I' "L"-"i 'r . &V ixN ' U DISREPUTlMiEClCE4 which the people of the Sooth- ? sbie to' sell thsm imlUlf the-real Simmons .LiveBeg later,-- becauarhjgr'iakjj t&m i money by 'the imitation; And tifejllftrllttle.'OiatrtSiejr swindle th people iai-aelUngJhein tl iifcrwr article.- It's ha money , they are after, and the people a look oufcrfor themselyes rNow this ia; jnst what, the people, are ,4 doing, and inerchants are Dating a hard time" trying to get people? J to ta A Jtaff fe&fR ent " ia nlaoe bf immous-Xfver Reg- ulatoifi-.whUili W She ?Kig- oi fails to avpJKhefi in aiti; Simmon Liver Kmilatofti Xoa Snow it WfT35iA void OlB 2 on the. package. It v has ed yon, - who hare ever -IsuK; ana peopie een per- enaded to take something else have always come baet;jgn;tji$ ; Old Friend. Better noli take an?- tl JACOB ATTO GRAHAM, May 17. '88. a. A TTORNEY A T.lXte. btj tl NANtn,N.. win iiuiHuy bmiu yruuHJiiww!uu 91 Tins cutriuUdAdXumv OL , GREENSBORO. N. CL k.4h-coorts ot Ala- nHuce county. , Jr., 18 lriTTTWflTnV fl. KsaOniM VbU of teeth t $10 per set niHfifl oa MaiD St. over I. N. Walker :'," lor. I am the North GanaAfnt for,, yi Dr. White's New Hair Grower Treatment The Greatest Discovery of the Age. i ' It will permanently cure 3fling of the bair, d-udruff, scaly eruntiona, KMtulea,or any aealp. lip5S t 0 .( f ' It preveola hair turning' gray mtd reetoruia bair to ila original color, and brings a -Jjbw? aaifs?ay p4d Tt ia th nnlv ImtnMit that will piodnce thece res.uTii.UpJi'S ? T-stimonialgaod treatise furnished on application. . " Mr. John M. CobT4 HtJ CoHe A j nompaon's store, ia my agent at - W. C. Moore, Pjaop'JKi GRAHAM, N. C. Hacka mertafl tAtW?.GWif abasia Ma teama. Laix.MarataA MAGIIETIC NERVINE I u( tiaa, I Iff i 1 il. ---.! mm 1. 111. Uel a la aUaar -I tlMtllMtW-lD riaalnw. atiftntoia av m vnx n. I t mil m-1. HI. fmmk MAOHITK3 ttia VlNI mnrnmmtH temmm tn HlMr ft, In I I Ttltiitl bot ttoftVftmlm4 111 ! ! inp. mbmliimmt tty it. . rcmkeiui aa urfluM V UM Ma u aw it.r.M, tlj m mk! i for arwtt wyiiftVMaMimiwrmMCiM llaileoTew ixelpt of prica by RICHARDSON A FARIW. Wat? 'iBrnCPaTa f IbU'aaalraV f.4 1 2 feEed L PEirirVTlOYl. m VVJLFmiSLi two were boon companions and play-'- f" " k - I fellows, tbe child seeing Instinctive- 0 ! k ar I'M wtf wftti c-ft. Uticv tlwaa 1 1 1 r c rm Tcf only by grMWOTF, tb rroa'nL, ..fist ) buk(aih , gxJUo f It r .; I bC...4 ..? I.M . t"l "I. -M A f-ftftl- Who educa Irtow up at alU She rode down on the elevated troTSrecen tly I from Harlem Twenty-third treetr and a weary ridefshe had f it. - Sbe as a rod-haired, - frccklefoced ' little creature, with ; jqliyjiittlo tvkrned1 up sose.; and aa ; 'brimful qi cneiv X -yescont life, and spirits ,th crisp aulumn, njorainjf jfior, mother, who, wa&witb hdr, wasy.dua and bloom-1 inp, but !her''oyebrowS' met Irt aft ftnnng anfl Karaaapd frigriif . and It I was plain, to be seen that sbe was eri of f ttor laboriously conpden- ve -;the 8hinind hour, and efery minute. mrovip fucr tuftjh- ter. When they entered the car the Hit little'oflepraflcecf to f window, eager W look out, tier mower at once drew dawn the blind. ; VKo. b y'dtf'j paldrtrfa ldwToicI,5 'youI rta Ij4ffl pp j)bll,Qoj;ree'arch.eTen of tbVmolt elementary character. Then. . eaeerlv l "Oh. - mamma, do JobfcMr&M iUtllef wiri lover: theVel She has .her dolL" ? ; . . I Wftvferlmiwd tbfemtlJ ifl4, slid 'In'am. Aft sr- ilfth-ciirtet.dsappiWal,.tBt prob lem "was at last solved, only to "ho the lit: riveted idvea rorpurposesor investigation. , yjWan?n1a,V-be4flpeied,-t'why doh.t those rosesr smell sWeetr' " - . wkh (iulet sererlty, Vand - spell man." a- After vainly wrestling with this recuudite'urobteiii, aa1 the train stonned at Seventv-second street. the child isbness , j 1 i.itir icL.wi.l 4.JLt lir h,UftJt .ith nn Wnnaa! UllPiTUlt BUO I lUyvplcu.l.? RwlwvlJ i ; i7r.r3.v- frnm hrr mothtrJ .Ljl'What oughVyou to say?" sho ln- .quired, irravely. v L - 'Berep - t woth." repeated the child, with a merry I7igf;le. i VYou know that is not ritfht," ldVrWe blundered and sU&nleridO'tefore she finally achieved Seventy-second. Then she leaned bet head against her mother's f plump Jd rlhoiaiorteble arm and saia sne was urea.? i?!SliupaHroigI.i,ia.aid her mother, firmly. "How many are two and three?" .. : - -, Coifronted by tbSjabstrqae paj.h started, in - time-honored ' childish fasbioa) lijomisen finders, but this trifling T was' promptly sup presijd. By tbe time the problem iras.B0lved the little red head had tumbled over wearily, and tbe child fdd)fwHhrih$onscious pathos, as she leaned against her mother: "Mamma, I'm so tired and my bead aches." - . AU.thft. brtghtnejisja.gpnoutj of the autumn sunshine, all the fun out of the expedition down-town. hAld yetthef pretty ouliglnotheT una uuv uieoftu iKiun.niv Shf wa5 onl too ccasaentiqjuTan.d too anxious to force tbe fruit, for- getting that the useless beauty of tgabloBsBm bas it ofTreeh cbarm, wtJoh kJalasVqPlj M evanescent. J ijduljz4 irrasdparent has nc been celebrated? bet tbe record of bis fond f&llshnesa with bis 'grandchildren has undoubtedly been broken by a venerable divine of this pnT?nowea?Jo5t effle," who brought up bis own sons with an unrelaxing vigilance, never in- duffing thesnlo-Almsetf jT'fjV"''1 jglsTderelifHifn I from stxndli (rttle. Sy docifcfty his ttuSg; ppr baps, because' it was judicioualy counteracts by an extremely jolty MT.irninir mnthir. and the . with the effervescent fool- 1 v J:"T7, i J "1?" " otrhiidhood; Viedout: i,- rtSSI! raiwlsVeon iwhotsWe ekn,;Bpj8 dbnipieajj iDernseiTea. TJe youngest recently came boras Ml ytuiaQeirtyr-ld'vLit, and upon this little scamp grandpa cootscien tSisly reprd ' wftB hll own boys. Feeling that the respon ibiiitrW -wraipiM-lMiabUrested - Btth tAv H ladhlged him self aad tbe boy equally, and the ' ly that his word was law with grand- pa, Tbe climax of bis tyranny reached one morning at prayers. Be a. . kneeled as usual beside bis graudfa-1 tbpr. who was praving with Lis so-1 f-.."-rj f-T-r r: r ? Af he' reached "that branch of Thy Zion with wbich we. are connected," the: rest of the family beard a shrill childish whisper break in upon' his ' aoODttHis'faetitkma! ? .His slrietlyrtrained . father, never 'permitted to ; move or speak during prayer, could not forbear to inter rupt his own devotion's sufficiently to look over and ee . his -reverend par lent put his band in his pocket, and, still -pray iug uninterruptedly, obedi ently produce the kntt&jHi.ii - All wa quiet at' the little chalri for a few minutes, and grandpa had gotten as f a'r a, 'the heathen lqs. tajr distant ia,nds,. ii 1 : ,'AHastea .ahaime.n he nraved earnestly .Mwhe& the earth' shall be fllled''r'-V ,-' ' "Grandpaf'lWrolte In the, distinct Whisper. jj J".. , ,y ; j MWitb the knowledge of the Lordl", went oa graadpa, a little louder. - -, ; -''Grandpa," fsaid ' tha." Insistent whlspei''open Itl" I ; Vi ! ."'Aa the waters cover the seal", continued grandpa, obediently open ing the knife. ;'? u. ;r. , . ; . The rest of tbe prayer may have been a profitable spiritual "fixerclse ior lthe old gentleman, but it was of very HXtle benefit to his family.--. Outlook. .-!'' u $Ui -'a pomas Ybrbugh. Nearly: jrwa1 Can ' ,.Jluris A Weatber ProphsU.. f There is still in existence a copy of ddugh-'a MNe w ; BnRland, Alma, i nak" fof 1708. 'A yftrt rof its very Ions? title is as ".follows': . "Cloujrh. (IjQf.Jjir'glandAlmaoJwkj for the year oi, our ixrd UDUUiv. From the Creation, 6651. ' 'From the Discovery of America,- 210. Belnar secopd after Leatf;Ye'ar, and bf the: jyeiim. oi. our uruciuuw.-uuru. WaUamthe;Third..tba,14thryew.V?. UThe. almanac , contains pnffes!-of ':! Memoranda j written ip m,! antl- ouatea manner, sucn as: " i ',"2d. Jufte 1726.. IVotedyt a New pPump be prepared, for ye use of ye J ;Jdtcnen, ana y at.mow , vyeu oe aug vy-"- 7?""? to see ye Belifcung for ye clock to Strikeon. and give an Acct of ye . ., . . I coarges .wiereoi; ana ys.ye care ye Clockbe committed to bim for, ye year to keep it going, andy t hebava stAtAwitksjtfpsieinK accural. i tenrhfcwadeibaF'perHhps-froHl tbe -t6tb to the S3d of January it will be very Cold; Weather if U i"freai,by ..the flreside ior jo , tba Bonny side of Fenoe at noon." - ' The: month ef April -is filled with similar prognostications. "Per haps -wet. .weather,,, it it vEains." t'JUpw : fair ' weather' - If 1 the Sun sMnes. 'Wlndy ocalm." Aad Id, July he writes: rit now the Weather do prove ' f alrj-, People to Cambridge' do repair.? Youth's Companion.' 1. 6 V B.U J. ; Qerman "Women as Farmhands.'; The utilization of women In Ger many as farmhands, which so many moralists have considered their duty to censure, apparently meets with kotf.lhei rabbi, forlna letter frdm GATDany to his congregation TJpa) soys: "ucn larm worn lor wpmen is neither degrading nor totaxiag, Ty have pledged to become help mftes to tbeir Jiusbanda anq tbeyt retard it their dut to llefsen- latprs of tbeir fatbtJrs; and beta, piwsicaiiyaDie to ao tneir snare ttbly regard ii,Vrputoxetdi.he ationgeiser ti slate bemsavei deith wnil3 tliey" are idling thei tiike-awayat ,hooiiv.udglMi .tbfir happy and healthy looks, the aeim to be none the "worse for ' tal in fadr'nlacc klAtfiMlda- tha Aif f oft . toe ; the purpose ; 'ot bones tlyj eaoitjWr bwad. Pad, wa vsf llt-f tltmore pcacuoal good .sense nd less sen tlmentairtrTatpag out wom- et.tnyttaay a woman's life! mfrti -be happiei- toKlay. Japiet4 fos beia;nkoraIveialI nd 'ilny MitvoflavlSftr itself to death UiduIgaX wWs or a . ' 1 nrssana luxunos. Keeorav I m Ttleatraclty tck tl bow '-cmlmed. thai so-jri tbe percpnial ."hay ifprer" eoldT'btcd -suffer loni longcrj y doca xbaMbui by klUiag -certain ,Dervea in fcs t effeBflina; :aoke.. X tbatsoold In tbe bead le tter eft nerres. wretched little? tbat'nbfnerga 'tbe b tVf , to , wa most Ignomjn ady known tn pbysiologylf &. dal ealcrebetr are ever 00 the watctk for these susceptible and altogether devilish organs, and their removal is certainly a triumph of modern i lor bis services in Keening 16 JBM moor maratarr saKeo taa reporter.' brter.Tif,;;: Xi'il.f; I we had thiJ'uffht oMt soaiei ClouKh,1WMextremeJy,weath; ,"IVW P"nry? W i ...m u. t..t.2.K idea that we..can't.hopa tojoake a .laa- bit aw wiiii ij in 1 -. a. m iji m ij 1,111 11 1 vim . apse EaSoarkft mr act science, though perhaps tho microbes will not view it la that UglifT-Boa- t - n IT-' I BRAZILIAN As to KOI If Batan mAi ko Hani IT al4. Tot Vary Braablas - A Sun reporter fonnd him so If In a crowd that stood starlnrr into a fruit storo window the other day. In tho , window, hanfrlng by a atrlnj, was toue thing that locked like a big Bartlott pear, exoept that Its color wa doen red. On the big end of tbo frnlt was a pulpy looking protuboranoe. lavishing his way into tho atora. and . pointing to tho strange f rait In the window,; the portor askod tho dealor: . -. -;; . "What kind ef a poar Is that?". . "It's no Jcind of a pear," ropllod tbe fruit maa. .Vlt'a a Brazillaa caju." ; ; "Ufa, deedt' aald tho reportoa ---: . "Yes," replied the dealer, "thafa eajtv,' and" It's She only ono In tbe oity. ffueea It's a ooriehis kind of a. fruit, too, for wbllo it Is one of the most dollght fully oool and refreshing of dbUcacles It will make yoq deathly sick, and maybe kuiypu.il yov eat it, it TO UrailUan eaiu wasn't, made to ba eaten. Vou have to drink it to properly enjoy it" "Ahr Mid tho reporter. "What are the habits t.tbUpeoullar fruity - J,Woll,V. said the custodian of the oalu, "that ono la the window la what they call a garden oala because it 1s cultivated ono. but It mows wild.- Tory wild. They make aclarot wine out of the wild caju down tlfBraiii that the na tives 0te on. It Will Vtancr yofc 'on your .bead,. In less, .than tea, minutes. The oultl rated fruit aomotimea turns out red like that ono, bat It la also apt to be yellow, and perhaps pinlcj The ways of the oala are in- no way ' In fluenoed by Its color,- though. A rod one can't discount a pink one, and a yel low one la as much of a thoroughbred as either of the others. The- palp of : the most luscious orange Isn't half as tempt ing as tbe inside of -the caju, bat' the caju pulp is poison. Juloo is what the caju Is for. ' I'll bet that red one yonder baa more than a pint ot lulco in it, and If you over tasted It you'd never let go until you,, engunoa ; me wnoie 01 iu Therw's'nothing Bnor. The swell lira- slllan auoks the Juice out of a caju every morning before breakfast," : i "What does the caju wear that ro sette for on It big end?" sskod the re porter. :'-ii-o-;..v, !,-, "Well, that Isn't' exactly a rosette. replied the frult-doalor, "but It looks like ooa, " doesn't it? - That Is , the seeds, of the fruit. They' are' put pa the outside, to make room for more Juice Inside, I suppose, and for another very important reason..' ( they grow on the inside the aucking of a oaju would be followed by , the tnatant and complete annihilation of the - suckers stomach. Yoo oan' t soe-. the aeoda because they are covered up by pulp. 'That pulp bas a juice of -ita own, and whore vet it hap pens to touch your floah a big blister will rise up ;an4'borTOw' itself into the flesh like Vho burning head of a -parlor match. They. ,4on.spem to mind it down In ij, Ahflpjb;':,.., popular up here thaj Is, liable to. kill you. if vpn, eat It and born you up If yo handle it., f I'd ilka to have a quart of eaju . juiea right now, , though, sli the X. X. Hun. .. , i ..r- j - k CDcasAy ' cttrrew ARr. ; ; Marvelous Growth ef a City In a ! , Unpregresslve Country. r' ' Odessa,'' which is called by the Russians the sister, of Paris and the niece of Vienna bas been en fete two tdays , recently celebrating Its centenary, and the event bas excited ettraordioary enthusiasm,' says the .London Standard. Tbe Turkish set tlement near Odessa named .Kbadj hibey was taken by the Russians un der Admiral de Ribas, September 14, 1789, and was ceded to Russia on the ConcluBlon' of the peace of Jassy, ffl?,. . Two, yeara later the fouuda. tlon of Odessa was oMDmenced and J on April 127ll lhe Oft01! house was erecied. lnT799 an earth quake yearly, destroy"ed .-the plac. Shortly after this, thf Trehoh refi-geej-Duo da Ricbelieuj arrived here as" governor general of New Russia, and at that time thefa. vera. tyfYt four hundred bouses, mwuhilmt'tn six and eight thousand and when thai werti onlv 'two thousand six hundred biuss.-wl'thhpwarJpf .iwty-fi ve thotuand lalbitanta.r r tt , the next goveraor genfrral worthy of notice was Prince, Worentsoff whose mother Wai af Cngllsh ofo an. It was duringf'sis governo gcatAliblfothaftt ateamers Jlratftap pesed U &a Black seA and comVl mencod to run, bet ween Odessa. Eu rtprta 'and-Yalta,- 'ft" 1833, '7 and snortiy axterwara to uonsuntiaopie. It was partially-bombarded . br tbe British and Preocbln April, 1854, because of the Russian batteriea flr- Ingos e$aaof truoa.i Ia 1863, tbe innautanta of Udessa atimtMjred one m-La. 1 ... ... i,V with tarty-three educational estab- lUbmeet and: three taopaaad for hundred and six ty-oloe pupils. Now tbe population ' is three-hundred and thirty thousaad. of wbbm one "han- drd and i wefty taouaanq are Jews aad.tweaty-onatfvaMsnrid aevea hnn dsed aad airty-fourv forelarB, aad tweaty-fva ttowaaat) Soldiers, with two-brad red Sod- se-teaty-slx educa tional establlshmenUana twenty two fUetJ-ffre puplhu. The latest Ifeaeiactar lo Ibe town La' tbe present mayor, llaraxley, a mil lionaire of. Greek origin, wb baa occupied tbls position for . fifteen yeara and has bestowed many fine buildings oq the town, the principal :ng tie towa 1 - -rary, . JnaabitanU, m ha fiiirfweni I TUm aawfTM aw. Correspondenoaof Th Procresslve Tanner. You can confer a great," favor upon many uf your readers by culliog their attention to th new law in regard to land sold for U tea. I u some counties their are thousand! of acres now ad ver iLied'to be sold. The new law requires tbe slier'.flT to sell to tbe biitbeKt best bidder, the sheriff to give purchaser a certificate, aud if but redeemed In 12 months, he is bound to furnish the purchaser witu a deed In fao. The original owBc r nas a rigbf to , redeem tbe land So sold for ttzes by paying the purchaser all the tax and costs t gitiitr with SO per ceut on sll laxe aud costs, but does out allow any par sou lo loan the money to , the party with which ,t pay auiil tit x ami charse over six per cent., int-ract. Th i.w iioe uw tiiuu ins Diuiitr in such east-s t tnex.11, piuus.-Tiot.t.. t0.' Ho fth Buenn; soan sen iat , "Dishes t and best Didder for cash." ftp. In (ha Ian. gusge ol tho law. And if such property ia not redeemed lo lis uiootbd ly psjft mentiviuo (turcaaser air ne Has bid with, with twenty ner cent, tlia land Is none. . Tbe law auvht to bava limit- ed tn purcnaser to tbe amount of tax and costH, but it does not. . : In eueb sales Ibe sheriff mar aton tbe blddlii.se when hla claims are read - ed ir be cnoesttii. but tlia 1 new law seta no limit. . ! Ju. twby a money lender is restricted lo six her cent. Juterei-t ou monev loned 1 jor any ether purposes, and jut If he buys your land when sold for tax es, the law compels Aim to cbarae vou twenty per cent. lis little stranse. vt sucn mine case, jiyour jand le ad- L . t I" Aft - . . . . . lised to be sold for taxes. , vou- bad better look around sod scratch up. tbe . J . . - , - w WIVl. for if the purchaser holds It, Over 12 month you cannot- redeem it excent on such tortus as tbe , purchaser - may dumaud, If at all, ' , , ; V. Y, MEACBAKi , Will Paalaa CeaUaaaT" ' ; . 5 j Beaver Dam-Home, Populist.'' , " " ' la tbe last election the Ponulifban.. Kroublicans eo-onerated . to aet a change in the eloc-tiou law. and couniy government system. Ioasmuch as ss these reforms have been carried into effect. It Is a question as to whether co-operation be wren tbe parties should continue la '9fl. In . '96 the Fopuluts will be coofroiifrd bv a astloaai elao. lion and will 'be callei upon to V te for a President. A mononoly serving. gold bug eaudidate will be nominated by .the national Kenublican convention next year.the Republican nlaee-faui tara Of this Slate v 111 be hungry lor "itv" and wilj probobly ask tbaPupuIUti to divide ibe the electors (u order, to rff ct a fusion; If Populint, leaders liecoma so eager for office as to sce pt hucb terms they will find themselves usable; to deliver the goods when it eomes lo votiug the f .'pulista. of I. C, for. s gold bu , candidate? fur . President.. Hruce.lt witl.be liiconslt-tent . and i.nr DrScMuable to eu-oneraU on national la. sueV iwpiaclloie that U.wiU W As for N. C. Ibe PoDUlisfs and Eenab- licaos may with some deirree of consists ency cv-operateegaln ou 8tte issues, out we barmy thiuH it would be wise for tlie. Populists to lake aoy. more fusion lo theirar Tbe fusion Lraialatura felt short ol doing what was vxpeeted of it Its failure to mske a reoitrd for retrenchment aud reform and , tbe greedy diapoeltioo of some of Its mem bers are blunders of which th tra - Is abMlutely no excuse and which will bt-, nara to exiuuiu to iue. eaUsinctioo of tlioae who do tbe vntina. . Aooor linir to the terms of the fuxion t he Ppulit will be held equally responsible with the Republicans for the failnie of the )(rlslsture 10 do its full duty. The PopulUts' held ths balance of power between the two old Mitleain ttls Htata snd sru in nositioa to dieta-e terms. : If the Repnblleaos ara not willing to help the Pop economise ini Hi is bta e govrrameot and reduce .Ux1 tinii, then the eoOnec fusion oeaaes vbe bvtter it will be for tbe ropalbu party? Si- ill ' ' I I ' I S li I . . w aArlsht Teaaa; ratW Won fua" ' ' Baetoywi'e eartr ' ' Old BHn'monslr advertised fer a seerev. tary, aad whott,a young, man preaeated. 1 sinwu, fcftio vm iruyw- wu4n) i lira sharply and la s gruff yolce MkedS,.,i W , I'Woltslr, wlt can yoo doTT,1.. .. "Don't know, exaljtrbaTonl sited aiyaelf npiaaootnylete way yet, bit I thLok, that caa maaagoto hold, mjr end P- !!. Avir-ti') vt. wt - -' T n : ,.T.es,ywarblf.ksa., ew, air. I want a man to do my wri4agt aad I want alot: to ba a man of jndgsBSnt. .Do sea an teratandr --.t a "Tea" .lfrj:t,f-''t.-f ' "I dotf t waat any. atVy-pamby. feU low about ate. j I waat a aaaaseoaieh my ideas at osee. aad in. axprsaatag tbeat s my eesreepondoata aa, aa few words as psaaiblsJ. ui i t urn ; u. j Tktak I'm yotfr maxt, air," ? i ; T tom't .waoa aay aoollopa,- awdev Stand. I . want plaia wofds want p4etobeeallodspada-" ., ., AU right, sin and If I ddnl snfr yoa I AonV think tberSJa any body that aa-Tj.t -.iw-..a .1 fl ..K "TmtlsyoBamor,.:.ftl.r ...j,.. ptiwa,f -,: r,1?r.t'l .!. it it I ii "Very. gtud. f 0plras, yea msy g ft . m Wbea the old sawa toohay tha first lotsertaet Sdkwa bad wvtstaa, ao'loeteaT St tV a asaaens aad . So auccea aa slurry ealaooiya. "Why. rkas ao ye -Boaa here Atier sigidag asy aaasa vow-aava wot tboarord tweaes,' Wee iid yoade that fort"' " l" V- (- rWlty, to earry om yowr Idea of ealV tug a spade a apadei for, lastead of say tag oar Bplrea, I'biva simply added sweets, which, yea kaow, asoaas the sesae thing. , exptfased la a ataiptee way."- ' .. - ' " ' -Mr. Bplres." aai4 the ou aiaa. ana bis voloe tre-obled. "I shall take yoa Into fall eorpartaarahip at once. air. Bplrea, 1 hero a beau U Tal daughtee. air. Coma with ma to my honvx" Ar k insaw Traveler. Two twys were' born ,n . tho,5 self same Ob the very same brinht' dev. They both grew up as bnsipess pen. lucu cbooaing a diileieDt way. One of them hung soma goodsoatside, But never used aa ad j ti -.At:..: He said lbs people wpuld And bis Store , xi tney, wanted the goods be bad, .. He bsd some trade, but bot enough . i me oeeu or a clerk, -And thus he saved a.tidv attm. , BV doiliff his own Wnrlr. " 41- Tile other published well made ads,' : ' And gave them good display, - , Described his goods with price atteoh- -f ed, , . i-,-'.', ",.'' ti v'-- i -In the papers every dsy. Ere long the' one gave p his place ' And took a smaller room r ...... Tbe other .built a splendid block f ( .cause of a but-iueas boom.' , At lat the one "went to the wall" It il 1 Mmmm ll- 1 ..... i-., - . nd the other bought .his. goods and made A "Special Bankrupt 8au." " a a- This story I oeed not prolong '. . .The end Is oot surprising It shows that bupiness nowadays, ' ' ' Depends on alvertising. ' - ' y k ! jf ss- The Tax On Ooctart i ; The North' Carolina Medical Journal bas some plsia ; things to say, aa fit lows : , . , . f ; Tbe doctors of this Ritn m,,.f i,..-. sf-er pay an annual tax often dollars luto the Slate Treasury for the privl I'ge of practicing mediciue I -Tbat is the edict of the -mongrel, Legislature, Which has been ia session In Raleigh and w$icli bas afiacted the attention of the Whole 'coublre'htr Strange -tbl.iastbs bav done. But can ao evil tree bring forth good fruit? Verily, no.' ...-;-,, ,' -,. , .There Is no class of men who glte so much gratuious service for the bene fit of tbeir fellows" as f physicians, Poysb bins are ibe the only class of men who, for the sake humanity, use their bet endeavors to desitov lhar irsiBtr condition which bring them work and opon .Which, tbeir'support dependn; ibe physician Is subject, and expected to respond, to tbe call of those who need bis services, even a hen there Is no prospect of remuaeration: n.n th.m cans carry, mm tntotlie presence a. -Of uangeroua iniectiuu and require ! bim to drive for aliens tl rouuh mbiniuht: storms uppu roads ."which abound in pltlslls sad dangerue places. When Called to'see tbaohlid-uf ooe of these leglslatora whmb 'may be tick of soari let fever or diDhthMlfl. ha . reiuso 1 11.111,00 does run , the risk if w-T.yii.g ma VOUIaglou tO .bU OWO botiMebold, andL though .hiaouly reward anenTne Cblld laretitoriHr in ih. nn. gratorul Parent be, "I'm uub obliged: d-ictoi, till you're better paid,1' Aad w oumi iv hi xoatdld tha tnaiilnai aaAl bir patt debts wfer i,tUA th.,- wouiu oe maoy of those legislators, Wboroled levy ?:ihii Ctx - who would curse the aubitibn. ami K.nM i a " Ml sifvw tbst carried them from their tlo. .nd m-ivviiii muu yiaoe (Ben la tha lain. iWltb aearly every physician perhaps fifty per osnr. of bis work Is dona with. out any xpectatloo 'of reward, aad from tbe other tilty per'ceot.l from a quarter to a iniru is never collected. Did phyaictaus refuse to aarva tba poor the ounolles would b- ol.ttc.t in employ moulcal attentiou atao espouse fth -kftftl.M. A .1 l I . . luviwra uwuara a year. ana wbea Dertilenes viaita a JL . - . ,A I a . . uwi wvuiu wnaemea, and right ly ao. If they should follow the exam ple of others who might be able to flee for their lives, leaving ths poor to per ish in tbeir belplasenexe. Tbe dortr roust stsy aad da,Ab4igh be die, and this lsofteo.ibexeaaeiand for'tbis priv ilege ba musj, pay s boeoseof , tea dol lars a year. ..It is a damnable oata aoriby of.t iegsng ahoperiietata,l it! end .we feel sure tbatsmonu thalrat things dine b the . seat Lrt.laiHM. will be4o reeal tbis Soctloa.t la tba mesoUme. w aoggs4 toiaesa doctor y no my ne va ui servo ine- af tha So, !',.W'ri'0.toted this sx that, they fauraas laeur eDargea-.tp om ,thm amoOftiii oi. tx. , u the legielatar be a dad head.as.be is now a deed; letter. eaot riimonaqa leiatat gope w1ao th oonafry doftorj,, '.A .T v tf-'j ": 'ir "')'-.ii , W-abyw-lft,wTkt-WWr,1 : Wa1e-raaaCaSa-aevMarCsoira f Wh-a) -hakeeasaa Khaveha sa-ag Ss Castorta.:- w3waateaadCaaUraa,aetawtaeaC 'lV I ttC? Ivt !'. f ffl. I eU It if. 'rt!(Jl .1ftMf&l . ' - - i.i DMtv-eW KldarVantfBrs'rMiffl eaawa rrlie(al 'art "bours hy'tbi T 1 w G aasT toxrtK A at mcaif Vtut,' f n now eenLW-ay M a ' arral SOYOriee tn aeaauas 4iS exeeediea vroattitneae la raHovtag psiaa htthw-biadder, kidneys, aaa vrr) imn or ina annary pawMyes la raaleorfwma1e.tt rTlever-Uniion of watr aadjHus Is aaaMritalinni rorarliati. . Iynu. a ant oub k lef ana cum-ais rsyour reotMly, , gold by T. A. AllghtggWarskanv? Pt?. HI -? ia'vd swu3-f ru. . . - . , , ... Sold bi liching buala-t, crnstv and .pealy aralps af in bote s. raws.! aad healed, u r. aad ouwt Weeorslora.1 bv . Johaana'a 1 Oriental bVmhi Pur salahy . Rjobavrd- war iy nsea.ftftftjro, . U, t , x ; OenrtHMllaa ' and aielr ' beadaehe posttlvwjy eure,hy' Jpaeee -Uvrr PelieU.' tO a-' I Is 15 rta. For sal tiv B'ebardsoa aV Farts, Onofaehoro, If . C. E. Kaltv of 8. Pau, Miaa.' write: "Was tontine I :o my bd for thre -weeks, Anrtnr ounlil do wi ao good ; Japanese file Cure e-ntin-ly nrv-rt iwe.'' Far sale bv Brhardwa & Fati, lirercrbvro, N. C. disease by the timely use.Df futt's Liver Pfllsi' an old and' favprite remedy p( increasing', popujrjty, 'Alwayii cures -! & : ; SICK HEADACHE. lour stomach, malaria indiges-M tion, torpid liver constipation and all bilious diseased J 4 TUTT'S Liver PILLS rift wf- .tti-sf-, f.t'xi! . MACHINIST ; AND engineer; BURLINGTON, l, . MAGHINE,r BLACKSMITH f 8HOP, r FOUNDRY,? TWurtpio Ffttlns, VaiyesVW1;1 r S3 SHOttr.; nz' ! I. CORDOVAN, nRNCHaxMsauuscair. ; : 1 3.V POUCE,ssoua.' isaiwowiifir' ff si, - '. ' SWMTWUW.. i .-..! - ' ' 'OvarOMMtfltoaPWDlswaartha ' 1,t W. Li Dmidas $3 &. HU Sriiv ;n Allotirsboes art equally satisfactory F PThsy y tha bait valas lor tha aaiaiy. ; Tkay qual custoa, shoes la style aad At. f- ; ThslrwsaHwf fualltl are atwiii p . 4 The prices ari anlfoinetaaipWea sohv' ' ' -rom Si to Sa eaved ever other aiakee. . V , UjdtalercaaMsapplryottwecaa. Sellby ; f L, P. HOLT & CPs - Execution iSale.i ' By rlrtue-of aa ezeeatkmln my. banda,la-. , sued tmin the Alamance Superior court. In favor of Jane & Iioar and otoera, ezeeutora . of Jwwb Ung, deoeasBd, and against Henry4? . M. Kay, I will sell tor ouk. at tlia court auose , dnor. In Oraham, In Alamance county, MorUt ' Carolina, to tbe best Mddes-M MODAYj MAY 6, l&fef atraet of ts'nd tn Orahant towlkiTwrla'l eountyai etate,aadjeiiilnK the homestead ,f otvtaeaald Heury M. Ray. the lands of wTk.1 Jouea, W. C.IJiocns(Uy aad others, atalnhig. n . 1i vlW-tC$$ii-U ?afyf'.:: atore ei ani asld axecetlon.- r V-1T- " -7"' iZL ' ' ' ' Xr'? '"'' IV Vk' t : .... KT.tfefi-3?-', fay br. Oar WeaMltoW aaC fHi aws whereto wmin ear ' ' rvasaMeteees ak". "' ' -ta ya west wWaaSe If yasea, ; I w r- itm mm .1, y ef-OW- TheBaawheaeeeaal..... t aaas ftsha a surety ba ht Sm ssa aaraaeisjteia,sabief - ' " saseeawwaeaaaaMelB, im aweaawyeai Xhwa a aa Mill siaria ; , yhq Hesitates . Iff f . '! v'.-i Re 4 SMsee dtet'lsOH mat TlMateraatOilMlsfcao j 1 W y e s se, sas jm mm tt vaa, . staW ii.. u! i U i,,f iiSjlilia.i . .. Mma . lu SrsswaarrawwIeSsiWwars. aw yea" " L atSaayi I erk kar; my Mlvy I mwSI ;'':!lBMaa(B4iiiMin-f' . i. waawewa aasfciawj . sap as Saw fi iowt, Listen:: V- ' ' few lariat aW sa.llit ftttu nreita. i al 'hNbaa WVkarthiMvarUalseaBt - OvawtS aeajHse reeky ha aiisaSiana t , 'I twaaaiaiy arfakal ia'iarhesv i :. f et ear eth eerats eaave SeM , ikn hlg kswerhwernryMas " Saw ateeaeTttie Or 2 anwiie aw m ti .'TkrOani iw yea can h M yew en ty tk slwyt u'lar ia seats a writs far rayrca6oa Sitae. :ji JTbe, Observer. t ;?, a;'? ' I1 a'y-n' ' . h. iftliiVi I -M ; y; ) -. ,. J; j, a,""' . ....... v I - ..I 5- : . -f - aaK loot . . : . Jtettapasaahoat fheaareaaatde ky vlthrvfjt rraviHn or rH twarmmitm H.r For yVr fv- 1 . . i -:-tatw i-i ftae ! lo 'iswsiS . ST a j a"aa:

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