.'I i k w f ! ' 8, A.,' r t v ;i it ; u; bl hi Mi 1 IK ; r asset "!, . , . ' . -' . - w . ,., v. r ,,,, v ft .: . ,.(. - " .- ri Tig." iA.1T TCI. A TT ill ill 11. - Ill1 .US' ' f V v.k a ' I W .- avv v I 7 e, I i II .. .' v i. - . 3 The OldcFriend And tJH tfeatf JTrien: Mijit nertt fails you, is Simmons Liver Eegu- .iijpjiiear ath jaentionitlji.a excellent Liver medicine, and , .ople should iiot kbitf petjuaded, ' that anything else will do. IVU Iha-KinglXiver, JIedi . , cinea ; is better tkin , pills, and 4iethe-lflee?ofi Qorn in and j Galomt Jtvact3 directly on the Liyeir .Kidneys 'and Bowels an1" givei new. life the whble.- ave- . topi. sThiB is the medictne-yon ! 4iiqr in Powder toWke &ymaie.:into tea. 't; isr-KVKR IACK40EFt . oac the Z Stamp, bl mt n wi - i.ju. zEiiaai co., pmia.ieipi.im. v. PEO SESSIONAL CARPS. Mavl7.'88. 3Piiiitn,N.( " frsc tlce iti lie State and FeaeMl Ofttrt wilt fakhfnU v and DroinlUv atteba ou Acis eiraetea to bit? W. P.-BYXUM, Jr., Attornoyand Count GBBEN8BOR0 N. PracticSrgnlaniJnl-tlie ennrts X'Nya-l noce counlyv 2 KWW? I BURLIXGTOX, JjT, SQood sets of teeth a tlO prrfrt Office on Main St. over I. N.. Walker t.aqillhl 'fn Vuyolin'a-Agent-for OCWWte's Kew-.Hait ifirower . Treatment The Greatest Discovery of the Age. -' It will permanently uye",'tfan)n( Dr. John RlStbckard, fc, ,'-; thehBir dauiru,ffB wcaly erupt; ions, postolps, or ftny tcaip t'cease. It prevents bair turnii:g gray restores bair to it original color, ""fjt1BW IP . ajx . . ly- .in ard and New Growth of Hair on any Bald Head oa . EartJu , It ir the onlyjreatwien , that will pioduce thepeTestilt.5 V Testimonials audreatlae, fqrDisbed oo applicntiou. . ' Mr. John M Oobie,- ai. Coble A Thomiwon's stowe. U mt auent al lflra- H. KeFpectfoHjr:-' OSsftitV HawjUver. NO . r . jj, - - - 1 I'VVvv Vat . .':I' J.t" rl eaamg uiagazme rree. rangeiiieiit8j Perfected '4ipipn to Womita ( .'w: irauiv tmnared to otake e' woader- fdHv liberal offer 10 all woo, pj in advance fnrTTKa AUMiOCI ' fivnoii. Womar's Wdil ia a Hicrtry and dnmetiialnuucazin xjumilh nne ct theirost rood, ar Dnblib- -fit ;iiit. enlert Inlnar ana helcfnl In - very deparuneot. It pages arler fl lied with I..rihiifii chureadin mnte wf Hum; aali'XM uUe4 Infill sees ; il to pohliabcd . to MiUy the grrav meed for ft nonie inera tarajaid naotbor periodical mcrtrflt fO well. !. for" Oar paper an WomavS Vii ax one jeer-rauUDg uie uuter ireo. , v---rHgilAx;Kgi 0 LEANER, trt "'V Orauem.. Al. Cv j v ; " " HI - - . MMUa. rW pre low, eftftlM of ft tTti, Inmnitv aiH alii hi. fall - iwuMCT0 NEt- VIWC arrMtsall I . la tf a& y 1 witxius m ui fcrm.. taitUaxtalaLtriw i.liaah tu iliifc aa4 wm kwi u4 luimia a tlx itt. A memtMm rn.lwiM ta alaja I m bl Mil u met aAdraa, i m kv Ik avAWita Man tiNti . . RICHBIXON A FAKIRS, i - Vi'bolMtJe A BHail liik-it, I Greeaaboro. X. C. I t.fr V I .( Wervove Proea , "Npt ft bit! You won't come to barm. r tea you ibrougb an3 ive you money afterwards. IUl bav to go son.. What am I to 4or" ' " The tramp was staggered at this Bug- ! gostlon, but be consented, though ho vainly triod to got Lawrenoo to unfold' tbo scheme. " "The only"rrou,bWs7, BSia iiawrenoe, "I don't know where we can do this." "'"Well, I :do, replied hiis cbmpanion, I and ,he forthwith Jed the way to a do- , As the train began Its Jumbling Jour serted 'rookery where utoeyspeetUy ex-.,' aey into thu night Mr. Drano folt a wild changed., garpjen ts. Mr. Drano put on - exultation. lie was escaping from the the rags again with' somo revolt, but be scones of tbo utmost misory.be badovor was 'conBdent in tho sucooss of his eiperionoirtl, and he was. going to so" .schetae, and that nerved-bim. . tho most adorfthla irfrt in the worldThe .iYhen fcftextoppedu agaift into' the street be asked the-tramp where he had gone wbei-bejlrst-took the clothes from the Adams Uotol.?f Ki " . , "Oh," be 1 said," "I played in great lticU; and L'U bkll rtght if yon; got mo out of this affair with a little money in l'for the dav. and the next day I foil in with 'lUKQldeweetboart. ofialno. Sho used to live ln-Huiralo, and boo was poor) enough .tben but it. seems that eooie itJUne, agp ' shpwent'hrQugh' a mock marriage that afterwards turned out to be binding.". it j i' n.Tbo tramp paused and laughed glee fully. . ';..V.W. '"V : Ystys;ye&iMeajaB Drane eagerly. "What then?" ; ,, " " "Wh yTybu soeTlBft Tellow she married was thundoring rich, and be went off and left all bis monoy to bcr. ,' Ilaw! bawl haw! A.nd then, you know; I told 'bcr that 1'bad got WchitdoV' I mado a )l JUff ,!st, ,lt .with your .money , and your ciomcs ana sno ooiievou mo., oo. "You. married her?!' gasped Lawrence. "Yep. . Married her as fast and bard as parson could tie !tho knot. We went "Up' to New Uaven and the ceremony was r performed there. ;;AS' eooo. ;as it.waa over i -lort ner mere tccome aown to New York. I b4 business. : had; tended to- work racket on youlttoney, you knowr tel-. J.grapb,to- Kansas City for some more, and got .killed lust after tbeTceromony ,f issn 1 BV'I ft III aj'aM 1 J IJUfil'.llBl Vr " s-xym 4 i ari 1 f . . "M - : H- . 1 FIPTT HEW A : jr - . ous you spoueatnav. y ncnr ,EeAJ 1 Vinprnkeh-ni tt waiting for me, I suppose, in the Boaver ont,WM the smart reply. Hotel here I left her. You just put , ThU brlliUnt repartee bad done aerv- SSf -J 5Vunk aad donl.?u - reJ tween thelerk and the shrewd young , ' - 1." -riman dally for many months, and it. Is awn, w,orerwneimw -Uia ue reit ratnor loan aw was circtunstantlal enough toaUrm him L ... ;7 X. 1 7,V. ; S rJ!.x j-VPTie young man eopiod rapidly down terribly. "-Whatl i faia Bessie, good.Vv- a.L k . ..i... 1 and pure, nythis Mlowudrtnly. fancj yet remaia NewYork,' to; "ST fA A. mp" sible 011 the face of it And yet- H IW rSfl "l? m?h',T but that be feared to arouse the tramp's kinr KACrML... 1 1 . , i'('CI 1 , I - I bere," said Mr. Drano. . '.'Ton Just keep your head and donf got frightened a bit .and remember, that whatever' happens 111 ukecareof you.' rm rich enough, aa ioti' tftiW. -i-'-4-j . 'Blare away. euMyi Tm wld j" re-I ndnleA tho tmnni e ... , '. . I - r " - 1 1 u 1 I T-C li-i 'rrl'1 j, Mr. Drase rang tlrelL The door as opened at once by an attendant , - Uti Drase rang - was opened at once by an attendant whom Xawrence had not seen before. ' "Tll Mr. Janklna a fHnt llYa' --i. . . . . , . , " - ' to "Tjyff were admitted. The door once closed, Mr. Drane whispered excitedly to the attendant:,' , , " ", ' ' ' ' . "Ifs Lawrence Dranef you'd better grab him, 'cause' he's very violent at tlmea...-' ' j.t.J.. t The attendant strack m bell and In stantly two other net'eaoe Into the ball, aelaod the tramp,- boo ad bis arms to bis- aide with a rope and hurried him to a back room, ne protested vigorously, declared that be bad been entrapped, and aU that., but bis eriee , made m ittera worse for him.' Presently the attendant returned aad asked Mr. Drane about' the ' cap tore. ...Lawrence told aa imagt aadve yarn with as low a dialect as beeouJd etaster, and wound up by dmaadiag the reward. "Wi can't give yon the whole re-ward to-aight" was the reply. "The Ave hundred dollars offered ty Mr. Draae'S friend is not tn our eonuroi, bet yon may nave the fifty dVe liars offered by ' the Retreat and if yoa will call to-aaor- ; row afternoon I have ho doubt that yoa can collect the rest r I Lawrence reflected that fifty dollars as a pretty rood price to pay a met . for capturing khnself, and. that be was lucky to even get (bat -Tbe money was 1 Intensely relieved that tee escaped promptly turnedLover to him and. bf left maniac should show no signs of viol the Ee treat after inquiring parUcularlj epor. but, Lawrence holdback. ' lv. u to tho hour wBon Ce stioula calT aerain ' "It's a pretty bard trick on thatfol 1 low," ho thoujrbt, "but bo dosorvea It, ''' and I will keep my word and seo him jaafely out And of ooursoTU roturn tho reward. With all the speed he had be hurried to a powery clothing store, bought a cheap but' decent suit, and then took tbo first avallablo train for Now Uaven. i "mis. I. DRAMS.' mor0 he thought Of it the -tnoro the tramp's story about bis marriage ap peared to be absolute fiction and yet, the fellow bad boon so confident, so un mistakably pleased with bis prospects! And Bessie had' said that she' lived in Buffalo. , Was she deceiving' him, and , Mrs.' , Bowers, too?! '''It ' was all very strange. Why . had bo not taken the precaution to' jear 'tb.e ' tramp's real ,nme? Had be gone and married Bessie Under the'narao of Prahe? " i?" . ,Lwrcnoo shivered untif bd recalled that tho, (ramp , bad known Bessie in childhood and therefore could not pass iblmsolt.to her under a false name. This Iwas some comfort, but as be puzzled on lover tho-skaatioa be began to doubt whether he bad done, wisely in running 'away .from bis Eansaa City friends who bad come to New.. York, to find, him, 'Undoubtedly, however,, they would have, declared that the story of his advent ures was the figment of a disordered brain;;.- ' t--t ii.s'n atntiwt it '!. -;! j' 80, with perplexities and .doubts bis exultation gave way , to anxiety, and even the prospect of seeing Bessie again failed to relieve bis mind of trouble. -'It Was long i past midnight when be (reached New FJaven. A cab took him to' the Beaver Uouse,: where, be waade 'nied admission because all rooms were 'taken'.' ' Leaving an application for the ,flrst vacancyyto .found accommodations 'elsewhere, a Sleepy' watchman, grum- , ,bling immoderately, showing him to a tiny chamber ion ' the top floor. When ' Jhe came down-stairs in the morning to . gpay his bill tho clerk politely requested j iblm to register, a' formality hat bad jgj'Deen negieciea. uertainiy ne wonia comply, and wltn a aotermmation, , formed in a flash, to sail under true col ors, ho wrote his name and address with a bold, legible hand. ,, Then he stood be fore the window, Apparently, gazing Idly : ; into the street,. really absorbed in form- lulatitg a plan of action. Just as Mr. Drane was registering a shrewd-looking, '"young .man with a note-book In one band - and a pencil in the pthor entered the of fice.1 He waited until Lawrence bad Kdrimn from the.vounter and then I'w.. A.ilrlnnm to tha mA. an MnetM t bxook. JIb ci0rk greeted him Jocularly:,, uvoln T(mn,..-k.i'. ,-7" ibrobiioK)rTlI1.,uiL TbereUnoth- 'j ,,. - . - . . 1. p.uked and scowled an lnJteat, - ftorWhJ h1 ..r. wr8nM Draa8. ianaatCity, Mo., No. M. pd.." very .j&ei .boutiilyly to 5ri tiiise ihe broad back of tbe genUoman j 0 .t r . . -v Jimmvtwinked. and nodded mvsteri- obsjy, and begani to search among the newspapers) tying on the writing table. Presently be found, a New York paper of the day-befofe. ,a4d turned to the ac count of Mr", DranelTAescape and the re TtJ ra on area tor niaonpiure. ' ' I 'thought for be) said, with a tri- nmpbant grin, wnilef the clerk looked 4 nndisguuwd eurioslt. Jimmy . i ill. 'V . il. 5","!". ."ZT'l.T 'Zl' JV """-"" - 'ir tinr down' wpere ne eouia see Mr. Dr'. fo rnnlng tb. paper parlson. 1 HMptacIie gone end clothes differ ent," he mattered; "but It mast be the manX I ; wonder whether bell become Tioleai and. murder me If I speak to bint Perhaps I can Inveigle blm to a police iUtion," -c s; ..." While Jimmy was stQl debating what to do to faooop" tbe boys on a big piece .Of news and. gah ' a thumping reward, Kwrence deoidest upon bis own course 1 started, to leave tbe bote. - Jimmy wie-ww bis feeinsteutly and inter cepted blm. t. - , , VU. Drane, I -believe?- be said, ia- noB-ativelr. v I Yea," replied Lewrenoe,wlth a start of surprise. v f "Lawrsass Drane, of Knn CUyf icpnttaued Jimmy. -y " Yesv what can, I do for yon?" ; " , V "1 Want to ask? yoa some questions about tbe condition of affairs In tbe West." said Jimmy, glibly, "the crops, job) know; farm moitgages and their ef fect on indoatrr. and all thai sort of thing. U you're going out I wlU walk along with yoa so as not to waste your time" Jimmv ODened the door lsvlUerir. , 1 DECLun t na taiBBVisvrico. - 'Why"doyou ask'theae tlxf igs7" be inquired. - ,t ' .- ! j. ,,. ,., 1 . " 'I represent the Evening Dispatch, and we like to got Interviews . from prominent mon who - favor Now Ilaven with a visit" " V ',-! - "Young man," said Lawrenoe, layinv bis band impressively on Jimmy's sboitldor; wboreat Jimmy jumped about rod backwards and got bobind a chair. " Voung man,"oontinuod Lawrenoo.stop ping forward, somewhat excited at this encounter and the strangeness of it "I know nothing whatever about crops, and wbat few mortgages I bold aro my con cern and of no interest to the public" . Jimmy looked discouraged, and Drano foolishly supposed that be bad Settled, the business and rid himself of the an noyance. . De even felt some wholly un necessary compunotlons of conscience ai having been so rude to the young man. However, he said nothing more, but walked rapidly away. . 'tu.-: --ii- .... . ' " The reporter, of course, , followed him. and did not lose slgbtof him until be turned into the Beaver flouse. Then: Jlmnjy :ran to the nearest telegraph! 'office and sent this dispatob to a New York newspaper:" "1,000 words Inter- view '. with' LaWrenoe Drane, escaped, maniac. " Very violent Shall nave bint' looked up in half hour. ' i.' ;'' i This done he returned to the Beaver House, learned that the gentleman bad. gone up-stalrs to see a friend, sent a message to police headquarters and sat down to writo a glowing account of the capture, which he regarded a good as consummated, for bis local paper and his New York patron. ' He bad directed the answer to bis telogram' to be sent to the Boar or House,' and' it came just as two stalwart policemen ' from head quarters hurried In.' Jimmy began to explain the. situation to them as ' he opened the envelope, but when be read the dispatch bis Jaw droppod. in a way that threatened to road his oountenanoo in twain. This . was the editor's an wor: ;" ..., : ,'.'' "" J.;.'-, want it , Must be mistaken, oustody hore.. Captured last lloomen, growled , and poked the reporter, but Jimmy was o sure that bo was right and argued so earnestly , that they consented to stay awhile and take a look at tbe alleged Lawrence Drane. ..., Moantimo the victim of this pursuit bad scanned the register of ; the. Boaver House on the dates Just subsequent to the theft of his olothes and bolonglnga. At a time that corresponded exactly .with tbe tramp's story be waa horrified to find this entry: .1 ' "Mr. and Mrs. L. Drane, , Kansas City."-'"'" : ""...., ' He learned that "Mrs. Drane" was n and sent up to ' her a - card with bis own name scrawled upon it In due time be, was' ushered to the door of the best room in 'the bouse. He knocked and entered at onoe. i; ; A rlohly-dressed young woman ; n quickly aerost tbe room crying: t . . "Where have you been? and why" ' She stopped, gave a faint scream and sank Into a chair, taring at Lawrenoe in bewilderment On bis part be felt an r Immense relief to find that tbe young woman was hot Bessie and bore no resemblanoe to her except In general figure. ' ."Madam," he said, "yoo will pardon this Intrusion when I toll you that 1 am Lawrenoo. Drano, of Kansas City. think we have both been Imposed upon and between us we may be able to set matters right" . ... . "1 don't understand yoa," replied "lira, Drane, "but yon can sit down. ai r. mane compiled ana alter a pause began: . , ;,, "You seem to bear my name, madam, but I am quite oertela that you bare no right to it-. Yon see, a fellow stole my clothes and Honey some days ago and proceeded to masquerade around tbe country ander my name, bringing me into all kinds of trouble. . know be ram to New Haven, foe be collected money here In my name.", . ; ' Mr. Drane hesitated. ."Mrs. Drane1 waa dreadfully pale and be disliked be yond measure to explain to her that ber marriage was invalid and that even were It genuine she bad been tricked by a penniless adventurer and crimin al. - ' ' - -'-- - -t didn't have nothing to do with if" remarked tbe young woman, faintly. ' . Tbls' language struck 'Lawrenoe as strange," coming from a wealthy woman, bat ber ignorsoce only made ber sitoe Uon the more pitiable."' .' ' t, "1 bavo no question, be hastened to say. tbat you bare acted with tbe utmost innocence In the matter, and It la exocodingly nalnful for me 'to tell you that roar husband's name la not Drane,. and that be la sot tbe wealthy man be represented himself to be.T ! J j J ' "Mra.: Drane" wea a-reaUr ae-itetod. and In order net further to mbarraee ber Lawrence rose and, walked tbe room to window. , A bin; crank bad bees) placed there. It was plastered all ever with euetooM slips of various countries, and conspicuous among tbem was a lag sack aa la need by pnassngws wbo wish to have tbetr baggage available daring a voyage. It read: ' " 1 - j y '.'-:'"VTAirrED.-" """ Mrs. Brest b ILabxawo. toWTAUt, N. Amxmica. . First Cauix. No. 1ST. ' Tbere were mere words than tbeee. but tbe name and address of tbe owner were ejKrabjtoiterUoha) aTd throw a ,-, "Don't Drane in night The V fun at great ilgbf on tbe situation. This f'Mra. Drano" must bo. the servant who' had run away with bit Bessie's property! What a complication! 8b. believed tbe rascally tramp to bo rich; be. be-, lleved ber to be tbe possessor of thir teen millions; they bad married.; Wbat an awakening for eeoht ,' This dlsoovery, however, bad to be verified, and thedlsbonost young woman who bad brought Bessie narland so much trouble must bo punished for it dawrenoo felt . that be must move with excoedlng caution. ; He turned, hardly certain aSto whatcourso be sb9uld tako, whon the young woman, blushing fitful ly and with quivering voice, aald: 4 . "My husband's name ain't Drane at all, at least be said it wasn't I was truly married to htm right in this town, and I can prove It' if you know whore he to" - -i v a , ; to jut coirrammt 1 GOOD HUMOB. The Philosophy of Happiness der All Glroumstanoea. TJn- A Fable with a Itonil-itoorce Herberr sensible View A .Moral Uenaalogleal , Table Bonjae alaka a riae UUtlnetloa. v " According to Goldsmith it, was Burke's unhappy lot "To eat mut ton cold and cut blocks' with a ra zor." This misapplication of fine Instruments to ordinary purposes, remarks the Interior, and the let ting tbe mutton cool while the ante prandial orator ''goes on 'refining" has a humor and ludicrousness in Itself, not al ways apparent, ' how ever, to those who are the objects of It. It is not until the joke passes beyond the immediate and original audienoe that Its full flavor is ap preciated , and the ; long-delayed laugh comes as Its echo. This is one of the compensations of many inci dents in '.life which at the time are far from humorous, and, in fact, often provoke indignation and sometimes lead to hasty words and actions which we afterwards regret when tbe humor of . tbe whole occur rence strikes us. To eat mutton cold,, for instance, though but a passing prandial affliction, at the time seems very remote from humor ous ideas, and unless' the English juryman is much maligned he would sooner hang a ' man than to miss the right turn of the roast or up-on cold mutton. '.,; The haeo fabula docet Is. obvious. The part of wisdom, and, in fact, the chief difference between a rash man and a philosopher Is this self -projection Into the future so that one may be able to look . back upon the pres ent annoying incident when it it bathed in the sunny atmosphere. If we may believe George Herbert: 1 AU tht'nfi are bl with lest; aotlilns- that's ' plain.' - .v4 ij.-. jtj But mar be witty. If thou bast the vein. " But to 'correct poetry' by: prose and one English classic by another, along with . Herbert's,, declaration that "all things are big with jest, it is well to remember Addison's dis Unction between' true and false humor. .Tbo genealogy of true and false humor Jlddison sets down as follows: 1 Fabwbood, ' Truth. " NoaeaiM. ' " Good Haasa Tnutf UoMm WUtllrto. . . false Humor, d . - True Humor. ' To still further aid in discriminat ing' true humor from false humor, as Addison phrases them, let us call to our aid two, other, great humor Uts, Washington Irving and John Banyan. "Honest good , humor, says Irving, "is the oil and wine of a merry meeting, and tbere Is no 1o- yial companionship,' equal 'to that where the jokes are rather small and tbe laughter abundant." And as to false humor, plain John Uunyan s still plainer' rhyme draws the dls tinctlori reirfectly: ' . ; 1 Boms tbloa are of tbat atture as so make Oae's facer cbockle wblle bis heart Seth seae. L Honest good humor Is a great con tituent In happiness la life. As to wit, unless of the kindly sort, and in that case 'it. may be Included In good humor, It. may be valuable In giving s sense of intellectual su premacy, but It never makes friends. and. so far ar happiness Is con cerned, one Is better without It. Like sharp-edged tool, wit needs to be most carefully handled, while. as regards genuine) good humor, It Is like the 'sun and tbe pleasant light of day making all things beau tiful and vivifying and ; strengthen ing ail good-purposes and friendly coapanloosbip. 1 r, , .T,- PoperfaitM '"if Brrtlsb India. According to tbe , census of 1891, tbe population of British India and tbe native states waa 287,223.431, an Inert aei of 34,000.000 In ten years. Of these, ' atccording to religion, there were 207.73 L 727 Hindoos. 67.- 82,164lohammedans, 9.820,467 aboriginals, 7,131.361 BuddLisU. 2.- 284,380 Christians, 1,007,833 Sikhs, 1,418.638 Joins, 89,904 Farsis. 17,194 Hebrews and 42,703 of all other re ligions: ' Of - the Christian popula tion, 1,315.263 were certified to be Roman Catholics, aod the remain der, 969,117. with tbe exception of few hundred Syrians) etc, Protes tants. . '-j-- ' ' 'Mundios an ''Al,-' I want to build a silo out of brick. I would like to know if It would do built of brlikv Bow 1 It built aod would ootnmon mortar do to build It wKh or would It have to becemenil The place 1 want to build it on la htnh Krouad, aralnat my bars. How dojroo put tho fend lor and do you salt It t B. B. F Uurnaid, N. a ' (Answered by V. E. Emery, Agriculturist, N. C. Experiment station.) , , ' . i ' I have seen a brick silo In tbe ground like a well which kept the silage very well. Tbe trouble with a below ground silo Is the cost of excavating, while a brick wall above ground strong enough to resist the pressure at filling, Would, probably cost too much. Your atten tion ia called to the plans illustrated in . Bulletin No. 80 of this Station. The round form is the 'best- A steel silo can now be purchased which would,last a life time., -r . . -, Feed is ,cut to iH or even 8 or S inches lung and run up into the silo on a carrier attached to the cutting ma chine. If the ground Is high and you can drive on the uphill aide it will be beat to do that; set tbe machine so the silage will fall into the silo and dis pense with tbe carrier. No salt ia used. Simply keep the top leveled and tread the sides and soft places in filling so U will settle even. ". ' i Cattlor Oad for Vsed. ' I Please let me know which would be the bat ter way to cut oats for feed i to out tbem Id a touch state while straw Is Kreen or wait until ripe. I want tbem to feed as hay and am un der the Impression to out them green would be besb 8. J. B., Oraaite Hill. N. C. .' (Amvei-ed by F. E. Emery, Agriculturist H. C. Exp .rlment Station. 1 Oats cut while yet early In the milk stage will be best for hay, as the val uable food compounds will then be largely distributed in the leaves and stems. If left later the movement of these compounds to the grain carries much from those parts which remain comparatively valueless straw, while, the nourishment of the crop ia largely concentrated in the kernels. "An Accomplished Fact'' ' "Grandma, may I take that 'piece' of chocolate you left , on the table? I will be so good I" mn., s 'Yes, you may take It."- 7? j J (The little girl docs hot move.)1 ' ''Why don't you go and get ItT" ' ' "Obi grandma, deaf, j I ate it firstr'L' Annunciators. , . i ..n.fc. Announcement' ' s ricsrtrsi o ttub revrL) M. s SO TUB CAROLI NAS as or TMS SOUTHEAST fse Charfetfe Oburrtr auks so awaouncaaMol , ef nor, tfaan or4lary lattraiu. By aaaclal arranfeaitBt with the publlaaars ef thai ' (T,at,it of all raftrenc HbrsrlM, Tht ' Baertlopmdtm Britannic, afath (latt) ' aaltlon. wa are anaMsd nir short (Jaw to place Ihlt King of Books wlthio tuy rasck of tvtry raajtr., nil uinoa t, sauna in j 28 Royal Octavo Volumes - - Ant Is ihoONly eoaiBteWsBd ansbrldfad 4liot av this frost work la.oalsttaca mvI4 le . ; aala.. That soao soft of an Eacyclop4ls l a nac'oailty, all oiuil acknowltof a. Thai tho (rest Britannic Is tho vary brat Encyclo pedia. Bona will any. .Oary Ha treat cost fil for tho Scrtbuor Ealtloa, Ssoa lor ta j .1 Edlnoursh Edltloa hat prtyentea lit porchaso borstoforo. At those ,rkr Nona but Iht rlek " COuU afford to own U. ' W, offer for HwHod tint to tho rcsders of Ths Obsbbvbi aa. , , - odliloa suporlor 'avoa 10 Ibo coolly eiiabwrgk . Edllloa at tho unheard of Introductory raw of TEN CENTS A DAY For Ihlt satall outlay yoo can secare trwss at Royal octavo vokuaes. (aapltte and ua , ,. abrldsed. revised to date. . Tho Brluaoka , Hsoll needs bo endoroeeal. ForiiyaanH bat stood the crowaln work of our English . language, the aobfesf wort la all IHcratura, tho one only adeasate representative of tad I . advanced thought and scholarship of tbe world . H Is tbo only Encyclopedia la which each principal subect Is treated by aa acknowledges authority open That tuMect, No outer - Bncyclopwdia bat glvea Tta Thousand Dollar, ; for a single article, aor 51 s Hundred Dollars a page lor written matter. Tbo fact thai $3 .000.000 r i , 1 :'-; Wat aiponded In lit preearatlM. reon'ring tbe , , labor of aaaa ef Uw werld't greausl scholars. alls the story of Its waked superiority. Over too American auihort were (aiployod oe ' 1 Americas tufcfectt and Aatorksn tastlbitloaaV The Edition Wc Offer : To ear readers coaprlset easy feataret wortb of (pedal mention, . ! 1. A rboraugh oqulpmeM of sow map w la Sato, costing Saxauo to produce.'! ' -. . , e The Amerkae Coeyrtghl Articles, ra,'' written to dale by emlaaat Amerlcaa writers, t . ether respecu tblt Edition It word tor word, - Bne tor Sua. peg tor page. Idsnusetwlih too r Siseoalva Edlnbarah Edltloat laulai Stoa SetVtbiBlli . i i ... .. -il!r- I ). But the crowning leaturt ef Ihlt Ealrlea , ' If lit American Additions and Revisions, prepared smder trie aseervttiea of dint widely know Earycloperdk Editor. W. H. DEPUY. , D.D.. LL. D.. ast Itted by a corps of Mead writers, thoroughly revising Ihe entire work , ' ts date. " ' ' ' ' Not oary. are aB Scveattkc and Historical Subjects braegM abaorately up to dale, hut a,,, . vast rand of arw wtforautioa Is added, relating to th material, fecial. Induftrtatand educatloaaJ " - progress ef the world, togtther with many ' rhsutanl Mew Btogrephlea a te the erlglaai ' EdtUoa ear ai aay ether Encyclopedia. "' For a Short Time ; tMt ategaet Refareace Library wtR be eVerad as subscribers of Tmb Cnablotts Oaasavae ad remarkably bur latradactery prices, sad oa etrms te easy aa la seem almost tallriuaa. 1 .1, There are roar tryles of stndlng, and aili t -f stylet bavwaae.li hhtged. BralMe aacka, . sewed ereclaoly Ska aa Oxford Taacbet- ; Bible, so Owl they are durable sad rn. talaas. It Is aa actual fad thai this book Is at sbroegfy beead nVaa 0be aaieea arbscb la aald. fat SsVojal PSW TftaaaMe -, t , - j - I'l is a,,nrsBiia sa alS aial 1 to seen fef km m4 erteee ef the varlaws styles, sad you. , stay select amy style of Maalag yea choose , ad have she privilege ef pavtag tor k at the' rate of aa caaaf a day, half the set setag deBeawlasyeeetence; oa.ee wtBdellvar ' gaeeMB-ssetet eS volamti ea aayOKwi W tVMperuMsrh. AD charges paid by as w aery raibead sasttea kt Out UeHed Statss, ' -..iij THE OBSERVER, t . Charlotte, n,C - , 11 ,- t..se Secret of jiiQr. is healduThe secr.ofjbealtli is the power to digest axid.asim iTate a proper quanity of food. This can never be doiie when the Jiyet: does not itt if s part. Doyouknowthis? Tiitt's. LiverPiJlsare an ' abso- -lute qure for sick headachWdys pepsia, sourstomacb, malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases.' Tutt's LiveE Pills DR. ROYKIN'S WORM KILLER" THE BEST 8ELLINO VEKMIFUjE 1JST. THE M abket; j The Most Reliahie Worm Des'troy ' er in use. ' Becipe furnished to any regular ! physician when . -jvqoested. - , v - x . j lOrange,H-.C jBly.tT. Mr. J. P. Joyner -1 a-axe ray child one i Boykln'a Worm Killer, purchased of you. It Dmrwrm sno worms, medicine made. , , . 1 eoosider H the beat W. W. TUOM AB. . , Dock Creek, K. C, May I, Iffid. Rudd isoyam, u,nmr m near mra I sir. a very responsible lenstomrr of mine. gaveoatf e teaapooofal of Worm Killer to a . cblld lent week and tbe result waa 16 ' worms. Mr. uanl Pines uses It wl(b) still better of-' feet : . 75 wrmia from one cblld ; of course 37 sales will be large. . Yorm truly, .'j . .8. SMITH. ...f f-;t" . -.-. ..v. ,. ..... , - Read tbe following from one of the meat Smmlneut and boat knownybyeians and irmers In Houth Carolina, He wrltea, "that a negrogirt M years old near blm, took two or three dimes of the Worm Killer and yes edge worms," . ,. .- . B. fit. EDMtnros, u. p. Mr. H. M. MeTlrmaid,' of lia Orange, W, says. Dr. Jioykln's Worm Killer .brought overlOO worms from one child In hie nrigh borhood, and that It gives universal aatlafae llon. He nells more of it than aU other worm madlnln. Do oot let your drugglpt or.;General praler pat yoa off with some other. Ask for kin Worm Killer" :ii! and p t it. Any H. D.'can r;' - presciiheJt snd many do." TIMOhE, MD. rOLK giiitcasntfIitary "" INSTITUTE, ' '. Enitllah, Scientific MathrmaMtal And CluAslcal cotmser, with special Bin iness Oepsrtmtnl, If you bave a eoa you desire lo educate drop a postal for Catalogue. ' 'Adores 1 i f . - t-P. J, KERSODLE. A. M, JulyltU-tf ;t J ,? Princlna!. ' .''....1 f,,, ';;.!-"! Are You Going to Build ? 1 If yn are going te bulla aw bnate, yoa wa do well o call ou uie for prices. . I bave a force of skilled workmen wkrt savd been wtlu me Irnm to 8 roars, wbo know, bow to do good work and a heap of It. ' I will ralrd by con ti act Af-fiy tbe day ; faraUh material or yoa caa do it.. 1 . v Coins and see n.e. WlU be glad to five yoa nVnre. Tbaubs for past patron are. . Xourtdtc, , H. W.HUr8)N, PENNYROYAL WAFERS. A Ir miaii far tetaa to lntvei Wd riUS KaM BuedBttsttSB: prod tact rijy sTTt, hrmiitix svsvd i i liin tliecaur(s No swiioa or plm M af prossosi 9vm vatspsl ksr mrmPijmW-bm. macsj usjea wiU mm sjsrasB. 1mtIm sUevi Crf Ukssvs trWi oar sjsasvfevit-s tvcrtMst moi IsUhS-l. otveHtUUsm ksifd my oi jvmr sMywsi : rr sats only briMMONr,tbeDrewlet, th h V iPP!?? eleelMri Sale of Valuable ! Land. " By" vlrloeer tbe' sowers eouferred b a mortage deed from John R. IreUad aod wife 10 iforehead Bank ln; Company, dated WareB' t.' iet.-end -eeaisiered In Ihe ofllre of Ihe ReeWer at Urede of Alamaacn Cooaty. In Book 17. paces 8, Ac, said Morebeed Bankrna- Cootpany will offer Tor sale, rutt LAKH, booo tb premlae- ln tbe town of BurHnrWn, . C.. by pabtse aaetkia on MARCH,' 2S-1898, Hlia'dotVl'llit foWfaartmeseriocd tot m parcel of land ehaate he tb Bald towe of BnHlnrMt, on tbe at arde rpUad atreeC. -ad)n,alas: the iota nf 1X foteat,,ana ottaers, and eosssded as tollows :- . . itnrioninc at the rock on Vast aide or Irs land street, at rd- ber' vT D. Potoat't lota. thtltre 8oTJth N Oe(t BaK to a rock am "est sldewf -Gilmer r rest, 400 fret; thence Wort H -efeev -KaPt etSt feet lo stake in Gilarer aimet, camera at MS lot of the said Joo, B. IrrlancU iheece North der. West, en fert so a stake ta Iretsnd Btj (beuea soam X de. Irsst, be the begaiut it betnar a wart ef the lot of ,laed coo vend to the eeM Juo. R, lrelaiMl bv K. 8. Parker. Adm'r. of Jerry Tarptey, and 1 eecupte I at liM ditaof saicf morUara' deed of Joke R. KewUn. ' ' m a MwaBDBao Bawcnte Co . fob. 11th, 'I89S ,- 1 ruiler k roller. Anya. . '.' ; " : .''. I' frdil- IT Gtiiira-m: (rraham. wriS. If. O. T. njt : fTaW Hirer, or almost aey of year Meeds erne, tell yneafgesd work tbat tbe baa dooeT It la a hooerttold word. It urfii eure yea.. Inha-tunUou free. For sale or rent. Agents wanted. John H. Webb, lato bssds. -r Atlanile KleetrneutB C TM Uie bt Waahlnstou.D.C , t :. - TflAOS IbUVAH