-4- V TT , :-..a.-.lV J'.. ;tTvi-- v t-Hi ' --i ' ' ' i - ; - - -1 '-' I . Nil); 26. i a i V .. J-ii. ,(! o-'i ",('( ? ;'; KitGUlAT0R7 Areyon faking SnmosattTEEEB' itiiATOB. the "Kito of LrvEit MBdi. cihksT" That la what our readerfl -wants and nothing but that "It Is the aameoli (Head to whicB the bid folks pinned then fiiith and were never dia ppointed But another good recom mendation for It la, that it is betteb TUiN Pilia never gripea. never weak ens, bat wortai In each an, easy and Batural way,' just like nature itlt that xoUef oOiaes qUIck and eure, and one too iw m ow. tf never iftus. Everybody need take a liver remedy And everyone should take only Sinv jnona. Liver Begnlator. . -. ' B jnre yea get It. The Kod Z I on the wrapper. J. H. Zeilin A Co., Philadelplila. . . .ii.i . i JACOB A Attorney-at-Law, -i Pmetlofes W the State ana Ferterafcourts.' ' ' OffloQ ovpt White, Moor ft Co.' stars. Main Btreefr 'Phone No. 8. , , T . j I l. KERNODLK. TTORNEY AT LAW ! if- ' Jobji 0at BTinnt - W-i". Bxituif, J. JL.ttornrj-mafx& Cparuselorsi at Iaw, -i f. OREBNBBOBO,; JN. 0-j ; i . -J Prsalcelrefsrly tn the "courU C I3rV Jelui R; Stockardj Jr.v PENTIST,-r ij ... GodPaetm of WthflO Offlos on Msln at. 0'er . CTtOM- - . ' v,.." GRAHAM, N. C, I Hacks mart all trains. Good slug le or dou bte teams.. Cbantea inoaerpie. 4 -A1 oar, i I am the orth Carolina gent for Dr. White's New Hair Grawarf Treat' mont the Greatat Dlecovery ... ' ofrie Age. M tne nair;- aanuruu, ecaiy urupiiuiia, postulcs, or any scalp disease. V v It prevents haruroinggraffind restores hair to bngiilal Coltfr anM lmiffiaAmilBjail; . QF, Hair On Any Bald Haai On Earth. Itisthe nly frcftmant; that produce" these results. ; Testimonials and treatise furrdsh- lr. John M. Coble is my agent at Graham, N. C. i , " Respectfully, B. TXf Pee. 14-tfT ? Ila SENDFOR SIMPLE COPY. Since ihj'enlargement, The "North Carolinian ja the largest weekly newspaper publhed hi ibi 8fate. It prints all the news, and preaches the doctrine ofpure democracy. 1 It contains t-kfct lrcs ol finterestfrig matter evfrj Wek. Stfrylone dol lar and ?4 F who! yearj1 1 X . sample eopy will be muled free on Application to JOSEPUUS DANIELS, Editor. J - ROeien,;Ni .-C; ThNorth Carolinian and The AiAkXi&rf HyaKStf J wily 4e sent for one year for Two Dollars, Cash In advance. Apply at The Gjjguri office, Graham, N. C bradbury Planp. ;.r Vacz rllf ftii-1 nar in trtttwH Vaxt ml - Irrr. "ntcod for mtP4ratrai 'rauttngoe . VMrr by pranfavtosi to Mm. C W. Harris. YH VcmwMit Ara Waahlmrtna, I). W Vh4 has aMl onr r Onr ttiafx kMta a. 123 P. Aw. !. Maf Utf . WaaUlnjloa, o.O Cms?, il : .... "Ttr T t : t t A Head of Hair;! mm ffHivcrjN,;C. Prom Our Regular Correspondent. retary Cftrlwld', to)d tho 'Louisiana Senator fiopqRrn'Jtft' who4caUed;-to j3Co-hitu,, to. protest against the right of tho' Comptroller io decide' rhctlferr.Hi'ttdnd piatoyjh4itp3P sif gar bounties should bejwi$tied, $bt he' hadno authority over the Comp troller, not even the power of re raoval,:which is'vesfed in the' Prei iHont nlinf Thn TrfinimaniftiTq nr- t. i f 'kn f ?WD"! W-.j.wtrwy" " fggal authority, to question itlie con stitutibnahty of tm act of' UongresB that he : waa ;merely ' charged with the construction o ilia '; jaws as" he found thfitii, and that i he i.ha4 ifa, power claimed bo would ; be : para mpunt'16 Congress1. l6ecretarjr Car1 $ 'ju irehe.jtt'ptroller' I : .rv,t-j.i, i 'rif Uliuub. UJ tile aiiubijr , v--wv M i- v -'' J'-JH ,.' ..- his authority, greatly , embarrass the government, but ho could nee no present remedy Congress - bad conferred thll great 'autKority' upn the Com p?ro11er and j Secretary of the .Treasury bad. no, right . to question 'Mb jiuAa.1 fThe -V President of course can remove the CdmptrbUbr1 hut he coutd 'hot direcfnor '. review his acts.; There'secms . little, .doubt that Comptroller , Bowler has , the law on his side, although the right to' construe-Hhe 5 constutionality of acts of Congress appropriating mon ey I has not been - exercised by a Comptroller for. years. die says he (s only' doing .' hi'u..duty,..-;in view of the decision of the court of. Appeals of the District of Columbia.4 UULi UIO BlIKnr ItUUlll v law wua uu- . .1. .- -s ' ' !'' constitutional, in asking that argu ments be, presented !. slwwing the cohstitutaonnlity of the act' of the Uti (ns'tpproiiriatihg'' money' kWHw iRr pnn-e Jhcj )iayrne,nt ,pf ny, .noney under that act August 7,.thas becrllcT fd? thrfiMfHig-c lAACTUOfi, CUIV4, tViW Mian 000,13 ft stake an impoB)Dg;ar legal talent is expected t6 take port jleiseereiiSjOut Jr. Benjamin Harrison need not pretend ' thai he is not an out and out candidate for that nomination any longer. '4 There are people in Washington who hav seen letters' froni Col. John C. 'New directrng' how'certaiii. wire 'shp'uld e pvild in order Jo increase Mr. f4riap8 oWliiiiesXVhasJ leaked out .that a near relative , of I'?taIblidVtiaetl. lb 3e he Mr.,,Harrison,0 private Secretaryr is dtHetfy rflnhirlg a'ttarrison' liter'- ary bureau by Washington. ;. Ii js ridiculousto kf tlilHifeseftings LareJboigid9pe without the' knowl edge or consen t of Mr. Harrison. Col. New managed bis last eabvass and is as near to being in his con fidence as iny"6ne. Meh" who ' are' xnown to do wormng ior narnson are not the sortyt be pasting hcir ft&& oulanl eiplicjii ndl-1 standing. Among these men are ex-Senator Sposnerj of Wjs, Long" NX andSenatia jakJunsXSiyanthose of jour neighbor esf- - ' . . .. . . .Iff al 7 - : " 1 . f. 1 A. JL mm ' Mr. Harrison wants the nomination Afid i-illiio-hlsierel beekrget it 1 In'resppnse u his Kotuesisifrom theU, SCunsul it Panama and the New York officers of the panama railroad Secretary Herbert has prder- ca snip to l artaroa. x ncre are two sources ffofn whjcitfopble is feared. There is labor sirike now on hand and Ecuador is about toKnvade Co- iomMa,.,e nave a treaty with Co lombia which gives the United States the rigbtjto maintain free communi 'caion' ever the 'IVmana' riiltoad whenever Colombia foils to do so. Of course Secretarr Herbert's instrnc tiona have not bWt madi Diibue. hut it is 'also ceria that thjey) include keeping of the Panama railroad open'. eeping open. as well as protecting American in- Uresis geheraJ. . ' 1 Ex-SenaU-Vade TIainptAr?, 'of South Carolina, now Railroad Cpp trrSssrb'n'er iaye fee waVthLproecat ed br the Southern nener which notpd hini as asying) lhat.he tad personal -knowledge jl President Cleveland's 4ntentiflntabe.andi- htciaardAermX &jx& of this matter Gen. Hampton said: "I believe I did say that if the dif- iTcrent parties took to splitting np and a half dozen candidates took the tni-ul'a lot of the conservatiw 'gold hnff democraU Would wani to' riin Prosjdcol Cleveland for a, U'Tt iern) an4 thai a big per; cent pt the repub licans- would heart ily join - tliem As a matter of feet I , hadn't ' tho sliehteiit reason ' for lielievihz from ' any thing "President, ? Cleveland , has ever said or did that he is willing to be a candidate' for a j third term. On the'othcr hand, '! have no "Idea that he ;is thinling "about,8 It' pr W01114 consent., to .rvin, or,,aao;ner nomination." 3 This whole . third term flurry; which ' has -taken on neW life lately, is based 1ippn -1rijisV representations, which in " most coses have, been intentionally (made by enemies of President ' Cleveland, $nd which 'hare been spread and added to by editors' who find that more congenial subject than a dis- Cussipn pt thflj live issues, of the day. While all things are possible, thero id not the slightest probability ! that President Cleveland' a name j will 'go befprp tlie, next 'dertocra(ic , Natipn- aia convention ennerwun or wiui- out his consent. 1. y5-iF MorBanton Herald. t ,H j?? ; i.. Our exchange' say that ' af farm "has feo established'', in a Vni'on county to raise turUes. for the ; mar ket, CharloUo has a breeches fac tory , that, is ' preparing ; to rmake bloomers, '( ; Sampson ( County 'sells this year $j6,000 twpHb oif , buckle? berries. ,i. A: mongoose b ranch .has ben ' ; established ' In Buncombe. Shep. ,rDugger, Banner Elk,' writes novels. Albertnarle and Pamlico sounds are beuur stotkefwitbsiow- shoot. Our eastern counties have shipped this year $5,OOQ,000 ,worth of wri)!itae)naatf m:m beeniselling monate,fora year, up " th. diggings -bojreenjt We are growin ipywything, from banajiaSfl o bpek, wheat , teWe havereveryirct!d by iioliticfans frftm "plutercratrt'I to Populists, including the cUHM1 fa den, th e double white and ' 'yellow'A flower "called 'y' I DOtanUts, f th. fuscluana-jfarbutKrln?, fnf iminfntBiIeirarjj iks ario-sxeHinelXtg with the DoneOfSiB iMUm thi rose of rayed for them. But the thins may , be over- I Prevents Poultry Diseasar J T)Q)revent disease among poultry take every precautfctf lest ypbring disease into your premnei. Do not- buy poultry showing tho slightest trace of difcap.ox rrftrdir)ffv which you (are ttealighttuspiakn foil a h od rase may introduce a.penous troUDio. rveep your nocaa away ciallt if theirs have of have had any . "? -'L' ... it" jr'.r Lr'A .11" aiscasc ana atainioct sui such Jowls' the. momen( lhey show piny 'unfavorable " aymptrtma" " tin not fet'lhem rcmaiii with the others KBliotfJtfiiv runtsj atbrilj( spWunens lest they become 'diseise distnbaU. iJy making a mortem examination on. fo taken siclc the trouble mar Be di coveted j Burn the ftodiei ofthodlav eased birds, or buri tetn.ln Palck hin ' If haried in ltligr9und they may be niiearjhened' by idogs or skunks and -the i tUseaW spread, DoctornYglfols already sfct 'rarely pay4 but prompt preventive treat mm may, jprajrd oflf the disaastv.Tbe quicker you leant the eaoee of the trouble the, better, j Do sot feed the entrails pfnipaJ4..to owls, unless first well cooked, as they kreV liable tp cntin grnu o Hisae 'AmetV' can Agriculturist. - - " the deneTal toonolof Hiiaic phia, at its session Thursday, de cided by a unanimous vote to send the liberty Bell to Atlanta. At first it was retused,' but Ponnsylra-. nia has decided to make a State ex hibit at the exposition and the mat ter is now seen in a - different light l tiMts knew thnra was anv in America. if ihcTrguTfV". , nnnntities sufficient Yl for illumiiratins "purpose is a ?disJ wy of elr'ifi 5atfnTttboiaorv! 3IT - r rri nr - ii '-'f'fiv;i?i vit' A- fnctialtj Tl on tn,.mortnt iK.hMVt.i ( Wilmington. Messenger. . h TWi "a about! the berry crop of North Carolina, it is neither to be jeered at nor overlooked, f It is im- portant to the people who strain under ' heavy' Uxei placed lipbf them by the Cimgress .and, unfaith ful home offlcials rlegislator and others, JVVe learn from aprominent and yery intelligent oitiwn of Samp son county,' that consorvativo and observing men say tha thejWhortle-. berry crop of thai cpunty will ? not be less than $75,000 for this year and may go higher and .nof ' go fo'r below ,100,003.?; VThU isi indeed and excellent showing.' ; : It ' brings to te3asV6f;, people a , spendgig money they need to buy the com rnon'nece88nries of life ( The, result is that the) Sainpsoa, merchants i have had "a good time'. and report sale) for the' spring and summer,' almost equal to the fall and winter . trade. If urrah I "for the huckleberry crop, Now ttirri'uR your noses if ypu'dre at ''big Sampson vblue,'! ?(?, Other counties have good reports to make aY.toefwoWeberrand otor, crpps of berries. . This reminds us of what a visitor to W'estirioroland 'county, ! yn,.,f told, us. i in thai,, native .ppunty pf , the two greatest ; Americanu George Washington and Robert E. ,;Lce,"the people obtain excellent results, from their blackberry crop. - The county actually" recciyes more moneyfor its bejry.crpp than for its cprn crop. It'is stated as 'a fact that it' pays a man betler' not to cult! vai ! his, jarjd put to set quietly at home and watch the briars erow ahdltheberriescomo. Ho can really make more rom his ferrh. 'covered- Trith fruit-prodqeing uiiaia iiiail oyniujj, 466'"AI j'lUMft" ing and reapipg jii,,;.: i, itjn wi - 'What North Carolina has needed and sull needs and. wifl" continue, to need for years to- come, we . appre hehd, is the multiidfcation pf the smaller industries.' The gentleman from Sampson 'was precisely right when he said to us that'the peopfe had the means and could, be, indued ed to go into the various smaller in dustries if they kflSw hqtrto do ft if they had some one to teach them by example -or otherwise some - one to take bold ,aiid '.manage . for .thein. ThU is so, We heard an educated; Canadian In this State Bay year" or soiince tW he hjtd. visited. Western. North Carolina- where he - saw: the finest apples growing buf, he added, tpe people do not know how toian-. die them for market - He told- as that In the' North every apple was saKea uom .ine vree whji wie taup, placed in a long bag swung over the shoulder, and , .thejvf.emptied. ,ppon sheets. spread upon, the . ground. Selected carefully all the sound, pe' feet fruit and these were' packed, in Barrels for shipping and pressed by machinery. : No ; Iniperfect '. fruit fag allowed to go with the perfect as it cause the decay of others.: Lad ders are alwas used by the' pick- y",'ii!"V'-' 1 North Corolina can grow, a we know,' the' best of apples, pears, peaches, figs," apricots and grapes and in much , variety, Wa. knewJ one man in Caswell in 1802 or '63 who hid 200 varieties of the pear, )V knew a leading physician ? in Granville in 1858, who had ' 25 ta Hetiea that ha cultivated for his own use, and we do know that one of it, . .t,-i v j.-ta iwu wM v)sw um w v v rvi umw en. ..in , isol or ,Vl at the Aew York World's Fair North Carolina raptured both the 'first and ' second premiums for apples, v. , With the -peculiar adaptation of climate and sofl to 'fruit ' bearing there is no reason why, this 8tate should not riralGeorgia or any xtber. Think of one, Georgia fanner this year declining 140,000 for hie peach crop. Our people are not half' erv tcrprising and are' not "wide awake enough.- -. . .' ' . " Up at Fonthern Pines there Is' ft colony of Northern ' people. .They hare built in that healthy section a neat town and around "Ii are the vine-' yards and orchards. One Northern iran has In fruit 600 acres. . They 1 found no,diflkulty in selling all thei bliick'berry crop at ii cents a quart. . We may mention hero thai the Westmoreland people send their berries to Baltimore by the boats, arid they are mostly converted, into inne and brandy.- . There is.a -jgreat futur'rior North Carolina when ,ever the people get really wide awake aftd full of wisely directed . energy. WheVthat comes then North Caro lina formers wirf cense to feedj their Btock on Northern hay, to five upon Western corn and wheat, to keep their ' v smbke-houses in 'Chicago, IUisvirfe and Cincihnatti,' to de pend on rock-ribbed Maine for can ned vegetables and upon that iceberg inf Eorope for cabbage. No more forever will the North Carolina State Agricultural fair feed the stock horses and mutes included -that are on exhibition upon Northern hay. What a farce I What a satire upon Bpeotian blundering and tenth cen tury dependence I What a reproach to any people.. , l;,'And our people can work 11 mos. each year out of doors.- Everything favorable, and all that is ' lacking aie energy, judgement, intelligence. Deferred from last Weak.) 4 ". :;Sttti'wCwtk Items. 5 ' , Correspondence of Tti Gleaner. . , rCorn crop looking woll and is be ing laid by. Wheat 'threshing has begun,' small yield reported. ' " . ;,Tobacco j crop looking well , to have been late planted. , , , , . . "They that live ,in. glass houses must not throw ston-js" is good ad vice quoted by one of our friends. large cro wd assembled -at Red Oak .Grove last Saturday night to hear the joint . contest between the H.. and Z. V.) Literary Societies. Subjectr Which has the greatest in- iiuence over the mind of man, wo rnan. or . money? The discussion was opened by the G. II. boys, rep resenting the affirmative, followed by the 25. V. boys for the negative. TJie discussion ran at fever heat for about two and one half hours. , The -report of the judges was called for arid reported in fevor of ithe nega tive. Thus ended the first contest between these two societies. , Hope they. will meef again in the near fu- Died; at his home neaf here, on Wednesday; v the 10th inst., Mr. Jas, "E. Job i in the 70th year of his "go- '. The remains were laid to rest in Hebron bumne ground on Thurs day? by the e'ulo of his wife who had preceded him only about sis . weeks. The funeral services were conducted by ReV.Mr? Pike, assisted by Rev. Mr. . mjlDcrtson. lie leaves nine children, brothers and sisters,, "upon whom this sad dispensation is a se vere blow." ' 'The community joins i synipathy for the bereared ones. r-. Saecess with Sage. Tho lady who inquired about the cultivation of sage should purchase a paper of English broad-leaf seed, of some reliable grower. I prefer the brood-leaf as less apt M run to seed. Prepare a bed for the seed wi'h a lew spadefue from the sur face of the ben yard, and mix that with the dirt in tho seed-bed thor oughly.. When the plants are Urge enough transplant in rows . 18 in. apart,' Pineh off the buds when they appear; if allowed to go to seed, it Is injurious to the plant When the leaves are large enough, pick or cut them ofl and spread in dark warm room. -The sooner it m . . dries the better it is. When dry place In air-tiht hag. Before a tain it is well to throw a spadeful of hen manore about the plants. Manors taken from the surface of the yard is best as it bnt so strong. New England Homestead. f Dr. Ilawthorne, -. Pastor of the first Baptist Church of Atlanta, has begun crusade against the prac tice of women riding bicycles. ; He believes, that it is immodest for a won to ride a bicycle and says the' time has come la stake war upon the practice. ' . The offktal soorenir medal of the AtlanU Cotton States - Exposition will contain on one side a bust of the late Henry W. Grady. - , " . John Dodson, a highly respected citisen of Orange county died on the '20th ultihtoj-rfr ifh,:;i;pt: . The Enquirer has been informed that there are no less than thirty in dividuals in Yorkville, S. C, white and colored; engaged in tho sale of liquor, -j v.' !, k ': ' I Mrs. Benjamin McCauley died at her home near Chapel Hill on ' the 18th day of July, in the 84 year of her age, 'and was buried on Friday at Damascus church' says the Hills boro Observer '''' r The Railroad Commission ' com pleted the assessment of the railways id N. C. last Monday. ' The total is 124,500,000 the increrse over last year being $523,000. There are 3, 000 miles, and tho 'increase during the year ended 'June 1st was 42 miles. ' '' - Gov. Carrhas a letter from Mr. Isaac F. Mayer; of Ohio, in which be says he has' arranged to take t a large colony of .farmers from' that State tp Pasquotank county,' near Elizabeth City, and settle them there. ' A considerable tract of good land has been secured. -,' - v : . From the. Pittsboro Record, July 25th:, , In this vicinity and in many parts of Chatham the com crop is as good as was - ever known, , but in some sections it has suffered for the want of rain. We mentioned last week that two marriage licenses had been issued to four persons all nam' ed Phillips, and now we learn that the magistrate .who married them was also named Phillips. Fight With A KattleSnake. . ! . .i. t- v ' " . '. -v r raretvUl:ObMrrer; July IS.' ' v 5 r i Mr. Bob Godwin, of 71st, had thrilling experience last week, which e a. - " aimost cost nun nis liie. it was a desperate battle with a rattle snake. It all came about from an account in the Observer last summer of the capture of a' large rattler in 71st' A northern naturalist read the aov count and wrote to parties in 71st, offering a reward for the capture of one alive. So when Mr. Godwin, as he was crossing a stream one day last week, heard' a; warning rattle and saw a blunt shaped . head rear itself up from a. dump of bushes, he made preparations to secure the prize. He cut a stick with prongs at the end like jarember and tied a stout string with a running noose above the prong so ' that it would not slip off, and then cast this im provised lasscv He caught the snake around the neck the first whirl and began drawing him In, But to his horror the, snake began coiling its body around his legs, coil upon coil, until it had reap hed his waist Godwin tried to keep the snake's f bead from his body with the stick, but to no purpoe, the serpent bend ing it like so much rubber until its fangs were almost touching bis face, f Mr. Godwin then grabbed it srjund the neck and by a superhuman ef fort kept it off for several minutes when it gradually relaxed its hold and dropped to the ground dead Mr. Godwin says that be wai be numbed from head to foot after - the battle, and thai i t was several min utes before circulation was restored. The snake was five feat nine inches long, and had eleven rattles. ': Spell the Same ktkWays. A person with a considerable amount of spare time on bis hands collected the following list of "words which may be spelled forward or backward paJirKlrornea, as they are called in learned Language. ' . Anns, bah, bib, bob, civic, dad, did, deed, deified, dWed, ecce, eye, we, gag, gig. trg, level, nsxtani, noon, otto, pap, peep, pip, pop, pup, redder, refer, re paper, reviver, rotator, sms, vexes, shahs tat, tit, tot, toot and tut Exchange , Ladies if yon use Blush of Roses Toilet Soap and Blush efRoses Cor ling fluid, yoq will be delighted with both, Mrs. E. F. Williams says her hair stayed in evri for 3 weeks after using the Curling Fluid, price 50c For sals by J. C Bimmons, Graham. N. C " - - -.' ' -. ' Blank Deeds and Mortpiges and Magistrates' Blanks for sale at this Save Your Money. PneboxOfTutt'sPHU filler, ; many doll Jn dortprs'tr." i of the stomach, liver or bo- els No Reckless Asccfticn For sick headache, dyspepsia, rnalaria. constipation andbHio ' 2 usness, a million people endorse ' TUTPS Uver PILLS LiPAYETTE ILT, MACHINIST ' AND - " 'ENGINEER, BURLINGTON, ,10. 1 MACHINE, if ' - ' BLACKSMITH SHOP, FOUNDRY, . GEAB-CUITINO. . , ". s6TPipings, fittings, valves, etcv' ' f. 111 Vrn Cfi Cp'V ? . . .. .. , ' t Wki nejors yon in mut , " your liver's tault. Rheuiiisiism, J byspepsia, Nearalcia, Haad- V ache and Dillii) use sse X yoor Brart fcult. i A Pala la Baca, atas aaa .ii.ww. Pria la haefc. sMa aad stnaKara,si 1 SeVsaXCiatotaawewartlliiM , ;aiiaia,awar aa4 alO.stiaiarti, ' Ml OaKswfnBsj esws ummmw 'v m a toaallaw,jraairaUo,a." At the ftnt .... lftx . r. . 1 f 'QiBEr .; f h roes straight to workoa faa.A w masea it acoTw-sajain pianu I foublaa&atAjroa'ncuttd. (. Sat Tasr Dwialsl at awaaai m aV . CULLENtKEWSA V , , . Bale Fi .actuals. , . V bosnriSs, TeaW . 1 ' U y .-,, i a n . A' T'r'i5rl, ; w.-:;.! r ' ' 7 i 1 , Sold by L. B. HOLT & CO. ; i ! J. a SIMMONS, Druggist . Wcbstcr?a ilntcrnatiixihli ; rWraJaaAI taOt, Belptljat Bhaw ! !r,,! i ,.'ir sYoaa Oerar Oarer. ,,, J .,4 .. i j aBWBBBBsw ' tt6GGt00& ( t m (. ' f SaiaSarSafthe l ' x C V. aV Urft rrinw . . , . C lag Ofllce, the U.S. C SaiaaaCoBftaa4 i : " Xml E asawHoaeks.- i - - Bopartatea'daBaB 1 2" 9 Of Bchaola, aad J r other Sxlnoatm al-' -.t:' ! alitinin naaa 1 ffte fe Croat f4r4 winrty. Baa. B. J. Brawar, Jaartee a ka V. S. snpfama Uoan, wnue i - Tna imaraauoaaa iMoueaarr at iae panactwa uhm leoanaaad tttasUaa taaaa gna lcrlgagc3s Sals cf Ludl AT G RAH AM, nTc, AUG. 5i 1835' By mta of taa oar aoatalned fa a aortra a4 execnied taswbyJ.U. Roncy snd Saiitaa. Money oa 1st day of ! VwU at ily raeonlad ta tbaoftioeof Bla arot IwMiloriaiaiaM eounty. N. C It bn U. rum 14a, Mf aad Ms. of atortaaaaaMd ixwda at i roat, I will aeU at ta eourt aouaa 4m. ta Uraaam. B. C, at IS o'clock oaj tk tat Moaaay la A nfxmt )&, to Um kmhw. axcVW.taarnUorlna deaciibed tract ot hnd, d k A rraetof land ta FaanaU's town. hi rx. laWalii IM landaot W. A. blanHMrdon to . Mat aad aorta wea and W. p. Faoo oa taaeontaMtateerea,BMreorleae. . XaaJiS Of SALS CAP M. w,A.j.roorsH. Jaaalt, tarn. ..; itortm. - - Subscribe for Ti::: p t - . .... V''i JlXallaga.riislSiat WrUaSI "Hsrlb -j ' "aaaa vtta wkUk Um are thai "warS aaaghs. tmr airaiany arfeaa- "Uaa. Um aanstln aaatfcaia aa laWSW , , I" mZ Ur'rtwMmi aa aa a varkta ! ! "fiatliaarr. WaaaUr'alaliraaMaaar 'J , . aill aay ataar ssagU valai '. . A ' , a C MKMMIAM CO.' PmUlhm,' g . . Srra'SafV Sfaasi, RSVa. JE aa 9md ia a , i aiai k V r

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