The Old Friend, And " tho best friend tiat1cver 7 fails you, is Simmons Liver Eaga lator, (tie -Red; ZV--that's- what yon, near at the mention of , this excellent Liver medicine, and people should not be : persuaded that anything else will do. ' ' -It is the King of Liver Medi cines ; is better titan pills, - and takes the place of Quinine and Calomel.' It acts directly on the -Liver, Kidneys and JBowels an gives new life to the whole sys tem. This is the medicine you want Sold by all Druggists in . Liquid, or in Powder "to te taken dry or made into & tea. Has the Z red on wiappa, . at. M. TJCIIJM h CO.. Philadelphia. It. . PfiOTSeSK)NArj CARDS, r r. ATTOENE1T AT LAW, UKAUAX,..? fTi' 'Mftvl7,'88.' JT. ! KEKNODL.E. '.,,- AM. KUfl. . rmeti'ceMu tie State and 'Federal Conrts will falthfullyand promptly attend., all obs nets entrusted to him John Ghat Byhck. , W. P. Bratm, X BYKUM & BYNUM, '' f' - - .- - -.- i- . " VVttorne-yej and porraselcrratt Lw, . GREENSBORO, HVC.' Practice reiralarly Id tnanvecoanly. , the courts of Ala- Dr. Jolui R.Stockard.Jr., DENTIST, " BUBLINOTOX, W. C. -Good seta of teeth at $10 per set Office 00 Main St. over I. N. Walker & Co. 'a Store. ' - - - . v:j. ' r in tb'e IToffh Crolin Agent for Dr. White'i'New Hair Grower -Treatment , " The Greatest D'score-ef the Age.r"" It'.will; penoentlyoure.; -falling of tbo hair, dandruff, waly erOptlona, pofltul-, ooj aetttp dtaeaae. ' It preveote hair-turning gray, ,rd restores hair to iu original color, and brinxai v-.&'J,iy &;,'-: Aiw Growth of-Hsir ea aajf Bald Bead ea "' r-A, JEartk. ; i It It the only treatment thai will pi id uce these Tesulie. T8tiinonial8 and treattee ; funHehed otf application. . .Mr. John M. Cob1, at Cohle & ThooipHOo's store, ia my agent at Qr ham, K,t y i 4 fiaanectfhllv. . -f ' . ft iV, B . T. LASHLEii l.UAcriijCjx, Haw Eiver. JS.O. Dws.-14-tr. Livery, Sale 2 Feed : STABLES.- ? W. fJ . MooreI Pkop'e. GBAUAH, N. C. . -i ' Hacks meetan rains. Good sJngle-w don ble teams. Chaqces moderate. ; t ,-2-n . SEMOR SAMPLE COPY gince St enlargement, Tbe Kortk CuroliiUa ta tbe largest weekly newt paper published in tbe State. It print' all the) newa, and preaches the doctrine of pur Democracy. , It contain eight pageaofiaterestiog matter every week. Bend ene dollar and get Itor a.wbole jtt 1 A sample copy will be mailed irte oe apfilication to JOSEPHUS DANIELS. Edilor, . . . Kaleigk, Jt.C. T AVtt Canlimimn end Thr ALA MAKCK OLXAJf n il be eeot fur .one year for Two Dollar, Cti fa adraocf. Apply at The Glbaxks offioe, Graham, NO, ' , , PENirjTROYAL WAFERS. .A, aKa. bmti "'f Una wKk omr mlm mmn for aaie only by 8Uf MOW, the DnaaciM. t Wrmhaon, Jt.C dcaa-l- Father's Voles. ' Tears and yean ago when I ,. ;l , t . Wasjnsta little lad, , f AnTaf tor school Lours, used to work . : ., j Around tho farm with dad, ;.. .; I used to be o wearied out - p ', ',.... jj... Wh"S eventide would come. ,,- ' ' That I Rot kinder anxious like ' , About the Journey home ty;t ; But dad, he used to lead the .way, i - -An' oaoe-ID a whtte turn 'reim an" aj- Bo choerln like, so tendor "pomol 1 CoMe on my son, you're" nearly hofcol" ' That llers nsed. to tohfflpme some,: An' no I followed father home ; I'm old an' gray an' feeble now, -An trlmbly at the knee. , v But life seems Just-the same to-day ' ;.- A there then it seemed to me, For lam still so wearied out When eventide is come, , And still get kinder anxlouS-Uke ' ' " v . About the Journey home f T s "'But still my father leads the way, An' onoo In a, while I hear Him say So oheerlnMIke, so tender -"Come I "- Come on, my son, you'ro nearly home I' , Ah' same as, then, that helps me some ; . , An' so 'm follow In' Father homo. , '.- . . Exchange. CLEVELAND AND SILVER. life Beply Ibe.Iaviiatilea ef the ;' f 'hicaa Baalneu lUn-Vcr Fiaaaelal fellir. Seaud Following la the tt of P.eaident Clevt-landHV reply to. an invitation, of Cbloaga burliness men , to addei-a .1 meeting , here, v as previou-ly , an nounced : ' . . , :, . r . 'Executive Manglon, Wpshlngton, D. C, April 13. To Mesore. Win. T. Bakr, George W4. f mith, Joiio A Roach, T.W. Harvey.' David KHI and Henry C, Robbinp. Gentlemen : I am much gratified hv the exceedits;ly kmd aud complimentary invitation you have rendered me in lienalf of many citizens of Chicago be their guest at gathering In the interest pf . sum nd money and wbolesome fluaaoial' doo trine. - ; -. ''My attachment to thU cause ia bo great and I know bo well the hospital ity and " kiudneaa of ' the people of Chicago that my personal "Inclination is strongly in fivvor. of accepting fyour flattering invitation, but my judgement I and my estiinatb if the proprietivs of my official place oblige me to forego the enjoyment of pnrtivipatiua' In the occasion I contemplate. . H..r I hope, however the event will mark the beginning of an earnest and ' aggressive effort to disemiunte among the people sure aud pruiieut nuanoial idea. Nothing more important can engage the attention of patriotic cit.zns becaum) nothing i sn vital to the wel. faiof our fellow-e-untryuiett and to the strength, prosperity and honor of otyroatioa . tS.ii.. '-'The situation confronting us de mands that those ho appreciate ihe importance of this subject, and hye wo onght to be the firtt to see impen ding danger, should no longer remain Indifferent of over "con fideiit."1 . ,MIf. tbo. HOuud money..,, sentiment abroad iu the land is to save us from mischief and disaster it must be crjs talized and coml tned end made itn medlaHy active. " It's 'dangerous to over lookihe fadthat a artnnmber ol our people, with scant opportunity thus. far-1 examine ih qoestfon jo all iti aspects, ! have f neverthplera been irgeoiomW pressed with specious suggestions, which in this time of mis- fortune and depression -find- willing- listeners prepare! ti give credence to any scheme which is plausibly present ed aa a remedy for. their,., uotorlOnate eondhiod. tl?t'iJi i 11 " ; ."Whatia now needed more than anything else Is" a plain and simple present! ion' of the argument in tavor of round Dioney'rn'otfier'words Jit is tiirte for The" AT&effcarr p-ople to reason together as members of a gieat nation a bich ecu promisetheni a contlouancj of protrrtiob and safety only so long as its solveacy is onexpectcd, its honor unsullied and' the soundness of its money unquestioned. These thicga are ill-exchanged forUe illuslous of a debased curreney and groaodlese hope ofadvantagea to be gained bye disre gard of our financial credit and com mercial standing among tbe nations of tbe world. ' "If oor people were Isolalated from others and the question of currency could be Treated without regard to onr relations to other countries. Its char actr would be a' saat'er of compara tively little .Importance.' If Ihe Amer ican people were only coaceveed la the otainteoaace of tbeirpbf 4al lifeasaong themelaesi 'bey might,' rnra' to the niJdsyaof barter, and ie this primitive manner acquire from each father the materials it supply the wants of their exUteoce; But if A saericaa dvPixstioa were satisfied with this, ft would ab jectly fail ia IU Wgh, ead- aoWe sale sion. "fa these retlea days tbe fanner la teMptrd by th aaauranee' that -taoegsj oar currency may be debased, redua darLand oncertaie. such a situation will ira prove the e(os of hia prodocts. It u rewind him that hemust boy as well as sell; that bia dreams of plen ty aie shaded by tbeeerslnty that if the price of the things be baa to sell are Botuiualiy enhaoOKd, the oust of things he must, buy will not. remain. titoo-ry; that the -better prices whinb cheap . money: proclaims are tiimub tfUi-tiated awl elusive, and that even if they were real and pnlpiihlo, he must necewarll - ba jefi far behind . in. (h ra-e for their enjoyment. . "If ounht not to be diffloult to con vince the wage-earner ' that ' If there were benefits arixing from a degener ate 1 currency they, would reach . him least of all and Inst or all. - In an tin healthy stimulation of price- and in eren8'd. 2oitnf all the need of his bme mut long be his portion, white he is at the same time vexed with van Ishln visions of increased wag's and- easier bt. The page of hUtory aud experience are full of this lexsnn 1An insidioitit attempt is made to create a predjudioe againet the jjdvo cates of a safe and Sound 'surrenoy by the iniuuali'in, more or lees .directly made, that they belong to financial and business vl8es' are, therefore,' .' not but ot sympathy"" with the only common people of the' land but for selfiHb and wickei purposes ere williugio sacrifice the iu te rests oft hose oot'ide the cirde."4 i?nfi ''1 believe oxpittl end wealih through combination and other1 means some. times gain an undue r-dyantip; , and it may ne conceded that the malnlen ance of a eounrt currency, m tv In a sense, be invested w)th a greater or less importance tn Individuals according to their condition and circumstances, It Is, however, only a difference in -de gree, since it is utterly impossible that any one in our broad land, rich or poor, whatever rosy be bis occupation and whether dwelling in the centre of commerce and finance or In a : remote' corner of our. domain ri can be really benefited by a financial scheme nqt, alike beneficial to all our : people, . or that any cue should be excluded from a common and U'dversal. Intreit in the safe character and stable value Of the currency of '.he country. "In our relatiou to tbia question we are all in business, for we buy and sell; so we all hnye to do with financial op erations, for we all earn ' money , end spend it. W c-tn not escape our In dependence. ; Merchants and. dealers are In every tieTgifhorhood and eaah bus ; it- ahops . aud, manufactuties. Where the-wantn man exis's, business and Ouanoe In some degree are found, related in one direction to those whose wauti they supply, and in another t the more exteusive hininess and : fi nance to which they aro tributary. A fluctuation in prices at the seabboard is known the same day or hour in the remotest oamltt. The discredit or de preciation in the flnaocial ceotrei ' of any form of money In the haurtO'f the people ie a signal of immediate Las everywhere. If reck leva discontent sad wild experiment would sweep our currency from iu safe support, the rao't defenseless of all who suffer ; la that tme of distress and national die credit will be the poor as tbey reckon the loss in their scanty support, aod the laborer or working man aa ha sees the money be has received for bis toil shrink and shrivel In bia hand when he tenders It, for. , toe. .neoewaries to supply his humble borne. , , JDUguise it as we may, tbe line of battle la drawn between the forces of safe currency and those of silver mono--metallism. ' "' ' I will not believe that if our people are afforded an Intelligent opnortuni ly for sober second thought they will sanction schemes that, however cloak ml. mean disaster and onfu"ion, nor that tbey will consent, by pnderwia ing the foundation of a safe currency, to endanger the heniflcent" character aod parposes of their government." "Yours, very truly, V ' ' , ' "GBOVEB CLEVIUUtD." S:-t. ? rr'f-M'i? en ay sf mt i .1. ewameiasiak 1 Chal raiaa Starrer Steal leal Sf 16 s Savierbicac BfaaiaeM Ilea. CWicaoo, III April 10. Mr. W. IL Hsrr eycbairman ; of the' executve committee of the J3t-roeUluc league. whose headqcartera are , la" Chicago, prepared yesterday the following re ply to Preeideut Cleveland 'a lettei to the Cnicago business iasa: J ' To Hia Excellency Urover Cleveland, "President, WabingtoaI. C. "Dear 8ir: Io reply, rear letter addressed to a eosa'm Uee s business seen ol th's sty,ee wish to eay that the committee lhai,wtited pa. feu and the persons w ho attached t beir aa wee to the petition, did not represeot a msjor lyolthe buaines aca and diixeos of this c4ty wio take deep interest ie tie welfare of this republic. They represeeled the eUa that owae aeaey e4 securities pay able ie saoeey-lxed iaeosaes. We respectfully sobmrt that - yeur letter does not present the true merits of this controversy. Too call tbe tUntioo 6f farmers sad wage earaers te the fact that the rising prices, while enah tlng tbrsa ta sell their producte and laUr at a higher prise, a iU also eaose tbem to pay' equally as ore '&r - what t-y may truieuaae, but you neglect to say that your statement ia -not appll cable to debt. - Witt prices ' com I of down regnlarly and steadily since the demoneMiaUon ofsllver.our merch,aifci, manufacturers, and peo.ple . generally have been -doing bualuemi on a falling market,' so that the time intervening hi teen the purchase of theT raercbso disc or raw mtrUI and .plaoitig H months after on the market , bas removed the margin tey woi.lil have otherwise 'made.'This shrink. igJn Value, added to the ordinary rihk. and expense ot business, haa led U an over increasing volume of debt, to a money lending period, until it lias ' Increased all told, public anil private, to. about $JJ,tOO ,000,000, or abutit to-thinl of the total value of all the property in the United f?fcites. We have conutanlly pomt"d the people to the ever in Crt-asing interchangeable value of tbe creditor's dollar, and to the rtastm why it was increasing,'' but tbe Influ- enceof these creditors bit ve.. domina ted your administration, and c yo. in sist on such a currency as they have established as a sound '" currency." ' It means the coufi!tioq of propeity of the people by the sale of. property under motgageSj judgments and ex ecutions. It mean that fixed incomes; will wine out the interest of hundreds in onr milroadi and corporal ions. . "If it Is an injti-tlce t restore prices so that ' people can exchange their p-.oporty fr a sufficient uumber of d. liars to pay their-debts and bring happiueis and proxperity to our land aguiti, it was a greater Injustice to de- ftroy the valuo of properly and enhance tbe value of money by the demonetiza tion of silver and the establishment ol a single gold standard. The' gentle men who Invited yon. and who peti tioned you, only represented one class of our people. We respectfully sub' mil that it was safer that all the peo ple should do the thinklug for it, than that any class should do It for them. The selfish internets predominate t promote selfish interests when 5 one class dues the thinking forll. Broad views to justly promt d; the common welfare of tbe people can bet be se cured by a census of the views ' of al! the people. We agree a lib you that it Is time lor the people to reason to gether and tthat end we respect fully ask that you make 't possible for tbem to gst prlntttd copies of the act of 1702 011 which our foroVatbers based our fi. os nciul system, and sohsf quent acts. together with the act of 1873 that re versed the former policy end acts sub sequent thereto, aa well an ull jfct-itlif Ileal aod other. Information of an of ficial nature at Washington that bears thereon. We ..butt ex press our own oploloa to the president of the pople when we say that all Ihe people should have the opportunity to Investigate aud intelligently pas upon this' ques tion. .; w S'" ,. ' ;. "Respect folly, . ! ' 'W. H. Habyet." "Chairman Bl-metnlllo Committee.n A New WhUkey Vara. The Grefn villo Reflector, report , a new cure for drunkness. A man badly under the influence ol whiskey applied to a merchant of that town for some thing to relieve his bad feeling. Tbe merchant gave a dose of common epsom sails and tbe intoxicated fellow drank It and staggered off. About twenty minutes Itter be was sees . to pass tbe store.. apparently perfectly .doner. Impressed by this the merchant tried the salts on a second drunken man, who reported that soon after taking it all effect ot the whiskey . left Mm. Commenting on this the Hefitflor save: " - jr If the faking Of a simple dose of epsom salts bad anch an effec as Ibis npon persons under the loflueece of whiskey It is worth giving a trial by olhere. We remember to have several times beard ?a druggist say that salt was the greatest mediclr.e 10 the werhl, and if ia addition to ita other Irtes it prevse to be in reslity a cure (Or druoksanees it will make for itself a still greater reputslioe. 11 Belief la als Hears. f Plrtresslng Kidney and Bladder dla eaaee relieved ie Six bobra by the -Nkw Great f outh AmebicaM Cube,' fte new remedy ia a great surprise on account of ha exceeding promptnese in relieving piles la the bladder, kidneys, and every part of tbe nrinary pasaages in male or female. It relieves 'retention of m at-r and pain lo passing it almost immediatl. If you aaat qoirk relief and cure this Is your remedy. Pold by T. A. Albright, Druggist Graham. If. C. Dec ia 1 y. : . : . 4 . Mock Myers, the 12-year old son of Mrs. Jake Myers, near Lexington, while playing with' and snapping a gaa, accidentally killed a iiegre child iastaetlr .on Monday of Ut rreek. the load crashed ibreugh the child's braie. Young Myers was given a preliminary bee rise and booad ever to ihe next teres ef eoeit for criminal eereleMnese In a bonU of 00 s haedred and fifty dollars. -Floral Cream:" a fat prodneer. asekee the cheeks ploetp aed saseothts away Ihe wriakleis arid erow'e feet Pries l. Ton know whether yon need il. Blu.h yf Rosas toilet Soap feawi e to please yea. Price, 9) cents. At J. C Simtejas'. ' ' Bees Batter's Cvailea (f) CUaton Demount, April 1ft.'; ' "u . Far two week it bad been widely advertised that a great, ovation would be given Marion Butler in Clinton on latt Thursday,, On Wednesday even. Ing' tmlu the fenstor arrived from "Elliott City". He stepped off the cars doubtless ' expecting : an -Immense t&rong to -rush uo- and greet him But t his disappmitinent and cbugrin there was shout the smallest crowd al ihe depot that has bje.o there this year when a train cttme in., , : Thursday . 'morning, jrlawtieil' bright and clear. It was a bestitilul day arid the Senator was of the opli.ion . that Clinton might not he sole to hold' the people who would be here .to honor him. Early in the morning the - most woe-beaoue looking negro bind that ever made a fus on eaith arrived iu wagonett drawn by two mules. . The baud liquored up Immediately, and by 11 o'clock was gloriously drunk. f At the appointed hour It staggered up College street : rooting and drum rning at tbe bead of a procession of lees than two hundred pt ople. Tho Senator was e coited down town and look bis seat on the stand on court house square where he -at with a low ering look as stiff as ' if be bad swal lowed a fence rail. . vj He must have painfully -tortured himself in trying to put on Senatorial airs, in a ' desper ate eflort to look , like a Senator a thing he can never do. " The crowd was all present by this time, and it did not exceed three hun dred people a" good many ' of whom were democrat, who were . here' , from curiosity to fee how a Senator's clothes became a picayune. .;),.., Mr. F, M. . VVb ta made some re marks ontthe pnrity ol .the Senator's character, but his tongue bad a dispo sit ion to cleave to tho root of bis mouth.' Capl. J. B. Lloyd, of Tarboro, then aro-e and ' introdnoed the 'Sena tor to the audience. A Butler rose be looked in ooutrart to the courtly and dignified Ransom, whom be sue ceeds, like a singed cat to a Bengal iger. There was a faint hurrah by a few zealots, which was augmented by the brays of G.ady Saiitb's jack. Vut ler then launched cut iuto hie speech whinb was nearly three hours in length. Everybody was surprised and- 1 1 "ap pointed at ita .nature. . This occasion was a gulden opportunity for biro to nave made a speech becoming a Sen ator, aud that would nave J been Ix-th pleasing to his frleud end concil lutiry to his enemies. o. .' '" Asemihle roan would have recognized and tikeo advantige of this .ppportui uity, hut, tie small, hliter, .sple etio llutler made a low, littje contemptible speech which loeeted hlia iulthe esti mation of every one that heard hint". , It was not speech that a man In say degree tit to be a Senator would have made, but a rigamarvle of vile false hood and scurrilous sbns'.. It wasn. one hand a feeble and dwgunt'ng de fense of this Legislature, otherwise known as tbe Fred Douglass Memo rial Association, and on Ihe other hand an unwarranted aud Indecent denun ciation of the democratic party aud pres..- He breathed lbs word lie with almost every other breath, and de nounced as false things that he knows to be the truth. He evidenced his ability as a politician ot the most vul gar order by bis Utter disregard for Ihe truth. Hh slacked Ihe Hampson Dem ocrat viciously and Med to dodge it truthful charges by. making apish ef fort at ridicule. . But the peowl-t d not permit the. grimace of a . monkey iq men's clothe to offset facts which they know to be t'ue. At intervals ihe intoxicated band wonld ro'l 'Its drums ,but tbe meet liberal applause which the speaker got was from Ora- dy Smith's mule, which would not let ny one out lo him in honoring a Sen ator of his own kind. ' ' It is a ceedtt to Ibe wisdom and Intelligence of Sampson's fanner that so few of tbem wasted a day In com ing here t ovale a devsgogue that haa positively done the farmers of N. C. more barm than the demoMtttat'oa of silver. Tbo farmers wers busy est. most of them kept st their work. They could not afford to rtop their plows and come here lo whoop op a squirt who haa) net sotered opoa tbe etijnyaaent of the reward! ef a traitor. This slgi of rettralog reason on Ibe part of some men who bare been Led astray politically did eot , add to tbe Bee at or 'a 'comfort. He was dirao- pointed st the . crowd and its ratter inquisitive than affectionate regard f.r him. li s defense of Ibe Iegtslrtare was not aallafaotory, and hie endors meat of It action ia eaongb. to con demn hia In the eyes ef all good people. Tbe Beeator and hie ovation were hotb ' very disappointing. Il was small boaer te tbe sssalleM ssae tbst ever wr4e- Senator b f jto bis name frea North Carolina e Baa a who is now but n dark, opaque atom reflecting tbe g reel ness of a aioguided poop'. , -.- per pure Mood, sad ibe beat way te bare pare blood is to take Hood' 84 res pe nile. . . : . . Where the Illeaey Klag. Lirs.' f. '-T.: '!";.''' ,sT --fi''r.. t,-?t,-iV'l jfi'-t According to a statistical article In Charqber's Journal, we have in this country 70 citizens whose aggregate wealth ainonot to nearly. fJ,0O0,00d, 000, giving sn average of to7,600,000 to each persoD, H ) ;v'W.,''r? One sstata is returned all" 1160,000, 000. Five individuals are' rated st $100,- 000,000 each ; one at 170,000,000 two at 0,000,000 six at f60 ,000,000; six at tW,000,000 ; four at 36,000,000 ; thirteen at $30,000,000 ;Jten at 125,000, 000; four at $22,0uO,O0O, aod fifteen at 20,000,000.- . -r . . ; ; , Beside there seventy, big fortunes. there are fifty Eotherpersoos ln the eastern States worth over $10,00,000 each. Pennsylvania has 63 millionaires wortit iii tbe aggregate $300,000,000. Sixty person in three New Yurk vll lagee are worth $500,000,000. .Boston alone ha fitly familier whose wealth amounts to $10,000,000 each, Chambers' Journal ay :,;, -lt,,z-H We have nothing to compare with such individual oases of great wealth in Great Britain." Baron Rothschild and" Lord Jiorfr? Over-stone each left ebout $17,000,000 : Ibe late Lord Dud ley left' $20,000,000 ; the 1st duke of Buoclough, etlmatd to bo the richest Scotchman, left e kites valued at $30, 000,000. One living Engiith duke Is valued at $50,000,000, and another 40.. 000,000, but not many name cnu'd be added to tbeee to place agalcat ibe above list of American fortune, i In 1884 there werelonly 104 person in tbe United Kingdom whose Income from business protitt wore returned as over $250,000 a year. . In 1836 there .were only seventeen estates which paid pro- bale duly no about $1,250,000 each." These are bewildering'' figures. If wealth continues to concentrate in the hand of a few io thetieast lorl another generation, aa It baa done in the past the southern and western State will be mere provinces,; and the politic legislation, commerce, luduslry and so olely of tbe entire country will be doinl- "ted by a few hdndred families In several of tbe New England and, fold States, Are we soon to reacbla 'point where a few money king will elect presidents snd congresses,', aud shape Ibe destinies of the nation with all the absolute power of a despotism? But will Ibis concentration of wealth oootioue? ' We cannot believe Ir.tOon d it ions bsve ohsnged In -the pa-t, and we way expect tbem to change io tbe fulute. I , . . Weekly tTealhsr Je BallMla. Tho reports of eorrespondetttCof the Week- r.weataer vtop jrulleUn, Issued by, the North Carolina Btate Weather Hervtee, for the week endlnr Monday, April fa, 1K6, ladloate that weather conditions were unfavorable. The temperature was belowl normal until tbe SJtn, only the last three days, Satarday, Bun- day and Monday, being warm, brlgbttdaB. Tuesday and w odnesday cold nortb-east winds snd rain prevailed over nearly entire state; the rela-fall was vary beaVy in the central portion of the Btate and dslayed farm work. Less than two-thirds tbe nsaal amount of (uaoo Is beingused. - .) . .-. Kastern District Krost remrted on two mornlnts this week without damage worth meoiloainf. Very tittle progress oaa be re ported, though work was pushed the last few elear days of toe week. Veryuuio ootton has been planted. ' hum suane la balna boua-M than usual Tobauco plants generally report ed as looking fjae, but at some places seeds failed to oonieepandpfcuit are scarce. One station (Seven Opriugs) reports damage by eutreorms. Bweet potatoes being bedded. JTresbeUla the. Uape rfear river have pre vented rice fanners from plowing and plant ing, aod crop la backward. Pears, apples and peaches have set well. Cool weather has re tarded growth of truck wltboutotherwlse do ing sny damage Central District Very little ploughing or planting dune until after tbe 19th, when warmer, dry weather permitted farmers to proceed with their work.: The rala-faU of tbe flrst of the week made sou very unwork able, and rot led soma corn already planted, and made grass grow, - Mot moeb progier either is planting corn or cotton yet... The frost of the lvth did slight damage to the fruit and vegetables a low place. - Oardeoe are very lata. , Muck atteoMuo. will be paid ta tobacco in tbe aortb-east part of the coun try the plants are soarea, elsewhere tbey are plentiful. 80ms smaJl grain has been damag ed on lowlands by wster. Western District Tbe first two days of tbe week were favorable tor work. Cora plant! ag, plowing and making ready for planting ootton progressed nicely, bat heavy rains came oa tbe M and II aod slopped plowing and plant ing for two or three day. The rain waa fol lowed by cool weatber and frost oa the 18th. istb aod fOtb ; It Is generally reported that frosts did no damage. But all vegetation la backward, Clover and grass, sa a rule, are doing weU. Tobaooo plants are small erop will be late. Wheat, ea average, la fairly good. Spring oats ar doing well, especially ta tbe southern counties. Irish , potatoes plan Led. Early cabbage are up picelr. Fruit eot yet bait. The week elosel with fair, sslld weather. f - -,.' During n severe thunder atorm, st Wlloili g-n Tuesday ' night of latt week swans nee catered the store of Mr. VonGlabn through the skylight and going ih rough Ibe tvk of -alioe-, carefully eeleete I Ihe finest goods for destruction.- With a abarp kai'a h cut lo pieces a great number of ele gant shoe, leaving them scattered nil over tbe store. . . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. ' " Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. ARE YOU V r j ; ; BANKRUPTinhcalth, constitution undermined by ex- ' , -tmvagancetneaung. bydisre;- , garding the laws of nature, or ; physical capital all gone, if so," NEVER DESPAIR :- Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you. " . For sick headache, ' dyspepsia, ; ' sour stomach, malaria, torpid . ' liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. ' " ; --. Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. machinist. ;: ' - engineer, , ,! BUBLINOTON", " ' ' r r ? C MACHINE,; - - ' BLACKSMITir SHOP; FOUITDRT,5 ' ; . , OEAR-CUrTINO. ' ' , riping, FIttios, Valve. Jto. W. L. DOUCLAO fllMf istnk near. - 9t9 9intWaai1TrosiAKiNa, . 9. CORDOVAN, ratanismMsriirsgsje. 3.4PPOUCEJ50U3. , -LADIES eaccarrostMaaa. . . Over One Mltnae Peopts wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes sre equally gsHsrartory Tbey give tbe bast vwlas foe the sseaey. - Jhey equal casteai shoes la style aad at. : belr wearing eoallUee ore aaaaneaaaa. he prices are ooHoras. stampea ea sahv ' -Prow gi te 3 saved ever ether atekse. -U year dealer cannot supply you wecaa. Soldbe L, O. HOLT & CO. - Execution SJeI Itv virtue of an ezeentlon-ln Bir .lianoa. 1- sneu irom tne Arauanee eapenor couru in LAFAYETTE HOLT f. '.:' t, la .. favor of Jane a. huug and Otbei rs. executors'.- . or Jaooo iong,aeoeasea,anaagaaBf Henry M. Uay.I will sell (or casta, at tbe oourt nuose door, io Oreham, ia Alamance oooutyT AOrth Carolina, to tbe best Oioaer on , -' MONDAV, MAY 6, 1895, a tract of land In Graham township. In said eoanty and State, adjotntna; tbe homesteait or tnesara UMiry m, itay. rue ranas 01 . w. r. Joues, W. C llornaday and others, containing: ;:I 39 acres; ; mora or less. It befnsr tbe excess after enos- uent of homestead to seM lienry K. Kay, and w in be sold aa bia i-roperiy to saUaf sala e xecuuon K. T. KKKNODI.K. Sherltf April i,lSt-tdS ) , of AJaaance eouaty. si' SflLfKW'F' - era.) Carsllaa, I Si,nl C r Alaaiaase Ceaasy. f. at re law Clara. 3. t. Hoott, Jr, Pnb. AdssV. aa Adm'rCef ' Catherine Hart, deeeeeed. - - VaV : ' f"j j' Tm WerCTma Laahiey aad wife rarefine, . Martha C. Hare, of full are aadJolia sr. -Hart. rYedertck t. Hart, Will U. Hart, and Albert I. Hart, witnon without guarrtiaa, tlx last named being oader Ihe age oi tour- Tats Is a special prorrofltnc whervtii tbe -plaintiff pnys for anorderof thiaOowr.' au- " thortiine him as administrator of Chtartne Hart. deoraMed.toseU tbe thud ofjj whk-h bia Intestake died eeiied, ' to-wlt: tbirif . or wjes in rieasut Vrov town- - snip, Alamance cou a tv. hnrth (aroiina, lo make aa ere to pay e-bteottuinevine theeaeateof bis inteetatew The doo re. int dafeodants. Marias C. Hart. John H. t. rt Frederick W. Hart, Win H. Hart and A.i-rt TX Hart are hentbr autlned to arwr at tee olnce of the Clerk of this Court in l raham on Honda, thesrd dar o June isf. In pmnn or by attorney and aiwwer or domur iniMn.ii. fioo of plalnUII, and rn dofault of ttietr m do ing that the pra.Terat eeid rUUoe wul be gran Wd pre eonfMtm as to thm. Atornrr-tB (trahaas, ihJa the 10th day of Aprii,aJWB. . , eta. C. D. Viecsvr, CRd Ilntcrnatioiiali j ; " Didiionary .' i I J I UtrmiumbU fa 0eeV aW.aaw fieave 5 1 2 1 - jrenr from Cover to Oerer 1 ;.' j j X f';?1r ' ! WanAardef the I 1 f j TJ. B. fcov'l Frlns- 1 Xlr'!'4:- .. loir Office, the U. . 1 1 hVsJ":' ,l- 1 IMtpruneOowrtaad 5 fJ'-' IJSA "f aeariy all the 1 h Lji ys7 ' 8cbw,baok- " !'i fv'! ! mea'SeS'ty BuSs ' 1 iittT- ,,-. , SapertBteQdeatr I " Schools, and ' ii fii. ra 4herdhteaesvsalr i ' tJsY awst wlihoiit aesa-1 ij Tttm Owe ffreat ptantimrt aihorttr. J II Bern. B. i. iewr.w ties e the V. a. O i SxiPtM Conn, mrium : " Tte Intvnutionel i h licikmarr is the perfeetloa ef dJeUoBartea. i i leeomtwid It toU theo greet stiatW O i i ard aathority'", - .' " ' ' ' ! ' X A CeOege Prasaea writes i Fae I i "ease wlrh whiaa the eye njets Ike V "wwrel aeaght. fee ausatasy ea isatal. jl, -Ueat, foe eOettve eaelhsSs ta aaat. I "cattae; pisaaarlallaa, for Ssraa yet I V "usuipishsasUa Hat nave eg tamtm, JC "ea for araetlaal wee aa a werktas; , , ( "dlerlnaary. 'Wahwies's Isl Iliaar O V eaeato way ehT etagle uliai J J Q.AC.KXIAMCOHlbiUhui, ,T; SptUgttdd. kfaea . V.8A. l; 'fa's Siltetaseeiena-ielhraii ,eai,Milv A V ewHeTa aitsiiea 1 n eeMaas. Z

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