-v.'r -- T..,:.-v:.:. , ,.r. .:. V- -,- : .- .. .- . ' ';v-- .; ; ', -.. ' .."..- , - :' V' v;: ' -' V- - ... ,' :.-'. '.'.... - ,, . ... ' ." "7:. . v. ; .-, . - ... , - i- " ,. 't , , . sg;--fif ;. -..yw.r..w..atl , h,. n'nn.i...Jit! .:.r',r,u '. . '. . ,f ' ,' :- -'c , V- ;-,.. :'- . .' . "-' .. s. " ' " ' -'' ' ''''""' "-'' '"ij ft r w y r ir y0''' ';' ' '-y ' -' . '"- f v': " '" V1.- ?; I'-r' J8 '.. " ' V":'"; ' v :: -. ..-r;-.'- '"t ' ''' .- - - - . .. '. ,. rtw. . , - - , "iMJu'i 'till 'fin 4 t , '.I -35-3i33 ' -f 1SXS ' : ' 'rfvJ' r.;.- n- "r-'.i" ". ' s ' ""V"-v? .-'.., - nif.-jfiiprflltHfv.'tnt nfxJljrya- - ;- , ' .V ' ' , jj iii mahgh::os88 NO, 7. uX. , gQgi ' J Ani iJm.tieat 'friernl. 'that nnvei ' fails ybuTia BimmbW XiVti ReM-''' you hear at the mention .of", this people should not be persuaded v that anything else will do. ft is the Kia"g of jive 'Medi cine : is -better . Aah.- Pli, land takes the' place' :of Ciinune f andv: Calomel It ata directly a the Liver, KidneyV ,&nd,B8wtl;- an-' gives BWMe to the whole bvs tern, This is the. medicine you L .... n il 11 Tf ' . kL.'Z 'ZfcTZ want, ooia dv an iruggrerain"' iiiquid, or in Powder to be taken dry oij n4de; into a, tea. the Z Rtnmp In- rwf m vitmc Fblladtlpl.ia. Pa. PEO SESSION A L CAER9. j;- AiC t)B A. LON jJ-j ATTOiUSEV AT LAWf Ojt OR All ASS, - - - . '.TOiJJ&fr Mavl7.'8. .1 . L. itEltlVOlX tVactl.-ofi u tie Stale ana Tedernl Cntrtsl will falihfullv and prninptly atteuo !! oc.g new eutrmtted to him t , John Gbat Bybuic ' s W, . Bvkdm, J. Attorney nd'OotiAcel6ra t Icw, ORKKM3B0R0, N. C. ' Practice fe'?n1ariy"to"- the jermrte of - Ala- - DrVJolinR. gtockaf d-? Js,v H I I) 1 1 1 a-i. A BUBtlXGTONN. C. Otfiee on Main 8t, over 4 N.Walker & JP& fi fn m t a 't M&f&mh Caroirn'rApif niJfort j l .tA MM JL a li vr. wmm New na.r urower TrMtmeniT The Greatest Dlscdvery "of the Airi It will PermaneV,iVJc.rrei,,'1aftlnJ(tf of t(5n'hrilr."tfirrtflt, aly Hiidooli pofliules. or any ktb1-4'(s It prevents hair turning gray, ard restores hair to Its originaj color, and . brings a : .. .. v:-sk;. New Growth or Holr )taMry- BoldlBead o' Earth. - ' It l the only ttealmeoV that Will pi od uce tbece resulie. ( t .. TstimonUfs and treatise1 furnished Mr. John iSS. Coble. VV -Coble-tfl Thoinnson's store, is myaKCtit evUrd' ft J f Beapeet fully TM.APHLEl. I)ec.l4-tf. "Haw Siver. N. '- ' A Leading lilagazine Free. Arrangenieiit Perfected byWliidlWe Give Sb- acription ia Woman's - WorkVitiiont . red to iake a wonder- tally liberal ofler lo all who pj in sdronre for Ths luics- GLKAMsa. Wohak's MroaEUalitenirraoddoiiMtkalmairu'nn detervedly ooeoi the sreet popd or piiblikh r. It is pure, enlnrt'lntrg ne helpfnr fa every department, lu page arter filled with eKual hkb.elaa reading BMile - mt lliu-li-o aited to all aim ; it h pnhlbbcd to MtUy tbe frrral nerd for rA home liters tore, aid bo Mtar periodlearoieari It well, bend t.SO for ar ppr and WoaaV W bk one oTi fkteg Um latter free. - All1v ' ITHX ALAM.'KCB HlllMlt, -tS V. Grabom, M.C. HwiitfiC-fEnVIKE twit. FHO, Ollli- H daoKe OOTinM. Oril i iuaiwi iirM Mills. lmbi. AFTER- tl!l7j!r , Insanit IrmLgth f tack u Mratar HI IB " MIl-d on rwip( of rn-tr by .KIdlARIHNrABI5?, : Vbolrfle R-tail I)r,tttt . Grc- ttbjio, N.U. ' Charge, a; ) Wk in nnw Dren JffKcSW'' MMk, Kn mirrhfe ti hnvA trtnf. thn AmrK '1 'geucy wita calmness and a ready wit Ho hnd certainly oxpcrloncod quite enough "of enTjountm'rlthrtho'polioot but, law-abiding oltizon that he was, having an innato and cultivated respect Inr tho imnrdJunii of m tnflo a7i(l faro baka.tho Sro he encolntSeh theSrvHT0U nt inbT' ' ' 1 - ntl a wn-ji t " i .. 1 power thowJakerbowosto rAistthenS. jr the 'food oh paiMi itMj with a blintfrfctoieKtojg ThorefOe, when te fwa BiaTOeoj Owtor iLlatt mens conscia rectt at very much cast down nevertheless' lathe balway of the parson's bouse, fevloVnod himself toffothcr and demanded tho cause of his orrost. The Dolicemon were bv no moans will- ing ioi o'xpld m; WW: mat uiey.naa ainngproua maniac.on band, and Jfmtny, the reporter!' "waS on thTHr to jreta gdodi beWs item and a reward at jhesamo time. However, as Mr. Drano resisted, Jimmy Anally produced this telegram from a Now York nowspapor: f ?.?uhYltcrvieirWith Drane. Man . held hero breved to baane and not the Just one ray of Joy shone against the dark background of Mr. Dranos pros1 pects in this dispatch tho tramp, im- ioyu ulivj wniu in Mch ' haTboen loS UK properly jconnned stance, bed been that as pf one sin which bad been given, Lawrence bowed bis head and ae fiompanled tfio pollcemon'out of doors. An officer was at either elbow and Jim my pranced along behind. As Mr. Drano was very quiet no especial at tention, was attracted until thoy camo loi.hk.'dobr'of: the Beavor IIouso. There a man was slowly descending tho stops, looking vastly worried and out of sorts. It was tho tramp. lie had Mr. Drano's clothes on and be appeared to bo in bard hlck;ai"Whcn-"bew tho-offloora. nl itkcjb; leonyoysaUtog ;t.down ' tho street ho stopped suddenly and looked bard ,- jrt jtjhe ..Jprlsohcf .,vvkb' jt wildly ngetea ekpiwsBlorliileirisdll was but .' moment that tbo tramp stood . thus, but in that moment hi reasoning., ;facultics--wont( through a .tremondons. operation. This was "abottt" tno sub-, stance of Wi'iii.'J'ul'Jli "vu VilpUoJ -there's, Lawronco ' Drane! 1 stole his cfothel and his name and mafo Tied in : both f"tbCJn on;: awfully rich .widow. Uo,jBPt back at mo , by stcalin'g his clothes azain and getting" no in 'hock.' WO evoTi inveigled rao Into jrh 'beBwibc eautevOf his misad ventures."? I fufthfer,kno.w thaK the .Kansas pity men who jflcclarcd; thla? mornin that d was 'fci,- hero by'tho', will be hero by tno 'next f train from Now York" and wUlifroo this mo-fiAkM.:treubla. lie is ttc- I me I ft don't do bim a" good Inrn.' This chain 6f "reasoning was s5 SPar - ly accomplished that by tho time Law- rence and tho poUoemon were opposite the Beaver Uquso door, tho tramp bad resolved upon bisourse of oction. Ho ran dowiT the storfe poll-molliizoa I Uwmfice by b baMB4'ze1lmcd; ' - K "Well, well! to see you again .ri thtasbapeli I'm delighted and eveW' iigly relieved!" 1 ,' ' if . .r-- r-r--.s t LawTepoe, bsthe policemen Ob!f yeu;fe, .are you?" responded. paused.- L "I see that yon are at the npper enef of . , lie would have said more In expres sion of bi bitterness,, bat the tramp interrupted: . . , ', 'a, t. .. , Officers, I don't think ' yon bare any rieht to. hold this man. " I know: hint He is my only brother1. Ilia asme i Lawrence Drone, of KoqauCity, nd L,ft am bis brother John, -come, on to take care of him. i; I demand,; that you show me your authority for arresting bim be lore you take bim any further." " ' , .This, of course, was a stumper for the policomon. ,Thcy bad no authority what ever. 1 : .'" ,! p. ' ''But," said one of them, ."how about that reward ... At this moment button in ill. Drone's Bowery salt gave wayr Jimmy, of course, bad explained tbe n roe pec tire reward to tbe policemen 1 and haa new on s terms oe uwuce- TnX AIXXOXD JOU BBAJTB. mento for their action. Keitber Mr. Drane nor tbe tramp knew exactly what to da i . . J. "Well, the fact in." began Mr. Drone. "Yon andersund," said tbe tramp at tbe same moment, "Mr. Drane la net a r , crazy man; be is my friend and rela tive!." -. . "But," interrupted again one or the p ulkiucu, wMrowwv. r.- pose to suy out all night looking for this (rent and tbe reward without some -. j return." -" - -, , insarioj JlSyiUJi 2 Iloj U vonj now sus pected pt bci.ng a lanotldr."Kowl Knoy wftahi1i'tk htft tm1y sane, but that I havo a, ' ; '. Aw And here Mr. Drane's right knee be ccoDon.isnUttooml rapidly nd "Docs it look very bad??' he whispered. r, n .. ,,,-, to the tramp, as be. felt jsesm in tbo back burst. -rt Itr look lik bloody mordarvT'said the trami.'" In an undortone; "'and speaking of Ibat, bow do1 you . think ' it rr til a. n luco ivanBas v.ijr uiauo "TolPem yonTT gfw 'ent'tt- check ' - v-Tt tf Thd trarfpfeflowlnthat LaVfcnceha lots of J '" l?t0 .thl? Pla- .4n ! .the polloo, knOWingf' that' they ttaa 0 Mtnomy -immocuatciy aisappearoa., ButnotsoJlmmr. Jltay bungB: tU the tramp1 MTObim; that b ana rano were going xo no pareoa nouso Iir' - - WM - vn this involved, Laurence aiscreetlj 'kept fL. -i , J dashed off presumably to give o1"" of copy to bis nowspapor for the, last edition.1 After this the tw' men paused on the sidewalk and Mr. Drano begari:' ,-f "My dear man, there is something about you hi addltioiv-to. my , loUes, which makes me think that you are or ougbt.tobgen.tleman,, . f 'Bir," responde.d the tramp, 5'thoro Is his mouth' - t - . . -1 'iv 'i jit . I J as desUned to , better things. than you have endured during the past week." -, . . 1 Then both men laughed and after that they shook hands heartily. "1 say," .wid 1 Lawrence, "what U your, mer and bow the -, nnnjentionablo , name, flond did yon get into tramp's Ufo?," ' '"My name," responded the. other "Is , plain ' Jphnson, baptised Eichard J.. I waa at.one time country schoolmas ter,' which may acoount for i my lapses . into fairly correot English when I talk. ' Schoolmastering, I found, did not pay ., fqr a man who had acquired c'hampagno tastes on a beer lnoomo, and so I deter mined to travel." s Exporienoe of an un usually' severe nature nndormined my convictions respecting meum tt tuum, , and I therefore descended to theft.' " But it is only fair to explain that' this de scent ih morality came from the foot bat soon oiior i gave nj tog I wont into politics." that soon after I gave 'tip school-teach- nnfortunate.' murmured Jlr. Drane. "I was on' alderman," oon tinucd tho tramp, "and I voted various franchises to railroad -corporations and escaped in dictment . I. never knew bow. Then, having' my hands. In tho publio treasury, otherwise the people's pockets, for two or three years, I loat all sonso ' of de corum and honesty."!,. .. ',.,"' ' .," - ."Yott are , to be pitied, not con demned," said He Drane, ' - "So," oontlnued the tramp, "I am not altogether bad. That, with your kind nosav7ou seem to; see;- but, the foot is tbat if I bad always worn as good - "Olotlie a thoae-toursrX.WQuld.j)Ot hre been temptea to commit tne crimes that have brought troublo upon yotf." That is doubtless true." answered VM' - I""18. dubiously recalling bis po- ',(WjIatdventurM;. "but it was very t.vwng K you to take away not only my men-,u "I" na orca . .. Ah, s4r,!' replied Mr. Johnson, smil- ""g. ''it is an old saw that 'noccssity nows no law.' But let us not waste time J in argument. 1 came here-7 to seek .ray; wife. and when shall bo the misery I bare 'found-' ior yon fully repaid" la money for whlch.I hare eanscd von." . They badf been walking along indo- ferroinoaLy,.ana ncra air. Lrrano sioppea. "Johnson," ho Said, "yeu are in a bad fix. Yoifr Wife is not only poor flnan- ,'elally, but so badly off tbat-she wants to - 'claim me for husband.'- t Johnson opened bis mouth wldo with 'amazement, and m be knew net what to ' say, LawrenM auntinuod: i "Whatever clafmshobad to tiches she abetraeted from another person, m yoa took my olotboa.' I bavo seen her this mornings She Claims to be Mrs. Drano, and- , . V"? ' '- ' ' " "Yoa Infernal ecaitndrel? exclaimed Johnson, and -seized Mr j Drane by tcoiiaKicn or poorone " f , . away from me 111 break your Lack and A put yoa in the asylum again to boot." Mr. Drone shook of hie antagonist f easily. . - ' i "Don't yon atll rof namea," be cried, "or 111 have yon arrested for tbeftr Johnson cooled down atenea. , "Whore's my wife 7" be asked prea- Uy- c 'r ' f'Come with nse," said Mr. Drone, nd 111 ohowyoa," and.be forth with k led tbe way to tbe parson's boose. . Just as 'they arrived at 'the door two men harried Be who sreeted Lawrence effu sively. They' were relatSree of bis from Kansas City, arrived by a way train from ' Kew York, Johnson bar ing caogbt an . express at tbe same boar. Tbe relatives looked at Law sence sharply and seemed to -wonder whether be was all righ t or riot, bat be refrained from explaining himself aatil they bad oome again Into the parson's study. . v , . ' ' OAfTEB XIX. m nawAon ot ni j.ir. Knowlea was nothing If not i, itoapitaoie. nen uui nninvitea oone Inrado-i his bamble bat eom- f actable dwelling be battled a boot with areolae aailctv torVietrontertainmciit. ,Jaf mc! e-f "w" kcf -"J1-?' 1 softly, VI haver mqv nplliiflf Ukp Ginoo we aonauon pariiun in guuu , uiu Iudimk.' I'm sUro you're 1 rjtiitc wel come. , I'vo boon out with tho two ladies looking for you, but' wo fallod"to find I you. uowovor, wocnrouniorca a young pan called , v'immy, who u 'connoctea -T. hb tho prosfi, and hi; tolil mo, to return homo and .wait fpr you, 1 ( Kow 1 do hope tbatall this quarreling ls o'r,"nnd that li'you, air" pointing to Di-ano-"li4yedo- "Such is .my, present' Intention? , aaid urano. "lam getting a little tired 'Of being- lunatic." 1V ,,; . .: , '"'You Boom to havo sulTorr-A sorao yio-' lonce sinco you wcro hero .Murp," cpn-( tinucd Mr. Knowlca, , VI . trura, that you are not seriously hurt. . It efUin,hapr, pens that harsh experiences of this kind are wholesome, -.and neeossory to, bring us to a proper Btateof mind.. Jn- decd, thoy always are,-i if w oouldoniy teo IV wiunn h-c-t ,!.; Meanwhllb the 0tb6r members of the ifjarty ;w;cro "looking ; aRkance- at' each -other, ' ' Johnsob was beginning to real ize that tho new-comers wcro -tho 'Kan sas City relief Oxpbaitibn.' and that -his' own usefulness and opportunities wero nearly over.' " Ilo'was medltaHnga julot 'and" 'inoffensive' dxit vlien' bo chanced to catch Jicllio's c,yo, and it 'riveted 'him to ho spdt ' Shb' was looking "at1 bim witharea'Vitendcrnoss' of expro9i felbn. and a certain admiration, too. Itt-'1 ftondiohnson.ln' pranps blothos-Was-worth looking at. Uo ,bdvai ,niolli-, gent and not, uncomely visage, .which bad been much. improved of Jateb,, - HiIl looked at him, thinking of the Moh jolncd tnoir oondo! and sho grow quite pale, but not with , f oar or regret. . .. , -j , , 7 -TV,TR.ri i , , . 1 lMtMTWa ''.''' or,g,N of CLYDESDALES. , : . . .. ...' i ' One- of the Dukca of Hami'ton "the , ; First to Study Their Crecding. ,' . ' The Clydesdales, parbaps- the, u:u ,. A.Mmni , h IIV1 Ot;g ujvov ilium r vpvi;uivm vj t tries, ; are bred in, districts bort tiering on the Clyde, and owe their , prism to ono oi iqo uuKes oi iuxiuu- . . -l.-l TT ,1 ton. 'who crossed somo of his best t T.rtnnrlrB' w?t.h st.iltihon h lmtvrtll f nahderd, says tho Nineteenth' , . . ' . v,rta Century. This breed is conspicuous for' its high courage, activity and endurances Several years ao the lateJ Gen. Peel told me how suc cessful ho had been in mating his thoroughbred Toxophilite ,".wlth Clydesdales... . ... "When you use," said he, "a thor oughbred for draught mares always use the biggest and best you have; and ; you , will be sure to produco draught ', horses second to none. Horses good as Stock well are not too good for my Clydesdales... What I have bred will go on their knees -to move the heaviest loads. They won't be beaten." . This fact proves how beneficially a good cross of ireah blood operates, I and particularly so when the new blood is obtained from the thorough bred no!1 from inferior specimens of this breed,, but from the very best from ''horses as good as Stock well." The Clydesdale differs from the Shire horse in that it has a long, low back, short', flat ribs, good, hard tegs and long pasterns, which would seem to have been de rived from a cross with a half-breed or thoroughbred horse.. . t . , , This certainly Is not a desirable conformation,' odd our 'Scottish brothers, have, for several years past, inoculated this breed by the introduction of the best Shire blood, both male and female, which has re sulted in the production of animals with shorter and stronger pasterps. This breed is in much request in England, - and tho best specimens are readily sold to Americans (j Franklin's Chess Table. t ' " The most interesting piece of fur niture In the reception room at the residence of Mrs. E. D. Gillespie Is a table which no one nowadays would presume to call a chess taole; but soch it is, and .was the prized property of Mrs.- Gillespie's famous grandfather ;' Benjamin Franklin. Mrs". Gillespie says that her mother, who was three years old when Franklin died, could remember see ing the great philosopher and states man while away hours over the chessmen. The table is of mahog- any and of ordinery height, tbougb ' The top is scarcely a fooWequare, and St looks as though there-was lit tle room for the royal game." There is sliding piece, however, that Comes out just under tbe top in some manner similar to that of tbe pieces used in tbe modern roll-top desk.- At tbe back there is a long, upright sliding frame irj which Is stretched a piece of silk. This Mrs. Gillespie's mother recalled seeing Frankl'ut raise to kep the wind from blowing out the candle by tbe dim light of which tbe game was -played. PhUa- j a Pall ' delphia.CalL Shakespeare and the Forme - Ex -Senator Palmer, of Michigan, tells a good story cf an eld Michigan farmer to whotd he lent a volume of Shakespeare's works," After allow- iog time for a perusal of tbe book . tbe senator asked the man one day . be thought of tbe book. Well," said tbe Micbigaoder, tber Is some migb ty good reodin' in it, and I see the old man has some of oy ideas."- ASOClETY."EVENr.'' r;: r, -. W- ,.,V, -.if TSfi ttad thei Title But Ber Mother Had the Koney. . , ., Bnt the Count and tlie Dollars railed to ' 'Hake Connection, AlUtoagb' the Da. " bappr sianma-'BewaiU' liar tin . ; -'! i -. proStable Ua,rrali)s ' -. : 'wewport uoes not moDopoiiso .ait of the sensational incidents attend' iug the introduction of impecunious titled foreigners Into wealthy Amer ican, families, - j Waabinglonjias Bad ft first-class sensation,, recently,, in the 'domcstio complications of i JVencli' count of good family, who married a rich girl, whose rrich and widowpd mother. continued to reside' here and was prominent in society. This- mother-in-law. agreed to give the ' count a handsome-allowance,, but she was not wiling to pay thirty thousaud dollars' worth of his debts in Paris. , ' As the couiit pathetically exclaimed: 'Everybody s, n ows slie wanted me 1 for a son-in-law, , and nowshe has pot me she doesn't want to keep mcr 'TJnfortnhatcly all this is true; bu lilte, .fpdst mothers 'who desire titled bu6bftnds , jqrj tHcir; 'daughters the lady soon .tired of the bargaini ' Tbe count alleges that his motber-ln-TaW promised him a great deal that she has never 'gi ven' him; and he has' a beautiful Bcheiho on paper for his Paris creditors . to lay siege to his Washington mother-in-law. ' .;.'-'-'"-..;..Vy'."--t v.: -f j Meanwhile the badgered mothers in-law engaged a detective to gar, rison her home and protect her from 'th6M!ownW.The young, countess; Who -sides with her husband, con cluded to add herVorces to the be sieging party, when she was so rudely hustled out of doors that she was black and, blue and had to have a doctor to dress her bruises which naturally distressed tbe mother very much. The mother-in-law has run away to Philadelphia to escape the alleged persecutions of her daughter and daughter's husband and all this scandal, annoyance aud dis grace because an -American man was not thought good enough for an American girl I Tho Pappenheim, the Colonna and all the other cases have not been enough . to warn fool ish girls and still more foolish mothers- against these ' international matches, where Ahe American gM f urnishosHhe money and , the, impe cunious foreigner the title and tho next French count or German baron or Italian prince will be welcomed with exactly the same effusiveness in Washington and b6 regarded as a great matrimonial 8sb just as if the .town were quite blind to the object lasson just furnished it of a count and a mother-in-law. Boston Tran Bcriptr '' "' -' " .-VISITORS TO NIAGARA. J Basis) for , Estimating 'ikb Number -- Who See tho Falls in a Year. ' Speculation is often heard us to the number of visitors to Niagara Falls.' Some light is thrown on tho subject : by the returns of the elec tric road running along the Cana dian bank from Queeustown to Chip pewa, through Victoria park. It appears that the travel for the sea son up to November reached about our hundred and" sixty-seven thou sand passengers. This road skirts the river all the way within few feet of the edge of tbe bluff, and is operated by . the water power of tho great Horseshoe f fall, the gener ators . being driven by turbines which receive water through a canal just above the fall and discharge under the veil of tumbling foam and spray.: The' plant isof three thousand horse power, It yas.tbeflrst large utilization of the energy of Niagara, and it is now proposed to parallel the road with another on our own shore, which shaM have tbe peculiar attractiveness or . running s out oo brackets at the foot of tbe cliJ,' and will thus put the tourist riht over the boiling waves of tbe . Whlrlpoul rapids. T- If' one hundred .thousand horse power is taken from 1 Niagara for all classes of Work; it Is 'estimated that the withdrawal of the water from its natural channel will make a difference of but one or two inches in the thick green sheet falling1 over tho Horseshoe. St Louis Globe Dcmocrat. ; .- .... . , . , : ; -, . ',4 '-Pcppw ow Ine Suge. ' Some years ago a famoue actress, having been disengaged for some time, packed her wardrobe In pepper to preserve it from moths. She was suddenly called upon to take the part of the queen in "Hamlet.'' r Being rather late for her first scene, she omitted to shake oat her royal robes, and ber dignified entrance bad an astooishing effect The king, after bravft resistance, cave vent lo a ".... ,i mighty sneeze, that well nigh made tbe stage vibrate. All tbe, royal ebuTtlcrsan(J irrttlds o bonor-followed suit sympathetically. Hamlet came on wit b a nviet sublime tragedy air, but after a convulsive move ment of bit princely features, be buried them in , bis somber robe. hile sneeie after to cere was all tbe public beard from htm. ' Amid the bubbnbon the stage and tbe shrieks of delight from th'e audiroce, the stage manager between; snccses, ran dowa the curula. , UTILIZING ODD Queer Ways by Which Many n Hon est Penny Has' Bee'ri Turned.1 ' . . h. Where are, we to look for'hewoutt lets? Inventors and discoverers are the saviors of society. The photo graphic art is modern enough tobe a useful 1 case' In point, ' Photog raphers increased 41 per cent.' from 1871 to 1881, and 59 per c?nt. in' the . following decade. New industries glfo rise to new wastes; and it; was not long befbro -it was discavered that the precious metal used in the developing solution's could be re covered, or that the yolk of eggs,' whoso white was employed ih pro-J vlding albuminlsed paper, need not bo thrown away as valueless, but would realize tmndsomo prices- from pastry cooks. -The history of waste products, indeed, ' is extremely In structive and very pertinent to this' article'. In some cases by-products1 have ' become tha main products. Gas-tar, truly an unpromising mate rial, now yields numberless products, as any science primer shows. ? Froui cvefl more unlikely sources scents are' obtained. As Lord Play fair once said: "Many a fair forehead is damped with the builede millo-flcurs without knowing that its essential ingredient Is derived from the drain age Of a cow house." To the French belongs the greatest credit in dis covering' new means . of . making money; The Parisian chlffonnier is much 'sharper thad his London brother, who docs a queer trade in cigar ends and old hats, boots, etc., which are "faked" to look as good as new. It was a Parisian who first utilized eld sardine tins,' long regarded as worthless. He extract ed the solder and utilized the tin in the manufacture of toys and for .beating into furniture. Another Parisiau, an old soldier, collected old crusts and made them into bread crumbs for cooks; and in time start ed a place of business, whence were supplied croutesau pot, so dear to the connoisseurs in soups. London, Exchange. '- ; '"-" '-' Bietiid ay glasses for children are small, with a handle on one side, similar to the glasses used for sher bet. Tbo initials' and date cf birth are engraved on tbo other side. . THE 'COST- EDUCATION OF AN "Bdacttloa U aa aroameflt la pnMptrltf, a rtluft la kdrtetltr" The Parent'5 Dlccusslon Hutbana "My. tta. eur bey Robert ' frdui ft-oa Ike public thool very moo. toe know. IUv yes Iboujhl what fc k4 til do lhn?" Wll ''Well. John, T4 like tvar e eiach ja bin to ceilcge. If yon Ihlaa ar couM : , aSo4 H." " Hiwband I'm srVaM ttxtl oM of the ' ' emttlon. my dttr. Do yoa know tbat It wente ' ol a at lb vary lel S0 year for bin at ' '- s (ooa coUrgaf" .. -Wil "GooJnMil A muc a dial) Of . Cohtm can't atna bim. But I so want to ' jlvt bl a food urt lo Ibaworkt. aad 1 oat . . tblnk I rniblic tcbool adiKalto I aaotifk te : aauip him for lb belli of Ufa." HabaeJ',HolllBOt.toar. whoa ji , a4uatkM I M (aoaraL Now, I' v bars , tblnklnc of an advnimtnt t aw la The Cbarwita ObMTvar lb other say. ana ibat ' It ky t BfvctmjiP u t.ji n-iKBi Ths Trouble Is, I Think.' dial most younf oanon ateabl Into baMaeea, art throws Into It by acclaam r tiorary ' oacawliy. or an eraw lam It by ail(iiiaa4 . ' . eaibltlM or aarwia fancy, without any -rioa tboneht a to lhair Si for IL Wka th year for toarnlnf rh tbaory eel trachea el inalr trai or pnflo ar aaa4 Ibay eftoa awake wllb ragrat a4 aluaay to tba fact that tbay have not only euaa a ralttak Is rbdr aalactlon, birt be waatee rbrcl ' year of tally raanhooa epoe wroef ural, . . ; "Now, tbo Chief thing for our boy' race fa Ufa eot aJccatloe a eiiKb at froon- :luca!loo thai I. JocaUea alt the Kn el It ea'iiral bet h' a year r two before -1 k rralai'.t. I'm rolet h lo kla aa . areomatiiy of aoi e Mle ioay at bone .; IM tin. I was looking at tba . . I acclosaaiia Brlta-m ca at Tha Oberv - daailng Muoai tooay. ana It' really a rt . thing. Wlrb tbaae boob kt be bouae. Robe will have Infotaiailaa) eaue every aeulbla ' ' aobcl at hia kan. 4 k la tka raoM rcUabie tataraabaa tbe wotU. ( Wheteva ' I1U Nature! Bent . ' f ; ' bcaan4eroawrSwekiaaarlaf!ils f CaeyloraUla.wjtbarJt atbelew. aaacbaaK. engrlag. Sleraiere. er aey of tn art ana acKnce. I tblnb wbaa b t ' -tal7to graJwal w wt alt have mmd ee - alaetwkat Oa H bM Sttee tor by kit - the. tweUaa. there hwiNe4 tbe Ola tiortee of all b graat mmm of the east, aae be wlb know of their eat,'thtr (tniggie rbeb- tocca. e4 h auqr '. have e batta awe aere mliee firm of kt' Tain barl t " " " be caa r-t la a collage eancattos. HaaaiUy. The think of ay acbr Wtie-- baat trVraill. Johas bat whet vtl Om korka rVT' - - - lleiboi - ""T " T.Hlaa alaeMi Wa caa eot tbea lar tea cast a .. . Oay. tM tWak el HT - faiwata. who ore cwaiatSerbtf bat aetboa eewcatleg tOetr mt wawat wM Hbk lew eht aaacaal ecaMeal eaar of The Observer, GiMrtctte, tl C Bilious and Intermittent Fevers . which prevail in miasmatic dis- tricts are invariably accompan- ied by derangements l'o(i the ; Stomach Liver and Bowels. ' , j'Tlie, jffi$$Jtitfc; ;: deliver is the great "yihg: ; wheel " in the mechanism of man,' arid, when it is oit of qrder the whole system becomes de- ' ranged and disease' is the : result. ' ' Tutt's Liver Pills ; Cure all Liver Troubles. Vile MACHINIST vu "i?"'' " . ' AND I ;XhENC I N pERi' ' ; BURLINGTON,;-;' 'v'X&'9' '' ' ' ';" ' :rr MACHINE,' 'i'l - "'(.! BLACKSMITH SHOP. FOUNDRY, j GEAB-CUJTIG. ' ' . BQ-riping. FUtlBS, Vaives.r Jte. - f leTHC IUT. - riT ron a kino. 9. CORDOVAN', rntwcnavtMajifiirBCwr. . 4350 Fik tnitXmm. XVPOUCEsolcs. .. 2.M7J,E2w'SnratSm a. ram m rami fleiar DOUoLAOa ! Over One MIIUoo PeopU waartba We L. Douglas $3 & $4 Stoes T All our shoes are equally satisfactory ; They give the bet value for the mionay. . fhey eqnal cawtom aboee In style aoa lit. . hslr wearing tjaalrtles are unatirtieaerrl. " The price are untfonn, etamped oa aoiew Prom St te saved Over ether eaokee. 4 , 11 your daUarcaii&ot aupply you we can. Sold by L. B. HOLT & CO. : ; . SUFFOLK Collegiate and Military INSTITUTE, , ;;' ' Str rvQiijc, VA 4 . Enelinh, rk-ientifle, Malhctrslltal r.uil ClasMicnl ftiursce, wllb sprt-iul Bti luest Deparlmsnt.. If you have a son you desire to eilncaie drop a postal for Catalogue. Addrw - , T. J. KERXODLE. A. M.; v July 18 tf. ' Principal Are You Going to Build ? It yon arc going lo balld a liooe. you we do wi ll In call im me for price. I bao a furee of ekllh-d work mm who have born with me iron if to S year., who know bow to oo giiod work and a heap oi.it. 1 will build by con 1 1 act r by the day 4 Iuri.ll material or ) oi; van do It., Come and tee n.e. Will be glad to tire yoa figures. 1'lisuks for iiexl nelrousire. Your Ac, Vt. W.THUrbUN. -. - . , G.-aliaia.M. C. ing. 25, ' PENNYROYAL WERS. AtfpMM mowtthly mMtp far It rT to twturc ai4 rrrultM th romotw pt-educifty fro, hemitby ami fkJitlna . JaaTaJlUaM. Vo W)aW OT Datim M urvck Uxw nssei by ovr SU. tadtn. only tkoa. with oar atenator arruaa taciXUbal. arotaaahmtataa. aaM partaeaUr malVI 3c atamp. aiaa par baa. ad.lraaa, SUUEK CBkklcfaZ utss orymnav it oi ; ooarab ireiawta. aucau For anle only by SIM JtONf , the Proanrlat, Ornbam, N.C. . , AmB4f . Sals'cf - Valuable Laad.' . By -ilrtoeof the powers confeircd In a rnmuigf deed from din R. Irel.ed and wife to Mxrehnad etaoklng Company, daierl M-ircb 13, ltflt, and reiiiatrred Id the off! e til tbe RcvtHer ot ieeda n( lamanrr County In I IT, paxes IW, tf., raid Moreliewl Banking Company will offer for tale, FtMt CAH. apoa lb retnle la the town of Sartliuilon, N. c. by pobla eurtiue On ' " MARCH, 23, 1806, V f at U o'clock 'M. the following deeerlbed lot til porrt-l ol land aluatrd in tbe said town of Rarllnrion, on tbe Kat aide nf Ireland Mreet, atlj'Hulug Uie Ma f O. foteat aatl othei, ai d iMMinded aa -ollow i- - bealaiiiiis; at the rpek aa Katt aide of Ire land Mrn-t. at ( ucf i.f Da- Pi-leal'a Iota, . thtner S. uUt W X !. Juat tu a rot-k on V ret aide f tiiliner rect, 400 fietj- theacw North H far. Eaet 3 feet oauike In' Ol'if-r etpiet. ronwr ol at ti wr lut of Ike tald Jn. K. Irrland; I hence North 9)H if ,. Wt to a ktafe la Ireinaf ctt -Iheitf a aoota f deg. W'oat. to tbe briniiliig: it being a part of lb M of rand roereu tn tnoaakj Joo. ft. Ireland bv K. 8. Parker. Ailnf. of Jerry Tarpier, and oecupte I at the dit. of aaid anortj(aar deed ol - Juba 8. aewup. . ' Monta-cm Bavziwe Co . fab. ISth. 1809 Follart. ralKjr.Auja. AttlC YOCB . , : !? - - ' NrtgbborbBboat the rurea made tf wllh.wl aiamtti fne er write, thy la- . furauailoa FKKtC Foe aaic or rent. Ls-l tratlua Blal. -. , JOMM WfcBB, - TfS titti bX, WaiOiiagtoo, Dt C. - Bring your Job work to this office, . - s, vnAOC aji