3QJU3 WABI VflAC K tffftf 0 i'ftli 1 . , ill . . I 11,1V f. .. - " 1 f(Mj LGO( OUT!!! I t "I Il MM to these Imitations and substi- tutsf 'they are poor stuff ;It toe jWst And Increase, your,.liisery., f f"'Take Simmons Liver v Regulator .,,?6nty?;You .wW know i; by the 'j-iiarge rea on tne wee every J yparkage and by the relief K gives j ' "t "when taken for Dyspepsia, ndl- v j. fi tfpetinn ' (!rnrHnatinn. Bilionsness 1 ahd Sick Headache.';', w . . ! IH1VI.BB0UUTO4UIILI Oh J. H:2eujn & CO.- Philid'a, Pa., PROCESSIONAL CARDS JACOIJ -A.. LOXS'Ca, " ; '.- TTOKNEV AT LAW, i t . ' ORAHAlf, Mavl7.'88. ; jrroJWFFiir law - rractleen in ihe 8tateand Federal Conrts win htihfnUT and proaiUr Uena neu entrasted to blm . , , 11 cu i -ii if f- . if w. BYNUM," Jnt "" Attorney and Counselor at Law, OREENSB0R0, p. O. V Prcrtce regularly hi the conrU of Al Aacl, M rJ Dr.oHfKSlpfikard, Jr,'" BUBLirGTdjr, iff; c. jTOikmI of tt4i kt $10 ;Kf - fet Offic on Malo St. over L N.VaIkef t Co.' Nore. v ; r ;' X am the North Carolina; Agent for . Dr. White's New' Hair Grower Treatment " ' The Greatest Discovery of the Age. -v It will permanently core, tailing of the hair, dandruff, scaly erupHooc, IHMtuUsi or any seajp tisease. . , It prevents hair turning gray ard restores hair to 1U original color, and brings a ew SrwiTVlUlf-trAf BaM Bead en -, Earth.' " It It the only' treatment that will Dioduce three resulia., Testlmonrals and treatise furnished aa SDDlieation. -. Mr. John MCJobW.. at Coble- A Thojnpeon's store, la my agent at Gra ham. N. u. - i ' - !u..-.i; Reeneot fallv.-' - J -L Dad. 14-tf. , j Haw River. N. O Lekding Magazine Free. ' V-.S r ... -: '.. V i AxxaWgcmenta, Perfected ' hj WhlcHWo Give Sub- ; -4 anyiauaajiv.- wv arm Work without nil Clutrge. W aiMwbrrnare4ta. make a woeder- fniw liberal efler to all who rr to advance fn Tn AUKl'O OLBAtKB. Wol'l Wnn a Havarv and eoBeuicahnanxioe iImomIIi one of thea-nat nood ar publkb - rd. It is pore. BterO-ia4nK mm belpfnl la evary dparuneW 1U page aiier tUed with Hirnal hlb elaat readlnc !. and lllua- aati.ma taUeA to all acta t If ia pabHabed to aatiay tb great aeed for good bobm IMar . ih Mkir nariodleal irtia U well, aand ale for oar paper aad Woman's W(SK one jear eaaklag tne latter irae. - ' iTHX ALA3IKCX GLTAKXR, -anl i -s erabaaa. M. C. if ' ft TO I A 7 CSURH ileal 4 Ml . S F an4 C- uif Tmlamil. 'm Hill i 4 i fx-n.,l . cwln jt owaM m4 twm KwriOmiaai. A m tmSttmm Cm tat ram . - ua lb kan - ar MMfal aad m ua kana inin 11 at mjWm a, Tt jjw aaf aw CONSTIPATION ied. f 1- , u r tumtm i m tim mmt STOH 4 v KuVLaTOB aaaal vaaAXTzni V- -. Mailed om relpt e prioa hr RICHARIM)?f rABJ, tVaoleaale A Retail Draggitts, Craensbor,N.C. ... p lnw, i W mnte- -u a a . SMMMril , From . ttla nightmare ho awoka with, a abl ve of horror. fir sat up and lUtencd. iThere was oortaloly a strange tioiae in the ,hcary air. , Sometimes It wa . like subdued olce; then it waa ftiguingt and .again it waa gurgling groan, i For pome minutes Drane could not summon up the resolution to ln 1 . AJ A 1 A. 1 11. Tcotie-, uu UD uv u AnAlrfncp wttn thaprnr: lti AnduvnMd quaking to traoo - th misquleting sound to its Oouroe. f It led Win to door whfeh apparently separated him from the next apartment. , e, hi8 neart too fast or too slow? Ho What yhastly mystery lay -behind It? ; enjoyed a nlWcaie of hypochohdriaplsra He hardly dared to think.' He lUtened. I nil long past midnight, and when ho Mid the gurgling sghs madothemseWes ::feu asleep, the ifibras described, by the plainly audible. "- DoubUes some n- .(forgetful genius were ordinary and rea fortunate was leaving the Retreat by gonable animabs icompared - to those the moftod, Jenkins had desortbed, and J.whioh pranced though hisdroams.: ! ' had failed to arrange his noose In an en- j r But tho morro brought great tlrely satisfactory manner. For what erent, ho less than n eall from Bessie, seemed a long timo. Drone anaked and! hesitated, not' daring .'.to penetrate further. into the secret Then with a sudden resolution ho seized the knob and threw his force n pon it ' - 1 The door" opened easily.' It revealed an empty eloset, with a set bowl at the side,' into which a thin Stream of water was trickling, ' and running down the escape pipe with the noise which had so borriuod, him.' Alarm gave ' place, to WTath. , Ho vowed all sorts of ven geance upon every body Who bad even remotely contributed to his 'present evil . plight ' Every .body but BoasioY He .forgave her, and 'In thinking of her he fell quietly asleep and was not aJtcnca tut tne ugnt ox morning streamed Into the room. ; J IJreakfaet was served to such of Jenk- Bis? boarder as could be trusted outside tboir eages, at eight o'clock. Alter par taking of that frugal meal Drane was permitted to spend a little while In the Sarlor. It had no othor occupant at rat except a short, stout man with an 'abundance of stiff, ourly hair who sat at a table writing. Every time he paused in. that labor he stuck his pen behind cat? and wllon be was ready to ro snmo his task he picked up a fresh ono, forcrottinf what he. had done with the -other,, The eonseqnenco was that In a few minutes the bushy -hair over bis, oar was full of pen-holders, and there, renulnod only the ono which bo was I using. Presently that joined the rest, ana roe toe utuo man, at tor nunung. about the tetblo a few minutes, gave it np and pusbod his paper from him. "The servants hero are very careloss," said ho to Drane. "They always fail to provide, mo with pons," although they knew the importance of my work. And for myself, I am so absent-minded, do yon know, that my forgetf illness has been the ruin of ray life. ' It is true." He leaned toward Drane impressively, and oontlnnedf I am a' genius. I oneo wrote the greatest poem extant. Then I mislaid It For months I searohed for the manuscript, but wtthont ' finding a trace of It My ' cursed forgetful nessl Then I 1 tried .' to - remember what' was In itmy forgetfulness ante. I eouldn't think of a sin- 1 gla..-llno. -I could remember.,, only that It snrpassed Homer. Dan to or Shakespeare. The thought that I had thus east away undying fame by mere carelessness undermined my health, un til they brought me to this sanitarium. UC0nfoun4.it one might u woll be hon est eboat lt Tnere's noaKnltarinm about It ""It's a lunatio asylum,, and 1 Here I alt scribbling away every day. trying vaxniy to nit upon sne sjngie laapiratloa, which for a momcmt raised nd to aa lntelleetoal height no man had over before attained. Thus far In vain. But who knows who knowsl What's yourtown special brand of lunacy?" 1 "I am a sane man," said Drane, half angrily! ' : " The short tnan shook bis bead. f- "Walt tUl yon'vw been hero a while," eld be. ' "Then you'll dream dreams, aad see visions. 1 was sane enough, too, but the- atmosphere of , this place yon don't know what It is. In two days yoall have delusions. Tostl aa tblnga that aren't there serpents t)t variboa haes; as bras with their stripes running from bead to tall, and revolving around v their bodiee like the rings of Batnrm.4 yet U seemed to him, that he waa not That's why they've put mo berk.' trunnlh half fast enough. The street They're Jealous of me. They don't wbt me to remember the great work which I wrote trat eaa not find. It's a plot" 1 - The short man was getting violent, aad presently aa attendant oaaseend re moved him, to Draae's great relief. Ia the eoarea of that day Drane en countered several interesting maniaoa of a mild order, but no serious Incident occurred an til the evening. Then, aa be was standing In the ball just after upper, be beard Jenkins talking te the matron, and pels ting to B lav j- . ; rareela," said Jerklaa. -Ton want to jrajcji him carefclf r." , - And Crane toofi tudt d'ollghtful ' soj- gestlon to his apnrtmont, and modi' tated upbo it ' Was it posslblo that- ho was really Insane? . Were the atrango events of the past fow day which' he seemed to remember, In reality lonly hallucinations? V, " ' , ii. . i Who ooiild determine if left wholly to tiimnnlf. , without m. ninrrln viaihlfl .link" -O-- ; . .T 1 .. -( between him and the past, whether, tDat 1 L' t i ' r t. ' oaat una n na ejuirauuuf Burnt, , rane'.aidp'jt know whether he i was . symptoms. Did his hand tremble? 'm. tron was oresent during he entire' - iuterrfow. This not onlv' breWtod f Drane from enjoying the eonversatlon ! to the full, but it also mode It impossU ble, or at least unwise, for him to oak, her name. , So he called her Bessie, and she made no objection. "' ;' . , Only tor a moment ' In ' th ' hall 'were they able to bo alono. Then Bessie, hastily passed; Drane note, and a num ber of small, heavy, mysterious articles, wrapped in. a handkorohlof. , He . bad barely concealed those things In his pocket whon the matron approached., y But yoar name?? whispered Drane,, baatllyj -i.-i.ii l i -'-', -4 -i "I am here as Mrs. Lawrence Drone," he replied, with a blush. "Only tho wives of patients can" visit them on or dinary days." v ": i - i : And she hurried away, leaving Drane in delicious perplexity. 1 i w j " 1 " "t In his room ho examined the note and' the bundle. The formor' proved to bo an elaborate plan for his escape written' out with the detail of a 'French de teotlve novel. The latter was a great lot of keys Of all sorts and Blaes. They had been taken' from the doors In Mrs. Bowers' house, as the note explained, and. wore of oourse designed- to opoft' doors in the Retreat , , . Drane studied the plan of escape' re ligiously.. , He noted every place where . be should go, and the number of the particular stair where he must breathe In order ' to-avoid doteotlon. In some way Bessie hod discovered that the guard at the door was changed at mid night"" Drano was to steal softly from his room at IVMH' ' As- near that hour ' as he oould guess he stole, aooording to directions, having- punched the key from bis lock and opened - his door with one of the bunoh Bessie had .brought.", '' ' '' ' , " ' i i ' i , He crept down the stair keeping la mind (he various shrewd details of the plot; where he must hide to let the guard pass him; how be must do this. that and the other, thing which tho Ingenuity of the girl bad devised. And pow . he stood at the bottom of the lower stair. . .The guard, was asleep with his bead against the walL , This, -toot waa- according to.-programme. Drane oould easily have passed him to his place of concealment, but suddenly a new and simpler phase of the problem struck him. He coughed. The guard did not move. Then be went up to tho fellow and shook him. The guard 'awoke. MHere yonf" he cried, sleepily; "go back to vour essre." - .. - . .Drane seized him by the ? neck; dragged him to the parlor door; pitched him head first Into the room; and before the man oould recover his balance' or his howls eoald bring a&dstanoe, Drane had opened tho outside door, and was oavorUng down tho street : f A rmca oa aia bkad. s' , .iv myiiuwT n iuwiu uviwi huiv than did Mr. Drane In his first run from the Betraas.- A medal at the end' of a track la not half she inducement to speed that a purs6er-t the beginning is If Lawrence had been Umod bva sctr-watch it would probably have ap pealed that he had broken all reeords at ui vim v tu ut bioiuw vara. IMA te end of the first hundred yards; and was absolutely deserted, but be earn presently' to theeomer of aa avenue that was brlUUntry lighted and lively .with many passers, t ' ' Then be stopped abruptly and walked slowly up tho avenue for a short die tanoe.4 Bis heart was beating violently with excitement and the exertion ef hi ran, ,'and - be knew that ha mast get eomeerberw oat of sight at onee. Jost ahead Of hla be saw that the street-car tracks entered a tunnel, the sidewalk and carriage-way risingover a hill above it JelWiaY 'tbat here lay his eppor tonlty be entered the tunnel aad walked through Its half mile of length without moleetatlon save from earn that passed him occasionally. The drivers and eend actors looked at htm sharply, and that .made him wish that he had ataid above ground. It alsolm "preased him with the necessity of dla falsing himself. At the "and of the tunnel ha towed' himaelf la front of the Grand Ceatral Depot. If he eon Id only take a train aad go somewhere! s Instinctively hla handwwnt to hla pocket and then ha rsmembered. The thought of passing again through aa erperlenoe of hanger with its possibilities of - police courts endj'ferry-boet eoneerte so distressed him that ha had half a mind to return te Jenkins and confess himself a Isnatis. Then probably ho would be put In a straight eket sju be eonfloed fn a loathsome cell for the rqs,t of, bis days. Horrible! -''." Suddonly he romombered that he had boen-in the habit of carrying; a fifty dollar bill in a little pocket vnob.truslve-, ly mode at tho, waistband of his trousers. Most of u .would havo.thougb of that beforo,, but Mr.,vprano bad passed his' , ooybood in tbe lap of luxury, and In his manhood bad not escaped from b6r lead ing-strings until the, beginning of these unhappy episodes, iso- that the where withal was naturally the last elomont to enter Into his consideration ef practi sal probloms. : . In this case he felt cer tain that his 'enemy, , tbe ' tramp,- triuat have.ovcrlookcd that pocket Ho thrust a trombling flngor : Into it i Glorious! He felt the soft but firm texture of bank note, and be knew that he was aavpd. He marched proudly 'Into the donot and Inouircd about-trains for .'Bostori. That' wan still further sway from homo.J but he " had frlondj-there ; who would Identify him and see him out ef-bla-trouble.' A train wouW- leave' In the course of an hour. Good.'- flow much? f Ive'doHors.''" Very reasonable. one ticket," please.' ""' "f ' " ' ' While tho strip of paste-board was be ing tamped' Mr. Drano drew forth tbe hidden nil! and unfolded It Then- his heart' wont down to hold' 'sod com munion wlth'Mti hedla.-' ' ! .' v ; v ' 1 beg Jreur pafdon, be faltered, ad dressing tho ticketoller, "but I don't thlflk I'll go to Boston this evening."' 'ThdWll wash two. -!i - '; SV" 11 The"trmp''?had! boon ' 'commondably thorough in ' his search 'throuch ilr. Dranb's fclbthcs, and, having" found use for tbo Qftydollars, "had' recognized the U 1.1 1 1 VI VI Mil oujuikuiii,! 1UI114 I.111. UMt nmiLoa nis reserve to two aoiiars. , Mr, Drane .went -out again Into the anfoellng air or. ly e w York and wondered why it waa that he had , hover been able. before to see any thing -in, the phllospn pay of peasimlsm. ' WtiU it Is not often .that some eonsolation eaa not bo found in a situation when a man has as much as two-dollars' In i his possession, j Law rence found it. He didn't want to go to Boston anyway, for tbore was Bessie, the Rood, the botattful, the soul-satisfy- ing Bessie. ' She was in Now York, and at tho thought the 'atmosphere took on a sudden freshness as If It 'might have blown' across a -garden of rosos. : Per haps her little feet had pressed tbe very tone On Which be atoodi ' Lawrence patted tho stone gently with his toot and felt eomfortcd.' ' Bo would run tbe risk of odurtsand rotroats for tho priv ilege of flndltiff her. ;' Heantimo bow far would two dollars carry him? "tie" must baVo a bed and a breakfast and a shave. 'Tho bed cost f.h'ltn half bis pile at a neighboring b o- tel. fvt prudential reasons bo regis tered undor an assumod name1, and, for oneo In this history no calamity Is to bo recorded as tne, outcome of tbe decep tion. In the morning a barber took 'off MjrJ Drane's moustache for fifteen . cents, and a modest meal reduced ; bis .capital to half dollar.' Then he bought a newspaper and ''sat down. In a hotel corridor to read and reflect, The nows paper was uncommonly, interesting.' Conspicuously ; displayed on . tho 'first page was an account of tbe escapo of. a dangerous lunatio from Jenkins' Re treats ,;-.. - . ... . i r , Tbe lunatio, waa supposed to be the wealthy , Mr. Lawrence Drane,' of Kansas City. That unfortunate gontlo man a friends bad oomo, on to take care of blm and bad arrived at the Retreat but an hour-after the escape.: Tbey Immediately; resolved to offer a reward of five - hundred 'dollars for bis eeptare, and the proprietor of the Retreat supplemented that inducement by an- offer of fifty dollars from bis own purse.. . Then followed a minute description of tbo missing man. Lawrence felt flattered, but till not happy.' -i- ' '..'! i Every man but the millionaires In the city Is looking for mo," be thought, and he glanced caatlously over bis pa per at tbe other occupants of tbe room. His blood chilled at once, for directly oiposlte"saV a1 shrewd-looking fellow taring hard at him. Tbe fellow bad a copy of tbo same paper that. Mrs Drane was reading, too, in his hand. Be was evidently a detective. After a moment of agony tbe detective rose and came to wards Mr. Drane, still looking sharply at him. ' "Now for a grand Muff," thought Lawrence. He nerved himself for a mighty effort, but the stranger passed awkwardly and said: -. "Excuse me, sir; I see that f was mis taken. I thought you were so old friend of mine." ; . - "' And be walked away. ' Lawrence liked to have choked with the excitement and relief, and he felt that be would rather be captured than undorgo such snotber trial. Ho must get - away. Even, his friends would discredit bis story and eonsign.bim to an asylum. Bat bow was ho to move? ' He read tbo story again. It ended by saying that the gentlemen from Kansas City bad gone to Boston oa the midnight train believing that Air. Drane bad Dad to that city. , Again his thoughts reverted to Tleasle. 6he would help him, but be dared not go to Mrs. Bowers' boase. So ho wrote a sots to airs. Bowers Inquiring If ho might not eall en tbo young lady whom bo knew only by tbo aamo of Bessie, and trust to her kindness to screen him from capture daring tbe ealL It cost blm Iblrty-fl vo oents to send this note by mes senger. - After what aeemed la termin able delay tbo mass anger returned with this answsr: ' "- .- - - Tbo v? faf yon refer to has re- tamed to her Meads. For r sake I refrain from ending' this to yon by a pBeemmn. Yon may not bo insane, bet I am convinced that yen are a aad, Sefcf irtnr. Ho do not. on tnf eccouat expect any further aswistaoee from at. - - - EmiT Itowms." And what did poor Drano do then? Do weat down to the East river and wondered ff sowe eoademiied fool of a hero woolda't rescue him If be should " planga la ' aad try to be decently j drowned. The men at work thereabout praV-7.Kw7 Drane gave up tbe Idea, It was but a passing frrrry. Bis native vigor re- ( turned aoen and It was reloforced by f tbe lms2ecf Bseso'i face tbat bspnt Jjim constantly.., Ho .would, seek, bcr If ji ioox ue rost oi nis ijie ana cost Dim hUfdrtuno-i-wben he'' got possession of It agalnl'W Jni'Bi f w.aw i - t During nth fast ef (dbe daylhe iwan- ,dered almlossly about he docks and in ho aulot street.. uUls..bunger be ap peased with a sandwich, reserving hi balance, eight cents, for' aribthor moL The more be wkndered and tho more he thought tho mora (desperate .hi situa tion scomod: but relief, came from tbo most unexpected quarter. Just as it was growing dork whom should bo meet but the original trninp." EnCh mado a If to run at' first sight' then they; thought bettor of it and stood facing each .other. "Well." said Mr.. Drano.. t. i. ? ' "Well," returned tbo tramp, "youVa done me up'nice,1iavetrt your" ' ti " '"Don yotrnpT? exclaimed Lawrence; ,Vhow about meuyott rasoal? Uavo yon read the morning papers?" ,-,, . ."Read tbo papers! Po ( look . as If f had rc4 tbo papers? V tbe, paper were twd oonts a thbilssnd I douldd'tsf- ford tc-rend a bulletin board." No, I'vo just Corn from the. lalandi ; rYoUr ;Ksn-t saaCity frtendjk.iSnld.ij.wAS the wrong man. and of course thoy bad to lot me, t. ... ,i . ... ..... i. -. i'i ' Lawrence was otr the' TWint of - show ing the trsnrp 'the- tory of the ttcape .printed Jn.tber'paperM when ) perfectly trnmowlous.: idea occurred, to' hlov -?lt was so great that nis voico trembiea- as, to'said7"-"-i'1 . t -ThaW'geo&vwowtf 'am 'willing to letygonosbo bygonoa. :. lam not out of, my .sorapo yet,, and hntweon, us'we can ,bolp each, other s good deal.1 Are you agrocui r , Vou don't mcarf td got tne arrested W taking yenir clethos, do your e , ? ''!''!' ito in ebJrtrirrtkiij.',u f -.- -i t-. f.-.l; -J. ,.., , n the Cost of Rurielng ' Train. , Probably few travelers boveany ad-; equate luea'of tUe cos! of running trains, .Thecdst may ''differ,: and doubtless docs differ grfedtly with tbe varying con'dilfons,' but the recently published flrufes 6rf one of this exten sive western systems are instructive. The Cblca70,' Milwaukee' & St; Paul taiilwayT opcratinff ft M7n miles of road has made public an analysis of expenses per revenue train mile run for tbo past two years, the total miles run being 81,750,418 in 1893, and 30,092,470 In 1894.. Tbe items iocludo repairs of .locomotives and cars, station service, train service, locomotive service,, train and sta tion supplies,, fuel, oil and waste and miscellaneous, expenses. . Tbe total operating expense were 90.40 cents per revenue train mjle In 1893, and 92.67, cents In i89C M, Tho revdnua frorrlnasscntftrs rxr train mllo run was only 91.51 cents' in ,1893, and 90.32 cents in 1894, or less tban cost.' "Hut there 'was a profit on freight service, tbe revenue per'mile iun being ; l.o701 in 1893, and $l.58341n'l894," and out of this margin between receipts and ex penditures per mllo has to come the return for tbo enormous Investment in 4 road,' rolltnir stock,' structures and tbelr -property .'w Stated lof 'h creneral way It coat about a dollar a mile, actual operative expenses, to run o trains without allowing any return on tbe oost.of equipment. Providence Journal, ? A YOUNG JOCKEY'S EARNINGS. Cixtoen Thousand Dollar a Year for -. - Mero Lad, .. .A small boy,, with no particular education,., who can increase his in come by $12,000 jn a single year, may claim to be an exception to the general run of boys." This is what Jockey GrlQn bus dotin this year; and apparently Tie bos not placed bis services above" their' market value.' 116 was something in tbe na ture of A "find last year, ' when Mr. Gideon engaged him at a salary of $1,000 'for a year's riding. " During the season- Griffin -proved that Mr. Gideon ' judgment was correct, for be gained remarkable .prominence among1 tbe jockeys, s Wben it came time to talk about th I season's work Uwas.found that .Griffin, -bad UV-b'n approached by s nvmbor of owners, and that . Mn.LorU lard had offered biro $15,000 to rid Jor .bis, stable next .year. . ZI .was. reengaged by Gideon ADaly for.tJG.OOO for the coming season an iucrcose -of ex actly$12,000 over bjs sabry for the post srason. It is not to be under stood that this figure renreHcflts the entire Income of thi Jdcltey'.'fof tin-' M . ,L. 1 . - Li. r. - , ,lJ, ' uer iiHj ruics no is prruntivu mi nue lor other owbers when bis services are not "demanded by' tbe man to whom be Is' under- contract.; cXJje perquisites of a good Jockey, are more than tbe salary of a capable cashier or bookkeeper. Griffin, for Instance! received $2,000 by way of a present, outatde of -bta salary, tor vrlon in g the Futurity, He is a sober, well-mannered LaV nd still very young, but be takes a gryat .pride In bU family, and la educatiog hi sis ters, and brothers, out of. bis eorsv lns. N. Y. Sun., f . ,., 'A Scisntiflc bedsratleo. He Mademoiselle, yon are the star of the evening. - -' " Young Lady You are tbe firs to jgjj tne ao. ' " " ' 1 T '" IIw-TWnallowecUirn m7 "T , ' " Young Lady Vha do you mean? ' He That U to give my name to the discovered star. Le Daiilap). coor - INVESTMENT, 2" . !..-.;, i The Waltere and the London (Eng.) ( "' Tlmaa John at Et an. ' " '"" 1 tt'jolm Walter, chief owner'of tne ixraaon Times, wno died on ot ember S, J894, Inherited a prosper ous newspaperirom bis father and passes it on to his sons. ; The first John Walter founded the paper In 1788, but It was not be, but his son who really Won Its success. ' The sec bnd John Walter inherited the paper n .4810, and kept It until 1847. At that time, when tbe , third Walter came' into tbe property,' the; famous John Delano was Its editor,' and tbe owner had only a limited Influence In the political management ' of the paper until Delano let go. ' ; After that Mr. Walter was the responsible head bf the Times,' and as such bad to shoulder the blamo and pocket 'ibe lbss of tb 'Thunderer's" iin liiclry attack ri Parnell. ! For more than twenty years he was a member of parliament. ' He built himself a great house In Berkshire, raised a family 'and lived to be seventy-six 'years old." He wni popularly sup posed to draw the comfortable In come of one hundred thousand dol lars a year, free of Income tax, from 'the Times. ' During his Eton days some Of the boys m bis bouse smarted a court of justice for trying such of fenses' as did not come within the ordinary rules and regulations of school life.'"' Walter 1 was brought before "this tribunal,' charged , with "never having said a single good thing." Tbe jufry returned a ver dict of guilty, but strongly recom mended tbe prisoner to mercy on tbe ground Of natural Incapacity. Argonaut.- - ' en Frowdo's Recreations. ' ,". Tbe late James Anthony Fronde's favorite amusements were yachting and angling, and, until bis last Ill ness commenced, .he was out every fine day sailing and sea-flsbing Id a little .vessel which he kept at Sal combe, where, he lived for several months in each year, He was the very best of good company, and a most attractive and delightful com-; panion, . whose excellent talk and endless, flow of anecdotes will be long remembered by those who have often seen him In private. ; He al ways wished to die in Devonshire, and bis life ended within twenty miles of Darlington Vicarage, where be was born, and where bis early days were spent. ' -". v. i-t f Knowledge is--- Road to Success Victor Hugo ..."It ll jeauTWigacquirsjM , , midnight that will maks your futura , t bright and dazzling, as midday." -' .. . .'And In this terso epigram tbe great ' Prenchmaa stated a truth mat ppUci ... . i. equally to ttrugftDng, snibftiou 'L i young men the world over. -1 '-' iv y ! insomuch as you have yet your plsct to make m the worU, and wll . k avail yourstlf of opportunities to - . liwrrjs your knowledge and Improvt ,t 'your Bind, so will you make your' . -. r,JJe. suacttul and happy - ' ., . A man's brain is a garden gtven him to cultivate, and whoa product ' win be his support ' ' Plant That Garden "with sred of knowledgt and from ths w. v , vines will grow the blossoms of .' Cnandal gain and bonorabl " rrrfrnnrrit. " s . ,f : . . : - Never before fnlhehtstery of mi " IrorU have young men had an ' ' epportunity to fit tnenwfves for the ' " battle of Br as It Is now gtvea then. ' , ', In this, as In everything else, , .Amerkan push and pUbiic spirit lead ... ths world. - , .., ; AA that th coDegr gyadnate has . been Uught, and awre, can be -i secured by the young man who gets a Set of the ErKyrtoeaMis Britannka now offrted to-llie Obsrrver - - uicribers on the easy payment of . h . to-cents a day. But remember that our special introductory offer Is fcr . - 4u;itrd 0rje eery. ... Ths Observer, ' .. CHARLOTTE, r. Perfect;t!ealth.' Kep gjnsffiemty perfect or-det-by . tbjaoccasional use of iitt'sLiveP Pai&JTheynreg: uktjthft,bWiIIr'1n4 produce For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipation and kiiv dfeel rd1ll&es' 'sii absolute cure TOI L'S Uver PILLS DRlHOYKHCS WORSliilLLER; THE BE8T, SELLING VERMIFU J B i.-f m TE MABKET -; " ' y The Most Reliable , Worm, Destroy H er in use, n Keqpe, furnished to r. anX ?8f r. . physician " when ' reques'.ed.' ' .i y s ifiSiff $.tr, ' ' xli-H.Hl fl' ii,"rj'"t. i, iJ.lr-'Hj f rrangw.mO.JuIy.'sT. Mr. J. P, Joyner : I cava my cblld one dose Boykln'a worm Klllr, pnrehased of you. J brought SAS woopa. t con alder It the beat medicine made. 1 m i J.AV.TUOMAB. PueklCrerk,.ir. C, May Suisse Boykln. . Camier a w uear ira s T' A Rud4tva,verv itauaiialbla umlnmt, at mliut. avehair a Baspontifnl of Worm Killer to a child last nnek and 1biesalt wa t- worms. Mr. tinnlcl Pines used it with still better ef fit : 75 worm fraaa ooeeblld of sours :DT Hiva will 94 laiKB. xoui vuiy. US r t -4f.r ffix-.i i B.B.I .SMITH. Bead the following from on of the -meat prominent and na nem known phyidetana and fanner n Month Varollna. . He writea, -that a negro girl W year oM near him, took two or btreedfMMsor Ua Worm KlUer and paaa--d sat worma." - ' -i -.fjJ .i twti PrH.PMUl'W'.M.D. . Mr, If. M, McDonald, of Ladrange, N, C aya, Ir, Boyktatr Worm Killer bmoght over 100 worms from one child in hla nelKb borhomt, aad that It siveSuniTeraal aatlafiae llon. lie nejliniure of It Uian all other worm medicines. - i.,a::t ii--,., .... Do not let your druggist or .General Dealer put you iffwith some other. , . Ak 'for -Boy kin Wtirm Killer" , and get it,; Any M. D. can j . M . prescribe itand maoy do. -: '' BOYKIilCMIIER&CO.; Baltimore, md. Collegiate and Military - -t..-k;TJTSTITirTE, n . . 'n't X)lti;h n;.0- )".. , , ngllah. Relentioo. ' Mathrmaiiial '.Ad Classical courses, with rpecial Bu iness Deparimtnt. '. If you have a aou vou desire lo educate drop a postal for Calalogue. AddreM . , . r. J. IkCttUUlri. A. M., Joty lStf.' ' J i?"'. . Prit dps'. Are You Going to Build 7 1-. If vou are sroiu to build a honte. rea we do well to rail en me for price. I hsve a fores el skilled orkim s"h bare bcra wilh uie Iron If to S rears, who know bow to eo good work sad s heap ol H. I will hulld by L-ontracI or by tbe day ( furaUb material or you eaa de It. , ' Come and tee im, - Will be clad to sire you Brum.' Tbsnks forpt patronage. . loursdx.. .W.HUlSON, . - ' O'auam.N.C. PENNTROVAt. WAFERS. or si fur imfim to ressUKV and trm, klUf a4 alnl,M mm na ww Mlar oa roek SowMd by ora bulla,. Ommmmk mmmmmtmm. laTliro.au ill maaa Say oi vaar 4raia aa ih ill aatk ata Bunsatara Imial -..j v uoarAHfc . . tiara aMcav For sale only by 8IMM0NP, tbe Drmlat, ...... Qiiin, a.c. , y deeJI7-lg .V0BTII VAhUmMIti; ' - -r-tt 'yfi'.-' -J. jltaawaae Cea sty aaMwteeCMr-Peee tmm Clerk. '. - U'SeoU. Jr PubAdat'r, Adm'r ( W m. benseu, dec eared Msnha Kl Terrtn, Jot a Cba.ln and wife U. I la (lupin. Calvis artia and wlH Ke aErvia.. Kate Bresari. a. P. Krtk-r . siaajtla Maty Ai'ellxe. L. ('. MrtVy and WlIV Hn.ll o., awm, naa.' n. wo. Marrki IdxmwnrUi. Barrsll 8. Bet.' ma and lberlne-JJBysi-. -- ; Tblls"srnWlaMomlac hmuflit by J. U rrmt, Jr-. ful-llc AdmlnWtratnr a Ad miniatraUr i-H ra. aWH Ser'4. to aril HiarTlU'l "f "tHm Da. mKotitt dlod sesrd, la .Majjril'e .tosriaikif), ,AtaiSaave county, kaia-B ihe tfebane IrHrt,' to' rreale as aa t pay drbta, .'.is S4a)Bs it rrtnrna bia ilnodar. Man b b, at the office of ike t lerfc "f Hhee smilhai C Jt at the reairt boat hi Oraiism, Altaitnre erniitty. North I'aroiina. aedibis S ta eetrlr -th won tv , da-it efa4aHa,YlU(,att aad w. Kena Knrla lo e arearei is peraoa or ey at- -turtM-VatihattiaMBad pate and aanreror drmar to Um peUtloa. aod apoo dcfaslt m to do tbe BTa of the faUiU9 will be granted aa f Ihrct. v ' Una at "fn la 3raaal IkU tSod fay ft Jaaaary. Ita., . Ttr. a ss ajiaham. K. CMn. b'. T. HoK. Haw l vr. aimoat any oT yot frieiMl eaa lell yoa hT good work that th. It ir a -hnvaehaM wwriT. It wilt InloranaUam frar. Fvrsaleer rmk Aaenta w-mtrd. Jiaia H. ,bt.- kite dim ,:;;';i-''i''- JtlAOK laWJtSl mrr Ath ka KkerUopnlas OKrflA 11th Vaahinii,D. c jyr '.''.' " ' - "rjrr atawb. STsnaWd ,.:. '., Th- t. , ,. irbm will py fifly rwU 5tr) a ran e" vanl fi.r took rlr liverrd In (irabum. Utyor com aiil Indira t ftlare at bub lo ualo.d. Autf. 9 -if.