper, which you have made a rival to the 'Old Oaken Bucket.' Some of my best drinks when I was a boy of fifteen at An- dover were from a cocoanut dipper, but that was not destined ts immor tality, like the more fortunate re ceptacles. I have always bad great liking for Yawcob and bis young hopeful, and I hope tbey will long continue to make the world happier by their domestic history and family portraits. Abtruse Mathematics. "Now, Johnny," said tbe arithme tic teacher, "suppose that one man were to put a stone two feet thick on top of another like stone, and the next day another on top of that, and keep on thus for seventy years, what would be the result? , t "I dunno," replied the student, "but I guess he'd have a pretty good start for a new post office. Wash inlon Star. Does Your Boy Need : ' Britannica? RatflV Yomth h l the Formtiv perlol Ii l tfcta (ht lbs tiln I. frmi from cart, fh t-iaclaaclea nhers m memory vast nrwnttve, Iks x krlchWkt, ami in. Mrar merit u.cni. .. What a boy rt.it ts it .. ftrtot becoaw m lnilibly la-t-uat apaa hit ttun that It btcaou swt of hi vtrf charac!r. Thl l a r)a. irti-a pirrnf. roii.lll ntf It rtilKt It I sot tmuta to (H thf ka hal ha aufln I. Wcoaw. Mat) bay ar ot ovarly .utttptlbl. ta iltactlc SMChlnr Yoa ua staally lead hia a aha t.tifT this yaaa4rivtkla area. Saa 7iai h. hat jha -toott turrovnilnf-, and s rttw ea-aor-rta. 1 h H aurvrltlng aaw rtaillv ha fey-lap. a tattt tor the hett In iltaratn-a. Lat that tattt ha fevtotd, t.-4 thtra I little Aisgsr a w) bit fatsro, Itwat Dr. Pl.iJ.ps Brooks Who aatd; "Shaw aa what hooka a ha? ttaii. and t siN rtU rt hit Jtatlay. ' Horn lasartawt N la. thts, that year hoas ttvaaM ha sravlded with haeia at OM htcsast ' characair. , ,' . ' I Fairy tala. aad avta. farhaas. "Buf.la tU ttertat. haa Ihrtr plr n daaalaps-s ; s a tattt (ar rtaiiot. aaartat atrraiy alia, '. at k s-rra, hat saint tha hoy tent a STtferraca tar rha ttraactt atat sf srsctlcal fcaoarVdr. httany. travai, ate. yam mmy he aata that ha it awataUt anaaai. ar rhat m-tra has haaa aoaathlaf radically arafif hi bit educafles. . - Tha Eacvcletisdls Brttaask a hat rtcMiy v baas Inaal "Ihs ctacaMrated tiatoct af ra t-hola a-arld't vttaoa. Ulyosrhoy - , waa Ms e-trat.iat stf. ed ho aaaa h-ah trlrh dltdata ataa " lathy " iterators, '' i art rsanaaally aaltut-iaattat e bay's tapaxMy fw af tarat. That a aahiat aa aroacftra at irara. Ota bta Sat aattr'-at aott a-htth b etattraa mrfa Ittat. rst Cntaaalu la the heat, t-atra be caa castas n caarlaathy. aad a ha attalae aiint ha trtN sad aa mlata to Rtaraty er sudailtasl h' at tcb ha aay sat atatra. Sella eat sttaast asoattaoriy at satvtst a tarar Rrary far yaw baaa. W rtaslras aa f hat Tea 0t,a av. If . ara.rtroa 'at Cn.tOTT oasta-i a. ' arhllt a aay he had ta Ijasdaftary fricas... AT "K. a wiivvt iivailll. , TV ari ni te-( reran -n in via ."i" .:,. o.-w-k,- viw a j sviii ii ia, JVVb V" Lder by the occasional use, 61; r lutts Liver Pills. They reg-.-, ulate the bowels and produce . 4' I A' Vigorous Body. lousnesS, constioation and tun- " 1 TI ITT'C I nine , s a-c s 1 .J UVtl , riULiO DR. ROYKIN.'S :,: ,.'-"':' -:? "-."7v fT" rHB BEST 8ELLING VEBMlf U JB 'iX THE MARKET. The Most RelLible-Worni Destroy - er in use. 3 Recipe furnished to any regular physician ' when requested. ' ' 1 . . iMOnnge, V.C Jolr. tT. U Mr. J. P. Joyner s I (uve my cblld one doee Boykln't W orm Killer, purcbofed ot too. It bmuKbt SUS worms. I cou.ider it tbe best uedicine mode. J. W. THOhiAH. D oek;Creek, W. a. May S, ISM. Boyhln, CarmeriA Co.: Desruirs: Mr. A, Iluild. a very rwponalble ctntutner ra -ulna. : laveliaJf a u-upofirul of Worm Killer to a clil Id bud week and (lie result was St worms. H. vaoielPtne used It with aUU better ef fwt : 73 tonni from one eaild 9 tfannaw. sales will be large. Yours truly. ' , .. B. OMITJtt. . Read the Cillowlnr from one of the moat prominent and bent knoso pbydclans and former In 8outh (.srolinsfli. writes, "that s negro girt 10 years old near bim, took two or tli rue doaes of the Worm Killer and, la at ed at wonaaV, - B. H. EDHUKCe, M. D Mr. H. M. McDonald, of La Orange, , r ray-. Dr. Boykln'a Worm Killer brnttght over 100 wormi rrnm one cblld In bis nrurn borboid.snd that It give universal imitsfee tton. ii e wilt more o( U Uiau ail otber tronu medicines. Do not let your .druggit-t erGenersl Dealer pal yc-u off wilh.'acme other. A-k for;uBoykin Wvim Killer" and gt t.it. Any M.D. can J ' prescribe it and many do. B0YKIS,CA!!12ER&C0., BALTIMORE, MD. SUFIOLK Collegiate and Military INSTITUTE, ' Enelinb. Stsleotifie. Malhem.fi. al .iil c'luf-sical vounuf, with pctial Bn ius.t lfpar(mot. lfy.Hi bave. a urn you desire (o Mliirafa droit a noaisl fna Catalogue. A 1 drees . I'. J. KEKXODLE. A. July 13-tf. i , rriaciuaL Are You Going to Build? If too are mine to Lnild a h. .. . du wvll in call on ute tor prices. 1 bare a lorce of akilM workmen mhn have beea with uis from If to 8 vesra. ha k l.. good work hod a heap ol it. I will mild ry ion ti act or l.j Uie day j furnish material or ou can do It. m . t Come and a.e. Will be rlod to rlra von .wmma i . imau wrutHptinmiR. IWUdSC, w.nursoN. Giouoia.M. C. Aog. 95, PENNYROYAL WAFERS. A tracHIa aoathiy sHkM far mma 'm ri ii r i. aaa ar'W. tsa a.i-na maetintj tpa, aiaihay aa4 salalaa arum, la b, m ka bwd atUanagMa. lariec-atoa Una anaua. iy A yaar Siattai aaly Umm Mk asr analnra acnaa aTUonl.n ili to ai.aa. tltt at ti- ao-traa, iXliOX OALMkIL For sale only by 8IJIM05?, the Dragxlat, Oraham.N.C. - ... dacJWy Illuatratlng all that Is bandanna and deituble In high, medium and low priced furniture, t arpeta, L'p bolatprtea, Omprries and Wall Fapers. You ran buy from it saadvsatageoua. ly aa If you were la tbe atora. . W. B. : Moses &. Soxs ' . - Washington, D. C. " ItSBTtll'lRSLHI, A laaaaace Caaal y oarrlarroart afrfarataa Vtarfc. J. LSeoU. Jr.. Pub. itdia'r, as Adta'r of H ui. benaou, deteaecd VS. ' Martb E. Tcmll. Jobs fbajla and wife Ji.'l to t bpiii. Calria Knrin an J wifi Be as Ei via. Ktt- B-Dan. Jaa. P Kestler and alts Maiy Ai.ellne. L. V. UeCuj and wife rUrh 8.. Lrdie Nance. Wm M. Be. Mm. Matgie fdtreaoita. Burvall 8. Boa- ' ton sod atberme Beatoa. TbltkatpetKalrrncsediur hronrlitbr 1. LheiMt. Jr-." Put.lte ' Adulu w tr.tor a- Ad roinlttrsUtr ot M m. Beoana, der d. to sell that land of tblrb H aa. Beuanu died te'l-d. In Meiril's toaruhip, Ahuaara eouuiy, kaovsasthe Mebana Iran, to ere to aa aau to ay drtita. I be tniuis Mit ta returaa b e Monday. MarrbSX Wi, at taa offloe of " tiie tleik of the eauerkir Court at tbe court boot In t.raham. Altuitiieo eoantv. North Caniliaa. and .bis alonotilv the aoa reai deit oVf. udsnta, Cslv!a El tin and ' wifa krt.s En la ta be ptwamt ia pertoa or by at torney a that tone a:id place aad aaawer or -demur to tbe pelkUMV-hnd apm defanlt a lodoths rarer of lbs pMiU-tlS will bo granted a to fiem. - - - U ae ai 9A1 hi Sraaaai thlt SSod t'aj tt Jam arj, Irao. - . - , 'O.D.TIXCE!tTC.8. C. JtaJIAt 0'LSASRa.Oraham. 3. C. Mr. C. T. H ill, HfW KlTer.oralmoat aayof yowfrtat-daaaai tell yoa of good work tbat tat , tftAOC aaft-AM haadone. It la a houarhokl word. It will ear yXai InhinoM Urn rrae. rntaateotn-nw Aoeaa. wanted. Joliu H. Webb, late mrna- --.....- V- . . I V , 0-.. .